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» The wife does not want a husband: reasons. Why does a pregnant wife not want a husband? For Husbands: Instructions for Dealing with a Pregnant Wife My Pregnant Wife Doesn't Want Me Anymore

The wife does not want a husband: reasons. Why does a pregnant wife not want a husband? For Husbands: Instructions for Dealing with a Pregnant Wife My Pregnant Wife Doesn't Want Me Anymore

The period of pregnancy is filled not only with joyful experiences and events, but also with physiological and psychological changes. Sometimes it's hard for men to understand a pregnant woman, and all because they don't know what it's like!

In each trimester, the expectant mother changes not only externally, but also internally. And these hormonal surges, toxicosis, drowsiness, changes in taste preferences ... Only after experiencing all these “charms” of pregnancy, a man will be able to understand what his beloved has been like for all 9 months. If you want to understand how your pregnant wife feels, then here are a few ways to “stand in her shoes”:

First trimester (1-3 months)

1. Eat expired food in the evening. In the morning, when you start to feel madly sick, you will understand why it was done. And your spouse experiences this feeling all the time!

2. Get up in the morning and drink sleeping pills, and then go to work. Still bad after yesterday's delay? Then stay at home, but don't forget to clean up and make dinner for the whole family.

3. Tie dumbbells (1-2 kg each) to your legs and walk like this all day.

4. We eat only healthy food, do not forget about cottage cheese. What, are you sick of it already? But it is so useful for the future baby. Let's have a spoonful.

5. Put the hamburger back! This is also impossible! This is completely prohibited! There is an apple over there, you better take it.

6. What a soda, forget about it!7. Relax, eat more cottage cheese or yogurt.

8. Feeling sick? Don't forget to wipe up after yourself. And yes, you should not call your wife, she's busy.

9. Do not forget to go to the hospital and take tests.

10. And don't forget to visit a proctologist three times a month!

Second trimester (3-6 months)

1. Now tie a soft container of water to your stomach.

2. And do not untie it when you are going to go somewhere. Now she is with you for a long time. So we dress up. Yes, yes, we reach for the boots through it.

3. Are you going to sleep? Uncomfortable? So lie on your side!

4. Do not forget to drink sleeping pills in the morning.

5. Drink a liter of water before going outside.

6. Drink plenty of water at night and add a diuretic.

7. Try inserting a small piece of cotton wool into your nose so that you can breathe. The main thing is to create the effect of light shortness of breath.

8. Is it difficult to breathe? Ventilate the room.

9. Don't forget to go to the hospital to get tested. Already went in the first trimester? So what! 10. Nobody canceled trips to the proctologist! And a water bottle too!

Third trimester (6-9 months)

1. Early in the morning, sit on a swivel chair and spin quickly. Already sick? Then get up and go to work or business. Difficulty walking and staggering? Nothing, it'll be over soon.

2. Add water to the container (tied to the stomach) and pump it up harder.

3. Drink a diuretic before going to work. And then drink a cup of tea, water or juice every hour.

4. Have to run to the toilet often? The matter is understandable. But it’s not worth leaving the workplace, otherwise the boss will look askance. And yes, you have to work.

5. Yes, we don’t remove dumbbells from our legs, we even need to add weight.

6. Before going to bed, do not untie the water container. And try to be sexy, cheerful, because no one has canceled marital debt!

7. You have strange thoughts that your spouse is staring at other men (calm, figured). Well, try to be lenient.

8. Don't forget about your wife. After all, it’s hard for her too, you completely forgot about her, everything about yourself and yourself. Prepare a delicious dinner, give her time.

9. And yes, go to the hospital again to get tested. How to what? For everything that has already been given.

10. Have you forgotten about the proctologist? We visit 3 times a month! Yes, yes, we do not remove the container and dumbbells. So we go with them.

Of course, it is difficult for most men to understand the whole global physiological and emotional changes that occur with their pregnant spouses. It's all because of the feature " male psychology". But thanks to these ironic tips, future dads realize how hard it is for a pregnant woman. And they will try to surround her with care, affection and attention.

