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» How to stop hoping that a relationship can be fixed. Expectations are different

How to stop hoping that a relationship can be fixed. Expectations are different

Question to the psychologist:

My story begins with the fact that I had a friend who was closest to me, she was like a sister, I always followed her, she always stood behind me. We were almost called sisters, but in the 8th grade we had a big fight and stopped talking. She made attempts to make friends / get close back, but I wanted freedom from her, so we did not make up with her, she went to study further, as she was a class older. A year later, I finished 9th grade. And weighed 110 kg, went to study further in the gymnasium. And a month later I stopped studying, because I was fat, and even with such a weight it was hard to move, I had to go to the city to an educational institution by bus. And I could barely walk in the aisle with my body and I was ashamed, and I couldn’t cope alone against everyone, no one wanted to talk to me, everyone was divided into groups, and I was left alone. My parents agreed to postpone my studies because they love me, on the condition that I lose weight.

Two years have passed, during which I sat at home and practically didn’t go anywhere and didn’t communicate with anyone, literally, I didn’t communicate with anyone except for my relatives, I didn’t communicate on the Internet either, although I spent a lot of time on the Internet, watching series and movies. But I lost up to 70 kg by controlling my diet, changing my eating habits, exercising at home, or on very rare occasions walking alone on the road with headphones on. And after 2 years I went to study, because I had to do at least something, although I didn’t burn with desire, I liked being alone at home. I went to study as a cook, although I never liked to cook, moreover, I almost never approached the stove.

The study went well, in the first year of study I met a guy, and we started a relationship, although you can’t call it a relationship, I believed in his feelings, but everything turned out to be simple - lust and nothing more. We broke up. After I stumbled, I won’t say how, but it was connected with the law, I was ashamed in front of my parents and especially in front of my mother (we were always close to her), subsequently a fine was issued.

And then I gradually stopped watching the weight. Weight began to slowly grow up. In the last six months, maybe more, I feel like I don't control myself in terms of weight, in any way. I eat just to eat. My weight is growing but I can't stop. I tried so many times to lose weight, to apply everything that helped me lose weight last time, but to no avail. I can't lose weight, even if I start, I break down after 3 days, and this is how every attempt ends. It all ended with the fact that I do not believe either my promises to myself or to myself. I don’t feel happy, lately I don’t even feel positive emotions from things that made me happy before. I feel only anger, irritability, envy, self-hatred and hopelessness. I feel that my life has no meaning, I don’t know what I will do after graduation, because I don’t feel like a cook, cooking is not my business. I feel like I'm existing, not living. My weight has exceeded 120. I look in the mirror and see a freak. I get upset because of what I see in the mirror and eat, when I eat, I get fat and again everything is new, everything is in a circle. Still the same.. my weight is growing. And I can't stop eating.

I no longer feel at least a fraction of the joy from life that I used to have, I don’t feel positive and vivid emotions from what used to so excite my heart, there is no trembling. I don’t remember when I sincerely and from the bottom of my heart rejoiced at least for something. I just go with the flow, I leave the house to study, because it is necessary and so on. But…. there is anger and irritability, I sometimes get so nervous that my hands are shaking, and I do not control myself, especially at school. I get angry and scream. My mood jumps from not emotional to super irritable in seconds. My emotions lately are all negative. I can only complain and criticize.

But I don’t really represent myself, I’m empty space. Why do I go to school every day, why do I wake up? For what? In fact, I don’t want anything and I don’t need anything, but I just eat to eat, and not because I really want to eat something.

In order to at least sometimes get rid of these negative feelings, I cut my skin, I understand how childish it sounds, but it kind of calms me down for a while, the scars seem to help me survive all this, although not for long.

It seems to me that I am playing some kind of performance, where all the roles are mine, and I play different actors. And I'm already confused about what I really feel and what I think. Am I acting out the drama around me? As if I'm so special, but in reality everything is simple. But I see no reason for myself to fight, neither for my weight, nor for my life. I have no motivation to both lose weight and live life to the fullest. I won't succeed. The mood jumps from me no matter what happens until I destroy everything with my negative attitude.

