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» I want my ex husband to come back. Ex wants me - what to do? Relationship psychology

I want my ex husband to come back. Ex wants me - what to do? Relationship psychology

It would seem that fatal and last words have been said for a long time, and the man who was dear has remained in the past, received the nickname "former", and now you want only one thing - so that nothing reminds of him, so that you can start building your own personal life anew, from scratch.

An no. Despite the fact that he himself made the decision to part, the man continues to call, constantly finds a reason to meet, visits your page on social networks and asks all mutual friends about what is happening to you and if you have a new boyfriend.

What is this? Awareness of one's own mistake and the desire to return? Or is it just behavior from the series: I myself am not am, and I won’t give to others? That's what we'll talk about today. As well as whether it is worth taking a step forward or is it better to change the phone number and finally leave this man in the past, like, leaving, leave.

How to understand that the ex wants to return

A man wants to be in your life if he is not just calling or showing curiosity by talking to your acquaintances. He also takes active steps, at least he shows that he is ready for them. For example, he constantly offers his help, it is important for him how your plumbing works, whether all the lights are on, whether it will be difficult for you to drag heavy bags from the store before some holiday. Just remember that if he really wants to return, then the initiative comes solely from himself, and not as a response to your request, since ex-wife or a girlfriend, not only the one who wants to build relationships with her again does not refuse to help, but also the one who is simply well-educated.

Another sign that the former wants to become the current one is the realization of one's own mistakes and an attempt to correct them. Anyone who tries to enter the same river a second time draws conclusions from the past and does not behave as he once did. He tries to re-win a woman, commits acts unusual for him. And regardless of whether he left himself, or it was you who sent him into retirement. Only those who are ready to change in order to be with a woman again truly want to return.

Although we must immediately make a reservation that there are some individuals who, having once abandoned a woman, and then, without arranging their personal life with someone else, believe that their desire alone is enough for the woman to accept them again. Such a man simply comes and says: here I am, love me and favor me. That is, he believes that he is such a gift that a woman will be happy only because he again paid attention to her. In this case, you need to run away from such a man, otherwise after a while he will again go on a free voyage, again nothing, or rather, he will not find anyone, he will return, and you will wait and forgive, and, accordingly, will be unhappy.

A sign that a man still wants to be with you is his desire for an open dialogue. The one who is silent, who does not voice his plans and feelings, does not yet know what he wants, or it is convenient for him to use his ex-wife(beloved), for example, to satisfy their sexual needs, without promising anything in return.

And not always a man speaks about his plans and feelings directly, it can be hints and reservations. Indeed, at its core, a man is a proud beast, and it is difficult for him to immediately admit that he was once wrong. Although if he does not voice anything at all, this is a reason to be wary, this is where the "dog in the manger" syndrome may manifest itself. That is, he may not need you at all, he simply cannot bear to think that you will be with someone else.

How to help your ex get back

If you are sure that you want your ex-husband the rank is back, don't play cat and mouse with him. Be sincere and open. A man should feel that you have forgiven him (and this is very difficult, because resentment does not just go away). And since a man first of all loves with his eyes, then you should meet him every time with a smile and a dazzling appearance - well-groomed hands, beautiful clothes, elegant hair and makeup. And under no circumstances should you complain about your life. The only thing you can afford is to hint to a man that you feel bad or hard without him. But to hint.

You don’t have to do a favor to a man - like, of course, I’m offended and hurt, and in general, I get along fine without you, but if you really want to ... This behavior backfires. A man, no matter how much you want it, does not begin to feel his guilt more acutely, on the contrary, he begins to look for no longer a reason to return, but reasons why he should not do this or do not want to. And this happens due to the fact that a man subconsciously feels that you, having gained power over him, will constantly remind him that he left, and then “crawled himself”, you will play on this situation, use it for your own purposes . Of course, it would be easier for you if you could hurt him equally, but this is a dead end in a relationship, and, sooner or later, such a relationship will end again, only for good.