1. The information that the baby has an even number of fingers and no tail, in theory, should be of interest to both parents. Therefore, on the days of ultrasound (especially the first one) and screenings, you need to forget about all your affairs / plans and be close to the mother of your future velociraptor, sorry, heir.

2. The only correct reaction to information about the sex of the unborn child:"Hooray! I'm so happy!".

3. The prerogative to publicize the fact of pregnancy belongs entirely to a woman (a lot of superstitions and subtleties are associated with this issue). Better come up with some non-offensive and plausible versions of why your wife got better, and feed them to the curious public.

4. If you insist that your daughter should be named after your mother, be ready to prove why her mother, whose name is not even Adolf, does not deserve such an honor, and ultimately agree with the wife's option.

5. Where and how do you have sex- and also, whether to do it in principle, it’s not you or the doctor who decides, but the one whose uterus will soon be the size of a watermelon.

6. To crush or not to crush a pregnant woman a box of eclairs at night- or maybe it's better to chew on a salad - again, it's not you or the doctor who decides, but the one who pushes this watermelon out of himself for 18 hours.

7. Don't talk to your belly and don't massage your pregnant wives' feet only lazy and short-sighted men who do not like sex and when they are affectionately spoken to.

8. The wise phrase “it’s not you who speaks, but your hormones” must be said to yourself. And you should say out loud: “Of course, you are right” and “My poor dear, how difficult it is for you.”

9. Not every pregnant woman wants pickles in caramel. But almost no one can deny themselves the pleasure of driving the future father into the night and snowstorm at least once in 9 months in search of a gastronomic specialty.

10. In addition to a systematically swollen belly, a pregnant woman usually has a host of other amusing bodily metamorphoses. Sausage fingers, a woolen strip along the abdomen, nipple halos, which now resemble Zhostovo trays in size and picturesqueness. Well, so, on the little things. Neither make jokes, nor, on the contrary, be touched by all this. Pretend that you have minus 10 vision and a very poor memory, so you simply forgot how it all used to be and look like.

11. If a woman and her stomach occupy most of the bed at night- this is not a reason to be indignant or complain. This is an occasion to learn how to quietly crawl out from under her, fall asleep in the bathroom, and in the morning silently crawl back to bed so that she does not feel fat and abandoned.

12. Also, be prepared to be woken up at 3 o'clock in the morning. question from the series: “How do you feel about homeopathy?”, “What will we do if our daughter contacts a drug addict?” or “Do you have friends at MGIMO?”.

13. If there is a moment in a woman's life that is least suitable for to find out about her husband's campaigns to the left, then this is him.

14. "Nesting" period when a woman begins to pull to repaint the walls in the bedroom and make a rearrangement - this is a natural instinct, and not nonsense and whim. But the belief that the presence of a belly automatically makes her an experienced interior designer is, of course, a whim. But I'll see how you challenge the girls' desire to turn your apartment into a Barbie house or a cabinet of curiosities with art deco elements.

15. Men who are ironic about urinating too often swollen legs and the inability to keep even a slice of an apple in the stomach, in the next life they are born girls, who are then abandoned by their husbands in the 8th month of pregnancy.

16. Tears are normal. Yes, even when they are caused by an advertisement for washing powder, instructions for a kettle, and for some reason, a yellow neighbor's Fiat.

17. At a certain stage of pregnancy, a sense of justice intensifies in many women. They suddenly see how imperfect this world is, and with all their might begin to eradicate evil. Therefore, it is better to rehearse in advance the facial expression with which you will watch your wife in the 9th month of pregnancy, jumping on the hood of a Porsche that is parked at a pedestrian crossing.

18. Hand on heart - you yourself would like to go to a party provided that you can’t drink, you want to sleep like after a pack of diphenhydramine, and instead of a Briony suit you have to dress up in a potato bag? Actually, that’s why a pregnant woman in nine cases out of ten prefers to spend an evening in the company of you, Grace’s Anatomy and packs of marshmallows in chocolate.

