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» Project on the topic: "Innovative forms of work on the interaction of preschool educational institutions with parents." "Innovative forms and methods of working with parents in a preschool educational institution" methodological development on the topic Innovations in working with a doe family

Project on the topic: "Innovative forms of work on the interaction of preschool educational institutions with parents." "Innovative forms and methods of working with parents in a preschool educational institution" methodological development on the topic Innovations in working with a doe family

Natalia Shapochanskaya
Innovative methods of working with parents in preschool educational institutions


Shapochanskaya Natalya Sergeevna

educator MBDOU kindergarten №37


In modern society, a fundamentally new approach to working with parents, where the leading subjects become themselves parents. I would like to present some innovative forms of work with family in kindergarten.

Currently, a number of problems are being identified, both in family education and in the interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

1. For many years, the state brought to the fore production and social tasks, thus pushing aside parents not only from the upbringing of their children, but also from the responsibility for their children, shifting the entire upbringing of children to society. "I Working, I don’t have the time and special knowledge to engage in education,” this opinion can be heard today.

2. So far unresolved contradictions between material and spiritual needs, as well as between family and work responsibilities of a woman, reduce the status of a mother, and "Fatherhood, as the most important institution of socialization, is actually destroyed".

3. Undermined trust in the educator, parents are not satisfied, upbringing in kindergarten, and after attending kindergarten, children are taken to prestigious gymnasiums, elite lyceums, and kindergarten is visited on a case-by-case basis.

4. Kindergartens continue to be closed institutions, parents poorly or not at all represent the content of education, teaching children in kindergarten, therefore, often parents are deaf to advice, at the request of educators, do not make contact. Parents act as outside observers, i.e., indifferent.

5. Part parents not satisfied with the role of outside observers. They invest in the development of preschool educational institutions, express their proposals, wishes, requirements, thus forming "social order". But here, too, there problem: such "social order" limited to music, dance, foreign language; it's more of a tribute fashion: but not "social order".

6. Parents and teachers often feel not like-minded, co-workers, but rather opponents who do not always understand each other.

7. Recently, the school has begun to make new, unreasonably high demands on the level of development of children and parents began to demand from educators to ensure the preparation of children for school, understanding this as the ability to write, read, count. At the same time, the words parents: "Do not engage in all sorts of trifles with your child - games, prepare him for school." They are not interested at all, they are not worried about how the child communicates with peers, why he is sad, rejoices, what is dear to him, what he is proud of, etc., i.e. issues of education parents feel superfluous.

8. Families with a child with developmental problems are of particular concern. Parents or do not betray the importance of this problem and are not seriously concerned about its solution; or, on the contrary, they overly focus on the problem, are constantly in a state of increased anxiety, which provokes the development of neuroses in children.

The above problems require building a dialogue between the preschool educational institution and the family, a dialogue based on cooperation, commonwealth, mutual assistance, which will ultimately lead to the creation of a single space for the development of each child.

The quality of the educational process in a preschool institution can be ensured by unified approaches to raising children from the side parents and teachers. For more effective interaction of the DOE with parents a system of pedagogical support for the family should be created from the first days of the child's stay in a preschool institution until he enters school.

In kindergarten, forms of interaction are held in which everyone participates. parents, but the degree of activity here is very different, although their very participation in these forms is important for us.

These include:

parent meetings.

Parent conferences.

Open days.

Daily direct contact with parents during the reception and care of children.

Participation parents in group and kindergarten activities (entertainment, contests, matinees, performances, etc.).

Individual consultation.

For more efficient work with parents it is necessary to expand the scope of our cooperation and organize this interaction in an informal setting using innovative forms:

2. Research

3. Socio-pedagogical training

4. Psychological training (a game)

5. Diagnostics

6. Conference

7. Advisory point

8. Organization work family interest clubs;

9. Days of open doors;

10. Online communication with parents through the website;

11. Organization of meetings with parents in the form of discussions;

12. Seminars-workshops;

13. Disputes;

14. Round table;

15. Training;

16. Exchange of experience family education;

17. Organization joint activities children and parents.

1. Meetings for "round table" expand educational horizons not only parents but also the teachers themselves.

Meeting topics may vary. Activists start the conversation - parents, then it includes a psychologist, doctor, educators, other parents. Various situations can be proposed for discussion family life, problems that arise when raising children in different types of families, which further activates the participants of the meetings. In this form work is remarkable that practically none parent does not stand aside, almost everyone takes an active part, sharing interesting observations, giving practical advice. A psychologist or teacher can summarize and end the meeting.

2. Online communication with parents through the website.

Helps to introduce parents with a preschool institution, its charter, development program and a team of teachers; show (fragmentary) all types of activities for the development of the personality of each child; pedagogical education parents at their request.

As a result of this form work parents get useful content information work with children, paid and free services provided by specialists.

3. Lecture - a presentation of a topic. Lectures can be organized on a wide variety of topics for raising children.

lecture form not accepted by parents.

4. Psychological training.

At the start of the meeting, ask parents fill out a questionnaire, to make a short presentation substantiating the relevance of the topic of the training.

Parents are tasked, statements are written on the board, at the end a summary is made.

5. Discussions.

Target: looking at a problem from different angles (positions); selection of the optimal solution.

