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» On pensions for military pensioners per year. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

On pensions for military pensioners per year. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

Due to the difficult economic situation, which has not yet begun to change for the better, the state continues to hold back the growth of both civil and military pensions. Of course, pensioners of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies have the right to count on a certain increase, but the latest news confirms that it is still not worth counting on a significant increase.

Will there be indexing?

The issue of indexing is one of the most painful. The fact is that even in the most prosperous years, inflation was at the level of 3% - 6%, and then what can we say about the current situation, when its level reached 17%. Moreover, despite the authorities' sworn promises of a minimum inflation rate this year, anything can be expected. But pensioners still hope for the best today.

Last year, the indexation of pensions began on October 1. Pensioners who have served in the ranks of the Soviet and Russian armies for more than 20 years have the right to count on the maximum increase in pension payments.

On the other hand, there are hopes for a positive solution to the issue. For example, last year the indexation amounted to 7.5%, and this required the intervention of the country's president himself. It was the instruction of the head of state that made it possible to find the necessary resources that brought pensioners an increase in payments. So the question: will there be an increase, can be answered in the affirmative.

Will there be an increase in pension payments?

The country's budget, adopted at the end of last year, provides for a 4% increase in pensions in February. In addition, during the development and discussion of the document, the government decided that if the budget is executed within six months, a second indexation should be carried out, the size of which is still being specified.

But February is long behind us, and rumors about the increase in pension payments to the military are still rumors. The situation is such that already at the beginning of the year a bill appeared, which deals with a serious cut in the expenditure part of the budget. So pensioners may not wait for the second indexation this year.

Military pensioners have always been in a special position, but Russia is a country in which anything can happen, so today pension payments to military personnel in 2016 were equated to those received by an ordinary Russian citizen. The pension of retired servicemen as of February 1 this year will be 69.45%, which is 4 percent higher than it was.

Information in the press and other media.

According to information coming from the media, no increase in pensions for working pensioners is expected in the near future. At least the annual budget does not provide for this. Moreover, even an increased salary for military personnel will not affect the calculation of pensions, the value of which will remain the same throughout 2017. Also, talk about raising salaries for military personnel continues to be just talk, since information has already appeared in the highest echelons of power that no major changes are expected in the next few years. But these are just assumptions so far, so it's worth waiting until January comes.

According to reliable sources, in the near future the country's leadership plans to increase the retirement age, which, for the first time, will be 63 years. Moreover, this is only the first version of the law, while the second does propose to increase it to 65 years.

At the moment, both military and civilian pensioners must expect the end of a new wave of economic crisis, which, unfortunately, is still far away. As soon as the GDP shows a positive growth trend, the social issue will be immediately resolved and the cash payment to pensioners will again become commensurate with their services to the country and society. Moreover, the defense of the country has always been one of the priorities of the state.

The State Duma in the third reading approved the law on the budget for the new year 2016, according to which military pensions will be increased by 4%. The salaries of active military personnel and working pensioners will not increase. The law comes into force on January 1.

The problem of raising military pensions is a headache for the Russian government. Given the current demographic situation in the country, when the ratio of workers to pensioners is decreasing every year, the issue of raising pensions is very acute, not to mention the reform of the entire pension system. People retirement age and those who are about to take their well-deserved rest are closely watching the government's movements in this direction.

In January of the coming year, the law on the budget will come into force. Changes will affect many areas, including social ones. The latest news from official sources confirms this. 2016 promises to be a year of surprises. But how pleasant will they be? What can military pensioners hope for from January 1?

good wind of change

Military pensions are entitled to receive employees of military departments and their widows in the event of the death of spouses in the service. Payments are divided into three types: by length of service, by acquired, officially registered disability, and also in the event of an early death of a serviceman to members of his family. The government actively undertook reforming the problem of pension payments in 2012. This is due to the current situation in the political arena.

Recently, the military climate is very unstable, and constant conflicts force the state to take various measures to ensure the country's constant combat capability. One of them is pension. Its important social significance is to attract real professionals to the army and to provide them with a worthy future in advance. As they say, a fairy tale takes a long time to tell, but it is done quickly. And since 2012, the salaries of military personnel have been constantly rising. Retirees began to receive 54% of the new salaries. And after the October indexation, this figure reached 67%. Recent changes in the calculation of cash payments have changed a lot.

