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» Shark which means the symbol. The meaning of the tattoo "Shark

Shark which means the symbol. The meaning of the tattoo "Shark

The shark is considered a symbol of danger and greatness, and for good reason - one of the varieties of sharks is considered the most dangerous and cruel killer on our planet. Shark tattoo, the meaning of which is associated with danger and fear, no doubt causes awe. However, in some cultures, the shark is considered a positive symbol. Below we will look at examples of the image of this animal in different cultures, as well as what meaning this symbol carries in the modern world.

shark on guy's leg

Shark tattoo: who is this tattoo suitable for?

Few people know about it, but the shark is one of the most ancient and dangerous creatures on the planet. Scientists claim that sharks have been living in the oceans and seas on Earth for over forty million years, which means that they are even older than dinosaurs! The shark is an incomparable predator: it is hardy, strong, fast and powerful, as well as bloodthirsty. Remarkably, this is one of the few animals that exist on our planet that can kill not only because of hunger, but also because of excitement: very often, having killed the victim, the shark does not even eat it.

A tattoo depicting this insidious animal is suitable for those people who want to express their fearlessness.

Tattoo on the temple in the form of a shark with three eyes

The qualities that a shark tattoo symbolizes

  • Fearlessness
  • Explicit aggression
  • Rage expression
  • Power
  • Courage
  • perseverance
  • self-confidence
  • gracefulness
  • strength of character
  • persistence
  • defiance
  • pride

Tattoo on the leg of the underwater world with a shark

Shark - a symbol of a woman or a man?

Very often, a shark tattoo, the photo of which looks quite frightening, is associated with the feminine. Even some expressions in the people are used more in the feminine than in the masculine. The image of this animal can evoke curiosity, fear, admiration and some kind of awe, so a shark tattoo, the meaning of which is to cause fear, can be perfect for a strong and strong-willed woman, purposeful and ambitious, who will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. goals.

Tip: if the definition of “strong and purposeful woman” is not about you, this is not a reason to refuse a shark tattoo, but on the contrary: having applied this symbol to your body, you may wish to acquire certain qualities that nature has endowed this animal with, and your life can change dramatically.

In the business world, the image of a shark has become special and is considered a synonym for success, dominance over partners and rivals.

Shark in Polynesian style

In what cultures was the shark symbol revered?

In different cultures and parts of the world, the same symbols have different meanings. For example, on the islands of Polynesia, the image of a shark in a tattoo was considered a talisman against the most terrible enemies and predatory animals. And in Australia, the indigenous tribes revere and respect the sharks, because they consider it a sacred animal, connecting the forces of the ocean and the earth. In Central and North America, the Indians considered sharks a symbol of survival and hunting, and in Iceland, the ancient Vikings hunted this animal, as it was a source of food for many people in the winter.

Shark in the form of a sketch on a sheet of paper

Who are shark tattoos suitable for?

The shark tattoo, the meaning of which can be interpreted as a symbol of fearlessness, is suitable for people associated with the sea: fishermen, sailors, sailors and sea captains. In the last century, sailors made tattoos with the image of this animal on their bodies in order to express their readiness for a long voyage. It was a symbol of the fact that they are ready for anything in this life and, hoping to return home to their family and loved ones, they accept their fate and are ready to die at sea from hunger and from sharks.

In the Middle Ages, among sailors, it was believed that the image of a shark could serve as the strongest amulet in the sea, and on the islands in the Pacific Ocean in ancient times there was a cult to worship sharks as almighty water spirits and a symbol of grace and incredible greatness. In Japan, one of the most "marine" countries, the shark was also treated with great respect and awe as a messenger of the sea gods. It was believed that the spirit of the shark helps everyone who believes in its power.

The hammerhead shark was a separate symbol, which differed in meaning from the classical one: the image of this animal evoked a feeling of surprise, curiosity and fear. It was believed that this creature was endowed with special abilities, some of which scientists still cannot explain. The hammerhead shark was credited with such qualities as cunning and greed, in addition to the traditional danger and bloodlust.

shark tattoo with blood

I lack confidence in myself, so I decided to get a tattoo of a shark. These animals have always been associated with cunning, strength, they inspire respect and in the life of people a person is compared with sharks if he has succeeded. I can’t say that there is something mystical in this, but I really noticed that I had more inner strength, I became much bolder and more determined. I don't know if my tattoo works, or if the change in my character can be attributed to the so-called "placebo effect", but it works! What difference does it make, why exactly?

Ekaterina, Moscow

Shark with an anchor in the form of a terrible tattoo on the shoulder

I have a tattoo in the Polynesian style, this is black work with a shark. As the master told me, sharks were revered in Polynesia because of their power and extraordinary strength and endurance. It seems to me that I have a lot of qualities from a shark: I am a strong, purposeful person who is used to getting what he wants, which is why I liked the idea of ​​​​getting a tattoo with a shark. And she looks really impressive and stylish)

Vyacheslav, Kaliningrad

Video: shark tattoo designs

shark tattoo sketches

The popularity of shark tattoos is growing every day. A large number of men, and even women, stuff sharks in different types and ways of execution. And there are reasons for this. The shark is the most ancient predator on Earth. Power, cunning and cruelty make anyone tremble with horror.

