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» How to prove to a girl that you love her: useful tips. Proof of Love How to Show Love to a Girl

How to prove to a girl that you love her: useful tips. Proof of Love How to Show Love to a Girl

Give flowers. It may sound like a cliché, but nothing can say "I love you" like a beautiful bouquet of flowers. However, here you have to try a little - do not buy the cheapest bouquet on the market near your house. Ask friends or family for her favorite type of flowers and have them delivered to her home.

  • To add more romance, attach a romantic note to the flowers. It can be something short and sweet, like "beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl," or something more authentic, like a romantic quote from a poem or song.
  • If you're broke right now, don't worry. You do not need to buy the most expensive and rare flowers. In fact, a single red rose or a freshly picked bouquet of wildflowers can be infinitely more romantic than a regular bouquet picked by a florist in a shop.


"To be romantic means try your best do something unexpected for your partner."

Psychologist (love and relationships)

Sarah Shewitz, PsyD is a psychologist with over 10 years of experience helping couples and individuals improve and change their behavior in love and relationships. She is the founder of Couples Learn, an online psychological counseling service.

Psychologist (love and relationships)

  • Prepare a romantic dinner for your girlfriend. You can show your love to a girl by taking a little time and putting in a little effort to make her happy, like cooking her favorite meal. If you have been dating her for a long time, you probably know very well what she likes. Don't try to cook something very difficult if you've never done it before. Add even more romance - beautifully set the table, light candles and turn on background music to set the mood.

    • You can let her know about your plans and offer to dress up for dinner, or you can surprise her - just make sure that she will be home on time and will definitely come alone!
    • Don't worry if you're not a chef, effort matters. However, if you're worried about whether your food is even edible, you might want to practice on family or friends first.
  • Write her a love letter. A letter is a really romantic way to show her that you love her and that she will remember for a very long time. This is especially good for those who find it difficult to express their feelings in words - you just need to take a pen and let your heart speak for you. You can give the letter to her in person or mail it for an even bigger surprise.

    • Get inspired by the words of great authors like Shakespeare, Byron or Emily Dickinson if you're having a hard time starting your letter, or find famous romantic quotes you can use in your letter.
    • You can write her a sweet email or message, but there's nothing like good old-fashioned romance.
    • Alternatively, if you want to be more creative, you can express your feelings in a song or poem. You can sing the song in person or record it and send it to her if you're a little shy.
  • Plan the perfect date. Take the lead and plan a romantic evening just for the two of you. You can use the classic dinner and movie scenario, recreate your first date, or take her to where you first met. The time and effort put into preparing this special date will pay off in her reaction, and she will see how much you care about her.

    • Try to think more about what she likes and not about you - for example, you do not need to take her to bowling if you know that she likes ice skating more.
    • Try to find a creative approach based on her interests and hobbies. If she enjoys being active, go hiking or play paintball. If she likes to have fun, take her to an amusement park. If she likes music and theatre, buy tickets for a concert or play.
  • Compliment her. It is very easy. If you really love a girl, it will not be a problem for you to find 101 reasons to love her and compliment her. Can compliment her appearance: something she's proud of, like her long shiny hair or lovely green eyes, or something she cares about, like her curves or her chipped smile. However, you don't need to focus on her looks, you need to compliment her best features or her actions.

    • For example, you can tell her that you love her kind heart and that she is always ready to help others, or tell her how well she did at her last competition or meeting at work.
    • Compliments should always be sincere. If you tell her a lie, she may understand that you are lying, and then the effect will be just the opposite. Be sincere and real.
  • Make a surprise. Surprises are a great way to show a girl that you thought about her and are ready to do anything to make her smile. You don't have to plan a huge party or buy her a puppy or anything (although that might be a good idea under some circumstances!). The surprise could be your visit with a bucket of ice cream and her favorite movie if she had a bad day, or a note left in her purse or under her pillow so she can find it at the most unexpected moment.