How to become happy if you do not love everything in yourself, from body to soul? It already seems to me that my soul is completely black, that it rots. I have not achieved anything in this life.

How can I stop thinking about the meaning of my life? How to stop seeing everything only in negative color? How to stop hoping for a miracle and finally believe in yourself and your strength?

The psychologist Sanzhiev Alexander Igorevich answers the question.

Hello Angela. I think you are a very strong, persistent, purposeful person. Just think, you have lost 40 kilograms, and for some it is a huge problem to lose 4 kilograms. This really deserves respect.

You mentioned that you had an unsuccessful relationship with a guy, you broke the law, but tell me, who hasn't been wrong in life? Or maybe failures are rare? I think that events from the past should be treated as life lessons and learn from the mistakes of the past. Since one of its features is that the past cannot be returned, it has already been and that's it.

You said the phrase "I get upset because of what I see in the mirror and eat, when I eat, I get fat and again everything is new, everything is in a circle." You are right, system laws work here. But it's actually good. Because if you change one of the elements of the system, then the second has no choice but to change after. You get upset because you see yourself in the mirror and from frustration you start to eat, after which you get better. I propose to run this circle in the other direction. It will be difficult, maybe even very, but it will be just as effective.

To do this, I propose the following exercise. You will need to get a beautiful notebook or notepad. Divide it into three columns. In the first you write the date. In the second, you continue the phrase I am proud of myself for .... In the third, write what you were happy about today. 7-10 points per day. It may not be easy in the beginning, but every day it will get easier and easier. And soon you will do it quickly.

The second blow, I propose to strike at your thinking. When we think of someone, we have an image of that person in our imagination. When we think about ourselves, the same thing happens. But the image may seem distorted to us, it can be: larger / smaller, lighter / darker, brighter / dimmer than usual, sad / cheerful facial expression. You, on the other hand, have the task to present an image of yourself every day: real size, bright, bright, with a joyful expression on your face. The exercise should be done for at least a month, after which you can be surprised to realize how your attitude towards yourself is changing.

Of course, in order to effectively achieve your goals, especially when they are quite complex, it is useful to break them down into many sub-goals, the achievement of which will be already easier. And get motivated to achieve the following goals

Perhaps by recovering, you are punishing yourself for something. In this case, it is important to forgive yourself, to truly forgive, because we can all make mistakes, and besides, the past cannot be returned. And it is our past that has made us who we are. But what we do now creates us in the future. So create yourself and your future, exactly the way you want!

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Doing what you think is right in order to feel good is self-love. Expecting others to do what I think is right so that I feel good about myself is selfish.

All the suffering in our lives comes from wanting the present moment to be different from what it is. For other people to act differently than they do. To be somewhere else, in other circumstances. For the world to be different. A country. Government. Friends. Spouses. Children. The list is endless.

Our anger, our resentment, our dissatisfaction is associated solely with one bad habit. The habit of setting expectations. Expectations are the root of all our suffering in life. This was said by the Buddha and for 3500 thousand years absolutely nothing has changed. We still form expectations that other people will be different from what they are. That they will behave in a certain way. And then we go to all sorts of trainings to unload the grievances that accumulate, preventing us from feeling joy, feeling flight, feeling freedom. But we do not eliminate the root of all evil, we do not eliminate EXPECTATIONS.

And there is a reason for this. And this reason is that if we suddenly stop forming expectations and having claims against this world and the people in it, we will find ourselves alone with the need to build our own happiness with our own hands. And we do not want this responsibility. It weighs on us with an unbearable burden. Including because during the time when we were not engaged in our own life, it turned out to be littered with a ton of other people's affairs. And to all these things, adding responsibility for one's own happiness seems like an unbearable burden. It is better for now to close our eyes to the obvious and rationally fully understood fact that no one but us will make us happy, and continue to wait for someone or something to make us happy suddenly somewhere in the indefinite future. At least it's not that scary.

