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» Rose of the seven seas tattoo meaning. What does the expression "wind rose" mean?

Rose of the seven seas tattoo meaning. What does the expression "wind rose" mean?

The meaning of a wind rose tattoo can be both positive and negative. Several centuries ago, such a tattoo could be seen on the body of sailors and travelers who firmly believed that it would bring them good luck in their travels and show them the right path. Recently, the wind rose tattoo has become very popular in the criminal world among prisoners who “wind up” their term in prison. Although often such an image can be found on the body of an ordinary person who is not associated with crime.

Wind rose tattoo meaning

For a long time, the wind rose tattoo was a symbol of sailors. It was believed that such a tattoo protected the traveler on the way, helped him not to go astray and happily swim to his destination.

The tattoo appeared at a time when sailors did not have compasses or navigational charts. They were looking for the right path through the stars, largely relying on their own luck and intuition. For such sailors, the impaled wind rose is a talisman and a talisman, faith in the power of which helped them return from the sea alive and unharmed.

Centuries later, this sign on the body became a symbol of brave and purposeful people. Brave warriors loved the tattoo. On their skin, it was a reward for special valor in battle and fearlessness before enemies.

I wonder what such a tattoo means today? Today, the image of the wind rose is one of the fairly common symbols that are present on the attributes of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the military forces of African states, as well as on the NATO flag. The star with 16 rays is the symbol of the CIA of America.

In recent years, young people have been drawing a guiding star on the body. This tattoo fell in love with young people not only for its external attractiveness and originality. It is believed that a compass tattoo is a kind of pathos and the desire of the owner to draw the attention of others to his belonging to a certain elite circle.

Wind rose tattoo: meaning in the zone

In the criminal world, tattoos began to be used only from the middle of the 20th century. In the zone, such an image has undergone a number of changes and acquired its own unique designation. Today in prison, this symbol is proof of the character and caste of a particular prisoner. It also denotes the nature of his criminal activity and disobedience to prison orders.

In the zone, the tattoo on the prisoner's body has its own special meaning. It is applied mainly in black and white and is a symbol of thieves in law, who have a certain reputation among criminals.

A tattoo with a wind rose in the criminal world can be compared with the shoulder straps of a general in the military. Most often Starfish has eight beams (four long and four short beams placed between them). Less commonly, the prison wind rose is depicted with 16 rays. Prisoners do not dilute the image with distracting elements and do not use other colors for tattoos, in addition to the classic black and white.

In the prison world, the stars are a symmetrical tattoo. Therefore, most often they are applied to paired organs: on the knees, on the shoulders, on the chest or under the collarbones. The location of the drawing can tell a lot about its owner, namely:

  • a symmetrical tattoo drawn on the shoulders denotes a person who belongs to the highest castes of a criminal society and is a real authority in the zone;
  • a star pinned on the chest and under the collarbones is a symbol of unwillingness to put up with prison laws, follow the usual daily routine for prisoners, obey orders, etc.;
  • a knee tattoo indicates that its owner will never, under any circumstances, kneel before the law, and will always oppose the order in the zone.
  • Not every prisoner has the right to get such a tattoo. This is a privilege only for members of a certain prison caste who enjoy authority in the zone and are classified as thieves in law.

Wind rose tattoo: photo

Photos of tattoos are mainly of interest to males. This tattoo is perfect for purposeful guys who know what they want from life, as well as those who like to travel, take risks and learn new things.

Studying the most popular sketches and photographs of a tattoo, several features of the images can be distinguished:

  • next to the symbol already described, there are often drawings of a skull, bones, a feather, playing cards, etc.;
  • the classic option is a drawing in black and white, but sometimes you can find multi-colored tattoos.

Among the most popular places on the body for applying such a pattern, one should highlight the wrist, the part on the back of the forearm, as well as the area on the arm in the region of the outer surface of the shoulder. In recent years, tattoos have become a fashionable trend of our time, and now they are increasingly stuffed on the calf muscles or above the ankle joint.

