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» Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the funeral of a relative. Is it possible for pregnant women to go to funerals and to the cemetery

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the funeral of a relative. Is it possible for pregnant women to go to funerals and to the cemetery

There is an opinion that pregnant women should not go to the cemetery. This belief is passed down from generation to generation, while the explanation why the future mother should not do this has been lost for centuries.

Today we will try to figure out whether a pregnant woman should go to the graves of her loved ones and what various experts say about this - from psychologists to priests.

Signs, superstitions and mysticism

We list the main arguments that explain the ban:

  1. There is an opinion that an unborn child does not have a Guardian Angel, which will appear to him after baptism. Therefore, the soul of the baby in the female belly is protected only by the Guardian Angel of the mother, and therefore the child may be exposed to evil spirits.
  2. Since a cemetery is a place where many restless souls roam, they can harm the soul of a child who has not yet found his own body on earth, and possibly get this body for himself (we are talking about transmigration of souls).
  3. A pregnant woman categorically should not contact the dead. Even if the expectant mother just looks at the dead, her baby may be born weak and sickly.
  4. The souls of deceased people who have not yet left the earth and have not gone to hell or heaven can take with them the fragile soul of an unborn child.
  5. In the cemetery you can meet good people who may wish the pregnant woman evil or even reluctantly jinx it. In addition, evil healers and sorcerers often visit the cemetery, whose activities also do not bring anything good for the child in the womb.

If you believe all these statements, then sending during pregnancy to a funeral or a cemetery is really not worth it. Expectant mothers often lose consciousness even without the tragic situation of the cemetery, especially in the early stages of bearing a baby.

The point of view of psychologists

Psychologists do not give a definite answer whether a pregnant woman should be present at the cemetery or not. As for the signs and superstitions described above, psychological science gives them a completely logical explanation: with the help of such irrational beliefs, our ancestors tried to protect pregnant women from the effects of negative emotions and experiences.

If you understand that you will cry and worry a lot in the cemetery, then you really should not go there. Instead of visiting the grave of the deceased, you can pray for him at home or in church.

In addition, a cemetery and a funeral are a place of concentration of a large number of people from whom a young woman in position can become infected with a viral or bacterial disease. Based on this, pregnant women are not allowed in the cemetery, even if they have their own desire.

Church opinion

Orthodox priests not only allow pregnant women to visit the cemetery on the memorial (parental) day, but even recommend doing so. This position is dictated by the fact that each of us has obligations to the deceased relatives and friends, and therefore must regularly visit them at the burial site and take care of the grave.

Faith in God should help a woman cope with prejudice, and sincere prayer and the opportunity to symbolically talk with loved ones contribute to inner purification and peace.

But if graves, crosses and thoughts about the afterlife scare you even at home, then in this case the priests recommend staying at home or praying in church.

Can a pregnant woman attend a funeral?

When loved ones die, all the living consider it their duty to honor the deceased at least with their presence at his departure on his last journey. But it is undesirable for a pregnant woman to attend a funeral, and on this issue the opinions of both priests and psychologists, and old beliefs, converge.

Do not be afraid that someone will judge you if you do not come to the funeral of a very close or even dear person. Pregnancy is a natural and medically justified reason not to be present at the performance of such a ritual.

If you yourself feel the need to personally say goodbye to the dead, then try at least not to be present at the funeral service and burial in the cemetery.

Visit the deceased before the coffin is taken out of the house, and then return only for the wake, where you can share the grief with other people. During the funeral, think more about the child and his well-being.

What can protect a pregnant woman during a visit to a cemetery?

If the cemetery and thoughts of death cause you negative emotions, it may be really better for you to refrain from visiting the graves of loved ones (as well as their funerals).

If you understand that only a visit to the cemetery will bring you relief, where you can talk with the mourners, then follow your desire.

To protect yourself and your baby, follow these tips:

  1. To visit the graves, choose the morning or lunch time. In no case do not go to them at a time when the sun begins to decline.
  2. Try to talk to the priest before visiting the cemetery or just pray in the church. Ask the saints to protect you and your child from evil spirits and restless souls wandering around the cemetery.