    • Some girls don't really like surprises, so to make sure everything goes well, try to find out how she feels or give her a few little hints before you do something crazy.
    • Such a step will only work if the surprise is good - it is better not to show up on her doorstep with a tattoo in the form of her face or with the news of moving to another city. Such surprises are not very encouraging.
  • Tell the girl that you love her. If you really love this girl, the easiest, most direct way to do this is to just tell her. You don't have to write a song or dance about it or rent a big "I love you" banner, you just have to wait until you have an intimate moment alone and say three to her. short words, seriously and sincerely.

    • The very words "I love you" are a little scary, so try saying something with the same meaning, such as "I think I'm falling in love with you" or something hackneyed like: "You stole my heart." She will understand.
    • If this is your first time saying these words, don't be discouraged if she doesn't respond in kind right away. She may need more time to digest the information. Remember that "I love you" is not a question to be answered.
    • On the other hand, she can be beside herself with happiness if you work up the courage to tell her how you feel and jump at the possibility of saying the same words back to you. You'll never know if you don't try!
  • Most of the representatives of the stronger sex do not like to show any strong emotions, they are reserved and calm, but the girls, on the contrary, are very sentimental and love various signs of attention. Sometimes there comes a period in a relationship when a woman wants her man to prove his love to her, show that he needs her and is not indifferent. Many men are immediately lost and do not know what to do in this difficult situation. In our article, you will be able to familiarize yourself with several simple advice that will help you.

    What is necessary for a strong relationship with a girl?

    If you want the relationship with your lover to last for a long time, and then grow into something more, then you need to constantly show small signs of attention, show the girl your interest in her person, etc. To do this, you need to do the following:

    • give luxurious bouquets of flowers (and it’s not easy on holidays for show, but do it as often as possible, and sometimes for no reason, for example, you can tell a girl: “these beautiful flowers are for you, just because I just have you”, etc. .P);
    • buy your favorite sweets, soft toys, various postcards, because real relationships begin with little things;
    • when leaving the bus or metro, always give a hand - become a reliable support for your soulmate in everything and always;
    • before getting into the car, first open the door to your girlfriend and find out how comfortable it is for her to be there - whether it is blowing from the window, or whether it is too hot, etc.;
    • in a restaurant or cafe, always move your chair back and invite her to sit down at the table first;
    • always let the lady go first;
    • when meeting, try to smile as much as possible, even if you are in a bad mood or in some kind of trouble;
    • be interested in her affairs, ask about any immediate plans - girls are very fond of sharing such information with guys, this will greatly bring you closer;
    • if you want to give her some original gift, you can try to bake a cake or cupcake on your own, on which you write beautiful romantic words;
    • on weekends, invite the girl to a picnic, to a restaurant, cinema or theater, spend as much time as possible together.
    For harmonious and strong relationships, mutual trust and warm communication are needed.

    Proof of love for a girl

    A man must constantly conquer his woman, and not only the one with whom he recently began to meet, but also his own wife. The key to strong family relationships is the manifestation of interest, first of all, from the representative of the stronger sex. Next, we will tell you how to properly prove your love to a girl or woman. There are several tricky ways.

    Joint plans for the future

    How serious are your intentions for the girl will accurately show your joint plans for the near future. Women love to discuss the upcoming move to a new apartment, the purchase of furniture, the choice of wallpaper and much more, and even more so if she does this in the company of a loved one. Talk to the girl about a possible joint trip, about a wedding, family life. Such conversations with 100% probability will be able to prove to your chosen one how seriously and decisively you are set in her address.

    Getting to know the parents

    Not every young man decides to get acquainted with the parents of his girlfriend. After all, for this step, the guy’s intentions towards the girl must be really serious. Prepare thoroughly for such an acquaintance: buy beautiful trousers and a shirt, find out what flowers your mother loves, find out about your father's hobbies and proceed from this information when choosing a gift. You need to make a lasting impression on her parents. No less "strong" step will be the meeting of the girl with your parents. Thus, you can definitely prove your feelings to your beloved woman.