You can also show your readiness to accept a man back with the help of tactile contact, that is, with the help of touches. But here we must act very delicately (generally, in this problem, delicacy is the first thing). Do not obsessively try to take your ex-man by the hand or hug him by the shoulders when you pass by to put the kettle on. It is quite enough when talking sometimes to lightly touch his fingertips with his hand. It is also appropriate to hug him at a meeting (if he comes to your house) - cordially and easily, as if in passing. And withdraw immediately. This is a signal - you are glad to see him, ready to start a dialogue.
If there is a place in your house where your ex-man is most comfortable, then take him there - this way you will show him that "his territory" is still waiting for him. The exception, of course, is the bedroom itself, that is, you can put it on the sofa in the living room, even if this sofa is your sleeping place, but bringing it into a room where there is only a double bed and a wardrobe is not recommended. In the bedroom, a man’s thoughts rush not to the future, but to a specific present, that is, straight down, and this is already an invitation to sex, and not a help to a man to return. True, in a certain situation, sex can also serve as a help, but only if up to this point you have in every possible way avoided intimacy with this man.

When not to help and forgive

As mentioned above, first of all, you yourself should want to be with this person again, but if you have even the slightest doubt that you need it, then look for another man. And even more so, you need to think 33 times whether you want the return of the former, if there is already another man next to you who is trying his best to make you happy. And even if you don’t love him until you lose your pulse, there is no guarantee that, having accepted the former, you won’t regret in a week that you missed the person who didn’t betray you, for the sake of dubious pleasure again “stepping on the same rake ".

There are other situations:

If you are constantly given some promises, but they do not fulfill anything, then there is no need to justify the man by the fact that he simply has no time. This self-deception can take you too far. The one who wants to return everything will not “feed you breakfast”, but will act.
If a man calls you only when he is in a strong alcoholic intoxication, then you should not flatter yourself with the hope that: what a sober man has in his mind, then a drunkard has on his tongue. This is far from true. And not the subconscious at this moment speaks in a man, but loneliness or a desire to talk (or have sex).

If in conversations with you, the ex constantly mentions those women with whom he was after he broke up with you. A person who really wants to return will spare your feelings and, accordingly, will try to at least convince you that he was just leaving "nowhere." And even though you clearly know that this is not the case, his attempts at “white lies” are a good sign. If he continually returns in stories to his recent past, in which you were not there, but there were other women, then he regrets precisely that time, and not about his past life with you.

If a man says that he wants to return everything, that he wants to return and be with you, and in the meantime he prefers to spend time not with you, but with his friends, at work or in a sports club, that is, he does not put your interests above his own. In this case, he only cares about his own comfort, and he wants to return to you precisely because you are part of a comfortable life (clean shirts, hot food, regular sex). This is a manifestation of selfishness, and we are not talking about any love here by definition. He does not want to return to you, he does not care who will be there, just not to be lonely and unkempt.

In general, the issue of return former man- a slippery question. On the one hand, maybe fate gives you both a second chance for happiness, and if you use it, nothing will separate you. But on the other hand, according to statistics, only 1 out of 20 couples after reunification live together for more than 3 years. Therefore, it is worth accepting the former only if you yourself are ready to forget about the past, that is, do not remember past grievances, do not reproach or blame the man. Two must change. You should not think that, upon returning, a man automatically becomes your thing, falls into eternal slavery to you. And that he, feeling guilty, will put up with any of your whims. And you yourself are unlikely to be able to forgive him for a new betrayal. Therefore, a man should also understand that from now on he will have to carefully work on relationships with you. So only a joint desire to be together and work in the name of this goal will make the second attempt successful and, perhaps, bring happiness.

Hello friends! In this article, I want to tell you about how to get your ex-husband back without resorting to violence) Ie. your loved one will ask you to return to him. Do you want to know how?

Of course you do! So...

He slammed the door and went on a free voyage, leaving you with nothing? Bitter and hard, but do not think that life ends there.

How to behave in order to return the sweetheart?

Let's talk about the reasons for the divorce, about your desire to return it, sort out the mistakes and consider tips for restoring the relationship.

Each of us gets used to his chosen one.

Now you are free. It seems that there is no need to defend one's innocence, there is no need to collect dirty socks around the house and drag responsibility for two - but the soul is empty as ever.

Or another situation: you were afraid of every quarrel and now you wake up lonely. You howl from longing, go to fortune-tellers, call him and spy on his page on the social network. Even if he often beat you up or, even worse, slowly destroyed your self-esteem.

In the first case, you are kept by the habit of the previous arrangement of life. You remember the old moments, which, if not ideal, then certainly stable. Are you scared to start over from scratch?

In the second option, you should think about whether your feelings are a love addiction? This state can be understood as love, but it is not fully.

In this case, you need to visit a good psychologist to understand yourself.

