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» What does the pulse tattoo on the arm mean. Pulse tattoo

What does the pulse tattoo on the arm mean. Pulse tattoo

The meaning of a pulse tattoo that is beaten on the wrist can be very different: in some cases it is done simply because it is beautiful (without putting any meaning into it), in others they give deep content, telling a lot about themselves. However, if a person fills a tattoo just like that, because he likes it, this also characterizes him very well ...

Symbolism in different occasions

So what does the pulse picture mean? There are several main options:

There is no question of any understanding of this tattoo in traditional cultures, since it became possible only after the spread of cardiographs.

Image Information

Sketches and photos of the pulse that you will be offered in the salon can be very different. If, for example, characteristic "hills" can be traced throughout the entire segment, then this emphasizes a decent level of health of the owner. If at the end there is a straight line instead, the person thereby reflects thoughts of death that overwhelm him.

Both girls and boys, of course, can wear a pulse with the same reason, this is a universal symbol. Important additions to it are sometimes medical emblems, crosses, something completely unpredictable to your taste. According to some experts, the pulse can also demonstrate a desire for adventure, for everything cheerful and extraordinary, a love of travel. You can only stuff it on your wrist, and very small options will not work, they will be lost.


As you can see, both on the male and on the female body, the pulse can be just a beautiful element, or maybe meaningful in content. The theory of tattoo does not contain unambiguous instructions about the choice, it lists only the main types; plus every master can improvise very widely.

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Pulse - in the word itself lies the energy of life. The heartbeat located on the cardiogram looks compact and stylish. The broken line seems to reflect the ups and downs that accompany fate.

And yet the line is not interrupted, which symbolizes the pursuit of happiness at any cost. The pulse pattern reflects the life of the heart, which fills the image with romance.

About the pulse tattoo

History has not preserved the name of the person or customer who first decided to get a pulse tattoo. However, in the post-Soviet space, drawing has gained popularity since the early 2000s.

The cardiogram attracts attention because it is concise and dynamic. Filling a broken heart rate pattern means the beating of life.

The image of a beating heart is used to create a dramatic effect. For example, in the song “Road” by Yulia Chicherina, sound effects with the rhythm of the heart create an emotional intensity.

The composition ends with the fading sounds of an electronic cardiograph. Thanks to similar works, the tattoo pulse received a romantic and tragic coloring.

In tattoo culture, the image of a rhythmic pattern has received its own unique one. There is an opinion that if you fill the image your energy increases. Additions to the broken line enhance the effect that a person wants to make a priority in his life.

The meaning and meaning of the tattoo

The pulse tattoo does not have a female or male interpretation. It is universal, since the very word "heart" is neuter. The blurred boundaries between genders show that the heart rate is the same for everyone.

Pulse tattoo meaning:

  • continuity of life;
  • longevity;
  • be in the thick of things;
  • keep up with progress;
  • love the world and yourself in it;
  • the rhythm of life;
  • the beat of the music of the universe;
  • Eternal youth;
  • love, passion for something, etc.

Looking at the full list of values, you can understand that they are all in a positive way. This is a concentrated happiness and an exaggerated attitude towards a certain phenomenon. The drawing is not always done in black and white.

Surprisingly simple cardiograph strokes were able to create volume and depth in color. With the advent of high-quality pigments from Japan, Germany and the USA to the CIS market, the pulse began to be a rainbow.

As a result, an additional interpretation appeared. The rhythm of the heart is compared with the palette of colors of the World. Connoisseurs of the theme of space equate it to the melody of the universe.

Places of tattooing

Traditionally, the tattoo pulse beats on. The logic of the location of the tattoo is simple, this is the place on the body where the largest veins pass. You can feel the tremors of blood in the vessels without specialized equipment.

The pulse on the arm is emotionally connected to the heart line. The extreme points of entry and exit of energy from the body pass along the inner sides of the hands. That is why the drawings are beaten on the hands to protect the channels.

If we move away from the esoteric meaning, the drawings look good on the chest. You can arrange a colorful composition of strokes using the watercolor technique. This option is made of strokes of paint and can be extended to the shoulder and forearm.

Among the photos, images of the pulse on are popular. Girls decorate the waistline with a pattern. In young people, a cardiogram looks courageous at the base of the neck or behind the ear. The pattern will decorate the area of ​​the shoulder blade, ribs or lower leg.