Two groups become partners parents, located opposite each other. Discussion of the problem in the form of a discussion provides for the group to alternately take on both opposing positions - "behind" And "against". At first work each group receives an installation for a certain position: for example, one group must defend a position that justifies the prelude punishment of a child, the other group must defend a point of view that denies the need for punishment. After a question for discussion is proposed, the participants speak in turn on the proposed question.

At the first stage work groups work through the materials provided at their disposal that support one or another point of view, then state them and try to convince each other of the justice of their position. At the second stage, the task of each group is reversed. Each group is now defending the point of view of recent opponents. The educator makes sure that the groups do not repeat themselves in their argumentation, but find new aspects, shades, nuances, arguments that develop the defended position. A deliberate change of position performs a very important function - it contributes to the development of flexibility in a dispute, the ability to look at the situation through the eyes of an opponent, to weigh everything "behind" And "against" before a decision is made. Finally, in the third stage, both groups look for an agreed position by combining all available information.

Encouraging, correcting, directing, reinforcing statements parents, the educator supports the course, sums up the discussion.

It is important to keep in mind the form discussions:

The round table is the most famous form; its peculiarity lies in the fact that the participants exchange opinions with each other with full equality for everyone;

Symposium - a discussion of a problem, during which the participants take turns making presentations, after which they answer questions;

Debate - discussion in the form of pre-prepared speeches by representatives of the opposing, rival parties and rebuttals, after which the floor is given for questions and comments to the participants from each team;

6. Conference - final form work with parents. It is usually held once a year. Its purpose is to generalize and systematize the knowledge gained parents and other family members as a result work kindergarten for pedagogical education.

Conferences are preceded by versatile preparatory Job.

Discuss with kindergarten teachers and representatives parental Committee the appropriateness of the proposed topic. Designate an organizing committee to prepare for the conference.

Allocate those responsible for the preparation of speeches of teachers and parents responsible for the preparation of the exhibition, the organization of consultations, the design of the premises, the cultural program (performance by children, kindergarten staff, parents) .

Develop a message to parents.

7. Workshops

A practical lesson on a topic.

For example, a practice "Family Opportunities in the Child's Speech Development".

Offer parents discuss the factors of successful speech development of the child. For this purpose, give the most significant ones to choose from the proposed list, comment on your choice.

1. Emotional communication parents with a child from infancy.

2. Communication of the child with peers.

3. The structure of the articulatory apparatus.

4. Adult speech is a model.

5. Development of fine motor skills of hands.

6. Reading fiction to children.

7. The game of the child with adults and peers.

Exercise parents.

Review the problem situation and offer your comment or answer.

Offer parents get acquainted with the content of the section of the program for the development of speech. To listen to an audio recording with the statements of children made at the beginning of the school year before classes. Ask how it felt parents when they recognized the voice of their child, heard his speech?

Children are invited to the second part of the meeting. They participate with parents in various game exercises and tasks.

8. Days of open doors.

Organized 2 times a year. During these days parents can attend regime moments, classes.

It involves a dispute, a clash of different, sometimes conflicting points of view. It requires the parties to be convinced, a clear and definite view on the subject of the dispute, the ability to defend their arguments.

Dispute laws.

Free exchange of opinions

Everyone is active and equal

Everyone speaks and criticizes any position with which he does not agree

Say what you think and think what you say

The main thing is facts, logic, the ability to prove. Facial expressions, gestures, exclamations are not accepted as arguments

A sharp, well-aimed word is welcome

Whispering is spot on and jokes are out of place.

To non-traditional forms work with parents is: oral journals, parent living rooms, interest clubs, library of computer games, co-creation parents, children and teachers.

We must not forget about the role of visual propaganda in improving pedagogical culture. parents.

effective form work with parents are thematic exhibitions. The exhibition uses different materials: books, children's drawings, homemade toys, children's sayings, photographs, etc.

The right combination of all forms work with parents(traditional, non-traditional, visual propaganda contribute to the increase of theoretical knowledge parents encourage them to reconsider methods and methods of home education, it is more correct to evaluate the versatile activities of the kindergarten.

Use of various forms work with parents will give a certain result:

- parents will actively participate in the life of the kindergarten,

Become a faithful assistant to educators

All this is evidence that in the kindergarten there is a fairly high level of socio-psychological comfort in the educational environment.

Communication between teachers and parents of pupils has always been and remains a topical issue for kindergartens. Parents - in order to learn to understand the wonderful world of childhood and their own child, teachers, in order to more effectively assist parents in this. Only together can educators and parents get to know the child better, and having learned, direct common efforts to his development.



"Innovative forms and methods of working with parents in preschool educational institutions"

Communication between teachers and parents of pupils has always been and remains a topical issue for kindergartens. Parents - in order to learn to understand the wonderful world of childhood and their own child, teachers, in order to more effectively assist parents in this. Only together can educators and parents get to know the child better, and having learned, direct common efforts to his development.

At present, communication between a teacher and parents is based on the principles of trust, dialogue, partnership, taking into account the interests of parents and their experience in raising children. Teachers of the past - K. D. Ushinsky, E. N. Vodovozova, L. N. Tolstoy and others - spoke about the need for parents to acquire pedagogical knowledge, about the importance and purposefulness of family education, about the need to combine knowledge and experience. Teachers of preschool institutions are called upon to help modern parents in this, despite the fact that information on the issues of raising a child can now be obtained in different ways. These are periodicals, and the Internet, and numerous popular literature for parents. But only the educator communicates with children and parents every day, sees the problems, difficulties, as well as the positive experience of each family. He provides assistance to parents in various forms.