Children are a separate story. It is difficult to let go of even an unloved person if there is a child.

Should I keep the past?

Indeed, is it necessary to return the husband? Are there significant reasons for this?

Remember the reasons for your disagreements

  1. Maybe the roads parted a long time ago, and the gap was the only acceptable option?
  2. Or between you now and then aggression broke out?
  3. Your option (reason) for divorce

Don't try to answer this question right now. Give yourself time to weigh the pros and cons, so as not to be led by impulses that can be fatal.

To begin with, you must understand that sadness and loneliness are completely normal feelings during loss. Do not give up these states, but also allow yourself to doubt the expediency of reconnecting.

So. Your action plan.

How to get your loved one back after a divorce?

If you have made a final decision, listen to the recommendations below.

  • Understand yourself

First, take a calm look at your marriage. Evaluate all the events thoughtfully, without offense and accusations: you need to find the exact reason for the breakup.

To do this, remember what specifically annoyed your husband, try to patch up annoying gaps. So you will learn to bypass painful questions or completely reduce them to nothing.

As a final touch, evaluate how much you are willing to change for the sake of reuniting with a young man. If this requires the abandonment of desires, aspirations and worldview - perhaps he is just a stranger.

  • If the initiative is yours

What to do if you are not thrown, but yourself? Try to bring the faithful to the conversation. Just don't try to do it intrusively - it's better to make an appointment on neutral territory, where you can dot the i's.

Moreover, wait at least a week for his resentment to dull. He's probably thinking about how he'll fight you back.

The conversation should be calm and unobtrusive. Remember that pushiness is an unspoken sense of possessiveness that will play a bad joke on you.

Listen to him, do not interrupt and do not try to prove your case. Accept his point of view, then express yours in a benevolent tone. It is possible that you will be able to forgive each other and start over.

  • With a mistress

Perhaps this is the most difficult situation for an abandoned wife - if he already has another. First things first, no matter how it hurts, recognize his right to freedom. As well as your own: let's know that you are not going to become an alternate airfield.

The best place to start is with a conversation. Let your ex-husband know that you just want to find out to the end negative sides marriage. I hope you know that blackmail and pleading will only drive you apart.

The new passion cannot be criticized. You should not straightforwardly take the former away from his mistress.

It is best to pretend that you calmly accept this fact, and in general the world has not converged on it like a wedge. At the same time, do not pretend to be her role: hint at a noble, friendly relationship.

Invite him to joint events: walks with children, spending time with relatives, etc. Such a warm and neutral attitude will make him think about the correctness of his act.

But don't forget yourself! A man is not the meaning of your life. In your free time, do a hobby, surround yourself with fans and emphasize in every possible way.

  • Lack of feelings

You don't have to wait for him to leave. Even if he does not want you as a woman, this is a wake-up call.

Unfortunately, one thing can be said here: you cannot return feelings by force. Especially if the young man got married and left for another family.

It is necessary to bring the husband to a frank conversation. Having understood each other, disperse without unnecessary complaints and insults.

Sometimes it takes time to understand love. Give it to your lover. And take care of yourself: become the one he once proposed to.

He will ask you to come back

I am sure that this course can significantly help in your business. And, most likely, the former himself will come running to your house.


Human relationships are complex and multifaceted. We forget how dear to each other, and then we think how to return love.

It is not too late to meet your loved one in order to restore relations. Or at least understand the thoughts of those with whom they shared life and feelings, let go without hatred and empty hope.

Maybe start over from scratch. But this is a completely different story, and in order not to miss it, subscribe to new blog articles. A little lower there are social buttons. networks and for someone (including me) it will be very useful if you click on them. Thank you)

Love and take care of each other!

Always with you, Sasha Bogdanova

Couples converge and diverge equally often, but former lovers do not always realize that they are breaking up forever. Sometimes partners continue to communicate closely and pretend that they have become good friends sharing everyday joys and sorrows. And one day a man thinks about the fact that he broke up with his girlfriend in vain once, and decides to return the relationship. And then the confused woman frantically starts calling her friends and utters the cherished phrase “The former wants me!” hoping to get some valuable advice. Stop! Do not rush and make an important decision based on emotions. Let's try to understand the situation of departures and returns of men to former lovers.

