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» A.S. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin

A.S. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin


Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" strikes not only with the artistic perfection of form, the beauty and ease of language, but also with the variety of problems that worried Russian society in the 20s of the 19th century. Depicting all groups of the nobility, the poet makes an unmistakable diagnosis of the two most common diseases of the century - disappointment and idealistic departure from reality. They are embodied in the images of Onegin and Lensky - the best people of the era. These heroes are not satisfied with either the cold brilliance of an empty secular life, or the squalor and primitiveness of village everyday life. Both of them strive for something higher, trying to find the meaning of life.

What brings these characters together? Probably, what distinguishes them from the usual landlord environment: intelligence, education, breadth of interests, nobility. It was these traits inherent in the heroes that aroused their mutual interest and laid the foundation for their friendship.

They agreed. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different from each other.

The dissimilarity of the characters of Lensky and Onegin only increased mutual sympathy, gave depth to their communication. The conversations of friends are not at all like the usual "eternal conversation about rain, about flax, about the barnyard" among rural landowners. Their inquisitive and inquisitive mind seeks to know the meaning of life, touching all spheres of human existence.

Between them everything gave rise to disputes
And it got me thinking:
Tribes of past treaties,
The fruits of the sciences, good and evil, And age-old prejudices, And fatal coffins of mystery, Fate and life in their turn Everything was subjected to their judgment. Pushkin emphasizes here that the disputes of his heroes touch upon philosophical, economic, political, and moral problems that worried the progressive people of that time. A cursory list of the topics of disputes between Onegin and Lensky contains an indication of specific authors who raise these issues in their writings.

Among the Russian intelligentsia, the treatise of the French philosopher and writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau "The Social Contract" was very popular, which dealt with one of the most pressing problems of the state system the relationship between power and the people, who had the right to overthrow the government that violated the agreement between the union of power and the community of free citizens. Serfdom in Russia created not only political, but also economic difficulties, from which progressive-minded nobles tried to find a way out, introducing improved farming techniques on their estates, using machine technology. Onegin, the owner of factories and waters, and the wealthy landowner Lensky could not help thinking about this question, which Pushkin calls "the fruits of the sciences."

"Good and evil", that is, ethical problems, also found themselves in the center of attention of young Russian intellectuals. Theoretical moral principles are refracted in the characters of friends, determining not only their views, but also their actions.

The history of the relationship between Onegin and Lensky shows a huge difference between them, sets off the opposite not only of characters, but also of their relationship to reality, to the people who surround them. Even Lensky's penchant for poetry, the desire to express his moods and dreams in poetry speaks of the romantic mood of his thoughts and feelings. In the pretty empty Olga, he sees the ideal. Belinsky noted that Lensky "decorated her with virtues and perfections, attributed to her feelings and thoughts that were not in her." And friendship with Onegin means a lot to Vladimir. Such a conclusion allows us to draw Pushkin's words about what Lensky's idea of ​​​​friendship, honor, nobility was:

He believed that friends are ready For his honor to accept the chains And that their hand will not falter To break the vessel of the slanderer. So, his relationship with people was determined by faith in eternal friendship, into the only love that is predetermined for him by fate, into a noble freedom-loving idea that "someday will illuminate us and give the world bliss." Here, Lensky's connection with the Decembrist moods clearly emerges, giving reason to assume that he could get closer to the progressive noble intelligentsia, which was preparing the uprising on December 14, 1825, and become the poetic voice of his people. Precisely because faith in love, friendship and freedom was for Lensky the essence and purpose of life, he took Onegin's unsuccessful joke as a betrayal of his beloved girl and a betrayal. best friend. And he rushes into a duel to defend the purity of his romantic ideas from Onegin's skepticism.

The death of Lensky is symbolic, it involuntarily leads to the idea that an idealist, romantic, dreamer, who does not know reality, must perish in a collision with her.

And the skeptic, realist Onegin remains to live. He cannot be reproached for idealism and ignorance of reality. No, he knows life and people very well, accurately determining their inner essence at the first meeting. But what gives Onegin this knowledge? Nothing but boredom, spleen, disappointment, the consciousness of one's superiority over people. And this is a dangerous path leading to disunity with the world, to selfish loneliness. Therefore, it seems that Onegin cannot become either happy or useful to society. This is his tragedy, which the brilliant artist saw with his sensitive eyes.

This means that the images of Onegin and Lensky are a reflection of two different paths taken by the best noble intelligentsia of the first quarter of the 19th century. And they could end either in death or life's dead end.


Official comment:

The direction aims at reasoning about the value of human friendship, about ways to achieve mutual understanding between individuals, their communities and even entire nations, as well as about the origins and consequences of enmity between them. The content of many literary works is associated with the warmth of human relations or hostility of people, with the development of friendship into enmity or vice versa, with the image of a person who is able or not able to appreciate friendship, who knows how to overcome conflicts or sows enmity.

The proposed direction can be considered in different aspects: - friendship between people, the meaning and value of friendly relations in human life; - friendship and enmity between human communities and generations; - friendship or enmity between peoples and the consequences of hostile relations; - friendship between man and animal, etc. The very concept of "friendship" is one of the fundamental in the human worldview and in the system of human values. This confirms the abundance of proverbs and sayings dedicated to friendship, aphorisms and catchphrases. Starting reflection on the topic proposed in this direction, students can build their reasoning based on statements and definitions known to them. Here are just a few of them:

Proverbs : Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. An old friend is better than two new ones. There is no friend - look for, but found - take care. Friend is known in trouble. To know a friend is to eat a pound of salt together. The enemy agrees, and the friend argues. Make new friends, but don't lose old ones. Good brotherhood is dearer than wealth. In true friendship, it’s like this - disappear yourself, and help a friend out of trouble. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.