The family is the first collective of the child, its natural habitat, with all the variety of relationships between its members, the richness and immediacy of feelings, the abundance of forms of their manifestation - all that creates a favorable environment for the emotional and moral formation of the personality.

slide 1.

Topic: "Innovative forms and methods of working with parents in preschool educational institutions"

“Our parents are wonderful people,

The meaning of education for them is very clear.

After all, only cooperation and work,

We will be given a personality in the future!”

Slide 2.

Traditional forms of work of preschool educational institutions with the family.

By the middle of the 20th century, fairly stable forms of kindergarten work with families had developed, which are considered traditional in preschool pedagogy:

1. Pedagogical education of parents: conversations, consultations.

2. General and group meetings.

3. Visual propaganda: parental corners, stands.

Typical problems.

Pedagogical education of parents takes place through the "University of Parental Knowledge", "School for Parents", etc. Widespread pedagogical propaganda is aimed at persuading parents of the importance of family and social education. If conscientiously carried out, this enlightenment is useful, interesting and necessary to this day. However, this form of work with the family does not give great results, as it is aimed at interacting with a wide range of parents.

Under these conditions, it is impossible to see the problems of each family individually.

Slide 3.

An analysis of the traditional forms of work with the family showed that the leading role in organizing work with the family is given to teachers: the purpose of many forms is to help parents, recommendations, and advice. This indicates that the family is perceived by the public as a pedagogically imperfect factor in the development of the child's personality.

Therefore, we, teachers, need to develop a new philosophy of interaction with the family, reconsider our role and position.

slide 4.

Professional skill of teachers in communication with parents, in the light of the new philosophy of interaction.

Advantages of the new philosophy of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

- Positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents to work together to raise children.Parents are sure that the preschool educational institution will always help them in solving pedagogical problems and at the same time will not hurt them in any way, since the opinions of the family and the suggestions of the teacher will be taken into account.

At the personality of the child. The teacher, constantly maintaining contact with the family, knows the peculiarities of the habits of his pupil and takes them into account when working, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the efficiency of the pedagogical process.

- Parents can independently choose and form already at preschool age that direction in development andraising a childwhich they consider necessary. Thus, parents take responsibility for the upbringing of the child.

At strengthening intra-family ties,emotional family communication, finding common interests and activities.

- The possibility of implementing a unified program for the upbringing and development of the child in the preschool educational institution and the family.

- The ability to take into account the type of family and the style of family relationswhich was unrealistic when using traditional forms of work with parents.

Slide 5.

Basic principles for organizing work within the framework of new forms of work with the family:

Openness of the kindergarten for the family (each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops);

Cooperation between teachers and parents in the upbringing of children;

Creation of an active developing environment, active forms of communication between children and adults, providing unified approaches to the development of the child in the family and in the preschool educational institution;

Diagnosis of general and particular problems in the upbringing and development of the child.

slide 6.

Functions of the work of the preschool educational institution with the family.

Familiarization of parents with the content and methodology of the educational process organized in the preschool educational institution.

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents.

Involving parents in activities with children.

Help individual families in the upbringing of children.

Interaction of parents with public organizations of the village.

For a better organization of interaction between parents and teachers, it is advisable to distribute the areas of responsibility in working with parents between the educator, methodologist, medical staff, head and specialists.

Slide 7.

Non-traditional forms of work with parents:

Information and analytical

Target: identifying the interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy.

Form of communication:conducting sociological sections, surveys, "Mailbox", etc.


Target : establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents, children.

Form of communication:joint leisure activities, holidays, participation of parents and children in exhibitions, competitions and other events.


Target: familiarization of parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children. Formation in parents of practical skills in raising children.

Form of communication:workshops, pedagogical briefing, pedagogical lounge, holding meetings, non-traditional consultations, oral pedagogical magazines, games with pedagogical content, pedagogical library for parents, etc.

Visual and informational: informational and familiarization; information and educational

Target: familiarization of parents with the work of a preschool institution, the peculiarities of raising children. Formation of parents' knowledge about the upbringing and development of children.

Form of communication:information brochures for parents, organization of days (weeks) of open doors, open views of classes and other activities for children. Issue of newspapers, organization of mini-libraries, etc.

slide 8.

In all this work, it is impossible to do without the use of modern ICT.

Every year, innovative technologies enter our lives more and more densely. Now we can say with confidence that the computer is an effective technical tool with which you can significantly diversify the upbringing and education and comprehensively develop the child. Therefore, I would like to emphasize one more non-traditional form of work with parents -generalization of the best family experience using modern multimedia technologies.

The purpose of generalizing positive family experience is to increase the activity of parents in the exchange of experience in family education.

slide 9.

Recognition of the priority of family education requires a different relationship between the family and the preschool educational institution, namely: cooperation, interaction and trust. And for this, the teacher needs to reconsider his role, his position, embarking on the path of cooperation, partnership with parents.