  1. Make a symbolic amulet for yourself (a red thread bracelet or pendant), and be sure to put it on yourself before going to the cemetery.
  2. Take the minimum amount of personal items with you, especially jewelry (leave only the pectoral cross). Personal belongings of pregnant women are often used in black magic.
  3. Before leaving the house, pray and cross yourself.
  4. During the funeral, try not to talk to people or meet their eyes to avoid the evil eye.
  5. Do not come close and do not touch the deceased, as well as their belongings.
  6. When you go to the cemetery, watch the behavior of animals and birds. If you see a cat, dog, or crow acting abnormally, it's best to return home. There is a belief that the souls of kind people live in animals, which can protect us from troubles.
  7. Don't stay in the cemetery for long. Enough 10 minutes.

Often, all superstitions are based on irrational beliefs that people hold only because of internal fear (or that arise to explain fear). Therefore, when thinking about going to a cemetery, first of all try to listen to your inner voice and intuition.

If you are afraid - better stay at home, if you still want to visit one of your loved ones at his grave - leave all superstitions at home and allow yourself to do this.

Video: a priest's opinion on visiting a cemetery during pregnancy

“What about suggestions and dreams? Should I follow them? - Goethe asked through the mouth of Faust three centuries ago. The topic remains relevant to this day, although belief in omens is considered something of a kind of fun for adults, and the official Church stigmatizes superstition. And around the question: "?" - The controversy never dies down.

In contact with

Slavic beliefs and signs for pregnant women

Why are these superstitions so tenacious in the era of Orthodoxy and total literacy of the population? It's not about signs, but about people who retain the experience of their ancestors accumulated even before the Baptism of Rus', who have signs were the basis of communication with almost all natural manifestations and even a means to unravel the signals of the subtle worlds. “Each event is preceded by a special sign!” - our ancestors were sure, - "You just need to be able to see this sign and interpret it correctly!".

Important! Such a significant event as the emergence of a new life, of course, could not remain without many signs and instructions on how to behave for a woman for almost a whole year.

The Slavs believed that we live in the middle of 3 worlds:

  • Mira Prav (Sky of the Just Gods).
  • Mira Reveal (Middle World, where all people, animals and plants live).
  • Mira Navi (Reverse World - a world ruled by the Dark Gods, the world of the dead and eternal winter).

Question: "(graveyard)?" – was carefully considered. The fact that this is extremely undesirable is understandable - the cemetery is an accumulation of "bad" energy, the last threshold between the world of the living and the dead. It is not good for a woman who carries within herself a young sprout of life to attract the attention of the spirits of death and black angels.

Ancient customs forbid pregnant women to go to the cemetery

We follow the rules!

For the same reason, they tried to protect the pregnant woman from all the worries associated with funerals and burial:

  1. They were not allowed to wash the deceased, to clean the house after removal, even at the wake they did not put her on a bench where 11 people were already sitting. (She + child = 2 people. 11 + 2 = 13. The number 13 was considered a bad number among the Slavs, not at all because Judas was the 13th at the table of Christ during the Last Supper (then they didn’t know anything about Jesus), but how the number 13 is a devil's dozen, a boundary number in front of two "sevens" - numbers respected and purely positive).
  2. A week included 9 days, a month - 40. It becomes clear where the custom of commemorating the deceased came from on these days.
  3. All family rituals were tied to these numbers., it was necessary to adhere to them, especially carefully these rules had to be observed by a pregnant woman, tk. she was responsible not only for herself, but also for the health and future fate of her unborn child.
  4. A woman “in gravity” was not allowed to look out the window until the deceased was interred or laid on a kroda (a funeral pedestal made of logs and straw for burning the body).

The removal of the body was carried out through the window, often it was even cut through just for this. It was believed that the soul of a dead man could cling to the soul of a baby and harm him.

The pregnant woman could not even look out the window while the dead man was being carried out

Forgiveness and remembrance

the deceased approaching and kissing a loved one? - This is not forbidden!

The parting included an important ritual - a request to the deceased to forgive the offenses inflicted on him during his lifetime and to forgive him. WITH dead man they spoke in a low voice, bending low to his face, asked for forgiveness, forgave, asked to convey greetings to those who were already in the realm of Navi or to fulfill someone's very important request.

Important! Performing the rite of farewell (farewell) was considered mandatory!

It was not customary to shed bitter tears, but it was considered indecent to rejoice noisily that another of your loved ones became closer to the Father of the Family.

It was not forbidden to say goodbye to the dead and commemorate him pregnant

commemorate the dead the whole family gathered, there was a place at the table and the expectant mother. No one was invited to the funeral feast (the final action in the funeral rite), but no one was driven out either: “To anger the dead is to lose happiness in the family!”

