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» The meaning of a water lily tattoo. Lotus (tattoo): symbol meaning and history

The meaning of a water lily tattoo. Lotus (tattoo): symbol meaning and history

A water lily tattoo means affection, charm, the cherished desire and mystery of the female soul, the connection of the past with the present, the charm of life, natural lightness and tenderness, naivety, purity, chastity, humility, protection from misfortunes on the road.

The meaning of a water lily tattoo

Today, tattoos depicting lotuses and water lilies, made using various techniques, are becoming more common. However, despite the apparent resemblance, these flowers are very different in meaning. Lotuses in their Eastern wisdom symbolize the unity of light and darkness, as well as insensitive, cold detachment and sophistication. Spectacular and unusual white water lilies have become popular in Europe as a sign of tenderness, charm, conceived desires and feminine mystery.

A water lily tattoo also embodies the connection of past days with the present, expresses all the beauty of life, natural lightness and airiness, reminding that there are many beautiful things in the world.

The water lily flower is incredibly beautiful and graceful. Once a year, genuine beauty takes place on the surface of reservoirs, when entire lakes are completely covered with snow-white magical flowers. According to ancient legends and legends, a water lily is a star that fell into the lake from the sky. That is why a water lily tattoo can be interpreted as a wish that must come true.

In the Middle Ages, Europeans saw purity and purity, chastity and humility in a water lily, so they collected its seeds. The monks ate these seeds in monasteries to calm their passions and physiological desires.

In ancient Greece, the water lily was deservedly revered and respected as a flower of unearthly beauty, capable of bestowing eloquence. In Northern Germany, when a glorious warrior decorated the coat of arms with seven snow-white water lilies, this gave him fearlessness and opened the gates of the territories he had conquered.

Our ancestors, the Slavs, called the water lily an overpowered herb, which has magical and healing properties. They also believed that in addition to treating ailments, the water lily was able to save people from disasters and bad intentions on long journeys.

Today, a water lily can also be taken with you on a long journey. It is believed that this flower will help to avoid risks and surprises along the way, warn the unfriendly intentions of others. The energy of the flower disperses everything negative, neutralizes chaos, pacifying the traveler and concentrating him on the main purpose of the trip.

As a rule, water lily tattoos are applied by girls, thereby emphasizing femininity, sophistication, sophistication, innocence, charm and sensuality of their nature. A water lily on the body by itself, without additional elements, is a complete single composition and decoration. However, many lovers of underwear painting apply a flower against the backdrop of colorful water landscapes, add letters and inscriptions, putting additional meaning into the tattoo.

Lily today is a very popular symbol in tattoos, especially for women. The main symbolic meaning of the lily tattoo is somewhat similar to the characteristic of the lotus flower in the eastern states. Basically, the lily is personified with harmony, tranquility, nobility, glory and purity, and also with peacefulness, majesty and tenderness.

You can learn more interesting things about attractive lily tattoos from the following material.

The lily symbol has been popular in many cultures and religious traditions around the world. In the West, the lily had almost the same characteristic as the lotus flower in the culture of the Orientals.

In ancient Rome, the image of a lily had the right to use only representatives of the elite of society. There it was minted on coins, plus the lily personified hope.

Among the ancient Greeks, the lily patronized the virgin goddesses, it was believed that this delicate plant was born from the milk of the goddess Hera.

The ancient Egyptians personified the lily flower with prosperity and fertility. There was also a tradition to decorate the bodies of dead virgin girls with the flowers of this plant. In the future, this began to indicate the transience of life and early death.

German legends and myths tell of elves living in these mystical colors.

Among the French, the lily was revered as a royal symbol; its image can be found on the coats of arms of various representatives of the aristocracy. At the same time, there was a tradition to put a flower on the shoulder area for girls of frivolous behavior.

For adherents of Christianity, the snow-white lily is associated with the Mother of God, and therefore symbolizes meekness, modesty, innocence and humility. Looking at many icons, one can observe how the archangel Gabriel holds a lily flower in his hands.

Lily tattoo meaning

In nature, there are a large number of different types of lily flower, which means that its value will vary based on the specific variety. Let's consider all possible options in more detail further.

