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» Categories of Karma. Karmic illnesses and punishments

Categories of Karma. Karmic illnesses and punishments

The question of the purification of karma became more relevant after the esoteric science gained its popularity. When life does not please you with happy moments, problems arise at work, and there is complete bad luck in your personal life, esotericists recommend paying attention to karmic debts and their solution, since they are often the cause of all failures. What should you do to improve your life?

The concept of karma and its varieties

Basically, the concept of "karma" is interested in already established individuals who have a certain life experience. Faced with difficulties, the question often arises, “Why should I?”. However, it is better to reformulate it into the following questions for yourself: “What can I take away from this for myself” or “What will I learn?”

Asking himself such questions, a person gains an understanding of the highest justice, otherwise it can be called karma. In other worldviews, this is called God's providence or even Newton's third law. Whatever name is given to this phenomenon, for all there is one law of the Universe. So what is karma?

By karma is meant the result of all the deeds of a person, good and bad, that have been committed in all his lives. These deeds determine the fate of the soul. There are different types of karma, which have correspondingly different effects.

  • Family karma. The soul is reborn within one community, that is, in one family. Such souls interacted with each other all the time, took life lessons, or created the ground for them. All family members are responsible not only for themselves and their actions, but also for relatives, and this responsibility is borne for deeds in all reincarnations.
  • Personal karma. A person is responsible for everything he has done in past incarnations. The current incarnation regulates the conditions of existence, regulates life and determines its process.
  • Family karma. Having created his family, the individual shares the karma of his spouse. And it consists of personal or tribal karma. This increases the measure of responsibility of each family member.

Personalities who fall into the community begin to interact, give and receive karmic debts, and also receive karmic experience. At the same time, conditions are formed in which the soul will gain experience in subsequent reincarnations.

Also, experts distinguish other types of karma. For example, the karma that corresponds to the place of residence, the karma of the people and the country, and even the karma of the Universe.

Why clear karma?

Karma contains all the information about the reincarnations of the soul, both positive and negative. Every sinful thought or unrestrained word, unfulfilled obligation or crime leaves its heavy imprint on the human soul. Gradually, it becomes impossible to bear this burden, and he begins to suffer, as a result of which diseases and even mental insanity may occur.

It is important for a person to realize that punishment in the material world can be easily avoided by paying off or showing cunning, while in the spiritual world there are other laws, and punishment will certainly come. Until you realize your guilt and understand your mistakes, the punishment will work.

Having cleared the burden of karma, you can return to the path of development, discover new facets of your personality and get rid of bad habits. The deeper and stronger all personal sins are worked out, the happier life will become.

Ineffective ways to clear karma

There are a large number of ineffective ways to cleanse karma that are filled with the Internet. You should be aware of them and not waste your time.

  • Prayer. This method implies the following: a person must repeat the ritual with the reading of the words of the mantra for a certain time, and his karma will become pure. There is no repentance or human development here, which means it's just stupidity. It is impossible to deceive and sin for several reincarnations, and then correct everything by reading a prayer.
  • Burning karma. This method consists in the fact that it is necessary to write out all your sins and life mistakes on a piece of paper, and then burn it, while reading the text of the spell. For such rituals, “esoteric specialists” often take money, but no result follows. The reason is the same as in the first paragraph - a person does not do any work on himself and does not realize his sins.

In order to achieve the forgiveness of your sins, you need to tune in to a long and painstaking work on yourself, try to change your bad habits and character traits, and, in the end, return to the path of goodness.

The work of clearing karma takes place on several levels: physical, emotional and mental. The first level involves actions to correct errors. The second level implies the emotional background that accompanies a person's actions. If the feelings are not sincere, then the actions will not matter. The third level means the message that our thoughts and desires carry. Good or evil?

Effective cleaning methods

The only effective method of correcting karma is purposeful work on oneself. It is important to give up everything sinful and embark on the path of cognition of spiritual laws. What is needed for this?

  1. Good deeds. The good you bring is the best way to get rid of your sins. The more good deeds you do, the more goodness and happiness you will have. Here it is important to correctly determine which specific actions will have the greatest impact on karma in your case. Just notice what is most lacking in life and what causes suffering. Perhaps you suffer from a serious illness or have a weak immune system, as a result of which you constantly pick up some kind of sores? Then take the time to care for sick people, donate money to charities or clinics (avoid scammers and make sure that your financial assistance is used for its intended purpose). Help homeless animals, visit the elderly, etc.
    If you feel a constant need for money, then you need to act as follows: donate at least small amounts to help those in need: buy food for elderly neighbors, feed cats and dogs, give toys to orphans. There is an important rule - you can not give money to those who are quite capable of providing for themselves, but are simply lazy. From this, your karma will not only not improve, but will also take the opposite effect. Use these analogies to do other good deeds.
  2. Exclusion of destructive actions.
    There is another situation - a person pays great attention to good deeds, but does evil in another area, for example, pollutes the environment or harms certain people. You should analyze your life and exclude everything destructive.
    Do not harm nature, remember how many times you threw a cigarette on the pavement or a bag past the trash can. Maybe you don't clean up after yourself after spending time outdoors? Treat the environment with respect and gratitude.
    Build relationships with loved ones. All conflicts and quarrels adversely affect your karma, so try to forgive insults and live in harmony with others. Is the situation escalating and a scandal is brewing? Find kind and fair words, and try to convey them calmly to the interlocutor. The child does not clean his room and you scream again? Explain everything to him, and then play as a reward. Saw your husband because of his employment? Give him a pleasant surprise in the form of a delicious unusual dinner, and he will make time for you.
  3. Prayers and meditations.
    We have already said earlier that reading prayers for forgiveness will not help clear your karma, however, in combination with actual actions, they make sense. Spiritual practices allow you to send a "request" to the Universe and hope for a result. It is important to correctly ask for what you need. For example, in the event of a constant financial shortage, do not say "I want to have more money", you should express yourself "I have money and I have enough of it for everything." That is, express your desire as if it has already been fulfilled.
  4. Asceticism.
    Observance of austerity is the toughest way to purify karma on your own. What is needed for this? Firstly, you will have to adhere to a strict fast - completely abandon junk food and eating meat. This will not harm you, but will benefit your body, and soon you will feel extraordinary lightness.
    Try to spend more time in nature - devote the weekend to hiking in the forest or relaxing on the shore of a pond in a tent. The energy of water, earth and air favorably affects karma.
    Read prayers regularly, refrain from intimacy. Especially the last rule applies to those who are used to relationships with unfamiliar people and do not have a permanent partner. Get rid of swear words in your speech, refrain from negative thinking. It is worth focusing exclusively on the good and positive.