The role of the teacher - employee, partner:

1. Relies on the initiative of the parent and offers his own.

2. Learns about the child from the parent and evaluates the child together.

3. Does not give ready-made advice, but solves the problem together with the parents.

4. Suitable for the parent, taking into account the individuality of the family.

5. Helps parents to create successful activities for the child for self-realization of the individual.

6. Helps parents in the correctness of family education, sometimes learns from parents.

7.Does not teach parents, but gives advice as a certified specialist.

8. The highest goal and content of the work is the child.

slide 10.

Now you can create a new interaction model: parent - family - teacher.

We all know that the main areas of interaction with the family are:

  • Studying the needs of parents in educational services.
  • Education of parents in order to improve their legal and pedagogical culture.

Proceeding from these directions, work is carried out on interaction with families of preschool children.


  1. Svirskaya L. Working with the family: optional instructions. - M.: LINKA-PRESS, 2007.
  2. Golitsina N. S. Piggy bank of pedagogical ideas. Work with personnel. - M.: "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2006.
  3. Glebova SV Kindergarten - family: aspects of interaction. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2005.
  4. Zvereva O. L., Krotova T. V. - M .: Iris-press, 2006.

ON THE. Kiseleva, N.R. Musina, educators

MBDOU No. 67 "Birch",




Quality preschool education is considered today as a significant reserve for improving the quality and accessibility of subsequent stages of education. The overall goal of innovation in preschool educational institutions is to improve the ability of the pedagogical system of an educational institution to achieve qualitatively higher educational results. One of the areas of innovative activity in the preschool educational institution is work with parents.
“On how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him, it decisively depends on what kind of person today's baby will become” V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

The interaction of teachers with the parents of pupils is one of the most complex and important activities of a preschool institution. It should be guided by the needs and demands of families of preschool children. It is necessary to strive to ensure that parents become active participants, and not passive observers, of the pedagogical process. The inclusion of family members of pupils in the activities of a preschool institution should imply a variety of approaches, various forms of interaction should be used, which can be divided into traditional and non-traditional.

Traditional forms of interaction between the kindergarten and the families of pupils:

Informational and visual (materials on stands, slide folders, recommendations, exhibitions of children's works, photo exhibitions);

Individual (conversations, consultations);

Collective (parent meetings, conferences, round tables, thematic consultations).

Non-traditional forms of interaction can be divided into the following groups:

Cognitive (workshop, parent club, pedagogical lounge, brain ring);

Information and analytical (questionnaire, survey, mailbox, social passport of the family);

Leisure (joint leisure activities, holidays, exhibitions, excursions, fairs, school for a young parent);

Visual and informational (information brochures, open days, viewing classes, sensitive moments, newspaper release).

There is an opinion that now nothing will surprise parents. But as practice shows, the attitude of families of preschoolers to events depends on the organization of educational work in kindergarten, on the desire of preschool workers to engage in pedagogical education of parents.

Parents, in turn, can significantly diversify the lives of children in a preschool institution, contribute to educational work. So, some parents are happy to organize an excursion, a trip to the nearest forest, park, river, others will help in equipping the pedagogical process, others will tell something interesting to the children, teach them something. All subjects of the pedagogical process benefit from the participation of parents in the work of a preschool institution. And above all, children.

In the process of such communication, teachers have the opportunity to get to know families better, understand the strengths and weaknesses of home education, determine the nature and extent of their assistance, and sometimes learn from parents.

Working with parents becomes more effective if it is carried out within the framework of project activities.

So in a preschool institution can workfamily clubs of various kinds.

"In the world of educational games" (intellectual development)

"Travel with us, travel yourself" (cognitive development)

"Beauty and Health" (physical development and health improvement of children)

"Family living room" (artistic and aesthetic development)

The main goals of the family clubs are:

Combining the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family in the upbringing and development of children;

Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents;

Exchange of experience in family education;

Strengthening parent-child relationships;

Giving parents the opportunity to communicate with each other and children.

The forms of work of each club can be different depending on the topic, composition of participants and tasks: a round table, training, workshop, solving pedagogical situations, video screenings on organizing the life of children in an institution, organizing joint activities of children and adults. The project activity of the club members has a certain theme depending on the direction and activity of this club.

"School of a young family"solves the following tasks:

To improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents;

Contribute to the establishment of a trusting relationship between parents and kindergarten;

To identify and broadcast the positive experience of family education;

Contribute to parental cohesion.

Days of cooperation. This form of interaction with parents is the most optimal in solving the problems of upbringing and development of children within the framework of the DS. The theme of the days of cooperation: "Summer is on the threshold", "The ABC of morality", "Let's do it together" and so on.

Round table meetings» broaden the horizons of not only parents, but also the teachers themselves. Meeting topics may vary. In this form of work, it is noteworthy that not a single parent remains on the sidelines, almost everyone takes an active part, sharing interesting observations, expressing practical advice. A psychologist or teacher can summarize and end the meeting.

Online communication with parents through the website. This allows parents to get acquainted with the preschool institution, its charter, development program and the team of teachers; show (fragmentary) all types of activities for the development of the personality of each child, carry out pedagogical education of parents at their request.

As a result of this form of work, parents receive information about the content of work with children, paid and free services provided by narrow specialists.

In the guest book of the site, any parent can ask a question of interest to him and for some time receive an answer to it in the form of a consultation, recommendation, advice, etc.

