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» Minutes of parent meetings senior - preparatory group. Minutes of parent meetings Minutes of the parent meeting senior group September

Minutes of parent meetings senior - preparatory group. Minutes of parent meetings Minutes of the parent meeting senior group September

Protocol #1

parent meeting in the senior group of 09/20/14.

Topic: "Children's experimentation"


  1. Subject: "We are glad to meet you"
  2. Topic: "Children's experimentation"
  3. Miscellaneous

There were 15 people present. Absent: 5 (vacation)


Kadykova O.V. - teacher-speech therapist

fire safety engineer

1. On the first question, the teacher Pudkova G. A. Galina Alexandrovna spoke: Dear parents, I congratulate you on the new school year. We are now in a new refurbished group. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the goals and objectives for this year in the stand in the parent corner of our group. The children have grown older, now we are in the senior group. There are 20 children in our group, 9 of them are boys and 11 are girls.

2. I bring to your attention the report "Children's experimentation" (the report is attached). For more details, with regulatory documents, you can find in the parent corner. In two years, our children will go to school, only we adults can help them develop correctly. Today I invited Kadykova O.V. to our meeting.

Conducted fire safety training. Recommended to have conversations at home with children.

3. Report of the parent committee Lysaneva I. Irina told the parents that all the children had received workbooks and speech therapy notebooks. The choice of the parent committee of the senior group: Lazareva S.V., Nikonova R.V.

Also, the teacher Pudkova G.A. invited parents to help in the preparation of the Autumn matinee and take an active part in the exhibition of handicrafts “Amazing is near”.

Parent meeting decision:

Chairman: ______________________ Pudkova G.A.

Secretary: ______________________ Reznik E.

"Children's Experimentation"

Compiled by: teacher of the senior group "Sunshine" Pudkova Galina Alexandrovna

dated 20.09.2012

Children's experimentation is one of the leading activities of a preschooler. Obviously, there is no more inquisitive researcher than a child. The little man is seized with a thirst for knowledge and exploration of a vast new world. But among parents, a mistake is often common - restrictions on the path of children's knowledge. Do you answer all the questions of the young why? Do you readily show objects that attract a curious eye and talk about them? Do you regularly visit a puppet theater, a museum, a circus with your child? These are not idle questions, from which it is easy to laugh off: "he will know a lot, he will soon grow old." Unfortunately, "mother's mistakes" will make themselves felt very soon - in the very first grades of school, when your child turns out to be a passive being, indifferent to any innovations. The research activity of children can become one of the conditions for the development of children's curiosity, and ultimately the cognitive interests of the child. In kindergarten, a lot of attention is paid to children's experimentation. Research activities of children are organized, special problem situations are created, classes are held. The groups have created conditions for the development of children's cognitive activity: in all activity centers and corners there are materials for experimentation: paper of various types, fabric, special devices (scales, watches, etc.), unstructured materials (sand, water), maps, diagrams, etc. etc.

Simple experiments and experiments can be organized at home. This does not require much effort, only desire, a little imagination and, of course, some scientific knowledge.

Any place in the apartment can be a place for experiment. For example, a bathroom. While washing, a child can learn a lot of interesting things about the properties of water, soap, and the solubility of substances. For example, which dissolves faster:

Sea salt

Bath foam

coniferous extract

Bars of soap, etc.

The kitchen is the place where the child disturbs the parents, especially the mother, when she prepares the food. If you have two or three children, you can arrange competitions between young physicists. Place several identical containers on the table, a low bowl of water and foam rubber sponges of different sizes and colors. Pour water into the bowl, about 1.5 cm deep. Let the children put the sponges in the water and guess which one will take in more water. Squeeze water into prepared jars. Who has more? Why? Can you fill the sponge with as much water as you want? And if you give the sponge complete freedom? Let the children answer these questions themselves. It is only important that the child's questions are not left unanswered. If you do not know the exact (scientific) answer, you should consult the reference literature.