The mythological meaning of the shark tattoo

In the legends of some peoples, the shark is a deity and patroness, while for others it is an insidious and evil spirit. But in both cases, the shark symbol served to protect against enemies. For example, Hawaiian women stuff the image of a shark to protect themselves from this predator. The sacred shark is worshiped in Indonesia, Vietnam, China and Japan. For some, a shark is a mistress fish, for the Indians it is a symbol of survival, for the Japanese, a shark is considered a messenger of the sea gods. For many modern people, the image of a shark resembles a terrible predator from horror films. In fact, this is a completely safe and well-mannered animal.

The meaning of a shark tattoo, depending on its type

A shark tattoo can look different, which means that the meaning will change. If a predator has an aggressive look and impressive size, then the owner of such a tattoo is fearless, domineering and powerful, or he strives to be so. A calm swimming shark means serious grip and determination. A kind of symbol of power and superiority. The depicted shark on the girl's body weaves a symbol of family, strength and superiority. The shark protects its offspring very desperately, so its image symbolizes the readiness to protect its family to the last. Shark tattoos “in places not so remote” have a slightly different meaning. It is stuffed with people who are serving time for bribes and embezzlement, as well as smugglers. The hammerhead shark is the most ferocious of the sharks. Her image symbolizes lust for power, stubbornness and cunning.

The impact of a shark tattoo on its owner

The meaning of a shark tattoo is very strong, so it can make significant changes in the views and behavior of a person. Because of this, this image should not be applied to strong and very self-confident individuals, because such a drawing can add unnecessary cruelty and aggression. But for those who want to become more purposeful, the grin of a shark will help with this.

The shark is considered to be one of the most dangerous animals on the planet. This is an ideal predator and a born killer - sharks are strong, cunning and fast, with numerous sharp teeth. You can't tame her, you can't run away from her.

The meaning of the Shark tattoo is primarily aimed at expressing the fearlessness of its wearer, his rage, courage, self-confidence, sometimes aggressive and indomitable disposition.

Most of all, a shark tattoo is suitable for persistent and self-confident people, those who are difficult to conquer and impossible to break. Usually men make such a tattoo for themselves, but it is also suitable for the fair sex. A strong woman who has made herself a tattoo in the form of a shark is able to cause others not only admiration, but also genuine curiosity and even sometimes fear.

Sharks have existed since the time of the dinosaurs, so it is not surprising that the image of the shark was interpreted and used in their cultures by many peoples. Over the centuries, different peoples have revered sharks in different ways. Various characteristics were attributed to this animal. The ancient inhabitants of Polynesia used the image of a shark as a defense against enemies and predators. Australians treat sharks with reverence and great respect, considering it a special link between sea and land. North American and Central American Indians associated sharks with hunting and survival. The inhabitants of the Pacific islands worshiped for a long period the image of the shark, considering it the almighty spirit of the water; they saw in it greatness and grace. In Japanese culture, the shark was also treated with due respect. The Japanese believed that the shark is the messenger of the great sea gods and helps all those who believe in it.

The meaning of the tattoo is manifested in the purposefulness of the shark, in the speed of its reaction, in its love for freedom and natural strength. Shark tattoos are often applied by fishermen, sailors, and generally people whose professions are somehow connected with the sea. The meaning of the Shark tattoo for sailors is a craving and love for home, a desire to return as soon as possible and see relatives and friends. In addition, it shows the fearlessness of the owner of the tattoo.

The shark has been a symbol of dominance, strength, power, superiority over any enemy and rival since ancient times. In a word, if you consider yourself a self-confident and stubborn person, if you always achieve your goals and go forward, no matter what it takes, then the Shark tattoo will suit you. In addition, such a tattoo will suit you if you strive to impress people, to arouse respect for yourself, admiration and at the same time some fear from others.

In the Middle Ages, a shark tattoo was considered a strong amulet. Currently, the image of a shark is also associated with a successful businessman (the so-called "business sharks"), with a successful gambler. Therefore, people somehow involved in these areas sometimes fill themselves with such tattoos. The white shark tattoo is currently the most popular. The meaning of the tattoo in this case is just success in business. Sharks are also a symbol of power and dominance.

The shark is a lone predator, a hunter, a meeting with which obviously does not bode well. Films are made about them, books are written, they are found in the legends and myths of every nation whose life was connected with the sea. Not surprisingly, this killer from the depths of the ocean has also penetrated tattoo culture. Today we will talk about the symbolism hidden in this image, we will reveal the meaning of the shark tattoo.

Sharks and world culture

Ask a European, Chinese or Pacific Islander about shark associations and you will get different answers. However, it will still be possible to find something in common in them, because the shark is, first of all, a symbol of deadly power and fearlessness. It is this meaning that is most often invested in a tattoo in the form of a shark.
In the memory of a modern European, most likely, at the mention of this queen of the seas, the cult film “Jaws” and the fear caused by what is happening on the screen pops up. The Chinese will surely remember the shark fin soup, now it is considered a delicacy, and earlier it was a ritual dish that was prepared only on special occasions. A resident of the Hawaiian Islands will talk about the divine origin of sharks, call them protectors of the deep sea.