Use every moment you live to improve your personality, try to gradually give up all bad habits and improve your life. Good deeds and positive thinking will best cleanse your karma.

Esotericism has been gaining more and more popularity lately. More and more people believe in divine laws and are interested in how to clear karma when their life is filled with bad luck and misfortune. Few people know what this procedure is and how to perform it correctly. And does it need to be cleaned at all?

Translated from Sanskrit, "kar" - action, "karma" - fate, duty. Simply put, it is a chain of events that cannot be interrupted. Probably, many have watched the movie "The Butterfly Effect" with Ashton Kutcher in the title role, or at least heard about it. Its essence is that even a small action or inaction can have a very large impact on events in the future.

Under this concept in esotericism lies the personal experience of the soul, all its many lives: good and bad deeds and thoughts. It is believed that real events are the result of a causal relationship. That is, if in one of the past lives a person committed something unkind, for example, a murder, then someday there will come a moment when you have to pay for it, pay off a karmic debt. There are many options for how this will happen: from a serious loss of one's own health to the death of loved ones.

Therefore, when troubles pile up, it seems that fortune has turned away, people ask themselves the question “why did I get all this, where did I sin like that?” The question is true, but it is impossible to get an answer to it, since no one remembers what he did in his past incarnations. And so it would be more appropriate to ask yourself: “What can I take away from this experience and how to neutralize the consequences of past events?”

Such questions provide an opportunity to think about the highest justice, God's providence and help to some extent regulate their behavior and thinking.

So, karma is the totality of all human deeds that determine the fate in the present existence. It has its own laws:

Simply put, a person must consciously take every step, think and speak. Or be prepared for the fact that the boomerang always comes back. Sow good seeds - you will get a rich harvest. Plant rotten ones - the result will be the same.

What are the types

There are many types of karma. The main ones are:

Karmic duties are worked out in the form of serious illnesses that can occur in one person or be passed on from generation to generation. This also includes mental disorders. A person working off his debt can be haunted by constant troubles and failures in all endeavors.

This can happen with the help of other people who will treat the sinner badly, humiliate, insult and mock him in every possible way. It is at such moments that karma is cleansed, so they should rejoice, and not cry because of them.

Despite the fact that the fate of a person is predetermined, there is a chance to change it. Anyone can do things and change the course of their thoughts with the effort of their own will. Everyone from above is constantly given chances to atone for their past sins in the form of various events. A person always faces a choice, every minute of his life. And only he decides how to act in this or that situation: to do good and improve his situation a little or aggravate it by acting vilely, dishonestly, ugly.

Those who want to make their life easier are interested in how to cleanse karma from negativity and what it will affect . Esotericists claim that after purification, the following things happen:

High-quality, deep cleaning gives visible results in the form of positive changes in fate. This can be done by contacting esoteric specialists who study the souls of people. But it is possible to clean the karma yourself.

Processing occurs on three levels simultaneously: mental (thoughts), emotional and physical (body). It is worth knowing that this is a long and painstaking work, it will not work to do everything at once: the individual has gained personal experience in the process of many of his incarnations.

4 ways to cleanse

There are 4 effective ways to clean karma at home. It is recommended to carry them out at the same time, and ideally make them your way of life, and not a temporary occupation.

Different people need a different amount of time to completely cleanse themselves of negativity. Someone will spend a month on this, another may take 3 years. It depends on how a person lived his life: how much he sinned, how many good deeds he has as opposed to bad ones.

So, 4 ways to change your destiny for the better:

Life is not as long as it seems to us, so you need to improve not when it's hard or on holidays, but every day. Taking these 4 ways as the basis of your being, you can live a peaceful, happy life and at the same time ennoble your karma, prepare yourself for an easier and better fate in the next incarnation.

It is important to know that prayer alone is not a panacea for getting rid of sins. And yet, its action is very effective and tangible, therefore people are often interested in how to clear karma on their own with prayers.

Experts recommend reading 3 main prayers to cleanse karma:

  • "Our Father" - sets up a connection with God, gives a feeling of protection and unity with him.
  • "Theotokos" - fills the heart with love and light.
  • "For the purification of the family" - the final one.

"All life is a game and the people in it are actors." Perceiving life as a pre-written script, a person will be more calm. When faced with difficult situations, you need to look at yourself from the outside, imagine what is happening as an act from a play played out on stage, and understand how main character at the moment can best play its role.

What kind of karma is and how it affects life is described in detail in a separate article on. And now we will talk about the application of the law of karma, or the so-called Boomerang rule, which is talked about so much, but not very well understood what kind of law it is and how it works as a law. And most importantly, why.

There are three types of karma: reincarnation karma, family karma and personal karma.

The karma of the clan is formed in connection with the accumulation of the sins of the clan, and this is a special case, and a person earns a personal one himself, and then, with an excess of events, transfers it to the next incarnations. This, in particular, explains the conditions for his appearance on earth in certain conditions, with certain health, appearance, predispositions according to fate. It affects both health, and the fate of a person, and his financial situation. How the krama of the family is cleansed is said in the article about And now let's go directly to the most personal heterogeneity of karma.

How a personal karmic program is developed

Man is weak and subject to many temptations and negative deeds. You can call them sins, you can call them vices, it doesn't matter. For simplicity, we use the standard notation - the seven deadly sins. The strongest of them is pride, vanity, and it is he who generates and stimulates all the others.

Let's take a look at the situation right now. If someone was offended, then it is easier for an ordinary person to take offense, take revenge, get angry, slander and condemn the offender, rather than think about why this happened and what can be done to change the situation and prevent it in the future.

At a primitive level, a person creates the beginning of a negative situation: he remembers evil, carries negative emotions in himself. On the energy plane, low-frequency vibrations corrode his soul, while prayer and repentance, forgiveness, love - that is, high-frequency vibrations - could heal his soul and dissolve the karmic knot. This is how personal karma is formed.

Themselves thoughts - still half the trouble. But a person is inclined to act, guided by anger and resentment. And resentment is nothing but the destroyed laws of expectation. The man thought that everything would be as he wanted, and that he, being so good, would be treated well. And they treat him badly. And if he does not accept this as an event and a lesson, then the emotion of resentment is fixed and gives rise to a desire to act to the detriment of someone.