Chronicle design. This form of work is informational in nature. During the day, or put on, the teacher observes and records the most interesting events that happened to the children in the group. This may be an interesting word uttered by a child, and an act committed by him, and much more - everything new that he comprehended or showed. The teacher draws up an album - a chronicle, keeps records in it and in the evening puts it in the parent's corner. The theme of the chronicles: “They say, kids”, “Pages of the history of our group”, “The image of mother”, etc.

Such work is mutually beneficial for both partners in raising children: parents and teachers. Parents sometimes learn funny “things” about their baby and most often become “journalists” of this album - they supplement it with stories that happened to the child at home. And, on the contrary, the teacher learns what the pupil at home is like.

discussion swing. Purpose: consideration of the problem from different angles (positions); selection of the optimal solution.

The essence of this form of work with parents is to imitate a swinging swing. Partners are two groups of parents, located opposite each other. Discussion of the problem in the form of a discussion swing provides for the group to alternately take on both opposing positions - “for” and “against”. should defend a point of view that denies the need for punishment. After a question for discussion is proposed, the participants take turns speaking on the proposed issue, - the "swing" begins to move.

Encouraging, correcting, guiding, reinforcing the statements of the parents, the educator supports the course of the discussion "swing" until it seems to him that the strength of the parents has been exhausted. He stops the "swing", sums up the discussion.

The main thing is that all the forms of work and recommendations listed above should not be imposed, but should arouse interest with their novelty, be presented without stamps, edifications and moralizing. Expected results of the introduction of innovations in working with parents in preschool educational institutions:

– increasing the level of pedagogical and legal competence of parents,

- increase in parental activity,

– establishing close contact with each family,

- coordination of the educational impact on the child,

- generalization of the positive experience of family education.

We can say that today this is both the goal and the result of the innovative component of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family. By collaborating with parents, kindergarten educators and professionals help to support in practice the right of all young children to have competent parents, since a successful childhood is inseparable from competent parenthood.
The use of various forms of work with parents gives certain results: parents rally, actively participate in the life of the kindergarten, become faithful assistants to the teacher.


1. Belyaev, V. I. Favorites. Collection of scientific papers. - M .: "Your printing partner", 2010. - 430 p.

2. Osipova, L. E. Work of a kindergarten with a family. - M .: "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2008. - 72

3. Petrushchenko N.A., Zenchenko N.E. Kindergarten and family - interaction and cooperation. / Educator of the preschool educational institution, 2009, No. 9.

4. Troshina S.N. Non-traditional forms of communication between teachers and parents. / Educator of the preschool educational institution, 2010, No. 8.

Zhukova Liliya Abuzyarovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: SP GBOU secondary school No. 10 OTs "LIK" "Kindergarten No. 17"
Locality: city ​​of Otradny, Samara region
Material name: Electronic presentation
Subject:"Innovative forms of work with parents"
Publication date: 13.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

SP GBOU secondary school No. 10 OTs "LIK" "Kindergarten No. 17"

city ​​of Otradny 2017

"Innovative Forms

work with parents

in DOW "

Prepared by: Zhukova L.A.


The main idea of ​​the interaction of the teacher with

parents - this is cooperation!

Collaboration is not only

mutual action, but also mutual understanding,

mutual respect, mutual trust,

mutual influence.

Active collaboration between teachers and

parents allows you to get to know each other better

friend, enhances



Creating conditions for a favorable

climate of interaction with parents.

Establishment of trust and

partnerships with


Bringing the family together

educational space.


* Parent meetings.

* Consultations.

* Questioning, surveys.

* Information stands, folders.

* Days of open doors.

* Individual conversations.



* Family game library (family reading, playing

* Participation in projects ("My

family", "Journey of one

words, etc.).

* Comfort hands of parents.

* Innovative approach - creating

the group's email page

the Internet.



* Trainings.

* Family living rooms.

* Master classes.

* Maintenance of the DOW website.

* Day of good deeds.

* Round table.

* Family opening days.

* Open Day.

* Oral Pedagogical Journal.

* Department of family traditions.

* Evening of questions and answers.







Creation of comfort in the group

Easy communication


Active participation of parents in the life of the group

Motivation of teachers to new ideas



SEPTEMBER: - parent meeting on the topic

"Familiarization of parents with GEF DO";

Exhibition of joint creativity on the topic

"Autumn fantasies" (crafts, drawings);

Pedagogical laboratory (discussion

participation of parents in joint activities

for the current academic year)

Social project on the theme "My city is my

Continued work in the Viber Internet group;

OCTOBER: - reading conference for children

(mother Vorontsova T.A. spends her leisure time reading

based on the work of S. Marshak "The Tale of

stupid little mouse, "then the tale is discussed and

separate episodes are played);

Joint sports entertainment "Dad,

Mom, I am a sports family!” (together with

physical education instructor)

Creation of the "Book piggy bank" (joint

work to replenish the content of "Knizhkina

piggy banks" on the topic of the week);

Preparation and holding of the autumn matinee;

Action "Waste paper collection"

NOVEMBER: - day of good deeds (joint "treatment" of books);

Weekend route to memorable places of the city;

Meeting with speech therapist Burakova A.V. On the topic

"Articulation gymnastics as a means of development

articulatory apparatus;

Creative exhibition "Magic hands of our mothers!";

