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» Synopsis of an open lesson on femp in the senior group topic: “Journey to the city of amazing mathematics. Synopsis of an open lesson on femp "journey to the country of mathematics" Methods and techniques

Synopsis of an open lesson on femp in the senior group topic: “Journey to the city of amazing mathematics. Synopsis of an open lesson on femp "journey to the country of mathematics" Methods and techniques

Methods and techniques:

  • game situation;
  • Conversation;
  • problematic situations.

Demo material: Card with the image of outer space, ball, 5 rockets, number cards with the image of astronauts from 1 to 5, 5 hoops, square, circle, rectangle, oval, triangle.

Handout: Sheets for the task: "Connect by numbers", pencil, geometric shapes (circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle) according to the number of children, a card with the image of a labyrinth (for each child).

GCD progress

caregiver- Guys, today we will not study with you, but we will go on a trip. Do you agree? Children: Yes!

Children- By car, by train, etc.

caregiver- That's right, only you and I will not go, we will not swim, but we will fly. But on what we will fly, you will now find out. caregiver- We have a long way to go, let's warm up a little first.

  • What season is it now?
  • What month?
  • What day of the week?
  • What day of the week was yesterday?
  • Who is standing to your right?
  • Who is standing to your left?
  • Direct count within 10;

caregiver- Well done, our warm-up was great! And now I suggest you go to the tables to your seats.

caregiver- I suggest you become real design engineers today. So, in front of you is a piece of paper with numbers written on it. Connect the numbers in order of counting. What did you get? Children- Rocket! caregiver- Right rocket! What is the name of a person who flies into space in a spaceship? Children- Astronaut. caregiver- Look, everything is ready for space travel, rockets at the start. - It remains only to choose commanders and form crews. - Each rocket can fly as many astronauts as the number indicates.

Well done! Crews are ready to go. Operators will follow our flight in order to come to our aid in case of emergency, but I think we will not need help, we can handle everything ourselves. - As you know, the rocket is controlled by on-board computers, let's make buttons to control the on-board computer to launch our rocket.

(on the instructions of the educator)

  • put the circle in the middle.

caregiver offers to check the correctness of the collection of the on-board computer from each other. - And now we are children, we are flying away on a rocket. Attention! Prepare for the takeoff of the spaceship! Turn on appliances! Start countdown from 10 (9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) Start! (rocket take off music sounds) Educator -

Physical education minute

An astrologer lived on the moon. He kept records of the planets. Mercury - one. (clapping over head) Venus - two. (stomp foot) Earth - three, Mars - four.

Uranus is seven, Neptune is eight. (squat) furthest away is Pluto, nine. (get up on toes) Who does not see - get out!

Educator - Guys, while we were resting, our rocket went off course. What to do? - We need to restore the course of the ship. And we can restore the course of the ship using the labyrinth map. The teacher offers the children the exercise "Labyrinth".

Game "Find your spaceport"

(music plays)

(cosmodromes - 5 hoops, in the center of the hoop there are geometric shapes - a circle, a square, an oval, a rectangle, a triangle). Children have emblems with the image geometric shapes. caregiver (direct account). Landing. Guys, you did a great job with your tasks. You have made good astronauts.

Thank you all for your attention!

Summary of the lesson

- Did you like our space flight? -

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"Summary of an open lesson on FEMP senior group"

Synopsis of an open lesson on FEMP senior group Tasks:

    Improve forward and backward counting skills within 10.

    Improve the ability to navigate in the surrounding space relative to oneself (right, left).

    To consolidate the ability to consistently name the days of the week, determine which day of the week is today, which was yesterday.

    To consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine the sides, corners and middle of the sheet.

    To develop mental operations, coherent speech, independence, the ability to act in accordance with the instructions.

    To cultivate mutual assistance and friendly support, interest in mathematics.

Methods and techniques:

    game situation;

  • Questions (including problem ones);

    problematic situations.

Demo material:
Card with the image of outer space, ball, 5 rockets, number cards with the image of astronauts from 1 to 5, 5 hoops, square, circle, rectangle, oval, triangle.