It's easier to lose a friend than to find one. What kind of friendship you make, such is your life. A man without friends is like a bird without wings.

Aphorisms and sayings of famous people:

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses. W. Shakespeare Everything will pass - and the grain of hope will not rise, Everything that you have accumulated will be lost for a penny. If you do not share in time with a friend - All your property will go to the enemy. Omar Khayyam

Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it. Lessing

Friendship must be a solid thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey. A.I. Herzen

People on earth should be friends... I don't think it's possible to make all people love each other, but I would like to destroy the hatred between people. Isaac Asimov

Friendship is like a treasury: it is impossible to draw more from it than you put into it. Osip Mandelstam

Helping students thinkvocabulary work .

So, in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov gives the following interpretation of the words "friendship" and "enmity":

HOSTILITY - attitudes and actions imbued with hostility, hatred (irreconcilable enmity; harbor enmity).

FRIENDSHIP - close relations based on mutual trust, affection, common interests (Long-standing friendship; friendship of peoples). In the dictionary of antonyms, these words are presented as an antonymic pair. Dictionaries of synonyms are represented by the following synonymic series:Synonyms for FRIENDSHIP - friendship, friendliness, goodwill, harmony, peace, harmony, familiarity, a short acquaintance, twinning, (good) friendliness, amikoshonstvo, love, fraternization, unity,

communication; friendship is sincere, hypocritical, canine, close. Do something for friendship. To be in friendship, to make friendship, to break friendship, to reduce friendship.Synonyms for HATE - antagonism, malice, hostility, dislike, hatred, hostility, hostility, discord, unfriendliness, discord. Have a grudge against someone. Feed the enmity.

List of references in the direction "Friendship and enmity"

    A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

    M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

    L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

    I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

    I. A Goncharov "Oblomov"

    G. N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear"

    A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

    A. P. Chekhov "Kashtanka"

    W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet"

Materials for literary arguments.

A. S. Pushkin novel "Eugene Onegin"

Alexander Sergeevich presents his attitude to the partnership to the reader through the characters of the novel"Eugene Onegin" . Two "friends", Onegin and Lensky, in their communication show us that a friend is a very ambiguous and contradictory concept. In the end, we even begin to doubt whether Evgeny and Vladimir are friends or enemies. In the dialogues of the characters, the presence of the author is felt, he is not a simple silent observer, he is a direct participant in the events, we catch his attitude to friendship in the conversations of the characters. The friendship of Onegin and Lensky happened, in the words of Pushkin himself, "there is nothing to do." Indeed, they were completely opposite in character, with different life experiences, with different aspirations.

They were united by the situation in the rural wilderness. Both of them were burdened by the imposed communication from their neighbors, both were smart enough (in relation to Lensky, it would be more correct to say that he was educated). Both heroes are young, so they find common topics for conversation. Friends reflect on Rousseau's "social contract", about science, about moral problems, that is, about everything that occupied the minds of progressive people of that time. But Pushkin emphasizes the complex relationship between the hero and the society that shaped him. An accidental quarrel (Onegin aroused jealousy in Lensky at the Larins' evening) is only an occasion for a duel. The reason for Lensky's death is much deeper: Lensky, with his naive, romantic view of the world, cannot withstand a collision with life. Onegin, in turn, is unable to resist the generally accepted morality, which says that it is shameful to refuse a duel. Can such a relationship be called true friendship?Regardless of beliefs, each person strives to communicate with his own kind. Only a mentally deranged person can fundamentally run away not from any particular social group, but from people in general. A holy hermit may retire, but he communicates with the whole world, praying for him. The solitude of Onegin was painful for him, and he was glad that at least one person was found with whom he was not disgusted to communicate. Moreover, such communication was necessary for Vladimir Lensky. Onegin was the ideal listener. He was mostly silent, without interrupting the poet, and if he objected, then justifiably, and was interested in the subject of the conversation. Lensky was in love, and like any lover, he needed a person to whom he could pour out his love, especially if poetry was written at the same time, they had to be read to someone. Thus, it is clear that in other conditions Onegin and Lensky would hardly have begun to communicate so closely, but human relationships are special because different situations bring people together and separate them sometimes in a completely paradoxical way. The difference between Lensky and Onegin was not as fundamental as their difference with the neighboring landowners, who considered Lensky half-Russian, and Onegin - a dangerous eccentric and freemason. Speaking extremely generally, Onegin and Lensky were opposites within the same system, and their neighbors generally went beyond the system. That is why Vladimir and Evgeny instinctively found each other and united. That their friendship was superficial and largely formal is proved by their duel. What kind of friend would shoot with a friend, and even in addition, without any explanation ?! In reality, very little connected them, and it was easy enough to break this little.

True friendship is always based on common hobbies and interests, mutual understanding, trust and sympathy. It is important that true friendship is the absence of any competition between people. But precisely such relations did not exist between Onegin and Lensky.
Of course, there would not have been a duel that ended with the death of Lensky, there would have been no tragedy and, as a result, the continuation of the novel. Indeed, according to some researchers (and I agree with them), it was the duel that became the turning point in the fate of Onegin, which made him take a different look at life and rethink a lot.
But the main reason, in my opinion, why the friendship of Onegin and Lensky led to such a tragic denouement is that the relationship between them is not real from the very beginning.