A large number of lilies

Fairly common options. female tattoos, depicting the stem from which lily flowers emanate. This version of the drawing is personified with eternal life and reincarnation.

dark lily

If a lily flower is made in dark shades, it is able to bring thoughts about the beauty of the night and hidden desires. Mysterious and mystical dark lilies are very different from light colors, innocent and naive. Bright red or black flowers reflect passion.

Lily of white color

The flower, depicted in a delicate light palette, surrounded by thorns and weeds, symbolizes innocence and purity, and also seems to flourish against the backdrop of a cruel and vicious reality.

Used on its own, without the presence of any auxiliary elements, this plant personifies modesty, purity, innocence, embarrassment and naivety. Flowers are designed to evoke thoughts about sinlessness, fragility and chastity.

Lily of orange color

Tattoos with an orange-colored lily, on the one hand, will tell about originality, independence, original thinking, and on the other hand, they will tell about a feeling of hatred.

pink lily

Such an interesting version of the plant in pink will tell about the delicacy, tenderness and beauty of youth.

Lily in yellow

The majestic yellow lily indicates inaccessibility, pride and arrogance.

fairy lily

Fantastic versions of the lily, which are sought after by dreamy lovers of fairy tales and fans of myths, are believed to be inhabited by elves.

So medieval German folklore claims that elves are inextricably linked with buds and die when the plant withers.


Take a closer look at the images of the fleur-de-lis and you will see that it does not look like a real flower at all. Variants of stylized drawings are highly unrealistic, but at the same time they have different positive characteristics.

The classic version of the tattoo is a flower with three petals. At the same time, the image is distinguished by recognizable outlines, since one of the petals is located in the central part, and the second two are bent and deviated from the first.

It is most likely that the prototype of this stylized version of the tattoo was the yellow iris, which is part of the lily flower family. As a rule, a fleur-de-lis tattoo is performed in cases where a person wants to emphasize his noble origin or wealth. That is why heraldry is not very popular with men.

royal lily

A royal lily tattoo will change its meaning based on the color scheme. For example, the buds of a tiger lily will tell about the independence of a person, great creativity and originality of a person.

Other value options

Different cultures of the world interpret the lily flower as a symbol of fertility, for example, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt.

The most common interpretation is the association of a lily with nobility.

But, do not forget also about the fact that the meaning of a lily tattoo as a female symbol is very rich, not monotonous, but far from being positive in all cases. Indeed, at one time, a lily tattoo applied to the shoulder was a shameful mark, which denoted women of not the most strict moral principles.

The meaning of a lily tattoo in men

It should be noted that representatives of the strong half of humanity decide to depict a lily on their body in extremely rare cases. Basically, this is still a female symbol, and only those versions of tattoos on which the lily is depicted together with honey can represent an exception.

Then she will act as a symbol of nobility, masculinity and fidelity to her principles. A man who decides to perform such a tattoo is distinguished by honesty, loyalty and is always responsible for his words.

The meaning of the tattoo on the zone

You can find a variant of a tattooed lily on the shoulder, as a rule, again in women. In this case, the tattoo will tell about a person's non-traditional sexual orientation or overly frivolous behavior.

It can be logically concluded that the more attractive the lily flower in a tattoo, the more expressive symbolism it will have and the more difficult it will be to understand its meaning.

The most important thing is that people who have made such a tattoo can no longer even imagine themselves without it. It seems to become a part of their body, begins to complement them mutually.

And it is absolutely unimportant that someone still associates this symbol with the stigma. Indeed, for a tattoo wearer, such an image is a distinctive sign that favorably distinguishes a person from the background of others.

Therefore, if you decide to make yourself a lily tattoo, you can be sure that you will definitely not be left without attention, a properly executed lily flower will add even more visual appeal to you!