The experiment can be carried out during any activity. For example, a child draws. He ran out of green paint. Suggest that he try to make this paint himself. See how he will act, what he will do. Don't interfere or suggest. Will he guess that it is necessary to mix blue and yellow paint? If he fails, tell me that you need to mix two paints. Through trial and error, the child will find the right solution. In addition, in the course of experimentation, he can get a few more new shades. Have him write down everything he does. If the child still does not know how to write, let him mark his actions on a piece of paper using conventional signs. For example, S+F=Z

Interesting experiments can be organized with plants. In the spring, try to involve children in planting vegetables and flowers. When organizing children's experimentation with certain objects and substances, follow the safety rules. Before conducting the experiment, be sure to remind the children of these rules, explain the consequences of not following the rules.

Home laboratory.

Experimentation is, along with the game, the leading activity of a preschooler. The purpose of experimentation is to lead children up step by step in the knowledge of the world around them. The child learns to determine the best way to solve the problems facing him and find answers to the questions that arise. To do this, you must follow some rules:

1. Set the purpose of the experiment (what we are doing the experiment for)

2. Pick up materials (a list of everything you need for the experiment)

3. Discuss the process (step-by-step instructions for running the experiment)

4. Summarize (an accurate description of the expected result)

5. Explain why? Words accessible to the child


Thank you for your attention!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 22 "Bunny"

Protocol #4

parent meeting

in the senior group "Sunflowers"

The theme of the meeting: "Is it necessary to prepare a child for school."

Chairman: educator

Secretary: junior educator

Invited experts: educational psychologist

Present: 15 parents

Missing: 1

The purpose of the meeting: Activation of the participation of parents in the upbringing of the child and the protection of the nervous system in preschoolers.


1. Approval of the meeting agenda.

2. Consultation on the topic "Preparing the child for school"

3. Consultation on the topic "Problems in preparing a child for school"

4. Seminar-training "Your child is a future first-grader"

5. Preparing for the prom.

1. The first question was addressed by the teacher, who introduced the parent meeting.

Speaker: (parent) proposed to adopt the agenda for the parent meeting in the proposed version.

The group leader put the proposal to a vote.

RESOLVED: To accept the agenda of the parent meeting in the proposed version.

2. On the second question, the educator Marinenko spoke and drew the attention of parents to the fact that one of the urgent problems in modern education is preparing a child for school. School is absolutely new life for him.

The following recommendations were given to prepare the child for school:

1) Create conditions at home conducive to normal growth, development and health promotion;

2) A clear and strict implementation of the daily routine teaches the child to a certain routine: at the same time to go to bed, wake up, eat, play, study.

3) The child should be accustomed to feasible physical exercises and outdoor games. Outdoor games in a child develop coordination of movements, which is important when orienting in space. Good development of muscles, back muscles, in particular, will allow the future first-grader to cope with the physical stress that he will have to endure at school. After all, to sit upright for 35 minutes of a lesson, a certain physical preparation is required. And there will be 3-4 such lessons per day. If the child is very tired, then this will undoubtedly affect the learning outcomes.

Speakers: a parent who said that his child has no desire to go to school. The child learns educational material only in the form of a game.

3. On the third question, we listened to the report of the educator, she told the parents about the problems that arise in preparing the child for school. Some parents begin preparing their child for school so early that the child attends preschool courses for 2-3 years in a row. As a result, the child already knows by heart everything that the teacher explains. It would seem wonderful - success in studies is guaranteed! But there are pitfalls here. Firstly, problems with behavior begin, because the child copes with tasks much faster than the others, and he stays in the lesson. In addition, he is simply bored of listening to what he already knows very well. And secondly, interest in learning will disappear, and in subsequent classes such a student, out of habit, will ignore the teacher's explanation. And, of course, you should not completely abandon the preparation. If you do not have the desire or ability to take your child to, work out with him at home. Give your child as much attention as possible.

Speakers: A parent who talked about monthly trips to the movies as a family. “After watching the movie, we always discuss with the child the moments we liked.”

A parent shared how difficult it is for a child to forbid playing on a computer on weekends. Prohibitions are accompanied by tantrums of the child.