M. Yu. Lermontov novel "A Hero of Our Time"

The theme of friendship is also heard in the novel."Hero of our time" . Is friendship possible in Pechorin's life, and how does he understand it? main character?

“Friendship, friendship,” we read from V. Dahl in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,” “the mutual affection of two or more people, their close connection; in a good sense, disinterested, steadfast affection, based on love and respect ... ”We see such affection in the ingenuous staff captain - the first to tell us about Pechorin. Despite the fact that Maxim Maksimych considers him a strange person and clearly does not approve of what Grigory is doing with Bela, he is attached to Pechorin and considers him his friend: “We were friends”, “there were bosom friends”. Maksim Maksimych's ideas are not justified. Yes, Pechorin does not hide his character from the staff captain and does not promise friendship: “I am a fool or a villain, I don’t know; ... my soul is corrupted by light, my imagination is restless, my heart is insatiable; everything is not enough for me: I get used to sadness just as easily as to pleasure, and my life becomes emptier day by day. During the meeting, it is so cold from Pechorin, Maxim Maksimych is so offended and upset, for the first time he violated the rules for the sake of the meeting: “Am I not the same? .. What should I do? to each his own way ... ".

Pechorin's meeting with Grushnitsky will take place in a completely different way: “We met old friends,” but from the very first lines of the description it is clear that completely different people are hidden under friendly relations. And indeed, Grushnitsky is a man whose main pleasure is to "produce an effect" and who "importantly drapes himself in extraordinary feelings" and plays disappointed. Pechorin, on the other hand, is disappointment itself, this is his illness, and he cannot but feel the artificiality of the Junker and for this reason not accept him: “I understood him, and he does not love me for this.”

Perhaps the theme of friendship is most clearly revealed in A Hero of Our Time in relations with Werner. Perhaps Pechorin could have become friends with the doctor, they are so similar in many ways. From the moment Werner and Pechorin “distinguished each other in the crowd,” their relationship reminds others so much of her. "Werner is a wonderful person", the main character knows the strengths and weaknesses of the doctor perfectly. What brought the two together? “We are rather indifferent to everything, except ourselves”, “we soon understood each other and became friends.” But are they capable of friendship? Grigory denies true friendships, friendship does not exist in Pechorin's life, because it requires self-forgetfulness, openness, trust - all that the protagonist of the novel does not have. He says that "of two friends, one is always the slave of the other," and, quite possibly, this is not a belief, but a desire to hide the inability to let anyone into one's heart.

L. N. Tolstoy novel "War and Peace"

(Andrey Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov)

The first scenes of the novel paint us a very unambiguous, at first glance, picture. So, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky is certainly a welcome guest in secular society. He is handsome, smart, refined, his manners are impeccable, he is politely cold. An ideal combination for a society that, fortunately, does not have the slightest influence on it.

All in the same "picture", Pierre, who appeared, seems to be an unsuccessful caricature of a secular person. He is kind, sincere and disinterested - these, no doubt, excellent qualities already make him a black sheep, because where there is a place for self-interest, big money and hypocrisy, there is no place for spiritual openness. In addition, Pierre is absent-minded and not very attractive in appearance. Trying at first to join this society, to become a part of it, Bezukhov demonstrates not the best manners, which completely discourages sympathy for himself from the majority of the elite.

But behind these images of such different people lies much more than what "light" sees in them.

They are both alien to the society in which they find themselves. Both of them are above him in their thoughts and moral values, only Pierre needs time to understand this. Andrei is confident in his own, special purpose, and an empty, unchanging life is not for him. He also tries to convince Pierre, who is the only one he respects in that environment due to the contrast with the empty elite, to stay away from this life. But Pierre is nevertheless convinced of this on his own, from his own experience. He, so simple and unpretentious, is difficult to resist the temptation.

Despite his simplicity, Pierre is essentially very wise, and this quality is one of the things that make him a close friend of Bolkonsky. Their conversations, in which they share everything that they keep in themselves the rest of the time, have an important influence on the train of thought of both. And even though their positions in some cases are strikingly different, each recognizes the opinion of the other as having a right to exist.

Let each of them go through many ups and even more downs, and Andrei and Pierre, through their disappointments in life, do not harden, but continue to believe in goodness and seek justice. Burned by relations with Helen, Pierre, nevertheless, does not look for the guilty and, which strikes the depths of his soul, sincerely, with all his might and to the detriment of his own feelings, rejoices at the appearance of Andrey's feelings for Natasha. And then, when everything ends, he in no way tries his luck, but only provides disinterested support to Natasha and wholeheartedly wants Andrei to forgive her. It seems that he suffers no less than Andrei himself, and yet his life is meaningless and sulfur for him.

The friendship between Andrei and Pierre can be considered true, beautiful and immortal, because the soil on which it stood was the most worthy and noble. There was not a drop of self-seeking in this friendship, and neither money nor influence was a guideline for any of them either in their relationships or in the life of each separately. This is what should unite people if they live in a society where all feelings can be bought and sold so coldly.

Fortunately, in Tolstoy's novel, these characters found each other, thereby finding salvation from moral loneliness and finding worthy ground for the development of morality and real ideas that should not be lost even by a minority of people.

Pierre considered Bolkonsky "a model of all perfections precisely because Prince Andrei combined to the highest degree all those qualities that Pierre did not have and which can be most closely expressed by the concept of willpower." The friendship between Bolkonsky and Bezukhov passed the test. Pierre was in love with Natasha Rostova at first sight. And Bolkonsky too. When Andrei proposed to Rostova, Pierre did not betray his feelings. He was sincerely pleased with the happiness of his friend. How could L.N. Tolstoy to allow his favorite hero to be dishonest? Pierre showed nobility in relations with Andrei Bolkonsky. His awareness of the relationship between Rostova and Kuragin did not allow him to betray his friend. He did not laugh at Natasha, let alone Andrei. Although he could easily ruin their happiness. However, devotion to friendship, honesty in the heart did not allow Pierre to become a scoundrel.