In the material we will try to find out water lily tattoo meaning, make out the meaning and history of this not very common, but attractive tattoo design. For those who are going to a tattoo parlor, we suggest working out the idea of ​​​​your drawing by reading our examples, which we collect in the following sections:

  • Water lily tattoo photo
  • Sketches for a water lily tattoo

The meaning of a water lily tattoo - interesting options for photos and information

The meaning, history and meaning of a water lily tattoo

Recently, the popularity of images on the skin of lotuses and water lilies has been growing. Although these two flowers are very similar: both grow in water and have a cup-like shape, their meaning is quite different. Lotuses are typical for eastern countries, their symbolism lies in the unification of the forces of darkness and light, the embodiment of cold detachment and sophistication. Drawings with water lilies have become widespread among Europeans who love to decorate their bodies with tattoos. Snow-white flowers on the skin look not only spectacular and unusual, but also symbolize tenderness, beauty, wishes and mystery of a girl's soul. The meaning of a water lily tattoo is a connection between the times of the past and the present, an expression of the beauty of life, natural airiness and tenderness.

Beautiful legends about the water lily

Water lily flowers have unearthly beauty and grace. Once a year, a real miracle happens on the surface of reservoirs - the water surface is completely covered with delicate floating snow-white flowers. In all ages, the most beautiful flowers of the water lily, its soaring petals, have been worshiped. According to an ancient legend, a water lily is born from a star that has fallen on the lake. That's why water lily tattoo meaning This is a wish that will surely come true.

Photo examples:

In medieval Europe, the water lily flower symbolized naivety and sinlessness, in connection with this, its seeds were collected, which were eaten in monasteries, as a means of calming passions and pacifying carnal desires. Therefore, the monasteries always had a sufficient amount of folk medicine.

In ancient Greece, a delicate flower was treated with reverence and respect, considered it a symbol of heavenly beauty and the ability to give eloquence. Young coquettes sang songs and wove wreaths for themselves, and then weaved a water lily into their hair and decorated their clothes. Fame received another name for water lilies - a flower of mermaids or a water poppy. The peoples of northern Germany revered and worshiped the snow-white water lily, here it was given the name swan flower. If a famous warrior put seven snow-white water lilies on the coat of arms, then he became an invincible and fearless warrior, the gates of the defeated cities themselves opened before him.

Magic flower of the Slavs

Among our ancestors of the Slavs, the water lily received the popular name of overpowered-grass, magical and healing properties were attributed to it. She not only healed diseases, but she was taken with them on long journeys. It was believed that on the road she would save people from misfortunes and deceit.

And now it will not be superfluous to take a water lily with you on business trips and long trips. Especially this amulet will help people whose trips are associated with risk and surprises. The water lily will overcome the evil that surrounds you on the road and will ward off the evil thoughts of those around you. The fluids of the flower dissipate negative energy, balance the radiation of disorder and chaos, thereby leading to peace and concentration on the main goal of the journey.


Who will suit the tattoo with a water lily

Most often, such a pattern is chosen by the fair sex to emphasize sophistication, femininity, magnetism and grace. A tattoo with a water lily is a complete holistic composition and does not need to be supplemented. But some creative owners of water lilies go a little further for their own imagination and create a flower against the background of bright water landscapes, and also complement it with letters and inscriptions. The water lily harmoniously looks on the back, shoulder blades, neck, chest, abdomen and forearms.

Prepared by: Vasyukhno Nelya Vasilievna

Lotus (tattoo): symbol meaning and history

Many women who want to decorate their body with tattoos choose floral motifs. Indeed, floral ornaments look appropriate on ladies of any age. This is not a drawing to be ashamed of adulthood. What flower to choose? The lotus (tattoo) looks impressive. The meaning of this symbol can be multifaceted, it is not for nothing that it is mentioned in many religions and cultures. Lotus is always associated with something good. If you are sure that you want to see this particular symbol on your skin, feel free to stuff it without a higher meaning, just for the sake of beauty.

A beautiful flower with a stubborn character

You can see the lotus today in many greenhouses and botanical gardens. In different types of plants, inflorescences vary in size and color. One unites them. All lotuses grow in swampy places where it is not so easy for a person to reach. The plant makes its way from the muddy bottom through the muddy waters to the surface in order to open its buds to meet the sun. It is for this reason that the lotus (tattoo) often has a sense of purpose and firmness of intentions. This symbol is chosen for themselves by people who have these qualities and those who only seek to develop them. But this is not the only interpretation of the sign; for centuries, a beautiful flower has occupied the minds of many philosophers. For this reason, references to the swamp flower are found in the cultures of many peoples.

