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» A sincere declaration of love to a married girl. original declaration of love

A sincere declaration of love to a married girl. original declaration of love

Nowadays, few people can say that he is an original person, so the tips from this article can be useful to those who really have a desire to become one.

How to make an amazing declaration of love if you are embarrassed by a girl, wife, beloved man who captures the soul, boyfriend

The girl will appreciate the confession written under the windows on the pavement. Although this is a classic, you can add from yourself lay out burning candles in the form of a heart. Call her to look out the window. To do, of course, when it's dark.

You can’t do this to your wife anymore, you can prepare a surprise for her by inviting her to the place of your acquaintance or first kiss. There simple words to say about your love for her.

For a beloved man, you can make one hundred small notes with your own hands, wrapped and wrapped in a beautiful thread, put in a box. On each note, write "I love you because..."

Unusual declarations of love for a girl, originally for a guy, husband in your own words

To the girl “You are the dearest, beloved. I can't live a day without you. Thanks to you, my life has meaning."

To the guy "I love you so much that I'm ready to spend my whole life with you."

Husband “The dearest and dearest person. My love for you is limitless. You and I are like two wings of the same bird."

The most beautiful words about love and sayings, sms, in VKontakte, on paper to an ex-wife

Love implies a difficult work, on which both are working. It has sadness and joy, care and respect. There is no room for betrayal.

You can write to your ex-wife “Thank you for all the days spent together. When I remember them, I feel happy. My only regret is that I lost you forever."

Original declaration of love and marriage proposal on the Internet, in the form of a letter

“My beloved, my piece of warmth, my ray of sunshine, I am grateful to fate for meeting you. I want to wake up and fall asleep, knowing that you bear my last name. Marry me. I promise to make you the happiest. I want you and me to become us.”

The most beautiful declarations of love at a distance to a man in prose

“A wonderful feeling of love inspires us, regardless of the distance, you are always with me. I wake up and fall asleep with the thought of you. I am sure that soon we will be destined not only to meet, but to stay close to each other.”

Beautiful declarations of love to a boy on Valentine's Day on February 14 and 29 and to a good young man, best friend

Boy "You are the most best friend! I am very glad that in my life there is a person like you who will never let you down and leave you in trouble.

To a friend “My dear, dearest, most real friend. We've been through so much together. We know so many secrets. Know that I have no one closer and dearer than you. No matter what happens, I will always be there. Love you".

Beautiful words about love and life with meaning

“Never marry a woman you can live with. Marry the one you can't live without."

Declaration of love to a married woman in your own words

“You will wake up again not nearby, and I miss your warmth, your breath so much. My world is empty without you. Love breaks the heart when you are far away. Only I need you, dear, most beloved, the best in the world.

To understand the question of why married women wear short skirts, first you need to understand why, in principle, girls wear such skirts. The answer suggests itself. A miniskirt is needed in order to attract the attention of men. By and large, it is. After all, girls like to catch men's eyes on themselves.

Thanks to this, they feel more beautiful, sexier, more desirable. Their self-esteem grows from this, and their mood improves. Of course, in order to get all of the above, you can use other “tools”. You can shine with intelligence, ingenuity, a sense of humor or charm. But a short skirt is the fastest way to get what you want.

True, not everyone understands that this effect of “quick cream skimming” is very superficial. With the help of such a skirt, the girl will not get what is hidden behind this desire to please. And behind him, usually hidden, is the desire to be loved. Girls want a guy to fall in love with them, to whom they can trust all their secrets, complain about life's difficulties and receive support from him.

Imagine that the girl still found her prince and became his wife. And here she is again wearing a short skirt. What does she want to achieve now? Well, there are several options here. Firstly, she may be unhappy in marriage and thus declares this to surrounding men. She kind of gives them the green light. The girl is again in search, albeit with a ring on her finger. Secondly, a girl in this way can make her husband jealous, she wants to feel again that he still loves her.

In addition, she may unconsciously desire to receive these sensations from admiring glances.