On November 13 this year, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the first reading the draft law on the budget for 2016. During the plenary session, the deputies hardly voted for an increase in payments to military pensioners by 4%. The latest news reports that according to this document, the budget deficit will be 3% of GDP, or 2.36 trillion rubles. On December 4, 2015, in the third reading, the State Duma approved the law on the budget of the Russian Federation for 2016.

Tricky indexing

The latest news regarding indexing is not encouraging. According to the legislative acts regulating the formation of the amount of payments, indexation should be carried out twice a year. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 604 states that in the coming 2016, an increase in military payments must be brought above the inflation rate by 2%. But in practice, the implementation of this norm has proved difficult to implement. The economic situation in the country makes it necessary to adjust the expenditure side of the budget, including in the field of pension provision.

This suggests that changing pension accruals for retirees of law enforcement agencies and active military at the same time is an impossible task for the current day. After all, an increase in the salary of active military personnel invariably leads to adjustments in benefits for needy pensioners. As a result, the latest news from the house of the government of the Russian Federation is that in the new 2016, the recalculation of cash payments to military personnel will not be carried out. The same applies to working military pensioners.

Retirees, on the other hand, can breathe easy - the increase in pension payments will be carried out twice a year.

However, at the moment it is known for sure about the increase by 4%, but there is no information about the second indexation.

A four percent increase in pensions is expected in February 2016, but changes are possible in the future, depending on how successfully the country's economy overcomes obstacles.

Care or burden?

The Russian army is the backbone and defense of our great country. People who heroically gave most of their lives to military service, going on a well-deserved rest, would like to be treated with due respect. Ensuring a good quality of life, the sufficiency of medicines and food is the task of our society. An increase in pension by 4% is not enough, because the food basket changes its price several times during the year.

In this regard, pensioners are already actively expressing their dissatisfaction, legitimately demanding higher percentage increases. Everyone remembers that in October of this year, indexation by 7.5% took place only thanks to the participation of the President of the Russian Federation. Officials said that the indexation of military benefits should be suspended due to the difficult economic situation in the country, which arose through Russia's participation in two wars (Ukraine, Syria) and the collapse of the oil market. Nevertheless, President Vladimir Putin called on civil servants to find additional funds, which was successfully carried out.

Now pensioners hope that the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense will once again be able to join forces and achieve an increase by a more significant percentage. Of course, this is possible, but for now, pensioners will have to be content with such an increase in payments, monitor the economic situation in the country and wait for good news. In addition, according to the Ministry of Defense, the volume of military pension benefits significantly exceeds payments to other categories of citizens. So the average amount of military payments is 21,000 rubles, and for civilian pensioners only 13,000 rubles.

The latest news is that, according to the new initiative of the State Duma deputies, the salaries of military personnel will remain at the same level until 2018, indexation will be suspended for 5 years. This situation will affect the size of future pension payments. In addition, the government intends to cancel the 2% surcharge, and this will negatively affect the indexation level. Military pensioners are dissatisfied with what is happening, but the economic situation in the country leaves much to be desired.

All they now have to count on is to wait for the restoration and strengthening of the Russian economy. When GDP growth becomes positive, the government of the Russian Federation will be able to increase subsidies for social areas.

It is no secret that the current period has brought many different problems to our state. They were especially noticeable in the economic sphere. After all, the rapid fall in prices for the main energy resources could not but have a detrimental effect on the stable financial future of the country.

Did not add optimism and a variety of sanctions. They, together with the countermeasures adopted, caused inflation at such lightning speeds as had not been seen since the beginning of the millennium. The first days of January were marked not only by festive mood. For many, they are remembered for the anxiety caused by the instantaneous. Now the situation has become more predictable, as representatives of the largest retail chains have taken the most important decision to freeze most of the available prices. But there is no need to talk about the return of the cost of goods to former levels.

It remains only to rejoice at the positive news that is increasingly filling the information flow, and wait for the difficult times to remain in the past.