Sometimes a large number of people gathered at the memorial meadow, among them there could be those who wished to do an unkind deed. A woman "in gravity" could become an easy prey for an evil person, since it was believed that she "stands on the threshold of two Worlds" - Reveal and Navi.

According to the idea of ​​our ancestors, all children and their souls came to the Middle World from the Reverse World, having received the blessing of the werewolf god Veles, “the shepherd of the souls of Iriy”, a powerful dark patron of various arts, including witchcraft.

Red thread Mokosh

So that “bad things” do not happen to a woman and a baby, among Slavic amulets“nauzas” woven from a thick red thread were very common, which the expectant mother wore on her hands and in her hair, taking them off only:

  • Until now, in many villages the custom has not become obsolete. walk pregnant a cemetery and when people gather in something red - to ward off the evil eye.
  • Red is the color of the goddess Mokosh - the patroness of the family, the birth of children, married women. Another name for Mokosh is the Great Weaver. It was believed that it was she who weaves the fate of all people even before their birth, weaving happy days into the fabric with a red thread.
  • Wear a red dress for funerals and when going to the cemetery is not necessary! It is enough to mark something in red - a ribbon, a scarf, a red thread on the wrist.

Red thread Mokosh on the wrist

"Open" look

The woman was forbidden even look at the dead in this case! It was said that the dead man could "pull" with his dead look and take the future life with him. And most often such a deceased was considered a sorcerer. Otherwise, there were no obstacles in saying goodbye to a loved one or remembering him for a pregnant woman in Old Slavonic customs. Subject to certain rules, of course!

Important! Perhaps the only immutable prohibition in direct contact with the deceased concerned pregnant women, if the dead had not completely closed their eyelids (it happens).

And what about the official Christian Church? How does she answer the question: Can or not pregnant walk-visit cemetery? Are there any signs or restrictions?

Position of Christianity

The position of Christian priests differs little from Old Slavonic beliefs. In any case, to the question: Should a pregnant woman go to a cemetery and is it possible for pregnant women together with everyone commemorate the dead? The church answers: “Yes! Not only possible, but even necessary!

  1. It is believed that the Lord blesses those who seek to pay the last debt to a deceased person and do not forget about him, regularly ordering a “commemoration” and caring for the grave.
  2. The Christian Church takes a bad attitude only to the “commemoration” near this grave, considering this action an echo of the funeral feast, and therefore a demonic custom.
  3. Both Orthodoxy and Old Slavonic culture are united in one - on commemoration to drink alcohol!

Orthodoxy does not welcome such a custom at all, and popular rumor suggests: "The child will be a drunkard!" But the sign that meeting a funeral procession is good luck, especially for a pregnant woman, came to us after Epiphany.

The church allowed to atone for the sins of the deceased through the distribution of money or utensils. A woman who met in a “difficult” situation was doubly paid off - once. Secondly, her child also received a guardian-patron - a ransoming soul (a ransoming uncle or aunt), who "nurtured" the baby from Heaven and could "put in a good word" for him before the Lord.

Is it possible for pregnant women to say goodbye to relatives, without visiting the cemetery, if on the day of the funeral she does not feel well or her “soul does not lie”?

The official Church does not consider such behavior a sin. It will be enough to order a memorial service and a funeral service in memory of the deceased in the Temple, and light a church candle at home and read the appropriate prayers.

When bright words of prayers are raised, it is believed that the souls of the dead receive relief from grief. Separated from the body, the soul "toils". Prayer of a woman carrying new life especially pleasing to the angels and the Lord himself, and the toiling soul has a Good Hope for a speedy decision of its fate.

Esotericism, psychology and folk beliefs

You can often hear from old people that pregnant women and children have nothing to do in cemeteries and Pregnant women should not look at the dead! Why?

  • Old people say that a baby can be born with a humpback or get sick with the same disease from which a person died. Even if a person died of old age, then the baby can “pull” on itself “dog old age” - progeria. Here why pregnant women shouldn't on n funeral look at the dead!
  • If there is an urgent need, then the woman must be in a scarf (the Guardian Angel of the future baby clings to it) and not empty-handed - a gift or a ransom.
  • Any coin or just candy can serve as a ransom, which is worth putting on any grave-house with the name of the one who is being buried.
  • And in no case should you drop or forget your own thing! They can make a “fake” on her, and demolition moms are so absent-minded!

Important! Compliance with all the rules adopted when visiting the cemetery is strictly required!

