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» What a holiday 19 20 March. International holiday - Day without meat

What a holiday 19 20 March. International holiday - Day without meat

Published on 19.03.18 23:16

Today, March 20, 2018, they also celebrate the Spring Equinox, International Happiness Day, International Meat-Free Day, International Astrology Day and other events.

March 20, 2018 is celebrated folk holiday Pavel Kapelnik. The Church today venerates the icon of the Holy Mother of God "The guarantor of sinners" and the memory of Saints Paul the Most Simple and Paul of Prusias, Bishop. "Drip" - the old name of March, so the holiday was so nicknamed by the people

The icon of the Holy Mother of God "The guarantor of sinners" got its name from the inscription on it. For a long time, she stood forgotten by everyone in the corner of the old chapel of the Odrin-Nikolaev Orlovskaya Monastery. idhumkz areas. But in the middle of the 19th century, the inhabitants of that region began to have dreams in which the image had miraculous healing powers. Since then, people began to turn to the icon, and it helped to heal from physical and mental anguish. The image received even greater respect during the cholera epidemic, when many terminally ill believers were able to recover.

The farmer Pavel, who lived in the 4th century, received the nickname "The Simple One" for his kind and gentle character. One day he found out about his wife's infidelities and went into the desert, to the monastery of Anthony the Great. For a long time Anthony tested Paul with hard work, strict fasting and constant singing of psalms. As a result, he received permission to stay in the monastery. For years of hermitage, God rewarded Paul with the gift of clairvoyance and exorcism. For many years he healed people and helped lost souls return to God.

Very little is known about Saint Paul of Prusias. He lived in the 9th century in the city of Prusias, where he served God and people in the rank of bishop. During the persecution of Christians by pagans, the saint openly spoke with speeches that denounced idolaters and defended Christian shrines. For this he himself was persecuted. The life of the bishop ended presumably in 850.

According to signs, if it gets colder at night, expect frosts.

The horizon is blue - to soon heat, and the icicles on the roofs hang long, which means there will be good flax.

Day of spring equinox

The spring equinox in 2018 falls on March 20. This holiday was expected and honored in Rus' - today people see off the winter and solemnly burn its effigy. Spring was met with cheerful dances, mass celebrations, pies and pancakes. It was believed that the more festive and hospitable to meet spring, the earlier it would come, and the year would be more fruitful.

At this time, the first birds arrived. The person who saw the first herald of spring - the lark, received Easter cake in his form.

The day of the spring equinox was considered magical. On a festive night, the girls wondered about the future. Dreams that were dreamed were interpreted as prophetic.

In ancient times, it was believed that on this day the Sun God descended to earth. He checks and helps in all good deeds.

international day of happiness

International Day of Happiness is celebrated on March 20th. The holiday was established by Resolution No. A/RES/66/281 of the UN General Assembly of June 28, 2012. The initiator of the holiday was the Kingdom of Bhutan. His proposal was approved by representatives of all UN member states.

International no meat day

International Meat Free Day is observed every year on March 20th. The event was first celebrated in 1985. On this day, commercial establishments, catering establishments do not release meat. Members of public foundations, charitable institutions, animal advocates hold flash mobs and actions. They spread the ideas of vegetarianism, humane treatment of animals, environmental protection.

international day of astrology

International Astrology Day is celebrated on March 20th. There is no exact information about the founders of the event. The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to the day of the spring equinox, which most often falls on March 20, sometimes on the 21st or 19th. To avoid confusion, a single date was fixed. The event is unofficial. It received wide support in society.

Anna, Antonina, Vasily, Eugene, Evdokia, Ekaterina, Emelyan, Ephraim, Xenia, Maria, Nadezhda, Nikolai, Pavel.

  • 1535 - the first centralized monetary reform was carried out in Russia.
  • 1699 - the first awarding of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was made.
  • 1792 - The French National Assembly approves the use of the guillotine.
  • 1852 - Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin is published.
  • 1930 - birthday of the Moscow Aviation Institute.
  • 1933 - testing of the world's largest broadcasting station named after the Comintern began.
  • 1992 - the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was established and the Gold Star medal was established.
  • Ivan Mazepa 1639 - Ukrainian statesman.
  • Henrik Ibsen 1828 - Norwegian playwright.
  • Vera Panova 1905 - Soviet writer.
  • Svyatoslav Richter 1915 - Soviet and Russian pianist.
  • Pavel Kosykh 1929 - Soviet and Russian ecologist.
  • Alexander Gorodnitsky 1933 - Russian geophysicist.
  • Alexander Morozov 1948 - Soviet and Russian songwriter.
  • Ekaterina Strizhenova 1968 - Russian film and theater actress.

