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» How to make a spikelet of hair. Spike braid - all versions of fashionable weaving

How to make a spikelet of hair. Spike braid - all versions of fashionable weaving

Modern girls no longer want to be like defenseless princesses. Superheroines became their idols. Like Katniss from The Hunger Games or the fearless Lara Croft. It's just uncomfortable to perform feats with loose hair. The heroines found a way out and braided their hair into a stylish spikelet.

Each mother can also appreciate the benefits of a French braid: weaving lasts a long time, the hairstyle turns out to be neat, and braiding an ear is quite simple. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Tricks of weaving a spikelet

It is difficult to imagine a small child ready to sit for an hour in place without moving for the sake of restoring beauty.

Experienced mothers are sure that weaving an ear does not take so much time. You can cope with the "fish" tail in 10-15 minutes. However, even at this time it is necessary to occupy the fidget with something.

The whole family will need help. While mom is practicing hairdressing, the father of the family can hold the little fashionista in his arms, and, if possible, prevent her from “spinning”. Older children are also happy to take part in this difficult task. Their task is to build funny faces and amuse the "model".

Older girls won't have this problem. However, how to weave a spikelet for a child? To make it neat and strong, experienced mothers advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. The hairstyle is done exclusively on clean, dried and combed hair;
  2. Children have very delicate skin on their heads, which means that it is categorically not recommended to fix them with fixatives. It is better to take simple rubber bands for hair;
  3. Curly and unruly hair can be moistened with warm water;
  4. Do not tighten the weave very tightly. Girls walk with a spikelet all day, the hairstyle should be comfortable. In addition, a tight braid can cause headaches;
  5. To make the spikelet more magnificent, you can slightly dissolve the side strands. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the hairstyle will “not live” until the evening;
  6. You can weave small beautiful accessories or a ribbon into an elegant ear;
  7. And most importantly: do not delay the weaving process. The child will not appreciate it.

An unusual braid can be braided for both a girl with long hair and the owner of a short haircut. There is one more unspoken rule: when braiding, mothers are advised to ensure that the face of the fashionista remains open. Otherwise, the hair will interfere with reading and writing.

Step by step: instructions for weaving a spikelet

So, if the child is on a chair, a comb is in his hands, and there are about 10 minutes of free time, you can start braiding a spikelet. Consider in detail how to braid a spikelet for a child.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Comb hair with a soft massage;
  2. At the forehead, collect a strand and divide it into three equal parts. A thin strand is taken on a thin spikelet. On thick, respectively, large;
  3. At the beginning of weaving, the ear resembles an ordinary braid. The right strand is crossed with the middle one;
  4. Next, weave in the side strands. It is necessary to take a little hair from the side strand and weave it into the ear along with the left strand;
  5. The same must be done on the right side;
  6. The strands must be of the same thickness;
  7. Weaving can be finished at neck level and secured with a hairpin (elastic band). Or braid the rest of your hair.

This is a simple spikelet, which is often called the "French braid". Many mothers prefer the so-called "fishtail" to such a romantic spikelet. It also doesn't require a lot of time.

To braid a fishtail, you need:

  • Divide hair into equal parts;
  • On each side, take a thin strand and throw them on the other part of the head;
  • To prevent the spikelet from unwinding, it is recommended to hold the strands tightly with your fingers.

IN kindergarten, elementary and high school, a spikelet braided around the head will look advantageous. For those who have mastered a simple spike, it will not be difficult to braid it.

Hairstyle "spikelet around the head":

  1. First of all, you need to make a straight parting;
  2. At ear level, take a thin strand and start weaving an ear along the forehead line. First to the second ear, then around the head;
  3. The hair that remains can be braided. And if this Small child tie with a rubber band or ribbon. Older girls can hide the braid inside the spikelet, and fix the hair with hairpins or invisible.

So that during the hairdressing work the hairs do not crumble, it is worth spraying them from time to time with plain water from a spray bottle.

Spikelet spikelet strife

To date, there are several dozen types of hairstyles using spike weaving.

The most popular types of spikelet:

  • French (simple);
  • Double;
  • "Fish tail";
  • On the side;
  • around the head;
  • Zigzag;
  • For short hair;
  • For long hair.

Above, we have already considered the French braid, weaving around the head and the fishtail. The rest of the hairstyles can also be braided by a little fashionista. Let's consider their differences.

The double ear has recently entered the "adult" fashion. So, high school students will be just crazy about him. It floats quite simply. Hair is divided into two equal parts. And on each side, the already familiar French braid is braided.

With an unusual spikelet on its side, there should also be no problems. The child's hair should be combed to the left or right side. Then braid again according to the already familiar instructions.

The situation is more complicated with a zigzag ear:

  1. Moms need to start weaving just below the left temple;
  2. First, let the ear “grow” towards the forehead. Strands are woven exclusively from the left side of the head;
  3. To make the hairstyle look spectacular, you need to make about 5 weaves (if the head is small - 3-4);
  4. It is recommended to finish weaving at the level of the back of the head.

On long hair You can experiment with each of the listed types of hairstyles.

