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» Scenarios of folklore holidays. Folk, folklore holidays

Scenarios of folklore holidays. Folk, folklore holidays

Description of work: the scenario of this event "Merry Gatherings" is intended for music directors and educators of preschool educational institutions and is recommended for holding with children of older preschool age. Dedicated to folklore themes, it, along with the appropriate scenery, costumes and musical numbers, amusing attractions, will certainly arouse children's interest in Russian folk art.

Target: Cultivate love for folk art.


· Continue to acquaint children with the customs and traditions of the Russian people;

Develop an aesthetic perception of folklore works;

· Give an idea of ​​the different nature of folk songs, dances, games, round dances;

Bring joy to children.


· Presenter

· Hostess

Brownie Kuzya


· Kolobok

· Bear



Four balls of yarn

· Fox mitt

Basket with fish

· Handkerchief for the game, 8 handkerchiefs for dancing

2 buckets, yoke, snowballs

8 wooden spoons

Box, pies

Analysis: On the basis of this scenario, a folklore holiday was held with the children of the preparatory school group of the Kolosok kindergarten. The original goal - to instill in children a love for folk art was achieved: preschoolers examined the used scenery with interest, performed Russian folk tunes and dances with pleasure, and participated in folklore games with genuine enthusiasm. Proverbs, sayings, songs were presented to the children for study, which, undoubtedly, served to develop the aesthetic perception of folk art. The plot of the event, its acting characters, dances, songs aroused great interest among the children, as evidenced by the high level of their concentration on what was happening throughout the holiday.

Event progress

The hall is colorfully decorated in the style of a Russian hut. Household items and applied arts were used in the decoration: a spinning wheel, a table, benches, embroidered towels, woven lace, wooden, painted and pottery items, Russian folk toys, etc.

/ The presenter (educator) enters the middle of the hall /

presenter: On the mound, in the light

Or on some logs

Gathered gatherings

Elderly and young

Did you sit by the torch

Ile under the bright sky -

They talked, they sang songs

And they led a round dance.

And how they played! Into the burners!

In a word, these gatherings

They were a celebration of the soul.

The life of people is marked by a century,

The old world has changed

Today we are all in the bottom of the barrel

Personal cottages or apartments

Our leisure is sometimes shallow,

And what is there to say.

It's boring to live without gatherings,

They should be revived.

/ Under the Russian folk melody "Peddlers" the Hostess comes out and greets the guests /

Hostess: You are welcome, dear guests. Guests are invited, welcome. Take places where you like. Make yourself at home.

/ Enter the children of the preparatory group /

Boy: Don't worry, Mistress, we don't lie at home, and we don't stand at a party.

/ The hostess is seating the children /

Mistress: I have a place for everyone and a word.

Boy: Guests are forced people, where they put them, they sit there.

hostess: A rare guest is never a burden.

Girl: Sitting at home - nothing to sit out. We decided to look at people and show ourselves.

hostess: I've been waiting for you for a long time - I'm waiting, I don't start the holiday without you. Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see, hear everyone, is there enough space for everyone?

Boy: The guests, of course, had enough space, but isn’t it a bit cramped for the hostess?

Mistress: In crowded but not mad. There is no home anywhere in the world more comfortable than our Russian hut.

It was cut down from pine logs, the air in it smells of resin. Especially good in the hut in winter. Outside the window, Grandfather Frost, and grandmother Blizzard, snowstorms are spinning, and in the hut it is warm and joyful.

/ Children take turns saying proverbs /

1) Our hut is exactly warm - there is a blizzard in the yard, but it is warm here!

2) To live at home is not to sew a basket!

3) To live at home - not to hang your ears to walk!

4) To live at home - do not grieve about everything!

5) Lead the house - do not weave bast shoes.

6) The hostess in the house that pancakes in honey:

She will pick up, she will call

She is responsible for everything!

Mistress: Well done boys. Look how many proverbs you know about my hut, and they didn’t forget about me.

presenter: Hostess, and we know the song about your hut. Do you want to listen?

Mistress: With pleasure, I will even play along with you.

/ The song “Russian hut” is performed, music and lyrics by Z. Ya. Root /


Thank you, my dears, the song is really about my hut.

Well, stop singing songs, it's time to get to work.

I have for you, red girls and good fellows, one task: my cat Vaska unwound all the threads (played), help me wind them into balls. The boys will hold the threads, and the girls will wind them. As soon as the music starts to sound, you need to wind the thread into a ball, and when it stops, it’s enough for you to wind the thread. Is the assignment clear? We start the competition.

/ There is a competition “wind the thread into a ball” /

hostess: Well, how did you work? Whose glomerulus is bigger and heavier? (Praises the children)

You are masters of work, but you know how to dance.

presenter: A round dance amused us many times,

How much prowess, enthusiasm, how much joy in the eyes!

/ The circle dance “Polyanka” is performed (Russian folk melody) /

Mistress: Guys, why do you think it's so warm and cozy in my hut? (children's answers)

Right! All day the stove puffs - tries. She bakes bread, cabbage soup, and cooks porridge.

The stove warms the hut and illuminates.

hostess: Who is talking to me from behind the stove?

Mistress: Rogue resident? Who could it be? And what is your name, baker? Maybe you'll crawl out from behind the stove and talk in your dreams?

Mistress: Heard, heard. How not to hear? They say that at night you like to scare with moans and oohs. And not only people, but also domestic animals? Is this true? A?

Mistress: No need to be offended - the guys and I really want to look at you. Guys,

Would you like to see the real Brownie?

Children: Yes!!!

hostess: Then let's call him all together: "Brownie, Brownie, come to our Home." Well, repeat everything together with me, but more friendly.

/ The hostess, together with the guys, repeats the call several times. Finally, the Brownie appears.

Kuzya:(uncertainly) Hello-a-aste, it was you who called me?

Mistress: We, we, Brownie. How happy we are for you, right guys? Come in, sit down by the stove, you'll be more comfortable here.

Kuzya: Thank you. You seem to be a good hostess. And she invited me to visit, and all the guys

Taught me how to do it. And what a beauty. Yes, how wise - you are a wonderful hostess!

Mistress: Thank you, thank you. You praised me, but will you tell us about yourself?

Kuzya: Well ... so be it - listen! (sings)

I am such an economic -

Good Kuzya Brownie.

I can tell stories

Bake everyone a pie.