The short reign of Elena Glinskaya - regent for her young son Ivan IV Vasilyevich - was marked by an important monetary reform: for the first time in Rus', a single monetary system was established. From March 20, 1535, only new silver coins (kopecks, money and half pieces) made at the sovereign's mint had the right to circulate throughout Russia. By the way, kopecks got their name from the image of a rider with a spear in his hand. The ruble at that time was not minted and was only a counting unit. A sawn-off shotgun and a mixture of money were discovered in the last years of the reign of Vasily III: 250 Novgorod money (or Moscow two rubles six hryvnias) were supposed to be made from the hryvnia, and it came to the point that each money was cut off in half and came out 500 or more distorted money. From here, every trade deal was accompanied by screams, abuse, oaths. Shortly before the death of the Grand Duke, many people were executed in Moscow for damaging money: they poured tin into their mouths, and whipped their hands. To put an end to this, the ruler Elena Glinskaya (Tsar Ivan IV was not even five years old) banned the circulation of counterfeit and cut money, ordered them to be remade and again minted from the hryvnia for three rubles or 300 Novgorod money. The addition of new money (300 instead of 250) was done, as the chronicler says, so that people would have a small loss from spoiled money. The day of March 20 can be considered the birthday of a penny, since under Grand Duke Vasily on money, the Grand Duke was depicted on horseback with a sword in his hand, but now he held a spear in his hand, which is why money began to be called spear.

On March 20, 1669, the Rada of Zaporozhye Cossack Cossacks recognized the protectorate of Turkey over part of the Right-Bank Ukraine.

On this day in 1792, the National Assembly of France approved the use of the guillotine during executions. The guillotine consists of a heavy (40-100 kg) oblique knife (slang name - "lamb"), freely moving along vertical wooden guides. The knife was raised to a height of 2-3 meters and held with a rope. The head of the guillotined was placed in a special recess at the base of the mechanism, after which the rope holding the knife was released, and it fell at high speed onto the victim's neck.

On the day of our survey in 1806, the foundation stone of Dartmoor Prison (England, Devon) was laid. Three years later, its construction was completed. At first, French prisoners of war were placed in it, who built it themselves. During the Anglo-American War of 1812, the Americans were added to them. For more than 30 years the prison was empty, and in 1850 it hospitably received the first criminals sentenced to long terms and hard work.

On March 20, 1800, the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta, in a letter to the chairman of the Royal Society of London, Joseph Banks, announced his invention - the DC battery.

On the day we are considering in 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte returned to Paris after being imprisoned on the island of Elba. Beginning of the Hundred Days. One hundred days - the time of the second reign of Emperor Napoleon I in France (March 20 - June 22, 1815) after his flight from the island of Elba. The anti-French coalition with the participation of many European countries opposed the Napoleonic empire. After a series of battles of this campaign, which took place with varying success (Quatre-Bras, Ligny, Wavre), Napoleon's army was finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815. On June 22, 1815, Napoleon abdicated the throne for the second time.

On March 20, 1852, the first edition of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin was published. This piercing story about the situation of blacks, and now - African Americans, as it is now customary to call the black inhabitants of America, does not leave readers indifferent to this day. In America, 300,000 copies of the book were sold in a year; in Russia, it became an argument in favor of the abolition of serfdom. During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln, when meeting with the writer, exclaimed: “So you are the same little woman who wrote the book that started this big war?” When Beecher Stowe passed away, one of the wreaths bore the inscription: "From Uncle Tom's children." Exactly five years later, day after day, but in 1857, this work appeared in Russia as an appendix to the Russkiy Vestnik, published by Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov. The book came out with the title Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Negro Life in the Slave States of North America.

On the day of our survey in 1854, the Republican Party was founded in the United States.

On March 20, 1854, the premiere of the world's first operetta in the gypsy language took place in Moscow, staged by the world's first professional gypsy theater troupe under the direction of N. I. Shishkin. And 34 years later, in St. Petersburg, the first public performance of the "Circle of Balalaika Fans" (Now - Andreev Academic Russian Folk Orchestra) took place.

On the day we are considering in 1912, permission was given to install the first illuminated advertising in St. Petersburg.

