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» The meaning of the tattoo "Palm tree. Palm tree tattoo: meaning for girls and guys What does a palm tree tattoo mean

The meaning of the tattoo "Palm tree. Palm tree tattoo: meaning for girls and guys What does a palm tree tattoo mean

The palm tree tattoo is a beautiful wearable pattern that will emphasize your individuality. The bright sun, the gentle sea and the exotic beach are especially often chosen as the theme for tattoos by residents of places with the most severe climate. What does such an image mean, what can it tell others?

What does the palm symbolize

Palm has been a sacred tree for many peoples since ancient times. In the Gospel, Jesus Christ enters Jerusalem on a donkey with a palm branch in his hands. Later, the branch was transformed into a willow, and people still celebrate Palm Sunday as a hope for resurrection and victory over death. The Greek translation of the word "palm tree" sounds like "phoenix" - the complete destruction of old sins and troubles, the beginning of a new happy life. The symbol of victory - the Greek goddess Nike - is depicted with a palm branch. The Egyptians revered the palm tree, associating it with the goddess of Heaven. During the burial ritual of the nobles, a branch of this tree was placed on the sarcophagus. There are many images of gods resting under a palm crown.

Who will suit the tattoo

The palm tree tattoo is relevant for both sexes. This tree belongs to the phallic signs, in which the trunk means masculine, dates - feminine, and coconuts symbolize the mother's breast with milk. A tattoo in the form of a palm tree indicates that its owner is a strong personality, striving upwards to victory. These people are honest, straightforward, do not bend before life's difficulties. They always try not to lose their temper and be in good physical shape.

The meaning of a tattoo in the form of a palm tree contains the meaning of endless spiritual growth and self-improvement, craving for knowledge and touching the secrets of life. Such people are stress-resistant, they have their own point of view and actively defend their own position in the dispute. A palm tree tattoo will help to find all these qualities for people who do not yet own them.

The palm tree tattoo is especially revered by the fair sex of all ages. The tattoo speaks of wisdom, vitality, the desire to travel to exotic countries and simply to the southern shores. Such girls are slender, graceful, know how to take care of themselves, have excellent taste and a sense of tact. Such a tattoo is especially suitable for girls who want to create a strong family and become a mother of several children.

Palm tree tattoos are also revered by men. These guys are very strong, inquisitive, straightforward and creative. They strive for freedom, love to travel, are interested in everything exotic and unusual, monitor their physical form. Caviar or hands are suitable as a place for drawing a picture.


The most effective drawing looks in the style of realism. The sketch of a palm tree tattoo is very reminiscent of a photo from a glossy magazine due to the detailing and bright saturated colors. Moreover, it can be either an image of a lonely tree or a whole exotic landscape. Another interesting option is the watercolor style. Such drawings are distinguished by airiness, lightness and blurry contours. You can make a medium-sized tattoo on your arm or leg.

Fans of monochrome images can take a closer look at the dotwork style. The tattoo is applied with small small dots, which makes it look voluminous and convex. The palm tree in the style of minimalism looks stylish and elegant. Neat clear lines, conciseness and simplicity are the main features of this direction. On the wrist or on the lower leg, a tattoo with a palm tree will become a beautiful underwear pattern and an unusual decoration.

Video about the first tattoo

Photos of palm tree tattoo

A selection of sketches

The palm tree tattoo in the old days was in great demand and was used by sailors who had to visit exotic islands. Now such a tattoo flaunts on the bodies of people who prefer to travel to hot countries. It can also be found in someone who regularly visits the southern seas.

Due to the direct direction of the growth of the tree, and the fact that it is always covered with green foliage, the meaning of a palm tree tattoo can be mentally compared with triumph, celebrity and victory.

Some classify the tree as a phallic sign, and give it the meaning of endless strength and fertility. Sometimes a palm tree is decorated with dates on a tattoo.

In this case, the emblem is more suitable for a woman, since the similarity of the tree with the female camp is visible, and its fruits - with the female breast. With a long life and prosperity in old age, the palm tree is associated, which has been growing for a long time, but can still please with fruits.

In many cultures, palm branches are given the meaning of glory and victorious battle, due to which death and sins have lost their power. Among Catholics, the palm tree was symbolically used for burial. Anyone who decides to decorate a part of the body with the image of a palm tree may have the goal of expressing delight, or showing that honesty is an important quality in life for him.

palm tree tattoo on forearm

The image of the image of a palm tree in heraldry is associated with victory and superiority. The symbolic image of a tree is present on the emblems of the monarchs of the East and denotes immortality.

The image passed into tattoo culture thanks to active trade with the countries of the Ancient East and Antiquity. The palm tree is one of the traditional symbols of the old school style.

The general meaning of a palm tree tattoo

In modern traditions, tattoos are associated with life. Together with the cultural heritage of the past, the rules for depicting a tree have passed to us.