But all these answers come down to one thing. Anyway, the girl has an attention deficit from own husband. Here, of course, you can immediately attack him with accusations. Like, why is he ignoring her like that! The problem may be in him. A man can be laconic, consider that he shows everything with his actions. Or in general, in the registry office he said that he loves, what else do you need ?!

But the main reasons that the husband does not notice the beauty of his wife, she needs to look for in herself. Maybe she dresses and makes up only before going out, and at home she walks in an unsightly old dressing gown with dirty hair. Or she “nags” him from morning to evening that he really doesn’t have the same feelings for her anymore, not to mention the desire to compliment her.

One way or another, the conclusion about why a married girl wears a short skirt or shorts can be drawn as follows. All girls want to feel beautiful, desired and loved. And it doesn't matter if they are married or not. But with the help of what to achieve what you want, everyone decides for themselves. A short skirt allows you to get a quick and short-term effect, but you need to think carefully before using it if you are married.


Signs of love in women

Women differ from men in highly developed sensitivity and impressionability. They prefer to speak out loud more often than to hide their feelings. That is why a woman in love can be seen from a mile away: her gait changes, her eyes shine with happiness, inspiration appears. In this state, the fair sex does everything, no matter what she has to take on.

Relationships with others depend on the emotional inner climate of a woman. It is known that an angry woman can spoil the mood not only for herself, but for the whole family. In this case, the dinner she cooks will not be of special quality, but on the contrary, it will become very doubtful.

A woman's love, if it has arisen, as a rule, extends to everything that surrounds her, to which she touches. She gives joy not only to close people, but also to those who have at least a little contact with her during the day. Being at the workplace, a woman in love is able to give her attention to colleagues, employees, clients with whom she has to deal directly.

It is possible to identify characteristic symptoms, behavioral reactions that allow you to track and understand that a woman has fallen in love. As a rule, such things are striking by themselves, and it is not difficult to determine them.

The desire to care and take care

It is in the nature of a woman to take care of her husband and children. The wife and mother does this not out of obligation, but because, only by showing care, she feels truly happy. A woman just needs someone to give her warmth and tenderness. If suddenly there is no suitable candidate for this role nearby, she will feel deeply unhappy. A woman cannot live alone, for her it would be a great disappointment. Even if she is successful in business and is in high demand as a professional specialist, the respect of her colleagues and high income will not provide her with moral satisfaction.

How does a woman in love behave? She radiates kindness, love, self-confidence. Such a woman becomes truly beautiful, and natural data is not at all important here. Beauty is born from within. When a woman falls in love, everything inside her changes. She can suddenly become mysterious: sing gentle melodies, try to please her household and loved ones. Even employees at work notice visible changes in her mood and attitude: she begins to look beautiful, with dignity and fascinates with just one look. The charm of a woman is manifested at all levels, from everyday to social.


Even if a woman is not particularly strong in cooking, having entered a state of love, she will definitely begin to host in the kitchen. If you notice such a desire in yourself, want to learn how to cook deliciously and surprise your family with your culinary delights, this means that you are opening up as a woman. A woman in love definitely wants to surprise her chosen one. Therefore, even at the stage of timid courtship, she will begin to cook for him those dishes that she does well, and will also master several additional interesting recipes. At the very beginning of building a relationship, a woman almost always wants to demonstrate to a man in practice what a wonderful hostess she is. Often, her zeal really plays an important role in the development of relationships: it’s no secret that men value home comfort and the fact that the future wife knows how to cook (read in detail about the signs of a man falling in love). A woman who knows how to surprise a man in terms of gastronomy will always outperform one that has no idea which side to approach the stove from.

If cooking for a woman causes special pleasure, we can say that she is a rare lucky woman: a husband will carry such a wife in his arms and try to satisfy all her desires as much as possible.

Dreams of marriage

As mentioned earlier, a rare woman does not dream of getting married. Most girls, having reached the age of eighteen, one way or another, consider any male representative as a candidate for husbands. It happens completely unconsciously. Of course, not every guy is able to interest a particular girl, but if he aroused her interest, then she immediately begins building grandiose plans for the future in her head. A man may not even be aware that they are already trying to conquer him, that they are dreaming and dreaming about him. And the girl’s heart is already included in the subconscious game, in which the subtly feeling will “win”.