I. S. Turgenev novel "Fathers and Sons"

In the novel"Fathers and Sons" published in 1862,I.S. Turgenev revealed the image of a new hero of Russian life. Bazarov is a nihilist, a revolutionary democrat. This is a strong personality, able to influence other people. Bazarov is self-confident, endowed with a natural mind, educated. In the novel, he is shown accompanied by a younger, naive and ingenuous friend - Arkady Kirsanov. An analysis of the relationship between the two characters allows us to understand their characters, the strength of their convictions and the strength of friendly affection.

At the very beginning of the novel, Bazarov is not so alone, he has an ally - his friend Arkady Kirsanov. In the first chapters of the novel, Arkady appears as a faithful follower of Bazarov, a student who listens to his teacher with delight and rapture and shares his views on life. Kirsanov Jr. is convinced of the special purpose of Bazarov. Arkady, of course, values ​​​​his friendship with Bazarov very much, he is proud of him. This is evidenced by his enthusiastic intonations with which he tells his father, Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, about his comrade. Arkady warmly supports Yevgeny in his dispute with Pavel Petrovich. But this is only at the beginning. As the action develops, Arkady gradually cools towards the “raznochinsk views”, which he initially adheres to. Why is this happening? The answer to this question is simple, and the author himself gave it: Turgenev wrote that Arkady basically "sybarized" under the influence of a nature much stronger than himself - under the influence of Bazarov. But the difference between friends was not slow to reveal itself: Bazarov is constantly busy with business, while Arkady does nothing, only sometimes, to unwind, he helps his father. Bazarov is a man of action, which can be seen immediately by his red bare hand. In any situation, in any home, he tries to do his job. His path is the natural sciences, the study of nature and the verification of theoretical discoveries in practice. Bazarov here keeps up with the times, since the passion for science is a typical feature of the cultural life of Russia in the 1860s. Arkady is the absolute opposite. The young man is really not interested in anything. All he aspires to is comfort and peace, which runs counter to Bazarov's attitude to life - not to sit back, work, move.

And the characters of those who for the time being call themselves friends are completely opposite: Arkady is soft and kind, Eugene is proud and proud.

It is no coincidence that they say that truth is born in disputes. Indeed, in a novel that is replete with scenes of ideological disputes, sooner or later the positions of the characters are revealed completely and completely. And then, when the attitude of the characters to various issues of the life of society, the life of the human soul, becomes clear, then the polarity of the characters' characters is revealed. Then the question arises about the authenticity of the friendship of young people. After all, friendship implies, first of all, mutual understanding, and in the case of Bazarov and Arkady, it turns out that they lack mutual understanding. In the course of the novel, it turns out that Bazarov ridicules what is so dear to Arcadia: an open manifestation of warm feelings for relatives and loved ones, admiration for the beauty of nature, the ability to be sad and rejoice to the sound of music, enjoy poetic lines ...

Arkady, having discovered for himself that his life convictions are not similar to those of Bazarov, gradually begins to learn to express his opinion, the opposite of the judgments of the nihilist. Once a dispute between friends came almost to the point of a fight. And in the scene when Bazarov, as if jokingly, spreads out “his long and stiff fingers” to close them around Arkady’s neck, and at the same time he grins “ominously”, there is a share of the true attitude of the nihilist to the “chick”. After all, it was precisely the “chick” that Bazarov considered Arkady to be, while always treating him patronizingly. Bazarov understands that Kirsanov Jr. cannot become his associate: “You are a tender soul, a weakling,” he says to Arkady. And he is right - time very quickly puts everything in its place, and Arkady turns out to belong to the old generation, the generation of "fathers". Pisarev very accurately assesses the reasons for the disagreement between Arkady and Bazarov: “Bazarov’s attitude towards his comrade casts a bright streak of light on his character; Bazarov has no friend, because he has not yet met a person who would not give in to him. Bazarov's personality closes in on itself, because outside of it and around it there are almost no elements related to it at all. Arkady would never be able to merge with the ideas of the new century, so his break with Bazarov is obvious.

Bazarov is the leader in this pair. He treats Arkady condescendingly, patronizingly. Kirsanov called his friend a mentor; he "revered his teacher", considered Bazarov "one of the most remarkable people." The still unformed nature of Arkady is entirely under the influence of Bazarov, who, although he is frank with him, always keeps him on the sidelines. Arkady does not notice this and does not understand. He tells Odintsova about his friend "in such detail and with such enthusiasm that Odintsova turned to him and looked carefully."In disputes with Bazarov, Arkady "usually remained defeated, although he spoke more than his comrade." However, this does not bother him in the least, since he sees in Bazarov a man who "has a great future ahead."

I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

In the novel"Oblomov" I.A. Goncharov created images of two people, each of whom is in many ways a typical representative of a certain circle of people, a spokesman for ideas that were close to the corresponding strata of contemporary society. Andrey Stolts and Ilya Oblomov, at first glance, seem to have nothing in common, except for memories of childhood games. And yet, no matter how these characters of Goncharov's novel are assessed, it is impossible to deny that they are connected by sincere, disinterested friendship. What's the matter here?