    Compliments and confessions

    You need to prove your love not only with any one serious act, but also constantly, for example, expressing your feelings with beautiful words or confessions. Everyone knows that “a woman loves with her ears”, so give your beloved compliments as often as possible, tell her that you love her, that you are crazy about her eyes, etc. Write poems in SMS, on paper, etc.

    to make a girl a pleasant surprise, you need to sincerely and originally confess your love to her

    Love in the distance

    There are such difficult situations in life when lovers cannot be together, but at the same time they do not want to lose each other. For example, you had to go on a long business trip, and your girlfriend stayed at home. Do not despair. After all, everything is in your hands. Plan your long-distance courtship in advance. Order the delivery of balloons, flowers and your love confession in the form of a letter in the holiday agency, which will be enclosed in a bouquet. The girl will come to the "wild" delight from such a surprise.

    If you live at a great distance from each other and cannot see each other often, then try to show your feelings by frequent calls, SMS messages, send paper letters to your beloved, etc. But, nevertheless, it is worth trying to live with your beloved together, having overcome even the longest path of several thousand kilometers.

    An offer of marriage

    The most direct and true proof of a man's love for a woman is a marriage proposal. Make this moment unforgettable. Make a thorough preparation, think over every little thing so that your girlfriend is sure that you love her and will never let her go.

    If you are trying to choose how to prove love and serious intentions to your girlfriend, then the main thing is to pay attention to her character, the duration of your relationship with her, and many other factors. Be attentive, gallant and eloquent (after all, women simply adore this), and the rest will be a pleasant addition that will make your couple happy and strong.

    In a relationship with a girl, situations often arise when you need to prove love in practice. Any mistake, inaccuracy or inattentive approach, and your beloved can immediately feel the heaviness and begin to claim that you do not love her. However, a way out of this predicament is also possible with dignity: there are many ways to prove to a girl that you love her.

    A little fantasy, imagination, creativity and knowledge of the character traits of her beloved and her preferences - and she is already firmly convinced of strong sincere love.

    And it should be in its place. If you consider your girlfriend to be the dearest and most beloved loved one, your soul mate, then you must do everything necessary to make her feel the only one, loved and desired. After all, the relationship of a couple in love is not a standard and not a ready-made template, it is the daily hard work of two interested people.

    Keep yourself constantly

    At the beginning of a relationship with his soul mate, every man gives her gorgeous bouquets and constantly says words of love. Attachment to each other grows stronger every hour, and in the soul of each ignited once, a trembling fire of happy passion flares up. The days filled with the presence in each other's lives flow in their own way, and now you have begun to slowly get used to your beloved.

    Many men, having won the heart of their beauty, immerse themselves in everyday life or go headlong into work. They begin to think that if they have achieved the location of the heart of their lady, then it is already possible to relax and move on with life.

    This way of thinking is not very correct. Most likely, the beloved has long felt and felt yours, but it is still necessary to maintain the flame of a living relationship, otherwise it will simply go out and feelings will go out. Remember the first flights on the wings of love more often and reinforce your and her feelings with a breath of fresh air.

    Do not neglect the simplest surprises and gifts, kind words giving sweet memories and letting her feel the full power of your love.

    The meaning of love for both

    Left alone and delving into your own thoughts, define what love means specifically for you. Try to compare your idea with the perception of the chosen one. Often the problems of a couple's relationship are hidden precisely in different understandings of the meaning of love.

    You try to find compromises and combine your opinions into one, if they do not agree on everything. When proving your love to a girl, rely on her understanding of this phenomenon.

    Feel free to talk about love with your chosen one: joint discussions bring you closer and help you find a common ground. No need to be afraid to seem stupid and funny to her - the main thing is to be as open and sincere as possible.

    Do not forget that the fair sex love with ears, and they madly like to hear about their attractiveness, kindness of soul and that she is dearly loved. There are never too many compliments for a lady, and even more so, love confessions!