The teacher advised my mother to find an alternative to computer games as soon as possible.

4. On the fourth issue, a teacher-psychologist of the kindergarten spoke, who held a seminar for parents of future first-graders with elements of training, during which the most common problems and fears of parents before the child entered school were voiced and worked out. (Annex 1).

Speakers: during the seminar, all the parents present were listened to, who took an active part in all the proposed exercises and tests.

5. On the fourth question, they listened to the teacher, who informed the parents that the graduation ball would take place on May 31 at 10.00. Lyudmila Nikolaevna asked her parents to take part in the preparation of the graduation ball in the kindergarten (decoration of the hall, congratulations to the graduates).

Speakers: the parent made suggestions about the clothes of children at the prom (girls - ball gowns, boys - costumes).

The teacher explained that due to weather conditions, white and black shirts are enough for boys.


1. Adopt the decision of the parent meeting No. 4 of 01/01/2001 for execution.

2. Take note of the speech of the educator Marinenko of the need to seek help from a preschool psychologist.

3. Spend as much time as possible with children together, exclude computer and electronic games, take daily walks with children in the fresh air.

4. For the educators of the group, place in the parental corner information containing the recommendations of the teacher-psychologist to the parents of future first graders.

5. The Parents' Committee to take over the preparation of the prom in kindergarten.

Chairman of meeting

Meeting Secretary

Annex 1

Speech of a teacher-psychologist

Seminar-training for parents

"Your child is a future first grader"

Purpose: to help parents in solving the problems of the child's adaptation to school and the formation of psychological readiness for learning.

Psychologist: Good evening, dear parents! We would like to start our meeting with an introduction. I suggest that everyone give their name and an adjective that begins with the first letter of your name and can characterize you, for example, Larisa is loyal, Dmitry is kind.

The parents are doing the work.

Psychologist: Of course, all parents are interested in their children studying well. So many of you have already begun to prepare your children for school.

But did you know that the psychological attitude of the parents is also important for the success of the first grader? Both excessive anxiety and carelessness of adults negatively affect the readiness of the child for school. I suggest you do a simple task. Write a phrase or draw in a picture what you associate with the word "school".

The parents are doing the work. If they wish, they can show their drawings, talk about the images-associations that have arisen, and listen to the psychologist's comments.

Psychologist: Negative associations such as "a screaming teacher", "I don't know what to answer", "a hidden diary" often indicate that adults on a subconscious level transfer their negative school experiences to children. This can affect the condition of the child, cause him a feeling of anxiety. You should not demonstrate your negative emotions, they need to be transformed. Remember what you liked at school, your successes, hobbies, funny cases.

Let's conduct a small test, the results of which will answer the question of whether you are psychologically ready to send your child to school. (See Appendix 1) Read each statement carefully and, if you agree with it, put the number 1 next to it.

Parents receive test forms and complete the task.

Now calculate how many points you have scored. And I will help you interpret the data.

So, 10 or more points. You need to lower your child custody level. Give him the opportunity to be more independent. Do not interfere with contact with peers. Get it hardened. Play with him at school. If your anxiety level has not decreased, see a psychologist.

5-9 points. You are unsure of your child's success. This is quite natural. Share your concerns with your future teacher. Perhaps you will become calmer and will, in accordance with his recommendations, prepare your child for school.

4 points or less. You are probably very confident in yourself and your child. Remember: confidence should not turn into carelessness and inattention.

Psychologist: The beginning of schooling is one of the most crucial moments in a child's life. What do you understand by the expression "responsible moment"? (Answers of parents). Let's try to identify what can cause difficulty in your children.

Parents form a circle and, passing the ball to each other, express their opinion on the proposed topic (new team, change of scenery, unfamiliar teachers, new responsibilities, heavy workloads).

Psychologist: So, all of you have spoken and your answers indicate that most of you are aware that the beginning of schooling is a turning point in the socio-psychological development of a person.