Esotericists explain, why pregnant women shouldn't visit funerals and cemeteries- it's just unnatural, because the concepts of a churchyard and the beginning of a new life are opposite. Death is the logical end of earthly existence. - the logical beginning of a new path. Between these concepts - the eternal struggle. You should not “lead into temptation” the subtle worlds and make yourself or your baby an apple of discord between the worlds - this is a dangerous business!

At the cemetery, mommy, willy-nilly, is fueled by negative energy, which is carried by tears and grief for the deceased.

At the cemetery, a pregnant woman is fueled by bad energy

Has an explanation why it is impossible to look at the deceased and psychologists:

  • The ancient Roman writer, historian and physician Pliny noted that it is very important for a future mother to experience positive emotions, negative ones have a bad effect on the health and character of the baby after his birth.
  • Modern science has confirmed that the child is sensitive to all the emotions of the mother while still in the womb, hears external sounds and reacts to light.
  • The sight of a coffin lowered into a pit is unlikely to cause a storm of joy and fill the soul with aesthetic peace.
  • In addition to the emotional burden, it will be difficult for a woman to stand on her feet for a long time, especially in the later stages.
  • The accumulation of strangers can lead to infection with a viral disease, and this can lead to severe.

What to do, if pregnant just wants to wander around cemetery tracks? This happens when the female soul asks for rest from the hustle and bustle and asks to get rid of the psychological burden. Is it possible?

Important! If recently someone close to you died, or a woman feels an irresistible desire to remain in dreary loneliness (this happens during pregnancy), you should not interfere with her.

One of the popular signs says that a pregnant woman should not go to the cemetery and attend funerals. However, there are different situations in life, and many women do not know how to do the right thing - go to a funeral or still refrain? In the article, we will find out where such a belief came from, and we will figure out how to behave if fate has presented a difficult choice.

It is difficult to imagine the life of a Russian person without folk signs and beliefs, even the most modern girls furtively bypass a black cat and worry about spilled salt. In our head, two higher educations, faith in God and grandmother's signs coexist calmly. And when it comes to pregnancy, then there is no longer a step to take a step, so as not to hear what you can do and what not. People around you constantly explain how to behave during pregnancy, and your head starts to spin - you understand with your mind that these are all prejudices, but the fear of harming the baby makes you listen to grandmother's advice.

Can pregnant women attend funerals?

In the human mind, pregnancy is associated with the beginning of a new life, and the cemetery - with the end. These are two mutually exclusive concepts that should not collide in real life. The life cycle alternates between birth and death, every minute in the world someone dies and is born at the same time, but these events usually do not intersect, hence the belief that a pregnant woman should not visit the abode of death. This is especially true for funerals, because it is difficult for any person to face death, and a pregnant woman does not need negative emotions and stress at all and can even be dangerous. From time immemorial, it was believed that it was dangerous for a pregnant woman to see a dead woman - this is a bad omen that marks the coming of death.

All people are different, and they perceive the funeral in their own way: someone treats death philosophically, someone, on the contrary, can hardly endure the presence of the deceased, so you need to look at the situation, it all depends on the temperament and emotionality of the woman. Listen to your inner voice, not a sense of duty. The heavy atmosphere of the funeral is depressing, so it is better for pregnant women to avoid the mourning ceremony, do not pay attention to gossip and gossip, do as you think is right. On the other hand, if a person important to you has died, and you understand that you will regret if you don’t see him on his last journey, then it’s better to go to the funeral. At the same time, you must understand that the cemetery is not the best place for a pregnant woman, so first of all think about your child.

Even priests believe that these are ancient superstitions and that pregnant women, if necessary, can be present at the funeral. There is no “bad energy” there, the main thing is the emotional mood of the pregnant woman. Grandmothers say that the soul of the deceased can “cling” to a child at a funeral, but in the church such signs are called heresy. If you don't want to go to the cemetery, then don't. Throw away the feeling of guilt - you can say goodbye to your loved ones not only at a funeral, go to a wake, put a candle in the church, order a magpie, pray for the deceased.

It is important and useful for a future mother to attend church and pray, because she prays with her unborn child, gives him positive energy and God's Grace - the main thing is when a prayer is read with faith. The church atmosphere gives peace, confidence in the future and tranquility, so the clergy urge women to visit the temple more often and pray (this can be done not only in church, but also at home). Thus, you will protect not only yourself, but also the child.