Sheets for the task: "Connect by numbers", pencil, geometric shapes (circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle) according to the number of children, a card with the image of a labyrinth (for each child).

GCD progress

caregiver- Guys, today we will not study with you, but we will go on a trip. Do you agree? Children: Yes!

Guys, how can you go on a trip? Children– By car, by train, etc.

caregiver- That's right, only you and I will not go, we will not swim, but we will fly. But on what we will fly, you will now find out.
caregiver- We have a long way to go, let's warm up a little first.
(children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to the child and asks a question to consolidate the previous material).

    What season is it now?

    What month?

    What day of the week?

    What day of the week was yesterday?

    Who is standing to your right?

    Who is standing to your left?

    Direct count within 10;

    Continue counting from 1 to 4, from 3 to 7, from 5 to 10.

caregiver- Well done, our warm-up was great! And now I suggest you go to the tables to your seats.

Exercise "Connect by numbers"

(children are given sheets for the task)

caregiver- I suggest you become real design engineers today. So, in front of you is a piece of paper with numbers written on it. Connect the numbers in order of counting. What did you get?
Children- Rocket!
caregiver That's right, a rocket!
What is the name of a person who flies into space in a spaceship?
Children- Astronaut.
caregiver- Look, everything is ready for space travel, rockets at the start.
(In the group room there are easels with silhouettes of rockets, on the window of each rocket there is a number from 1 to 5. On the teacher's table are cards with the image of astronauts from 1 to 5).
- It remains only to choose commanders and form crews.
(the educator appoints crew commanders. The commanders come to the table, take a card with the image of astronauts and recruit a crew of children and approach the rocket with the corresponding number).
- Each rocket can fly as many astronauts as the number indicates.

    Arina, why did your crew approach this rocket?

    Vanya, why did your crew approach this rocket?

    Ulya, how many people are in your crew?

Well done! Crews are ready to go.
Operators will follow our flight in order to come to our aid in case of emergency, but I think we will not need help, we can handle everything ourselves.
- As you know, the rocket is controlled by on-board computers, let's make buttons to control the on-board computer to launch our rocket.

On-board computer manufacturing

(on the instructions of the educator)

    put the square in the upper right corner;

    put the rectangle in the lower left corner;

    put the triangle in the upper left corner;

    put the oval in the lower right corner;

    put the circle in the middle.

caregiver offers to check the correctness of the collection of the on-board computer from each other.
- And now we are children, we are flying away on a rocket. Attention! Prepare for the takeoff of the spaceship! Turn on appliances! Start countdown from 10 (9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) Start!
(rocket take off music sounds)
Educator - Our spaceship is rising higher and higher! The flight is going well! We did a great job with you, designed rockets, formed crews, and made on-board computers. Let's get some rest.

Physical education minute

An astrologer lived on the moon.
He kept records of the planets.
Mercury - one. (clapping over head)
Venus two. (stomp foot)
Earth - three, Mars - four. (body tilts to the right, to the left)

Jupiter - five, Saturn - six. (torso forward, backward)
Uranus is seven, Neptune is eight. (squat)
furthest away is Pluto, nine. (get up on toes)
Who does not see - get out!

Educator - Guys, while we were resting, our rocket went off course. What to do?
- We need to restore the course of the ship. And we can restore the course of the ship using the labyrinth map.
The teacher offers the children the exercise "Labyrinth".

Graphic exercise "Labyrinth"

Children mark the path of the rocket to orbit with a pencil.

Game "Find your spaceport"

(music plays)

Children leave the tables, simulate the flight of a spaceship and land on their spaceports, (cosmodromes - 5 hoops, in the center of the hoop there are geometric shapes - a circle, a square, an oval, a rectangle, a triangle). Children have emblems depicting geometric shapes.
caregiver Our flight is coming to an end. Through the window I see the Earth. There are 10 seconds left until the end of the flight. We are counting down the time (direct account). Landing.
Guys, you did a great job with your tasks. You have made good astronauts.