Girls with short hair are also worthy of a spikelet. To braid it, you need to divide the hair into equal parts. Start braiding the ear from the ear itself. At the ends, it is recommended to tie the weave with an elastic band, or, at an older age, stab it with an invisible one.

Every mother will appreciate that you can braid a child quickly. This keeps the hair all day long.

In the next video - a good example of how to weave a spikelet correctly.

Spikelet is one of the simplest daily hairstyles for women, which is comfortable to wear and beautiful in appearance. Hairstyle looks equally good in women of different ages. A simple instruction will help you learn how to weave a spikelet step by step and later create more complex hairstyles based on it.

A spikelet (how to weave this braid step by step helps to understand the simple scheme described later in the article) can be braided both on long and on short hair from 5-7 cm. Exactly following each stage of weaving, you will get an even and neat hairstyle.

The order of weaving the spikelet:

  1. The hair is slightly moistened so that it does not fluff and is more manageable during weaving. You can use a small amount of styling mousse. Whatever tool the girl decides to use, its main goal is to fix the hair in the hairstyle so that it does not unravel.
  2. Part of the hair is collected in a ponytail at the crown and connected with an elastic band. This is done so that the hair is fixed while there are 2 more strands in the hands. Subsequently, when the principle of weaving is well understood, it will be possible to do without elastic.
  3. There are 3 strands in the hands: the first is an elastic tail, the rest are on the right and left sides, they are collected on the sides and held in hands.
  4. The right strand is transferred to the left side over the central one (with an elastic band). The central strand is taken away to the right so that it passes under the right strand.
  5. The left strand is taken to the left, but it passes over the central one.
  6. The central strand (now on the right) is connected with a small amount of free hair on the right into a bun and drawn over the left strand to the left. At this stage, the spikelet pattern begins to form.
  7. Weaving continues to the neck, repeating one principle and not forgetting to grab loose hair on both sides each time.
  8. Loose hair should already end in the neck area, so the braid is finished with the usual 3-beam weaving.
  9. The elastic at the crown can be cut off, or carefully hidden behind the weave. The hair in the strands is slightly straightened for a voluminous look and the hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

Is it possible to braid a spikelet on short hair

On a short length, you can also create a hairstyle with a weaving element, for this even a length of strands of 5 cm is enough. It is not necessary that all the hair on the head be woven into a braid. Enough element of weaving in the center, around the head or from one side.

You can braid a spikelet around your head even from short hair.

On short hair, you can try the following spikelet options:

  • fish tail;
  • spikelet with released strands;
  • spikelet with a bunch (basket);
  • 1 or 2 braids;
  • braid around the head;
  • a spikelet from a bang to one side;
  • bezel from a spikelet.

How to braid a spikelet for yourself, a child

The spikelet does not always work out the first time, but after several workouts, the weaving will look neater and stronger. To begin with, it is advised to use 2 mirrors placed opposite each other. Based on the instructions, the girl can look at the process from the side. In the future, the mirror may not be needed, weaving will take place from memory.

For many, learning from others rather than from oneself is easier. Start with the simplest options, gradually moving to more intricate hairstyles.

Spike weaving tips:

Hair Actions
Dirty It is better to braid the spikelet on washed hair, otherwise the hairstyle looks untidy
curly If there is no confidence in the skill of braiding, better hair straighten so that they do not tangle in the process
naughty Treat the strands with a small amount of mousse
Thin Give basal volume with a pile or curling iron with a corrugated nozzle
Spit thickness Depends on how thick the strands are used in the weaving process
Neat braid It turns out if all the strands are made the same

Children are restless and, most likely, will not be able to sit waiting for a long time if the mother has not yet learned how to braid braids quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to start braiding them with simple hairstyles. Also, do not weave too tightly, because children are not accustomed to uncomfortable sensations and will not tolerate no matter how beautiful the hairstyle is.

Step-by-step instructions for weaving different spikelet options

Step-by-step weaving of a spikelet is mastered quickly, and then they move on to other hairstyles, each of which can diversify the daily look or add interesting details to the appearance for special events.

Spikelet on the side

A hairstyle in the form of a spike braided around the head, when the end of the braid goes from one side to the other, looks very neat and unusual. This hairstyle is suitable for young girls and for mature women. The weaving scheme remains the same, but there is an additional element - while weaving free hair, they are twisted like a tourniquet.

Weaving technique:

  1. The hair is combed and divided into two parts with a parting.
  2. In one part of the parting at the top of the head, the hair is divided into three strands.
  3. They begin to weave a spikelet, as in the original instructions, weaving loose hair from only one part of the parting. So they reach about the middle of the head.
  4. From the middle of the head, loose hair from the second parting begins to intertwine a little in the upper part of the spikelet. The lower part of the spikelet should begin to go to the side, for this, loose hair is connected to the strands first from the side of the ears, the back of the head and neck.
  5. It is important not to forget to pull the hair tight so that the hairstyle does not weaken ahead of time.
  6. Final part. The spikelet went from one side to the other. At the end of weaving, the strands are collected not from the left and right, but from above and below. the end of the braid is woven with the usual three-beam weaving.