The wind rose is a diagram that characterizes the wind regime in a certain area according to long-term observations. The wind rose looks like a polygon, the rays of which indicate the direction of the wind, wind rose tattoo meaning, described below.

Wind rose tattoo and its meaning

This tattoo is very popular in the criminal world, but it is not a mandatory attribute of prisoners, contrary to the prevailing stereotype. This opinion is due to the fact that many superficially evaluate this image and may not be aware of its true meaning.

A tattoo in the form of a wind rose was originally a symbol of sailors, since the stars have always served as a guide in the open spaces of the sea, and a fair wind has been a faithful companion. The wind rose was depicted as an eight-pointed star, meaning the cardinal directions, which reminded the sailors of their goal, evoked memories of the house.

Interesting information about the meaning of the wind rose tattoo.

Before the invention of the compass, there were no navigational instruments in difficult sea voyages as such, so the stars were the fail-safe helpers of sailors on their journey. They were somewhat superstitious people, so they applied a tattoo in the form of a wind rose in the hope that it would save them and help them survive in difficult trials, achieve their cherished goal.

Over time, such a tattoo has become a kind of sign of a high and honorary award, an encouraging sign, a sign of valor, stamina and extraordinary courage. Also, in addition to ordinary sailors, the wind rose tattoo was very popular among pirates.

Speaking of pirates. The current meaning of the wind rose tattoo has a similar meaning in the criminal world, since the pirates were characterized by excessive aggression and fearlessness. The tattoo of the wind rose in the prison world is a sign of a separate “higher” caste, and the often found tattoos in the form of a rose of the winds on the knees symbolize intransigence.

However, this tattoo can be done by people with completely different interests and worldviews, as it hides many meanings, among which everyone will find something for themselves. The tattoo was widespread among teenagers who applied it, as a rule, thoughtlessly for the sake of attracting attention, ignoring the great meaning and rich history of this image.

The wind rose tattoo is suitable not only for sailors, but also for ordinary travelers, acting as a guiding star and a talisman that characterizes the thirst for wandering.

Wind rose tattoo sketches

We invite you to look wind rose tattoo designs, which can be a great basis for creating a wind rose tattoo. For a detailed study of the topic, we advise you to view the following pages:

  • Wind rose tattoo photo
  • Wind rose tattoo meaning

Sketches of a wind rose tattoo - interesting options for drawings for a tattoo

The wind rose tattoo is often associated with the underworld. And indeed, in the early 90s, she was quite an honorary tattoo among prisoners. It was inflicted by thieves and those who radically disagreed with the laws of the prison, and the police in general.

Windrose tattoo owners

In the distant past, such a pattern was applied mainly by sailors, travelers and pirates. They believed that this image brings good luck, and contributes to a quick and safe return to their homeland.

Also, the "Wind Rose" is associated with a feeling of complete freedom and emancipation from generally accepted norms. And therefore in modern world, such an image can be seen not only among adventurers. For example, it is applied:

  • individuals with a broader outlook on life than most people;
  • creative people who do not accept to live as, "should" or "under strict guidance";
  • hardened bachelors;
  • rebellious teenagers who are in a hurry to leave the custody of their parents.

Versions of the "Wind Rose"

This tattoo is depicted as a pointed star, where the rays are the direction of the wind or parts of the world. It can vary in the number of rays, from four to sixteen. This tattoo design is rooted in ancient times, namely the beginning of the 14th century.

In the center, in addition to the beginning of the vector rays, various images can be applied. For example, employees of the CIA in this place impale a drawing of the flag. Although the wind rose tattoo is considered mainly male, some girls are also not averse to being its owner. Then, at the place where the rays begin, a scarlet rose is depicted.

Also, the sketch of the "Wind Rose" may contain other elements. For example: a skull, a card or a feather.

Where is the best place to get this tattoo?

