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» Questionnaires for parents in kindergarten on satisfaction with the work of the educator. Analytical note on the results of a survey of parents "Evaluation of the activities of a preschool teacher in the framework of certification

Questionnaires for parents in kindergarten on satisfaction with the work of the educator. Analytical note on the results of a survey of parents "Evaluation of the activities of a preschool teacher in the framework of certification

Questionnaire "Assessment of the activities of a kindergarten teacher"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, "Kindergarten No. 23 "Golden Cockerel" of a compensatory and general developmental orientation"
Dear Parents(legal representatives)!
To compile an analytical report on the assessment of the activities of the educator Makarova Irina Vyacheslavovna during the certification period, we offer you answer the suggested questions:
1. With what mood does your child go to kindergarten to change the teacher?
A) always happy
b) Sometimes they want it, sometimes they don't.
C) most often does not want to

A) yes
B) No
B) Difficult to answer

A) yes
B) No
B) Difficult to answer

A) yes
B) No

A) yes
B) No
6. Does the educator organize work to educate parents about the upbringing and development of children? (consultations, discussions, parent meetings, clubs, workshops)
A) yes
B) No

A) very often
B) sometimes
B) rarely
D) never
8. Does the teacher complain to you about your child?
A) yes
B) No
A) Tells you and expects you to do it yourself
B) Discusses the problem with you and looks for a solution
C) scolding the child
9. How do you rate the work of the educator in the development of your child (rate from 0 to 5 - the highest score)
A) - 1,
B) - 2,
AT 3,
D) - 4,
D) - 5
10. Your wishes to the teacher: ________________________________________
Thank you for participating!

Analytical note on the results of a survey of parents "Assessment of the teacher's activities in the framework of certification"
Target- to identify the degree of satisfaction of parents with the work of the group educator.
List composition of the group: 15 children.
During the survey period, the kindergarten was attended by: 15 children, which is 100% of the total number of pupils in the group.
15 parents took part in the survey.

Parents were asked to evaluate the teacher according to 10 proposed parameters with answers. The results of the survey are shown in table No. 1.
Table No. 1
No. Parameters Answers
Always with pleasure Sometimes wants, sometimes not Most often does not want
1 With what mood does your child go to kindergarten to change the teacher? 13 (86.7%) 2 (13.3%) -
Parameters Answers
Yes No Difficult to answer
2. Does your child talk at home about the life of the group: games, activities that the teacher conducts?
13 (86,7%) 2 (13,3%) -
3. Are you satisfied with the teacher's communication style with your child?
15 (100%) - -
4. Is the teacher friendly in communicating with parents, is he attentive to your statements?
15 (100%) - -
Parameters Answers
Not really
5. Does the teacher discuss with you issues related to the child's stay in preschool?
15 (100%) -
6. Does the educator organize work to educate parents about the upbringing and development of children?
15 (100%) -
7. The educator is interested in how his work satisfies the parents?
8 (53,3%) 7 (46,7%)
Parameters Answers
Very often Sometimes Rarely Never
8 Does the teacher complain to you about your child? 3 (20%) 12 (80%)
Parameters Answers
Informs you and expects you to manage on your own Discusses the problem with you and looks for a solution Scolds the child
15 (100%) -
10 How do you rate the work of the educator in the development of your child (rate from 0 to 5 - the highest score) 0 1 2 3 4 5
- - - - 1 (6,7%) 14 (93,3%)

From the above results of the survey, the parents (legal representatives) of the pupils are satisfied with the work of the educator:
the teacher is attentive to children, friendly in communicating with parents, actively interacts with them on the upbringing and development of children, is interested in the requests of parents in terms of education, supervision and care. The activities that the teacher conducts with pupils are bright and memorable. 92% of parents gave high marks to the work of the teacher.
At the end of the questionnaire, parents were given the opportunity to express their wishes to the teacher in his future work. Wishes were left by 7 parents who wished success in work, career growth, patience and health.
February 5, 2018.
Teacher-psychologist MBDOU No. 23 "Golden Cockerel" ____________ Voropaeva T.V.

Questionnaire for parents "Our teacher"

Dear parents!

The kindergarten team is interested to know how your child feels in a peer group, what are his interests, desires, relationships with the teacher? What did he learn during the course of the year?

We are also interested in knowing your wishes for the teacher in his future work, possible forms of cooperation between your family and the preschool institution, your answers and wishes will be used to improve pedagogical work in the group, to create psychological security for each child.