Inside out

The principle of weaving such a spikelet is not much different from the standard instructions. The hairstyle will look brighter due to the clearly defined and voluminous links of the braid.

Weaving technique:

  1. The hair is divided into 3 strands.
  2. The right strand is transferred to the left under the central strand.
  3. The left strand is transferred to the right under the right strand.
  4. The central strand is connected with free hair on the right side and transferred to the left.
  5. Weaving continues, each time winding the strands not on top, but from below. Remember to grab loose hair each time and connect it with strands.
  6. Continue braiding until you run out of loose hair on both sides. Then the braid is finished with a three-beam weaving, the strands are brought under the bottom of each other.

Such weaving is considered to be the wrong side of the usual version of the spikelet. With this weaving, you can also make a side braid and other variations of hairstyles.

2 inverted spikelets

The hairstyle option allows you to weave on hair of any length. Weaving scheme, as from the previous instruction, where the braid is done inside out (the strands overlap each other).

Weaving technique:

  1. Hair is divided into two halves using a straight or side parting.
  2. From one half of the hair, weave the usual purl spikelet to the end of the free hair and finish the braid with 3-beam weaving, not forgetting that the strands are stacked under each other.
  3. Repeat the same for the second half of the hair.
  4. Each braid is fastened with thin elastic bands. Weaving can be slightly loosened for volume and fixed with varnish.

around the head

A spikelet (how to weave this hairstyle step by step is described in detail later in the article) can be laid around the head in two ways. The hairstyle is neat and all the hair is fixed on the head. This option is suitable for long and middle length hair. Many people prefer this hairstyle during the hot season.

Weaving technique:

  1. Hair is combed. You can pre-wet them slightly so that they are more obedient or process them with mousse. Naturally curly hair should be ironed out first so that it does not tangle during the process. If you make a basal bouffant, the hairstyle will turn out to be more magnificent.
  2. The hair is parted into two equal halves. One side is temporarily fixed so that the hair does not interfere.
  3. Work with the other side. They begin to weave a classic spikelet approximately from the middle of the back of the head to the sides of the crown. In the process, loose hair is woven on the right and left.
  4. Gradually get to the parting and dissolve the removed half of the hair.
  5. Continue weaving using the second half of the hair. Now the movement is from top to bottom, towards the back of the head.
  6. When the loose hair is over, the tip of the braid is finished with a three-beam weave. They twist it in a spiral at the back of the head over the main braid pattern and fix it with invisibility.


Such weaving has a complex but interesting look, which works especially well on long hair.

Weaving technique:

  1. Weaving begins at the temple. The spikelet goes in a horizontal direction, not reaching the back of the head.
  2. When the braid reaches the back of the head, loose hair is woven from the crown, but not from below, and thus continues the entire weaving.
  3. When the braid reaches the opposite side of the head, the direction is reversed.
  4. Weaving continues, adding strands from the top of the free hair, making periodic turns to the end of the length.
  5. It depends on the length of the hair how freely the “snake” can be located from top to bottom. The shorter the hair, the more curls will occur.

Spikelet from the tail

Spikelet (how to weave this braid step by step according to the basic scheme, described in the instructions below) can be diversified by choosing the option of weaving from the tail.

Weaving technique:

  1. All hair is well combed and collected in a ponytail, secured with an elastic band. The tail can be fixed on the crown or on the back of the head - it depends on the preference of the girl.
  2. At the base of the tail, three strands are separated and a simple spikelet is started, alternately adding thin rays to it on both sides. The thinner the strands, the neater and more unusual the hairstyle looks.
  3. When the braid is finished, secure it with an elastic band. The strands can be slightly loosened and fixed with hairspray.

Spit in a braid

Another interesting variant of weaving a spikelet is especially well suited for owners of long hair.

Weaving technique:

  1. Hair is divided horizontally into 2 equal parts. The upper part of the hair is twisted into a temporary bun and fixed so that it does not interfere.
  2. A tight 3-beam braid is woven from the lower part. Fasten it with a temporary rubber band and loosen the links of the braid.
  3. The upper part of the hair is loosened and a spikelet is woven from it inside out to the end of the length, fixed with a temporary rubber band. The links are weakening.
  4. Both parts of the braids are fastened together at the bottom with the help of one elastic band, temporary ones are removed. It turns out a braid with a purl weave over the usual.

Weaving 2 braids

This hairstyle is suitable for hair of any length. Weaving pattern as from the standard spikelet instructions.

Weaving technique:

  1. Hair is divided into two parts vertically.
  2. Weave an ordinary spikelet from one part of the hair until free hair runs out. Then continue the braid with 3-beam weaving.
  3. Repeat the same algorithm for the other half of the hair.

Fishtail to myself

This is a more subtle way of weaving a spikelet. The braid itself remains flat, but wide, consisting of numerous thin strands. In its appearance, the hairstyle resembles a fin, hence its name.