Indeed, Oblomov and Stolz are strikingly different from each other in their way of life. In Stolz's view, the essence of being lies in movement: "Labor is the image, content, element and purpose of life, at least mine." Oblomov, having not yet begun any business, is already dreaming of peace, which he already has plenty of: "... Then, in honorable inactivity, enjoy a well-deserved rest ...".

For a while, Oblomov and Stolz were brought up together - in a school that Andrei's father kept. But they came to this school, one might say, from different worlds: the undisturbed, once and for all established order of life in Oblomovka, similar to a long afternoon nap, and the active labor education of a German burgher, interspersed with the lessons of a mother who struggled to instill son love and interest in art.

It is also important to note how Oblomov and Stolz relate to life in general. According to Oblomov’s own feeling, his existence is more and more like a fruitless wandering in the forest thicket: no path, no ray of sun ... “Someone seemed to have stolen and buried in his own soul the treasures brought to him by the world and life.” Here is one of Oblomov's main miscalculations - he subconsciously seeks to lay responsibility, his failures, his inaction on someone else: on Zakhar, for example, or on fate. And Stolz "attributed the cause of all suffering to himself, and did not hang it like a caftan on someone else's nail," therefore "he enjoyed joy, like a flower plucked along the way, until he wilted in his hands, never drinking the cup to that drop of bitterness which lies at the end of all enjoyment. However, all of the above does not yet shed light on the foundations of strong friendship between people who are so different in their habits and aspirations. Apparently, their sincere, warm attitude to each other is rooted in the fact that both Stolz and Oblomov are inherently worthy people, endowed with many high spiritual qualities. They are necessary to each other, because they complement each other so successfully, they find in each other what is not in themselves.

The friendship between Oblomov and Stolz began during their school years. At the time of their acquaintance, the characters were similar in character and had common hobbies. Little Ilya is depicted as a curious child who was interested in many things. He wanted to learn about the world around him and learn as much as possible of the new, even as a young man he was still preparing for the fact that his life would “take on other, wider dimensions”, he was full of various aspirations and hopes, preparing for an important role in society. However, due to the "hothouse", "Oblomov" upbringing and the influence of relatives, the hero remains in place, continuing only to hope and plan, never moving on to action. All Oblomov's activity passes into the world of dreams and dreams, which he himself invents and lives by.

Little Andrei Stoltz was just as curious a child as Ilya, but he was not limited in his knowledge of the world and was even allowed to leave home for a few days. And if in Oblomov upbringing killed an active, active principle, then the formation of Stolz's personality was influenced by the death of his mother, who dearly loved her son. A strict, unemotional father could not give his son all the love and warmth that he lost after the loss of his mother. Apparently, it was this event, coupled with the need, by order of his father, to leave for another city and build a career on his own, made a strong impression on young Andrei Ivanovich. Mature Stoltz is a person who finds it very difficult to understand his feelings, moreover, he does not understand love, since he cannot grasp it with a rational mind. That is why many researchers compare Andrei Ivanovich with an insensitive mechanism, which is fundamentally wrong - in fact, Stolz, no less sincere and a kind person than Oblomov (remember how often and absolutely disinterestedly he helps a friend), but all his sensuality is hidden deep inside his soul, incomprehensible and inaccessible even to the hero himself.

The relationship between Stolz and Oblomov begins as a friendship of two very similar in nature and character personalities, but different upbringing makes them completely different and even opposing characters, who, nevertheless, continue to see in each other something important and close that brought them together in school years.

Stolz, at any opportunity, tries to “stir up”, activate Oblomov, force him to act “now or never”, while Ilya Ilyich gradually, unconsciously for both heroes, instills in a friend those same “Oblomov” values ​​that Andrei Ivanovich was so afraid of and to which in eventually came - to a calm, measured, monotonous family life.

The theme of friendship in the novel "Oblomov" is revealed on the example of the relationship between two opposing characters. However, the differences between Oblomov and Stolz are only external in nature, since both of them are individuals who are in constant search of their own happiness, but have not been able to fully open up and realize their full potential. The images of the heroes are tragic, since neither the active Stolz, constantly striving forward, nor the passive, living in the illusions of Oblomov, find harmony between the two main principles - rational and sensual, which leads to the death of Ilya Ilyich and internal confusion and even greater confusion Stolz.

A. Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

A speaks about friendship.Saint Exupery right on the first page of your fairy tale"A little prince" – in dedication. In the author's system of values, the theme of friendship occupies one of the main places. Only friendship can melt the ice of loneliness and alienation, as it is based on mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual assistance. On earth, the Little Prince learns the real truth that the Fox revealed to him: people can be not only indifferent and alienated, but also necessary to each other, and someone for someone can be the only one in the whole world, and a person’s life “is like the sun will illuminate ", if something will remind you of a friend, and this will also be happiness.

The Little Prince once had a tiny sprout, not like other flowers. Over time, a bud grew on it, which did not open for a long time. When all the petals opened, the baby saw with admiration a real beauty. She turned out to be a difficult character: the guest was a subtle and proud nature. The boy, who took to heart everything that the beauty said, felt unhappy and decided to run away, setting off on a journey.

Telling the story about the flower, the Kid already understood that "it was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds", - after all, the beauty gave the planet a scent, but he did not know how to rejoice at this and "did not know how to love."

Before the journey, the boy carefully cleaned his planet. When he said goodbye to a beautiful guest, she suddenly asked for forgiveness, wished him happiness and admitted that she loved the Little Prince.

The seventh planet on which the Little Prince ended up was Earth, and it was huge.