Funerals are usually stressful - this is the main reason why a pregnant woman should not be present at the funeral. Negative feelings and thoughts are transmitted from mother to child in the same way as positive ones, so during pregnancy it is very important to get more positive emotions and enjoy life, while it is desirable to protect yourself from stress and negativity as much as possible. Try to avoid mourning events and places where negative energy gathers.

Why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery

All-knowing grandmothers scare pregnant women and forbid them to go to the cemetery. Yes, the cemetery is the kingdom of the dead, it is believed that a lot of bad energy, grief and suffering have been accumulated there. Priests say that these are echoes of paganism, relics of the past, which should not be paid attention to. In fact, if the soul asks to visit the grave of a loved one during the commemoration, then it is quite possible to go and commemorate loved ones.

Whether or not to go to the cemetery during pregnancy is a personal matter for every woman. The main thing is how you feel at the same time, and what emotions you experience. If a woman is going to the cemetery with anxiety, fear and anxiety, then it is better to stay at home or go to church instead of the cemetery. When a woman wants to visit the dead, and is sure that nothing in the cemetery will disturb her inner peace, then you can safely go. Many girls write on forums that they feel inner peace and tranquility at the cemetery.

Priests believe that God's Grace and blessing descends on people who do not forget their ancestors and remember their deceased relatives, so the remembrance of the deceased is our duty during life. It is necessary to take care of the graves at any time, even during pregnancy, but do it from a pure heart, and not under duress. If you feel unwell or do not want to go to the cemetery today, then reschedule the trip to another day. Even better, during pregnancy, transfer your duties of caring for the graves to other relatives.

In women during pregnancy, blood pressure often rises, insomnia and high fatigue worries, and emotional lability affects mood changes. Strong negative emotions can provoke a deterioration in the physical condition of the expectant mother, cause stress and melancholy, so it is undesirable for emotional and suspicious girls to go to the cemetery.

From the point of view of esotericists, a pregnant woman has a unique energy that spreads harmony and peace not only to the expectant mother and baby, but also to those around her. However, the energy field of a woman is very vulnerable, it actively attracts otherworldly entities that draw out vital energy. And in the places associated with death, there is a lot of negative energy and entities that are ready to "sit down" in someone else's biofield. This point of view is similar to folk superstitions, which also warn of "settlement" and harm to other people's energy, so esotericists are categorically against any visits to a cemetery by pregnant women, and even more so a funeral.

But even pregnant women can go to the wake. If a woman wishes to express condolences to the relatives and friends of the deceased, then you can attend the commemoration. The main thing is your inner attitude and self-awareness, if there is even the slightest doubt, then refuse the event. If you do not want to go, then others should be sympathetic to your desires and feelings.

It's better to stay at home

A woman should make a decision on her own in such a situation, no one can advise you on how to do it right. If you feel confident in your abilities and have a stable mentality, then you can safely attend the funeral and go to the cemetery. If you understand that the person is dear to you and you can’t miss the funeral because you will regret it, go. However, if there is even the slightest doubt, then it is better to stay at home or go to church and light a candle for the repose.

The same can be said about the physical condition of a pregnant woman - if you often feel unwell, get tired and suffer from mood swings, then you should not tempt fate, stay at home and have a good rest. Doctors remind that strong negative emotions, worries and tears have a bad effect on the well-being of mother and baby. It is especially necessary to save your nerves in the early stages of pregnancy, so if you need to go to the cemetery, then communicate less with the mourners and try not to be nervous.

It is believed that a guardian angel is given to each person at baptism, and while the baby is in the womb, her angel protects him. However, there is an opinion that unborn children are very vulnerable and subject to the influence of dark forces, therefore, according to popular signs, pregnant women should not go to the cemetery, and even more so to attend the funeral. If there is an opportunity to avoid a funeral, then use it. Grandmothers say that the deceased and unborn children are in the same dimension, so the deceased can "take away" the child with him. When just an acquaintance has died, then stay at home with a clear conscience - pregnancy is a good reason to avoid a funeral, so no one will judge you.

Signs do not prohibit pregnant women from attending the wake. There you can support the family of the deceased and express condolences. However, try to limit your contact with relatives who are grieving, because you need to avoid stress and negative emotions. Set yourself up to the fact that there is nothing terrible in death - it is a natural and inevitable process. Strong emotions can lead to the loss of a child, so if you are overreacting to the death of a loved one, stay at home.