This will only be possible if If your answers are sincere and thoughtful (all items of the questionnaire are filled out). The survey is conducted anonymously, which eliminates the pressure of the educator on children and parents.

Thank you for your cooperation!

1. How does your child go to kindergarten?(put "+" in the appropriate box)

FULL NAME. educator 1.

A. Always with pleasure

b. Sometimes he wants, sometimes he doesn't

V. Most often do not want

d. Usually cries

2. Does the teacher complain to you about your child?

FULL NAME. educator

Very often Sometimes Rarely Never

3. What is the most common complaint? What does the educator do?(put the one you want in the box)

FULL NAME. educator

a) Sleeps badly b) Eats badly c) Fights d) Doesn’t obey the teacher

e) Doesn't sit still in class f) Runs a lot and makes noise g) What else?

A. Scolding the child

B. Tells you about it and expects you to handle it yourself

B. Discusses the problem with you and looks for a solution

4. Does your child take offense at the teacher?(put a "+" sign in the appropriate box)

FULL NAME. teacher Very often Sometimes Rarely Never 1.

5. What are your child's grievances(put a "+" sign in the appropriate box)

The teacher won't let you run.

Makes everything eat up

Makes you sleep

Doesn't let you play the toys you want

Talking rudely to children

Puts in a corner, punishes

Does not delve into children's conflicts

What else?

6. Does your child complain about groupmates?

Always complaining


Very rarely


7. What is the child complaining about?(check)

The kids hit him

Do not give toys, Take away

Very noisy, headache

No one wants to play with him and be friends

Not accept to play

What else?

8. Does your child talk about activities in kindergarten? (put a "+" sign in the appropriate box)

Tells almost every day

Sometimes tells

Never tells

9. Tell us how your child applies the knowledge gained in the classroom in independent activities at home, in games with peers

Knowledge gained in mathematics (write) _____________________

Knowledge gained in physical education _______________________________

Knowledge gained in modeling, designing, appliqué _________

Knowledge gained on the development of speech _____________________________

Knowledge and skills in other activities ____________________

10. How do you evaluate the work of a teacher in the development of your child? (rate the highest score from 1 to 5)

FULL NAME. teacher 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points 1.

11. What would you like to wish the teacher in his future work?

Pay more attention to each child

Pay more attention to creating a friendly atmosphere in the group

The educator and assistant educator to act more in concert

To delve more into the relationship of children, be able to analyze them, constructively solve the problems of the children's team

The largest amount of time to devote to health work, hardening

Tell the parents in the group about the life of their child in the group, his problems

Give parenting advice

Don't break your walking schedule

Pay more attention to mathematics, reading, native language, speech development, physical education (underline as necessary)

Something of my own

Dear parents!

Your physical education instructor

Many thanks for the help!

1. Does your child attend physical education classes with a desire?

Yes / sometimes / no

2. Does the physical education instructor conduct open events?

Yes / sometimes / no

3. Does the physical education instructor speak at parent-teacher meetings?

Yes / sometimes / no

4. Are sports events organized in preschool with the involvement of parents?

Yes / sometimes / no

Yes / sometimes / no

6. Does the physical education instructor work to promote a healthy lifestyle?

Yes / sometimes / no

7. Do you see a professional in a physical education instructor?

Yes / sometimes / no

8. Do you see an increase in the child's interest in physical culture?

Yes / sometimes / no

Dear parents!

Your music director This year he is improving his professional level and is being certified for the highest qualification category.

We ask you to fill in the questionnaire, the answers to the questions of which will allow the attestation commission to obtain more complete information about the work of the teacher.

The questionnaire is anonymous. We will be grateful if you fill it out.

Many thanks for the help!

1. Does your child attend music development classes with a desire?

Yes / sometimes / no

2. Does the music director hold open events?

Yes / sometimes / no

3. Does the music director speak at parent-teacher conferences?

Yes / sometimes / no

4. Are musical holidays, events with the involvement of parents organized in the preschool educational institution?

Yes / sometimes / no

Yes / sometimes / no

6. Do you see a professional in the music director?

Yes / sometimes / no

7. Do you see an increase in the child's interest in musical and creative activities?

Yes / sometimes / no

Treatment. For each answer a-2 points, b-1 point, c-0 points

Dear parents!

Your educator This year he is improving his professional level and is being certified for the highest qualification category.

We ask you to fill in the questionnaire, the answers to the questions of which will allow the attestation commission to obtain more complete information about the work of the teacher.