Open Day dedicated to the All-Russian Day

DECEMBER: game simulation (role-playing

problematic situations of family education)4

Mini-experiment (inclusion of parents in

research activity);

Preparing and holding a New Year's party

JANUARY: - creation of a media library;

Comfort by the hands of parents (creation from plywood

screens, mobile racks);

Workshop (interaction in the triad


FEBRUARY: - visiting families;

Family game library "We play and

experiment" (games in the kitchen, games on


Joint leisure;

Family club "Activists of our family"

MARCH: - master class on experimental

activities for parents;

Pedagogical screen (question-answer, practical

advice on a narrow topic);

Ecological trail;

Joint preparation and conduct of the matinee,

APRIL: - parent club (mutual exchange of experience

knowledge on the problems of raising children,

contributing to understanding and change

some life ideas of the participants);

business game;

Meeting interesting people

MAY: - bureau of pedagogical services;

Family vernissage on the topic…..;

Practical seminar "Knowledge of traffic rules by parents"


Parent meeting on the topic

"Familiarization of parents with GEF DO"

using electronic



Coziness with the hands of parents (decoration of a puppet corner from improvised means)


Joint creative exhibition of crafts and drawings on the theme "Autumn




Action "Waste paper collection"


Master Class



* Introduce parenting experience through

forums, parent clubs, creation

media libraries, organization

theme nights,

organization of joint

theatrical performances,

weekend routes,

communication trainings



The modernization of the education system in Russia imposes new requirements on preschool educational institutions, and on the organization of the educational process in them, and on the level of quality of educational services.

Every year, innovative technologies enter our lives more and more densely.

The source of innovation is the problem.

In our preschool institution, there was also a problem of interaction with the parents of pupils. Pedagogical passivity of parents, lack of understanding by parents of their educational function, unwillingness to establish uniform requirements for the child in kindergarten and family, parents ignoring the fact that in determining the content, forms of work of kindergarten with the family, it is not a preschool institution, but they act as social customers.

Parents' lack of “pedagogical reflection” is the inability to self-critically assess themselves as a teacher, put themselves in the place of the child, look at the situation through his eyes.

In addition, the authority of children's institutions has decreased, as many organizations of additional education have appeared, where, according to parents, they prepare for school and do better than in the garden. Large employment and economic distress of adults is also sometimes the cause of indifference and disinterest in the lives of children.

Thus, we can conclude that there is a need for innovations in cooperation with parents. It is necessary to develop and implement a system of work for the active involvement of parents in the life of a preschool institution. All this makes it possible to consider work with parents as an important condition for the successful pedagogical activity of a preschool institution at the present stage of modernization of the education system.

To solve a problem innovatively means to change the system, to bring it into line with the desired model. If the changes are of a qualitative nature, then as a result of solving the problem, the system develops.

The results of innovative activity are the growth of the professional competence of the teacher and the improvement of the quality of education for preschoolers.

Today, the interaction of a preschool institution with a family requires an innovative approach.

In order to solve the above problems, we have developed a system of interaction between a preschool institution and a family, which includes traditional and innovative forms of work with parents.

The introduction and testing of innovative forms of work with the families of pupils are designed to ensure effective interaction, cooperation with the family, the formation of a system of socio-psychological, pedagogical, spiritual and moral support for the family, through:

Establishing partnerships with the families of pupils, joining forces for the development and upbringing of children, creating an atmosphere of common interests;

Activation and enrichment of parenting skills, maintaining their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.

An innovative approach to working with parents affects various areas of activity of preschool teachers and has a number of principles - cooperation, openness, stimulation and support of the family, feedback, individual approach to each family.

The innovative component of the work of a preschool institution is associated with the holistic support of the educational potential of families at all stages of its formation and life.

Only the combination of these components gives the right to talk about the innovativeness of the forms of work.

Today, this task is everywhere, and for us this is the annual task of the kindergarten - parents from "spectators" and "observers" should become active participants in meetings and assistants to the educator, an atmosphere of mutual respect has been created. To do this, you need to actively use an innovative competence-based approach to working with parents.

The team of MBDOU No. 7 Art. Ladozhskaya is in constant search for new, modern forms, methods of interaction with parents.

Studying the pedagogical literature on innovation activity with teachers, we got acquainted with how the old forms of work with parents can be turned into innovative and effective ones. We also considered forms of involving parents in the educational process, informational and practical forms for educating parents, as well as important conditions for the effectiveness of this work.

On this issue, educators were provided with methodological assistance, a consultation was held "Working with parents - non-traditional approaches", a workshop "Interaction with parents in the light of new approaches", where they learned to draft non-traditional meetings with parents using innovative forms of interaction. Conducted a teachers' council on the topic "The work of the teaching staff with parents" (non-traditional approaches), with the invitation of parents from the parent committee.

Therefore, it was necessary to invent, combine old traditional forms and new techniques, apply more modern technologies in working with parents, without which a modern kindergarten can no longer exist.

In order to study the family, to find out the educational needs of parents, to establish contact with its members, to harmonize educational influences on the child, it is necessary for the educators of our preschool institution to start work with the questionnaire “Cooperation between the kindergarten and the family”. Having received a real picture, on the basis of the collected data, we can analyze the features of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of a preschooler, and develop tactics for our communication with each parent. This will help to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family, take into account its individual characteristics.