While dreaming of marriage with a particular man, a young girl, most often, seeks to demonstrate her everyday viability to him, such as: the ability to cook a delicious lunch and dinner, the successful possession of purely female occupations (knitting, sewing), the intention to have a large and friendly family. In some cases, career-minded women find it necessary to talk about their plans for promotion. It is worth noting that men do not really like women who are ready to compete with them in business and affairs, therefore, the fair sex themselves do not always consider it necessary to mention this circumstance.

Desire to have children

It is in the nature of a woman to be a mother. From time immemorial, it was women who took care of children, cared for them, devoted a rather long time to the process of their growing up and well-being. The desire for motherhood is an essential attribute for finding harmony and happiness.

A woman in love, having become interested in a particular man, involuntarily begins to build in her head the possibility of giving birth to a child from him. Moreover, her dreams are not connected with selfish goals (with the exception of some cases, but they are no longer related to love), but are dictated by a sincere desire to be realized as a woman. Most ladies cannot imagine their happiness without creating a strong friendly family. The desire to have one or more children depends on the material possibilities of the family and on its own intention. It should be noted that almost always it is the woman who initiates the birth of a little man. Men (especially young ones) are more career-oriented, so their wife's pregnancy comes as a surprise to them.

Saying sweet words

Even if a woman in ordinary life is the owner of a difficult character, then falling in love, she, one way or another, changes. This happens because she begins to think not so much about her own ambitions, but about how to please a loved one. Most women, starting to build new relationships, are transformed from the inside: they become more affectionate, behave courteously and delicately, do not argue with a man in anything. Internally, a woman is already set up to be her beloved faithful companion, an ideal companion in business, wonderful support. It is the wife, and not someone else, who inspires her husband to new discoveries and achievements, maintains his faith in himself. The affectionate word of a beloved wife is worth a lot.

Attention to your appearance

Every lady by nature is arranged in such a way that she likes to show off in front of a mirror. And at the moment when a certain male representative attracts her attention, the woman simply begins to critically approach her image. If she is dissatisfied with something in her appearance, she tries to correct and transform it. In any case, she does not calm down until she reaches a state of satisfaction and harmony with herself.

If a woman did not use cosmetics before meeting a man, then this circumstance may encourage her to start conducting similar experiments on herself. And all in order to please and make the right impression!

The symptoms of falling in love in girls are noted according to how much her usual behavior changes. Signs of a guy falling in love with a girl, as a rule, do not affect changes in appearance, at least not in a drastic way.

The state of love in women

This immersion in the world of love experiences is characterized by increased sensitivity to criticism about one's appearance, vulnerability to external circumstances that prevent happiness with a loved one. At this time, it becomes quite easy to offend a woman, even if you only tell her the words that she intends to hear.

The state of falling in love with women can last for many years, or it can end suddenly. However, most women are more permanent than men and are focused on home, strengthening and developing family relationships. For a woman, divorce is a great tragedy, a failure in life, which they experience very hard and, if possible, try to compensate for something. If in marriage a woman does not receive due attention and care, then she would rather endure it than decide to break off relations. The representatives of the weaker sex are very slowly ripening for making serious decisions that can drastically change their fate, but having made such a decision, they no longer deviate from what was planned.

How long does a girl's love last?

A woman can devote her whole life to one man. Young girls who are just planning to get married sometimes do not realize the scale of the difficulties that they will later have to face. The following are significant factors that directly affect whether a girl will feel loved and the viability of her feelings towards a man.

Having a genuine feeling

If a woman loves, she is ready to forgive a man for almost any mistake, sometimes she can even come to terms with the fact that he has another one. A woman in love is like the sun, which warms those around her with the warmth of her heart. loving mother takes care of her children, pays due attention to her husband. She is doing well at work, she is appreciated and respected by her colleagues.