But studying at school is also a big physical and emotional burden. The level of physical development and the state of health determine the productivity of mental functions, which, in turn, determine the success of the assimilation of knowledge. If the child is physically weak, it is difficult for him to maintain his posture for a long time, sitting at his desk. He begins to spin and as a result does not absorb some of the information that the teacher gives.

In this regard, it is necessary to teach children to regularly perform physical exercises that help strengthen all muscle groups and form the correct posture.

Watch out for motor activity baby at home you can yourself. Perhaps some of the questions on the suggested handout (see Appendix 2) will be asked by your teacher at school. Therefore, your answers, your observations will help the teacher to individually approach the child and build the learning process correctly.

Distribute notes to parents.

Psychologist: What do you think, are there any differences in the concepts of “desire to go to school” and “desire to study”? (Suggestions from parents.)

The statements of some children (“I will go to school because my friend goes there”, “I will have a new portfolio”, “I want to go in school uniform”) indicate that they are attracted only by the external side of the new, school life. At the same time, the internal position of the student - focus on learning - is at the initial stage of formation. What can parents do to make their child want to learn? (Suggestions from parents.)

Psychologist: Let's now summarize what you said above. So, in order for the child to have a desire to learn, it is important for parents

Take your child to school, meet the teacher.

Tell your child about your favorite teachers, show photos, certificates related to your school years.

Organize family celebrations for the school success of older children.

Play with the child in the role-playing game "School".

Use in speech proverbs and sayings that glorify the mind, emphasize the role of knowledge in human life.

Make family reading a tradition.

Involve children in the use of cognitive literature in search of solutions to emerging issues.

Never bully a child with school! A careless statement, a strict facial expression and a sharp gesture can cause a negative reaction in him, fear, self-doubt and, as a result, unwillingness to go to school.

Now let's play. You will be given cards with both negative and positive emotions, which you can see on the face of the child, accompanying him to school or upon arrival from school.

The game "Your reaction" is being played.

Psychologist: You will turn into children for a few minutes. I will be a mother. Imagine that you show me a notebook with ugly (wrong, sloppy) written letters or numbers or an incorrectly completed assignment. Think about the reaction that each of my statements can cause in the child and raise the corresponding card.

Distributes to parents a set of cards “Your reaction”, on which statements are written: “self-confidence”, “feeling of anxiety”, “how tired everything is”, “unwillingness to go to school”, “guilt”, “self-doubt”.

Psychologist: (emotionally pronounces phrases, accompanying x with appropriate facial expressions and gestures).

Today you did better than yesterday, and next time will be even better.

If you write even better, I will love you even more.

Always blush for you!

Doesn't fit anywhere! You will probably be a doppelgänger!

Parents show cards that, in their opinion, correspond to the child's reaction to a particular statement.

Psychologist: I hope you understand how important your attention, your opinion, your respect for him as a person are for the child. Help your children feel the joy of learning, instill in them self-confidence. Your tact and patience will help them not only in their studies, but also in any life situations. Let's wish each other success!

Parents form a circle and shake hands in a chain.

Psychologist: We also took a short interview with our children, and let's hear what our future first-graders think about school life, what associations they have with the word "School". Read the interview. (You can video presentation, presentation)

Psychologist: And the last task. Draw a portrait of your child-future first grader with colored pencils.

Psychologist: On this our meeting came to an end. Perhaps, we could not cover all the issues related to the child's admission to the first grade, but we tried to make our today's meeting as informative and interesting as possible for you. Please tell me if this meeting was interesting for you? You can express your wishes.

Olga Ivanovna Boyko
Protocol No. 1 of the parent meeting in the senior group

Chairman: Solntseva E. A. (parent of Solntsev Ulyana and Kirill)

Secretary: Kalinina N. V. (parent of Kalinin Nestor)

Meeting topic:"Problems of development and education of children aged 5-6".

Target: familiarization of parents with the tasks of development and education of children aged 5-6 years recommended by the exemplary BLO DO "Childhood", ed. T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva and others, the educational program of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the Charter of the preschool educational institution, the OOP of the preschool educational institution.

Assembly form: round table discussion.

Present: 20 people.