You are great today, it was interesting for me to travel with you.

Thank you all for your attention!

Summary of the lesson

- Did you like our space flight?
- Let's remember that it was difficult for you in flight? What was easy for you to do?

Technological map of organized educational activities
V senior group
Educational areas: "Cognition"
Sections: FEMP
Theme: Journey to the country of "Consciousness".
Purpose: - to consolidate the ability to count from 1 to 10.
- consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes;
- develop logical thinking, attention;
- learn to navigate in space;
- develop interest in mathematics.
Material: invitation card, map with islands, cards for each child with the image of dots numbered from 1 to 10; pictures with the image: a fly, two caterpillars, 3 butterflies, 2 ladybugs, a beetle, a bear with a barrel, a squirrel with a mug, a hare with a bowl, a fox with a jug, a wolf with a saucepan; houses with keys (circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle); geometric shapes for each child, a simple pencil.

Stages of activity:

Teacher actions:
Hello, today we have a wonderful
morning, guests came to us! Give smiles
guests, each other and me. The sun warmed
it became warm. Relax, feel like
the sun, with its rays plays and moves
over your body. The sun warmed your
palms, they are warm, soft.
The sun strokes your forehead, tickles your cheeks,
nose, ears. Now put your hands down
shake off your palms. Prepare index
fingers, put it between the eyebrows, above the nose.
Massage this point with the words: "Wake up
third Eye". Shake your palms. Children
Guys, today I would like to offer you
unusual math class. (knock on
door. The postman brings the parcel.)
Let's see what's in it.
Reads a letter: "Hello my little ones.
I invite you to visit my country"
Queen of the Country "Reasonables"

Children's actions:
They stand in a circle, hold hands, smile. They do a massage. Examine the package, find an invitation

Stages of activity:
Organizational search

Teacher actions:
Offers to go on a trip. To go on a journey, you must complete the task: connect the dots by numbers in ascending order. We got a ship on which we will go on a journey.
And so we are on our way.

And our first island is the “Island of Tasks”.
Listen to puzzles.
1. For a birthday, a clatter fly called guests. She laid the festive table, arranged the chairs. Two caterpillars crawled first, and Selina chairs. Then came three butterflies, and soon two ladybugs. And when everyone was already sitting for
table and drank tea, there was a knock on the door - a beetle crawled in and took another place.
Questions: How many guests were there?
How many insects were sitting at the table?

2. The bees decided to treat the animals with honey.
A magpie flew through the forest and said that the bees would treat the animals with honey.
The first to run to the hive was a bear with a barrel.
The second galloped a squirrel with a mug.
The third came running a hare with a bowl.
The fourth came the fox with the pitcher.
Fifth, a wolf hobbled along with a saucepan.
Questions: How did the hare rush to the hive?
Who had the smallest dishes?

3. How many suns are in the sky?
How many eyes does an owl have?
How many eyes does a traffic light have?
How many wheels does the car have?

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots everywhere.

Kittens have fur, fur, fur everywhere.
On the forehead, on the ears, on the neck, on the elbows.
On the nose, on the stomach, on the knees, on the toes.
Elephants have folds, folds, folds everywhere.
On the forehead, on the ears, on the neck, on the elbows.
On the nose, on the stomach, on the knees, on the toes.
The zebra has stripes, stripes, stripes everywhere.
On the forehead, on the ears, on the neck, on the elbows.
On the nose, on the stomach, on the knees, on the toes.

Magic bag game.
Purpose of the game: Consolidation and refinement of knowledge about geometric shapes.
Material: bag, toys (cubes, wheels, bricks)
But the island is locked and to get there, you need to find the key to the castle.