At first, the baby did not see anyone on the planet, except for the snake. From her, he learned that not only in the desert, but also among people, it is also lonely. The snake promised to help him on the day when the boy would be sad about his home.

At that moment, Fox appeared. The little prince was going to make friends, but it turned out that the animal must first be tamed. Then “we will need each other ... My life will light up like a sun,” said the Fox.

The fox taught the baby that "you can only learn those things that you tame," and "to tame, you need to be patient." He revealed to the boy an important secret: “Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the main thing with your eyes, ”and asked to remember the law:“ you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. The little prince understood: the beautiful rose is the most precious thing, he gave her all his time and energy, and he is responsible for the rose - after all, he tamed it.

Another important symbol, to which almost the entire work is addressed, is a rose.
The rose is a symbol of love, beauty, femininity. The little prince did not immediately see the true inner essence of beauty. But after talking with the Fox, the truth was revealed to him - beauty only becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning, content.

The meaning of human life is to comprehend, to get as close as possible to the essence. The souls of the author and the little prince are not shackled by the ice of indifference and deadness. Therefore, a true vision of the world opens up to them: they learn the price of true friendship, love and beauty. This is the theme of “vigilance” of the heart, the ability to “see” with the heart, to understand without words.

The little prince does not immediately comprehend this wisdom. He leaves his own planet, not knowing that what he will look for on different planets will be so close - on his home planet.
People must take care of the cleanliness and beauty of their planet, jointly protect and decorate it, and prevent all living things from perishing. So, gradually, unobtrusively, another important topic arises in the fairy tale - ecological, which is very relevant for our time. It seems that the author of the fairy tale “foresaw” future ecological catastrophes and warned about careful attitude to the native and beloved planet. Saint-Exupery was acutely aware of how small and fragile our planet is. The journey of the Little Prince from star to star brings us closer to today's vision of space, where the Earth, through the negligence of people, can disappear almost imperceptibly. Therefore, the tale has not lost its relevance to this day; therefore its genre is philosophical, for it is addressed to all people, it raises eternal problems.
And one more secret is revealed by the Fox to the baby: “Only the heart is vigilant. You won’t see the most important thing with your eyes... Your Rose is so dear to you because you gave her all your soul... People have forgotten this truth, but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed.” To tame means to bind oneself to another being with tenderness, love, a sense of responsibility. To tame means to destroy the facelessness and indifferent attitude towards all living things. To tame means to make the world significant and generous, for everything in it reminds of a beloved being. The narrator also comprehends this truth, and for him the stars come to life, and he hears the ringing of silver bells in the sky, reminiscent of the laughter of the Little Prince. The theme of “expansion of the soul” through love runs throughout the tale.
Together with the little hero, we rediscover for ourselves the most important thing in life, which was hidden, buried by all sorts of husks, but which is the only value for a person. The little prince learns what the bonds of friendship are.
Saint-Exupery also speaks of friendship on the first page of the story. In the author's system of values, the theme of friendship occupies one of the main places. Only friendship can melt the ice of loneliness and alienation, as it is based on mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual assistance.

G.N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear"

The book tells about the dog Bim, who was a very loyal and loving friend to his owner while they were together. But one day Ivan Ivanovich (that was the name of the owner of Bim) became seriously ill - a fragment left over from the war crawled to his heart, and the owner was taken to Moscow for treatment. And Bim was left alone. How much effort the unfortunate dog spent looking for a friend, how many upheavals, betrayals and insults he had to endure! In the end, he got to the dog-catchers and was locked up in an iron wagon. The next day the owner arrived, but found him already dead in that van, which became a death prison for Beam.

The theme of the story is love for all living things, respect for our smaller brothers, admiration for animals. In the center of all events is the dog Beam of the Gordon Setter breed, the protagonist of the story. Throughout the book, the author admires the intelligence, loyalty and beauty of the dog. Indeed, a person has never had a better friend, and "White Bim Black Ear" proves this once again.

As the inscription at the beginning of the book says, it is dedicated to Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky.

The author reveals to the reader the inner world of a dog with all its experiences, joys, questions and misfortunes, and again and again emphasizes the superiority of these animals: “And on the fallen yellow grass stood a dog - one of the best creations of nature and a patient person.” Again, he points out that without these true friends, our life would be much more boring and aimless: “... a split personality in prolonged loneliness is to some extent inevitable. For centuries, a dog has saved a person from this.

The events of the story unfold in the Tambov region - in the city and in the countryside. The year of events is not indicated, but, for sure, post-war times are described.

The story combines a simple, everyday language - devils, rednecks, a fool, a bulldozer; as well as professional hunting words - shuttle, bandolier, hound, arp, setter.

In my opinion, the most striking and memorable moment in the book is the description of the hunt by Ivan Ivanovich and Bim. Probably, the author was also a hunter, otherwise who, if not a person with such a passion, can so accurately describe all the events of the hunt.

First of all, Troepolsky admires the pointing dog and its bird stance. Indeed, it is an amazing sight! Previously, a nondescript outwardly dog ​​suddenly becomes so elegant, well-coordinated and incomparably beautiful, while maintaining excellent working qualities, which is very important for pointing dogs - so valuable on the hunt! The author writes about Bim's first stance as follows: “And Bim, without lowering his right front paw to the ground, froze in place, froze, as if petrified. It was a statue of a dog, as if created by a skilled sculptor! The first awakening of hunting passion ... against the background of the sunset, he is striking in his extraordinary beauty, which is not given to many to understand.