Our ancestors were sure that the unborn child feels the whole sad situation at the funeral and hears the cry of people, feeling their grief. In ancient times, it was believed that if the expectant mother looked at the deceased, then the child could be born dead. In the modern world, there is no such categorical attitude towards visiting cemeteries and funerals by pregnant women, but it is better to avoid this unless absolutely necessary.

Forums are full of discussions of the question of whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to go to the cemetery and to the funeral. Opinions differ greatly and depend mainly on the nature of the woman. Some do not think about this issue at all and do not change their lifestyle at all during pregnancy. If you need to visit a cemetery or go to a funeral, then they calmly perform their duties, not thinking about mysticism and signs. More suspicious girls carefully study the forums and participate in discussions before making a decision and coming to their own conclusions. Some future mothers unequivocally listen to the opinion of older relatives and believe that it is better to play it safe and not put the baby at risk.

There are no clear contraindications for pregnant women to visit the cemetery, so you yourself must decide what is more important for you and how to behave in this situation. Visiting the grave of a beloved relative, some experience peace and inner peace, others are nervous and stressed, which can harm the child. Listen to your inner voice, and if he says that you should not go to the funeral, then go to church and order a funeral service.

Exceptional case

If a loved one has died and you feel like you have to go to the funeral and say goodbye, then follow some rules. Choose the right time when the deceased has not yet been taken out of the house or the coffin has already been buried. At this time, the emotions of the people around are a little calmer, and the mood is more stable. It is still advisable to avoid a trip to the cemetery, it is enough to come to the wake and express condolences to the relatives of the deceased.

Pregnancy has always been a mystery, it was shrouded in superstitions, beliefs and prejudices that appeared many centuries ago and were passed down from generation to generation. One thing is for sure, funerals cause strong emotions, worries and stress, so an impressionable and emotional pregnant woman should not expose her psyche to such strong tests. In addition, a lot of grief and tears are concentrated in the cemetery, which can also affect the energy of the expectant mother, so try to keep trips to the cemetery to a minimum.

If the situation is such that you cannot miss the funeral or you yourself want to say goodbye to the deceased, then go only if you are sure that you can behave calmly and not harm the baby with tears and emotional behavior. Otherwise, refrain from going to the cemetery, it is better to go to church and pray. Only you can decide how to do the right thing in this situation and whether it is worth going to a funeral in your position. If you know that you are too emotional and suspicious, do not risk the well-being of your own child.

An important event in the life of every woman. During this period from before the birth of a new life, the expectant mother is especially worried about, trying to protect him from everything bad. Therefore, it is now that a woman listens to a variety of signs that can affect the life and even the fate of her baby. A negative attitude towards the presence of a woman expecting a baby in a cemetery, funerals and even commemoration is one of these signs. But not everyone knows why you can not go to the cemetery.

Pregnancy and cemetery

Almost every family has one or two or more people, many are expecting the birth of their babies. In addition, life is rather ambiguous, and grief happens next to joy: a baby is due in one of the close families, and death can come to another at this time. And then it’s quite difficult to make the right decision, because it’s everyone’s duty to lead a loved one on their last journey, but in this state a woman is so vulnerable that attending a funeral can harm both her and the baby. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to be at a funeral, at a burial, is of interest to many.

The attitude towards this problem is ambiguous:

  • some do not attach much importance to such questions and regard them as superstition;
  • others argue that a woman who is expecting a baby should not visit places of mourning;
  • still others - that she should do as she sees fit, so long as her mental state is not disturbed;
  • the fourth think that when it is necessary to recharge only with positive energy, and the cemetery is not intended for this, because here human life ends, and in the mother's womb it is just beginning.
Indeed, everything that has a connection with death is difficult to endure even for a woman who is not “in position”. And the cemetery itself can affect morale for a long time.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery

There are enough opinions about whether pregnant women can go to the cemetery. It would be useful to listen to each of them, especially since almost everyone claims that a woman who is expecting a child has no place in a cemetery.

Psychology opinion

Psychologists do not consider it reprehensible that a woman who is expecting a child visits burial sites, but still do not recommend doing this unless absolutely necessary. After all, she cannot help but get stress there, which will certainly have a negative impact on herself and on the child. It is very difficult to control your emotions in this position, especially for funerals.
Psychologists do not consider a visit by a woman “in position” to the graves of previously deceased relatives to be a reason for getting stress to a large extent, the main thing is that this should not bring negative emotions. Therefore, before going to the burial sites, the expectant mother should analyze whether this visit will cause emotions with a strong negative impact, and how mandatory it is (can it be postponed until the baby is born). If, on the contrary, being near the graves can calm the woman down or it can’t be postponed, then such a trip is quite possible.