But there is a category of people among us who have already begun to realize the futility of such expectations. Which, albeit with difficulty and with a creak, reluctantly, but begin to recognize that this is so. That despite the fact that in my life there is a carriage and a small cart of deeds, problems, responsibilities, no one except me will create the life of my dreams for me. That if I want changes in my life, I should stop expecting from the world, from the people in it, that they will change, so that it would be easier / happier / more fun / calmer for me to live, and start creating such a life myself.

If until now you have not reached your hands. If until now you have been busy with someone else's happiness, even with the happiness of your closest people, but now you have become ready to change this, then this course will help you to shape your desire into a very specific Vision and plan. Without knowing yourself, your desires, without understanding what you want to come to, without having an absolutely clear vision on this matter, you will never be able to come to the desired future. And the creation of such a vision is a separate task, often not an easy one. We never have enough time for this. Because it seems so intangible against the backdrop of very specific and often urgent matters that require our attention right now. And we procrastinate all the time. And we go further and further away from ourselves. And at some point we stop feeling what can make us happy.

So, if you don't want to miss the moment. If you are ready to start returning to yourself and letting go of expectations from the world and the people in it, then until Sunday you still have a chance to join this stream!

Knowing what I want, feeling yourself and your desires, and creating space in your life for YOURSELF, you automatically let go of expectations. You no longer need them. Moreover, the people around you are also starting to take their fate into their own hands. And instead of endless claims to each other, you suddenly find yourself in cooperation on the way to the goals that inspire you. Whether it's family or friends, or your acquaintances. You become an example for them, a guide. And this triggers a completely different energy around you in space. The energy of the Creator, the energy of the creator. And all resources begin to flow to you. Since you have become the Owner, you are ready to use these resources wisely, with meaning. You are ready to make more of everything in your life. More happiness, joy, understanding, more contribution to this Universe. And the Universe will definitely support you!

And I'm waiting for such Creators in our team! I believe that by uniting our energy, we will achieve much better results for all of us! And we can do so much for this world! If we start with ourselves. If we return to ourselves.

Connecting you with yourself and peace in your soul!

And I invite you to join the online self-love course, which you can now take on your own. Our course is just about how to become kinder to yourself, understand yourself and your needs, create a support coming from within and let the Universe love you.

Let this course become a truly important event in your life!

Good morning, Yana. I will try to state the essence of the problem as briefly as possible.
After a divorce from a man with whom I lived for more than a decade, I returned to my city and fell in love (as it seemed to me) with one man.

The man immediately honestly admitted that we would not have a serious relationship and that all my affection for him was simply due to the fact that after a painful breakup he was the first to appear on my horizon, that I would “fall in love” with any other who He treated me kindly and supported me. In part, I agreed with him and we lived for today. Relations with him can be described in a separate book. Which, in fact, has already happened and will happen again soon. I published my first book last year. There was nothing intimate and personal there, just illustrations and some moments from life I took from our history. He was aware. And he was pleased to be my muse. And he managed to be a muse very well - a colorful character. Bright. Sarcastic. Memorable. It was a wonderful period of my life. On emotions with him, I lost one and a half dozen kilograms. Engaged in the work project that I put off during family life… It is now a year since we met. This year I tried to build a serious relationship. Met and slept with other men. But, she asked everyone to leave, because. I realized that I couldn't. I can not. I don't want to be with anyone. Only he was in my thoughts and fantasies with blue-eyed children and borscht soups. It's been two months now that this person hasn't written or called me. I know that he will tactfully answer if I call to ask how you are. But, I feel that there will be no more meetings. That he is no longer alone. And he wanted something serious, just not with me. There are common acquaintances who have seen him more than once with the same woman and they look happy. I do not write to him first, precisely because I respect his desire to be happy. But, for two months now, I have been immersed in the work that I love. And I send off all men, even with very serious and good intentions. Trying to convince myself he's right. It's just not love, but affection for the first one who was kind after the breakup. I have something to do, I'm not a housewife with a lot of free time for digging my subconscious. But, I am almost 30 years old and I want children in this life. But, to imagine that they will not be from HIM - I just can’t ... What was it? I really want to believe that they will let me in not in 10 years. Life is going. I want to be loved. But, for now, only them. I must say right away that I am not one of those who hides their feelings. And in January, we had a conversation about the fact that for me he is not just a temporary lover after a divorce. And he again said that we would not have anything serious. I am currently writing another book. Again, without "compromising evidence", but all my friends see his image in almost everything that I do. Up to the male images that I draw on the covers of completely different publications (I also took up book illustration thanks to him, he just inspired me to quit my office job in advertising and do what my soul is for). By the way, this is a separate question - how to overcome this involuntary endowment with the features of a certain person of the characters that you draw. At some point, this can begin to interfere with a career. In general, it is completely unclear what to do. Drowning in work and not thinking is impossible. I draw for 18 hours a day.
Thank you for listening. I would post a link to the work to show what fine-detailed things I do from morning to night, so as not to think about him, but my publishers read Yana, and I don’t want to devote employers to my intimate life moments.