D / n: “Pick up the key to the lock?”
Purpose of the game: to learn correctly, to find a given figure.
Material: images of houses, keys (circle, square,
oval, rectangle, triangle)

Children's actions: Find their house by key

Let's continue our journey. Now we are sailing to the island of Queen Wits. We have been waiting for a long time. But coming to visit without a gift is not accepted. Let's lay out a carpet of geometric shapes for our queen

D / and "Each figure has its place"
Purpose of the game: to teach to navigate in space.
Material: sheet of paper, geometric shapes.
How to play: Place the triangle in the upper right corner.
Put the square in the top left corner.
Put a circle in the lower right corner.
Place an oval in the lower left corner.
Put a rectangle in the middle.

Children's actions: perform tasks

Where is our rectangle?
Where is our circle?
Where is our triangle?
Where is our square?
Where is our oval?

Children's activities: answer questions

Stages of activity:
Reflective - corrective

Teacher actions:
So, we sailed to the island to the Queen Wits. The Queen is very pleased that you have come to her island. Let's give her an album with all our completed tasks. But to understand the queen did you like it
journey, let's evaluate our work ourselves, using the sun - I liked traveling; cloud - didn't like it

Children's actions: Spread on a magnetic board.

Well done boys! You showed your knowledge and
skills. The queen liked it very much. And now we
we go home.

Expected Result:

Reproduces: - geometric shapes;
- score from 1 to 10
Understands: counting skills
Applies: - counts from 1 to 10;
- oriented in space

Abstract of the lesson on FEMP "Journey through fairy tales"
Purpose: to systematize and consolidate the mathematical representations of children in the senior group.
To improve the ability to decompose a number into two smaller ones and make a larger number from two smaller ones within 5.
fix the names and sequence of the days of the week;
fix the names of geometric shapes;
continue to develop the ability to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper in a cage;
promote the development of logical thinking, attention, attentiveness.
Nikitin cubes,
checkered paper sheets,
a simple pencil for each child.
Kuziner sticks,
1. Organizational moment:
Hello, dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world. Here such a good comely, I propose to form a circle.
“All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And smile at each other."
Guys, look, we have guests. Let's say hello to you and give the guests a good mood (children blow a good mood from their palms to the guests)
2. The main part.
Guys, I received a letter this morning. Heroes of fairy tales invite us on a journey through the Fairytale City of Mathematical Riddles. “Dear children! Our castle was captured by an unknown figure. She was very offended by us that we did not know her, and closed the lock on the lock. And we can find the key to this castle only after we complete all her tasks. We have been watching you for a very long time, and we believe that only you can help us.” Guys, help fairy-tale heroes? There was a card in the envelope with the letter, and here it is. Let's take a look at it. What do you see on it?
Educator: What do you think can be done with this card?
Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other. Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.
In a wide circle, I see
All my friends got up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go to the left
Let's gather in the center of the circle
And we'll all be back.
We smile, wink.
Let's start traveling.
So, the first street that we need to visit is the “Street of Questions”. Dunno got here. There are a lot of questions on this street that Dunno cannot answer. Let's help him? To do this, we will make a circle. I will throw the ball to you and ask questions, and you will catch the ball and answer them.
What season is it now?
What month is it?
How many months are there in a year?
What day of the week is today?
How many days are there in a week?
Name all "working" days.
Name the days off.
Well done guys, all questions answered.
Teacher: Let's move on. "Street of Geometric Shapes". And Smeshariki got lost here. And in order for them to get out of here, you need to guess what kind of amazing inhabitants live here. Let's help Smeshariki?
1. I have no corners
And I look like a saucer
On a plate and on a lid
On the ring, on the wheel
Who am I, friends? (circle)

2. He has known me for a long time
Every corner in it is a right
All four sides
Equal length.
I'm glad to present it to you
And his name is ... (square)

3. Three corners, three sides
May be of different lengths.
If you stand in the corners
Then you jump up on your own. (triangle)