Again and again, throughout the story, Bim himself, the most important and memorable hero, surprises and falls in love with himself. Of course, it is difficult for a person who has never had a dog to understand and imagine the facial expressions and gestures of a dog, the dog's language, the expression of intelligent, almost human eyes, but the author easily and clearly describes the movements and actions of the dog, enlivening Bim to the reader and making him almost real. being.

"White Bim Black Ear" makes you think about many things. For example, about the role of a dog in our life. Why is it given to man? So that a person has a devoted friend, ready to serve faithfully until the end of his days, going through all troubles and misfortunes. Why are people sometimes so cruel to these beautiful animals? Probably, they simply do not understand that a dog is only an outwardly animal, but a human soul lives inside it, and that this creature is very, very necessary for a person, that without it our life will change a lot. We must take care of them, love and not betray, because a dog will never do this - we need to learn something from them.

This story made an indelible impression on me. She once again proved to me that better friend than a dog to us - people will never find. The author showed us this on the example of Bim, the smartest creature, emphasizing that behind the image of Bim all dogs are hidden, regardless of breed, age and level of upbringing, loving and devoted friends of mankind.

W. Shakespeare play "Romeo and Juliet"

The senseless long-term enmity of the Montecchi and Capulet families prevents the love of Romeo and Juliet. The lovers belong to different clans, they cannot be together. But love is stronger than all obstacles, and only it can put an end to the enmity of two influential families:
The children of the leaders love each other,
But fate sets up intrigues for them,
And their death at the coffin doors
Puts an end to irreconcilable strife.
Because of the endless enmity of these clans, not only lovers suffer, but also other people close to them. So, Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, kills Mercutio in a fight. And then Romeo does not hold back and kills Tybalt, avenging his friend.
Each character in the play is interesting in its own way, but I probably liked Juliet the most. She is only 14 years old, but her feelings for Romeo are not childish at all. For the sake of her lover, she takes decisive steps, contradicts her parents, which at that time was a terrible crime. When a girl realizes that a wedding with Paris is inevitable, she is ready to commit suicide. After all, before that, she had already secretly married Romeo and could not betray her vow of eternal love. Not surprisingly, she is ready to drink the potion and "freeze" for forty-two hours, pretending to be dead.
The thing that struck me the most about the play was the ending. Due to a simple coincidence of events, Romeo did not know that his beloved was alive, and committed suicide from grief at her grave. Juliet, too, could not live without her husband.
I was struck by how fragile human happiness is, how strong the passion of two completely young people can be. An absurd accident ruined the lives of Romeo and Juliet. But their endless love for each other put an end to the long-standing enmity between the Montagues and the Capulets. The heads of these families realized that because of their stupid disagreements, their children died, and it's time to stop.
I believe that love should never be hindered, this is the biggest sin. The heroes loved each other too much, but the world around them is not yet ready for love, kindness, harmony. So they leave.
From Romeo and Juliet you can learn kindness, love, dedication, selflessness, purity. This work has left an indelible mark on my soul. I think I will reread Shakespeare's play over and over again.

On the children's grave, two warring clans forget their grievances. The long-awaited peace is coming to Verona, albeit won at such a terrible price. We can say that the love of young heroes brings prosperity to many people, their homeland.

Therefore, it seems to me that Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" is characterized by vital truthfulness and a high intensity of passions.

Everyone in life knows firsthand such concepts as “friend” and “friendship”. What kind of people do we consider friends? It seems to me that friends are people who go hand in hand with you for years; people to whom you trust the most intimate and know that you will not be betrayed. Everything happens in life. Can friendship turn into enmity in an instant? Does this apply to all friendships? Similar questions worried many writers and poets.

The well-known Russian writer and poet A. S. Pushkin did not stay away from this problem. In his novel "Eugene Onegin" he successfully reveals the theme of friendship and enmity on the example of two friends - Onegin and Lensky. It would seem that two completely opposite people with different characters, views on life and experience suddenly become friends.

But is it true friendship? Will she be able to get through all the trials that the unpredictability of life will present them with? I think no. Indeed, even at the very beginning, Pushkin wrote that their friendship was due to nothing to do. But despite all the differences between Onegin and Lensky, there was still something that united them: a situation in the rural wilderness, imposed communication from neighbors and a sharp mind. In turn, they seemed to complement each other. Vladimir Lensky, due to his age, was an inexperienced person, poorly versed in people and love: let's remember his love for Olga. Do you think these were the very lofty feelings that many writers and poets write about, namely love for a person, with all his shortcomings, or was it a blind pursuit of the image of a girl who was far from the ideal of this young man? I think it's the second one. As for Onegin in this friendly duet, he was an excellent listener, often silent, and if he objected, he would definitely substantiate his point of view and was interested in the topic of conversation. Lensky needed such a person to whom he could pour out his soul and read poetry, the same Eugene Onegin did a good job with this.

If these two people got along so well with each other, what was the impetus for their duel? And the beginning of all the troubles was the frivolity of Onegin: an invitation to Olga's dance caused jealousy in her gentleman. It was Lensky's distrust that served as the beginning of their enmity. Did the friendship between these two end so easily? Wasn't there a way to make things right? There was a chance. But did the now ex-friends take advantage of it? No. Perhaps the outcome of this story would have been somewhat different. This once again proves the superficiality and formality of their friendship. The thing that bound them was so small that they could easily throw it away and shoot each other in a duel.

Thus, we can conclude that friendship can turn into enmity, but not every one. After all, if people are truly friends, without formalities and selfishness, then such friendship will exist for a long time and will pass through many years and trials prepared by fate.