Innovative technologies contribute to the enrichment of the natural foundations of parent-child relationships and more harmonious upbringing of children in the family. The fundamental requirement for a new scheme for the provision of preschool education services is the creation of a transparent, open system for informing citizens about educational services that ensures completeness, accessibility, timely updating, and reliability of information. This is how we came up with the idea of ​​creating a newspaper for the kindergarten “Planet detstva”, the tasks of which are consonant with the requirements of the government of the Russian Federation for a new scheme for the provision of preschool education services.

The pages of the Planet of Childhood newspaper inform about the organization of the work of a preschool institution, about new regulatory documents, about all the bright events and achievements of a preschool institution. "Planet of Childhood" is an opportunity for kindergarten employees to be a direct mouthpiece for ideas for improving preschool education - contests, leisure activities, trips, documentaries, holidays, new events, meetings in the form of colorful photo sessions, arouse genuine interest among employees of a preschool institution, so do mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers of our pupils. The next step in this direction was the creation of a website for a preschool institution. The site of the kindergarten is what the activity of the kindergarten on the Web and its success is based on. The success and demand for kindergarten services will largely depend on how information about the activities of the teaching staff is presented, as well as how often information is updated on the site, which echoes the conditions for the formation of a modern model of education for the preschool world.

Any parent can enter here. On the site you can get acquainted with the problems faced by the kindergarten. To attend all holidays and matinees. Visit the "Creative Living Room", where you can admire the creations of children and experience pride in your most talented, intelligent and beloved child. On the site, you can anonymously ask any question of interest and get an answer from a specialist.

The website, the newspaper act not only as a means of organizing activities, cooperation, but also, which is very important, a "feedback" factor, which allows you to quickly respond to all changes in the life of the kindergarten.

In our preschool institution, we practice such an open form with parents as a demonstration of the achievements of children.

Information about children is a very important and still low-income layer of the culture of interaction between the kindergarten and parents.

Collecting information about the achievement of children every day brings children new experiences, new knowledge. Even the most seemingly insignificant successes should be made common property. To do this, you need to monitor children, try to notice what is new that has appeared in speech, movements, behavior, games. Achievement is the unconditional success of a child in something. This is a development from the facts obtained in the course of observations. Each child has his own achievements, significant personally for him, for his parents.

Educators are creative people, endowed with inventive abilities, creative, so the options for decorating the achievements of children are innumerable: in the form of chickens, rays of the sun, flowers, self-portraits of children, to which or next to which notes are attached describing achievements in the waiting room.

For example: Polina (5 years old).

Social competence.

observation. 02/18/2014 Turns to Yaroslav: “let's play with the designer. We will build a house for our animals. Do you have big plates? A lot of? I need one. Here, take the little ones. This will be the roof, and this is my door. Do you need help?"

Achievement: able to negotiate, plan work.

This form of written informing parents about the achievements of their children is an important prospect for us. By doing this, we show parents the wonderful moments of a child’s life in kindergarten (hidden from their eyes), so that parents form positive views on the experience that children acquire in kindergarten, and change their ideas about the parental role in the education and development of the child.

In order to attract parents to participate in competitions, exhibitions, community work days for the repair of gaming equipment, instead of the usual traditional announcements about the event, we decided to change the content of the announcement. For example:

Dear dads!

Now we have a real sandbox on the playground. We enjoy playing Easter cakes, building houses and roads. That's just the sand all the time tend to crumble. Please help to make bumpers on our sandbox. We are waiting for you and will definitely help you.

Your kids.

The next form of notification of parents about the request is children. Here we use a three-question model, at any free time the teacher can talk to the children about what they know or want to know, for example, about cats (space, dinosaurs). All statements of children are recorded in a special table. Near each statement put him the author.

Filling in the plate and hanging it in the reception is accompanied by the obligatory writing of the announcement.

For example: Dear moms and dads! Our kids decided to learn more about cats. We have an encyclopedia "Cats" in the group, but this is extremely insufficient to satisfy their curiosity. Books about wild and domestic cats, photos of your pets, your stories, cat toys and cat figurines will help us a lot. We invite you to take part in the preparation of an exhibition of photographs (drawings, toys, etc.).

"Our Favorite Cats"

Educators and your kids.

As a result of such a survey, parents will see the area of ​​interest of their children and get an idea of ​​how they are ready to receive new knowledge. This, no doubt, will encourage parents to engage in a discussion of the topic with their children: ask them questions, suggest something, answer, dispel doubts and take active actions - go to the library, search the Internet for the necessary material, read an encyclopedia, come to a group and chat with kids.

When preparing for parent meetings, conversations, consultations, teachers of our kindergarten use the following forms of work with parents:

"Magic Flower of Wisdom" - a stand is hung in the reception room, on which a large flower is drawn. In the core of the flower, a problem is indicated on which parents are invited to speak. Flower petals are empty. Parents write down on them advice, aphorisms and wishes on the chosen topic. For example:

- "Children's whims";

- “I know how to teach a child to help adults”;

- “When our second child was born, we…”;

- “So that the child does not get sick”, etc.

“Portrait of an ideal parent” (educator) - a sheet with the outline of a human figure is hung out in the reception room. Parents write down the traits of an ideal parent on this sheet.

