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» July hair care lunar calendar. Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for July

July hair care lunar calendar. Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for July

Helpful Hints

Venus will be in Gemini most of the time this month. Usually on such days it draws on experiments and something new. Hairstyles done at this time will make you younger and more attractive.

However, we advise you to choose the most successful days of the month for this, especially good days for haircuts: July 18 and 25, 2017. Venus will have several unfavorable aspects that may prevent you from getting a good effect. Therefore, the most successful days for any beauty procedures this month will not be as many as we would like.

If you are growing your hair and want to speed up its growth, trim the ends of your hair in the days of the growing moon: from 1 to 8 and from 23 to 31 July 2017 avoiding bad days. Haircuts will keep their shape longer, and hair will grow slower if you cut your hair on the days of the waning moon - from 9 to 22 July 2017.

Moon calendar haircuts and coloring


♎ 1 JULY, Saturday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:01.SCALES

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 03:49

Neutral day: it is good to have a haircut for those who have normal and intact hair. Today it is also good to do light air styling, wind hair on curlers, but it is better not to use hot appliances for styling: it is easy to dry your hair. Any hair masks that improve volume and make the hairstyle more magnificent will be useful.

The effect of haircuts on hair

: Can make you more irritable and impulsive.

2 JULY, Sunday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 14:11.SCALES , SCORPION from 19:59

Moon without a course from 16:16 to 19:58

It is best to go for a haircut or do hair in general in the first half of the day - before 16:00. After 20:00, you can take action against dandruff if you suffer from such a problem and know its cause.

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, no effect on hair structure.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can bring to life all sorts of unexpected events.

♏ 3 JULY, Monday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:19.SCORPION

A good day to take care of your hair: firming masks, as well as anti-dandruff masks, including preventive ones, will benefit. You can cut the ends of the hair: the hair after that will grow quite quickly. If you have problematic hair, it is better not to choose this day for a haircut, as there will be no positive effect on the hair structure.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, getting rid of dandruff and high fat content.

The psychological impact of a haircut : improves mood, helps to become more confident in yourself and your abilities.

♏ 4 JULY, Tuesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:25.SCORPION

Another neutral day. You can do styling with hot appliances - curling irons, hair dryers, irons. You can dye your hair in darker shades: the paint promises to retain saturation for a long time. You can cut the ends of your hair to stimulate growth.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help make you more active, relieve shyness and indecision.

JULY 5, Wednesday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:30.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 08:08

Moon without a course from 04:34 to 08:07

There will be no special effects on the hair on this day, so you can choose this day if you do not have any special claims to your hair. It's still good to cut your hair for the purpose of growing it fast. If you notice that your hair is getting greasy faster, try changing the shampoo designed for your hair type and reduce your intake of fatty and high-calorie foods.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, no effect on the structure and condition of the hair.

The psychological impact of a haircut : no special effects.

Favorable haircut days according to the lunar calendar

♐ 6 JULY, Thursday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 18:31.SAGITTARIUS

Today, we advise you to use hair dye with caution, as there are high risks of manifestation allergic reactions. It is better not to experiment with new dyes or other hair products. Use what you have already tried.

The effect of haircuts on hair : medium height, no effect on the structure and condition of the hair.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help attract success and respect.

7 JULY, Friday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 19:27.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 20:44

Moon without a course from 17:12 to 20:43

If you would like to improve the structure of your hair and strengthen it, as well as get rid of a number of shortcomings, we advise you to cut your hair after 20:45, when the Moon is in Capricorn, or postpone the haircut until tomorrow. A haircut will not accelerate hair growth, but after it the shape of the hairstyle will last longer. You can dye your hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair : medium height, no effect on the structure and condition of the hair, after 20:44 - hair strengthening.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will attract new romantic acquaintances, make you more sociable.

Read also:

♑ 8 JULY, Saturday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 20:17.CAPRICORN

To strengthen and restore hair, use masks based on natural ingredients. Natural vegetable oils work especially well on the hair, which penetrate the hair structure, smooth out the scales, as a result, the hair looks much better. Today you can cut your hair for men, as well as cut your bangs well - it will not grow back quickly. It is good to exfoliate the scalp with special salt-based scrubs.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : can attract negative emotions.