Important! Strong negative emotions, experiences during pregnancy can provoke the nervousness of the unborn child, which in the future has an impact on his character, and therefore on how life will turn out.

Not only for a pregnant woman, but also for other people with a normal mental state, everything that speaks of death is at least unpleasant, and even causes fear. A pregnant woman is characterized by a susceptibility many times greater than in the normal state, therefore visiting burial places, funerals can cause her not only discomfort, but a significant deviation in emotional and physical well-being. Therefore, relatives will not condemn a relative who is expecting a child, who did not come to the funeral or on timed days at the cemetery.

Esoteric opinion

Esotericists convince that during pregnancy a woman possesses energy that is unique in its uniqueness, which favorably affects her well-being, as well as the condition of the people around her. But also its energy field has weak protection, and therefore can become an attractive object for various entities that feed on life energy and negatively affect it. Such entities, according to esotericists, are especially common in places related to death.
Therefore, they do not recommend visiting cemeteries for women who are expecting a child, since such an entity is able to settle there in the woman's biofield. Esotericists believe that this can manifest itself in different ways: the future mother's health is deteriorating, problems with the child begin, and big life troubles are also possible.

There is also an absolutely opposite opinion, according to which the cemetery, where close relatives and more than one generation are buried, is the habitat of their spirits, which will help and protect the pregnant woman. Therefore, the cemetery is the most peaceful and safe place for such a woman. Therefore, whether it is possible for pregnant women to taste burial places, go to funerals, women themselves should determine. If one of them believes that her aura will suffer from visiting the cemetery, then, naturally, it is better to postpone the idea. But there are those who calm down near the graves of their loved ones, feel support and consolation. In this case, such visits are possible. But if you can wait with this until the baby is born, then it is better to refrain so as not to risk it again.

Medical opinion

Medicine also provides its own explanation why pregnant women should not go to funerals, and it is better not to come to the cemetery, according to which pregnancy is a physiological state with a characteristic increase in stress on the female body. Even a woman who easily tolerates this condition and has no health problems can suddenly increase her blood pressure and become very tired. Edema and mood instability are also possible.
Strong negative emotions, which must necessarily arise at a funeral, as well as when visiting a cemetery, may well provoke and intensify these manifestations, worsen her health. Therefore, mourning ceremonies are best avoided. It is not recommended during pregnancy to go to the cemetery on specially designated days for remembrance, when many people gather there. It is then that there is a great threat to catch an infection that is undesirable in such a situation due to large crowds of people.

Important! If a woman in position nevertheless decided to visit the cemetery, then it is better to do this accompanied by someone close to her. Even if you feel great, support will still not be superfluous.

Medicine, as a science, rejects the presence of any creatures that negatively affect a person. Therefore, doctors approach the presence at the cemetery during pregnancy for purely medical reasons. If there are no negative emotions, then walks in the cemetery are no different from walks in other places, especially since the air is much cleaner in cemeteries located mainly outside the city than in the city. It all depends on each individual woman, on how she relates to this issue, and whether a visit to the cemetery will cause a stressful situation. Also, a pregnant woman, when visiting a cemetery, should be mentally prepared that there will definitely be a “knowing” grandmother who will try to convey her opinion to the future mother, how wrong she is, visiting this place in this position. Therefore, you need to be either absolutely stress-resistant, or stay at home and not attract attention to yourself.

Church opinion

The Church does not indicate to a woman who is expecting a baby whether she can be present at the cemetery, funeral or not, does not forbid her to do so. The Bible does not express any instructions on this matter, in which the presence of such women in places of mourning is not directly prohibited or permitted. The Bible only states that Christians are obligated to honor the departed on their final journey. Therefore, the clergy have nothing against the desire of women who are expecting a baby to say goodbye to people dear to them or visit their grave.

Important! A pregnant woman may not be at the funeral and at the burial of a deceased loved one. She can say goodbye to him in her thoughts, and later put a candle in the church and order a prayer service for the repose of his soul.

According to the clergy, real believing Christians should not be afraid and believe in non-existent ghosts, they simply do not exist. There are evil forces, but they do not live in cemeteries. And pregnant baptized women are under the protection of higher powers, which also passes to the baby, and no evil can harm them.