So, evil begets evil. And the evil you have committed is your personal karma. And so in a circle. By the way, at present the mechanism of working off personal karma has been accelerated for all mankind.

How is cleaning done?

Through the return of karmic knots and the person's awareness of his "bottleneck" in behavior. By the way, even pragmatists, whom life clicks on the nose for, for example, condemning others, learn well such lessons.

At the energy level, the karmic body is polluted with clots of negative energy, which not only attracts new negativity, unnecessary people and situations, but also prevents white karma, that is, accumulated positive vibrations, from manifesting. Unfortunately, dark energy has a denser karma structure and suppresses light vibrations faster if there are few of them and they are not reinforced. This explains the fact that it is easy to slide down an inclined path, but difficult to climb.

We teach the law of karma - how is its cleaning going?

To begin to fulfill the law of karma, first accept as a fact that for most people their consciousness and subconsciousness are not controlled by them, but by negative programs. It is with them and their attempts to generate anger and aggression in people that we are fighting. And at first it’s more logical to simply remove them so that their vibrations do not interfere with working on yourself. Diagnostics of the subtle field will show whether there are entities and negative programs in the mental field, and only after they are eliminated, it is much easier to behave correctly and, for example, not to get annoyed or offended in response to an unpleasant event. There is simply “nothing” to be offended in a person, since he ceases to feel events through the prism of an alien dirty veil. In many ways, our negative actions are generally done not by us, but by living energies, entities. It is they who stimulate both to throw out the negative and to do wrong, as in an eclipse, in order to get an extra portion of the negative that they feed on.

Therefore, in order to cleanse karma, you need to help yourself eliminate all the laws of interference on the path to purifying your destiny. And only then you can observe the law of karma, which, in general, is very simple and logical, and in many respects corresponds to the biblical rules and canons of other religious treatises.

  • Do not do to others what you do not wish to yourself.
  • Do not condemn or discuss other people's fates (since the emotion invested in condemnation will return to you in the form of similar events).
  • Do not be offended, but try to understand.
  • Do not lie and do not slander.
  • Do not create debt (material and spiritual, such as promises).
  • Do not encroach on the freedom of life, action and thought of another person.

How is karma cleared?

The law of karma usually allows you to do the cleansing automatically, through self-experience of karmic situations and learning. And the more a person has done in his life, the longer it takes to unravel the knots. By the way, they can manifest themselves not in this life, but in the life of, for example, your children in the form of diseases. Not pleasant either.

How to stop and stop the creation of karmic knots?

Engage in spiritual development and try to understand the reasons for the operation of the boomerang karma mechanism. It is also imperative to check the state of your family tree, because it is quite possible that your actions are guided by engrams of your kind. The law of karma is harsh but fair. And this is the great salvation of mankind. After all, if you understand how they work, it is much easier to defend yourself from a new negative karma. Just “You have to do the right thing. And if you don’t need to, you don’t need to do it, ”as Winnie the Pooh used to say.

Is it possible to cleanse with the help of rituals of magic?

Yes, you can. But keep in mind that magic will not live your life for you. And personal karma needs to be controlled by you. And none

Every person living on earth lives his life with his own difficulties, obstacles and joys, but sometimes a series of failures happens too often and many people think: why am I doing this, is this my destiny, can something be changed?

Many put up with life situations, explaining this with the concepts of "God's providence", "karma", which means the following: all actions in the present and past life affect our destiny.

Cleansing karma means doing everything to atone for sins in the present and past lives, thereby influencing the purification of the soul and changing events in life. Knowing the ways of purifying karma and applying them in practice, you can get rid of many problems.

The concept of karma

Translated from Sanskrit, “kar” means action, and the concept of “karma” is considered as a result, outcome, fate, obligation. Thus, as the ancients said, karma is the result of actions performed by a person.

In modern terms, karma is the result of the operation of the law, which states that any event has a cause and effect. Chains of cause-and-effect relationships exist in any area of ​​the Universe, and even the Creator himself cannot break them.

  • Undoubtedly, the law of cause and effect relationships also operates in human life.
  • It is akin to the law of physics about action and reaction and works at all levels of human existence, including the physical.
  • The action of cause and effect relationships can be traced in all spheres of our life.

Now let's try to figure out what the concept of karma is in the sphere of body, speech, mind and what role it plays in our life.

  1. Human actions can be both conscious and unconscious. Any of our actions in one way or another affects the environment, and it does not matter if it is social or natural.
  2. Any of our manifestations outside induce the space to respond appropriately to our actions. In cases where our actions are environmentally friendly and do not harm what surrounds us, the Universe, as a rule, does not bother us.

What are the laws of karma

  • In the event that our actions cause destruction or irritate the environment, its negative response to us may be caused. True, it may not follow instantly, but with some delay, which is only a consequence of the inertness of the action in the environment with which we interact.
  • Another reason for this pause is the processes that depend on the accumulation of a critical mass of negativity, the excess of which triggers the mechanism of karma.

However, even if there was no reaction as a result of a person’s wrong actions, this does not mean at all that he will not be held responsible for what he did. Fatal consequences will surely overtake him in the future. Unfortunately, these negative "accumulations" can spread to his children and grandchildren.

Even if a person unconsciously creates negative energy around himself and creates destruction, this does not relieve him of responsibility for what he has done. Karma is ruthless and fair, it spares neither kings nor beggars, for it everyone is equal.

The ancient Indian sages were well aware of the laws of the concept of karma. They divided any action into “white” or “black”.

  1. The "white" action is performed according to the prescription of Dharma - a set of laws, following which a person is insured against erroneous negative actions that weigh down his karma. In fact, a "white" action is an act performed without any desire for one's own benefit.
  2. "Black" action is the result, as a rule, of selfish aspirations.

As a result, “positive” or “negative” karma arises as a result of this or that act or action and becomes its consequence.

Speaking about karma in simple terms, one can put it this way: do good - "and it will come back to you more than once ...". If you do evil, it will backfire on you now or later. In this regard, a comparison with seedlings in the fields is very apt: if you sow a good, good seed, you will reap a good harvest; if you sow rotten, bad seed, you may be left without a harvest.

The cause of karma is inner intentions, thoughts and aspirations. In Buddhism, karma is identified with intention. Buddhists say that karma is not some kind of entity, but a process, an action, an energy, a force. Some call it "action-influence". It is the reaction of our actions on ourselves.