Men most often apply such an image on the shoulder or under the collarbone, in a single-color design. Such a tattoo stuffed on the knees, to this day, means involvement in the thieves' world. And although, now the semantic meaning of tattoos is not taken seriously, but a pointed star, made on your knees, can lead to misunderstanding. The fair sex puts on the “wind rose” in the same places as men, but in color they look brighter and more advantageous. And also, they emphasize the sophistication and tenderness of its owner.

Sketches of the wind rose tattoo from 11/05/2016

Watch the video:

Prepared by: katerinka31 (Belova Ekaterina Evgenievna)

What is a wind rose? What does a meaningful unique symbol say?

The symbolism of words makes it possible to use them repeatedly, sometimes for the most directly opposite things. What is a wind rose? First of all, you need to understand that this symbol of the compass - a navigational tool invented by the Chinese for sea travel - can only be conditionally called a rose, a beautiful and prickly flower of passionate love. Such a name is a consequence of the attitude to this schematic image of a compass, as to the hope of finding a way home.

In geography

The answer to the question what is a wind rose can be found in a geography textbook. This is a diagram superimposed on a compass that shows the constancy of winds of various directions for any point on the globe. In the figure, this is a beam of rays that diverge from a single point along the horizon points. Each line graphically depicts the frequency of wind in that direction. What is formed as a result of connecting all the segments in the diagram is the wind rose. For the first time, Europeans started talking about this wonderful invention long before the Great geographical discoveries, around the 12th century. Navigators found practical use for it, for whom it was important to know when, what sails and at what angle to set in order to achieve a fair wind. Nowadays, this invention is used in the design of buildings to take into account the peculiarities of the local climate. Interestingly, to the question: “What wind brought you here?” - you can answer: "I was brought here by a southwest wind of 5 points on the Beaufort scale, which, according to the wind rose, happens in this area constantly in May days." After that, it is better to explain in more detail to the puzzled interlocutor what the wind rose is. A simple weather vane helps to determine the direction of moving air masses, and an anemometer helps to determine the speed.

In tattoo

The wind rose is a tattoo, the meaning of which is interpreted in different ways. For most lovers of ornately decorating their body, this is just a beautiful, memorable pattern with sharp corners and Latin letters, affixed in the directions of the parts of the world. However, the wind rose came to us from sailors, a special caste of fearless people who expressed their desire to live according to special charters with such a tattoo. The main rule of the sea wolf is to be free, like the vast expanses of the sea, to live without restrictions. It is clear that very soon such a tattoo became a symbol of pirates. Among the representatives of the criminal world, the wind rose tattoo was also common. Its value depends on the location on the body of the prisoner. The thieves drew a tattoo on their shoulder as belonging to their special criminal caste, and the image of a rose on their knees meant inflexibility of character, anger, refusal to any obedience. Therefore, young people who are fond of tattoos can answer the question of what a wind rose is.

In official symbols

The flower in the name of the symbol "wind rose" means perfection, the desire for beauty, invincibility, therefore this sign is used in the symbols of official organizations. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation uses the symbol of the White Star of Hope and Salvation, this is nothing but a wind rose. The meaning of the symbol is an echo of those times when sailors decorated their hands with this pattern in the hope that it would bring them good luck and help them return home with a fair wind. Until now, the wind rose is associated with sea travel. In 2004, on the occasion of the 750th anniversary of the birth of the famous traveler Marco Polo, a gold collector's coin of 20 euros was issued in San Marino, on which, in memory of the fact that Marco Polo was a traveler, a wind rose is depicted. It is interesting that, having described the structure of life in medieval Asia (China), Marco Polo, returning to his homeland, ended up in a Genoese prison for piracy, where he dictated his "Book", which served medieval Europe as a guide for studying the life of the countries of Central, East and South Asia. .