Oh, one more time

Kuzya will dance to you now.

To have peace in the house

Glad to try Brownie,

So that the world was and frets -

I protect you from trouble.

Oh, one more time

Kuzya will dance to you now.

Mistress: Beautiful song. So your name is Kuzey? Let's play with Kuzey, please him.

/ The game "Brownie" is being held. Children stand in a circle and, holding hands, move in a circle to the song:

Kuzya, Kuzya Brownie, we want to play with you.

You turn on the spot, bend to the right, bend to the left,

Squat and get up, and give us a task.

You don’t lie on the stove, show us what to do!

(Kuzya in the center of the circle performs the appropriate movements. With the end of singing, the children stop and repeat the movements that Kuzya shows them.) /


  • make a zone of psychological comfort;
  • develop the creative abilities of children;
  • satisfy physical, intellectual needs;
  • join folk traditions.

"The day is long until evening, if there is nothing to do"

The hall is decorated with items of Russian life, folk art. In the center of the hall is a Russian hut: in the corner there is a fake Russian stove, carved curtains on the windows, a samovar and earthenware on the tables.

Children are met by the hostess (host), dressed in a Russian costume. He perks up, looks out the window.

hostess: The winter evening is dark, long.

I will count forty trees.

I'll sit on the bench

I'll look out the window...

I'll call the guys for a get-together.

There will be dances, there will be songs.

Hey, girlfriends, girlfriends,

Cheerful laughter!

Hey guys, well done

Naughty fellows!

Come dance

Pass the winter evening.

(the sound of bells, laughter and singing is heard from behind the doors).

Enter girls in Russian sundresses.

hostess: Come on, come on!

I've been waiting for you for a long time.

A swan floats along the river,

Above the head-head carries,

Waving a white wing

Shakes the water for color.

Round dance "I walk with a loach" Rus. nar. chalk.

(knocking sound)

Mistress: Come on, honest people,

No dust, track.

Good fellows go

Dance a little.

Boys in Russian costumes enter, greet, bow. Stand in front of the girls.

Boy: Something dance is not visible?

Girl: No, that's not true, here it is!

Boy: Dancers are not good!

Girl: Go and dance yourself!

Boy: We will sit down, leg to side!

Girl: And we're on toes!

Boy: Let's go stomp!

Girl: And we'll sit down and rest!

Boy: We will dance with you!

Girl: Let's rest after!

General dance (rus nar mel.)

(children sit in their places, everyone is engaged in some kind of business: they embroider, wind threads, the boys “weave nets, cut out wooden figures”, etc.)

Mistress: In the old days, after a hard day, people gathered together for fun gatherings: they sang their favorite songs, danced round dances, and did needlework. The spinning wheel whirred softly. With a joke, a song and fun, the work goes well.

Girl: Needle-lady, princess.

Dressed up the whole world.

Dressed up, sheathed,

She walked naked.

Girl: She is thin and long

One-eared, sharp,

Single ear, sharp

The whole world is red!

Girl: Thread tail

I pull along.

It goes through the canvas

He finds his end.

Mistress: What a spin

That's the shirt she's wearing.

Mistress: Fedul, what pouted his lips?

Boy: Caftan burned through (shows a shirt with a hole)

Mistress: Can it be repaired?

Boy: Yes, there is no needle.

hostess: How big is the hole?

Boy: Only the collar and sleeves remain.

Mistress: Have you eaten a pie?

Boy: No, I didn't eat.

Mistress: And was it delicious?

Boy: Very! (strokes belly)

Mistress: Where the song flows

It's easier to live there.

Sing a funny song

Joking, funny.

Song "In the forge" nar. chalk.

(boys sing, girls - noise orchestra)

To the merry music, the Peddler enters with a tray, on the tray there are gifts: ribbons, combs, a mirror ...

Peddler: Hello winches! Hello youngsters!

Guys, well done, funny daredevils!

And tari, tari, tari.

I will buy Masha amber,

The money will remain

Buy Masha earrings

Pennies will remain -

I will buy Masha shoes.

Pennies will remain

I will buy Masha spoons.

There will be half -

I will buy Masha pillows.

Mistress: Oh, oh, come in, look at us, what you brought, show us.

Peddler: Yes, I brought a lot of things, I want to give you my gifts.

But first, show how smart you are.

You go to the game

Show your skill.

I will bestow upon the daring ones,

What I brought to them, I will give.

Russian folk game "Burn clear"

(The peddler presents the children with ribbons, whistles, etc.)

Girl: As people gather at our gates.

Girl: Where there are cheerful people, here is our round dance.

Dramatization of the song “Like at our gates” Rus Nar. chalk.

(well done on the "horse", the girl is standing at the gate)

Mistress: Round faces, white faces

They danced nicely

And now I want

For all of you to play.

Russian folk game "Pots"

Mistress: Let's sit side by side

Let's talk nice!

Come on, who are proverbs and tongue twisters

Master to tell:

“The day is long until evening, if there is nothing to do.”

Children: (in order)

  1. Whoever loves work will not sleep.
  2. Do not get used to idleness, learn needlework.
  3. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
  4. Everyone is good, but not for everything.
  5. Who says little, does more.
  6. Bad deeds, where power is without mind.

Mistress: Come on, red maidens, amuse the good fellows!

Dance with handkerchiefs Russian nar. chalk.

Mistress: Well done, for this I will give you a Russian, spacious song.

I remember how they sang in the huts. Beauty! Women sitting by the tow

either the girls outside the village sang, or until it was light

men are at the festive table.

Adults, who are also sitting right there in Russian sundresses, sing a song.

Song "Oh, since the evening, since midnight" Rus. nar mel.

(knocking sound)

The Gypsy enters.

Gypsy: Hello, my dear. I saw a light, and went in.

Yes, you, dear, do not be afraid of me.

I came with good, I'll tell you the truth,

I'll tell you about the future.

Mistress: Come in, come in, if you came with good,

We welcome all guests!

A gypsy woman approaches the children and guesses by the hand, for example: (“I see that you will grow up big, you will be a good doctor. Everyone will respect you,” etc.)

Gypsy: And for your kindness, I will dance for you.

Gypsy dance.

Gypsy: It's good with you, it's warm and cheerful, but I have to go ..

Goodbye. ( leaves)

Mistress: Grow, braid, to the waist,

Don't shed a hair.

Grow, scarf, to toe -

All hairs in a row.