    How to prove your love

    Words are one thing: they are certainly important in a relationship, but it is also unnecessary to forget about actions. But another thing is proof.

    Give small signs and displays of attention:

    • Give bouquets;
    • Bring her favorite candy;
    • Buy soft toys;
    • Give a hand when getting off the bus;
    • Open the car door in front of her;
    • Skip forward;
    • Meet her gaze with a smile and hold yours on hers.

    You can come up with or think of original ways to express your love. Such amazing moments are remembered for a long time and leave a warm mark in the soul:

    • Make your own cake with an inscription about his love for her;
    • Make a gift cake from cardboard: put a small surprise and a compliment or wish in each piece-box;
    • Make a bottle of medicine from a bad mood: put sweets in it and leaflets wrapped in tubes and tied with ribbons with warm words;
    • Develop a quest game with tasks so that at each point your loved one will have a surprise and further instructions for actions. And at the end, she must find a box with a gift and a love letter;
    • Invite .

    Surely such actions on your part will touch the girl to the core, this will be the best element of proof of love for her.

    Make plans for the future

    The seriousness of your intentions in a relationship with a girl is the best way to prove conversations and making plans for the future. No need to be afraid of it: assumptions and dreams about life together liberate and make the two even closer. Even if your lady seems to be an incorrigible bachelor, such conversations will surely seem pleasant to her, because somewhere, even in the farthest corner of her heart, she understands that in the future you still need to start a family.

    Many women are touched by the dreamy stories of their loved ones, in which the upcoming life of both of them is painted in every detail. family life. And if during such a conversation you touch on the topic of children, then there is no doubt that you have acquired your sweetheart for yourself.

    However, here it should exercise caution and learn more about the character and temperament of the beloved, as well as take into account the age and try to take actions according to the situation. A girl under twenty years old can be repulsed by such talk about children.

    Today, the mores are completely different and the outlook on life has changed radically. But still, the guy’s desire to get to know the relatives of his beloved missus can raise him in her eyes and be taken quite seriously. This will serve as another proof of their feelings.

    The course of action is simple: use every opportunity to ask the sweetheart to introduce you to her parents .

    1. Try to behave decently and be friendly, attentive, courteous in order to make a positive impression in her house. After all, the building of relationships in the future may largely depend on what people close to the girl will think about you. However, be careful not to overdo it with courtesy, otherwise you can alienate people. behave naturally, simply, openly.
    2. Prepare for the meeting carefully: try to find out about the interests and characteristics of each family member. What are their hobbies, what is best to talk to them about, what kind of flowers does mom like to receive as a gift, will the youngest member of the family be happy with a candy or a small toy.
    3. Showing attention to relatives, do not forget about your chosen one, so as not to offend her and not undermine confidence in your love.

    By seeing the seriousness, the thoughtfulness, the genuine interest of the family, and the thrill of the visit, your loved one will realize how important this really is to you.

    Propose a hand and a heart

    There comes a phase of a relationship when you need to make serious decisions about how to connect your lives. If the relationship has already reached a high level and it is felt that only a wedding is possible further, then there is no need to wait here. To make such a decision, of course, you need to be sure of the correctness of your choice.

    Alternatively, you can prove your love to your girlfriend,.

    A marriage proposal, and even more so in an original form, will be an unsurpassed proof of your passionate and eternal love.

    Arrange a romantic candlelit evening, a boat trip or a short trip to a resort town for two, and think of how you can deliver three cherished words “marry me” in an unusual way.

    Remember the main thing: when choosing ways to prove to a girl that you love her, you need to act according to the situation, according to the nature and depth of your relationship. Remember to talk about your love and show it always, at every opportunity. It is also important to understand in time that.