Missing: 5 people for a good reason.

Invitees: Malakhova O. A. - teacher-psychologist of preschool educational institution.


1. On the tasks of preschool education for children of senior preschool age.

Speech by Boyko O. I. - the educator of the group.

2. On the age-related psychological characteristics of children of the sixth year of life. Report Malakhova O. A., teacher-psychologist of preschool educational institution.

3. On the approval of the parent committee of the group and the selection of a member of the Governing Council of the preschool educational institution.


Boyko O.I., the educator of the group, she congratulated the parents on the beginning of the school year and introduced the parents to the tasks of educational work recommended by the exemplary OOP DO "Childhood" ed. T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva and others, the educational program of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the Charter of the preschool educational institution, the OOP of the preschool educational institution. Parents were also provided with information on the annual tasks of the preschool educational institution for the current academic year. Boyko O. I. introduced the schedule of the NOD, their number and duration.


Popova E.N. (parent of Uliana Popova) put forward the issue of individual work with children in educational areas.

Melnik M.A. (Melnik Ivan's parent) supported this issue and proposed to supplement the PRS with didactic games that are necessary for children of this age (5-6 years old) and contribute to their individual development.


At the request of parents, attend the circle "Entertaining rhetoric and etiquette."

Work in close cooperation: parents - children - educators.

Inclusion of parents in the educational process to achieve results in all directions and in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.




Malakhova OA The teacher-psychologist introduced parents to the age-related characteristics of the mental development of children. She drew attention to the neoplasm of age, with the changes taking place in the development of the cognitive, intellectual and personal spheres of the child. She offered general recommendations and invited those who wished for individual consultations. Olga Alexandrovna offered games and exercises for preschoolers to develop logical thinking, outlook, ability to analyze, etc.


Galaeva M.V. (parent of Sophia Galaeva) shared with her daughter the age-related changes. The child not only asks a lot of questions, but also formulates answers herself, explains why and not otherwise. Wants to be like significant adults, so she likes to play social games.


Take into account the age and individual characteristics of children in the process of education and development.

Educators monthly update poster information or at the request of parents outside the plan.

To get acquainted with the information of the corner "FOR YOU PARENTS", prepared by teachers, to follow the proposed recommendations.


“ABSTAINED” ___0___

Adopted unanimously.


Boyko O. I. proposed to choose a parent committee in order to ensure constant and systematic communication between the kindergarten and parents.


Moreva N. K. (parent of Morev Dima). She introduced parents to the goals, tasks and functions of the parent committee, as well as the rights and responsibilities.


Elect a parent committee consisting of:

Zasimenkova E. O., Solntseva E. A., Kalinina N. V.

As a member of the governing board of the preschool educational institution - Solntsev E.A.


“ABSTAINED” ___0___

Adopted unanimously.

Chairman ___ (Solntseva E. A.)

Secretary ___(Kalinina N.V.)

Lolita Omelchenko
Minutes of the parent meeting "We are now senior group»


group parent meeting

Subject: "We now senior group» .

Chairman - N.V. Seregina

Secretary - L. G. Novikova

There were 11 people - the list is attached (Appendix No. 1)

Absent - 12


1. On the tasks of raising and educating children in senior group of kindergarten.

Information of the teacher L. A. Omelchenko.

2. Training for parents. A game "Compliment" "Turnip", "Hunting for Sounds", "Find the Prize". Responsible: S. A. Shigapova. L. A. Omelchenko.

3. Coverage of competitions and events in MDOU and in group. Information from the teacher S. A. Shigapov.

4. Approve for 2014-2015 account. d. former composition parent committee.

1. Listened:

The educator Omelchenko L.A. determined that the main tasks of educating and educating children in senior group kindergarten is:

To expand ideas about the objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, the flora and fauna, and the labor of people. Cultivate love for Motherland, hometown, village.

To develop the ability to observe, analyze, compare, highlight the characteristic, essential features of objects and phenomena, generalize them according to these features.