A few words about returns

Oddly enough, but the situation from the category of "the former wants me" is repeated very often. And many women make the same mistake, hoping that the second time the relationship will turn out differently, and the couple has only a series of bright and happy days on the horizon. However, family psychologists are not so optimistic. Of course, they leave a small percentage of the successful outcome of the next return of a man to his former lover, but still note that more than eighty percent of relationships that have received a second chance end in a break and complete disappointment of partners in each other.

Why are they leaving?

So, what should an abandoned woman do when she realizes that the relationship has another chance? First of all, she should ask herself the question: “Why does the ex want me?” And perhaps, if we analyze the main reasons for the departure of men from the family.

We’ll make a reservation right away that there are quite a lot of them, but experts identify four that are most common in our reality:

1. Finding convenience

Psychologists distinguish a special category of men who are not able to make efforts to build harmonious relationships. They are always on the lookout for a convenient option to jump to.

2. Immaturity

Some representatives of the strong half of humanity, despite the outward brutality, are absolutely not ready for a serious relationship. Having plunged into everyday life, especially with the appearance of a baby in the family, they feel offended, set goals with difficulty, cannot take responsibility for certain decisions, and, in the end, follow their desires, leaving the family.

3. Outside influence

Infantile men tend to be influenced by stronger personalities. It can be close relatives, friends and even leaders. This type of men will always listen to opinions from the outside and can easily leave their beloved under pressure from others.

4. Life circumstances

Even a strong partner can make a mistake and, under the influence of certain problems, abandon the relationship. Sometimes the reason for leaving can be very good, and it will take a man time to solve the problem, weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision.

By the way, it is the men who broke off relations for the last reason that most often return.

Why are they eager to return?

"Ex wants me!" - the realization of this is dizzying even for those women who have already begun to build new relationships. A former lover suddenly appeared on the threshold, cherished words of regret and apology can turn the most icy heart into a real flame. Especially if the feelings have not cooled down yet, and so you want to start all over again. But psychologists advise against trusting your emotions. They encourage women to ask the difficult question: “Why does my ex want me back?” Unfortunately, the reason can be more than prosaic and far from girlish dreams:

  • Convenience. Most often, men return not because they have strong feelings, but only because of convenience. In separation, they may realize how well the beloved organized their life or met their sexual needs, for example. Also, a man could simply not make a new girlfriend during the breakup and simply called all the former in the hope of receiving warmth and care.
  • Sharp sensations. Some representatives of the stronger sex love relationships at the peak of emotions. To do this, they use the psychological swing, accompanied by separations and reunions. For some time, a couple can exist in this mode, but there can be no talk of a serious relationship here.
  • Ownership instinct. It is known that men are big owners. In a relationship, they want the woman to belong to them undividedly, and even after parting, they want to know that the former lover will be available to them at any moment.
  • Awareness of mistakes. In a story from the category " ex-boyfriend wants to return me” this reason for returning is the rarest and most favorable. Naturally, it does not guarantee that everything will turn out well the second time, but it still gives a high chance of happiness.

My ex wants me back: fact or speculation?

Sometimes there are quite warm relations between the former. This is possible if the separation was calm and people tried to keep only good memories of each other. However, after a while, it begins to seem to the woman that the former has the same feelings for her and is eager to return her. How to determine this for sure? We will give you some tips:

  • the former carefully hides his personal life so as not to hurt you;
  • from posts on social networks, messages and accidentally thrown words, it becomes clear that he misses;
  • he often calls for no reason;
  • tries to be closer in any company;
  • talks openly about your lost relationship, with warmth and regret in his voice;
  • in many conversations, the ex mentions that he has completely changed;
  • jealous of your friends and fans;
  • appears in any place where you can be;
  • writes and calls you every time he drinks;
  • does not forget your relatives and often communicates with them.

If you have ticked more than half of the listed signs, then you can safely say: “My ex-husband wants me!”

How to know if you need an ex

Any woman is flattered when they want her back. This raises self-esteem and gives confidence, but it is not always possible for ladies to understand their emotions and understand whether it is worth renewing relationships.

Of course, a woman must make a decision herself, but answers to the following questions can give her a hint:

  1. Are there any feelings left?
  2. How did the relationship end? (You can't go back to the person who cheated or raised their hand.)
  3. Has there been a similar situation before? (What happened twice will definitely happen again.)
  4. How serious are the man's intentions?
  5. What reasons did he give as valid arguments for returning?

If you can honestly and frankly answer these questions, you will be able to understand what to do in this situation.

How to build a relationship with an ex?