The questionnaire is anonymous. We will be grateful if you fill it out.

Many thanks for the help!

1. What impression did the first meeting-conversation with the teacher make?

a) you are satisfied b) you have doubts c) you are not satisfied

2. Do you receive complete information about your child from the caregiver?

3. Does the teacher see the individual characteristics of your child?

a) yes b) not all c) no

4. Do you discuss with the teacher the issues of creating a developing environment at home (a favorable environment for the upbringing and development of the child)?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

5. Do you manage to periodically discuss with the teacher the current issues of development, upbringing and education of the child?

a) yes b) rarely c) no

6. Do you see a preschool professional in the educator?

a) yes b) not always c) no

7. Do you discuss with the teacher the nature of your relationship with the child?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

8. Do you think that the teacher sees well and controls the dynamics of your child's development?

a) yes b) not quite c) no

9. Is it easy for you to communicate with the teacher?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

10. Do you see real changes in the child after the ongoing development and upbringing activities?

a) yes b) not quite c) no

a) positive b) different c) negative

Treatment. For each answer a-2 points, b-1 point, c-0 points

Dear parents!

Your teacher speech therapist This year he is improving his professional level and is being certified for the highest qualification category.

We ask you to fill in the questionnaire, the answers to the questions of which will allow the attestation commission to obtain more complete information about the work of the teacher.

The questionnaire is anonymous. We will be grateful if you fill it out.

Many thanks for the help!

1. Do you receive full information about your child from the speech therapist?

a) I receive b) incomplete c) I don’t receive

2. Does the speech therapist see the individual characteristics of your child?

a) yes b) not all c) no

3. Do you discuss the issues of creating a developing environment (a favorable environment for the upbringing and development of a child) at home with a speech therapist?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

4. Do you manage to periodically discuss current issues of development, upbringing and education of the child with a speech therapist?

a) yes b) rarely c) no

5. Do you see a professional in a speech therapist teacher?

a) yes b) not always c) no

6. Do you think that the speech therapist sees well and controls the dynamics of your child's speech development?

a) yes b) not quite c) no

7. Is it easy for you to communicate with a speech therapist teacher?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

8. Do you see real changes in the child after the speech correction measures taken?

a) yes b) not quite c) no

Treatment. For each answer a-2 points, b-1 point, c-0 points

Dear parents!

Your educational psychologist This year he is improving his professional level and is being certified for the highest qualification category.

We ask you to fill in the questionnaire, the answers to the questions of which will allow the attestation commission to obtain more complete information about the work of the teacher.

The questionnaire is anonymous. We will be grateful if you fill it out.

Many thanks for the help!

1. Does an educational psychologist provide you with consultative assistance in raising a child?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

2. Does the psychologist see the individual characteristics of your child?

a) yes b) not all c) no

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

4. Do you see a professional in the educational psychologist?

a) yes b) not always c) no

5. Does the teacher-psychologist introduce you to the age characteristics of children?

a) yes b) not quite c) no

6. Does the teacher-psychologist speak at parent-teacher meetings?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

7. In your opinion, does a teacher-psychologist influence the creation of a comfortable microclimate in a group?

a) yes b) not quite c) no

8. Is it easy for you to communicate with a teacher-psychologist?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

9. Do you manage to periodically discuss current issues of development and upbringing of a child with an educational psychologist?

a) yes b) not quite c) no

10. Is it carried out in dow work on the adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten and readiness for schooling?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

Treatment. For each answer a-2 points, b-1 point, c-0 points

Anastasia Zakharova
Questionnaire for parents "Satisfaction with the work of a teacher by parents"

Dear parents!

The success of teaching and educating children in preschool institutions largely depends on how clearly organized the interaction teachers with parents of pupils. Effective teaching work, is possible only as a result of active interaction teacher and child's parents.

Please fill out questionnaire, which will provide more complete information about the results of activities preschool teachers.


1. C pleasure Does your child attend kindergarten?

2. Do you receive information about the goals and objectives of the kindergarten in the field of education and upbringing of your child?

3. You are calm work when your child is in kindergarten?

4. The teacher discusses with parents various questions relating to the life of the child in the nursery garden: discipline, nutrition, hygiene procedures, etc.?