Improve all aspects speeches: achieve a clear pronunciation of all sounds of the native language. Expand and activate vocabulary, teach simple forms of monologue speech.

To educate in kindergarten children a positive attitude towards work, a desire to systematically fulfill feasible labor duties, to do something useful to others.

Cultivate friendly relations between children, the habit of playing, working, doing together, the desire to please good deeds. Foster friendship between children of different nationalities.

Develop volitional qualities: the ability to limit one's desires, overcome obstacles that stand in the way of achieving a goal, obey the requirements of adults and comply with established standards of behavior, follow a good example in one's actions.

Cultivate love and interest in music, painting, literature. To continue to develop the ability of aesthetic perception of reality and works of art, the ability to feel their character, mood, to notice expressive means.

Continue teaching practical skills in drawing, modeling, expressive reading, storytelling, developing singing skills and performing skills in dancing. Develop artistic and creative abilities children: poetic and musical ear, sense of color, rhythm, form, composition.

To teach children to be responsive to their peers, to show attention to their experiences, to provide assistance, to rejoice in the success of their own and their comrades, to empathize in cases of failure. Develop friendly relationships. To teach children to express their attitude to the actions of their peers, to correctly evaluate their own actions and the actions of their comrades.

Expand and clarify children's ideas about plants, domestic and wild animals, about seasonal changes in nature. Learn to observe natural phenomena, analyze and draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships. Cultivate love for the nature of the native land. Learn to behave properly nature: take care of plants, animals, take care of them. To consolidate children's ideas about plants. Learn to identify new plants.

Introduce new birds and insects.

To consolidate children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature and the work of people in agriculture at different times of the year.


L. G. Novikova (parent) made a proposal for information on the tasks of raising and educating children in senior group Kindergarten take note.

For - 11 people, against - no


Take note of the information about the tasks of raising and educating children in secondary kindergarten group.

2. Performed:

educators: Omelchenko L. A. Shigapova S. A conducted a training for parents. A game "Compliment", theatrical play "Turnip". Target: set between parents contact instill a positive attitude in them. Further discussion on the topic Why is the game needed?. Target: provide parents an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of play in their child's life. A game "Hunting for Sounds". Target: introduce parents with children's play aimed at developing attention, to form the ability to make a sound analysis of the word. A game "Take the Prize". Target: introduce parents with play aimed at developing attention, motor coordination of the child.


S. A. Shigapova suggested playing as much as possible parents at home with your children.

for - 11 people, against - no, abstained - no, adopted unanimously.


Use information obtained from parent meeting for the further development of children. At home in the evenings, on weekends, create conditions and take part in the games of your children.

3. Listened:

The teacher S. A. Shigapova introduced parents with activities(competitions that will be held at MDOU and in group. Competitions in MDOU: 1. Craft Exhibition "Autumn Fantasy".2. New Year's competition "Snowflake".3. Creative workshop. 3. Corner of the Komi Territory. 4. Plot role-playing games. IN group: 1. Create a genealogical family tree. 2. sports entertainment “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”.3. Exhibition "drawing on balloons" 4. Photo exhibitions: "New Year holidays", "Golden Autumn", "Our Leisure", "Our Wonderful Dads", "Our Mothers".


S. A. Shigapova offered to take an active part, both in the life of the kindergarten and groups

for - 11 people, against - no, abstained - no, adopted unanimously.


Take an active part, both in the life of the kindergarten, and groups

4. Listened:

The teacher L. A. Omelchenko proposed to approve for the 2014-2015 academic year. d. former composition parent committee.

Decided: Fulfill the requirements for integrated security in MDOU. Only legal representatives of the child can pick up children.

5. Listened:

The teacher L. A. Omelchenko reminded parents with the main points of the regulations on access control. In accordance with this provision, unauthorized persons are not allowed into the preschool educational institution. During the day, the doors are closed at the MDOU, and the administrator on duty controls the access control. This mode is introduced to implement integrated security in MDOU. She reminded about the internal rules of the kindergarten and the uncontrolled leaving of children, who should pick up the child from the kindergarten.