When a marriage is built on the basis of calculation, or feelings are lost in the process of living together, then it becomes extremely difficult for a woman to maintain normal relationships. She feels a strong dissatisfaction inside herself, an unwillingness to perform the routine, monotonous work that previously inspired her. This includes cooking, laundry, cleaning. If all this is not joyful, the woman will feel extreme apathy, despondency, melancholy.

The presence of mutual understanding

Presence of common values

When the moral ideals of a man and a woman coincide, they are more likely to build strong trusting relationships. How long this relationship will last depends largely on both. After all, love is partly determined by how much partners are willing to invest in its development. The presence of common aspirations and values ​​unites people, brings them closer to each other and allows them to share joys and sorrows together. When there are joint plans, dreams and ways to achieve what you want, the feeling can live for many years and only get stronger over time.

Thus, the state of falling in love with women is a gift that you should try to keep as long as possible. The sooner a girl learns to express her feelings in business and caring for her lover, the stronger her family relationships will be, the more joy and satisfaction they will bring to her.


How to understand that a woman is in love

It often happens that a man, carried away by a pretty young girl, does not understand how she treats him. If you want to understand the question: How to understand that a woman is in love, then you have come to the right place. Now we will try to clarify this issue in as much detail as possible. Well, now in order.

Many girls are prone to amorousness and excessive feelings because of love, but often they do not pretend that they like a man. Therefore, you should not hope that a woman in love will take the first step and confess her high feelings because of her pride. In addition, girls consider men conquerors of hearts and give them the right to be the first to take the initiative to confess. But be prepared for the fact that confessing to a girl in love, you may hear a refusal. And, if you are afraid of the word “no”, you are afraid that the girl may not appreciate your feelings and openly laugh at you, you can watch the girl and some signs of a woman’s love will tell you about her feelings.

1. Hints of feelings

As a rule, a woman in love uses affectionate forms of the name in address, endlessly flirting, embarrassed, making eyes. Thus, you have a chance to get to know the girl better and invite her, for example, to the cinema or cafe.

2. Jealousy

A woman in love is very jealous and, as a rule, expresses dissatisfaction when she sees a potential rival next to a man. If a girl is in no hurry to introduce you to her friends and is very nervous when you speak frankly with unfamiliar pretty girls, we can assume that she has already managed to fall in love with you and does not want to lose you.

You can check your guesses, try to flirt with other girls. And, if her mood worsens, she will become nervous, sarcastic, or take on the appearance of a cold and indifferent person - be sure - she is in love and everything connected with you is not indifferent to her.

3. Desire to communicate

loving woman always ready to chat. She is able to postpone urgent matters and rush to meet you even without a reason. She is ready to talk to you on the phone for hours about anything.

A loving woman tries her best to support a man. Ready to surround him with attention and care. Worries about failures, health, tries to help without demanding anything in return.

5. Gifts

A loving woman always remembers all the significant dates for a man: birthday, air defense or airborne forces day, so she is always ready to make a surprise and pleasantly surprise her beloved. As a rule, significant gifts serve as a surprise, which would constantly remind her of herself and at the same time be touching and romantic.

6. Joy A loving woman is always glad to see you. When meeting, she smiles, her eyes sparkle. In a big company, she is always there for you. Constantly turned to face you in order to carefully observe you.

7. Touch

A woman in love allows you to touch herself, hug, and she herself is ready to touch you with pleasure: during the dance, she frankly presses against you, in public she takes your hand. This all means that she is ready for a deep relationship and wants others to know about it.

8. Excitement

A loving woman during communication is always worried for no reason. Her cheeks are blushing, her voice trembles, her eyes sparkle. This betrays her feelings for you.

9. Reconciliation

As a rule, a girl who values ​​\u200b\u200bher relationship with a guy is ready to be the first to reconcile after a spat. Usually, girls do not plead guilty to quarrels, and are not willing to take the first step towards reconciliation, they wait for the time when the man will do it first.

