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» Sketches of tattoos for men clover. Four-leaf clover

Sketches of tattoos for men clover. Four-leaf clover

The symbolism of the clover plant today is very rich and interesting. The clover flower symbolizes the divine triad, the trinity of the world and human essence, which is divided into the inner spirit, the eternal soul and the perishable body.

Among the ancient Egyptians, the great gods Osiris and Isis wore the image of clover on their headdresses. The Hindus saw in it the designation of the four cardinal points, and the Buddhists - the unity of soul and body. In China, clover has long been associated with summer. For the Druids, the clover flower represented the spring equinox.

The practice of planting clover on the graves of the dead has also made it a symbol of farewell, a sign of lost love and repentance.

In Christianity, the three-leaf clover has become a symbol of the Holy Trinity - God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. According to legend, Saint Patrick, the preacher of Christianity, having come to the lands of the Irish Peninsula, explained to people the essence and foundation of the Christian Church and faith on the example of a clover leaf, as a symbol of the inseparable trinity. Since then, clover has become an obligatory decoration and symbol of the holiday of honoring St. Patrick on March 17 in Ireland.

Over time, the clover tattoo found its Christian meaning in the cultural tradition of the Celts, as a symbol of early Christianity.

In a clover tattoo, the meaning of each petal is special.. The first leaf means faith, the second symbolizes hope, the third is for love.. So in one small flower all the most important and sacred components of human life can be embodied.

Sometimes there is still a fourth petal - a petal of good luck. But in nature, a four-leaf clover is very rare, and therefore it is believed that an unexpected pleasant event awaits those who find such a flower. Thus, the four-leaf clover became a universally recognized symbol of good luck. And the meaning of a four-leaf clover tattoo is primarily defined as a symbol of rarity and specialty, a symbol that brings happiness and good luck to the wearer.

According to one legend, a four-leaf clover grew only in the Garden of Eden, and Eve, going into exile with her husband, took one such flower with her. But botanists have refuted this story, proving that the birthplace of such a clover is South and Central America.

This is how, using the example of clover, you can tell how a small, inconspicuous flower in nature can embody a large number of significant and sacred images for many cultures of the world.

Clover tattoo is especially popular among people who prefer underwear drawings depicting plants. This pretty herb with round, three- or four-petaled leaves and lovely white and pink-lilac flowers is not only beautiful, but also useful. It is in great demand in agriculture. Along with oats, clover is preferred as food by horses, whose strength and endurance are known to everyone. Cows that have eaten clover give especially tasty milk. This dessert is also a favorite for goats, rabbits and chickens, whose dietary meat and exquisite taste of milk are in demand among real gourmets. And the famous song “Mowing Yas Konyushin”, which in Belarusian means “Mowed Yan Clover”, tells that by doing the work of mowing this plant, you can find your love.

Flower symbolism

Since ancient times, many peoples have associated the purest and kindest associations with clover. In Buddhism, this plant combines the earthly and the spiritual, Chinese philosophy interprets clover as warmth and summer, Hindus perceive the quatrefoil as the four cardinal points, Druids as the equinox, in ancient Egypt, the nobles adorned their hats with this divine attribute.

In Christianity, the three-leaf clover stands for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Divine Trinity in three leaves speaks of the fusion of faith, hope and love, which are the main postulates of the entire Christian religion. And a rather rare four-leaf clover adds the number 4 to the top three of the most basic feelings - good luck! Which helps to express them even brighter, and to feel happiness in full.

Due to the similarity of color, ancient people compared clover inflorescence with violet, which they perceived as a symbol of sadness, sorrow and repentance, so they planted graves in the cemetery with a carpet of this plant. The shape of a clover flower resembles a rose, and this gives the right to associate it with passionate and passionate love. Therefore, a modern clover tattoo with a rose is of great importance for all those in love and looking for love.