Lotus in the ancient world

Any person thinks about how the vast majority of people will interpret the chosen drawing. It is worth considering this even if you choose a harmless flower tattoo. The lotus is traditionally associated with Ancient Egypt and the East. In the kingdom of the pharaohs, this plant was considered sacred, it was depicted along with the solar gods, symbolizing the constancy of cycles, eternal life and wisdom. If we turn to Buddhism, we can see that gods and sages are depicted on lotus inflorescences during meditation. It is not difficult to guess what a lotus tattoo means in the context of this religion. This is the enlightenment of consciousness and the craving for knowledge of the higher. Many cultures describe the lotus as a symbol of femininity due to the shape of its inflorescences. No exception - and the population of ancient Rome, who considered the flower a symbol of the goddess of love.

The modern meaning of the symbol

Lotus is a uniquely positive symbol. Throughout its history, it has not been mentioned in any culture as a bad sign. In China, these inflorescences symbolize love and fidelity, as well as marital union. Based on this value, such a pattern can be chosen to create paired tattoos of lovers. It is believed that the lotus (tattoo) also has a mystical meaning. Sometimes this inflorescence is stuffed on their skin by people associated with spiritual practices, magic and divination. The symbol is not suitable for warlocks and those who wish evil to others, since one of its meanings is purity. Stuffing a lotus is only with pure thoughts and good intentions. Often people who are going to change a lot in their lives choose a tattoo in the form of this flower. Remember that all signs applied to the skin carry strong energy. It is necessary to approach the choice of a tattoo consciously. If you decide to depict a lotus, in the future you will have to match the meaning and character of this flower.

Choosing a place for a tattoo

Positive symbols can be printed on any part of the body - it is completely safe. Choosing a place for a tattoo depends on your desire and lifestyle. For people working in fields that require a strict dress code, it makes sense to choose areas of skin for tattoos that are easy to hide under clothing. These are the back, hips and buttocks, abdomen, upper arms and shoulders. If the opinion of the authorities and the public about your appearance does not bother you, you can safely choose any part of the body. The lotus tattoo on the leg or arm looks interesting, it can be supplemented with a plant-type ornament or an arbitrary pattern. This flower is often depicted along with a goldfish or other oriental symbols. In this case, the meaning of the tattoo can be interpreted as the desire for an existing goal, combined with good luck and the favor of external factors. When creating a sketch, remember that a water lily and a lotus (tattoo) have different meanings. Learn to distinguish between these plants and, if you want to proudly wear the water lily, revered throughout the world since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, do not confuse it with the egg-pod or other plants of swampy reservoirs.

The meaning, history and meaning of a flower tattoo

In the material we will analyze the possible flower tattoo meaning, which is so popular among girls and is part of a huge number of complex tattoos. In addition, we have prepared for you two thematic sections in our catalog, which is designed to help both tattoo artists and those who are looking for a tattoo design:

  • Photos of finished tattoos with flowers
  • Sketches and pictures for a tattoo with a flower

The desire to draw a picture on your body and thus stand out has been inherent in man since time immemorial. At the same time, when applying this or that drawing, our ancestors knew their meaning and believed in it.

Today, tattooing is more indicative, a tribute to fashion, and the pattern is chosen based on their aesthetic preferences. But, if there is a desire to put a mark on your body, then it is advisable to delve into the knowledge of the origin of a particular pattern.

Popular places for tattooing with a flower

flower on leg tattoo

flowers tattoo on the back

flower tattoo on shoulder

flower tattoo on thigh

flowers tattoo on the side

flower tattoo on belly

flower tattoo on wrist

flower sleeve tattoo

Popular flower tattoo options

  • lotus flower tattoo
  • black and white flowers tattoo
  • sakura flowers tattoo
  • flowers patterns tattoo
  • henna flower tattoo
  • blue flowers tattoo
  • lily flower tattoo
  • dragon tattoo with flowers
  • rose flower tattoo
  • flower skull tattoo
  • flower and butterfly tattoo

Many girls decorate their bodies in the form of various flowers, since for the most part such a pattern expresses femininity, beauty, tenderness, all those qualities that are inherent in the feminine. But at the same time, each flower carries its own characteristics.