10. Make you jealous

A woman in love makes you jealous of other men. She can flirt with unfamiliar men in front of you, build eyes, accept compliments, but she doesn’t allow anything extra. Thus, she encourages the activity of her beloved man, that is, you.

If at least one of the above is inherent in your girlfriend, be sure that she is in love. Don't stop - act!


How to know if a woman loves you

Understanding women is very difficult. Many of them hide their true feelings behind a mask of indifference, so men are afraid to take the first step. But if you are a little more attentive, you can determine in a fairly short time what the fair sex wants from you: just friendship or true love.

Love for a married woman

Cheating in a relationship

Love for a married woman

You have probably already seen these hypocrites who take away other people's wives, and then tearfully announce to everyone that they are doing this solely for the sake of love and higher goals. You also know that they do it solely because of the desire to take possession of this woman, and love has nothing to do with it.

A man is by nature a predator, cruel and selfish, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Every time a man sees his next victim, he makes every effort to achieve what he wants. And even if a man feels competition, in this particular case, the husband of this woman, he will still take risks and will achieve what he wants. This is his nature.

Therefore, when we talk about love for a married woman, we should not talk about lofty goals and future accomplishments, we must clearly understand that this is an exclusively male desire that makes him act contrary to the rules and opinions of society.

Is it possible to take a married woman

This question has a fairly simple answer that negates all morality and decency: "If a woman is truly devoted to her husband, or the husband is a strong and authoritative person, then you will not be able to do anything with her." Therefore, if you showed your attention to this woman, and she reciprocated, then either you are much better than her husband, or she is an unfaithful fool, which it would be foolish not to use.

This is a common law of nature, when a stronger or more skilled male “squeezes” prey and females from a weaker one. And he does not think about morality or some kind of decency, he thinks only about himself and his comfort.

So should you. We tried to attack, we got a rebuff, well, we retreat. They attacked another time, or already another woman, they didn’t get a rebuff, they took everything for themselves. Nothing criminal and shameful!

Children and their future. Often in examples we are given the children of this woman, they say their age and their future. And all this, as if, should scare the man away and make him think about the correctness of his actions.

As we know from vast experience, a man absolutely does not care about the future of this woman's children, what money they will live on, and who will grow out of them later. A man wants to take possession of this woman here and now, this is his primary and most important desire, he does not think about anything else.

Also, the man is not worried about what will happen after this woman leaves her husband, or just the husband finds out about the betrayal. He got his, he wants to get more, but he does not need any responsibility and problems. This woman's children are not his problem.

Of course, you will give examples when a woman left her husband for another man, and he, ultimately, raised and supported her and her children. But this is a slightly different situation: the woman was able to subjugate this man to her will in time and forced him to agree to such conditions. This is not love - this is competent manipulation!

Her husband is a good person. When another person parks in your seat in front of your nose, you do not think about what a good family man and good person he is, you think that he is a real goat! The same thing happens with the husband of this woman, this man is preventing you from getting the woman you want. This means that you must do everything possible so that you win and he loses. And there is no need to think about morality here, simple and fierce competition.

Is it necessary to destroy this woman's family?

It often happens that sex and meetings for 2-3 months completely dispel any interest in you in this woman, and you are already starting to think about how to shake her off somewhere. And the pleasant moment is your victory. You set yourself the goal of winning this woman, you achieved this and used her, and then gave her back to a man who is blind and weak.

And understand that she will keep these relationships and her family not because of children and some kind of connections, but because of a weak man who is ready to endure any bullying from his wife.

Is it necessary to put pressure on a woman so that she leaves the family

If your goal is not one-time sex and meetings, but a family, and you want this particular woman for yourself, then you have no reason not to put pressure on her. The longer you allow her to decide and make decisions, the weaker your position will look, which means you will begin to be the same as her husband. Will she change the awl for soap in this case?

I love you, I want to be with you. A fairly weak pressure that is only suitable for stupid women who believe in pure love and romance. Women smarter and more cunning are well aware that you will not be full of love.