If a woman who is expecting a child (a Christian or an atheist) does not take the transmigration of souls and other magic seriously and has no medical contraindications, then she can visit the cemetery. The mother-to-be must make the decision. But when visiting such places, as well as funerals, she must remain as calm as possible. If a woman is emotional, cannot control herself, reacts painfully to someone else's opinion, then it is better to abandon the idea and postpone such a trip until the baby. In any case, it is impossible to impose any point of view on a woman “in position”, this can provoke even more stress.

What about commemorations?

With regard to the commemoration, almost everyone agrees that it is possible to visit them. To express condolences to the relatives of the deceased, to support them - there is nothing wrong with that. But the commemoration, along with this, is a large crowd of people where it is possible to become infected with viral and other infections. Therefore, you can attend a wake, but before that it is better to think about what this is fraught with. If the deceased person is so dear that it is impossible not to attend a wake for him, then it is necessary to apply maximum precautions, which are best consulted with the observing doctor. The main thing is to remember that no one will ever condemn the expectant mother if she decides not to come to the commemoration or funeral, everyone will support her in such a decision.

Did you know? Christianity presents death as a transition to another world - a heavenly abode. From this point of view, the funeral is not something bad, it is the process of finding the soul of its real home. A cemetery is a place where the bodies of the dead remain to rest.

To attend funerals, burial places, commemoration or not, the expectant mother herself should decide. If she has no health problems, feels the strength to endure such a process, is not subject to prejudices, then she may well do what she thinks is right. But she must not forget for a minute that she is responsible for another defenseless little man - her child, therefore, at the slightest alarming symptoms, she must abandon her intentions or leave the event.
If a woman is serious about signs, feels fear and anxiety before mourning events, then she is unacceptable to appear there. The stressful state for a woman during the time is more dangerous than any otherworldly entities. We wish you that people close and dear to you remain in good health as long as possible, and you would not have to be puzzled by such a problem.

There is an opinion that pregnant women should not go to cemeteries in general and to funerals in particular. The reasons for this ban are various.

In general, there are two reasons why pregnant women shouldn't go to funerals:

  • emotional experiences and psychological discomfort;
  • superstitions and omens.

Stress after attending a funeral

It is quite understandable that the expectant mother wants to go to the funeral in order to say goodbye to a loved one and see him off on his last journey. If such a desire is really present, and you are sure that you can cope with your emotions, then attending a funeral will not make you feel worse. It is only recommended not to be present at the burial itself, since the emotional state of the people around you is extremely unstable at this moment. Come to the house when the deceased is still there, and then take part in the memorial dinner.

However, hormonal restructuring of the body in pregnant women still affects the perception of the world and reality. Expectant mothers are more vulnerable and emotional, any little thing can upset them. So do not overestimate your strength and go to the funeral just for the sake of decency.

If your mental state worsens, depression may develop after attending a funeral. And just a stressful situation, which any funeral is considered to be, will not benefit the baby. Strong feelings and excitement can affect the health of the baby or even lead to termination of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that strong emotions lead to uterine tone, which is highly undesirable.

Folk omens

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, a whole flurry of all kinds of prohibitions falls upon her, which cannot always be explained from a rational point of view. However, our ancestors were sure that the unborn child should be protected in every possible way.

As for the bans on attending funerals, according to signs, this is considered harmful due to the poor energy of the cemetery and the dead. In the old days, it was believed that a baby in the womb does not yet “walk under God”, and, therefore, does not have his protection. Therefore, you need to refrain from visiting potentially dangerous places.

It is also believed that unborn children are very much influenced by dark forces, so any contact with the dead is undesirable. There is another superstition: dead people and children, while still living in the womb, are as if in the same dimension, at the same energy level. Therefore, it is believed that a connection may form between them, and in the worst cases, the deceased may want to take the child with him.

If you follow all the signs and superstitions regarding pregnant women, then you can simply lose your common sense. Significant interpretation will not exist, so it is hardly worth paying much attention to them.

What do the priests say?

The clergy see no obstacles to attending funerals and cemeteries by pregnant women, but they do not consider it obligatory either. You have a very good reason not to attend a funeral. However, the priests say that there is no "negative energy" in the cemetery. It is also a misconception that one cannot attend a funeral, since the unborn child does not have his own guardian angel.

If you think that you can’t stand this event, then it’s better to just go to the temple and light a candle, order a prayer service for the repose, and read prayers. If you want to support the relatives of the deceased, go to the wake, to the church, but the funeral process itself, clogging the coffin lid and lowering it into the ground, the funeral procession is, nevertheless, not a sight for pregnant women.