Pulse tattoo options

How to do original tattoo like a pulse? Very simply, a heartbeat is not a simple line. This is the rhythm of life of a unique creation. Each person has no analogues, and therefore the drawing will be original.

One of the tricks is to make a sketch, go through an ECG and pick up a tape for a meeting with a tattoo artist. Based on it, he will add additional strokes to the rhythm of the heartbeat. For example, impulses form the top of a mountain. It is an ideal theme for hikers practicing climbing.

Artists or representatives of creative professions will be helped by watercolor, graphics and linework. Plenty of options:

  • strokes of paint;
  • drops of water flowing down like lines of a cardiogram;
  • blazing tongues of fire;
  • waves of the raging ocean;
  • birds flying towards sunset.

Almost everything can be inscribed in broken lines, from the borders of the continents to the curved wing of a glider. You are only limited by your own imagination. But even this can be overcome with a talented tattoo artist. And if he is also experiencing difficulties, order the service of a professional tattoo artist.

To make your drawing unique, use the principle of analogies. Make a column of things and things that bring you joy. Choose your own TOP 3-4 aspects that bring you the most joy. With this, you can go to the master and order a sketch.

Encrypt the message of good luck, happiness or success in the image. There should be no difficulties with this, since the tattoo master has more than tens of thousands of associative images at his disposal.

Don't limit yourself to black and white. Due to the compactness of the drawing, you have the opportunity to make the first color tattoo, which will cost you the price of black and white. Be creative and the tattoo will become part of your unique and inimitable image.

Video - pulse tattoo, photo gallery

Each of us lives at our own pace. For some, it is measured and calm, but for someone, what is called is in full swing. And there are among us those whose life is painful and long. The number of beats per minute of the pulse is always different and depends on the state of a person’s health, as well as on his actions. And if a person has a desire to live and at the same time always win, he can tell about it with the help of a pulse tattoo. Today we offer to understand the meaning of a tattoo with a pulse.

Translated from Latin, the word "pulse" means a blow, a push. To be more precise, the pulse is usually understood as changes in the vascular system, which are associated with the work of the heart. The pulse is venous, arterial and capillary.

Interestingly, books are even written about the pulse. So Galen wrote seven books about him. He identified twenty-seven types of pulses. Moreover, each of them was divided into three subspecies.
Today we use the pulse palpation technique. It turns out that the doctor Arkhimatey once described it.

What does a pulse tattoo mean?

Often, a tattoo in the form of a pulse is used as an original body pattern. Such a small unobtrusive tattoo is liked by both men and women. Most often, it means the desire to live and win every day.

Sometimes such wearable images are made by athletes. Thus, they try to always remember about their health and do everything to ensure that life is long and happy.

Pulse tattoos are different, but most often both sexes choose drawings with a calm line, which gradually turns into a beat. Also in such a tattoo there may be other equally interesting elements. The tattoo with a pulse and a heart looks interesting. Such underwear drawings are often chosen by the fair sex.

Significance for women

Young girls and older women love to adorn themselves. Sometimes they choose tattoos as such decoration. At the same time, beautiful floral options are not always preferred. Sometimes the fair sex choose pulse tattoos as an interesting wearable image.

Such underwear drawings look very impressive on a delicate female body. A tattoo depicting a pulse for a woman means:

  • love of life man
  • desire to win
  • memory of the victory over the disease
  • memory of the loss of a loved one
  • attention to your own health

A tattoo depicting a pulse on a female body most often indicates that its owner really loves life and always strives to win. In addition, such a body pattern may mean that a woman once defeated a serious illness and always remembers this.

Often a tattoo with a pulse symbolizes the strong feelings of its owner. It can be supplemented with appropriate inscriptions.

A tattoo in the form of a pulse can tell about the loss of a loved one and eternal pain. The image with a pulse on the body of an athlete will mean attention to her health.

Significance for men

Sometimes wearable drawings in the form of a pulse are also made by representatives of the stronger sex. Most often, men choose tattoos in black and white. Sometimes they may prefer images with inscriptions. A pulse tattoo for a man would mean:

  • attention to your health
  • love of life
  • love for a woman
  • memory of the loss

A tattoo on a strong male body sometimes means strong sincere feelings for a woman. Also, such an image can tell that a man loves life and is used to winning.

Such a wearable image also sometimes testifies to the loss of a loved one and the eternal memory of this. On the body of an athlete, a tattoo in the form of a pulse will mean attention to health.