Who will suit the tattoo

Clover tattoos, photos of which can be found in large numbers in the gallery after the article, are ideal for both the strong and the fair sex. Sketches of this noble plant bring happiness and good luck to everyone without exception, especially if clover tattoos are combined in a composition with a horseshoe or an inscription.

People who prefer clover tattoos have a very accommodating character, avoid conflicts, purposefully go towards their goal, without pushing anyone with their elbows. They are loyal, honest and noble, they make excellent friends and passionate lovers. IN family life clover tattoo owners have proven themselves to be good family men who protect their loved ones from all sorts of troubles and hardships.

Significance for the stronger sex

The meaning of a clover tattoo for men speaks of the masculinity, strength and intelligence of a person. Such men are generous and sacrificial, they know how to love faithfully or are in search of love. A clover tattoo can also tell about the religious orientation of its owner, his worship of traditions and the observance of harmony in everything that surrounds him. A four-leaf clover on a hand or covering a leg will serve as an excellent amulet that protects against all earthly troubles, and sketches in the form of a plant with numbers, inscriptions or a horseshoe are a manifestation of the desire to change one's life for the better in material terms, which means the desire to acquire good luck as a companion, giving wonderful surprises.

Significance for the fair sex

Such a tattoo is of great importance for girls seeking to find their love and create a wonderful family with loving husband and wonderful kids. These women have a developed sense of taste, they take care of themselves, they are excellent housewives and wonderful mistresses. The presence of a clover flower in women indicates a desire for pleasure, since inside the inflorescence there is nectar from which bees make honey. A four-leaf clover on a tattoo will give its owner good luck and success in all her affairs and will definitely help to find happy love.

Anyone who wants to get such a tattoo needs to know what a tattoo means in prison. In the post-revolutionary and post-war times, there were many petty thieves in the country who traded in theft in transport and on the streets. It was they who got such a tattoo. IN modern world such a trade is shameful, so clover is considered a symbol of shame and pettiness. Such a fact should not be a reason for refusing this tattoo, but it is still worth knowing.

Execution technique

The stylistic solution can be the most diverse: both black and white and color compositions look equally attractive. Girls prefer the second option, making a drawing in green. As a basis, you can take the style of minimalism, without pretentiousness, pathos and unnecessary details. Everything is clear, concise and at the same time sweet and gentle. To give a sacred meaning to a tattoo, a Celtic ornament in ethnic style will help. Sometimes clover is even depicted in the center of the mandala - then the composition acquires a philosophical connotation. Usually, small sketches are chosen as underwear, so a clover tattoo on the wrist, neck or finger will become stylish decoration, a talisman and a talisman for its owner.

Photos of tattoos

A selection of sketches

Perhaps, there are a few people on our planet who have never discussed the topic of “tattoo”. Opinions and attitudes towards them, of course, are different - someone considers it vulgar, someone, on the contrary, considers it beauty. And for some, the “drawing” on the body has forever remained an unfulfilled dream.

If you are one of those who have a positive attitude towards a tattoo (tattoo) and are used to bringing their fantasies to life, then before you get a tattoo, you need to answer several very important questions. The first, and most responsible - which figure to choose and what does it mean? After all, it is the meaning of the tattoo that will decide whether this choice will become pride or harm your reputation.

Recently, among young people, as a tattoo, a clover leaf, namely, a four-leaf one, has become a popular pattern. The four leaf clover has a special meaning. The fact that it brings good luck is known even to a child, because finding a quatrefoil was considered a rare success.

If you look into the past, it will become known that in ancient Egypt this plant was a symbol of the gods Osiris and Isis. And according to legend, when leaving Paradise, Eve took with her exactly a four-leaf clover - this is how it came to our land.

If we talk about a tattoo, then it is generally accepted that one leaf is drawn for fame, the second for wealth, the third for health, but the last one has become very important for girls, because it means love. For the weaker sex, a four-leaf clover is a symbol of triplicity, transformed into perfection.