On this spring day in 1915, at New York's Carnegie Hall, the Russian Symphony Orchestra conducted by Modest Altshuler for the first time abroad performed Alexander Scriabin's poem Prometheus (another name is Poem of Fire) for orchestra, choir, piano and organ, accompanied by light effects. The world premiere of this grandiose work took place in Moscow in 1911, but then, due to technical difficulties, the "party of light", specially written by the composer in the score, had to be abandoned. In New York, Altshuler tried to realize it, but here, too, the attempt failed. For the first time, Scriabin's idea was more or less successfully implemented in 1975 - in the same place, in the USA - by the orchestra of the University of Iowa under the direction of James Dixon, who used a specially designed laser installation.

On the same day, but in 1933, the first concentration camp in Germany was opened in Dachau.

The spring day we are considering today is marked in world history by a number of cinematic events.

And exactly 10 years later, four months before the start of the World Cup, the Golden Goddess Football World Cup was stolen in England. The prize was stolen during its public display at the Westminster Showroom in London. Moreover, the thief ignored a number of rare stamps worth 3 million pounds. The unknown person then demanded and received a ransom of £15,000. He was arrested, but he turned out to be a liar. Seven days later, one David Corbett was walking his dog named Pickles in a suburban park in south London. The dog was interested in something under the bench ... So, wrapped in a newspaper, a golden figurine of the "Goddess Nike" was found. Pickles has not been forgotten. When the England team won the World Cup, a celebratory banquet was arranged. Naturally, one of the main characters on it were Corbett and Pickles. In gratitude, the dog was allowed to lick the cup of victory. Pickles starred in the film The Spy with the Cold Nose. Unfortunately, the period of glory was very short. A year later, natural instincts took their toll. Pickles chased the cat and miscalculated his health, dying from a broken heart. The famous dog was buried in the garden of his owner, who became, although not so famous ... In 2006, a fictional film was shot about the events of those years ...

On March 20, 1988, the regional committee of the party of Nagorno-Karabakh adopted a resolution on the annexation of the region to Armenia. And on the same day in 1992, the first meeting of the leaders of the CIS countries was held in Kyiv.

On the day of our review in 1995, the Aum Shinrikyo religious sect staged a sarin attack on the Tokyo subway. 12 people were killed, more than 1000 were injured. The head of the Asahara sect was sentenced to death.

On the night of March 20-21, 2010, a volcanic eruption began near the Eyyafyadlayeküll glacier. The main consequence of the eruption was the release of a cloud of volcanic ash, which disrupted air traffic in Northern Europe. Iceland declared a state of emergency and evacuated hundreds of residents of nearby settlements.


It's no secret that the holidays, no doubt, both large and not very, please people. Someone carefully follows them, and someone from time to time, sometimes accidentally finds out that this or that holiday is celebrated. Today, there are a huge number of ways to congratulate each other on a holiday, even if not significant. It does not matter, a person will still be pleased to receive news with kind words.

Holidays - March 20, complete list

World Day of Social Work

Day of spring equinox

International Day of Happiness

Earth Day

March Hares Day

International no meat day

international day of astrology

International Francophonie Day

Independence Day - Tunisia

Oil Nationalization Day - Iran

Name day for Vasily, Ephraim, Kapiton, Eugene, Xenia, Emelian, Nadezhda, Pavel, Anna, Maria, Catherine, Nikolai

Pavel Kapelnik

When is International Day of Happiness celebrated?

Happiness is a special state of a person, giving a feeling of complete spiritual comfort and tranquility. It is provided by various values ​​- financial well-being, success in business, love, family. Psychologists and philosophers study this phenomenon. To celebrate the significance of this state for humanity, a corresponding holiday was established. It has been celebrated annually since recently. March 20 was chosen as the date of the celebration. The main purpose of the event is to draw everyone's attention to such a factor as life satisfaction and the need to maintain it.

This holiday came to us quite recently - by the decision of the UN, mankind began to celebrate it since 2012. It is based on the coefficient of Gross National Happiness or the Happy Planet Index, since it was with its help that they began to measure the national well-being of the inhabitants of the planet and how favorable the environment is in the countries of the world. The original initiative to introduce such a holiday came from the happiest people on the globe who live in a small mountainous country called Bhutan. Its goal is to show that happiness is the main aspiration of mankind, thanks to which it moves towards peace and harmony.

March 20, 2018 - Spring equinox

Since ancient times and until now, mankind has been trying to live according to natural rhythms. Significant in astrological and astronomical terms is the Spring Equinox, which occurs in the second half of March each year.

Numerous folk legends, signs, customs, traditions, mystical beliefs, natural processes and other curious phenomena are associated with this day.

In 2018, the spring equinox will occur on March 20 at 19:15 Moscow time. It is after this starting point that global changes in nature will begin.