What can this or that flower in a tattoo mean?

However, depending on the flower, the meaning of the tattoo also changes. Before making a flower tattoo, find out what this or that design means in advance. Of course, it is impossible to list all the flowers on earth, and even more so, to describe their meaning. However, in this article, you can find the most popular flower tattoos and find out their meaning.

The most common flower tattoo design is the rose. To the full extent, the rose carries shades of pure primordial love, but at the same time, over the centuries, this flower has changed its meaning to the opposite many times. In the Middle Ages, prisoners applied the rose to themselves as a symbol of imprisonment with the subsequent death penalty, while alchemists, at the same time, saw liberation from earthly desires in the rose. But over time, the rose "cleared" itself of all symbolic heaps and remained a symbol of pure love. If the rose is depicted with thorns, then its meaning changes to the opposite: recklessness and loss.

An equally popular flower is the lotus, which, in addition to its beauty, also carries a hidden mental image. A person who puts this beautiful flower on his body consciously or not, but with his consciousness is turned towards the East and Eastern wisdom. Another meaning of the lotus flower is the duality of our world: hell and heaven, good and bad, darkness and light. After all, the roots of a flower go into the dark depths of the lake, and on the surface we see the beauty that reaches for the light.

Another flower that personifies the wisdom of the East, or rather Japan, is sakura. Sakura blooms for only a few days, so this flower symbolizes the transience of life, as well as lost youth and love. But also sakura in ancient times wore an absolutely non-philosophical connotation. Previously, this drawing belonged to the Japanese "cream" of society.

With all the variety of flowers, the most symbolic is the lily flower. This flower in symbols can be similar to both a rose and a lotus. Lily symbolizes innocence, youth, chastity, beauty. But it is the color of the picture that bears a considerable symbolic connotation. Feminine innocence is conveyed by a light, white flower, as well as soft pink. The dark lily, on the contrary, carries the passion of the dark night, and the orange lily characterizes a person as independent and self-sufficient. But with this symbol you need to be quite careful, so in the play by A. Dumas this flower on the girl's body meant that she was of easy virtue. But this symbol was deliberately spoiled during the revolution, since the lily was the flower of the royal retinue. But many still associate it with courtesans.

Another flower that meant belonging to the upper class in Japan was the chrysanthemum. But besides this, it is a symbol of joy and love for life.

And again Japan, the wars applied an orchid flower, thereby personifying courage and masculinity. In China, this flower means prosperity, fertility and happiness.

An equally common flower is the tulip. But the meaning of this flower largely depends on its color. So, a red flower means passion, ardor, emancipation, yellow is a slightly negative connotation - disappointment in love, separation and betrayal.

What does a butterfly tattoo mean

Czech anfisova

Butterfly tattoos are primarily female tattoos. These tattoos are very diverse in shape and size. In general, insects are not that popular as tattoos, with the exception of butterflies and dragonflies. Butterfly tattoos are the 4th most popular after tribal tattoos, star tattoos and cross tattoos, and are also the most popular tattoos for girls and women.

Butterflies in tattoos can mean completely different things depending on the person or culture. Here is a small overview of butterfly tattoo designations.

Meanings or Designations of Butterfly Tattoos: Often butterfly tattoos denote a symbol of rebirth and some kind of transformation: as ugly and slow caterpillars inside the cocoon turn into beautiful creatures, which are butterflies. Butterfly tattoo symbolizes the transition to a new stage in life, new beginnings.

Butterfly tattoo means a symbol of sophisticated beauty. Butterflies are small and fragile creatures, but very bright and full of beautiful shapes. In fact, they are not so fragile: contrary to popular belief, a butterfly cannot be killed by touching its wings.