I want you to be mine, plus the pressure to get recognized and divorced. It works better, because you show your determination and begin to subordinate it to your will. Throw in a little bit of negativity about her prospect with her husband and it'll be fine. This is the main option, which is preferable to use.

Confidence and careful planning. If you begin to feel that a woman still decides to stay with her husband, then you can use the last option. Tell her about love and bring her a plan of how you will live with her, on what and so on. In other words, you show her that for her sake you will work and earn, and everything will be fine with her. Some bribery. This is actually the case when you need this woman more than she needs you. Poor, but if you really need it, you can try.

Is it easy to leave a married woman later

Once you achieve sex with this woman, and your hormonal level goes down, her weaknesses and major flaws become obvious to you. We add here possible problems with her divorce, children and other difficulties, and you understand that it is much easier to leave her now than to drag her on yourself later. Therefore, it is very easy to throw such women. And what will happen to her husband is not your problem. Checked!

We sincerely hope that this article will help men not to hesitate and easily take away what they want from others, and women will understand that “new love” is not always beautiful.

Hello dear readers! Do you know what is the difference between sympathy and love? If we like a flower, we pluck it, but if we love it, we water it daily, take care of it and cherish it in every possible way. It was not me who came up with this, but one of the greats. And how much truth is in these words.

If you are reading this article, then boldly admit to yourself and ask a lot of questions: “I love a married woman, what should I do.” And in this case, the advice of a psychologist will be most welcome, because such confusion may continue to spin.

Now I will try to tell you what to do next, how to behave, what to do if you yourself are married. There will be many questions, so let's get down to business as soon as possible.

Measure seven times

First of all, you need to understand the truth of your feelings and make sure that you are ready for what will happen next. The matter is quite serious, especially if the married girl you love has a child. There are too many people involved in this situation, and if you realize in the process that the feelings were not entirely sincere, then it will be extremely difficult to return to the original one.

In no way am I trying to dissuade you from the venture that you are about to decide on. Situations are different and I know thousands of examples when a marriage collapsed and true happiness was built on its ruins. After all, third parties in love don't just appear. For this . However, first of all, you need to weigh everything and understand yourself.

Don't try to understand why you love this woman. You will never know the true answer. Love is beyond analysis. The only thing that needs to be convinced now is the willingness to endure all the consequences together, despite the difficulties.

Of course, everything can turn out as you like, life is unpredictable, perhaps your woman will choose another man in the end, even if you think that she loves you too. There are too many factors influencing the decision. At this stage, you must make a firm decision to change your own life and for that.

child question

If your chosen one has children, you should think about them too. Even if everything works out, she will probably want to communicate, and maybe live with them. If you are not ready to accept a woman with children or hope that she will give up her child for the sake of a relationship with you, it is better not to make any attempts to get closer.

You can only be held responsible for your actions. Do not build illusions and do not make decisions for other people. Subsequently, this can become a serious cause for controversy.

A woman is inseparable from her babies. Let not now, but a little later it will become a very important issue and problem. It is you who will be to blame for it, according to the girl. Isn't that the reason to?

Your family

I repeat that you can only be held responsible for your actions. If you have a wife, then before considering the idea of ​​a woman, you must clearly decide that you want to leave the family. Recognize that you can no longer continue to live as before and want to change everything or give up your idea.

There is a significant difference between "leaving the family" and "leaving another woman." In the second case, you can be very disappointed when you start comparing and analyzing past and current relationships. You shouldn't do this at all.

If everything suits you and you just want to try something new, it will not end well. A little later, you will begin to reproach the new woman with the fact that for her sake you destroyed such a happy marriage, and after a while you yourself will believe in this idea.

You must understand that even if you do not want or cannot live with a particular girl, it is better to be alone. If you agree with this thought, then your decision is more meaningful. It will bring more benefits, no matter how the situation develops further.

Step forward

If, after all the thought, you remained true to your decision, then it's time to talk with the married woman you like. This is already a question concerning two people, and only you together have the right to decide how to live on.

If you have any questions, it is better to seek personal advice from a psychologist.