Comply with the requirements for integrated security in the MDOU, the internal regulations of the kindergarten. Only legal representatives of the child can pick up children from kindergarten.


Teacher L. A. Omelchenko announced the list of candidates group parent committee:

1. L. G. Novikova - parent;

2. N. V. Seregina– parent;

3. A. M. Valeeva– parent;

4. A. O. Shutov– parent;

for - 11 people, against - no, abstained - no, adopted unanimously.


Approve the previous composition parent committee MDOU"Kindergarten No. 9" V composition:

1. N. V. Seregina - Chairman parent committee;

2. L. G. Novikova - Secretary parent committee;

3. A. M. Valeeva - Member Parents' Committee of MDOU;

4 A. O. Shutov - Member parent committee;

Chairman N. V. Seregina

Secretary L. G. Novikova

parent meeting minutes

Protocol #1

Parent meeting in the group "Droplets"

Chairman: Matveenko G.P. - educator

Secretary: Sandalova N.A. - educator

There were 15 people present, the list is attached.

Topic: "Adaptation of children to kindergarten»


1. “First time in kindergarten” - speech by teacher Matveenko G.P.

2. "Adaptation of children to kindergarten" (consultation for parents, presentation) - speech by the teacher Sandalova N.A.

3. Speech of the teacher Matveenko G.P. “On the program of training, education and development, annual tasks work of preschool educational institution for 2014-2015 academic year"

4. The choice of the parent committee, miscellaneous - Sandalova N.A.


1. We listened to the speech of the educator G.P. Matveenko on the position of the preschool educational institution, on the basis of which the preschool institution works and functions. It was also reported on the kindergarten's working hours, a request was made to parents to try not to violate the rules of children's stay in the kindergarten.

2. Teacher Sandalova N.A. introduced parents to the general results of the adaptation of children in the group. She offered several recommendations: try to create a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family, be patient, develop self-service and personal hygiene skills in children. (Presentation on the topic: "Adaptation of children to kindergarten.")

Katya Serdyukova’s mother asked the question: “What should I do if the child still has difficulty parting and experiences negative emotions? - "Kiss her as if nothing is happening and leave without delay. Be confident in the teacher. – Matveenko G.P.

Leila Nitkina's mother asked, "How long does the adaptation period last?" - “On average, the duration of adaptation in young children lasts …………………….”- Sandalova N.A.

3. Teacher Matveenko G.P. - talked about tasks educational activities children in the early age group in the main areas: physical development, cognitive and speech development, social and moral development and artistic and aesthetic development.

4. Teacher Sandalova N.A. - introduced parents to the daily routine in the group and the network of classes that will be held with children throughout the year. This information will always be in the parent corner. You will also receive various information about the life of the group.

5. Matveenko G.P. - offered parents a choice of topics that they would like to discuss at parent meetings this year. Of these, the most interesting groups for parents were selected and the following topics were approved by the date of parent meetings: “Preserving and strengthening the health of younger preschoolers”, « So we have become a year older» (final meeting)

6. Teacher Sandalova N.A. explained to parents the powers and responsibilities of the parent committee. She also suggested choosing members of the parent committee.

Mother of Yulia Solomonova, Solomonova N.A. proposed candidates for the parent committee (I.V. Zimin, Grigoriev, Gukasyan, Bukatkin), all parents supported and voted unanimously.


1. Comply with the requirements in the DOW in accordance with the provisions.

2. Teachers and parents to interact with each other

3. Strive to fulfill the main task - the creation of a favorable climate for the upbringing and education of children. Teachers regularly inform parents about the life of the group.

4. Unanimously elected to the parent committee:

Zimina I.V. was elected as the Chairman of the Parents' Committee,

The composition of the parent committee - Ghukasyan, Bukatkina, Grigorieva.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Tulun "Kindergarten" Firefly "

Protocol #1

parent meeting

Topic: "Adaptation of children to kindergarten"

in the younger group


Educators: Sandalova Nonna Anatolyevna - 1st quarter cat.

Matveenko Galina Petrovna - 1st quarter cat.