Weaving technique:

  1. The hair is divided into two parts with a straight parting.
  2. The hair is held with the left hand, preventing the separated parts of the hair from connecting.
  3. A thin strand is separated from the far edge of the right half of the hair, thrown over and connected to the left half.
  4. Now both halves are taken in the right hand, without connecting them. A thin strand is separated from the edge of the right half and, as indicated above, is attached to the left side.
  5. Continue weaving, following steps 2-4. Try to make strands of the same thickness.
  6. Weaving continues to the end.

Triple fishtail

Laying is designed for long curls.

Weaving technique:

  1. Hair is divided into 3 equal parts.
  2. Each part is braided into a separate fishtail braid and temporarily secured with rubber bands.
  3. Of the three braids, one is braided according to the principle of the usual 3-beam weaving. Instead of strands, braids are used here.
  4. Fasten the braid with an elastic band, and remove the temporary elastic bands.

air spikelet

Spikelet weaving in any way can be made both tight and more airy. The second method is more suitable for those who have thin hair. Free weaving will create a voluminous look of the hairstyle.

Whatever weaving method the girl chooses, she can give an airy look, for this:

  • before starting braiding, the hair must be treated with styling mousse;
  • a spikelet is woven with a slight tension of the hair;
  • the hairstyle is loosened with fingers and fixed with varnish.


Weaving of this type of spikelet occurs horizontally, starting from the temple and moving in the opposite direction, then returning back and forth. The thicker the strands, the more voluminous the braid and the fewer turns of the wave you can fit on your head. Best of all, the hairstyle is obtained on long hair and medium length.

Weaving technique:

  1. Weaving starts from the temple horizontally to the opposite part of the head. Weave loose hair from the crown, but not from the bottom. They try to weave the braid tighter and closer to the roots of the hair.
  2. Having reached the opposite temple, they make a U-turn and weave in the same way in the other direction.
  3. Make as many turns as the area allows. At the end, the braid is fastened with an elastic band, and the weaving links are weakened and fixed with varnish.

Square spikelet on itself or double spikelet

The spikelet (how to weave this braid step by step is indicated in the following instructions) can be modified and another hairstyle option can be chosen - a square spikelet. The technique will resemble a fishtail, but the appearance of such a hairstyle is different.

Weaving technique:

  1. The hair is combed and divided in half.
  2. A thin strand is separated from the left side and thrown to the right side from above.
  3. On the right side, a strand is separated and thrown to the left from above.
  4. On the left side, a strand is separated and thrown to the right from below.
  5. On the right side, the strand is thrown to the bottom left.
  6. Continue weaving to the end, each time alternating weaving from above and below.


You can diversify the hairstyle by changing the direction of the braid. The effect of weaving diagonally is more noticeable when weaving 2 braids at once.

Weaving technique:

  1. Hair is parted diagonally in half.
  2. Weave a classic spikelet from the top of the hair to the neck, fasten the remaining length with a temporary rubber band.
  3. Weave the same braid from the bottom of the hair to the neck.
  4. Remove the temporary elastic from the upper braid. Both braids are connected together and immediately divided into 3 strands.
  5. Further, from these strands weave a 3-beam braid for 2-3 crossings and again divide the strands in half.
  6. A spikelet is alternately woven from the left and right half of the hair to the end of the length of the hair and each end is fastened with elastic bands.


In order to create a braid of spikelets using the zigzag technique, you should follow the algorithm:

  1. Curls are combed, parted obliquely. They are divided in half into upper and lower parts.
  2. Separate 3 strands at the temple and braid the spikelet, adding strands of free hair only from above.
  3. Gradually turn the braid to the second part of the hair, starting to add strands from this part of the hair.
  4. The braid is finished with a 3-beam weave, the end is fixed with a thin elastic band.
  5. The tip of the braid can be left hanging or secured to the hair in the form of a spiral with invisible hairpins or hairpins.

little basket

This is a romantic version of the hairstyle, which is suitable for a daily look and for special occasions. Best of all, the hairstyle is obtained on long hair or medium length. On short hair, the basket may fall apart, but you can try using additional means of fixing the hairstyle - varnish, foam or mousse.

Weaving technique:

  1. Separate part of the hair from one side and weave a spikelet from it to the end of the length of the hair.
  2. The finished braid is fixed with a thin elastic band and the weaving is slightly loosened for volume.
  3. The remaining loose hair is collected in a ponytail and put on a bagel.
  4. With the help of a donut, a bundle is made from the tail.
  5. The braid is wound around the bundle and fixed with invisibility.

Spikelet with strands released

The romantic version of the hairstyle is suitable for owners of hair of any length, both for a daily look and for special events.

Weaving technique:

  1. Separate 3 strands at the temple and weave an ordinary spikelet in a horizontal direction, moving to another temple.
  2. In the process, loose hair is woven from the side of the crown, and the hair is not woven from below at all.
  3. When the braid reaches the temple opposite to the beginning, the hair is fixed with silicone rubber, the tip is wrapped inward and secured with an invisibility. The links are slightly weakened.

large spikelet

A bright version of weaving a spikelet. The links of the braid are greatly relaxed to create volume, which is why the length of the hair in the hairstyle is significantly reduced. Therefore, this weaving option is suitable for owners of long hair.