Sometimes women break up with a loved one and expect that sooner or later he will return. For them, the phrase "the former wants to see me" is not an empty phrase, but the most cherished dream. But often they do not even suspect how to properly build relationships with a departed partner in order to have a chance to renew relations:

  • behave adequately and not attempt to return him;
  • in no case do not lie, do not arouse pity and do not provoke jealousy;
  • do not lend money;
  • do not build a joint business.

Psychologists advise putting a friendly end in a relationship after a man leaves, and then love will have a second chance.

Conditions for a successful relationship

Are you wondering if you should give your ex a second chance? Then remember the three conditions under which partners get the opportunity to be happy after the reunion:

  • both people have completely changed and rethought their behavior;
  • partners managed to maintain attractiveness for each other;
  • ready to let go of the past and truly start over.

Should you accept your ex? Summing up

Psychologists are very skeptical about the reunion of former lovers. Unfortunately, they have very sad statistics of such returns. Therefore, if your feelings are not so strong, and your mind is overwhelmed with doubts, then it is better to refuse your ex-partner. Perhaps real happiness awaits you with a worthy man ahead of you.

My love story began when I was 22 years old. After graduating from university, I got a job in a large company, at work I met a man who immediately began to show signs of attention to me. A year later, he invited me on a date.

That day I was so bored, and I decided to go on a date with him, then I didn’t even think that I would start dating him, as a man he didn’t attract me so much, at that moment I liked another young man . After a friendly date, he began to seek me, gave me flowers, wrote SMS from 6:00 in the morning. And he took care of me for a whole year. I've always been shy about him, and he's 15 years older than me. He told me very little about his life, I slowly began to get used to him, he gave me good advice. site When I was 23 years old, he offered to marry him. I immediately refused, said that I was not ready, and that I did not plan to get married for the next 2 years.

Initially, I was honest with him, I told him that I was not going to meet with him, but he did not lag behind, he came every day, it happened that he did not want to see him, but he still came and sat under the window. So another year passed, and we started dating, and I decided to change jobs, because I could not work with him because of our relationship. I don't know if it was love for me or already that I'm used to it. When we started dating him seriously, he said that he had his first marriage, had a daughter, and had been divorced from his wife for more than 10 years. After 1.5 years I became pregnant, then we did not live together yet. The man immediately changed after this news that he would have a child, he began to arrogantly behave with me, began to swear with me, and we decided to get married with him.

As soon as I moved in with him, he started arguing with me, saying that I eat a lot, that I don’t save light, that I don’t let him sleep, that I go to the toilet all night. So we started having scandals every day, I became the most terrible for him, he humiliated me, it came to (fights) and then I was in a position. I don’t know why he changed so much, after another scandal, I went to my parents. His father said: "It's okay, he always has such breakdowns, sometimes he becomes unbalanced." This was what his father said. Later he came for me, we reconciled, he said that I was taking him out myself, although the opposite was true and he always blamed me.

For the sake of the child, I decided to make peace with him, but asked me to stay with my parents, he agreed. I gave birth to a daughter, and he was waiting for his son, he was unhappy that a daughter was born. I was so hurt and hurt, I didn't know what to do. I arrived from the hospital and it all started back. Scandals began, the child annoyed him, he went to the site to spend the night with friends, because his daughter was crying and did not let him sleep. I endured, was silent, but everything got worse. His father began to intervene, saying that I was expelling his son, and he was staying with friends for the night. He complained to his relatives that I was not so good, there were a lot of unpleasant things, and when my daughter was 2 months old, I left him. I expected him to help our child, but he did not help and did not ask how his child was, what she needed. So six months passed, not a call, nothing from him, and I filed for alimony. Until recently, I hoped that he was an adult man who is over 40 years old and would cherish the child, but I was wrong.

After I started receiving alimony, the father of the child showed up and began to say that he loved me and my daughter, that he needed a family. It hurts me that he did not want to see how his child grows: the first teeth, the first words, the first steps, he did not see anything and did not ask. Now my beloved daughter is a year old, relatives of the site say that for the sake of the child it is necessary to save the family. I want a complete family. But I am disappointed in this man. Now a husband, I don’t even know if he’s worth calling him a husband, now he needs us, that he wants a family, asks me to officially refuse alimony, that he promises to help, and says that I spoiled him reputation. I don't know if I should get along with this person, but it hurts me a lot, I can't understand sincere words he has that he needs a family, or not.