What influences karma

After the decision is made to clean the karma on your own, at home, you need to start somewhere. There are generally accepted rituals that help you tune in the right way, get set to start life from scratch, stabilize karma and clear it of negativity, making room for positive events.

home furnishings

The situation in the house greatly affects the state of a person, his feelings and mood.

  • Purity and order in thoughts begins with cleanliness and order in the habitat.
  • You should spend some time every day to restore order in the habitat, wet cleaning, airing the room, creating the right and pleasant aroma that will help you spiritually tune in to the upcoming spiritual work.

Smells have a beneficial effect:

  • apples
  • pines;
  • cinnamon;
  • cedar;
  • cloves;
  • incense;
  • myrrh.

Regular cleansing of the home from negative energies also plays an important role.


Purity of skin, body and soul

One's own physical and spiritual purity is also a necessary condition for the purification of karma.

The skin is our bodily shell, the boundary between man and the outside world, the organ with the largest area. Its purity plays a huge role in human interaction with the world, so the skin should be cleaned regularly, taking a hygienic shower daily, and if necessary more often.

  • Cleanliness of the body is not only regular bathing.

  • This is, first of all, the rejection of junk food, toxic and intoxicating substances and everything that harms him.
  • Compliance with the daily routine, eating healthy food, maintaining a normal physical shape is the key to cleansing the body on the way to spiritual cleansing.
  • Also, the purity of the body implies the rejection of promiscuity, which defiles not only the body, but also the soul.

The body is the seat of the soul. It is necessary to renounce sinful thoughts, bad thoughts, negative emotions, unpleasant experiences in order to purify your soul. Since ancient times it is known that the soul is perfected during suffering. All known religions practice ascetic practices that help the soul to purify and find harmony.

  1. It is believed that the more radical the practice, up to the mortification of the flesh, the faster and better the purification takes place.
  2. However, it is not necessary to go to such extreme measures. For example, Christian fasting involves the rejection of fun, dances, holidays, curses, scandals, food of animal origin and prescribes prayer, spiritual improvement, reflection, contemplation within oneself.
  3. Ascetic practices different peoples sometimes they reach shocking extremes: self-flagellation with blades tied to lashes, walking on burning coals, bringing oneself to extreme exhaustion, intentional injury at the risk of life, piercing parts of one’s body with sharp objects and other cruelties.
  4. Purifies the soul pilgrimage to places of sacred value, and visiting shrines, of course, in combination with asceticism - the hardships of wandering, humility, prayer, pious behavior, rejection of filth.

Purification of the soul through asceticism gives a quick and high-quality result: a transformation of the personality takes place, the nature of actions and their motive change.
The purity of the soul largely depends on the purity of the mind and body. The purity of the material and spiritual components of a person - a direct path to the purification of karma.

How to diagnose karma? Karma Diagnosis Methodology

  • 1. Look closely at all areas of your life: health, love, money, real estate, intelligence, career, success and recognition, social status.
  • Take a sheet of paper and draw 3 columns. In the first column, write down all areas of your life in a column. Now, opposite each area in the second column, put down the points of your satisfaction with this area of ​​life from 1 to 10.
  • And in the third column, describe in more detail your dissatisfaction, problems or delight from each area.

For example, Money - you bet 4 and write that you can barely make ends meet in life. Yes, sometimes money comes to me, but more often I am in debt, I even have to save up for a new sofa for several months.

Or the sphere of success, career - I work hard on achievements in my career, but success accompanies me in my work, I easily achieve recognition, I am appreciated by my superiors and are constantly singled out. I manage to get big contracts with companies that others can't get their hands on for years.

IMPORTANT: it is important to diagnose each area through the prism of your entire life. That is, if everything was always in order with your money, but difficulties arose this year, you still write that this area is in order for you. It is important for us to understand not the impact of one single year, but the situation as a whole.

After you have compiled a list by filling in all the columns, analyze it. If you see that in some area everything is great or normal, then the karma of this area of ​​life is initially good for you.

Trouble flow

But if you see troubles, misfortunes, a stream of recurring problems in some area of ​​life, then you are undergoing karmic working off.

Why? In a past life or already in this one, you consciously or unconsciously committed bad deeds - for example, you took other people's money, destroyed a family by seducing someone else's husband, undeservedly slandered a person, etc.

Now, according to cosmic laws, this action has returned to you and you are reaping the rewards.

Karma is visible even to the naked eye - rich people do not just bathe in money - once they did something very significant and deserved this wealth. Of course, if they now do dishonest business, they may later experience poverty. But now they deservedly live well. The same goes for health, love, work.


What is karma cleansing

The accumulated karma for all the incarnations of the Soul includes - all crimes, mistakes in actions and thoughts, sins before God, one's Soul, before people and society, all obligations taken and not fulfilled, every given and not sustained word.

In general, absolutely all violations of the Spiritual Laws (in a simplified version, these are Christian commandments) place a burden on the soul and destiny of a person, in the form of certain prohibitions, mental wounds, illness, suffering, insanity, failure, etc.

You need to understand the following - for every sin, for a crime big and small, a person will have to answer 100% according to the Spiritual Laws, and it will not be possible to avoid responsibility. And until a person realizes his sin, his mistake and does not atone, does not apologize, does not repent - the punishment will not be lifted.

A person will continue to suffer, experience pain, get sick, toil, beat his forehead against a closed door in life, etc. - until he understands where he was wrong, does not admit mistakes.

  1. Clearing all your karma means that a person on the path of his spiritual development, step by step, sharpens all the best facets of his soul, reveals worthy qualities and strengths, frees himself from vices, weaknesses and bad habits, realizing and eliminating all mistakes, sins that committed in the past (over all their past lives).
  2. And so on, until all sins are forgiven, all mistakes are corrected, all negative qualities and vices, because of which a person fell into sin, into evil, will not be eliminated and replaced with strong and worthy personal qualities. . As a result, a person should become invulnerable to Evil.

What is necessary

For this, of course, you need

  • esoteric Knowledge,
  • Capabilities
  • Techniques - to see, study, understand, correct everything that was done wrong in the past.

It takes, as a rule, several lifetimes of active work on oneself to complete 100% purification of one's karma, some of these incarnations take place in monasteries, but not necessarily. There are very few schools on Earth that can give a person such Knowledge, such strength and speed in order to clear his karma in one life.