Since ancient times, shark cartilage has been used by Eastern physicians to create medicinal mixtures, and the inhabitants of the islands worshiped these predators as gods. The range of emotions experienced by mankind for sharks has always been very wide.

Sharks and tattoos

As for the tattoo, the white shark has gained more popularity than its relatives, because it is the largest representative of its species. The hammerhead shark tattoo deserves special attention, because this sea predator is one of the most unusual creatures in the world, scientists have not yet fully studied it.

Anchor shark tattoo is a popular theme among people whose life is inextricably linked with the sea and sea travel.

Most often, the queen of the seas is depicted with a terrible grin, sometimes with bloody teeth, which inevitably causes an association with aggression. However, everyone puts their own meaning into the image. Let's figure out what a shark tattoo means.

  • If you meet a person, for example, with a shark tattoo on his arm, it is possible that he wants to seem dangerous to others. Such a tattoo seems to say: “it’s better not to make me angry, otherwise it will be bad.”
  • Cunning. No wonder there is an expression “business sharks”. A person who puts on his body the image of this unsurpassed hunter tells others that he will not miss his own, that he is ready to do anything for the sake of success and will be ruthless towards competitors.
  • Fearlessness, determination and purposefulness. Shark and fear are incompatible. By choosing an image with a shark for a tattoo, a person shows that fear is not known to him, that he is ready for anything to achieve his goal.
  • Strength of character. Such a tattoo indicates that its owner is a person with an iron will, strong character and unbreakable integrity.

Although the image of a shark on your body is not considered a purely male prerogative, the stronger sex still chooses a tattoo with it much more often.

Shark in different styles

Speaking about the style in which it is best to portray a sea predator, the first thing that naturally comes to mind is old school. This style originated in the nineteenth century among sailors. They depicted sailboats and anchors as a tribute to their profession, roses and hearts as a memory of families waiting for them on land. Sailors have always been extremely superstitious people, so they often put some sacred meaning into tattoos and applied them to the body as amulets.

Despite its ancient origins and seeming simplicity of execution, the style remains popular to this day.

A shark tattoo on the shoulder, for example, in the old school style will look very impressive thanks to the use of rich colors and clear lines.

Another interesting style option is linework. This style is relatively new, so the work will look extraordinary and interesting. It consists in applying the image using straight lines, often only black paint is used. often look like a schematic representation of something. This feature will allow you to move away from the traditional aggressive image of a predator. A shark tattoo on the forearm in this style will look original and bold.

When choosing a place for tattooing, consider the features of the sketch. For example, a round picture will look good on the shoulder blade, chest. A shark tattoo on a leg or arm looks better if it has an oblong shape.

The shark is one of the oldest and most dangerous creatures on the planet. According to archaeological data, sharks have lived in the seas and oceans of our planet for about forty million years, that is, this creature even outlived the dinosaurs. Nature made the shark the perfect predator, she is endowed great strength, speed, power, wit and bloodlust.

The meaning of the shark tattoo is aimed at expressing rage and fearlessness, power and aggression, courage and perseverance, self-confidence and grace. But this is only in the general case, because for many centuries, cultures different peoples the shark was revered in different ways, attributing to it completely different qualities and characteristics. Shark tattoo is most suitable for persistent people, self-confident and rebellious.

Let's not forget that the shark is always used in speech in the feminine, so it can become an original distinctive symbol. strong woman and arouse admiration, fear and curiosity among others. The meaning of the shark tattoo is also manifested in its love of freedom and purposefulness..

In sections of ancient Polynesian tattoos, the shark symbol served as protection from predators and enemies. And on the Australian continent, sharks are treated with special respect and reverence, because for them the shark has become an image that connects the forces of the earth and the sea. And for the Indians of Central and North America, sharks were a symbol of survival and hunting. Shark tattoos are often applied by people who work or often swim in the sea: sailors, sailors, fishermen, and others. For sailors, such a tattoo has become a way to express readiness for anything that does not wait for them on a long journey, the desire to return home to their relatives and the readiness to die at sea from sharks and hunger. In the Middle Ages, such a tattoo was treated as a strong amulet in the sea. And the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands for a long time worshiped the image of a shark as an all-powerful spirit of water and saw grace and grandeur in it. Japanese culture also treated the shark with respect, as a messenger of the sea hogs, it was believed that the shark helps everyone who believes in it.

A separate meaning of the shark tattoo was its mention as a metaphor for successful business, or incredible success in gambling. Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of power, dominance and superiority over an opponent.

Separately, hammerhead shark tattoo should be highlighted. This fish is one of the most unusual creatures in the world. The image of the hammerhead shark evokes feelings of surprise, fear and curiosity. This is a fish with unique abilities, some of which have not been solved by scientists so far. It is dangerous and bloodthirsty, in addition to the above meanings, it also symbolizes cunning and greed.

In general, if you are a self-confident person, you are distinguished by perseverance and a special desire to achieve your goal, a shark tattoo will suit you perfectly. It is also suitable for those who want to arouse fear and respect in others at the same time.