Weaving technique:

  1. A small strand of hair is fixed with a temporary thin elastic band (maybe silicone) at the crown.
  2. They take thin strands from the temples and also connect them immediately under the previous tail.
  3. The upper tail is divided into 2 strands, I clasp the lower tail with them. Attach strands of free hair to them from the sides and again make a ponytail with an elastic band. It turns out 3 tails in a row.
  4. Continue this algorithm to the end.
  5. The side strands framing the elastic bands are relaxed so that they take on volume and cover the elastic bands.

Weave with ribbon

A spikelet hairstyle using a ribbon can diversify a familiar look and is suitable for special events. With such a hairstyle, you can easily cope on your own.

Weaving technique:

  1. The hair is combed, mousse is applied to them.
  2. A bundle of hair is separated in the crown area. The type of braid will depend on its size. If the bundle is thin, the braid will gradually expand towards the neck. If the beam is thick, the braid will be uniform along the entire length.
  3. Divide the bundle into 3 strands. The tape is applied or wrapped around its central strand.
  4. They begin to weave a classic spikelet, alternating strands. The two edges of the tape alternate together with the right and left strands (connect them).
  5. When the weaving is finished, fix the braid. To do this, the ends of the ribbon are tied into a bow.

To learn how to weave a spikelet step by step on your own, you need a little training, but each time it will get easier.

In the future, you can add variety, using ordinary weaving to create unusual hairstyles.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video about weaving a spikelet

How to braid Spikelet:

Another beautiful hair weave that creates an original style and suits all girls with long hair. There are many varieties of braids, one of such beautiful braids is a spikelet of hair. A French braid can also be called a spikelet, but it is still correct to call a spikelet a pigtail that is woven using the fishtail technique, only all over the head, weaving new strands on each side. If you were looking for French braid weaving - see this article. Another name for the spikelet is a dragon.

  1. To get the most beautiful and elegant braid, you need to take hair in thin strands.
  2. If you want a more voluminous hairstyle, then you can use larger strands.
  3. To create the effect of negligence, rather thick strands are used, and their crossover is not done very often.
  4. Each strand, before being inserted into the hairstyle, must be additionally combed and pulled.
  5. This allows you to avoid the appearance of "roosters" as much as possible.
  6. Hair will be more manageable if you wet it a little or apply hair mousse before weaving.
  7. To begin with, it is better to practice weaving a pigtail on your mother or girlfriend.
  8. Thus, the necessary skill will be acquired, and it will become much easier to braid your hair.
  9. Strands, if possible, should be the same in thickness.
  10. To make the hairstyle look more original, just pull some of the hair in links on the sides.
  11. Various hairpins, hairpins and other accessories will add zest to the image.

Pigtail "spikelet"

In this method, the pigtail "spikelet" is woven like a French braid and starts from the crown.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Comb your hair back and separate one strand on each side in the temporal zone, on average, their thickness should be 2.5 cm.
  2. We take the strands back to the back of the head and cross them.
  3. Holding the resulting weave, select a new strand on one side and cross it over the top strand in the weave.
  4. Next, take the strand on the other side and do exactly the same.
  5. Follow these steps until you reach the bottom hairline.
  6. Now we divide the hair into two parts and take strands from under the tail from one side to the other and continue to weave the braid as before, crossing them with each other.
  7. Moreover, when we take a strand from the left side, then after weaving we must combine it with the right side of the hair.
  8. Secure the resulting braid with an elastic band or hairpin.

simple spikelet

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The hair is collected in ponytail(the tail can be made from below, or at the crown, any of the options will look interesting).
  2. We divide the hair into two large working strands and begin to single out thin strands from each part of the hair in turn, crossing them with each other.

Pigtail spikelet easy way

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Comb your hair back.
  2. Then take one wide strand at the crown in your hand.
  3. Divide the part of the hair that is now in your hand into 3 separate strands.
  4. Next, take the right side and put it on top of the middle one.
  5. Then take the left strand and repeat the same.
  6. Thus, we make several links.
  7. At this stage, you can already start adding new strands.
  8. To do this, add a small amount of hair from the corresponding half of the head to the right bundle.
  9. Then they cross again with the central strand.
  10. The middle bundle must be pulled to the right side, carefully holding all the strands.
  11. Further, point number 3 is repeated, but on the other side.
  12. Then we repeat point number 5, but we pull it to the left.
  13. All you need to do next is to repeat the previous points in turn.
  14. The remaining loose hair can be braided into a regular braid.