In medicine

It would be a mistake to apply the phrase "wind rose" to travel alone. Esotericists, for example, associate this symbol with a powerful energy store. It, being collected at one point, is able to turn the world upside down. The wind rose is also important in hygienic medicine, that is, it can help improve the health of each of us. The wind increases heat transfer on hot days, which means it cools the body in a timely manner. The direction of the wind, its duration affect the psychological state of a person and his well-being in general. Hygienic medicine uses the "rose" to study the direction of movement of air masses, determining in the future the possibility of building enterprises with a high proportion of carcinogenic substances in waste.

Tattoo meaning: wind roses on the shoulders

A relative in the zone made such a tattoo. Although, he swore and swore that he would never, ever prick anything there. What does such a tattoo mean? We can’t understand the motives - why did he do it, since he himself was against it before. Sitting for the first time. (I hope - the last!)

Anna langenstrass

Selective and continuous surveys of prisoners, conducted over a period of 10 years, showed that the image of stars in the form of a “wind rose” or numbers indicating the term of punishment, the article under which the offender was convicted, are the most common attributes of a tattoo of a Sakhalin criminal element. Interviews and questionnaires have established that a certain permanent contingent of convicts of Korean nationality who are serving their sentences on Sakhalin have their own ethnic traditions that have brought originality to plots and compositions, in particular, a pronounced privileged position of a man in society and family. On tattooed canvases, these are images of women who please their master by offering wine; scenes of the crucifixion of women on the cross, as well as those burned, executed on the chopping block.

In the Sakhalin tattoo, the introduction of a colored dye takes place: a red tongue on a dragon, a red cross on the back of a spider, red flames, red blood on swords, dagger blades.

Egor Lukshits

Ksenia was mistaken, the Windrose and the Arestan Star are different tattoos. Arrestan star - 8 terminal. On my knees means that "I will not kneel before the garbage" on the shoulders of "Thief in law or thieves" and the Windrose - it has 16 ends. This is for the people
striving to gain freedom, external and not rarely internal. This tattoo can be done by people with a very wide range of views and interests. http://tattooha.com/media/k2/items/cache/8fe3e0f34d3083cba6fe73d62a783d7f_S.jpg

Wind rose tattoo meaning


The meaning of tattoos is the wind rose or navigation star. Tattoos of this type are very ancient, but not at all outdated to this day. The stars in the sky served as a guide for sailors, especially the Northern and Polaris in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as the Southern Cross in the Southern. Sailors tattooed themselves with navigational stars because they relied on them: their lives depended on the stars, they were supposed to show the way. The sailors, due to their superstition, believed that star-shaped tattoos would serve as an amulet and ensure a safe journey. Around the same time, the starfish began to appear on compasses. At a later time, such stars began to symbolize the path of life. They began to be made by those who wanted not to stray from the chosen path. So the wind rose became a guiding star - its image helped not to stray from the chosen path when a person is lost or scared. Later, such stars became symbols of awards, high encouragement, and a sign of distinction.

This is a schematic representation of the polar star. Four long rays, which indicate the cardinal points: south, north, east, west. Short rays are intermediate points.

The number of rays in the symbol is from 4 to 16. The image shows the wind regime in a certain area, based on long-term observations.
Sailors first began to use this symbol as a tattoo. For them, he wore the role of a talisman.

Who will suit? Mainly male tattoo. Wind rose - symbol purposeful people. Suitable for people who love travel, or travel for work needs.
It is popular among people who are in search of their own life path.
Places and style of the tattoo. A sketch of such a tattoo is rarely limited to the image of the wind rose itself. A skull, bones, cards, and a feather are often depicted next to the symbol.
Most tattoos are done in black and white. Although it should be noted that the color version looks great.
The most popular places on the body for such a tattoo can be called: arms, shoulders, chest.