The position of the military is now extremely important

Particularly relevant and important, given everything that has happened recently, is the situation of those people who are responsible for the peace and security of the entire vast country. All this makes the question of what will be the increase in military pensions in 2016, the most significant. After all, maintaining the well-being of this most important social group can be called one of the main tasks now facing the top leadership of the country. And postpone her decision for long term it is forbidden. Such a decision can have disastrous consequences, from which it will be fantastically difficult to get rid of for an incredibly long time.

But how, given the current state of affairs and the austerity measures being taken everywhere, to cope with pre-planned plans? After all, any increase in payments entails additional burdens on the budget, which do not improve the situation of the country. On the contrary, they increase the budget deficit, forcing the government to withdraw funds from the reserve fund, which is now rapidly emptying. Very soon it will be completely gone.

Forecast for 2016

It is still hard to say a lot of useful and accurate things about 2016. Most of the information is at the level of assumptions and numerous conjectures. And now it is necessary to treat it as an extremely probable future.

Little information is known for sure. Only one thing can be said for sure: from January 1, 2016, military pensions in Russia will grow by the 2% planned back in 2012. This decision has not been canceled and is not going to be canceled yet. There is no need to worry about its implementation, since no one will save here. The budget includes the costs of these most important payments, and they will not even be simply discussed.

But it is still incredibly early to talk about the planned increase in October 2016. Too much is still unknown to state exactly what changes will occur at that moment. It remains just to wait.

The same can be said about 2017. It also plans to increase payments to retired military personnel by the previously agreed 2%. And this, too, cannot be changed. There is no need to worry about this growth, since it has been planned for a long time and is included in the proposed budget of that year. It's too early to talk about the rest.

Possible nuances

But, speaking about the latest news about the indexation of military pensions in 2016, one cannot dismiss the numerous components that affect the state of the country's economy.

First of all, it is important to remember that the budget, which is drawn up for the next year, will change many times over. But the Ministry of Finance has already announced the need to reduce planned spending to 15 trillion rubles. This means that it is necessary to single out areas that will not receive more than a trillion rubles.

An important part that directly affects the country's economy is the existing prices for energy resources. After all, revenues received from the sale of oil and gas account for almost half of the revenues to the state budget. Now it is assumed that oil will cost 65 dollars. But the ideal would be its cost above 70 dollars.

Well, you can not leave absolutely aside inflation. After all, as mentioned above, it directly affects the growth of payments. It is unlikely that it will reach the scale of this year, but it is useless to expect it at the minimum levels. She will definitely surpass them.

What to expect?

So what will happen in the near future? Will there be an increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2016? The latest news actively speaks in favor of the fact that there will definitely be a certain increase in payments. It will not become colossal, but it will not force people to count the last crumbs. In general, assessing the future size of pensions, we can say that it will exceed ordinary labor payments to other citizens by 1.7 times. Of course, it is incredibly difficult to call this an ideal. But the desire to normalize the standard of living is noticeable. The gradual increase is not too fast, but it is stable. And this allows us to look into the future with optimism. After all, nothing that would portend negative changes can not be found. But hints of positive changes are enough. We can safely say that the state does not forget its own defenders, trying to take care of them when the opportunity arises.

It is no secret that our nation is aging, working people in relation to pensioners will decrease every year, and now, more than ever, the issue of raising pensions, as well as reforming the pension system itself, is acute.

The coming 2016 promises to bring an increase in military pensions to wartime pensioners, but those military men who are already retired will be more lucky.

Retirement people and those who are about to retire are legitimately interested in what kind of military pensions they will have in the upcoming 2016 and in subsequent years.

In general, as we have already noted above, due to the fact that the number of pensioners in relation to working people is increasing every year, the situation in the country with pensions, including the military, is rather gloomy, causing concern among pensioners.

In the very near future (about which there have been rumors for a long time and not only ...), the retirement age will be raised in our state.

You and I (pensioners and those who will soon retire) are still not entirely clear how exactly the funded part of the pension will work, how it will be calculated and paid?

Among other things, it is worth noting that with the current level of pension payments (the average pension is quite low), it will be difficult to survive, given the rise in prices for food, medicine and utilities. So what will happen to military pensions in 2016, what can military pensioners expect, should they expect an increase and indexation?