One of the meanings of a butterfly tattoo is freedom.

In some cultures, for example, among Christians, a butterfly tattoo means the soul of a person. "Butterfly" is translated from Greek as "soul".

For some nations, the meaning of a butterfly tattoo is luck.

For the ancient Aztecs, Indian butterfly tattoos meant the souls of defeated warriors.

Celtic butterflies

Celtic butterfly tattoos use sharply defined lines. There are several options for depicting the Celtic butterfly. Butterfly wings have a Celtic pattern, or the butterfly is woven into it in different ways, or the Celtic border is located around the butterfly itself. Not only young, but also mature women can afford a Celtic butterfly tattoo. Celtic butterfly tattoos are so spectacular and stylish that even men sometimes choose them.

flower butterflies

Tattoos in the form of butterflies with flowers are the most popular among young girls. Flowers accompanying butterflies also matter. The hibiscus flower is traditionally regarded as a symbol of love. Lilies - virginal modesty and beauty. The water lily symbolizes the purity of the heart.

Flower tattoos - butterflies can be very sexy and seductive. They complement and complete the trinity of the most beautiful creatures on planet Earth, in accordance with the saying of the Chinese philosopher Lao Ji: "The most beautiful creatures are women, flowers and butterflies ..."

Many women who want to decorate their body with tattoos choose floral motifs. Indeed, they look appropriate on ladies of any age. This is not a drawing to be ashamed of in adulthood. What flower to choose? The lotus (tattoo) looks impressive. The meaning of this symbol can be multifaceted, it is not for nothing that it is mentioned in many religions and cultures. Lotus is always associated with something good. If you are sure that you want to see this particular symbol on your skin, feel free to stuff it without a higher meaning, just for the sake of beauty.

A beautiful flower with a stubborn character

You can see the lotus today in many greenhouses and botanical gardens. In different types of plants, inflorescences vary in size and color. One unites them. All lotuses grow in swampy places where it is not so easy for a person to reach. The plant makes its way from the muddy bottom through the muddy waters to the surface in order to open its buds to meet the sun. It is for this reason that the lotus (tattoo) often has a sense of purpose and firmness of intentions. This symbol is chosen for themselves by people who have these qualities and those who only seek to develop them. But this is not the only interpretation of the sign; for centuries, a beautiful flower has occupied the minds of many philosophers. For this reason, references to the swamp flower are found in the cultures of many peoples.

Lotus in the ancient world

Any person thinks about how the vast majority of people will interpret the chosen drawing. It is worth considering this even if you choose a harmless tattoo traditionally associated with Ancient Egypt and the East. In the kingdom of the pharaohs, this plant was considered sacred, it was depicted along with the solar gods, symbolizing the constancy of cycles, eternal life and wisdom. If we turn to Buddhism, we can see that gods and sages are depicted on lotus inflorescences during meditation. It is not difficult to guess what a lotus tattoo means in the context of this religion. This is the enlightenment of consciousness and the craving for knowledge of the higher. Many cultures describe the lotus as a symbol of femininity due to the shape of its inflorescences. No exception - and the population of ancient Rome, who considered the goddess of love.

The modern meaning of the symbol

Lotus is a uniquely positive symbol. Throughout its history, it has not been mentioned in any culture as a bad sign. In China, these inflorescences symbolize love and fidelity, as well as marital union. Based on this value, such a pattern can be chosen to create lovers. It is believed that the lotus (tattoo) also has a mystical meaning. Sometimes this inflorescence is stuffed on their skin by people associated with spiritual practices, magic and divination. The symbol is not suitable for warlocks and those who wish evil to others, since one of its meanings is purity. Stuffing a lotus is only with pure thoughts and good intentions. Often people who are going to change a lot in their lives choose a tattoo in the form of this flower. Remember that all signs applied to the skin carry strong energy. It is necessary to approach the choice of a tattoo consciously. If you decide to depict a lotus, in the future you will have to match the meaning and character of this flower.