“Unfinished thesis” - a phrase is placed on the stand, for example:

- “A happy family is…”;

- "A good educator is...";

- “Family traditions are...”, etc.

Parents continue the proposal. Such unfinished abstracts can be positioned as topics for future parent-teacher meetings.

I will especially note the innovative form of work with parents, which has been practiced in the senior group for the second year - a generalization of the best family experience using modern multimedia technologies.

In addition to personal conversations with parents and their family members, a variety of methods and techniques are used to get to know the families of pupils. One of them is the study of children and the peculiarities of their family upbringing in the process of educational work in kindergarten. Much about the life of children becomes clear from their own statements, from discussions at parent-teacher meetings, from the results of monitoring and diagnostics, from daily observations of children and parents in natural conditions, from questioning, from visiting families. As a result, examples of good family upbringing are revealed, parents with high pedagogical preparedness and interest in family upbringing are identified.

Teachers tell parents a lot about various experiences of family education and involve parents in this. The audience of parents is more influenced by the fact that it is not the teacher, but other parents who talk about the positive experience of organizing life and raising children in the family. They may be skeptical about the instructions and requirements of the educator, with some distrust of their feasibility and expediency. They are more convinced when the parents themselves, who have implemented in their family a certain direction in the upbringing and development of their child, have tested their expediency and achieved positive results, tell about the same thing.

Without going beyond the boundaries of their team, already familiar and close-knit to a certain extent, parents more easily share their successes, difficulties, doubts, little secrets and highlights of family education, and look for a way out of problem situations. Speeches of parents are viewed and listened to with keen interest at meetings, cause discussions, awaken thoughts and contribute to the exchange of experience in family education.

Generalization of family experience by parents can take the form of productive creative activity in the form of posters, newspapers, stories, reports, albums, films, photo exhibitions, computer presentations. But parents, by tradition, choose the design in the form of multimedia presentations and slide shows.

Today in the "educational piggy bank" senior group there are 6 presentations on the generalization of family experience on various issues: "Labor education in the family." Featured on parent meeting- seminar in September 2013; "Hardening the child at home." Presented at the parent conference in November 2014; Sensory education in the family. Presented at the open final non-traditional parent meeting dedicated to the sensory education of preschoolers in December 2013.

We also use the following innovative forms of interaction with parents - this is a pedagogical council with the participation of parents, where parents participate in meetings of the teachers' council as experts and critics.

In order to familiarize children with the origins of Russian national culture, the action "Garland of Friendship" was held in our preschool institution, children and parents made kuvadok dolls and decorated the territory of the kindergarten with them. Children and parents enjoyed the joint creativity.

The action "World without borders", timed to coincide with the day of the disabled, children together with their parents made gifts for children with disabilities.

In addition, a health day was held with the participation of parents. Where parents and children jumped through hoops, jumped rope, played ball, did exercises. And for their activity, the fairy-tale character "Doctor Aibolit" treated everyone with vitamins. As a result, parents and children received a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

Also, the project “My dad is the best!” was organized in time for the holiday of the Russian army, where children and parents took an active part, prepared a project about their dad, and presented it in kindergarten. They made up stories about their dad, made gifts for dads, collected a collection of medals, created a museum of military glory.

Show jumping "New Year's toy", where parents together with their children made a lot of original toys that decorated the territory of the kindergarten for the New Year holiday.

Competition-Presentation "Long-liver of the family" (book, Christmas toy, doll, etc.) - prepared together with parents, defended in the form of a presentation.

Competition "Headgear", where parents, together with their children, invented and made original headdresses and demonstrated a defile.

Educators are coming up with new ways to involve parents in raising their own children.

At the moment, our preschool institution is developing a project to organize a parent club "Competent Parents" due to the need to meet the needs of modern parents and quickly respond to the difficulties they face.

We believe that until an adult has a need to be near children, it is impossible to organize interaction.

Teachers offer parents ready-made knowledge: something from child psychology, something from healing methods, something from teaching practice. But, as in any teaching, parents take from their offer only what is consonant with their own thoughts, corresponds to their needs.

And we propose to start not with formal meetings and stands, but with the unification, rapprochement of people involved in the life of the child. What can serve as the basis for such a rapprochement? Only the child himself. By telling parents about what happened during the day, what positive aspects of their personality their baby showed, what achievements or difficulties the day brought him, the educator forms an understanding among parents that they do not have this unique information for the simple reason that they were not near.

Now the phrase "innovative forms of work with parents" does not cause us any difficulties.

The effectiveness of the work carried out with parents in our kindergarten is evidenced by:

  • manifestation of parents' interest in the content of the educational process with children;
  • the emergence of discussions, disputes on their initiative;
  • answers to parents' questions by themselves; giving examples from their own experience;
  • an increase in the number of questions to the teacher regarding the personality of the child, his inner world;
  • the desire of adults for individual contacts with the educator;
  • reflection of parents on the correctness of the use of certain methods of education;
  • increasing their activity in the analysis of pedagogical situations, solving problems and discussing debatable issues;
  • activity of adults in the life of the kindergarten and the group.

The use of various forms of work with the family allowed us to awaken a sense of location and trust of parents in the kindergarten.


  1. Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin No. 3, 2012, author Yu.E Orlova ..
  2. Site http:// 128.lipetskddo.ru

Bibliographic list

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