Grow, braid, do not get confused -

Mother, daughter, listen.

Staginge songs "The Young One Went for Water" Rus. nar. chalk.

(Soloists - Vanya and Tanya, children - with musical instruments)

Boy: Hey chick girls

Sing ditties.

Sing it fast

To please guests.


(girls with handkerchiefs, boys - hands on their belts)

Girl: They say they will come

They say they will.

The doors are opening

They are with a smile.

Boy: Allow in this house

Allow me to dance.

I won't stomp hard

I'll just sing along.

Girl: They say I'm fighting

I won't stay girls.

Oh, and goryuska to that

Which I will get.

Boy: Let me dance

Allow me to stomp.

Is it in this house

The floorboards will burst.

Girl: I'm ditty to ditty

How to knit with a thread.

You tell me, friend

If I don't prove it.

Boy: I went to dance

Boots fight.

Bloomers are short

The girls will laugh.

Girl: What are you, Vanya, dancing badly,

Like a crow on stakes.

You still won't jump

Break it in half.

Boy: Ah, heel-toe,

Dig out the sand.

Ah, hit-stomp,

What happened - then be silent.

Girl: On my sundress

Clubfoot roosters.

I myself am not a clubfoot

Clubfoot groomsmen.

Boy: Ah, stamp your foot

Stomp, right.

I won't grow up

I will be small.

Girl: Oh, ditties are good,

We eat them wholeheartedly.

But don't yawn either

And sing along better.

Boy: There are two flowers on the window:

Blue, yes scarlet.

I'm a fighting boy

Although small in stature.

Mistress: Who dances with handkerchiefs

Yes, he plays the balalaika

That's why it's never boring.

General cheerful dance.

The hostess invites all guests and children to drink tea with pies.

Certificate of publication in the media Series A 0002233 ShPI 62502666132250 date of dispatch 16.11.2013

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Scenario of a children's folklore holiday

"Village gatherings"


1. Introduce children to Russian folklore, arts and crafts,

2. Raise love and respect for Russian folk art, traditions of the native land,

3. Develop attention, memory.

The group is brightly decorated. The table is covered with a bright tablecloth. On the table is a samovar, treats, painted dishes, Dymkovo toys. Near the walls there are benches on which the children sit. The children are dressed in Russian folk costumes.

Girls knit on knitting needles, embroider handkerchiefs on the hoop, there is a spinning wheel in the corner. The boys weave belts.

Leader's words:

“Hello kids: girls and boys, hello dear guests. Guys, look how our living room has changed. each Russian hut. Along the walls there were benches on which they sat, and sometimes even slept. In each hut there was a spinning wheel on which women spun woolen and downy threads. Socks, mittens and other things were knitted from these threads. And here is a candle on the table Guys, what do you think, why were candles needed?(Children answer). That's right, before there was no light, so people used candles. Then the guys did not have TVs, computers, and the youth gathered in the evenings, after work in some hut and arranged gatherings with songs, dances and games. And we will have gatherings today.

Owner's words:

"Please, dear guests, please! Fun to you, yes joy!

We have been waiting for you for a long time - we will wait, the holiday does not start! We have a place and a word for everyone. Is it convenient for you, dear guests, is everyone visible, can everyone hear, is there enough space for everyone?

One of the guests:

"There was enough space for the guests, of course, but isn't it a bit cramped for the hosts?"

Owner's words:

"In cramped quarters - no offense. We have in store for you amusements for every taste, for someone - a fairy tale, for someone the truth, for someone a song. Fiction in their faces, sitting in tower-rooms, cracking nuts and making mockery."

Children perform a playful dialogue-fiction:

Fedul, what pouted his lips?

The caftan burned through.

You can sew.

There is no needle.

Is the hole big?

Yes, one gate remains.

Owner's words:

"Guys, now we have listened to the fiction in the faces. What word did you sound unfamiliar to you?(children's answers) That's right - this is the word "caftan". Kaftan is long men's clothing worn in the old days. Let's repeat this word "caftan" together and remember it. And we continue to listen to the fables in the faces.

Thomas, why aren't you coming out of the forest?

Yes, I caught a bear!

So lead here!

He doesn't go!

So go yourself!

Yes, he does not let!

Son, go to the river for some water!

Belly hurts!

Son, go eat porridge!

Well, since the mother orders - we must go.

All children sing a song: “I will sow a swan on the shore”:

I will sow a swan on the shore,

I will sow a swan on the shore,

My big seedling

My big green one.

The swan burned without rain,

The swan burned without rain,

My big nursery

My big green one.

I will send a Cossack on the water,

I will send a Cossack on the water,

There is no water, no Cossacks,

No water, no young.

I will sow a swan on the shore,

I will sow a swan on the shore,

My big seedling

My big green one.

Boys words:

What are your girls doing?

They sew and sing!

And mothers?

They spit and cry.

Foma, is it warm in your hut?

Warm. You can warm up on the stove and in a fur coat.

Owner's words:

"Now we will play the folk game "Boyars"!"

Guys invite girls to the circle for a game.

The Russian folk game "Boyars" is held:

(girls sing)


"Boyars, why did you come,

Young, why did you come?


"Princesses, yes, we choose a bride,

Young, yes, we choose a bride."


"Boyars, and how sweet you are,

Young, what do you like?"


"Princesses, this is dear to us,

Young people, this one is dear to us."


"Our regiment has gone, gone"

(2 times.)


"In our regiment arrived, arrived."

(2 times.)

The game continues until all the girls go over to the boys side.

Two girls read ditties before dancing:

- Oh, stomp, leg

Topni right,

I will go dancing

Even though it's small.

- I'm going to dance

By straw

Come on people

On the side!

Four more girls come out and perform ditties:

- Wider circle, wider circle,

Give me a wider circle.

I don't go dancing alone

There are four of us.

I didn't want to dance

Standing and shy

And the harmonica played

I couldn't resist.

- And in our yard

frogs croaked,

And I'm barefoot from the stove,

Girlfriends thought.

- I walked through the village

And I saw Vanya

Sitting under a bush and crying

The chicken hurt.

- I danced in three legs,

Lost my boots

looked back

My boots are on.

- Balalaika - beep

Knows his business

She is in Vanya's hands

Plays well.

- A hedgehog sits on a birch-

White shirt.

On the head - a boot,

On the leg is a cap.