Men pay more attention to girls with a quatrefoil tattoo (tattoo), they never complain about the lack of suitors and marry successfully. Often a clover leaf is drawn in a pair with a rose - then this combination means eternal love, but if the companion is a violet, then this already means grief for someone or something.

I would like to note that the tattoo looks unusually beautiful on the lower part of the female leg, making it more elegant, ladies also prefer clover tattoos on the shoulder blades - in addition to the fact that it looks rather unusual in this place, the drawing procedure is not so painful. You can often see a green leaf on the arm or neck.


For guys, the four-leaf clover also has a special meaning, because it symbolizes good luck and success. The person who made such a tattoo is considered special and unique.
Unlike girls, guys prefer to get clover tattoos on their calves, which visually increases their size.
The quatrefoil looks interesting on the back, along the spine. If we talk about the companions of clover in the drawings of a man, then they want to see next to the plant, for example, a cross, which means love for life and God.

In the prison world

A completely different meaning of clover tattoo in the prison world.

Here such a tattoo stands for "successful thief" or says that its owner belongs to the lower caste of prisoners.

In any case, they are in a hurry to get rid of such a tattoo, since clover has become a symbol of shame in such circles.
Be that as it may, remember that by visiting a tattoo parlor, you will become the owner of a pattern on your body for life.

What will the tattoo be: large or small, black and white or multi-colored, and in what place it will show off - it's up to you. But in order to avoid removing or overlapping a tattoo that has become boring over time, consult with the master and be sure to preview his work and drawings.

The mystical significance of the four-leaf clover is due to the fact that it is extremely rare in wildlife. It is believed that those who are lucky enough to find even one such leaf will definitely be lucky and patronized by higher powers in any business.

Not only rare, but also any of their images have powerful energy. For example, you can attract fortune by wearing an amulet or a four-leaf clover tattoo.

What does the symbol mean in antiquity and now?

The four-leaf clover is considered a sacred symbol. There is a legend that such plants grew only in the Fields of Eden, and Eve took one of them with her in memory of Paradise when she was expelled from it by God along with Adam. This belief arose several millennia ago, but it is not the only fact that the four-leaf clover was considered a mystical and strong sign in ancient times.

Other references to the four leaf clover in ancient sources:

  • ancient egyptians used to protect against the forces of darkness and looking glass, depicting it on the mirrors.
  • For the Carpathian Slavs, he was symbol of eternal peace.
  • For Buddhists, such a sign symbolized the unity of soul and body.
  • The Hutsuls had a belief that, if a girl is the owner of such a sheet, then she will have a successful marriage and she will never be alone.
  • For Indians clover with four leaves was a talisman for hunting and farming(they painted his image on tree trunks, dwellings or rocks surrounding villages).
  • ancient egyptians gave jewelry with the image of a four-leaf clover to the newlyweds for good luck in family life(four leaves were considered a kind of symbol of blessing and approval of the choice of young people).
  • In India he was considered the most powerful against evil forces(the image was embroidered on clothes, personal items and accessories were decorated with it).
  • The ancient Slavs have this plant was the best means of protection from troubles and the influence of evil forces, a symbol of love, good luck and material well-being(not only images of a four-leaf clover were used, but also its dried version).
  • Ancient Slavs considered a special sign to find such a plant on the days of the solstice, during this period, the plant was endowed with the most powerful magical power.

Legends knitted with a four-leaf clover have not lost their popularity for many centuries. Today, this plant is also considered a protective talisman. and endowed with mystical properties.

You can attract by any use of the image of such a plant. The owner of such a talisman is considered a special person who was able to enlist the support and protection of the most powerful higher powers.

Pendant-pendant: what are they worn for?

A four-leaf clover pendant or pendant can have various magical abilities. On the one hand, such decoration is considered a talisman. On the other hand, you can interpret the purpose of wearing it at your own discretion. Regardless of the interpretation of the symbol, it is always considered the protector of its owner and a way to attract good luck.