How to clear karma yourself

So, you have decided that karmic problems are present in your life, and set out to solve them. To do this, you need to know how to clear karma yourself. There are four ways that are available to everyone and are quite feasible.

Good deeds

The good that you bring to the world is the best cleansing of karma. The more good deeds, the more goodness will boomerang back into your life. How do you determine what actions to take? To do this, pay attention to what makes your life suffer the most:

  • Are you suffering from some kind of disease? Or you are simply often overcome by ailments, your immunity is weak, you easily catch any infection. So, you need to devote time to helping sick people. Donate money for treatment (just be sure to check that they are used for their intended purpose - alas, there are a lot of scammers now). Come to nursing homes and take care of elderly helpless people. Help homeless animals.

  • Constantly lacking money? Give a small portion of the money to those who need it. For example, buy toys for orphans. Feed stray dogs. Important: you don’t need to give money to adults who are able to provide for themselves, but just to lazy people - this way you will only worsen your karma.

By analogy, choose other good deeds. And remember - you need to do them from a pure heart, not expect gratitude and act not on the basis of what you will be rewarded with.

Exclusion of destructive action

It also happens like this: a person does good deeds in one area, but harms people, the environment in another. Therefore, eliminate everything that destroys from your life:

  1. Stop polluting the environment. How many times have you thrown trash past the bin? Left behind a mess after spending time outdoors with friends? Treat nature with love and gratitude - this is very important
  2. Get your relationship with your loved ones in order. Quarrels, conflicts, insults, mutual reproaches and claims must be stopped.

Do you want to quarrel? It is better to find kind, fair, polite words to convey to the person what you want. Are you yelling at your child for messing up the room again? It’s better to calmly ask to clean up, and then play together. Drink your husband? Better do something nice for him.

As soon as dirt, evil deeds, swearing and other negativity leave your life, your well-being will improve, and things will go smoothly. Change yourself - the world around you will also change. This is where the cleansing of karma should begin.

Purification of karma through prayers, mantras and meditations

The Universe always hears and fulfills your requests. Spiritual practices allow you to establish maximum contact with her and increase the chances of being heard. Therefore, often turn to her through prayers, mantras, meditations. Ask for help.

Not bad if you learn how to make the right affirmations. This is a well-formed request that does not sound like “I want”, but “I have”. That is, you define a desire, and then express it as if it had already been fulfilled.

For example: “I am healthy and happy” instead of “I want to be cured”, “There is harmony and love in my relationship with my husband” instead of “I want to stop quarreling with my beloved”. It is important that the text does not contain a particle of “not” and a negative message.

The power of words and sounds is truly great.

  1. Mantra-energy, concentrated in sound vibration, is a carrier of special spiritual power and a code in which higher knowledge is encrypted. All the sounds of the mantra have great potency and power.
  2. By reading or singing mantras, a person gains inner peace, harmony, fearlessness, contentment and health.

Many describe the mantra as a prayer, a formula of worship, mystical syllables, etc. But such definitions show only the superficial knowledge of those who use them.

Prayer is expressed in words of desire. Any set of words or letters is not a mantra. Mantra is power in the form of sound. The root "mann" means "to think".

It turns out the following: an ordinary prayer may be just a sound, but a mantra is a powerful driving force, a word of power (giving perfection), and therefore contributes to the fulfillment of all desires, the elimination of duality of perception and liberation.

A mantra is a syllable, word or verse that has the ability to influence a person's consciousness and helps in spiritual development if they are repeated, listened to or meditated on.

How to increase the power of a mantra

The effectiveness of mantras increases if it is repeated and applied in the right way, accompanied by the necessary spiritual practices. In any ritual, the chanting of mantras in itself is already a great spiritual achievement.

  • Mantras and prayers are always best pronounced in the language in which they were created. Even if you don't understand its meaning. Just think about the fact that there is a connection between the words, the rhythm, the meaning of the words, the music.
  • You need to repeat the mantra on the exhale and pay attention to articulation and correct pronunciation.
  • Experts emphasize that it is necessary to read mantras 3, 9, 18, 27 or 108 times.

It is 108 that is considered the most significant number of repetitions of mantras. And it is always necessary to strive to repeat the mantras so many times. Some Buddhists recite mantras even more times. But it is important to always remember that you can read mantras any number of times, a multiple of 9. And in this case, the mantra will already have a positive impact on life.

How not to stray from the correct account? To do this, you can bend your fingers, counting the desired number. But it is still better to use a rosary - they relax a person. And at the same time they allow you to count the required number of mantras.

Seven Principles of Prayers and Decrees

  1. You can use prayer to create spiritual and material changes in your life.
  2. Spoken prayer is more effective than silent prayer.
  3. Decree is the most powerful and effective form of spoken prayer.
  4. By using the name of God - I AM THAT I AM - in your decrees, you have access to His infinite power.
  5. The repetition of decrees enhances their beneficial effect.
  6. Using visualization increases the effectiveness of your decrees.
  7. You can use breathing techniques to increase the power of prayers and decrees.


Spiritual cleansing through asceticism

How to clean karma on your own if the situation is critical? In this case, you need to turn to the toughest, but also the most effective way. It is necessary to practice asceticism - thanks to it, a global spiritual purification occurs.

What does it mean to observe asceticism:

  • Observe a strict fast: refuse meat and food waste. It's hard, but it doesn't hurt to be a vegetarian for a while, and you will feel incredibly light.
  • Be alone with yourself and nature. Try to find an opportunity and go on a trip where you will be alone, surrounded by nature. Well, if there is water nearby. A tent, a forest, the energy of water and air - this perfectly cleanses karma
  • Reading prayers and meditations. This must be done precisely during the period of loneliness, hermitage.
  • Sexual abstinence. Especially for those who are used to promiscuity, do not have a permanent partner and are content with casual sex.
  • Abstinence from negative thoughts, refusal to use bad, swear words in speech. Stop all your own attempts to think badly. Try to focus on positive thoughts only.

All of the above should be done at the same time. An ascetic way of life for even a short period of time gives tremendous enlightenment, spiritual purification, harmonization of the inner state.


The concept of ancestral karma

We join the tribal karma at the moment of conception, when the energies of both parents draw the “soul” into the funnel of the creation of the future life.

The beginning process of fetal growth forms not only a new body, but also a scenario for the future life, predetermined by past reincarnations. A developing baby in the mother's womb is "impregnated" with parental energies and programs that carry different types of information of generic karma.