- If there was no water,

There would be no mug

If there were no girls

Who would sing ditties.

Two girls are busy, one knits, the other embroiders.

1 girl:

"A loafer and a loafer - they have a holiday on Monday."

2 girl:

"Today goulashki and tomorrow goulashki- you are without a shirt."

Owner's words:

"Guys, why you can stay without a shirt, what do you think?(children's answers) In the old days, a peasant had nowhere to buy a shirt. Therefore, shirts were first grown in the field - flax was sown, processed, then cloth was woven and shirts were already sewn from it. And if you walk all the time, there will be no time to work, you can stay without a shirt.


- Shark, what are you sewing from the back?

1 girl:

- And I, father, will still flog.

Owner's words:

"Dear guests, would you like to eat sweets and listen to songs?"

(treats guests with sweets)

The girls sing a round dance song "There was a birch in the field."

(Words and folk music)

- There was a birch in the field,

Curly stood in the field,

Lyuli, Lyuli stood.

- Break a birch for someone,

Break someone's hair.

Lyuli, lyuli break it.

- When I go for a walk in the forest,

I will break the white birch.

Lyuli, Lyuli I'll break.

- I will cut three rods from a birch,

I will make myself three beeps,

Lyuli, lyuli three beeps.

- There was a birch in the field,

Curly stood in the field,

Lyuli, Lyuli stood.


"And we don't slurp cabbage soup either! Well, guys, our favorite!"

The song “Oh, you canopy my canopy” sounds, boys and girls perform a dance.

Two girls:

- There are two chickens outside.

They fight with a rooster.

- Two beautiful girls

Watching and laughing

"Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha

How we feel sorry for the rooster!


"Well, stop talking to you, it's time to start dancing!"

Owner's words:

"Well, dance or not, but we will play the folk game "Sit, sit, Yasha ..."

Children, holding hands, walk around the person sitting in the center and sing:

- Sit, sit, Yasha,

You are our fun.

nibble nuts

For your amusement.

Yasha pretends to be eating nuts. At the word “fun”, the children stop and clap their hands, and Yasha gets up and spins with his eyes closed.

- Put your hands on

Say the name correctly.

At the end of the song, Yasha with closed eyes approaches one of the players, touches, guesses who it is. If he guesses, he becomes the leader, i.e. Yasha, and the game continues.


"Kum-kumanek, where do you live?

What a kumanek, you're not coming to visit me?"

Boy with a samovar:

"I go, I go, I go,

I carry a samovar in my hands.

Oh, tea, tea, tea!

You gossip, meet!"

(The samovar is placed on a table prepared in advance)


"The corners of the hut are not red,

And red with pies!

Owner's words:

"Come, come!

Take a treat!

Drink tea!

Us kind word remember!"

Leader's words:

"It's a pity to leave, but the holiday ends. We had fun from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you all!

Folklore holidays in kindergarten are of particular importance in shaping the culture of the child. Through this form of activity, a preschooler gets acquainted with folk culture, he develops love for his native land.

Folklore holidays in kindergarten end with bright, colorful, emotionally rich communication between children and adults, taking place in a relaxed, fun way.

When starting to implement a folklore and festive project, it is necessary to think over the purpose, tasks and methods of its organization. The appeal of teachers to this form of holding a holiday should not be spontaneous or accidental. Its preparation and holding require children to have a certain amount of knowledge about oral, musical and visual folk art.

The following points contribute to the successful implementation of the folklore-holiday project:

  • uniting preschoolers and adults around a common goal;
  • successful selection of fiction, popular science literature and musical repertoire;
  • identification of project participants and the direction of work of each of them;
  • considering the project as a single educational and entertainment system, in the process of implementation of which the child's personality develops holistically;
  • considering the project as one of the areas of cultural and leisure activities that contribute to the development of cognitive and artistic activities of children and adults;
  • folklore holidays in kindergarten are prepared and held taking into account the nationality of the child and parents.

It is necessary to determine the ideological and thematic concept of the event, that is, to clearly formulate the idea and program content that make up the folklore holidays in kindergarten.

The main goal of the folklore holiday is to acquaint children with the history of our Motherland, folk traditions and customs through folk art.

It is important to think over the scenario of the holiday (“Fair”, “Walk”, “Gatherings”). And only after that the composition is built, the sequence of development of events, the culmination of the holiday is determined. The script should end with a denouement.

Project activities related to the organization of a folklore holiday necessarily include the setting of search actions and preliminary work, built in each case on the interaction and cooperation of adults and preschoolers.

For example, show the child the story of a folk toy (toys different peoples Russia, where they are made; features of folk wooden, clay, straw, rag toys, etc.) is impossible without visiting museums, exhibitions, competitions. A preschooler can not do without the help of an adult when drawing "Information cards", making toys.

But the child can make a simple toy, take part in the exhibition "People's Toy", expressing his impressions through productive activity on his own.

When developing a folklore holiday project, it is important to discuss each completed stage with the child: what he did, what else can be done.

For example:

  • art history stage: visiting a museum, exhibition, competition and talking about what they saw;
  • productive and artistic stage: making toys, crafts; organization of exhibitions and competitions;
  • artistic and figurative stage: performing skills;
  • theatricalization of actions based on selected folklore material (oral, musical and visual);
  • the final stage, culminating in a general bright action.

Let us cite as an exemplary scenario prepared and implemented by the preschool educational institution ZelAO, Moscow.

The scenario of the costume fair of crafts "In the village of Filimonovo"

The folklore holiday was prepared by employees of the kindergarten with an ethno-cultural Russian component of education No. 2096 ZelAO of Moscow:

  • teacher of additional education Saribekyan Susanna Israelovna,
  • music director Bobrovich Margarita Alexandrovna.


To acquaint children with the Filimonov folk toy, the method of its manufacture and painting with yellow-red-green stripes. Learn to consider clay toys, to highlight the material - clay, toy decorations, elegance, brightness. Create a joyful mood from a meeting with a folk toy, enhancing the impression with the use of folklore works and costumes.

Hall decoration

Autumn picture of the village: a hut, a well (the roofs are painted with Filimonov ornaments), trees decorated with leaves under the Filimonov painting; grandfather Filimon sits on a bench under a tree. Tables with patterns and figures are posted. Prepared

  • a table on which Filimonov's toys are placed: a rooster, a cow, a soldier, a madam, a poultry keeper, a rider; spinning carousel with figures;
  • goods for the fair: bagels, beads, handkerchiefs.