    Video: proof of love

    In youth, everyone believes in great and bright love, opening their hearts for that one, most beloved and desired, without demanding anything in return. But time passes, we are disappointed, new relationships come and go, and we can no longer believe in the existence of love, we constantly strive for its evidence, we check the feelings of the chosen one, trying to understand if there is love in his heart at all.

    And although we know that love should simply be accepted as a valuable gift, we often laugh at those who sincerely love us, and love the one who is not worthy, because the more we are disappointed and lose hope in a relationship, the harder and our heart becomes rougher, and we can no longer understand whether it loves or not, constantly demanding proof and confirmation of love.

    What actions to show your feelings for a girl

    It often happens that young people meet, build their relationship, but the girl does not trust the guy, doubting the sincerity and depth of love feelings, and the guy sets himself the goal of how to prove his love to his girlfriend, dispelling all her doubts. When the relationship develops evenly and calmly, the girl becomes bored, and after watching a beautiful film or reading a novel about love, she thinks about whether she has love, whether her young man experiences such feelings and waits for him to show and prove it.

    To prove his feelings, the guy needs to talk about his love and admiration for the chosen one, so that she does not forget how she is loved - you should not consider this a banality, since words about love have been spoken in all ages, and he dreams of hearing these ardent confessions and any girl now. Bouquets of flowers, gifts, soft toys and perfumes will also serve as proof of tender feelings, and for special moments and holidays you can buy something valuable, showing your willingness to give your girlfriend the best - silver and gold items, rings and chains - girls adore jewelry.

    You can arrange an intimate candlelit dinner in a cozy place, or invite you to a romantic date in a chic restaurant - such events will add variety to your relationship, will be appreciated and will not let you get bored.

    Now young couples prefer holidays in other countries - trips to a hot exotic country, a tour of Europe or other beautiful countries will be a romantic and unforgettable gift for a loved one.

    If a girl dreams of an active and extreme journey, then you can go to the mountains, try to skydive or take a cruise on a yacht, such a vacation will bring unforgettable impressions, memories and strengthen your relationship, because you will experience something exciting, feeling a surge of adrenaline together - which can be even better and more original?

    If it is not possible to leave the city, a declaration of love on the radio on her favorite wave will do, or you can order a huge banner in the city center with her best photo and a fiery declaration of your feelings.

    Don't know how to prove your love for a girl every day? It should manifest itself in small things, in such simple actions as giving up a seat in a public place, giving a hand when getting out of a car, skipping forward when entering the door, as well as kisses when meeting and parting - all these traditional trifles and signs of attention will not let you doubt in your love and respect and will talk about your gallantry and good upbringing, and the girl will feel protected and feminine.

    How to prove your love to a young man

    If a guy was disappointed in love and girls, and his former relationship failed and hurt him, the young man will not soon be able to believe in the sincere feelings of the girl again, and will want proof of these feelings. In this case, it is necessary to act and take some measures, otherwise the relationship will reach a dead end and stop.

    Girls do not talk about love first, for some reason this is not accepted, and it is believed that a guy should take the first step, but you can answer him love confessions their own, and not be silent, but also talk about their feelings.

    Having set ourselves the task of how you can prove your love for a guy, it can be achieved if the girl takes care, especially if he is ill or in trouble - you need to put aside all your affairs and be there, supporting and helping him in difficult times, - you need to be always with him, in moments of joy and sadness, not paying attention to his condition, helping and morally supporting.

    If you are in the company of young people, you should not start talking or flirting with other guys in front of his eyes - such behavior is unacceptable and cannot speak of the seriousness of the girl's feelings, but can cause misunderstanding or jealousy of the guy. Also, do not raise your voice at him, especially in public, or do something that annoys him - this will only cause him negative emotions and lead to a quarrel or scandal.

    If a girl loves a guy, then she needs to accept him as he is, loving all his qualities or habits and not trying to change him. And in case of noticing shortcomings or blunders, it is better to keep silent about them, because ideal people do not exist, in life we ​​tend to make mistakes and recognize our shortcomings, we need to learn from them, not allowing them in the future.