Military pensions 2016 - latest news

I would like to note right away that according to the information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, military pensions for pensioners are on average 1.7-2 times higher than the average pensions in Russia.

If you believe this information, then you can say - it's not so bad for military pensioners if their pensions to the military actually exceed the threshold of 20 thousand rubles.

In many cities of our vast country, a salary of 20,000 rubles is considered if not such a big salary, then at least you can somehow live on it, especially in comparison with the average level of pensions of 10-13 thousand rubles from ordinary Russian pensioners.

However, it is hardly possible to fully trust the information of the Ministry of Defense that each military pensioner receives over 20 thousand pensions, something is hard to believe ... It would be nice if the Ministry of Defense announced the minimum military pensions, and not the average ones, which is more in line with reality, and, at least, would reflect an objective, not a virtual picture.

As for military pensions in 2016, the Russian Ministry of Finance, quite recently, hinted at the fact that it was time to completely abandon the indexation of military and other pensions due to the difficult economic situation in the country.

As for the latest military pension news, the Ministry of Finance settled on a compromise. According to it, in 2016 it is planned to index pensions at the level of 5.5 percent (which, as is already known, will be an order of magnitude lower than inflation in 2015).

For sure, this decision will remain in force and will be accepted by the Russian government. Apparently, this decision will apply to all categories of pensioners, including the military.

Latest retirement news 2016 - military pensioners and not only...

The government may freeze the pension savings of Russian pensioners for another year, i.ะต. and next year 2016.

Now the issue is being actively discussed (due to the difficult economic situation in the country), to extend the moratorium on funded pension contributions for another year.

The issue is still under discussion, but the fact that it was raised does not bode well, although the final decision will be made at a government meeting, the other day - on October 8, 2015.

It is worth recalling that the funded part of pensions was frozen for the first time in 2014, after which the moratorium was extended to 2015.

Pensions for military pensioners 2016 - increase from January 1 ???

From January 1, 2016, Russian military pensioners have the right to count on a pension increase, especially those of them who are already on pensions are waiting for a pension increase.

Representatives of the Russian State Duma have repeatedly raised the urgent and important issue of strengthening the defense of our state. Recently, the attitude towards Russian servicemen has changed for the better. The country's leadership has finally realized that it is necessary to take care of those who are defending their homeland now, and those who have already paid their debt to it.

In the structures of the Ministry of Defense for the defense of the state;

In the internal affairs bodies, the prosecutor's office, the courts and the criminal system;

In the authorities for the fight against drugs and drug control.

Pension payments to military pensioners in 2016 will be accrued in the same way as before:

How many years have served (military, seniority);

Obtaining disability (wounds, professional injuries);

On the loss of a breadwinner.

Of course, there is undoubtedly the privilege of a military pension, but what to do next if you retired at the age of 40-42 (they asked to retire), how to arrange your future life? Such people have to start life anew, get a civilian job, because a military pension is hardly enough for a decent life.

Whether to believe the promises, what to expect for pensioners?

We all know that over the past three years, and in the light of recent events (economic and political), both government promises made by them earlier on indexing military pensions have not been fulfilled.

On the one hand, this is all clear and understandable. After all, the Russian economy, which is in crisis due to international sanctions and falling prices for hydrocarbons (oil and gas), is having a "hard time".

Therefore, not only military pensioners are currently suffering from this, but also many other categories of citizens.

Fortunately, the Russian people have always believed in a better and brighter future.

Moreover, the military has nothing to be offended by, after all, how much has been done for them in recent years.

This includes the solution of housing problems, payments for the purchase of housing allowances in cash, the construction of new service housing.

The draft state budget of the Russian Federation for 2015-2017 stipulates that military pensions will increase from January 1, 2016 by only 5-6 percent.

For now, military pensioners should be satisfied with this increase, because, according to the government, a larger increase in pensions is beyond the capacity of the state budget. It is expected that the serviceman's pension will be 1.7 percent higher than the labor pension.

But even this modest increase in the military pension is still only a dream, not a reality.