GROWING MOON, waning moon from 16:08

♑ 9 JULY, Sunday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 21:00.CAPRICORN

FULL MOON at 07:07

Stress and an unstable mental state greatly affect the health of the hair, and on the day of the full moon, you should especially listen to your emotions, now you need more rest and relaxation. Today you can get a haircut for those who would like to strengthen their hair, but do not want them to grow back quickly. Still a good day for masks to strengthen and nourish the hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair : medium height, strengthening hair, stopping hair loss.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can make you more aggressive and impatient, attract negative emotions.

♑♒ 10 JULY, Monday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:36.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 08:35

Moon without a course from 05:12 to 08:34

An unlucky day to start various procedures related to hair treatment. Due to the idle moon, such procedures may not give any result (if you start them before 08:30). You can get a haircut, but if you contact a trusted specialist.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : will make you more attractive to the opposite sex, help attract finance - from 18:30 to 21:00.

♒ 11 JULY, Tuesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 22:07.AQUARIUS

With the Moon in Aquarius, you are drawn to experiments, but today it is better not to experiment with hair dyes: they may surprise you unpleasantly. You can get a new modern haircut, but remember that the hair after it will grow rather slowly, and you will not be able to change your hairstyle so quickly.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, no effect on hair texture.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help to become more self-confident, improve mood.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and coloring

♒♓ 12 JULY, Wednesday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:32.AQUARIUS , FISH from 18:52

Moon without a course from 15:40 to 18:51

This day is not the best for hair care and various procedures, but haircuts are acceptable, especially if you want something original. But it is better to sign up for a hairdresser before 15:30. In the evening, after 19:00, it is better not to deal with hair, but you can remove unwanted hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, no effect on hair texture.

The psychological impact of a haircut : May attract unexpected events.

♓ 13 JULY, Thursday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:55.FISH

Today, the risks of various allergic reactions are especially increased, we do not recommend using new hair products or for their removal. Haircuts can seriously damage your hair. It is good to remove unwanted hair, especially in the armpit or bikini area, but we recommend using previously proven products. Can't do perm or other complex hair manipulations: it is easy to burn hair with chemicals, aggressive dye or styling tools. Be especially careful on this day!

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : can make you more sensitive and impressionable, can bring problems in the financial sector.

Read also:Horoscope of haircuts and hairstyles: how to choose a hairstyle according to the Zodiac?

♓ 14 JULY, Friday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 23:16.FISH

Moon without a course from 20:00

Another bad day for haircuts and various procedures (coloring, treatment, extensions, perms). You are especially at risk of damaging your hair in the morning - until about 13:00. Removal of unwanted hair is acceptable.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, hair will split faster and begin to fall out more.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can attract various obstacles and delays in business.

♓♈ 15 JULY, Saturday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 23:37.FISH , ARIES from 02:52

Moon off course until 02:51

Today, haircuts are acceptable, but we do not recommend dyeing your hair, as the paint will quickly lose color saturation. If this suddenly happens, you should not run to the hairdresser ahead of time. Try picking a tinted shampoo or lather of a similar shade to refresh the color without adding stress to your hair. If you have bleached hair and an unpleasant yellowish tint has appeared, it can be masked a little with the help of blue tint shampoos.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, no effect on hair texture.

The psychological impact of a haircut : help to attract the opposite sex, make you more attractive and self-confident.

♈ 16 JULY, Sunday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 23:58,ARIES

III quarter, the fourth phase of the moon from 22:24

The day of the change of the lunar phase is always stressful, so it is better not to give a strong load on the hair now. Today you can get a haircut, but if you do not have the opportunity to choose a better time. We do not recommend using hot styling tools, as it is easy to dry the hair and ruin it. It is better to dry your hair in a natural way, without hair dryers. It is highly undesirable to do a perm, hair extensions, dye your hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, no effect on hair texture.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can bring to life negative events related to health and rash actions.

♈♉ 17 JULY, Monday, 23rd lunar day from 00:00.ARIES , CALF from 08:05

Moon without a course from 05:19 to 08:04

Today, it is better not to use electrical appliances for various procedures aimed at improving the health of the hair, as well as for styling, as the risk of various problems associated with electricity is increased. Haircuts are allowed, but we still advise you to refrain from dyeing and curling.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, hair strengthening, hair will be less greasy (after 08:00).

The psychological impact of a haircut : May attract unexpected fatal events.