This complex, of course, has a direct impact on the character of the unborn child and his aspirations, psychophysical features that he will need to fulfill his life karmic program. His future life scenario is built into the series of events in the life of his parents and the society in which he will live.

  1. These programs are written into the child's subconscious.
  2. For weak reincarnating personalities, the process of forming subconscious programming is similar to zombification of the soul.
  3. However, if the incarnating soul is not young and has a lot of karmic experience, then such programming by ancestral karma may not occur or may occur partially.

There are cases when the individual positive karma of the incarnating spirit is very strong. In this case, he overpowers the ancestral karma and gets out of its influence.

The difference between ancestral karma and parental programs

It should be noted that tribal karma is transmitted from parents to a child only before his birth. Therefore, it should not be confused with parental programs that can be transferred to a person after his birth at any time of his life, both in childhood and in adulthood.

Such programs include a certain, often encountered energy message from parents; it is especially strong if it comes from the mother. It can be briefly called "my": "my child", "my son", "my daughter", etc.

  1. This program powerfully limits the freedom of a person, since he becomes someone else's and can no longer be free, unless, of course, he agrees with this. Unfortunately, people are not perfect, and most mothers do not feel or radiate true, non-possessive love for their child.
  2. They themselves have a deficit of love, they also lacked it in childhood, and they do not know what it is. They know how to love only for something. Similarly, we love our parents. Therefore, another distorted program is the following statement: "We must love our parents because they are our parents."

Such programs are consciously or unconsciously imposed on children, penetrate into their subconscious and ultimately affect their behavior and actions, and therefore affect karma.

Another example of the influence of parents' karma on a child is the imitation effect, when a child copies the manners, behavior and actions of adults. Any child, unless, of course, he is a saint from birth, considers close people to be ideal creatures that should be imitated.

The fact is that in the first years of his life, the child does not see other adults and the energy ties with the parents during this period are very strong. Children with mathematical precision fix these "standards" of behavior in the subconscious for their use in the future.

How is ancestral karma formed?

There are a lot of negative programs passed on to us by our parents: for example, the program “I am a loser”, “men are unreliable”, “there is nothing in life but problems”, etc. Therefore, before starting to work with karma, first of all, it is necessary to get rid of such malicious programs inherited from our parents and the society in which we have incarnated.

  • Liberation from ancestral karma is not such a simple thing. Some ignorant people think that if they stop maintaining relations with their parents, then the inheritance program will not affect them and their fate will change for the better.
  • However, ancestral karma cannot be destroyed in this way. It should not be forgotten that it is given at conception and is introduced with the genes of the parents.

Getting rid of tribal karma is difficult, but possible. How to do this - we will tell in the future.

  1. Another type of social karma is the karma of the nation. Our national characteristics, traits, language, behavior - is this not a manifestation of such karma? During world upheavals, wars, individual nations suffer, go bankrupt and even disappear from the face of the earth. Others are reborn from the ashes and strive for spiritual perfection.
  2. For example, the Tibetans, who have terrorized the Chinese for centuries, have created such negative karma that it eventually led to the Chinese takeover of Tibet. Now Tibet is a province of the Celestial Empire, and its population, in order to save their lives, is forced to flee to neighboring countries.
  3. Speaking of human karma, one cannot ignore the karma of the country in which we live, the karma of the religion we follow. Any public organization, like its members, also has karma. For example, parties, groups, organizations, societies, etc. carry an additional karmic burden for their members.


How to determine that you are under the curse of the family

The presence of generic problems is felt very clearly. There are several main "symptoms" of bad tribal karma. Among those:

  • constant quarrels in the family;
  • everyone gets sick in a circle - often or all the time;
  • unknown diseases and ailments;
  • constant random spending, failures at work, in money;
  • failures in love.

It is not possible to eradicate such problems by conventional methods. When you try everything in a row, but nothing comes out, then you are dealing with a generic karma of a negative nature.

How to clear the karma of the family

Be strong

If you do not believe in God, in the Higher powers, then believe in yourself. It is very important to understand here that everything depends directly on how you live, what you believe in, what you are looking for salvation in.

  • If you rely only on your own strength, and not on fate or esotericism, then your choice is quite bold and well-founded. Live like this, but believe in yourself.
  • As they say, if you do not believe in curses, then they will not overtake you, because you will be under the reliable protection of your beliefs.

Go to church

It doesn't matter what your faith is. If you believe in God, then the choice of religion is not important. Pray and ask God to bless you. The fact is that most religions do not deny the presence of curses and black magic, but in all religions a believer is given a guarantee of protection.

Strengthen faith in God to save your family from problems.

Special cleansing ritual

You will need a candle, water, some earth. The ceremony is performed in four steps.

  • The first step is air purification. Open windows wide open for 5-10 minutes and leave the house during the week, from Monday to Sunday. When you open the windows and the balcony, then say: “I take away the sins of my ancestors, I release them into the free wind. I don’t love and don’t live with them, I miss life with them. ”.
  • The second step is sprinkling with water. If you have the opportunity to find holy water, it will be even better, but ordinary natural clean water from a spring or well will do. Sprinkle every corner of your house and wash your face with water. You need every member of your family to wash with it. Say three times during the ritual: “I wash away your sins from myself. Forever, Forever. Let it be so".
  • The third step is purification by fire. Walk with a burning candle around the house or apartment, uttering a conspiracy: “I drive away the remnants of evil. The one whose name I do not name will be frightened by fire..
  • Step four - take a pinch of earth somewhere in the forest where no one lives and where cars do not drive, people do not go. This pinch will need to be placed in the corner by the front door. Do not clean there for about a month, so as not to suck it into a vacuum cleaner or wipe it with a rag. This land will collect the petty sins of all generations. This will take some time. Then just wash off the earth or collect with a vacuum cleaner.

Try to help people

IN modern world everyone lives only for himself. It should be so, but the balance of good and evil should be shifted towards the light side.

Live according to the laws of the universe, because they do not contradict the postulates of religions. They are simply needed so that you understand how the Universe works, how the universe is configured, what are its main mechanisms.

Find out what your distant ancestors did, if possible. It is possible that even your grandmother was a witch or your grandfather committed suicide. Maybe someone is doing something terrible right now. Based on what you can find out, you will need to take some action to fix the problem.