Choosing a place for a tattoo

Positive symbols can be printed on any part of the body - it's completely safe. Choosing a place for a tattoo depends on your desire and lifestyle. For people working in fields that require a strict dress code, it makes sense to choose areas of skin for tattoos that are easy to hide under clothing. These are the back, hips and buttocks, abdomen, upper arms and shoulders. If the opinion of the authorities and the public about your appearance does not bother you, you can safely choose any part of the body. The lotus tattoo on the leg or arm looks interesting, it can be supplemented with a plant-type ornament or an arbitrary pattern. This flower is often depicted along with a goldfish or other oriental symbols. In this case, the meaning of the tattoo can be interpreted as the desire for an existing goal, combined with good luck and the favor of external factors. When creating a sketch, remember that a water lily and a lotus (tattoo) have different meanings. Learn to distinguish between these plants and, if you want to proudly wear the one revered all over the world since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, do not confuse it with the egg-pod or other plants of swampy reservoirs.

Tattoos illustrating flowers and plants occupy a rather important place in tattoo culture. Someone chooses them for their beauty and bright colors, and someone chooses them for a special secret meaning that our ancestors endowed flowers with. Today we will find out the meaning of a water lily tattoo.

History and symbolism

Many beautiful legends and tales are associated with water lily flowers. The images of these beautiful plants have gained the greatest popularity in the territories of present-day Europe. For example, in ancient Greece, this flower was revered and respected. The importance of a water lily for girls was special. She was a symbol of femininity, grace and unearthly beauty. When delicate, extraordinarily beautiful flowers appeared on the brilliant surface of the reservoirs, young girls wove them into their hair and adorned their robes with them. The Greeks also believed that they were able to give eloquence.

And in northern Germany, the water lily was given a different name - the swan flower. According to legend, if a warrior wore a coat of arms with seven white water lilies, they gave him fearlessness, incredible strength and will, and the gates of the cities themselves opened before his troops.

Among our ancestors of the Slavs, the water lily was also endowed with a special sacred meaning. Healing and magical properties were attributed to her, and they even called herb-grass. That is how in Slavic myths and fairy tales the plant was called, which was the most powerful amulet that could protect against demonic spells, evil spirits, filth and diseases.

Also, according to another legend, water lilies grew from stars falling from heaven that fell into lakes. According to custom, when watching a shooting star, you need to make a wish, and it will come true. It’s easy to guess what a water lily tattoo means. Of course, the belief that everything that has been envisioned will surely come true sooner or later.

Place of water lily in tattoo art

Contrary to all conventions, a water lily tattoo will suit both a delicate fragile girl and a strong and courageous man. After all, for each of them this image will carry a special individual and such an important meaning. The only difference is which style is best for a girl, and which one for a man.

The most common style for depicting flowers in tattoo culture is watercolor. This style is famous for its brilliance, expression, liveliness and originality, because this is a real painting on the human body. A tattoo in this style is able to embody any impulse of the soul, convey any mood and evoke a variety of feelings with the help of careless lines, strokes, halftones and transitions. When you see a photo of a water lily tattoo, you will see how beautiful such a drawing looks in watercolor style. Especially watercolor tattoo fit female, and will become a real decoration on the body of any girl.

Another style that perfectly conveys all the beauty and charm of this flower is oriental. This direction involves the use of traditional motifs and elements of the culture of the eastern countries. The most common are drawings of dragons, tigers, fish, flowers, chrysanthemums, or, geishas and samurai warriors. Well, the subject of the work is very, very diverse. It can be mythology, religion, philosophy or just images of plants and animals. An important feature of oriental style tattoos is their size. They rarely take up little space on the body. Such a work can simultaneously combine the image of animals and trees, fish, flowers and unusual patterns, thus creating a complete picture with its own history, plot and mystery, which not everyone can solve.

If you have already chosen a sketch for yourself, then do not forget to take into account the features of its shape and size. For very small drawings, it is better to choose a wrist, ankle or neck. Not very large vertical images look great on the forearm or lower leg. Well, the shoulders and hips are the most advantageous places for larger, round or oval tattoos. Also, floral motifs look great in women's V-shaped sketches above the chest or inverted "V"-shaped designs that are located under the chest.