Children in Filimonov costumes (ports and skirts made of striped fabric) are seated in the hall on high chairs before the start of the holiday. Guests enter the hall. Children stand in a semicircle. A welcome song is played.

- We have guests
Our guests have come
Dear ones have come.
It was not in vain that we cooked jelly,
They baked pies. (2 p.)

Filimonova village
It is famous for its masters.
Come, guests, more often -
We all love it here!

The fair bustle is played out: one of the children “sells” donuts, beads, handkerchiefs. The rest walk around looking at the goods.

Children (barkers):

Hey, honest gentlemen!
Please visit us here!

- How are we, containers-bars,
All different products...

-Come, come.
Look, look!..

- Who wants beads?

- Who wants lamb?

- To whom are the handkerchiefs painted?

- small consumption
Come on people!

The Craftswoman appears, draws the attention of the children to the spinning "carousel" with painted figures hanging on it, to the Filimonov toys placed on the table. Several children, interested in bright figurines, run up to the Craftswoman.

Craftswoman: - Miracle toys - colorful little animals!

Children: - Oh, what is so interesting about you?

Craftswoman: “Don’t you guys know what our village is famous for? Well, okay, listen, I'll tell you now ... A long time ago, grandfather Filimon lived in our village, who made whistle toys. And those toys were not simple, but painted. And the fame about them went far ... Admire, what do you think these wonderful toys are made of? (Children's answers.)

- Yes, that's right, from clay, because there are few forests around Filimonovo, but there are many ravines, and they contain different clay: white, red, pink, black. Our clay is soft, obedient to the hands, young ladies and soldiers, birds and horses, goats and other animals are molded from it. Look how unusual Filimonov's toys are! It is difficult to confuse them with any others. All the animals have strongly elongated necks, so that the cows in Filimonovo look like giraffes, and the bears look like funny Gorynych Serpents.

Child: - The bear does not want to roar - it wants to whistle! (Gestures to the bear figurine.)

Craftswoman: - Previously, in these parts, both old and young with whistles went to the holiday and had fun. And it's time for us to have fun.

Scene "Fables with whistles"

Children perform the skit "Fables with whistles."

- And where is it seen,
And where is it heard

For the hen to bring a bull,
The piglet laid an egg.

So that a bear flies in the sky,
Waving his black tail!

The pig made a nest on the spruce,
She built a nest, brought out the kids.

Small children - piglets,
Piglets hang on knots.

Piglets hang on knots,
They look at the sky, they want to fly!

untruth, untruth,
Unbelievable and unheard of!

Craftswoman: Do you know why animals have such long necks? I'll tell you a secret: Filimonov clay is such that it dries very quickly. Therefore, when the craftsmen dried the toys, cracks formed on them, then they had to smear these cracks with clay again and smooth them out with their fingers. And from this the neck of the figurines became longer and longer.

A boy comes out, examines the figurine of a cockerel:

- Like at our gates
The rooster is pecking at the grain,
The rooster is pecking at the grain,
He calls the chicken.

The chicken girl comes out:

- The chicken went out for a walk
Pinch fresh grass
And behind her are chickens - yellow guys.

Song-game "Chicken-Ryabushka"

The song-game "Ribushechka Hen" is performed.

Those playing according to the counting rhyme choose “chicken”, “kite”, the rest of the children - “chickens”. The “Kite” steps aside, and the “Chickens” stand behind the “Chicken” one after another. "Kite" asks:

- Ryabushka hen, where did you go?
- To the mill.
- Ryabushka hen, what did you go for?
- For water.
- Ryabushka chicken, who needs water?
- Ryabushka chicken, whose guys?
- My. They want to drink, they shout all over the street!

"Kite" rushes in one direction, then in the other, trying to grab the "chicken" standing at the very end. "Chicken" blocks "chickens" with "wings". And the “chickens” are trying to evade the “Kite”. The game continues until all the "chickens" have been captured.


Craftswoman: - Guys, come on, guess what little animals the Filimonovo craftswomen liked to sculpt?

Standing on slender legs
All the beauty in the horns.

two bodastas,
four walkers,
One whip.
Hungry mooing
Chews full
To all the guys
Gives milk.

Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams
Walking in the forest in summer
Resting in the den in winter.
In the summer wanders without a road
Between pines and birches
And in winter he sleeps in a lair,
Hiding your nose from the cold.

So fat, even the neck is not visible,
There lies a mess in a bristly shirt,
Tail with a pretzel, nose with a snout,
She is not sick with anything, but she is all in a groan.

cunning cheat,
Red thief.
In the forest, the first beauty.
Guess who?

Song-game "Shadow-shadow-sweat"

The song-game “Shadow-shadow-sweat” is performed (one group of children sings).

Above the city is a wattle fence.
The animals sat under the wattle fence,
Boasted all day.
Lisa boasted:
“I am beautiful to the whole world!”
Bunny boasted:
"Go, catch up!"
Hedgehogs boasted:
“We have good fur coats!”
Fleas boasted:
“And we are good!”
The bear boasted:
"I can sing songs!"
The goat boasted:
"I'll gouge out everyone's eyes!"

Craftswoman: - In addition to animals, craftswomen also sculpted figurines of people. Here, look: "One soldier goes to the bazaar, the other - from the bazaar."

Two boys come out and show the scene "Thomas and Yerema".

Thomas: — Hello, brother Yerema.

Yerema: Hello, brother Foma.

Thomas: - Where are you heading?

Yerema: - I'm going to the fair.

Thomas: - To work - so behind the last, but as for the fair - ahead of the first. And who told you about the fair?

Yerema: Kuma said.

Thomas: - And how does the godfather know?

Yerema: - Kuma knows everything that is going on in the world. Have you been to the fair, brother Foma?

Thomas: - Been...

Yerema: — Great?

Thomas: I didn't measure.

Yerema: - Strong?

Thomas: - Didn't fight.

Yerema: Who did you see at the fair?

Thomas: - I saw how a hornless, tailless cow was driven on a chain. Her eyes are narrow and her forehead is wide.

Yerema: - It was a bear.

Thomas: - What kind of bear is there? I've known a bear before, he's not like that. The bear is gray, the tail is long, the mouth is large.

Yerema: - It's a wolf!