19. Men who attend pregnancy courses with their wives the universe, as a rule, rewards the most “non-oracled” babies and the most delicate mothers-in-law.

20. Until you get your wife's opinion on partnered birth, it’s better not to say phrases from the series: “Look at all this horror!? I’ll be a homo after this.”

Even a desired pregnancy is always stressful for spouses (albeit with a plus sign), because it leads to strong changes in family life. These changes begin with the woman, because from the very first weeks of pregnancy she begins to feel in a new way. Innovations are manifested both on the physical level and on the emotional level: some feel sick during pregnancy, others constantly want to sleep, others notice a strong appetite. Women become very impressionable, vulnerable, suspicious.

Men see only external changes: the body has become rounded, the stomach has appeared. What happens in the body and in the soul of the future mother - they can only guess. Sometimes husbands are simply lost and do not know how to find an approach to a pregnant wife. So that in such an important period the relationship between husband and wife does not deteriorate, some tips on communicating with your wife will help men.

Try to understand and understand what is happening with your spouse

It’s best to start with theory: read encyclopedias and pregnancy magazines with your wife to understand what processes are going on in your wife’s body. Since a man himself cannot endure and give birth to a child, having experienced the whole gamut of sensations, it is important for him to be at least theoretically savvy in these matters. This will help to maintain conversations with your spouse (and they are almost all about one thing during pregnancy), to understand what she is talking about after the next visit to the doctor. Such participation is very much appreciated by expectant mothers, and pregnancy seems to become common.

Help your wife around the house

Pregnancy is a big burden on the body, however, the duties of the expectant mother, either at work or at home, do not become less. Even if the spouse does not complain about feeling unwell, do not doubt that very often it will be more useful and pleasant for her to lie down and relax than to wash the dishes or do the cleaning, especially at the end of the term, when some household chores are simply physically difficult to do. Take on some of the household chores, without waiting for a request or reproaches: you can go to the grocery store, vacuum, take out the trash.

Be patient with your wife's wishes and requests

The probability of a situation from a joke when a pregnant wife sent her husband on a winter night for strawberries, in real life very low. But every expectant mother has other requests and whims of varying degrees of absurdity. It's all about hormonal changes. Your wife may start to feel sick from your perfume, which she herself once gave. Strange preferences can appear in food: from “classic” pickles to something exotic. At the level of physical sensations, there may also be changes: a woman may begin to be irritated by touching certain parts of the body. Treat this patiently and with understanding: remove what is not pleasant for your wife, and try to fulfill her requests.

By the way, requests may concern not only the elimination of annoying odors and the purchase of “sweets”. Pregnant women often need physical help: massage of the feet and lower back, help in putting on shoes (because with a big belly it is very inconvenient to bend over). Such help from a husband is very touching and important: by helping, you make it clear that you understand the position of your wife and accept all the changes that occur to her during this period.

In general, advice for a pregnant woman is just rock that has been pursuing her for all 9 months. Girlfriends who gave birth, work colleagues, neighbors, relatives - everyone strives to give advice. No matter how you, as a man, delve into the wisdom of pregnancy, you will not become an expert in this matter (unless you are a female doctor, of course). But because you can advise your wife? What did you read on the Internet or heard in your social circle? Believe me, the spouse is already provided with such advice. Instead of advising something, figure out what point of view the wife has on this or that issue (how to get rid of edema, how to give birth, how to feed) and just support her in this opinion.

Protect your wife from negativity

Pregnant women are very sensitive, sentimental and suspicious. Any unpleasant word or even a hint of it can cause tears and strong feelings in the soul. The emotional state of the expectant mother is an important factor in the successful course of pregnancy, therefore it is better to protect the wife from any negativity (programs or news that include cruelty, murder, etc.). It is especially important not to let information about the problems of pregnancy and childbirth into the mind of the wife. Here it is important to find a balance between just background information about some problems and frank "horror stories". Reference information can be obtained in a book or encyclopedia for pregnant women, but it is better to block access to Internet forums where women talk in colors about an uncompleted pregnancy or difficult birth.