For our ancestors, this was the most long-awaited and revered date. On the day of the winter solstice, a new power of the Sun was born. On the day of the spring equinox, the luminary enters its maturity. Winter passes the baton to Spring. For many months, Winter under the snow protected the earth from freezing, now it is leaving, giving Spring the opportunity to wake dormant sprouts.

It should be noted that in different parts of the earth, as well as in different years, this event occurs on different days and times of the day.

Finding out the equinox is easy - on this day, the sunrise can be observed almost exactly in the east, and the sunset, almost exactly in the west.

Signs for March 20

Drops from icicles on this day are a good harvest of flax and hemp.

Cloudy cold weather by night - there will be frost.

It’s dripping from the roof, and it’s scratching your nose (even though the snow melts under the sun in early spring, it’s still cold outside).

Name day on March 20 is celebrated: Hope. Antonina. Vasily, Evgeny, Evdokia, Ekaterina, Emelyan, Maria, Nikolai, Pavel.

An extremely topical issue in Russia remains the one associated with the holidays. In particular, Russians want to know what holiday it is today. This interest is not accidental, given the fact that our country has an impressive number of holidays.

Today is no exception in this aspect. The fact is that several memorable events fall on March 20. In particular, we can talk about the International Day of Happiness. But in the folk calendar today is marked as follows: Pavel Kapelnik.

For a person, happiness is the very quality from which it becomes easy to live. It is not surprising that the International Day of Happiness falls on March 20, symbolizing the acquisition of this very quality all over the world.

Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated International Day of Happiness to recognize the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world. In 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, reduce inequalities and protect our planet - the three keys to achieving well-being and happiness.

This year, the Smurfs will help the UN advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

The United Nations invites all people regardless of their age, as well as all educational institutions, companies and governments, to celebrate March 20 as the International Day of Happiness.

Paul the Confessor (4th century) and the Prusidian Bishop (9th century) - these two saints are dedicated on March 20. They used to say about Pavel Kapelnik: spring is on the threshold, but it can grab a chill.

“Spring and autumn - eight days of weather”, “Spring is fickle, like a stepmother: it will blow warm, then it will catch cold”, “It drips from the roofs, but it scratches by the nose”. Nevertheless, the warmth of spring always won, and under the warmth of the sun's rays it happened that whole layers of ice and snow fell from the roof.

The belief said that terrible sins are cast down. For redemption and salvation from them, prayers were offered up before the icon of the Mother of God "The guarantor of sinners."

If it was cloudy in the evening, then frosts were expected the next day. If the drops were loud and frequent, it means that flax and hemp will be born.

The spring equinox in 2018 falls on March 20. This holiday was expected and honored in Rus' - today people see off the winter and solemnly burn its effigy. Spring was met with cheerful dances, mass celebrations, pies and pancakes. It was believed that the more festive and hospitable to meet spring, the earlier it would come, and the year would be more fruitful.

At this time, the first birds arrived. The person who saw the first herald of spring - the lark, received Easter cake in his form.

The day of the spring equinox was considered magical. On a festive night, the girls wondered about the future. Dreams that were dreamed were interpreted as prophetic.

In ancient times, it was believed that on this day the Sun God descended to earth. He checks and helps in all good deeds.

Anna, Antonina, Vasily, Eugene, Evdokia, Ekaterina, Emelyan, Ephraim, Xenia, Maria, Nadezhda, Nikolai, Pavel.

  • 1535 - the first centralized monetary reform was carried out in Russia.
  • 1699 - the first awarding of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was made.
  • 1792 - The French National Assembly approves the use of the guillotine.
  • 1852 - Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin is published.
  • 1930 - the birthday of the Moscow Aviation Institute.
  • 1933 - testing of the world's largest broadcasting station named after the Comintern began.
  • 1992 - the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was established and the Gold Star medal was established.
  • Ivan Mazepa 1639 - Ukrainian statesman.
  • Henrik Ibsen 1828 - Norwegian playwright.
  • Vera Panova 1905 - Soviet writer.
  • Svyatoslav Richter 1915 - Soviet and Russian pianist.
  • Pavel Kosykh 1929 - Soviet and Russian ecologist.
  • Alexander Gorodnitsky 1933 - Russian geophysicist.
  • Alexander Morozov 1948 - Soviet and Russian songwriter.
  • Ekaterina Strizhenova 1968 - Russian film and theater actress.

The spring equinox 2018 is an important milestone in the change of seasons, as well as the astronomical beginning of spring. In spring, the day lengthens and the night shortens. This year, the spring equinox falls on March 20.