Graceful spikelet

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The hair of a girl who wants to make herself a spikelet pigtail should not be too short, but does not require serious length either.
  2. The weaving pattern is quite simple and affordable.
  3. Any woman can handle it.
  4. If you look at the hairstyle step by step, you first need to comb your hair, take a strand of hair from above and divide it into 3 equal parts.
  5. Then weave them together, putting the side strands on the middle one.
  6. Everything is done in exactly the same way as when weaving a regular traditional braid.
  7. Then the resulting braid must be carefully taken in hand so that each individual strand is separated from the others.
  8. Now you need to add a small strand on the left and overlay it on the middle one.
  9. Then the middle strand is retracted to the right.
  10. Now exactly the same operation is done with the left strand, a small strand is added to it on the left.
  11. And again, it is superimposed on the middle strand, while she herself is retracted to the left.
  12. If you want the braid to be tight and even, you need to keep your hands as close to your head as possible.
  13. Continue weaving until all the hair is gathered into a spikelet pigtail.
  14. When you get to the neck, you can do in different ways: either secure the result with an elastic band in a ponytail, or, if the length of the hair allows, continue to create a hairstyle.
  15. You can make a pigtail both the most ordinary and traditional, and, for example, a fishtail.
  16. From ordinary weaving, you can make an openwork, for this, along the edges of the braid itself, you need to carefully pull out small strands of hair.

French spikelet per turn

The spikelet weaving pattern, on the contrary, may look complicated to itself, but in practice everything will turn out to be very easy.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We carefully comb the hair so that during weaving they do not get tangled.
  2. Separate a small strand at the top of the head and divide it into three identical sections.
  3. We grab the first curl (preferably on the left) and wind it down under the two remaining strands.
  4. We start the third strand under the first and second, that is, weave the pigtail inward.
  5. We repeat these steps again, picking up additional strands (small or large) either on the right or on the left.
  6. We adhere to this principle until the end of the length of the hair, and fix the tip with an elastic band.
  7. Do you want to make the spikelet more voluminous? Just lightly stretch the strands with your hands.

Lush spikelet on one side

The spikelet does not have to be placed in the middle of the head. With our tips, you can easily braid it to the side and create a romantic look.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Comb your hair with a comb.
  2. We divide the hair with an oblique vertical parting.
  3. In the part that turns out to be larger, we separate the thin strand and divide it into three equal sections.
  4. We begin to weave the usual three-row braid.
  5. On the third weave, we connect the side strands to the spikelet. We grab them from above, then from below.
  6. We reach the earlobe and hold the tip of the pigtail with your hand.
  7. We twist the hair in the opposite part of the head into a tourniquet with our free hand.
  8. We move towards the spit.
  9. We connect both parts and weave the strands using the fishtail technique.
  10. At the exit, the side spike should turn out to be disheveled and voluminous, so you don’t have to worry about the accuracy of weaving.

Combined spikelet fishtail

Combining a fishtail with a French braid, you can get the perfect braid! This is one of the best solutions for long hair, which will allow you to quickly put yourself in order.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Create a side parting.
  2. On the larger side, separate part of the hair and divide it into three.
  3. Start braiding a regular three-strand braid.
  4. On the second or third braid, add loose curls on the right side.
  5. On the fourth braid, pick up the loose curls on the left.
  6. Continue braiding the French spikelet, picking up strands alternately on both sides.
  7. Having reached ear level, fix the pigtail with a clip.
  8. Twist the strands on the other side of the parting into a tight tourniquet, moving along the base of the neck.
  9. Connect the harness to the scythe, freed from the clamp.
  10. Divide the resulting tail in half.
  11. Braid it into a fishtail braid, crossing two thin curls between each other.
  12. Secure the end with an elastic band.
  13. Stretch the weave with your hands to give it splendor.
  14. Spray the styling with varnish.

Spikelet to one side

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First comb your hair away from your face.
  2. On either side of the head (left or right to choose from), select a strand of medium thickness and divide it into three identical parts.
  3. Make several links (two or three) of a classic braid.
  4. Next, we weave a strand from the side you have chosen into our braid.
  5. From this moment, the braid begins on its side.
  6. Then we take a strand from the opposite side and again add it to the hair bun.
  7. We continue to alternately weave strands into the hair on both sides of the head, and to make it beautiful, each time we pull the hair tighter.
  8. Having reached the base of the neck, we continue to weave the usual braid.
  9. We fix the tip with an elastic band, bring it out or hide it.
  10. You can decorate the finished hairstyle, make it more voluminous.
  11. To do this, slightly stretch the curls from each link.
  12. On the sides or between the links, insert studs with beads or flowers.

Spikelet around the head

A spikelet around the head is one of the most non-standard, luxurious hairstyles. It is best suited for thick hair. If the hair is thin, it is appropriate to make a light pile at the roots.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Comb well and moisturize curls.
  2. In the middle of the head, make an even parting to divide the hair into two even halves.
  3. On the right side, behind the temple, separate three identical strands as for a regular spikelet.
  4. Start weaving the braid in a spiral, adding new strands with each step.
  5. All hair must be used in the work.
  6. Finish weaving near the left ear.
  7. Hide the tip of the braid under the curls, and so that it does not come out, secure it with an invisibility.
  8. In a similar way, we start weaving in a semicircle from the left temple.
  9. We hide the tip of the hair from the left braid under the links of the right one, fix it with the help of invisibility.
  10. Decorate with hairpins if desired.

Everted spikelet

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. After combing your hair well, separate a part of the hair at the top of your head, which you divide into three strands (central, left, right).
  2. We put the left strand under the central one.
  3. Then we put the right strand under the center and left.
  4. After that, we take the central strand, attach a part of the free hair to it, move it under the right one, bending it so that it is again in the center of the pigtail.
  5. We also do with the left strand, capturing part of the free hair.
  6. This time, the left strand will be in the center of the braid.
  7. We continue to weave the inverted spikelet until the hair runs out.
  8. The result is fixed with a rubber band.

Hairstyle 2 spikelets

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Comb clean hair thoroughly.
  2. Divide your hair into a straight parting.
  3. Start weaving first on one side of the parting, then on the second.
  4. To do this, grab a strand of hair in the area of ​​​​the bangs on the left side of the parting, divide it into three even parts.
  5. Start weaving a regular pigtail, constantly adding new curls to the main strands, both from above and from below.
  6. Remember: do not make the weave too tight, weave the braid straight, parallel to the parting.
  7. Having finished weaving the left spikelet, proceed to the design on the right side.
  8. The technology is carried out according to a similar principle.
  9. Ready two spikelets you will need to lay beautifully.
  10. You can stab pigtails in the form of a spiral or a ringlet.

french spikelet

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare curls, rinse them and dry them. In this case, they will be obedient, soft.
  2. Take a section of hair directly from the top of the head - the more, the thicker the braid will be ready.
  3. Divide it into three maximally equal parts.
  4. Next, weave a regular spikelet, not forgetting to add new strands from the sides. They should be a little smaller now. Repeat the selected weave.
  5. When the side strands can no longer be woven, either make a spikelet to the very end of the hair, or fix it so that the tail remains.

Spikelet for medium hair on the side

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Hair must be collected in a strong tail and divided into two parts of the same thickness. In order for you to learn how to properly make a spikelet on its side, it is better to sit in front of a large mirror - you can adjust the process and watch the result of weaving.
  2. If you started to weave on the right, a thin strand stands out from the right side of the curls (if on the left, then vice versa, respectively). A thin strand is crossed with the base, then added to the opposite part, holding it tightly with your hand.
  3. Next, the spikelet is woven, each time adding curls to the opposite part of the hair. Weave them tightly, as the likelihood of such a hairstyle falling apart is quite high.

Double spikelet

Another original modification of the hairstyle is the double spikelet, which has recently become popular and truly in demand in modern fashion.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Select a strand of hair on the crown, divide it into three equal parts, as for a regular braid. Start weaving the reverse spikelet, putting the strands under the bottom, namely under each other.
  2. Now put additional hair to the extreme curls, separating them with a horizontal parting. Tacks are made to each extreme strand, alternately on the right and left.
  3. Separate a small part from the main strand, pin it on top with a clip, and then make a subsequent pickup and weave the braid under the bottom. The same is done on the other side.
  4. When a little spikelet is woven, gently pull the curls over the edges. You can do this later, but it will be a little more difficult, and the braid itself will become untidy and less attractive. Then continue with the usual weaving.
  5. When the loose strands are woven, do the main weave, highlighting and pinning small curls, but without pickups. When the braid is ready, fix it with a clip at the very bottom.
  6. Weaving of the upper spikelet. Take the topmost free strand, divide it into three parts and begin to carefully weave a regular braid, laying the strands on top of each other. As when weaving a spikelet, pick up from the following free strands, dividing them into several parts. Weave to the end until there are no separated loose strands left. Secure the ends of both braids with an elastic band.

Spikelet around the head

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Comb your curls, moisturize them and separate three small strands near the temple.
  2. Then weave a braid, gradually picking up curls around the head along the very contour.
  3. Weaving should end near the opposite temple. Secure the spikelet with a hairpin or rubber band.

How to weave a spikelet

  1. From thin strands, a neat, elegant braid is obtained. Read more:
  2. Large strands are used to create voluminous braids.
  3. To create a fashionable, careless, slightly loose braid, take large strands and try to cross them less often.
  4. To avoid the appearance of "roosters", comb and tighten each individual strand.
  5. To simplify the weaving process, and the hair does not crumble, lightly spray it with water, styling products (mousse, foam, gel) or moisten your hands.
  6. The hairstyle will not turn out perfect right away, so before weaving a braid for yourself, try creating a hairstyle on another person or on a mannequin.
  7. To prevent the pigtail from twisting to one side, use strands of the same thickness.
  8. Spikelet hairstyle is a good option for rainy, windy weather, country trips with an overnight stay, trips to the beach or pool, long events.
  9. A French-style spikelet will become more magnificent, more voluminous and more beautiful if you pull some of its links with your fingers.
  10. Small "roosters" are easy to remove with a comb with fine teeth.
  11. For a “circular spikelet” hairstyle, get a small comb and comb your hair with it at the roots, so your styling will look more elegant.
  12. Use accessories: various hair clips, rhinestones, headbands, hairpins will make even the most ordinary, classic spikelet original.
  13. This hairstyle looks beautiful on colored, armored, highlighted hair.

Video: spikelet weaving technique

It looks equally impressive both on medium length and on long hair. A few modeling techniques and based on a braid, you can make several types of evening and business styling that will not go unnoticed by others.