It is worth protecting from negativity in communication. Some people were unpleasant to their spouse even before pregnancy, and with some, relationships deteriorate already in the process. The mental state of the expectant mother is much more important than courtesy on duty, so it is better to avoid meeting with unpleasant faces, even if it is one of the relatives. For them, you can always come up with a legend about the poor health of the spouse.

Don't let marital love fade away

While waiting for the baby, the accents in the life of the family are greatly shifted. Husband and wife are preparing to become parents, and their marital feelings often fade into the background. This must be remembered by those who, by pregnancy and the birth of a child, seek to strengthen the family: the effect may be the opposite. So that conjugal love does not fade away, you need to support it, and during pregnancy this is the task of the husband. The fact is that a pregnant wife turns on a natural program and she thinks, first of all, about offspring. Do not forget to pay attention to your wife as a woman, and not just as the future mother of your child. Make compliments, don't forget about romance with flowers and candles. This is a huge contribution to your relationship, because pregnancy is only the beginning of a new stage in family life, and without a deep sense of love for each other, it is impossible to raise a child together.

Of course, not every man is familiar with serious changes in pregnancy. Some women remain themselves even in position, without whims, new preferences and strong emotions. However, a reverent and caring attitude towards his wife on the part of her husband definitely does not hurt in any case. Well, if the wife has been changed, these tips will help fix the relationship and survive the pregnancy without quarrels and misunderstandings.

And finally, a little humor 🙂

Hello dear readers! It is impossible to prepare for the first pregnancy. Even if you have been waiting for this good news for a long time, the news that in 9 months you will have a baby is always sudden, spontaneous and unexpected. She enters into an incomprehensible state, a man, like a woman, does not know how to behave and what to do next.

The wife is pregnant, what should the husband do - this is what will be discussed in today's article. You will learn how to behave with a woman, how to avoid troubles, cope with hormonal surges and safely live this difficult moment, maintaining balance and spiritual harmony.

Now everything primarily depends on the man, so these 5 minutes that you spend reading will not be in vain.

Accept her for who she is

The first thing you need to remember is that now is not the best time to sort things out. If before pregnancy something didn’t suit you in your woman, try to close your eyes to it or break up altogether. Weigh all the pros and cons. Better in peace, but apart, than to worry together.

Now she most of all needs the support of her husband and his participation. Find out about her trips to the doctor, ask if she is cold during a walk, if she is tired from going to the cinema with friends, and so on. You're doing a small thing, but for her, it's a big deal.

You can not. This is beneficial for you too. You are probably familiar with cases when a wife sends her husband at three in the morning to the store for strawberries. This seems to be normal practice. Indeed, some girls have an urgent need for certain products.

However, if you do not show care and attention, then the physical need can also be combined with the psychological one: “She doesn’t need fried potatoes at five in the morning so much as the feeling that her husband loves her and is therefore ready to rush to the ends of the world for the sake of important things for the baby. vitamins."

The more “small amenities” you do for your wife, the more she will strive to behave approximately and not throw scandals at you.

Go for an ultrasound

Be sure to go for an ultrasound if you have the opportunity. This, again, is more beneficial for you. After some time, the man gets very tired, the woman takes out the brain, but at the same time, nothing seems to happen, the girl just gets bigger.

Seeing your own child, you will understand why, in fact, you are “suffering”. These are unforgettable emotions that will give you strength, energy and, most importantly, patience.

After the second or third ultrasound, when the child is already clearly visible, the outlines will become clear, you will have no questions left about what a man should do when a woman is pregnant. Everything will become obvious. You yourself will want to perform feats and love your one and only.

I can also recommend a book "Super dad" Viktor Kuznetsov. It tells in detail about what needs to be done within 9 months and the first years of a baby's life. If you strive to become a great father, the book will be a great help in your endeavors, and the woman will be pleased that you bought it, even if you didn’t master it to the end.

On this I say goodbye to you, until we meet again and do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter.