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Miracle Center - Women's Portal

» Consultation for parents of the preparatory group Topic: “In a year - a first-grader. Consultation for parents of the preparatory group Topic: “In a year - a first-grader Consultation on holding a holiday

Consultation for parents of the preparatory group Topic: “In a year - a first-grader. Consultation for parents of the preparatory group Topic: “In a year - a first-grader Consultation on holding a holiday

Advice for parents on:

"Where did the Day of Knowledge come from"

September 1 in Russia is a holiday for pupils and their parents, students, teachers, a day of meetings with school friends, a day of the first call for first-graders, a day of flowers and white bows! On this day, celebrations are held in schools.

The school appeared a long time ago, when the first teachers appeared.

What was taught in primitive society? Of course, the rules of conduct, and even boys were taught masculine skills - hunting, protecting their community, and girls - women's skills, sewing and spinning, cooking.

In the Middle Ages, children were taught at home, and only children of wealthy parents could study at schools at monasteries and churches.

In Russia, under Peter I, the state took over the organization of education, and the first secular educational institutions were opened. True, the children of peasants, especially serfs, were not allowed in schools, which is why there were so many illiterate people in the Russian Empire.

In the 60s of the 19th century, thanks to reforms, zemstvo schools appeared, in which everyone was taught for three years. Secondary education was received in gymnasiums (real and classical). After the classical gymnasium, it was possible to enter a higher educational institution.

It was only in the first years of Soviet power that free education was announced for everyone. The fight against illiteracy was announced, and not only children, but also adults sat at their desks! But even in Soviet times, the beginning of the school year was different in different schools. Only on September 3, 1935, a single beginning of the academic year was introduced - from September 1.

Why September 1st? This tradition dates back to the times of Byzantium, where since the 15th century September 1 was the beginning of the New Year. The thinkers and clergy of Byzantium assumed that God began to create the world on September 1, and, therefore, the countdown began from that day. In addition, in social life, by September 1, all field work ended. At that time, in Russia, September 1 was celebrated as a New Year's holiday. (January 1 became the New Year only in 1700 by decree of Peter I).

Now September 1 is traditionally held: a solemn line, a lesson in peace, an acquaintance with the first teacher, and, of course, flowers for teachers. The tradition of solemn rulers on September 1 appeared only in the 70s of the twentieth century in order to give significance to this holiday. And this day became an official holiday in the USSR only in 1984.

By the way, in other countries the academic year begins in different ways: in the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic countries - also on September 1. But children in Germany do not have a clear schedule for the start of the school year: in different lands, schools begin to work during August - September. In Spain, also in different provinces, the school year begins in different ways, depending on the timing of the harvest, but it is strictly forbidden to delay it later than October 1. In Italy, on the contrary, only from October 1, children start attending school. In France, there is no clear deadline for Knowledge Day (the academic year starts on September 1, and somewhere on September 15). From mid-August, children in Denmark begin to study, and in England, Canada and the USA, the school year always begins on the first Tuesday of September. In the Land of the Rising Sun - Japan - they decided that the beginning of their studies is a lot of fun, and they start a new school year ... April 1st.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Celebration consultation

"Knowledge Day"

On September 1, our whole country celebrates the DAY OF KNOWLEDGE. Like any holiday, this is a day that is different from others - it is joyful, bright, cheerful and solemn. On this day, children and adults are smartly, festively dressed. All premises of the kindergarten (lobby, group rooms, hall) are festively decorated. On the street, walking halls are brightly decorated with balls, flags, garlands of flowers.

platforms and verandas.

This year, declared the YEAR OF THE FAMILY, on September 1, the doors of the kindergarten are cordially open for relatives and friends of our pupils, who can take an active part in the holiday. It is best to build a holiday in thematic logic, so that regime moments are interconnected with the idea of ​​promoting basic family values ​​and filled with appropriate content. The orientation of such content can also be set as a priority in the work of the kindergarten.

To count on the responsiveness and initiative of parents on this day, you should familiarize them in advance with the program of the holiday by posting information in each group.

On the eve of the holiday, the pedagogical council draws up a plan for holding this day for all groups from morning to evening. The entire burden in preparing the holiday falls on adults, because. many children come to kindergarten for the first time after holidays. Therefore, all their activities should be improvisational in nature. And adults distribute roles among themselves in advance, select costumes, attributes, musical material, think over the design of the premises and the site.

Talks are being held with parents in advance about the upcoming holiday. They are offered to help organize it, give advice on what kind of conversation to have at home with the children the day before, how to prepare children for the content of the holiday and awareness of its significance.

You can invite parents, together with their children, to pick up photos about summer vacations at home, prepare a story with the children about the funniest or most interesting.

The holiday begins on the street to the sound of music with a meeting of children and parents with the heroes of children's books. These roles are played by adults dressed in costumes of familiar characters (Aibolit, Emelya with Nesmeyana, Malvina, Pinocchio, Cat and Fox, etc.), they meet children going to kindergarten, greet, talk, wish good mood, success. Children disperse to their areas on the street or into groups. Parents and children (on the advice of teachers) come to kindergarten with balloons and flowers. Balloons are hung on the territory of the kindergarten, and flowers decorate their group or music hall, where a festive lesson takes place.

After breakfast, thematic classes and leisure activities are held in groups with children:

With young children they can spend leisure time on the basis of maternal folklore (rhymes, songs, lullabies, etc.).

With children of primary and secondary preschool age- story-didactic and amateur games with "toy families": "Vacation trip", "Family at home", "Birthday in the family", etc.

With preschool children- conversations with games about the professions of parents, family traditions, children's stories, such as: “Funny stories from the life of our family”, “How we are friends with neighbors”, “About good deeds in the family”, “What does the family album tell about”, “ What do our family dream about”, etc.

In the art studio children perform and examine each other's drawings: “My favorite toys, games and activities at home”, “My room”, etc.

older children can gather after breakfast in the music room, where they will meet with an exhibition of books. They need to be placed throughout the room, grouped by topic or author. Children are invited to freely walk around the room, looking at books. Each educator who accompanies his group and the parents quietly talk about the exhibition they have seen. Viewing is accompanied by soft sounding music. When it subsides, the children sit down on the carpet and chairs.

Next, the host captivates the children with a festive action. Heroes of books (adults) can come to visit children, who offer to solve riddles about friendship, work, familiar books, involve children and parents in joint games, dances, give tasks for solving puzzles, rebuses, crosswords.

Music directors, physical education educators dedicate leisure time to the calendar of folk and family rituals; favorite types of sports entertainment in the families of pupils: “We are friends with sports as a family”, they conduct intellectually - musically - game quizzes with the participation of children and adults: “Games of our childhood”, “Songs of our childhood”, “Proverbs and sayings about the family”, etc. Of course, active participants in their implementation are parents, other members of the families of pupils, all employees of the kindergarten.

Thematic exhibitions can be dated for this day, vernissages of joint creativity of children and parents can be organized on the following topics: “The coat of arms of our family”; "Our family leisure"; "Our Family Traditions" and other family projects in the form of collages, friendly cartoons, etc. Planned contests joint projects, competitions, excursions will unite children and adults, parents and teachers.

Can be used on holiday outdoor games, etudes-theatricalizations:

Two young friends came to the river to sunbathe.

One went swimming - began to swim and dive.

Another sits on a rock and looks at the wave.

And he is afraid to swim: “What if I drown ?!”

Two friends went home to skate,

One arrow rushes - a blush on the cheeks!

The other stands bewildered in front of a friend:

“The place is very slippery, what if I fall?!”

A thunderstorm of friends found one day in a meadow.

I did one run - warmed up on the run.

The other was trembling under a bush, and now things are bad:

Lying under the covers - “Khe-khe! Apchi!"

Logic riddles:

  • A red scarf was lowered into the Black Sea. What will happen to him?
  • Tanya is 1 year younger than Grisha, and Grisha is 2 years older than Masha. How many years is Masha older than Tanya? (for 3)

Many funny puzzles, bad advice can be found in G. Oster's books.

Musical riddles from musical fairy tales, cartoons, feature films created based on famous children's fairy tales can be selected for children to guess. This is music from the fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Pinocchio".

In the hall you can view cartoons according to fairy tales that parents read to their kids more than once at home. Video cassettes of such cartoons are commercially available. You can agree on this with your parents in advance, in their video libraries there may be such fairy tales-cartoons.

No holiday is celebrated without a gift. The heroes of the books who came to visit the children can present fairy tale books and coloring books for their book corners.

The party continues outside. Children can be given tasks:

* on observation: go along the established route with your parents and find as many conventional signs as possible, hidden in advance (a shoe under a bush, a ribbon on a twig, an arrow in a clearing, etc.).

* to overcome obstacles: these are pebbles, a narrow path, gates, wall bars, hoops.

* for the development of visual memory: lay out several objects on the site, walk past them, then, turning away, remember them and list them.

Can be used outdoors sports games and competitions, travel games at such stops - “sing”, “nature”, “guess”, “my house”, “my family”, etc.

Good for walking from activities- holding competitions of drawing on asphalt, collective drawings on whatman paper, collective applications.

In the afternoon, it is advisable to show the children puppet shows, or fragments from children's fairy tales using puppet characters. Relatives and friends of our pupils can actively help with this.

Organizing a holiday, you should adhere to the rules of the regulations and regime, as well as the basic principles of organizing a festive joint action of adults and children:

Brightness and entertainment

  • variety of species children's activities,
  • cognition and artistic foundation,
  • improvisation, spontaneity, creative basis,
  • refusal to coach, drill, rehearse.

Today's Day of Knowledge, dedicated to the YEAR of the FAMILY, has its own characteristics and a certain focus. All the work of the kindergarten should be filled with respect for the value systems and views of modern parents; involvement in the real life experience of different categories of families.

Thus; the ongoing upbringing and educational work should make it more accessible for preschoolers to assimilate ideas about the family and family ancestral roots, about relationships and responsibilities within the family and kindred circle, the hobbies of their relatives, their professions. Educational work should contribute to the formation in children of a sense of pride in their origin, deep affection and love for their home.

This is where the birth of Russian patriots begins!



Collection "Games in kindergarten", M., Enlightenment, 1976.

"Favorite children's games", M., Creative center, 1999,

"Russian folk games", M., Enlightenment, 1986



  1. Guidelines for organizing holidays in preschool institutions in Moscow "Friends, our union is beautiful!". MKO, MIPKRO, M., 1999
  2. Journal "Preschool education" №8, 2002
  3. Magazine "Musical Director" No. 3, No. 4, 2005
  4. Collection "Holidays. Musical and game material for preschoolers and younger students. Issue 2". Vlados-Press, 2005

Advice for parents on:

"Where did the Day of Knowledge come from"

September 1 in Russia is a holiday for pupils and their parents, students, teachers, a day of meetings with school friends, a day of the first call for first-graders, a day of flowers and white bows! On this day, celebrations are held in schools.

The school appeared a long time ago, when the first teachers appeared.

What was taught in primitive society? Of course, the rules of conduct, and even boys were taught masculine skills - hunting, protecting their community, and girls - women's skills, sewing and spinning, cooking.

In the Middle Ages, children were taught at home, and only children of wealthy parents could study at schools at monasteries and churches.

In Russia, under Peter I, the state took over the organization of education, and the first secular educational institutions were opened. True, the children of peasants, especially serfs, were not allowed in schools, which is why there were so many illiterate people in the Russian Empire.

In the 60s of the 19th century, thanks to reforms, zemstvo schools appeared, in which everyone was taught for three years. Secondary education was received in gymnasiums (real and classical). After the classical gymnasium, it was possible to enter a higher educational institution.

It was only in the first years of Soviet power that free education was announced for everyone. The fight against illiteracy was announced, and not only children, but also adults sat at their desks! But even in Soviet times, the beginning of the school year was different in different schools. Only on September 3, 1935, a single beginning of the academic year was introduced - from September 1.

Why September 1st? This tradition dates back to the times of Byzantium, where since the 15th century September 1 was the beginning of the New Year. The thinkers and clergy of Byzantium assumed that God began to create the world on September 1, and, therefore, the countdown began from that day. In addition, in social life, by September 1, all field work ended. At that time, in Russia, September 1 was celebrated as a New Year's holiday. (January 1 became the New Year only in 1700 by decree of Peter I).

Now September 1 is traditionally held: a solemn line, a lesson in peace, an acquaintance with the first teacher, and, of course, flowers for teachers. The tradition of solemn rulers on September 1 appeared only in the 70s of the twentieth century in order to give significance to this holiday. And this day became an official holiday in the USSR only in 1984.

By the way, in other countries the academic year begins in different ways: in the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic countries - also on September 1. But children in Germany do not have a clear schedule for the start of the school year: in different lands, schools begin to work during August - September. In Spain, also in different provinces, the school year begins in different ways, depending on the timing of the harvest, but it is strictly forbidden to delay it later than October 1. In Italy, on the contrary, only from October 1, children start attending school. In France, there is no clear deadline for Knowledge Day (the academic year starts on September 1, and somewhere on September 15). From mid-August, children in Denmark begin to study, and in England, Canada and the USA, the school year always begins on the first Tuesday of September. In the Land of the Rising Sun - Japan - they decided that the beginning of their studies is a lot of fun, and they start the new school year on April 1st.

Advice for parents

preparatory group

Subject:"In a year - first-grader"

Readiness to study at school is the most important result of education and training in a preschool institution and in the family. Entering school is a turning point in a child's life, associated with a change in the usual daily routine, relationships with others, when learning activities take center stage. The modern school requires from children not so much any knowledge and skills as more complex forms of mental activity, greater ability to

control their behavior, greater efficiency. Parents need to know that there are two concepts: pedagogical readiness and psychological readiness. Pedagogical readiness for schooling refers to the initial skills of counting, writing and reading. Parents are mainly guided by these parameters of readiness for school, which is not entirely correct. There are other aspects that cannot be ignored. It often happens that a child can write, count, read, but does not know how to be in a large team for a long time or does not know how to follow the requirements of a new adult (teacher). Parents in this case are perplexed: “How so ?!” It seemed to them that the child came to school prepared, and then suddenly - the teacher's complaints. Or after a while the child refuses to go to

school, saying that he was tired there, did not like it, it was boring, difficult, etc. This is the other side of school readiness - psychological.

The psychological readiness of a child for school includes the following components: intellectual readiness;

  • motivational readiness;
  • emotional and volitional readiness;
  • communication readiness.

Intellectual readiness involves the development of attention, memory, formed mental operations of analysis, synthesis, generalization, the establishment of patterns, spatial thinking, the ability to establish connections between phenomena and events, to make simple conclusions based on analogy. For example, carrots - a garden, mushrooms - ... a forest

By the age of 6-7 years, the child should know:

  • his address and the name of the city in which he lives;
  • the name of the country and its capital;
  • names and patronymics of their parents, information about their places of work;
  • seasons, their sequence and main features;
  • names of months, days of the week;
  • main types of trees and flowers.

He should be able to distinguish between domestic and wild animals, to understand that the grandmother is the mother of the father or mother.

Motivational readiness...

In other words, it must be oriented in time, space, and implies that the child has a desire to take on a new social role - the role of a schoolchild.

To this end, parents need to explain to their child that learning is work, children go to school to gain knowledge that is necessary for every person.

Only positive information about the school should be given to the child. Children should not be intimidated by the school, the upcoming difficulties, strict discipline, and the exactingness of the teacher. “When you go to school, they will take care of you, no one will feel sorry for you there. Remember that your grades are easily borrowed by children. The child should see that the parents calmly and confidently look at his forthcoming admission to school, at home they understand him, believe in his strength.

The reason for the reluctance to go to school may be that the child “has not played enough”. But at the age of 6–7 years, mental development is very plastic, and children who “have not played enough” will soon begin to enjoy the learning process when they come to class.

You do not have to develop a love for school before the start of the school year, because it is impossible to love something that you have not yet encountered. It is enough to make it clear to the child that learning is the duty of every person, and the attitude of many of the people around the child depends on how successful he is in learning.

Volitional readiness suggests that the child has:

  • ability to set goals
  • make a decision to start a business
  • draw up a plan of action
  • accomplish it with some effort
  • evaluate the results of your work
  • as well as the ability to perform a not very attractive job for a long time.

The development of volitional readiness for school is facilitated by visual activity and design, as they encourage a long time to focus on building or drawing.

For the development of the will, where it is necessary to follow the rules of the game, and mobile ones are good. Do not scold the child for the mistake, but understand its cause.

The structure of the brain responsible for the arbitrariness of behavior is formed by the age of 7, so your requirements should be adequate to his age.

Do not distort the child's faith in himself as a future student, neither with fear, nor with the "pink" water of relieved expectations.

Treat the child like yourself, we value ourselves by what we can and are able to do, since it is impossible to know everything.

Communicative readiness.

It manifests itself in the child's ability to subordinate his behavior to the laws of children's groups and the norms of behavior established in the classroom.

It involves the ability to join the children's community, to act together with other children, if necessary, to yield or defend one's innocence, to obey or lead.

In order to develop communicative competence, you should maintain a friendly relationship with your son or daughter with others. A personal example of tolerance in relationships with friends, relatives, neighbors also plays a big role in shaping this type of readiness for school.

What can parents do to prepare their child for school? First of all

create conditions: to play, communicate with the child, make certain requirements that are common in the family and achieve their fulfillment, form an objective image of the school in children, instill in the child an emotionally calm, positive attitude towards school, arouse interest in learning activities: visit a museum, buy illustrated encyclopedias and etc., develop the child's self-confidence.

Children's hostel rules

  • Don't take someone else's, but don't give all of yours either.
  • They asked - give, they try to take away - try to defend yourself
  • Don't fight without resentment
  • Don't be offended by nothing
  • Don't stick to anyone
  • Call to play go, do not call - ask. It's not shameful.
  • Don't tease, don't beg, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone twice for anything
  • Don't cry over grades. Be proud. Don't argue with your teacher about grades. And do not be offended by the teacher's grades. Do your homework, and what marks will be, such will be.
  • Don't sneak behind your comrades' backs
  • Do not be dirty, children do not like dirty, do not be clean, children do not like clean.
  • Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's hang out, let's go home together
  • And don't show up. You are not the best, you are not the worst, you are my favorite
  • Go to school and let it be your joy, and I will wait and think of you
  • Cross the road carefully, do not rush.

Rogova E.V., teacher-defectologist, kindergarten No. 307, Volgograd

The various calendar systems of the ancient world once came to a single system known as the Julian calendar, which did not last long - from the reform of its founder (46 BC) to the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea, convened by Constantine the Great in 325 AD. It was on this day in 312 that Emperor Constantine the Great granted Christians freedom of religion. At the Council, the holy fathers established the celebration of the church new year on September 1 (art. st) instead of March 1st.

In ancient Judea, September 1 was celebrated as the feast of the harvest, and we know for certain from the Gospel that on this day the Savior first addressed the people with a sermon. On the same day in 312, Emperor Constantine, having adopted Christianity from his mother Helena, defeated his opponent Mauxentius, overshadowing the army with a banner on which a cross was depicted. After the victory of Christ, the Church ceased persecution and began its victorious march through the Byzantine Empire.

But in Rus' there are many outlandish things. So, for example, 1699 lasted ... 4 months.

In September, the Orthodox greeted him with the singing of the troparion for the new year, and at the end of the year, Peter I issued a decree on the celebration of the New Year on January 1 and the introduction of the chronology in the Western manner - from the Nativity of Christ.

What about September 1st? Many years later, this day became the Day of Knowledge, the beginning of a "new life" for many children - symbolically and at the same time naturally. Feast of the first call. This is the most long-awaited day for those who cross the school threshold for the first time. This is a holiday for first-graders and first-year students. Both of them enter into a completely new life. Therefore, this day is one of the most exciting and memorable for them.

Knowledge Day is an official holiday that is celebrated on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01. 10. 80 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”, as amended. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01. 11. 88 N 9724-XI "On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorable Days".

September 1 is the holiday of the beginning of the new academic year, primarily for pupils, pupils, students, teachers and lecturers. Traditionally, schools celebrate the start of the school year on this day. First-graders are greeted with special solemnity in schools. In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as a rule, they do without rulers, but the solemnity of the moment does not at all decrease from this.

On September 1, students and their parents give flowers to teachers, congratulating them on the start of the school year. The first persons of the state traditionally congratulate teachers and students on the Day of Knowledge. District administrations, heads of cities and the country visit various educational institutions.

On September 1, significant events took place in history, one way or another related to education:

In 1714 in St. Petersburg, by order of PETER I, the first state library in Russia was created. Now it is the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1919, the world's first State Film School was opened, now known as the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. A. S. Gerasimova.

In 1953 on the Leninskie (Sparrows) mountains opened a new complex of buildings of Moscow State University.

In 1964, for the first time on the television screen, the program “Good night, kids!” appeared, entertaining and educating kids, preparing them for school life.

Catchphrases of the day:

  • The first of September is the first day of the calendar
  • For the first time in first class
  • It all starts with a school bell
  • Knowledge is power

The kids reached out

To school in the morning

Roma, Kolya, Nadia...

Blue notebooks.

Backpacks and briefcases,

Paints - watercolors.

Desk, globe.

First grade.

knowledge day

We have now!

Al. Maryukhin.

Hello school! Autumn again.

The class is calling again.

We will ask teachers

Take us to the world of knowledge.

We rested over the summer

Grow up, gain strength.

Children, are you ready for school? -

Our teacher asked us.

We came to school today

To learn how to live

Be home helpers

Cherish friendship.

We cannot live without knowledge

We really need them.

We will be useful to people

We are the masters of the Earth!

So that over our planet

The sun always shone

So that children always laugh

We've come to you, teacher!

Proud, smart

We're walking down the street

With kind smiles

Everyone admires us.

"You don't have to follow us!" -

We told mom.

What class are we going to?

Guess yourself.

Knowledge Day - children are eager to go to school again.

We walk, holding hands, to the school yard.

After all, ahead of study, discoveries for a whole year,

Be bold, baby, on the road, victory awaits you!

Let difficult problems be solved easily,

Poems are remembered, and the letter is getting along,

Let funny friends always find you

Teachers will support and lead to knowledge.

Summer rang out with a fervent song,

And the golden autumn began.

Hurry, friends, you have a lot to do,

A sun-drenched school class awaits you.

Have you been to the camp, on hikes,

Strengthened, matured, developed -

Let me congratulate you on the new year,

Happy school year - a new step in life!

Let every school day pass for good reason,

You need to know a lot, a lot

To become like the hero Gagarin,

To conquer the depths of the Earth and Space!