Weaving itself is not a complicated process, but not everyone knows how to do it on their own. Learning to weave is easy, you just need to understand the technique and use the tools at hand. The main assistant will be mirrors installed opposite each other. By controlling the sequence and thickness of the strands, you can get used to it and subsequently do your hair without them.

Many variations on the spikelet theme have been invented, but the main hallmarks are:

  • parting shape;
  • the number of strands at the beginning of the braid (2 or 3);
  • weaving method (from bottom to top and vice versa);
  • the thickness of the beams used.

What is necessary

For self-weaving a spikelet, you will need only a few items:

  • a comb with a thin handle and long teeth for separating strands;
  • several hairpins;
  • two mirrors to control the process.

You also need to be patient, because haste and fuss will not give you the opportunity to master the technique of weaving.

How to braid a spikelet

Medium length hair is the easiest to braid. The short ones are too naughty, it is difficult to fix them, since the slightest turn of the hand provokes a strand to fall out of the braid. Long strands are difficult to style due to constant tangling. It is difficult to hold a heavy curl in your hand and redirect it with your fingers in the right direction, but you can still get used to it.


  1. Comb washed dry hair;
  2. Starting from a bang or other place on the top of the head, collect a strand, distribute it into three equal beams (the base of the braid);
  3. Insert the first bundle between the second and third;
  4. Third beam redirect between the first and second;
  5. Beams during weaving to correct, comb if necessary;
  6. Then the second beam is inserted between the third and the first, supplemented by a new strand on the side of the same thickness;
  7. Next, weaving is performed in a similar way with the capture of side hair, alternately on the left and right sides;
  8. After weaving all the side strands of the braid braided without them to the desired length;
  9. The remaining tail is fixed elastic band or hairpin;
  10. Curly hairs are stacked with the help of invisibility;
  11. Correct the links of the spikelet.

How to braid 2 spikelets

The hairstyle is reborn from the past. True, then it was relevant for schoolgirls. Now modern girls and young women have seized the initiative. Appearing in society with such braids is considered very stylish and fashionable.

Weaving order:

  1. Comb your hair well and highlight an even parting passing through the center of the head;
  2. Braids are woven separately on each side, starting from the hairline;
  3. Divide the base into two identical thin strands, cross them among themselves;
  4. Interlace the main bundles, complementing with free strands (thin);
  5. It is not necessary to stretch and create a tight weave, a free braid will look more voluminous, it will be easier to correct it;
  6. Fix the result with an elastic band;
  7. Perform similar steps but from the other side.

A side parting, dividing the head from one ear to the other, will allow you to create a braid around the head. Reception and the principle of weaving do not change. An offset parting is needed when weaving. Separate spikelets are connected below the back of the head and intertwined with a continuous oblique, or superimposed on each other and fixed with an elastic band, and the place of combination is chopped off with beautiful hairpins (hairpins, invisible).

There is a way to weave two spikelets using three bundles, which is based on classical weaving. This hairstyle will keep its shape in the most inclement weather. But to form beautiful links, thick hair is required.

Separate spikelets are connected below the back of the head and intertwined with a solid oblique, or overlap each other and are fixed with an elastic band

Other hairstyle variations

"Fish tail"

A hairstyle made of thin buns looks spectacular. Weaving steps:

  1. Separate from the left temporal part and the right one beam at a time and direct them towards yourself;
  2. Folding strands crosswise, put them in your right hand;
  3. With your left hand, separate a new strand from the left side, pull out and connect with the right beam;
  4. Fix the braid with your right hand, and with the right, repeat the previous action, but on the right side;
  5. The braid weaves to the base of the head or to the desired length, after which it is fixed with an elastic band.

Looks impressive hairstyle made of thin beams

Such a hairstyle will be appropriate for a holiday and in everyday life. It holds its shape very well throughout the day, is not afraid of wind and wet weather. Weaving around the head can give originality, but not in a straight line, but with bends. If you straighten the links on one side, you get a real masterpiece.

The technique of weaving around the head is performed in the sequence:

  1. Comb your hair, highlighting a strict parting in the middle of the head;
  2. Three strand base starts from the right side in the usual way;
  3. You need to braid, adhering to a semicircular shape.(go along the back of the head, adding new strands);
  4. Finish weaving approximately near the ear on the left side, fix the ponytail with an elastic band and hide in the strands with the help of invisibility;
  5. The process is then repeated, but already on the left side;
  6. When docking with the first streamer, you need to fix the second and hide the remaining tail in the spikelet with hairpins or stealth.

Weaving around the head can give originality, but made not in a straight line, but with bends


Ideal for thin hair. Weaving adds volume, creates a beautiful shape. The sequence is:

  1. Comb your hair neatly and highlight the beam at the crown;
  2. Split it into three equal parts;
  3. The left strand is placed under the middle and right bundles;
  4. Bring the right under the left and the middle strand;
  5. The pigtail weaves inside, forming the purl effect of a classic spikelet;
  6. Further manipulations are repeated, but with the addition of free strands of the same thickness on each side;
  7. Respecting the principle, braid to the ends of the hair and fix the braid with an elastic band;
  8. Fix the links;
  9. To create volume stretch each link.