I also recommend that you read the book "Life after divorce" Elena Elfimova. Your chosen one will have a difficult period, if everything goes well, you will need to support and understand her. Men and women often speak different languages, so the book will definitely not be useless.

That's all for me. See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Why such pain, such happiness -
Loving you now is like stealing
To be poisoned by sweet poison, dying
And tear the soul, living quarter!

I love you, I always want to be with you
No hiding, no hiding, no fear
One day to become a nobody among passers-by,
Without a trace in a past life, dissolving ...

You go home again
I will look after
How yours melts in the night
Attractive silhouette.
Your husband is waiting for you there
Boiling tea on the stove...
This is how the unity of souls
Broken randomly...

Who said it's illegal to love married people?
Who came up with: “To love married people is a sin”?
For love, who built the forbidden zone?
Only a hypocrite who does not know Love.

Don't rush to outlaw Love.
She is not subject to either court or rumor.
For her there are no barriers, passports and cordons,
Because it either exists or it doesn't.

You can't sell or buy Love at the market,
Do not humiliate her, do not smear in the mud,
Because Love is above gossip, scandals.
According to fate, you carry it gratefully.

Cherish Love like a bird of paradise.
If you hurt with a word, it will flutter, it will fly away from you.
Fly away and leave a friend - a habit,
And the stamp in the passport does not prohibit this.

Without Love, the sun and rainbows of colors fade.
Inspiration will leave - poems die.
Life priceless will seem in vain.
And sins will become immeasurably heavy.

You are looking for and maybe Love will return.
And it doesn't matter where you meet her and when.
Will return a tired, wounded bird
And live in your heart forever!

Don't you dare call Love "illegal"!
She has rights in the mortal world for happiness!
Is it better for everyone to be indifferent to the law?
Illegal, legal - empty words!

Boundless or passionate, crazy, huge ...
Whatever the rumor, you name it.
If people are happy, then everything is according to the law.
According to the law of holy and great Love!

Across the street is your house
I will pass under the windows
And lives with his family in it
Black infection.
The Beauty Wife
nimble man,
How I like her!
I'm stuck, fool!

You met me not by chance in life,
I have never seen such women!
You revived the world of extinct thoughts
I started dreaming and thinking about you alone.
You are a holiday of everyday life, you are my joy!
Not in body, but in soul, they are close to you!
You are happiness! You are a favorite, a reward!
But for what actions I do not know, alas.
And I'm married, even though I'm not happy with my wife.
I will know happiness with you, my love!
Maybe we'll be together soon...
I hope that my dream is mutual!

Beautiful poems for a beautiful married woman

I'm standing at the bus stop
I'm waiting for someone else's wife.
I'm embarrassed to call her
Suddenly I hear more than one.
And she, who fools her husband,
My heart was torn out!
Kiss, bewitch -
Let's have fun together

Married. Stand! Don't touch.
Where is my husband? While on a business trip.
No! I won't date anyone.
And the separation? --- So ... for training.

Married. Yes Yes. What jokes?!
No, it doesn't change. Loves. I believe.
Oh, out of place your jokes!
Will he suddenly go to another? - The doors are open.

No, there will be no screams, scenes, tantrums.
What do I keep? I hope that love
The one that is larger than Africa and America,
The one with a gentle song - to the headboard.

Married. For how long? - Forever.
(So, at least I would like to).
You say happiness is fleeting?
Excuse me, what's the matter with you?

Married. No, I'm not afraid of confession.
No, not tired. No, not a burden.
Ah, leave your pretensions,
Don't waste time and money.

I am married. MARRIED. Married!
How do I live? - Yes, the best! Believe!
I have a holiday with him, even a weekday dinner.
Forever? --- YES! Until death!

How hard it is to understand a loved one
That until the end I will not be yours,
But that doesn't stop me from wanting
You, and to be closer and dearer,

Than for another who is my destiny
Alas, for a long time he considers himself
And I want to be with you with all my heart!
I only dream about this, my dear!