A slender trunk denotes the present, a spreading crown denotes the future. If the wearer wants to emphasize his connection with his ancestors, a piece of land is depicted at the base of the trunk. It symbolizes the roots of the tree.

Traditional interpretations:

  • solar start;
  • longevity;
  • exultation;
  • glory;
  • honesty;
  • resurrection.

In Egypt and the Arab countries, it was believed that the gods created man from a coconut. In some cases, a palm tree applied to the skin is associated with divine patronage.

For others, a detailed drawing is important, which means “master of time”. Such an interpretation was brought into our culture by contacts with Egypt.

In the mythology of the Ancient Land of the Sun, the palm tree is a calendar tree. The plant produces 1 branch every 2 months. For these properties, she was revered as the tree of Thoth, the patron of time.

The meaning of a palm tree tattoo for men and women

For women, drawing on the skin means that she honors the moon and her patronage. In the East, the Tree of Life was inextricably linked with the occult and the moon, since the life cycles of a plant are inextricably linked with the moon. For girls, the date palm is the personification of prosperity and abundance.

Another meaning of the palm tree for the fair sex is associated with the myths of ancient Greece. The sprawling palm tree is associated with love that grows and strengthens.

The palm tree is considered the tree of Jupiter. That is why the symbol is associated with victory, achievement of the goal and unfading glory. The tree can be displayed as a whole or be represented by 1 branch.

Compatibility with other characters

Based on the meaning of a palm tree tattoo, it is easy to pick up a number of characters that will not conflict with the image.

For example, in the Greek epic, a palm branch is in the hands of Victoria or Nike, the goddesses of victory. It is better to compose an allegorical message with a drawing of a female figure and a palm tree in or realistic style.

The picture is appropriate to match:

  • with inscriptions in Latin;
  • with paired figures of cupids;
  • against the background of the cross;
  • with the sun rising behind the tree;
  • against the backdrop of the sea;
  • surrounded by geometric symbols denoting the vault of heaven;
  • inscribed in a circle or triangle;
  • with marine paraphernalia: steering wheel, ropes, anchor, etc.

The advice of the master will help you choose the right composition. Think over the essence of the message, the rest of the details will be selected automatically.

Places of application

To apply a tattoo, you can choose any place on your body. Depending on the selected area, the image size and composition will be adjusted. For example, the meaning of a palm tree on a hand means an easy way in life.

For travelers and desperate adventurers, it is recommended to give preference to the area on the leg in the shin area. Stuffed on its feet, it carries the meaning of a direct road to the goal. There is enough space for a full-fledged composition of several items.

Giving preference to compositions, many make a drawing on the forearm. The slender figure of the plant lines up on back side hands.

In addition, the pattern is applied on the side in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs. In combination with the rising or setting sun, the image will symbolize a surge of strength and eternal life.

Video - palm tree tattoo, photo gallery

In today's culture, people have less importance on tattoos. More and more interested in the aesthetic component, rather than symbolism. But for some, it is important to know that the chosen drawing has a positive meaning. Especially, it concerns unusual and non-trivial sketches. These include a palm tree tattoo on the leg. This tropical tree always evokes associations with summer and warm countries, but, of course, this drawing is not limited to this explanation.

What does the tattoo "Palm tree" mean on the leg

Since ancient times, this plant has been associated with immortality and was considered the tree of life. Also, the palm tree symbolizes victory and honesty due to its ability to grow evenly, despite strong gusts of wind. Therefore, such a drawing should be chosen by purposeful individuals.

Palm tree tattoos on the leg are often applied by people who love to travel. They choose such a pattern in memory of exotic trips. This beautiful tree can be associated with the dream of a carefree life, because many people want to lie on a white beach, listen to the sound of the sea and drink delicious cocktails. A palm tree tattoo on the leg should be chosen by people who are honest, straightforward, easy-going and carefree.

Male and female meaning

In some cultures, the palm tree meant more than eternal life and victory. This tree symbolizes the masculine principle. Therefore, in men, a palm tree tattoo applied to the leg emphasizes assertiveness, courage, and some personality traits of "macho". Leaders should choose such a pattern, because it symbolizes success for simple and honest men.

In some nations, the palm tree is a symbol of feminine energy. She, like cypress, was associated with harmony and beauty. If a palm tree tattoo is depicted with dates on the leg, then this is a symbol of fertility. It is believed that this wearable pattern carries light and clean energy.

Sketch Options

A palm tree tattoo on the leg does not have to consist of just one tree. You can come up with interesting and original stories that emphasize the non-triviality of the selected drawing.

  1. As a basis, you can take everyone's favorite cartoon "Chunga-Changa". If you add bananas, coconuts to a palm tree, draw Papuans - you get a very positive and summer picture.
  2. You can depict several palm trees, the beach and the sea - a tropical paradise.
  3. You can also create a picture that means a dream of a carefree life: the sea, a hammock, a beautiful sunset - quite romantic and original.