4. I am like a circle, almost like him,
But flattened on both sides. (oval)

5. I have straight corners,
Like the square.
But the length of both sides
different guys.
Every student knows me.
And my name is ... (rectangle)
Teacher: And now let's check the result. What figures lie inside the red hoop? Right.
What figures are in the green hoop. Great, you've done your job.
The next street is "Unknown Buildings". The builders on this street are the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka. They are big fans of building playgrounds. Let's see what they did? Guys, look at some unusual buildings on this street. Let's build one of them with the help of Kuseiner's sticks
Which stick is the tallest in our ladder? What are the lowest (two white? Name the sticks from the lowest to the highest and vice versa.
We need to rest a little and gain strength for the further journey. And the Sports City will help us in this. The cat Leopold lives in this city. He always monitors his health, and constantly exercises.
One - rise, stretch,
Two - bend, unbend,
Three - in the hands of three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider,
Five - wave your hands,
Six - sit down on the chair again.
The next street is Funny Pencils. Settled on this street Pinocchio. He did not like to study at all, and this task is very difficult for him. But you are my smart kids, I think that you will cope with this task. Take sheets of paper and pencils. Place your pencil on the red dot. Begin.
4 cells - right, 2 cells - up, 4 cells - right, 5 cells - down, 4 cells - left, 2 cells - up, 4 cells - left, 1 cell - down, 1 cell - left, 1 cell - down, 1 cell - left, 4 cells - up, 2 cells - right, 1 cell - down.
Teacher: What did we get?
Children: Key.
Of course, he will help us open the door in the castle. And we will find out who was so offended by fairy-tale heroes.
One, two, three, four, five Let's unlock the lock. One, two, three Open the doors in the castle.
Guys, who is this? (number 5)
Name the two smallest numbers that will make the number 5.
Guys, let's try to add this figure from our magic cubes (Nikitin)
Educator: Well done, children! I'm glad everything worked out for you. Unfortunately, it's time for us to return to our kindergarten. We close our eyes and count to 5 and back. Here we are at home. Did you enjoy our trip? Where have we been and what have we done? (children's answers, summarizing the lesson)
- This is where our journey ended.

Attached files

An open lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts for children of the senior group on the topic: "Journey to the Land of Mathematics".

(educational area "Cognitive development")

Prepared and conducted by: teacher of the first qualification category Klevtsova O.I. Monino, 2016

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.


To create conditions for the development of logical thinking, ingenuity, attention and demonstrate the skills of complex application of mathematical concepts, knowledge and methods of action, the ability to practically use them through the game - a journey.



  1. Exercise in composing a set of elements of different quality (objects of different colors), in obtaining equality from inequality by removing or adding one item;
  2. To consolidate the skill of forward and backward counting, days of the week by building a number series in forward and reverse order;
  3. To consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes: the ability to distinguish and compare by properties (by color, shape) such geometric shapes as circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle; familiarity with the trapezoid.
  4. Form mental operations.

5. Develop constructive praxis;

7. Develop speech, the ability to argue your statements.


8. To cultivate independence, the ability to understand the learning task and perform it independently.

Equipment and material:

The board is magnetic; a letter decorated with numbers and geometric shapes; cards with tasks from a letter; geometric shapes of different colors and sizes; ball; number cards from 1 to 10 (1 kit); counting sticks for each child; medals.

1. Organizational moment

The children go to the group.

Vosp: Guys, today guests have come to us, let's say hello to them.

(Children greet, line up on the rug)

While the children are leaving, the teacher takes out an envelope.

Vosp .: Guys, look and tell me what I have in my hands? (Letter)

Yes, right. Are you wondering who this letter is from?

Now I will open it and read it.

Reads a letter

"Hello, friends! The Queen of the country of Mathematics is writing to you. I watched you for a long time, how you played interestingly in math classes. There was confusion in my country, and I want to invite you to my place to help me put things in order.

Can we help you guys?

And in order for us to get into the country, we need to say the magic words:

We go, we go, we never get tired!

We can easily pass all obstacles on the way! (walking in place).

Main part.

The teacher comes to the board, and draws the attention of the children to the board, where cards with numbers are in a disorderly position.

1 task. - Guys, the numbers have forgotten their places, let's help them find their place.

Didactic game "Build the Numbers"

To the music, the children take the numbers and line up with them in order), then the teacher asks each "Number" name your neighbors (children call).