I love you and I know that you are a fool
After all, you have long been married to someone else.
Everything is right, everything is right, yes, everything is right!
I can handle your attraction!
But if you just take a quick look
And smile at me a little warmer -
I'll drop everything, I'll run back to you,
To you, that I have all relatives in the world!

You just do not lose faith in happiness.
Sadness will go away, and grief will be forgotten.
Don't be discouraged and don't be discouraged.

And it can't be otherwise.
Otherwise, the heart will cease to live.
Is it difficult?! - Let it cry.
But never forget how to love!

Everything will come true, everything will certainly come true.
All bad things will eventually pass.
You believe in yourself - and everything will work out in life:
And happiness will come, and love will come.

And it simply cannot be otherwise.
In life, everyone was given to us by fate
The person who can give us happiness.
You look around - he is next to you.

Everything will come true, everything will certainly come true.
Putting life itself all in its place.
What is destined to happen to us in it will happen.
What we believe in is what we will...

Love... Well, why are you so cruel?
Why are you leaning towards
Whose gaze I catch languid, with a languishing,
Hiding... And do nothing!

You can’t change the harsh way:
Forbidden are our feelings, our pain...
We hide, we rush to meet again ...
And all of it is cruel love!

I will play happiness for you.
I will return time for you.
I will burn with passion for you
And I will forget the losses.

I will play a memory for you
And I will throw back the insults.
I will learn to rule fate -
So exquisitely quivering in appearance.

I'll throw fairy tales for you.
I will put a price on love.
I will cut all my masks
And forget the way to the stage.

I can do a lot for you.
I will play joy for you.
I will find my way to you
Where all life is left.

I feel like I'm between two fires
And my heart is torn to pieces.
I'm sinking deeper and deeper,
And my happiness has a bitter taste.

Cold mind argues with the power of feelings,
To whom to give, I do not know, preference.
I'm afraid to lose both of you.
And who will tell me where is my salvation?

My angel, you're leaving again now,
After all, the husband is at home, and you are with him until the morning
Fall asleep in an embrace under the autumn rain,
And all problems have sunk yesterday.
And I'm sitting and peeling an orange,
And maybe I'll get drunk from despair.
I am again, as in the desert, I am alone,
And in the morning without you I'll wake up again ...

You are a stranger, but still mine
At least for this hour!
Love, do not melt groans,
Without closing your eyes!
Kiss your lips like a pomegranate
Whisper words of love!
Go and come back
Do not tear love, do not tear!

Poems for a beloved married woman

I know my love will be judged
I know that neither God nor people will understand,
The fact that on such a big planet,
I could not meet another love.

But this is a secret that lives in the soul.
Those who have not loved will not understand suffering.
No, I'm not complaining, I'm happy with fate,
Thank you for bringing us together!

I can not live without you!
Me and in the rain without you-dry,
I'm in the heat without you - to be ashamed,
Without you, Moscow is a wilderness!

I'm without you every hour, a year,
If it were time to grind fractions;
I even have a blue sky
Seems like stone without you.

I don't want to know anything
Weakness of friends, strength of enemies.;
I don't want to wait
Except your precious steps!

I think about you, Lapulia, even at night,
"I love" from the heart beats right through my whiskey,
The world that was before you is torn, now to shreds,
And in the new - happiness dances everywhere,

After all, you are with me, I feel you, touch you ...
Oh, for a reason you appeared in my destiny!
Now I close my eyes and smile stupidly -
I thought about you a hundred times in five minutes...

You're like a persistent fragrance
Which is never forgotten
And I'm madly, very glad
That our meeting is repeated.

You hooked - with one glance,
And I fell in love like a boy
You are always there for me.
You are like a storm, a hurricane.

My desires are fulfilled
And it's all because of you.
And these stars are lit
Dear, just for you!

I so want to scream about that big love
Which with you I just got to know
But I can't reveal the secret to anyone,
Only I told the sky about feelings.

I'm afraid that you won't come to me tomorrow,
I know happiness is really very unsteady,
I keep love in secret, I burn myself inside,
And I cry with my soul, but there is a smile on my lips.