Therefore, you should not approach the choice of a picture in a standard way - depict a real tropical picture in order to be charged with a positive mood when contemplating it.

Most popular places to apply

It all depends on how large the drawing was chosen. If you want to make a real picture, then the back is the best option. For bulk tattoos fit shoulder. You can fill a palm branch on the lower back, arm or leg.

A miniature image is applied to the fingers or the outer part of the foot. But popular is the palm tree tattoo on the leg. Why? This part of the body allows you to display the harmony of a palm tree, and girls can emphasize the grace of their legs.

But it all depends on what kind of drawing you want to do. The more details there are, the more space for the tattoo will be required. Therefore, you should decide on a sketch, and then decide on which part of the body to make it. In any case, the palm tree will be associated with exotic countries, the sea.

Application styles

You can find many photos with a palm tree tattoo on the leg. You will see that the masters make this drawing in various styles. One of the popular options is the design in the "old school" version. Such tattoos are reminiscent of those that sailors did as a memento of their travels to exotic lands. Both one palm tree and a mini-plot will look good.

Perfect for a tattoo "Palm tree" a new and unusual direction - bioorganics. The patch of skin becomes a backdrop through which the tree can be seen. It is suitable for those who want to stand out from the crowd. Another favorite style is "new school" (the opposite of "old school"). It is distinguished by bright colors and drawing. The direction of "realism" is most suitable for voluminous tattoos.

Tattoo "Palm" is always associated with a positive mood, summer and a carefree life. Most often it is made colored to convey the beauty of this tree. Those who liked the meaning of a palm tree tattoo on their leg, but do not want to make the drawing too bright and noticeable, can apply it in a miniature and monochrome version. This will emphasize the seriousness of the person who decided to create this wearable pattern.

If you decide on the plot, then it will be easy to choose on which part of the body and in what strength to get a tattoo. Palm tree will always be associated with high aspirations, vibrant life, wanderlust. The main thing is that the master makes a high-quality tattoo that will look perfect.

Several popular interpretations of the palm tree tattoo

The meaning of a palm tree tattoo for the modern inhabitants of our planet is strikingly different from what it was before. Several centuries ago, a palm tree tattoo on the leg was a clear indication that a person belongs to a marine culture and was a traveler, discoverer or sailor.

Each tattoo artist will say that the interpretation of such a sketch is extraordinary, as well as its execution. It is important to note that the drawings depicting palm trees are distinguished by a summer mood and bright colors. It is extremely rare to find a tattoo created in black and white monochrome.

The palm tree tattoo sketch is very interesting both in implementation and in its interpretation. At the same time, it does not have a deep philosophical meaning in a solo performance, and its interpretation is based on the surrounding objects and objects.

This rather exotic tree symbolizes the following points:

  • Victory over myself. Due to the fact that palm trees grow in rather arid places, the images of these trees personify the internal struggle of a person with the circumstances surrounding him and life's troubles. Such a drawing is the best choice for a person who does not give in to the upcoming difficulties and relies solely on his own strength.
  • Feminine energy. Date palm tattoos on the arm are a symbol of female energy and motherhood. What this interpretation is connected with is not known for certain, but it is this type of tree that personifies female wisdom and charm. In Christianity, such plants are interpreted as immortality and the ability to be reborn.
  • Victory over death and sins. There is a lot of controversy about what a palm tree tattoo means. Palm leaves applied to any area act as a talisman of a person, protecting him from careless death or sinfulness.

The palm tree is more of a female image. Maybe this is due to the fact that the plant is quite bright and eccentric, or maybe with the beliefs of the tribes of South Africa, who asked this tree to continue their kind.

The meaning of a palm tree tattoo on the leg is quite popular among representatives of Catholicism. Believers associate the image of a tree with a burial, and by applying a similar pattern to exposed skin, they try to show their fearlessness before imminent death.

A palm tree tattoo on a caviar or any other area does not carry a hidden meaning and negative energy. All drawings are distinguished by a positive interpretation and bring extremely positive life changes to their owner.

What does a palm tree tattoo mean for a modern person

If we talk about the modern interpretation of the picture, then we should note the tendency to create such tattoos after visiting warm countries. Impressed by the outlandish beauties, domestic tourists often want to leave memories of their vacation on their bodies.

Tattoo removal, in this case, is required quite rarely. This is due to the fact that most people consciously approach the choice of a sketch and the creation of a personal talisman. That is why what a palm tattoo on a leg means for one cannot be an axiom for another.

Individual interpretations and unique sketches make it possible to overlap the tattoo on the arm with the help of such a bright pattern. If the drawing was made of poor quality or simply lost its attractiveness, you can not resort to deletion, but block the sketch with a new, brighter and denser coating.

Make a tattoo