Thomas: “Yet you, brother, speak not in sense. I knew the wolf before. The wolf is small, slanting eyes, long ears, bouncing from hill to hill, running away from dogs.

Yerema: - It's a hare.

Thomas: - What a hare. I saw a hare before. The hare is white, the tail is black, it flies from tree to tree and chirps.

Yerema: - Yes, it's a stoat. And stories, brother Foma, stop talking.

Craftswoman: - And here's another: “Ivan and Malanya gathered for a walk; a couple is dancing, a soldier and a darling.

The steam room "Quadrille" is performed (another group of children dances).

Craftswoman: - The hands of the Filimonovo craftswomen are strong, warm and affectionate, they have patience and see beautiful eyes. That is why the patterns are so bright, in multi-colored stripes: red, yellow, green.

Number with ribbons

“Number with Ribbons” is performed (accompanied by a folk tune in the recording).

Six girls are participating. They share in pairs. Each pair has its own ribbon color: yellow, green, red. Girls first “draw” stripes, then “draw” a path.

Craftswoman (comments on the painted ornament): - How beautifully our masters turned out! What do these stripes mean?

Children: This is our land, our field.

Craftswoman: - And what grows on our field? That's right - rye, wheat, flax. But it won't grow without water. Come on, craftswomen, is there a symbol of water in your patterns? (Display on an easel.)

The girls draw water.

Craftswoman: - And without what else the harvest will not grow? That's right, the sun gives life to everything.

The girls draw the sun.

Craftswoman: - The sun is already a more complex pattern. There are other patterns: a branched Christmas tree, a radiant star, a bright berry. Many elegant patterns were invented by Filimonovo craftswomen. (Show on a poster, draw on an easel.)

- Seemingly simple pattern,
But you can't look away!
That's about all I wanted to say...
Well, now it's time for us all to dance!

Children get up from their chairs for a common dance.


- Variegated, red all around:
Striped pants on guys
Shirts in all colors.
The girls have braids with ribbons,
They float with winches!

A cheerful folk tune sounds, everyone dances.

Children under the dance sing ditties:

- Hey, girls-laughers,
Start ditties,
Sing it faster
To make it more fun!

Ay, tari, tari, tari,
I will buy Masha amber,
The money will remain
I will buy Masha earrings.

Ay, tari, tari, tari,
I will buy Masha amber,
Pennies will remain -
I will buy Masha shoes.

Ay, tari, tari, tari,
I will buy Masha amber,
Pennies will remain
I will buy Masha spoons.

I bought a ring for Milka -
Milka has become kind.
Forgot to buy a scarf -
Milka turned up her nose.

The author of the article is Maria Borisovna Zatsepina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Aesthetic Education of the Moscow State University for the Humanities. M. A. Sholokhova, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education.

The material was provided by No. 4 for 2010.


“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not a preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today's baby will become ”(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the biggest danger that lies in wait for our society today is not in the collapse of the economy, not in the change of the political system, but in the destruction of the individual. Nowadays, material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones, so children's ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism are distorted. The formation of the foundations of moral qualities begins in preschool childhood. The spiritual and moral development of the child largely depends on how successfully this process is carried out.

Preschool age is the foundation of the overall development of the child, the starting period of all high human principles. Preserving humanity in our children, laying the moral foundations that will make them more resistant to unwanted influences, teaching them the rules of communication, the ability to live among people are the main ideas of educating the spiritual and moral qualities of a person. Kindergarten is a cultural and social placenta for every preschooler, where his social experience is formed and worked out. In this space, children learn to perceive complex life phenomena, their manifestations of social and material stratification are smoothed out, and a humanistic orientation is formed. In the cultural and educational space of the preschool educational institution, a preschooler masters a system of values, norms, stereotypes of society, he develops a system of internal regulators, habitual forms of behavior. In it, he not only adapts to life, to the social environment, but is the creator of his life, transforms himself and fulfills himself.

Standardization in the education system is standardized by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education”. There has never been such a standard in Russia. And every year he opens the doors to the Russian educational system wider and wider. And from January 1, 2014, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education" came into force.

GEF - federal state educational standard.

GEF DO this is a set of mandatory requirements for the structure of the Program and its volume, the conditions for implementation and the results of mastering the Program. The Program itself is developed on the basis of the standard. This is done by preschools themselves. Its content should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types of activities, guarantee the protection and strengthening of the physical and psychological health of pupils, comfortable in relation to pupils (including those with disabilities). An integrative result of the implementation of these requirements is the creation of a developing educational environment: Providing spiritual and moral development and education of children, as well as the high quality of preschool education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for children and their parents and the whole society.

culturally The educational environment of a preschooler is the foundation for the Program of Spiritual and Moral Development, Education of Students at the Stages of Primary General Education (clause 19.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard), which is based on key educational tasks, basic national values ​​of Russian society. In connection with these, the task was set to orient the project "Folk folklore holidays in the life of kids" to solve the main problem of modern society loss of moral interests and universal values.

Folk culture is one of the means of moral, cognitive and aesthetic development of children. The modern preschooler lives at a time when Russian culture and native language are influenced by foreign cultures. On TV screens, the child sees Disney cartoons, the characters of foreign films become the heroes of modern children. But what about our fairy-tale heroes, wonderful cartoons of the Soviet period, amazing fairy tale films, where good triumphs over evil? Let us recall the words of academician D.S. Likhachev: “The Russian people should not lose their moral authority among other peoples - the authority worthily won by Russian art and literature. We should not forget about our cultural past, about our monuments, literature, language, painting. Rational differences will remain in the twenty-first century if we are concerned with the education of souls, and not just the transfer of knowledge. It is the native culture that must find its way to the heart, soul of the child and underlie his personality. And one of the means of spiritual and moral education of preschool children is oral folk art. It is no coincidence that folklore has long been properly evaluated in various aspects: as a means of pedagogical influence, as a means of psychological and pedagogical study of the child, as a means of forming spiritual and moral culture, as a means of enriching the vocabulary of children and as a means of conveying the beauty and imagery of the Russian language. Only the works of oral folk art surprisingly combine deep wisdom, ease of understanding and ease of memorization, corresponding to the psychophysiological characteristics of preschoolers.