Interpretation options four leaf clover:

  • hope, faith, love, luck
  • faith and fame, wealth and fortune, love and happiness, health and strength
  • water, earth, fire, air

If you wear a pendant or pendant in the form of a four-leaf clover, then you can change your life and find happiness.

It is believed that the owner of such an ornament receives the protection of all four elements. The pendant can help you find a soul mate, improve family relationships, get rid of financial difficulties and even some health problems. Such jewelry should not be allowed to be measured by someone or treated carelessly.

Four leaf clover pendant has the following properties:

  • strengthening spiritual forces.
  • Madness Protection and depression.
  • To attract attention at the opposite sex.
  • Help in identifying detractors.
  • Gain energy force.
  • Love and goodwill surrounding people.
  • Execution cherished.
  • attraction wealth.
  • Luck in any business.

Meaning for girls

Representatives of the fair sex attached particular importance to the four-leaf clover. Beliefs are passed down from generation to generation. In ancient times, on the night of the feast of Ivan Kupala, girls tried to find such a plant and make it out of it. It was believed that wearing it will surely attract love and a successful marriage.

How to use a four leaf clover for girls to bring good luck:

  • wear jewelry with this symbolism.
  • Carry a small bag with you with dried four-leaf clover.
  • Get a tattoo with his picture.

It is believed that if a girl eats one part of a four-leaf clover, and a guy eats the second, then he will certainly fall in love with her in the near future. Moreover, love will be mutual, and love and respect for each other will reign in relationships. Girls can use the image or figurine of a four-leaf clover to increase their popularity with the opposite sex and enhance their femininity.


There are several ways to use the four-leaf clover talisman. If you managed to find such a plant in nature, then it must be dried and preserved. By placing it in a frame for a small photo, you can make a powerful amulet for your home. The placement does not matter, but if you hang it near the front door, then the leaflet will not only bring good luck, but also will not let ill-wishers into the house.

Other uses:

  • If you wrap a dried four-leaf clover with a blue cloth and carry it with you, then such a talisman will relieve mental anxieties, help you find harmony with yourself and create protection from troubles.
  • If you place a talisman with the image of such a plant in your wallet, then it will attract financial well-being..
    you can make a wish on the talisman, but in this case you will need to carry it with you all the time (pendants or pendants are ideal for this purpose).
  • Any image of four-leaf clover protects against spoilage and other influence of evil people or dark forces.
  • If you draw an image of a leaf in the inside of the shoe or put a dry plant under the insole, then such a talisman will soon help you find your soul mate.
  • If a couple in love or a married couple eats a four-leaf clover, then eternal harmony awaits them. and mutual understanding.

You can enhance the effect of the talisman by combining the symbolism of a four-leaf clover and a stone that fits the horoscope. For example, a ring, a four-leaf clover figurine made of suitable rock, or any other object can be used as a talisman.

Even the drawn symbols have strong energy., which can be depicted on a keychain, a small piece of fabric or a homemade coin.


A four-leaf clover tattoo can have a different meaning if there are other images next to it. Each leaf symbolizes a certain meaning.

The first is drawn for popularity and fame, the second for material well-being, the third for perfect health and physical strength, and the fourth is a symbol of love. It is believed that a tattoo can change the life of its owner. The image of a four-leaf clover only makes it better.

Features of Four Leaf Clover on Tattoo:

  • For women such a tattoo is a talisman to attract attention at the opposite sex.
  • For men, the image of a four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck and prosperity.
  • The location of such a tattoo does not matter, you can stuff a four-leaf clover on any part of the body.
  • Thanks to additional images next to the symbol, you can change its meaning For example, the combination of clover and a cross indicates to God, clover and violets - grief for lost love, clover and roses - eternal love, clover and horseshoes - good luck in any business.

The four leaf clover is considered one of the strongest symbols.. Thanks to a talisman, an amulet or a tattoo with its image, you can change your destiny and create powerful protection from enemies and troubles. An important nuance is faith in the power of this sign and respect for it. Only in the presence of such nuances, a positive effect will be guaranteed.