The thing is, as you already know, everything rests on the financial capabilities of the state, and no matter how good its intentions are, the issue rests on the availability of financial resources.

Military pension in 2016 - recalculation, benefits

The recalculation of the military pension in the coming 2016 will be calculated, as always, taking into account military wages, the age of the military pensioner and his length of service.

In the upcoming 2016, military pensioners can count on the benefits they are entitled to. First of all - to receive vouchers to medical and preventive sanatoriums, transport discounts, benefits for transport and land taxes, a discount for rail and suburban transport. They will also have access to the "military mortgage" program.

In conclusion, who, if not military people, the defenders of our homeland, some of whom have lost their health in the service, have the right to a dignified existence. I would also like to say - every person, whether he is a civilian or a military man, works for himself, in production or serves as a clerk, in government agencies, and so on - should think in a timely manner that you need to provide yourself with a pension from a young age!

In the event of a further deterioration in the country's economic condition, in order to balance the budget, the Russian government may implement a hidden reserve ("secret weapon").

This reserve, as it is not difficult to guess, could be the military pensions of those who, being retired, work. This means that either you work and receive wages at your place of work, or you sit at home on your pension.

But here is the question - what should a young pensioner still full of vitality do with himself, taking into account the fact that the military retires quite young people (40-45 years old), and at a fairly working age.

About 90 percent of those who retired from the military continue to work, and if such a decision is legalized, then the Russian government can hardly count on the gratitude of this category of citizens, and these are former military men, policemen, firefighters, judges, prosecutors and other security officials and not only ...

Indemnification of military pension

Military pension

Pensions for ex-military

Will there be an increase in pensions for servicemen, military

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners

Military pensions in Russia

Military pension increase

Payment of military pensions

Military pensions from January 1

Military pensions from February 1

Military pensions from March 1

Military pensions from April 1

Military pensions from May 1

Military pensions from June 1

Military pensions from July 1

Military pensions from August 1

Military pensions from September 1

Military pensions from October 1

Military pensions from November 1

Military pensions from December 1

Regularly, the legislator makes appropriate changes and amendments to existing legal acts. Next year is no exception. According to the latest information, an increase in military pensions is expected in 2016.

Of course, the military who have already retired and those who are just getting ready are concerned about the question of what changes are foreseen in the near future. The government decided to increase the amount of payments. It should be noted that indexing will not be carried out in full. The reason is the economic downturn.

If we focus on the provisions of the legislative framework, then every year the government is obliged to increase the size of pension payments to the level of inflation. It is not possible to fulfill this obligation in 2016, since these actions will lead to a significant increase in the budget deficit.

For several months, they were looking for possible ways to solve the current situation. Now we can safely say that military pensions in Russia in 2016, adjusted for the latest news, will be indexed by 4%. This will happen in February. The percentage of indexation of payments is 3 times less than inflation in the country.

It is also assumed that during the year there will be another increase. But, we can definitely talk about this only after the situation with the pace of development of the Russian economy is clear.

Most recently, military pensioners were indexed pensions by 7.5%. It happened in October this year. The solution to this issue was not without the participation of Vladimir Putin, who said that it was necessary to find funds to increase payments. The task was solved, and military pensioners received indexation of their pensions. Unfortunately, it is not possible to find funds for a larger increase in the new year. So, military pensioners can only be content with the recent increase and hope for better changes in the country's economic situation. This is possible only after the growth of GDP. In this case, the financial support of the social sphere can be carried out in full. Recall that before the onset of the crisis, it was planned to carry out indexation by 20%.

It was previously assumed that in 2016 the increase in military pensions would be suspended. However, another decision has now been made that the increase will still be, but not high. At the same time, the insurance part of the surcharge will be reduced, which rely on military pensions for those citizens who were in an employment relationship in civilian life.

In the new year, it was decided not to index the salaries of those military pensioners who continue to work in certain structural units. This applies to work in the Government, the State Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense. Such innovations are also expected for correctional officers, police officers, security officials, and firefighters.

At present, the average pension of a serviceman exceeds the average level of pension payments to civilian pensioners. However, both categories of citizens can only wait and hope that the country's economy will go uphill and the increase in their payments will be much higher.