Interest and attention to folk art, including music, has recently increased even more in our country. Increasingly, they are talking about the need to familiarize children with the origins of Russian culture, about the revival of folk holidays with their traditions. The importance of various forms of Russian folklore in the musical education of preschoolers cannot be overestimated. After all, introducing children to folk art, we thereby introduce them to the history of the Russian people, to moral universal values, which are so lacking in our turbulent times. It is impossible not to note the role of folk culture in the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers. Our ancestors left us a truly inexhaustible source of folk wisdom. A little creativity, fiction, improvisation and old ritual folk festivals will make wonderful holidays for our children. That is why the development of the project “Folk Folk Holidays in the Life of Kids” has become relevant. In order to bring up harmoniously developed personality it is necessary to educate cognitive abilities in a child from an early age, since the task of preschool pedagogy, especially in modern conditions, is to develop the cognitive abilities of a child, since any country needs diversified development. Intellectually savvy, harmoniously harmonious personalities, and preschool pedagogy contributes to the upbringing of such children.

object research, this project provides for the process of involving all the children of our preschool institution.

Subject This project activity is the way to familiarize children with folk culture.

Objective of the project: Introducing preschoolers to the origins of Russian folk culture by getting to know folklore holidays.

Project objectives:

  1. To form in children a steady interest in folk art, a desire to get acquainted with various genres of folklore.
  2. To intensify children's ideas about folk holidays, customs and traditions of the Russian people.
  3. To develop the emotional perception of folk music in various types of musical activity.
  4. To acquaint children with Russian folk songs of various genres, with the sound and appearance of Russian folk instruments.
  5. Develop imagination, creativity and acting skills.
  6. Expand the range of children's voices, develop vocal and choral skills, purity of intonation by means of folklore.
  7. Cultivate patriotic feelings, pride in a great power.
  8. Involve parents in joint activities to implement a project to familiarize children with the origins of Russian national culture.

Novelty and distinctive feature The project is to involve children in creative activities. Creation of game miniatures, performances of folklore holidays, as well as knowledge of the origins of folk art.

Necessity in the creation of this project exists, since it is considered as a multilateral process associated with the development of children's musical perception, imagination, musical ear, forms a performing culture, motivates creativity.

Expected results:

  • sustained interest in the culture of the Russian people;
  • children's knowledge of oral folk art, songs, decorative -

applied arts;

  • creation of a calendar of holidays, consisting of children's works.

Project summary

Project "Folk folklore holidays in the life of kids" represents an internal regulatory document and is important for assessing the quality of the musical educational process in the kindergarten "Romashka". The main idea of ​​the project is humanization, the priority of educating universal human values: kindness, beauty, truth, preschool childhood. The project is based on the integration of artistic and speech, musical, gaming, visual, theatrical activities. It is based on familiarizing children with children with folk art(listening to folk music, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, riddles, lullabies).

Stages of project implementation

I. Organizational and preparatory

  • Substantiation of the relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice;
  • Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project;
  • Selection of literature, manuals, attributes;
  • Discussion with parents of children on issues related to the implementation of the project.

II. Basic

  • Direct educational activities with children.
  • Cooperative activity
  • Independent activity of children.

III. Final

  • Generalization of the results of the work;
  • Activity analysis.

The main principle of the project- the principle of interaction of the child with various forms of folklore. Ritual songs, games, dances, folk tales, small folklore genres are all invaluable wealth that can help a child overcome stiffness, shyness, and become a creative person.

Formulation of the problem

Nowadays, many modern children grow up on primitive musical “masterpieces”, the sole purpose of which is mindless obedience to the rhythm and deafening cacophony of sounds. This creates an atmosphere of spiritual poverty and artistic dullness and does not contribute to harmonious and moral development. Watching children during folklore holidays, theatrical folk performances, folklore performances, while getting acquainted with various forms of oral folk art and small musical folklore forms, one can see their keen interest in this process and cognitive activity. In children, a reciprocal spiritual feeling is born, an interest in the customs and culture of the people, of which they are carriers, moral values ​​are harmoniously formed: the idea of ​​goodness, beauty, truth and fidelity, which acquire special significance these days. Listening to the speech of children, one can note its scarcity, weak attempts to build logical phrases, stories, express thoughts, retell the text.

Russian proverbs, fables, sayings, tongue twisters (ancient speech therapy), jokes, songs, amusing and tiresome tales not only reveal the sound beauty of the native word, coordinate movement and speech, but also expand, enrich, activate the child's vocabulary.

Based on the methodological manual for teachers "Folk Calendar and Children" by S. Chernoskutova, the folklore material of the book, methodological recommendations and the program of E.G.

Action plan

Stage Events Timing Responsible
Organizational and preparatory Questioning of educators

Parent survey


May-September music director,


Basic October Musical director
Consultation for educators "The role of musical folklore in the life of preschool children" November Musical director
Seminar - workshop for educators "Using musical folklore in raising children" December Musical director
"Master class" for parents "Folk music therapy" February music director,


Seminar - workshop for parents "Introduce kids to folklore" March music director,


Round table with the participation of parents "The role of folklore in April music director,


Cultural and leisure event "Fair" May music director,


Reflective-diagnostic Questioning of educators

Parent survey

Monitoring of creative abilities, musical features


May music director,


Activity plan with children



Conduct form preliminary work Material Direction
Autumn - queen Holiday A conversation about autumn holidays, about folk signs and customs associated with them, learning songs, dances, riddles, Russian folk games. Costumes, musical instruments
Christmas Gatherings Musical

living room

A conversation about Christmas holidays, about the customs of dressing up for Christmas, introducing children to Christmas songs. Illustrations depicting


carols Entertainment Conversation about the Shrovetide holiday, about traditions, rituals, customs. Learning sentences, jokes, chants, songs.

Organization and holding of Russian folk games and amusements.



noise musical


Oh yes Maslenitsa! Russian festivities Learning Christmas carols, Russian folk games Suits


noise musical


Physical development
Palm Sunday Holding Russian folk games "Verba - Verbochka" A story about the celebration of Palm Sunday and the willow. twigs

willow, folk

Artistic and aesthetic development
Easter Holiday The story of Easter. Acquaintance with rituals, games, beliefs, customs. Learning Easter songs, sentences, coloring Easter eggs. suits,


slide layout tools,

Easter eggs,

Social and personal development
Trinity will be covered with greenery Holiday A conversation about the celebration of the Trinity about rituals and traditions. Learning Russian folk games, round dances, songs. Demo.