  1. This may be a ritual to cleanse the soul of a deceased person, some kind of good deed.
  2. For example, if your father abandoned you as a child, then you may need to adopt or adopt a child.
  3. Fill in the gaps that appeared in the past because of some relative.

Birth curses are not that uncommon. We are all people, and we are all given freedom, which is not always possible to use for the benefit of others. Do not anger God, the Universe, or yourself. Just silently correct what can be corrected, and wait for salvation from problems - then it will come.


Family money karma


What makes up the karma of money, with which a person has already been born?

  1. First, from his actions and relationships with finances in past reincarnations.
  2. Secondly, from the monetary deeds of his ancestors.

Many people do not think about the consequences of their behavior, but the karma of bad thoughts, words and actions towards the financial flow is passed on to the next generation if the person did not have time to work off the debt for these mistakes in the current incarnation.

  • The individual karma of a personality is closely connected with the family karma, because before a new earthly incarnation, a person is given the choice of a family to achieve specific karmic goals.
  • Therefore, in a sense, even heavy financial family karma is a necessity, because. allows you to learn a certain lesson, accelerate the implementation of the current karmic mission.
  • But more often it happens that monetary karma is an unpleasant appendage, an unexpected bonus that accompanies a family that is most suitable for the current reincarnation.

Generic energies that carry information about monetary karma are also absorbed by the child in the womb.

The life scenario immediately begins to line up in accordance with these data and is recorded in the subconscious. However, in the case of not the first reincarnation, the programming of the generic financial karma may not even occur. This can also be avoided when a person has strong monetary individual karma overpowering family karma. In other words, if in past lives a person built an ideal relationship with finances, the family money karma will not greatly affect the gifts of fate.

What affects money karma

Like any family karma, tribal karma passes to a person both along the male and female lines. The principle of sexual conformity is usually preserved, when karma passes to the daughter from the mother and her relatives, and to the son from the father and his family. But in some cases this rule is not respected, and if the children in the family are of the same sex, then the karma of the parents is distributed evenly between them.

Families with many children are lucky in the sense that bad financial karma or karmic debt does not apply to some children at all.

  1. Bad financial karma is created in the clan as a result of various situations.
  2. The piggy bank of mistakes that will then have to be worked out includes the circumstances of monetary fraud, fraud, theft, theft, robbery.
  3. It is possible that the person was very stingy or, conversely, a spender.
  4. If someone in the family constantly complained about poverty, envied the rich, mishandled their income, this is also considered the reason for the formation of karmic debt and bad monetary karma.
  5. In turn, positive karma is created by charitable activities, the ability to use money competently, the timely return of loans, financial assistance to the elderly generation and their descendants.

The older the clan, the stronger its karma, and the more negative is inherited. Negative energy ultimately repels money opportunities from a person, besides, he is forced to drag out his existence in poverty or is constantly a victim of financial fraud. This happens because only a series of suffering and sacrifices allows you to nullify karma, work off a debt.

But if a person could not understand the meaning of such a karmic lesson, did not radically change his views on money, financial karma will still remain bad, and this will be passed on to the future generation.

Karmic monetary debt of the kind: how it manifests itself

  • If a person's family tree includes people who have proven themselves poorly in monetary relations, the descendant will not always get off with simple financial difficulties.
  • Sometimes money karma extends much further, it affects related areas of life: career growth, interpersonal relationships, health status. But in one way or another, everything revolves around money.
  • In addition to external manifestations of the bad monetary karma of the family, there are also internal negative changes in a person who is forced to answer for the financial misdeeds of his ancestors.
  • Usually descendants are faced with self-doubt, inertia of their own views, narrow worldview thinking. Such a person needs to make a lot of effort to overcome his complexes and vices.

Otherwise, there will be neither well-deserved successes nor accidental successes. A person with bad money karma according to the family tree has low ambitions, because he has little positive energy that his ancestors could have accumulated in advance.

Heavy family karma constantly deprives aspirations, desires, social activity.

The most offensive in the negative karma of money for the whole family is, perhaps, that a person misses even those opportunities that were originally given to him by fate. A person simply cannot be in the right place at the right time, which destroys a whole alternative series of successful events.

Getting rid of the bad karma of money in the family

It is impossible to get rid of the bad monetary karma of one's ancestors only by cutting off all ties with the older generations. The fact is that part of the karma penetrates with genes, and part is imposed in childhood through various statements, as well as imitation.

Removing negative installations and programs

Thus, the first stage in the elimination of bad monetary karma is the removal of negative attitudes and programs inherited from parents. First of all, it is necessary to change the attitude towards rich people, towards their poverty and towards money in general. Many esotericists also advise pouring their individual energy into the karmic channel to build up the monetary generic karma.

Remember that you can not go back to the past and prevent the mistakes of the kind, but you can influence the coming days in the present.

  1. In order to rebuild the generic money karma, some experts recommend practicing positive transformation seven times in a row every month.
  2. To begin with, it is necessary to diagnose who was the main culprit of the bad karma of money in the family, to localize the soul.
  3. Then you need to find those who will help change such karma. We are talking about representatives of the past, present and future.
  4. An ethereal observer is established behind money karma, financial protection is put in place, and a program is launched to purify karma at the ethereal level. Then it is already necessary to work out financial karma from scratch at the expense of an honest life.

Sometimes the negative family karma of money is formed due to a family curse, damage, evil eye.

  • In women, this magical effect disappears after one generation. To get rid of the traces of this curse and improve the karma of the family, sometimes it is enough to tie your hair around your right wrist. To do this, it is enough to weave long braid or tear out a small piece of strands.
  • In men, the curse of the clan persists for 2-3 generations, but bad financial karma is transmitted only through the line of the first son and always only to the males. It is better to get rid of such a negative trace with the help of a professional psychic, but you can also use some tricks. These include a decrease in contact with paper money, the absence of direct financial relations between men of the same kind, and a ban on gambling.

Performing rituals

Some psychics advise such a ritual as naming money: you need to give 9 coins twice a day to any close woman from the environment every day. This money should be named in a special way. Each coin is one of your life problems. You can refer to finance as the negative feelings that money makes you feel. All the coins received by the lady are buried in the soil at the time of the waning of the moon.

As for the negative monetary karma in a newly formed family, here it is necessary to work with the individual desires of partners. It is impossible to establish a high financial income if one of the spouses lacks aspirations and ambitions.

How to raise the money ceiling of a wife or husband?