    All men love to eat deliciously - a good proof of love and care will be the cooking of his favorite dish or airy pastries with his own hands - he will definitely appreciate it, and will take into account that you are a wonderful hostess, and having connected his life with yours, he will enjoy fresh delicious every day food and cozy environment. You can also give him any trinket - a cup, your photo, or, knowing what he is fond of, something valuable and dear to him - football tickets or going to the cinema for a new movie - men also love gifts and appreciate them very much, having received them from beloved hands. Well, and most importantly - to really experience such a wonderful feeling of love, how to prove it to a guy then it will not be difficult.

    Cherish the love

    Love really needs to be fueled from time to time by deeds, performing some small feats of life and doing good deeds for your loved one, it is important not to go too far this fine line by doing them daily, but you should not forget about the pleasant little things for your loved one - the main thing is to Asking for a new item or going to a restaurant didn't feel like manipulation or extortion, turning into a habit.

    In a relationship, you need to believe in your love, appreciate and cherish it, live for each other without demanding anything in return, show your feelings, because this is a gift from above that all people dream of knowing and feeling, and proofs of your love must be made to fuel relationships, doing things that will show how dear this person is to you, how wonderful it is to experience such a great feeling.

    Be sincerely grateful to your soul mate for those deeds that are done in the name of love, love faithfully and do not ask for "mountains of gold" as proof that it does not require any proof, because love must be cherished like a thin crystal ball, like a delicate rose, and be able to carry this great feeling throughout life.

    Love is that wonderful feeling when there is a person dear to you nearby, and you become everything for each other. Loyalty, tenderness, passion, devotion, care, excitement, mutual assistance, common interests, joy, sorrows and events - all this is love.

    Feelings are multifaceted, as well as their manifestation. You need to love sincerely and selflessly, then everything will be clear at a glance. A girl is a quivering and vulnerable creature, she must be treated like an expensive treasure, valued, protected, taken care of. And she definitely needs to be reminded of her feelings both in words and deeds.

    How to prove your love to a girl with words

    Everyone knows the saying that a girl loves with her ears, and this is the true truth. Each representative of the fair sex wants to be the center of attention of her chosen one and find confirmation of his love in words. How to please your loved one:

    • Give her compliments more often. Appearance is something that a lady is always proud of. Simple words about beautiful facial features and praise of a new outfit or hairstyle will also please. A man is the main connoisseur of female beauty, so your half tries to look good first of all for you.
    • Remind yourself of your love. Not often, so that the words do not lose their special meaning, but not rarely either. Tell her what you appreciate in her, why you love her, how special and desirable she is for you.
    • Try not to compare her to other women. Such words can hurt your ego and give rise to the suspicion that you pay too much attention to others.
    • Say "we". Beloved will be happy to hear that you consider you as a whole, and make all decisions together. This speaks of your trust and seriousness of intentions.

    Things to do to prove love

    Words can deceive, deeds never. Since ancient times, knights have performed feats and beautiful deeds for the sake of their ladies. Times have changed, courtship too, but determination and the desire to show one's attitude in practice are valued no less. Important steps in showing feelings:

    • Spend a lot of time together. Take your beloved to the cinema, theater, for a walk in the park, have a picnic, go to a disco. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to choose among them what she likes.
    • Give the girl flowers. Trite? Perhaps, but that doesn't make it any less important. Flowers cheer up for a long time. Give different ones, with or without reason, and you will not be left without gratitude.
    • Don't forget romance. An evening on the river bank, coffee in bed in the morning, collages of joint photos, hand-made valentines, launching air lanterns - all these bright moments that will remain in her memory for a long time.
    • Support her. In difficult times, you must be there, support, reassure, inspire hope. Knowing that you will never let her down or leave her, she will feel confident, like behind a stone wall, and will not dare to doubt your feelings.
    • Do something together. Common activities and interests always bring together, which means that you feel good together and enjoy each other's company.