Cognitive speech development

Resource support of the project

1. Regulatory and legal resource:

  • coordination of the project with the administration of the kindergarten;
  • approval of the project at the meeting creative team teachers.

2. Material and technical resource

  • the acquisition of inventory, consumables for the manufacture of benefits and the creation of a special environment in kindergarten groups.

3. Information resource:

  • selection of methodological and educational literature on the topic;
  • collection of information on the topic of the project from the Internet and periodicals.

Resource support of the project:


  • The program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
  • The program "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture" (O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva, 2001).
  • The system of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture “Our tradition is to be healthy!” (Karepova T.G., Zhukovin I.Yu.).
  • Program "School of ethnic socialization" (L.V. Surovyak, Novosibirsk, 2004).
  • Folk art therapy (L.D. Nazarova, St. Petersburg, 2002).
  • Author's developments of teachers and methodologist of MDOU "Romashka" Ray O. N. O. N., Rudakova L. G. , Tokmakova O. E.


The project is implemented at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the Romashka MBDOU (purchase of methodological literature, equipment, etc.), as well as by the volunteer activities of the teachers of the preschool educational institution, and the parents of the pupils of the preschool educational institution (collection of exhibits for the museum, production of visual and didactic aids, etc.).


The implementation of the project requires the design of a mini-museum, the production of information materials for the parents of the pupils.


The development and implementation of the project is provided by full-time employees of the preschool educational institution:

  • senior educator, teacher-psychologist Skripochka V.E.;
  • educators of the highest qualification category Raya O.N. Rudakova L. G.

As a result of the project implementation:

  • children will show an active interest and desire to engage in poetic and musical folklore;
  • children will develop acting skills, communication skills;
  • educators will receive an interesting technology of working with children, based on the creation of figurative-game situations that require children to reincarnate, work of fantasy, and imagination. They will make the entry into the world of folklore desirable, interesting, entertaining, personalized and meaningful for the child. Also, teachers will gain experience in making costumes, props, props and the experience of joint cooperation with children and parents.

Risks and ways to overcome risks

Of course, when testing a project, one must take into account that certain difficulties and risks will arise.

I would like to note the problems that we encountered:

  • the content of a number of classes is not fully built taking into account age

characteristics of preschool children;

  • the content of one lesson includes two or more works, which

difficult for the perception of children;

  • the music director has to prepare for each lesson, thoroughly process it and make changes;
  • not enough methodological base, preparing for the lesson, it was necessary to find and look through a large amount of literature, prepare a large visual material, illustrations, paintings.

But all these problems can be overcome with the help of interaction between the teaching staff and parents. At present, the problem of spiritual and moral education of children is particularly acute. The present and future of Russian society and the state are determined by the spiritual and moral health of the people, the careful preservation and development of their cultural heritage, historical and cultural traditions, the norms of public life, the preservation of the national heritage of all the peoples of Russia.

Particularly significant is the period of preschool childhood, the period of the child's initial entry into this vast, wonderful and wonderful world. It is at preschool age that the foundation of the system of spiritual and moral values ​​is laid, which determines the attitude of a person to the world in all its diversity of manifestations. The child forms the basis of attitude towards himself and others, society as a whole.

Interaction with professionals and parents:

The implementation of the project is more efficient and effective with the participation of specialists from the preschool educational institution: we resort to the advice of a teacher-psychologist to solve social and moral problems in children. The advice of a speech therapist helps to improve the speech skills of preschoolers. Other teachers take part in holidays, entertainment as characters. Parents help in the manufacture of attributes, costumes for the holidays; participate as characters. There are also conversations with parents, their participation helps at home to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired by children in the classroom and, thereby, achieve the results we want.

The strategy of working with the parents of pupils involves

  • informing parents about the goals, objectives and results of project activities;
  • conducting a problem-based analysis for comparison

achieved results with predicted ones.

The model of cooperation between teachers and the families of pupils is built as a process of interpersonal communication, the result of which is the formation of a conscious attitude in parents to their own views and attitudes in matters of spiritual and moral education of the child.

The teaching staff in this direction solved the following tasks:

  • united the efforts of teachers and parents;
  • created an atmosphere of common interests in the process of organizing project activities.

In order to familiarize parents with project activities, active forms of work are used. Close interaction with the families of pupils and pedagogical education of parents are carried out in the classroom: “Schools for parents”. We produce information stands for parents: “Folk holiday in the life of a child”, “In the family circle”, “Orthodox holidays”.

Thus: constant work with the family makes it possible to observe the principle of continuity and continuity of spiritual and moral education in the family and kindergarten. The work of the kindergarten in this direction meets the needs of parents who want to see their children spiritually, mentally and physically healthy.

Necessary conditions for the implementation of the program :

Special premises, technical facilities, Russian folk musical and noise instruments, household items, folk costumes, various types of theater, oral and musical folklore material, paraphernalia.

The project "Folk Folk Holidays in the Life of Kids" should become a powerful impetus for the development of the entire teaching staff in terms of familiarizing preschoolers with Russian traditional culture. And the main task is to help the child develop, to show his creative potential. To do this, I made an attempt to generalize and systematize the folklore repertoire from various sources with an emphasis on the social, moral and speech development of preschoolers, as well as overcoming shyness in children by means of musical and theatrical, gaming activity. In general, the project has progress in its development, since its originality lies in the interaction of creativity, mastering the experience of past generations, studying it, and implementing the acquired knowledge in everyday life. Folklore and folk art teach children to understand good and evil, as well as to resist negative phenomena. This project helps to comprehensively approach the problem of social and moral education of preschoolers to solve communication and speech problems. And also, folklore is one of the most effective methods of education, fraught with huge didactic possibilities. Also, the leading place in the process of acquiring the first ethno-cultural knowledge by children, we initially assigned to the children's folklore holiday. We try to create a joyful mood in the child, an emotional upsurge and form a festive culture (knowledge of the traditions of a folk holiday, the peculiarities of organizing a festive event, the rules for inviting guests and guest etiquette). Preparation for the holiday always arouses interest in children, on the basis of which artistic taste is formed, the unity of children and adults. The most important thing is that no one should be a passive contemplator. We, adults, must give vent to children's aspirations, contribute to the satisfaction of their desire to participate in games, dances, dramatizations, in the design of the hall, group. This contributes to the socialization of the child, forms an active position in him and causes a desire to preserve the traditions and customs of the Russian people.


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