At the end of the game, they add up the numbers and sit down at the tables.

Children go to the tables, where for each child there is a set of 5 geometric shapes: a circle, an oval, a triangle, a square, a rectangle) and counting sticks.

The teacher reads the following task: Guys, the geometric shapes have forgotten their names, let's remind the figures what their names are? - Yes.

2. Didactic game "Guess the Shape"

The teacher makes a riddle, and the children show the geometric figure that is mentioned in the riddle.

1. Three peaks,

three corners,

Three sides

Who am I? (triangle)

Guys, let's look around and find objects in our group that look like a triangle.

2. He is my friend for a long time,
Every corner is right
All four sides
Equal length.

I am glad to present it to you.

And his name is... (square).

Guys, let's look around and find objects in our group that look like a square.

3. I have no corners
And I look like a saucer
On a plate and on a lid
On the ring, on the wheel.

Who am I, friends?
Call me! (Circle)

Guys, let's look around and find objects in our group that look like a circle.

4. These figures rush through the city,
children are taken to kindergartens, schools.
There are buses, trolleybuses, trams.
You're on the road, look, don't yawn!

Houses look like this figure.
What am I talking about? Answer, friends!


5. He looks like an egg
Or on my face.
Here is a circle
Very strange appearance.

The circle became flattened.
It suddenly happened... (oval)

Guys, let's look around and find objects in our group that look like an oval.

Well done guys, now let's warm up a little, go out on the mat and stand in a circle.


We played and counted (walking in place)
Walk together together
Hands clapped - one, two, three, (clapping)
They stomped their feet - one, two, three. (stomp)

Get up, sit down, get up, sit down (squat)
And they didn't hurt each other.
Higher arms, wider shoulders (raise hands)
One, two, three - breathe evenly! (take a breath)

3. The teacher reads the third task

Guys, the days of the week have forgotten their names. Let's remind them! But first, how many days are there in a week?

Didactic game "Name the day of the week"

Children pass the ball around the circle and name the days of the week in order.

Dear guests, the guys have prepared a surprise for you - now they will turn into Days of the Week and read their poems for you.

4. Children take the numbers corresponding to the day of the week and line up in order.

1st child "Monday"

Kindergarten, kindergarten
Every day waiting for the guys.
There are fun and toys here.
Dolls, books, rattles.

Monday we count
We add, we subtract.

2nd child (Tuesday):

Tuesday is sports day
We are not too lazy to run, jump.

3rd child (Wednesday):

Wednesday - music
We dance - just class.

4th child (Thursday):

We read the book on Thursday
Learned a lot of new things.

5th child (Friday):

On Friday they sculpted birds:
Bullfinches and tits.

6th child (Saturday):

And Saturday and Sunday
Mom and I baked cookies

7th child (Sunday):

With dad down the hill we rode
And then rolled in the snow.
Well done boys (children put cards on the table and sit down).
Now come on out, let's play a little (children come out and take their places):

5. D / i "Count and Do"

The teacher shows a card with a number and says: “Sit down so many times (jump, slap, stomp, etc.), and the children must, in accordance with the number on the card, perform the appropriate number of times the specified action.

clap 3 times
stomp 6 times
sit down 4 times
jump 10 times

Well done boys.

Children go to tables

6. And now let's play one more game. It is called "Name one more (less)»

Didactic game "Name one more (less)»

The teacher throws the ball and calls the number. And the child, throwing the ball back to the teacher, calls the number one more (less)

And the last task:

7. Didactic game "Funny puzzles"

We will solve them with counting sticks (The teacher reads the problem, and the children lay out counting sticks on the tables).

  1. The hedgehog put 4 yellow leaves and 2 red ones in a vase. How many leaves are in the vase?
  2. The hare had 6 carrots, he gave 1 carrot to the teddy bear. How many carrots are left?
  3. There are 4 birches and 4 lindens growing near the bridge. How many trees are near the bridge?
  4. The squirrel had 10 mushrooms, she gave 3 mushrooms to the Hedgehog. How many mushrooms does the squirrel have left?