What image for a tattoo to choose?

There are many different options for tattoos in the form of a pulse. Most often, men and women choose wearable images with a solid line, which gradually turns into the rhythm of the heartbeat. Such tattoos can be supplemented with such interesting details as a heart. Also in the composition sometimes there is an inscription. It is especially relevant if the tattoo is done as a sign of love.

Life goes on for each of us in its own series of events. For some of us it is bright and fleeting, for some it is calm and even, and for some it is painful and long. The number of beats in one minute of the pulse is different, depending on the state of health and the number of actions performed by all living things. In any of these cases, if there is a desire to live and win, a person can show this with the help of the Pulse tattoo. To put it bluntly, the Pulse tattoo means the love of life.

Every day we go to our work, study at the institute, classes, trainings, walks; we organize trips to shops, trips to the mountains, the sea, abroad; do housework; care for relatives; we love children, friends, parents, and between this we do not notice how rhythmic beats expand the walls of the arteries after the contraction of the heart. We do not pay attention to the pulse, we do not monitor our health. The calmer the metabolic processes in the human body, the significantly less the number of heartbeats, which entails an increase in years of life.

Where is the best place to feel the pulse? On the hand. Oddly enough, this is one of the most frequent parts of the body where you can see a tattoo. It is here that the pulse tattoo will look best. It is like a cry of the soul, which speaks to everyone and everything about the inner strength of the human spirit. A tattoo in the form of a pulse, however, can also mean crazy, unreal, according to modern slang, love, not only for a living being, but also for your favorite things. The pulse tattoo can be applied to the body in combination with inscriptions and symbols. Some people tattoo a pulse with the name of a loved one who is near or gone forever. For units, this is an indicator of the victory of life over death.

Athletes also apply such a talisman to the body, revealing the meaning of the pulse as a constant control over health. A person who goes in for sports, even professionally, even for himself, even doing simple exercises in the morning, must constantly check his pulse rate. Any owner of such a tattoo has his own motives for applying it to the body. For some, this is a way of self-expression, for others - an attempt to covertly influence others.

In any case, if a pulse tattoo is made consciously, and not the result of a drunken party, it can often characterize its owner as a person who remembers and appreciates life as a great event. After all, we must always remember that life, albeit with its hardships, is given once.

A tattoo in the form of a pulse line and compositions with similar motifs is a popular decoration that both boys and girls choose for themselves. Such tattoos may carry a certain meaning depending on the chosen option, or they may not have any meaning and serve as a decorative element.

The popularity of such tattoos is explained simply: the image is quite concise, it looks very stylish. As a rule, such tattoos occupy small areas, they are easy to hide, if necessary, under clothing. Most often, pulse lines are stuffed on the wrist, the inner area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow. Less commonly, tattoos are applied on the legs and areas of the hips and abdomen.

In addition to broken lines, the composition often contains other symbols: the outlines of the heart, treble clef, lettering. The pulse line itself symbolizes our rapidly changing life - falls are replaced by ups, a calm flow is replaced by bright events. The pulse tattoo is popular among athletes as a symbol of health and its amulet. Some are convinced that it brings success in sporting achievements.

The meaning of a tattoo with a pulse

The pulse signifies the love of life. The pulse line on the wrist indicates a fast-moving person with inner fortitude, who wants to draw attention to himself. Pulse tattoos are chosen for themselves by those who value life, consider it the most precious gift of fate, and treat everything that happens as an important event.

Passionate and impulsive natures often choose a pulse tattoo as a symbol of crazy love. The name of a loved one in such a composition is the desire not to lose him. Sometimes the pulse is applied as a sign of memory of the departed people, who are very dear to the tattoo wearer.

The pulse tattoo is very popular among lovers of travel and adventure. People who are hungry for change, appreciating life, also often choose a pulse tattoo. The owners of such jewelry are usually smart, optimistic and original.

For those who do not attach much importance to the meaning of a tattoo, the pulse is just an original decoration on the skin.

  • desire for change, movement to new heights;
  • love for life, for a person - love in the broadest sense;
  • the triumph of life as the highest gift.

Such tattoos have several advantages:

  • small sizes;
  • the tattoo is applied in one session and is easily corrected afterwards;
  • looks stylish.

The desire to reflect the rhythm of life can be dictated by various reasons. They determine the presence or absence of semantic load. The image is most often performed in monochrome or in a combination of two colors.

Photo of a tattoo with a pulse