The friendship of Onegin and Lensky happened, in the words of Pushkin himself, "there is nothing to do." Indeed, they were completely opposite in character, with different life experiences, with different aspirations. But they were united by the situation in the rural wilderness. Both of them were burdened by the imposed communication from their neighbors, both were smart enough (in relation to Lensky, it would be more correct to say that he was educated). Regardless of beliefs, each person strives to communicate with his own kind. Only a mentally deranged person can fundamentally run away not from any particular social group, but from people in general. A holy hermit may retire, but he communicates with the whole world, praying for him. The solitude of Onegin was painful for him, and he was glad that at least one person was found with whom he was not disgusted to communicate.

Moreover, such communication was necessary for Vladimir Lensky. Onegin was the ideal listener. He was mostly silent, without interrupting the poet, and if he objected, then justifiably, and was interested in the subject of the conversation. Lensky was in love, and like any lover, he needed a person to whom he could pour out his love, especially if poetry was written at the same time, they had to be read to someone.

Thus, it is clear that in other conditions Onegin and Lensky would hardly have begun to communicate so closely, but human relationships are special because different situations bring people together and separate them sometimes in a completely paradoxical way.

The difference between Lensky and Onegin was not as fundamental as their difference with the neighboring landowners, who considered Lensky half-Russian, and Onegin - a dangerous eccentric and freemason. Speaking extremely generally, Onegin and Lensky were opposites within the same system, and their neighbors generally went beyond the system. That is why Vladimir and Evgeny instinctively found each other and united.

That their friendship was superficial and largely formal is proved by their duel. What kind of friend would shoot with a friend, and even in addition, without any explanation ?! In reality, very little connected them, and it was easy enough to break this little.

In his novel "Eugene Onegin" Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin created two characters whose images are completely opposite to each other, but at the same time similar. These characters are Vladimir Lensky and Eugene Onegin, after whom the work is named.

To characterize their relationship with each other, it is necessary to analyze the personality of each of these people.

In contact with

Personalities of Onegin and Lensky


Eugene is a man of the world. He received a standard education for that time, befitting an aristocrat, but there is something that his teachers forgot or did not want to teach - moral principles. Already matured Onegin could often be found at a ball or watching some theatrical performance. However, despite his close contact with society, Onegin does not feel like a part of it. He is antisocial and does not feel any emotions towards people. Upon learning of his uncle's illness, Eugene seems sad, but he reluctantly visits his relative, thereby showing his indifference even towards close people.

The character constantly bathed in female attention, which subsequently began to cause him a feeling of disgust, which did not allow Eugene to immediately see something new in Tatyana and give way to feelings. Pushkin called his character a product of modern society at that time. In his lines, the poet compares this character with ice.


Vladimir Lensky is the antipode of Eugene. He immediately appears as a cheerful young man who believes in the triumph of good in this world. In addition to a cheerful disposition, Vladimir has a developed mind and excels in literature and philosophy, including foreign ones. However, he is black and white in aristocratic society. He is not interested in either the rich or the topics that they usually discuss: money, homeland, and so on. Perhaps it is this isolation from society that will subsequently play a role and lead to friendship between him and Eugene.

Unlike his friend, the young poet is open to sympathy and kindness to all living things, which is combined with another feature of his character - a strong inner core on which all his convictions are attached. In his lines, Alexander Sergeevich compares it with a flame.

similarity in character

The characters of these characters are very different from each other. So why did they get close? Below you can see the main features of their characters and positions in society, one way or another bringing them together.

  • They are both kind of outcasts.
  • Experiencing boredom surrounded by people of their status.
  • Were educated.
  • They had an interest in literature and philosophy, which would later lead to long conversations between them.
  • Both have their own inner core.

Character Differences

No one person can be similar in everything to another. These two characters of Pushkin A.S. are no exception. Below are their differences from each other.

  • Views of the world.
  • Morality.
  • Evgeny's revenge and Vladimir's naivete.
  • Intelligence. Although both cannot be called fools, Vladimir is rather well educated than smart.

Relations between Onegin and Lensky

The friendship of two opposites arose by chance, "there is nothing to do." Characters, values, life experiences - all this was completely different in most aspects, but fate had other plans for these two. Having met under other conditions, the friendship of Onegin and Lensky would not have taken place. They hardly paid any attention to each other.. Forced to endure the obsessive society of neighbors in the wilderness, Eugene and Lensky became close. Young Vladimir was pleased with the society and with all his heart he wanted to make friends with this man.

The poet passionately shared his thoughts and worldview with his new friend. Yevgeny was an ideal listener for Lensky, as he mostly listened, occasionally asking questions, but only on the case. The young poet was pleased with society and with all his heart he wanted to make friends with this man.

However, despite the above, it is difficult to call Onegin and Lensky true friends to the grave.

They were connected by chance and nothing more. After all, no friend will kill another. A conflict occurred between them, which led to a duel, and as a result, the death of Lensky. The reason for the conflict is trifling - Vladimir persuaded Yevgeny to go to Tatiana's name day, where the events that led to the duel took place.

Wanting to take revenge on the poet for being in the boring society of the Larin family, Eugene began to embarrass Olga, Vladimir's beloved, in every possible way, giving her compliments and dancing only with her. By his actions, he made another person nervous - Tatiana, who was in love with Eugene.

Offended by such behavior of Olga and Onegin, whom he considered a friend, the poet challenged the latter to a duel. Shortly before her Lensky realized the triviality of their conflict. Before his death, he hoped that Onegin would not shoot, but he fired anyway, putting an end to this story.

In the end, Eugene also suffered, although his wounds were not material. A broken heart will be restored, but life can not be returned.