  • Visualize daily. Imagine your dream objects, write them in a wish jar, make collages.
  • Learn not to be limited always and in everything, allowing yourself the desired gifts. You need to be able to spend money on yourself and at the same time not worry, but rejoice. Remember that when making a purchase, it is not always important to look only at the price of the goods, because in this way you push away abundance.
  • Fulfill your dreams. Don't be afraid to raise the bar of your desires and gradually conform to a more successful lifestyle.
  • Eliminate thoughts in your head that money brings anxiety, and being rich is dangerous or shameful.

The monetary karma of the family is the most important factor in the well-being of relationships and a frequent subject of contention among partners.

Sometimes the causes of financial problems may lie in the individual mistakes of this and the past reincarnation, and sometimes you should dig into the misdeeds of a kind.

In any case, you should never despair, because you can always change the karma of money of the whole family or only your family, if only a person has enough sincere desire and patience for this, because you have to work daily on yourself and your own environment.


Purification of karma: an act or a way of life?

Since karma is formed on the mental, emotional and physical levels, then it must be worked out in accordance with this principle:

  • on the mental, we realize whether our desires, aspirations and thoughts carry good or evil;
  • on the emotional track the sincerity of actions or their fictitiousness;
  • on the physical, we carry out direct activities aimed at correcting errors.

  1. The only way to purify karma is the rejection of past evils and sins, the pursuit of spiritual ideals, moral standards and knowledge of spiritual rules.
  2. This means hard and painstaking work, because it is not enough to realize these values ​​with the mind, they must be sincerely accepted by your soul, developed and embodied in the current existence.
  3. This requires considerable mental strength, generosity, patience, consistency and self-discipline.
  4. The meaning of the work being done is to study and reveal all the good and bright things that God put into the soul.
  5. Reaching a new level of self-development, a person reveals qualities that allow the process of purification to take place faster.

In order to achieve a complete restructuring of the way of thinking and change the negative settings to positive, it takes a lot of time, effort and effort. It is not at all easy to expel anger, pettiness, irritability from the heart and change them for love, generosity and calmness, but it is possible.

Changes must be sincere, deep, aimed at improving the world.

At the same time, one should perform good selfless deeds, realizing that this is done not for the sake of improving one's own karma, but for the sake of increasing the amount of goodness in the world. Only with such an attitude is it possible to achieve the desired effect.

As it becomes clear, the path to the purification of karma should not be a time-limited action, a flash mob like a subbotnik.

Having changed internally, a person changes his way of life, becomes a new personality, whose interests lie in the plane of spirituality and goodness, disinterested and not limited by time, quantity, personal relationships or motives obtained by profit.

This article briefly discusses three important points:

  1. The concept of karma;
  2. Cleansing of tribal or family karma;
  3. Cleansing your own karma.

Karma- everyone has heard about it, of all of them, few of them have at least a vague truly correct idea of ​​​​the concept of karma, and only a very tiny handful of people are able to give an intelligible and coherent answer to the question: “ what is karma?". This concept can be called relatively new for our society, because it came to us from the East with its ancient religion, one of the wisest and smartest worldview. But the very designation of this word is new, its concept can be found on the lines of absolutely any Holy Scripture. The Holy Scriptures will not tell you about karma as such, but they preach the same truths and laws. After all, each denomination promotes love, mutual understanding, forgiveness, mercy, the ability to be grateful for every moment of life ... no matter what trials and sufferings fall on our heads. Karma is a universal law, according to which all the evil done by our soul and the souls of our ancestors is placed as a heavy burden of inevitable redemption on our fragile human shoulders. Based on this law, we either suffer for the harm done, or enjoy life and bathe in the rays of happiness. In other words, if you behave well, you will go to heaven, and if you behave badly, you will burn in hell. The Eastern worldview goes beyond the idea of ​​one life, they believe in the continuous life of the soul in different worlds (reincarnation) and in karma that does not leave its soul, and will definitely remind itself of itself in all lives. It is precisely this final moment that causes disputes with other faiths, many of which do not recognize life after one death, other dimensions, etc.

But, in addition to our own sins, as mentioned earlier, we are burdened by the burden of debts of our parents. They are not chosen, and there are no sinless people. You need to understand this. Older people are always inclined to notice that children too often repeat the fate of their parents. Not always such a fate is cloudless. Genetics? Or is it really ancestral karma?

There are a great many methods and methods for diagnosing and cleaning generic karma, but they all have one thing in common: you need to know your ancestors and, in particular, remember well exactly the one from which the causal relationship comes. It is not necessary to see the face of an ancestor who sinned terribly 700 years ago, you need to see an ancestor who inherited this connection to you. Absolutely every person who is able to remember it is able to purify his karma on his own.

Cleansing family karma.

It will take about a week of time to completely cleanse karma from all negative, inherited programs. All this time you can not eat animal products, drink alcoholic beverages. For convenience, on a piece of paper we write down all the bad things in the life of our close relatives that we remember or heard about. It is advisable to write down exactly what you would like to get rid of in the first place. Every day, at least one hour is needed when all these sorrows, hardships and problems of each of the relatives leave us. Now they are happy, exist in love and harmony. The stronger we imagine them, the stronger the effect we achieve. It is best to start with the most powerful and troubling misfortune that is passed down from generation to generation.

If you had a fight with one of your close relatives or have negative emotions towards them even after their death, or maybe you just avoid going to the cemetery, fix it. Strong and warm family ties will never interfere, but, on the contrary, will significantly speed up the process.

After such a session, it is necessary to clearly formulate the idea of ​​what you want. For example: All representatives of my family have never needed anything, poverty is alien to them, they were buried in luxury ... etc. And repeat it to yourself several times, if you wish, you can do it out loud.

Cleansing your own karma.

The ground for cleaning one's own karma is much broader than the ground for changing one's ancestral karma. There are several ways to change, fix or clean it up. For example: by oriental meditations and singing of mantras, sincere repentance of our sins before the Lord and the people offended by us, completely correct. You can start small, for example: give alms to the beggar. A trifle stuffed into our pockets is unlikely to provide us with special value, and yet it can become for someone food for almost a whole day.

Do not be offended by your family and friends, perhaps you have brought them no less pain before. Learn to forgive and understand the consequences of their actions, the consequences of the actions of your past lives. This is the surest and most powerful way to cleanse a person's karma. Repent of your past sins, forgive your loved ones, and then the Lord will not bypass your home either.