There is some sadness in your story, of course. Because you fell in love, but your love was not answered. But there is also a very joyful thing - you received such a gift - inspiration for two books. And maybe a lot more. And I understand that it hurts you, because this is not so simple. If someone so inspires and inspires, it means that it hurts to lose him. But you so soberly describe the situation. You understand that “you won’t be forced to be nice,” and if he doesn’t share your feelings the way you would like, then it’s better not to touch him. It seems to me that this is correct. That's what I would do too, so as not to "increase entropy" I know that in such situations, you can still do a few more turns. when deep feelings are confessed to men, and they do not want to answer them, they still sometimes take steps towards. I don’t know why - maybe because they are so pleased with such attention, or out of guilt. Or because they do not want to lose such a "rear", even if they live their own lives at the same time, and do not want to use it either. One man once explained openly to me that “It’s just that while someone else loves you and waits for you, it’s nice. In fact, you don't need it." and in order to avoid such new rounds lived for the wrong reasons, it is better not to communicate at all.

As for the second half of the question - how to make sure that this state of "I want only him" does not drag on. Hmm... here I start guessing and guessing.
Perhaps (this is my guess) you need to stop secretly hoping. That it still somehow still could work. Under posts on related topics here recently, many wrote that they were able to stop investing in a hopeless relationship only when they fully realized their complete hopelessness. Those. First you need to understand that you really do not shine here. And secondly, to understand that if something else comes from there (returning from a sense of guilt, some new round of communication or some kind of games), it will not bring you anything but harm! it can feed hope in you! But it won't bring happiness. Because maybe they will sleep with you again, maybe more kind words they will say maybe for another evening or two it will be very good. But in the end it will only hurt more! Because those relations that you want are not going to be built with you there.

And if you give birth to a child from such a person, this is also not very good. Even if such "instinctive impulses" play in you that "I want a baby like him." He can and will be like him, and beautiful, like dad. But all the same, you will have a child that his father obviously did not intend to deal with. and whom his father did not want to bear with you. Or which the father will do, out of a sense of duty to the child, while suffering from the need to see you. Because He didn't intend to do anything with you. why do you have such difficulties from the very beginning?

If you want a baby and a family, you need to look for a candidate who wants you, and a family with you, and give birth and raise a baby together! one to inspire you to cakes and books, and be a good dad, and love you, and you loved him. And all this will be found for you, because you have love, and you know how to give it. You just need to find the right one, to whom to give. And to find a new one, you have to become free. So work with this - get rid of a man from whom you can’t shine at all! And look with new eyes at others who may be suitable for everything for you.

I don't know how to speed up this process. Sometimes it helped me to paint all the prospects for myself, how else relations with this beloved man of yours could develop. Only not "how it would be in your dreams", but "how it would most likely turn out." As soon as I imagine that "Well, I could sob for another three years, with breaks for three happy weeks," it will make you want everything at once.
Maybe here readers will now advise you on how to become free as soon as possible in order to become open to new wonderful finds. But we must somehow get rid of secret hopes! And change them to meaningful ones - for example, to the hope of soon meeting a suitable man for the family. (This hope is quite justified, it is not a pity to invest in it.)

I wish you get it done as soon as possible!

Hope, are you my earthly compass? This is a question that most of you have probably never asked yourself. Hope in our culture is accepted as something warm and heartwarming. It is correct. After all, hope is clothing for the soul. People dress hope in difficult situations, in difficult relationship with loved ones, family and children. And they really hope that something will change. But so you can wait on the edge of life all your life. Often people, relying on hope, do not take any action to change their lives themselves, they blame circumstances, bosses, relatives, and so on according to an individual list. And as a rule, nothing changes for the better in life. As a result, a person remains in a strange state: "Something in life went wrong, but I hoped so." Behind the veil of expectations, a person ceases to see life as it is, and loses his real compass of life, which was tuned precisely to his uniqueness and his dream. As a result, he spends all his strength on overcoming illusory obstacles, and not on living according to his destiny. In this article, I will give some personal actions, meditations and practices that I used and after which my life began to change. How to stop hoping and start living I will describe my journey, how I stopped hoping for the best and took the helm of life into my own hands. 1. Accept your mistakes and clear your mind The first and important step is to accept your mistakes. Learn to see and accept your mistakes and imperfections. Your mistakes are the best teachers in life. Do not torment and punish yourself for mistakes, but give yourself a chance to consciously see them, and move forward without looking back at the past. On a personal example, I felt well how you can live for decades waiting and hoping for the best no matter what. No red flags, no obvious facts. I seemed to have lost myself and stopped hearing the voice of the soul for almost 20 years, building a wall of hope, swallowing tears of resentment. Rejoicing in short-term joyful moments, I waited for a miracle to happen and my man would come to me. This path was not taken by me casually, now, on the upsurge of life, I can use my experience and understand what many of you are going through. The painful days, months, years I experienced were necessary for the global transformation of my life and the purification of the deep layers of my consciousness. When you cleanse your consciousness layer by layer, like an onion, you come to your Higher Self. You begin to feel your life force on the subtle plane, move to the next energy level, where you are no longer a victim of circumstances, but the Creator of your own life.
A simple and effective way to cleanse the mind is to write down problems or questions that you cannot find an answer to for many years. "Pysanka" is written with a scooter from the depths of the soul without involving the logic of the mind. By prescribing your questions in this way, you activate that part of the consciousness in which the true answer to the exciting question is stored. Materializing the answer on paper frees your mind from a specific hindrance or habitual response to a problem. You understand under what circumstances and how you set yourself up for a certain action that is not beneficial, and thus cancel it. By now, when I have cleared the many hindrances from my consciousness, including the hope for a better future with this person, I seem to have awakened from a trance state. I soberly assessed the whole situation and saw myself in a pitiful position. And a natural question arose: Well, how did I not see and understand this for so long?
2. Realize that there is always a choice. You can always say “stop” and turn the ship of your life to warm and soulful lands. You always have the choice to stop hoping and start doing something. How did my personal resurrection begin from the ashes into which I turned myself? I was helped by spiritual practices and meditations on the Keys of Mastery and my beloved yoga. A year ago, I accidentally came across this site, started participating in online meditations and reading articles. I suffered greatly internally from my insecurity and indecision. But with each new meditation, I found something within myself that responded and gave me the strength to go deeper into myself and look for the essence of my problems. The beginning of everything was the practice of the "Fire Spiral". I wanted changes in my life so much that I didn’t look for or wait for someone, but lit this spiral in my kitchen at home that very evening (a whole bag of Ikeev candles was waiting in the wings). Despite the fact that, on the recommendation of Alena, it had to be done on the street, in an open space, I went through the golden spiral right away. I went back and forth inside the fiery spiral with the deep intention of changing my life for the better, setting a new cycle, with full confidence that this will happen! From that moment on, a process was started in my mind.
3. Accept yourself completely The next key point is acceptance of yourself as I am. Sometimes I am quick-tempered, sometimes I am touchy. The key word is "sometimes". Allow yourself to be imperfect sometimes, do not reproach yourself for mistakes and mistakes. Mark them and make the necessary adjustments to your habitual behavior. Gradually, everything began to line up in my head. I stirred up many internal problems and saw myself without rose-colored glasses, the way I am now. Accepting yourself for who you are is probably the most difficult thing on the path of self-knowledge. Indeed, at this moment you begin to see yourself with all your “right” and “wrong”, “good” and “negative” qualities. But we, like this world, are dual, and all our qualities have reverse side. For example, fear and aggression are strength and confidence, resentment and anger are love and forgiveness. Understanding this gives tremendous power and the ability to accept and change yourself. 4. Activate the life force After cleansing your consciousness, forgiving yourself for mistakes, you stop tormented by the question of why not everything in life is as you dreamed. You receive an influx of vitality. It comes to you when you are ready to accept it and use it for the benefit of yourself and the world as a whole. For me, an important practice that helped activate the life force was the meditation “Opening Your Power”. Here I already began to feel such strong flows of energies as never before. This meditation fills me with new strength and energy, if I need it. The flow of life force ceases to be an abstract concept and becomes yours. You can fill yourself with energy when you need it and feel great at any time of the day.
As a result of all the work done, I began to write short poems and articles. You have just read one of them. A year ago, I did not even suspect that this was possible and, to be honest, such thoughts did not even arise. Now I have no doubt that each of us is unique in our destiny. Do not obscure yourself with empty hopes, do not give up on your dream, even if now it is unrealistic or invisible to you. Take action, clear your mind of interference, and the results will delight you and your loved ones. Love will fill your hearts, and with that power we can do a lot. Experiment and enjoy life, because you have only one. Find your source of inspiration and go deep into yourself, because only there are all the answers to your questions. Are you ready to stop hoping and take responsibility for your life in your own hands? Galina Lishenko

Hope, are you my earthly compass? This is a question that most of you have probably never asked yourself.

Hope in our culture is accepted as something warm and heartwarming. It is correct. After all, hope is clothing for the soul.

People wear hope in difficult situations, in difficult relationships with loved ones, relatives and children.

And they really hope that something will change. But so you can wait on the edge of life all your life.

Often people, relying on hope, do not take any action to change their lives themselves, they blame circumstances, bosses, relatives, and so on according to an individual list.

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And as a rule, nothing changes for the better in life. As a result, a person remains in a strange state: "Something in life went wrong, but I hoped so."

Behind the veil of expectations, a person ceases to see life as it is, and loses his real compass of life, which was tuned precisely to its uniqueness and to its dream.

As a result, he spends all his strength on overcoming illusory obstacles, and not on that.

In this article, I will give some personal actions, meditations and practices that I used and after which my life began to change.

I will describe my journey, how I stopped hoping for the best and took the helm of life into my own hands.

1. Accept your mistakes and clear your mind

The first and important step is accepting your mistakes.

Learn to see and accept your mistakes and imperfections. Your mistakes are the best teachers on the path of life.

Do not torment and punish yourself for mistakes, but give yourself a chance to consciously see them, and move forward without looking back at the past.

On a personal example, I felt well how you can live for decades waiting and hoping for the best no matter what. No red flags, no obvious facts.

I seemed to have lost myself and stopped hearing the voice of the soul for almost 20 years, building a wall of hope, swallowing tears of resentment.

Rejoicing in short-term joyful moments, I waited for a miracle to happen and my man would come to me.

This path was not taken by me casually, now, on the upsurge of life, I can use my experience and understand what many of you are going through.

Experienced painful days, months, years, I needed for the global transformation of my life and cleansing the deep layers of my consciousness.

As you clear your consciousness layer by layer, like an onion, you come to your Higher Self.

You begin to feel your life force on the subtle plane, move to the next energy level, where you are no longer a victim of circumstances, but the Creator of your own life.

A simple and effective way to cleanse the mind - prescribing problems or perennial questions that you can't find an answer to.

"Pysanka" is written with a scooter from the depths of the soul without involving the logic of the mind.

By prescribing your questions in this way, you activate that part of the consciousness in which the true answer to the exciting question is stored.

Materializing the answer on paper frees your mind from a specific hindrance or habitual response to a problem.

You understand under what circumstances and how you set yourself up for a certain action that is not beneficial, and thus cancel it.

By now, when I have cleared the many hindrances from my consciousness, including the hope for a better future with this person, I seem to have awakened from a trance state.

I soberly assessed the whole situation and saw myself in a pitiful position. And a natural question arose: Well, how did I not see and understand this for so long?

2. Realize that there is always a choice

You can always say “stop” and turn the ship of your life to warm and soulful lands. You always have the choice to stop hoping and start doing something.

How did my personal resurrection begin from the ashes into which I turned myself? They helped me on the Keys of Mastery and my beloved yoga.

A year ago, I accidentally came across this site, started participating in online meditations and reading articles. I suffered greatly internally from my insecurity and indecision.

But with each new meditation, I found something within myself that responded and gave me the strength to go deeper into myself and look for the essence of my problems.

Practice started everything. I wanted changes in my life so much that I didn’t look for or wait for someone, but lit this spiral in my kitchen at home that very evening (a whole bag of Ikeev candles was waiting in the wings).

I went back and forth inside the fiery spiral with the deep intention of changing my life for the better, setting a new cycle, with full confidence that this will happen! From that moment on, a process was started in my mind.

3. Accept yourself completely

The next key point is self acceptance just the way I am. Sometimes I'm quick-tempered, sometimes I'm touchy. The key word is "sometimes".

Allow yourself to be imperfect sometimes, do not reproach yourself for mistakes and mistakes. Mark them and make the necessary adjustments to your habitual behavior.

The online course "Activation of the Wisdom of the Soul" helped me to accept myself.

Gradually, everything began to line up in my head. I stirred up many internal problems and saw myself without rose-colored glasses, the way I am now.

Accepting yourself for who you are is probably the most difficult thing on the path of self-knowledge. Indeed, at this moment you begin to see yourself with all your “right” and “wrong”, “good” and “negative” qualities.

But we, like this world, are dual, and all our qualities have a downside. For example, fear and aggression are strength and confidence, resentment and anger are love and forgiveness.

Understanding this gives tremendous power and the ability to accept and change yourself.

4. Activate the life force

After cleansing your consciousness, forgiving yourself for mistakes, you stop tormented by the question of why not everything in life is as you dreamed.

You are getting influx of vitality. It comes to you when you are ready to accept it and use it for the benefit of yourself and the world as a whole.

For me, an important practice that helped activate the life force was meditation. Here I already began to feel such strong flows of energies as never before.

This meditation fills me with new strength and energy, if I need it. The flow of life force ceases to be an abstract concept and becomes yours.

You can fill yourself with energy when you need it and feel great at any time of the day.

As a result of all the work done, I began to write short poems and articles. You have just read one of them. A year ago, I did not even suspect that this was possible and, to be honest, such thoughts did not even arise.

Now I have no doubt that each of us is unique in our destiny. Do not obscure yourself with empty hopes, do not give up on your dream, even if now it is unrealistic or invisible to you.

Take action, clear your mind of interference, and the results will delight you and your loved ones. Love will fill your hearts, and with that power we can do a lot.

Experiment and enjoy life, because you have only one. Find your source of inspiration and go deep into yourself, because only there are all the answers to your questions.