Wind rose tattoo meaning

As already mentioned, the symbol was considered a talisman among sailors and pirates. It was believed that the wind rose depicted on the body would help the navigator stay on course, reach the target and return with reward to the home of the home. In those days, sailors did not yet have at their disposal a compass or charts for maritime navigation. Therefore, I had to navigate by the stars and, among other things, rely on fate and the power of my own intuition.
Later, the symbol became popular among brave and courageous warriors. Here the "wind rose" was the hallmark of those who showed special valor in battle.
These days it is a very common symbol. It is present in the symbols of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the special forces of Africa.
The NATO flag is decorated with a star with four rays. It is believed that the 4 rays of this rose show the desire of the organization to have a stable impact on 4 continents.
The symbol of the US CIA is a rose with 16 rays.

Modern meaning this symbol is not too far in meaning from the original. It's still a talisman that keeps you on track. The symbol patronizes those who have a goal and are ready to move towards it without being distracted by extraneous things. The word "rose" in the name indicates the desire for improvement. More about this on the about page.
Slightly different meaning of the symbol - finding your life path or calling.

The meaning of the wind rose tattoo on the zone

In the criminal world, as is often the case, the symbol has a special meaning. The rose is often referred to as thieves' stars. Applied in black and white.
Here he is the hallmark of the highest caste of a criminal society.
Such tattoos in the zone can be compared with general stars on shoulder straps (forgive us this comparison, both of them).
On the zone, the wind rose is a pair tattoo. Eight-pointed stars are located symmetrically under the collarbones, on the shoulders and knees.
The stars on the shoulders are the symbol of the "thief in law" (the highest criminal rank). The stars on my knees seem to say "I will never kneel before the law."
The symbol located under the collarbones is the denial of prison laws and the unwillingness to follow the daily routine in prison.

Ancient symbol. This tattoo was done by sailors as a talisman.
The main modern meaning is "do not go astray".
In the criminal world - a sign of the highest criminal "caste".


The video will take 5 minutes 8 seconds. You will be able to see the process of applying the wind rose tattoo on the leg, in the calf muscle area.

Today the body of almost everyone young man decorate tattoos, but not everyone knows how this or that underwear pattern appeared and what it means. Some of them are allowed to be worn only by the so-called "thieves' stars". A person who does not have a certain status does not have the right to wear such tattoos according to prison laws.

Origin story

On the body of some prisoners, you can see a tattoo depicting the so-called Wind Rose, which previously protected sailors from trouble during their travels. For navigators, for a long time, the starry sky served as the only reference point. A tattoo in the form of a star, according to many, helped them return from long sea voyages absolutely unharmed. This pattern also adorned the bodies of pirates who demonstrated their aggression and cruelty.

A tattoo in the form of a star could also be seen on some warriors. If during the battle a warrior demonstrated special courage, it served as his hallmark.

So the Wind Rose acquired a new meaning, becoming a symbol of the life path and simply the meaning of life. It is precisely this meaning that it has for those serving sentences in prison. A prisoner's priorities can be determined by his "thieves' stars".

Various types of tattoos

Wearable designs in the form of stars consist of two identical symmetrical figures, usually located on the knees, shoulders and under the collarbone. They belong to those few types of underwear that do not contain any inscriptions. Words are not needed, because knowledgeable people immediately understand their meaning. In the center of the star, you can often see images of animals and any objects, various symbols and portraits of famous people.

A star with eight rays, divided into white and black halves, calls for "crushing activists." The colors themselves also have a meaning: corporal symbolizes the human principle, and dark - thieves. Such a contrast suggests that this person lives according to human and thieves' laws both in the zone and in freedom. If a cat is depicted inside the star, most likely the prisoner is a pickpocket. The wolf is an illustration of the phrase "man is wolf to man".

What kind of tattoos and who is allowed to wear

To have this or that tattoo on the body, it must be earned. This is stated by the rules established in the zone in the middle of the last century. The wind rose, which is also called the "thieves' star", can only decorate the shoulders of a thief in law. Stars, pricked under the collarbones, testify that the prisoner is a "denier" (not recognizing the routines established in the zone). If the stars are pinned on their knees, the person has never humiliated himself before any of the representatives of the law or those serving time.