The day of the spring equinox 2018 is a unique natural phenomenon, the whole essence of which comes down to the astronomical processes of the movement of the Sun and the Earth. So, in all countries of the world, night and day are the same in duration.

According to an astronomical point of view, it is from this special day that you can safely begin the countdown to the onset of this springtime. However, each year the date of the vernal equinox shifts due to the fact that the interval between the spring and autumn equinoxes is about 365.24 solar days. It is in connection with the unstable fluctuation of hundredths after the decimal point that the gradual shift of the date is connected on the day when darkness and light are equal in days.

The spring equinox in 2018 falls on March 20. This day is very significant in astronomy, because the planet Earth will be located at such an angle to the Sun that its rays will fall directly on the equator.

What to do March 20

The spring equinox had a very mystical meaning for our ancestors. It was believed that on the day of the vernal equinox, not only the day is equalized with the night after the arrival of spring, but the whole world, nature, is trying to find a balance between light and darkness. At present, there are a lot of opportunities for people in an emotional way, which should be properly used.

The first thing to do on the day of the vernal equinox is to clean your home. It is necessary to carefully clean and get rid of everything that is no longer needed. Sort through old clothes, dishes, cosmetics, and the like. Chances are you will find something to throw away. And if you feel sorry for throwing away your things, then give them to someone or carefully put them in bags and put them near the trash can. There will definitely be people who need them.

Thus, you will clean your apartment of old and unnecessary energy, do a good deed for those in need and make room in your life for everything new and positive.

On the day of the vernal equinox, you should plan your future. You need to do this on paper. There are several rules that you should follow: formulate your plans clearly, down to the smallest detail (if you want a car, then indicate the brand name, color, etc.); make your plans in a positive way (mentally imagine that you already have what you want) put down the date by which you would like to achieve what you want.

Also on the day of the vernal equinox, you need to get rid of negative thoughts. Make a list of everything that worried you last year on paper and burn it. This ritual will save you from negativity.

Even on this day you need to cleanse your body. You can simply take a shower or soak in a hot bath with fragrant foam. Very important: on the day of the vernal equinox, you can prolong your youth! All cosmetic procedures will affect the skin and beauty especially strongly. Therefore, it's time to make a mask for the face and hair.

Under no circumstances should you be angry. Be very careful about your thoughts, because they can affect you in the most unpredictable way. Therefore, the control of negative thoughts is very important today.

On this day, our ancestors arranged a bright and cheerful holiday. They prepared many tasty but lenten dishes, had fun and rejoiced at the equinox. Therefore, we should try to spend this day as brightly and cheerfully as possible. Smile more, joke, listen to energetic and cheerful music.

And on the day of the spring equinox, you should forgive. If there are people in your life whom you cannot forgive for something, then be sure to try to do it today. You will see, your life will only change for the better!

What Not to Do on the Spring Equinox

On this day, you can’t sort things out, start conflicts, because this can completely destroy relationships. Emotions of anger and aggression will lead to the appearance of energy of destruction in life, so they should be avoided.

It is impossible to be bored on the Day of the vernal equinox in any case. Otherwise, you will spend this year in gloom and misfortune. It was believed that the more joyful and cheerful this day is, the better the whole year will pass.

Traditions and rituals on the day of the spring equinox

Astronomical spring comes precisely on this spring day, when the length of the day is equal to the length of the night. In Asian countries, the Persian day is celebrated on the Equinox. New Year Nauryz. This is one of the oldest holidays in the history of mankind; historians estimate its age at more than 3,000 years.

Timed to coincide with the day of the spring equinox, Nauryz symbolizes the end of winter and the arrival of spring, the renewal of all living things, the beginning of a new agricultural cycle, when it is necessary to prepare the land for sowing.

The Slavs during the equinox in the spring celebrated the feast of Magpies. In Rus', they believed that 40 birds fly before the equinox, and the first are larks. They were considered a symbol of the holiday, they baked buns in the form of birds and treated them to guests. They did not sleep at night, hoping to hear how the ice cracks and “the year breaks”.

Weather forecast for the spring equinox

What is the weather like on the equinox - it will be like this for the next forty days. For generations, people have followed nature and the weather. And it is really noticed that if it is warm on March 20, then there will be no more night frosts.

And if the weather is cloudy and cool, then for the next forty days frosts should be expected every night. Moreover, no matter what the weather will be at this time during the day, it will still be cold at night.

If it is warm on the day of the vernal equinox, then there will be no more frosts.