Guys, did you like our lesson? And now let's check if you remember everything: I will call what happens, and if I call it right, clap your hands, if it's wrong, shake your head.

8. D/I "True False"

  • Sunday comes after Saturday
  • Monday followed by Wednesday
  • thursday before friday
  • seven is one more than six
  • 5 days in a week
  • the egg looks like a circle
  • the bus looks like a rectangle

Well done guys, we coped with all the tasks, and the Queen of Mathematics thanked you and gave you awards and treats.

Abstract of an open lesson on FEMP in the senior group "Journey to the Land of Mathematics"

Open lesson on FEMP in the Senior Group "Journey to the Land of Mathematics"

Program content

To consolidate ideas about triangles and quadrangles, their properties and types.

Improve counting skills within 10 using various analyzers (by touch, counting and reproducing a certain number of movements).

Fix the parts of the day.

Introduce the names of the days of the week (Monday, etc.).

Develop speech, observation, mental activity, auditory and visual attention, logical thinking

To cultivate independence, stability, the ability to bring what has been started to the end, interest in mathematical tasks.

Cultivate friendships between children.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. bag with acorns, 4 pictures depicting parts of the day (ON EACH AND ON THE BOARD); a square divided into parts, and a picture of a house for the game "Pythagoras", 7 numerical cards with the image of wagons

Handout. Sets of squares and triangles.

Organizing time:

Q: Guys, today guests came to us to see how we are doing and find out how much we all know. Let's say hello to them and we won't be distracted by them anymore.

And now we greet you:

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands together

And smile at each other!

(Hold hands and look at each other with a smile).

V-l: Guys, I suggest you go on a JOURNEY today.

And where - you now guess.

She is the queen of all sciences

Without it, we are like without hands

Learn to think and decide

And do a lot of actions (mathematics)

That's right guys, let's go!

All children are invited

Get on the road soon!

Tests await you

Difficult tasks.

And what are we going to? (children's answers). I remembered:

I'm knocking, knocking, knocking

I will shake you on a long journey.

Through the forest, through the mountains

I drive at full speed.

And over the river on the bridge

I will signal to you: tu-tu!

And then I'll hide in the fog

I'm called fast .... (train)

B: -Line up one after another and hit the road. (to the music of a train from romashkovo, children walk in a circle, depicting a train)

Here we are with you

Shapoklyak: Hello guys and guests! And you didn’t notice me, I was on the train with you? Where are you going?

I won't let you into the magical land of mathematics until you help me count the animals.

Q: And so let's see who we met on the way to the queen:

Game exercise "Who will count faster."

“Clap your hands as many times as there are bunnies on the card.

How many times did you clap?

Sit down as many times as the Christmas trees are shown on the card,

How many times have you sat down? Why did you sit down so many times?

Lean forward as many times as there are bears on the card.

Why did you bend over so many times?

Shapoklyak: what good fellows you are! You think well. I ask you to a magical land.

Q: Well done, you coped with this task, and for this I give you the letter "M". There are many more tasks ahead. And for each task you will receive a letter. At the end of the journey, let's see what these letters can be made up of.

So we got with you to the country of Mathematics. I wonder how we can open these magical gates? It seems I figured it out.

Let's sit down in our seats and do the next task. Look at your tables there are stripes of them, you need to collect a picture and then our gates will open. In order to get a picture, you need to collect stripes with numbers in order.

Perform the exercise.

Q: Well done, you assembled the picture correctly, for this I give you the letter "O".

The gates are open, and we find ourselves in the "Magic Land of Mathematics".

Let's see what else unusual awaits us ahead.

Oh, look how many bags there are, you want to know what's in them. Now we will play such a game with you, I will call you to me, and you will have to guess by touch how many objects are here and there is no one to tell. Then you need to show as many movements as you have groped objects. And the rest of the children must count and lay out as many triangles on their table as they made movements. Ready?

3-4 children are called to the touch, count and show movements equal to the number of objects. Then the items are taken out and we count them all together.