The danger of some tattoos

The tattoos described above should not be worn by those who have nothing to do with the criminal world. Even if you understand the meaning of the pinned stars, and are willing to demonstrate your unwillingness to bow down to anyone, problems will not take long. Cellmates will demand to prove the right to wear tattoos not by word but by deed. It is customary in the zone to be responsible for actions and words. Therefore, it is hardly necessary to explain what threatens the "thieves' stars" pinned on the shoulders to a simple prisoner.

Practitioners believe that the wind rose in the form of a talisman will help you succeed in any endeavor, indicate the most favorable path and protect you from mistakes. The symbol, which has long been used by sailors, uses the power of the water element. A magical talisman is suitable for both men and women if they have reached the age of majority and are aimed at career success.

What does it look like?

Historians find evidence that the tattoo in the form of a wind rose was already done by sailors in XII to protect themselves on a journey and return home.

The drawing, which has long had a sacred meaning for practitioners, is a schematic representation of the rays superimposed on the compass. The lines diverge from the center and show the direction and strength of the wind at a certain point on the Earth. Modern meteorologists use the scheme to observe the movement of air masses. The rays have different lengths, and the number varies depending on the number of directions. The most commonly used image is 4 lines that indicate South, North, West and East, but sometimes additional rays are drawn showing where the southwest, southeast, northwest and northeast direction is.

The magical meaning of the symbol

Initially, the sign was used by pirates for their protection.

Since ancient times, the symbol has acted as a talisman for sea adventurers, sailors and pirates. In order for the ship to return to its native harbor and not get lost in the waters, it is important for it to follow the right direction and the wind rose directs them to the house, preventing them from dying on the way. The symbol hides the worship of the powerful power of the water element and the request for patronage. The meaning of the symbol gradually expanded and began to denote the search for the right direction in any situation. Therefore, modern practitioners recommend choosing the wind rose as a talisman for all brave people who want to succeed. The image will help not to make mistakes and achieve the goal without errors.

You can use a magic symbol to move up the career ladder, unleash creative talent or get the desired partner and return the fire to the relationship. In the love sphere, the drawing also acts as a magnet for the opposite sex, but it is more conducive to inciting passion. Practitioners recommend using the symbol for girls who want to conquer all the men they meet, but to find love for life, it is better to choose another amulet.

Who suits?

Practitioners do not advise using a magical image for children, as aggressive energy will negatively affect the psyche and emotional stability. For recovery and academic success, softer symbols are selected.

The patronage of such a talisman can be used by people born under the sign of Taurus.

Astrologers believe that Capricorns and Taurus, whose activities are aimed at achieving career heights, as well as representatives of the following professions, will be able to use the power of the wind rose best of all:

  • chiefs;
  • journalists;
  • lawyers;
  • politicians;
  • actors;
  • sailors;
  • athletes.

Symbol usage

Magic talismans

As a talisman that will bring success, practitioners recommend choosing pendants or bracelets in the shape of a wind rose. The most suitable material is gold or silver, which symbolize wealth. Stones associated with the water element are well suited: aquamarine, coral or alexandrite. The stone talisman of blue and blue colors is especially useful for sailors and fishermen. The tree is considered an insufficiently suitable basis.

The amulet will begin to act after the owner asks for help and holds it in his hand.

It is important that the wind rose touches the skin as often as possible. At the same time, one should not tell others about the magical properties of the symbol, nor should they be allowed to hold it in their hands and try on the jewelry. To activate the talisman, it is enough to squeeze it tightly in your palms and mentally ask for help. The goal is specific. To enhance the effect of the wind rose, you can additionally energize the water and air elements. To do this, the talisman is placed in a bowl of water and it is said: "Absorb the power of Water", and then fumigated with an aroma stick, symbolizing the mighty winds. Activation by the elements of fire and earth is undesirable.