5. Do you like the design of your child's group?

6. Do you think that the caregiver uses authority: in children, parents of pupils, colleagues teachers?

7. Do you seek advice from the educator of the group on the upbringing and education of the child?

8. The teacher is interested in how much work satisfies parents: questionnaires, conversations, consultations?

9. You satisfies care, education and training that your child receives in a group?

10. You personally feel that the teacher is friendly, pedagogically treats you and your child well?

11. Please add a comment about the work of the educator.

Thank you for participating in questioning!

Related publications:

Questionnaire for parents "Identifying the rating and success of the music director" Questionnaire for parents. Identification of the rating, the success of the music director Dear parents! We ask you to take part.

Questionnaire for parents "Portrait of my child" Questionnaire for parents "Portrait of my child" Dear parents! Please answer the following questions. This will help us get complete.

Questionnaire for parents of left-handed children of school age I bring to your attention a questionnaire for parents, which we developed for our project. Maybe someone wants to write a similar project, to someone.

Questionnaire "Satisfaction of parents with the quality of activities of preschool educational institutions" In order to study the level of satisfaction with the quality of the provision of preschool education services, we offered parents the following questionnaire:.

Dear parents! Please read the questions carefully and choose the most appropriate answer for you (underline or circle as appropriate) or complete.

1. Do you like that this teacher is working with your child?

2. Can you entrust the teacher with personal problems related to the upbringing of your child?

A) yes B) no C) not sure

3. Does your child enjoy going to the group if this teacher works?

A) yes B) no C) not sure

4. Can a teacher give advice on raising your child?

A) yes B) no C) not sure

5. How do you assess the quality of the pedagogical process proposed by this educator?

A) excellent B) good C) not satisfied

6. Do you turn to this educator for help?

A) always B) sometimes C) never

7. Do you think that this caregiver

A) strict B) democratic C) fair

8. Do you think the educator provides an individual approach to your child?

A) yes B) no C) not sure

9. Does the teacher show care and sensitivity to children?

A) yes B) no C) not sure

10. Are you friendly with your parents?

A) no B) not always C) yes, always D) quite often

11. Are you satisfied with the psychological climate in the group?

A) satisfied B) I think there are problems C) I want to transfer the child to another group, not satisfied

12 What forms of work carried out by the educator do you like more?

A) workshop B) parent meetings C) leisure, holidays D) projects

Thank you for your cooperation! Questionnaire for parents on interaction between kindergarten and family Dear parents!

We invite you to answer a few questions regarding the interaction between the kindergarten and the family. This questionnaire will allow us to analyze the state of work of the institution in this area, to find out your opinion on its improvement.

A) The state and quality of design of the information corner for parents in the admissions group ___

B) The relevance of the information presented in the information corner ___

C) Tact and culture of behavior of teachers with parents ___

D) The completeness and quality of the presentation of information about the child during conversations ___

E) The level of parent-teacher meetings ___

E) The ability of the educator to answer questions from parents during conversations and meetings ___

2. How often do you participate in joint activities with the kindergarten (underline as appropriate)

Always Often Rarely Never

3. What determines your participation / non-participation in the life of the preschool educational institution (underline the necessary)

From the availability of free time From the topics of the meetings From one’s own interests/difficulties

4. Mark the forms of your participation in the life of the kindergarten in the table Mark (V)

Assistance in the development of the material base of the group

Participation in the preparation and holding of holidays and matinees

Tailoring of suits

Scenery making

Preparing gifts for children

Attendance at parent-teacher meetings Presence

Submission of proposals to improve the work of the group, d / s

Active participation in the discussion of issues

Participation in recreational activities, leisure activities, sports events

5. Your child goes to kindergarten (underline as appropriate)

With pleasure Through force Rarely with pleasure With tears

6. The work of teachers in a group (underline the necessary)

Suits you completely Satisfies you partially Does not suit you at all

7. Your awareness of the work of the kindergarten (underline as appropriate)

Complete No information at all Partial Not interested

8. I receive information about the kindergarten (underline as appropriate)

From visual information in a preschool institution From the words of teachers

From other parents On the website of the preschool educational institution At meetings

From the manager From the child I do not receive at all

9. Do you calmly go to work, leaving the child (underline the necessary)

Yes No Partially

10. The attitude of your child to the teacher (underline the right one)

Positive Changeable Negative

11. Would you like to be in kindergarten (underline as appropriate)

The material base has improved The aesthetics of life has increased

Attitude towards children has changed Respect for kindergarten staff has increased

12. Would you like to know more about your child, his difficulties and successes

Yes No, I already know my child well