Well done, they coped with the task and for this I give you the letter "L".

Shapoklyak: You guys have really earned something. Come on, take a break, and look into my magic bag (takes out snowflakes)

Gymnastics for the eyes

We saw a snowflake - played with a snowflake (children take a snowflake in their hands, pull the snowflake forward in front of them, focus on it)

Snowflakes flew to the right, children looked to the right, children looked to the right (take the snowflake to the right, follow the movement with your eyes)

Here the snowflakes flew, the eyes looked to the left (take the snowflake to the left)

The wind lifted the snow

And lowered to the ground (raise snowflakes up and down, children look up and down)

All! They lay down on the ground (circle and sit down, lowering the snowflake to the floor)

Close your eyes (close your eyes)

The eyes are resting (children fold a snowflake and sit on chairs)

Q: Well done eyes rested, and for the correct completed task, I give you the letter "O".

B: Guys, look at us, the Queen of Mathematics meets us. I wonder what other task she has prepared for you?

(In front of the children on the board are pictures with images of parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening and night).

III part. Game exercise "Days of the week".

Before you are cards with the image of parts of the day. We need to put them in the correct order.

And for this we need to solve riddles:

The sun rises bright

Cockerel sings in the garden

Our children wake up

They are going to kindergarten.

sun in the sky

shining bright

We are going for a walk

Let's sing songs for fun!

The sun is radiant

Village for houses

We came from a walk

It's time to dine!

The stars are burning in the sky

In the river, the streams say

The moon looks out the window to us

Tells our kids to sleep.

Well done boys. And let's play with our fingers and guess what time of day it is said in our game

This finger wants to sleep

This finger jumped into bed

This finger curled up

This one just fell asleep

And the last sleeps for a long time,

The moon is looking at them through the window (night)

And for this task you get the letter "D".

Guys, you know so much and you can do all the tasks so easily and deftly! But the Queen of Math wanted you too

The teacher clarifies the names and sequence of parts of the day and offers to designate them in one word. (Day.)

“Adults often replace the word day with the words all day. Seven such days make up a week (cards depicting from 1 to 7 wagons are displayed on the board). Each day has its own name: Monday, Tuesday ... Sunday. Children, together with the teacher, repeat the names of the days of the week. Tells which weekdays and which weekends.

And now let's get up from our seats and make a circle for physical education.

Shapoklyak (maybe with us)

Fizminutka about the days of the week

On Monday I swam (swimming movements,

And on Tuesday I was drawing (showing movement).

On Wednesday I washed my face for a long time (demonstration of movement,

And on Thursday I played football (running in place).

On Friday I ran, jumped (showing movement).

I danced for a very long time (circling in place).

And on Saturday, Sunday (clapping hands)

The whole day I rested (sit down).

B: Well done guys! For this task, you get the letter "C" and new knowledge from the Queen of Mathematics.

Q: And here is the next test, sit down at the tables: Guys, you have figures on the tables, find a large square among them and pick it up.

well done, can you make 2 rectangles from one square using a counting stick? And how to make 4 squares from these 2 rectangles with the help of another counting stick? What good fellows you are, children, and coped with this task.

Great, you did a great job. For your attention, ingenuity, I give you the letter "Y".

And we have collected a whole word. And it says "well done".

Q: But we still need to return home, for this we need to overcome the last obstacle.

And this will help us with geometric shapes.

V part. Didactic game "Pythagoras".

Tell me, do you think it is possible to assemble a square from triangles? Well, let's try. Remind me where we should return to? home., let's assemble a house from geometric shapes

(Shapoklyak walks, look who is at a loss, helps)

Well done! Here we are at home.

VI part. Summarizing.

Tell me where were we today?

What did we do in class?

What days of the week do you know?

What days of the week are holidays?

What days are weekdays?

What did you like?

What do you remember more?

Guys, you are great, you have completed all the tasks. The Queen of Mathematics thanks you all for your active participation and gives you these gifts (DO NOT FORGET ABOUT SHAPOKLYAK)