Haircut according to the lunar calendar

♉ 18 JULY, Tuesday, 24th lunar day from 00:20.CALF

A good day for going to the hairdresser and various procedures aimed at strengthening and hair treatment. Hair will grow back slowly after a haircut, so if you're growing your hair out, it's best not to cut the ends that day. A haircut today, however, will help make your hair healthier, so if you have problematic hair, you can cut it today. It is also good to cut bangs. Men's haircuts will also be successful.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, hair strengthening, hair will acquire a beautiful healthy shine, less split ends, the hairstyle will keep its shape for a long time.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will attract success and good luck in business, improve mood.

♉♊ 19 JULY, Wednesday, 25th lunar day from 00:51.CALF , TWINS from 10:32

Moon without a course from 09:11 to 10:31

With the Moon without a course, as you know, you can’t start new business, but you can continue what you started earlier. For example, if you are engaged in hair treatment, you can continue treatment procedures, but it is better not to start new procedures: the result may be zero. It is good to get a haircut before 09:00, while the Moon is in the sign of Taurus. A good day for styling, especially with curlers or hot appliances.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, hair strengthening - before 09:00, after 09:00 - no special effects.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help you become more active and decisive, attract new acquaintances - after 10:30.

Read also: 15 summer hairstyles for every day that will help you survive the heat

♊ 20 JULY, Thursday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 01:26.TWINS

It is highly undesirable to do a perm: it can turn out to be far from perfect, moreover, today there is a high risk of allergies. Haircuts are acceptable, especially light and airy. Hair coloring is not recommended.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, no special effects on the condition and structure of the hair.

The psychological impact of a haircut : until 12:00 - will attract success in financial affairs; after 12:00 - can attract obstacles and delays in any endeavors.

♊♋ 21 JULY, Friday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 02:11.TWINS , CANCER from 11:10

Moon without a course from 08:41 to 11:09

A bad day for any hair manipulation except for removing unwanted hair, especially in the legs, but also in any other parts of the body. We advise you to remove hair after 11:10, when the Moon is in the sign of Cancer. Today we do not recommend doing hair, you should not even wash your hair, if possible. You can use dry shampoos.

The effect of haircuts on hair : medium height, no influences - 08:41 to 11:09, after 11:09 - the hair will become more greasy, will quickly split and lose its healthy shine.

The psychological impact of a haircut : may attract unexpected events - before 08:41, after 08:41 - no special effects.

♋ 22 JULY, Saturday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:08.CANCER

Another good day for removing unwanted hair. You can use the most different ways epilation: laser, ultrasonic, electrolysis, photoepilation and other modern methods. If you do not want to resort to such methods, you can use temporary hair removal products: using simple razors, wax, sugar, or using special devices. Hair after the procedure done on this day will grow slowly, will be weak and thin, and less noticeable. Don't miss this day!

The effect of haircuts on hair : medium height, the hair will become more oily, it will quickly split and lose its healthy shine.

The psychological impact of a haircut : Can make you dissatisfied with yourself, the people around you, and life.

waning moon, waxing moon from 12:44

♋♌ 23 JULY, Sunday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:16 to 12:43, CANCER , A LION from 11:33

1st lunar day from 12:46

Moon without a course from 09:05 to 11:32

NEW MOON at 12:46

The day of the new moon is considered stressful, besides, the first half of the day is the satanic 29th lunar day, when nothing new can be started. Today, refrain from any complex procedures, but you can make masks that nourish and strengthen your hair. After 12:46 the 1st lunar day will begin, which is the magical day of the entire month. At this time and until the morning of the next day, you have the opportunity to make wishes and make plans, including those related to the health of your hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair : medium height, after 11:33 - strengthening the hair, improving its structure, hair will fall out less.

The psychological impact of a haircut : before 09:05 - can attract negative events, from 09:05 to 11:32 - no influences, after 11:33 - will help to become more decisive and active, will contribute to the fulfillment of desires.

♌ 24 JULY, Monday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 05:33.A LION

If possible, go for a haircut after 6:00 pm, as the negative aspect of Venus can leave you frustrated with your haircut. Also, after 18:00 it is good to sign up for any complex procedures, including fine perms, hair and eyelash extensions, lamination, coloring.

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, strengthening of hair, improvement of their structure, healthy shine, hair will split more slowly, will not fall out.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can quarrel you with partners, or bring trouble to the financial sector - until 18:00.

Haircut lunar calendar 2017

♌♍ 25 JULY, Tuesday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:52.A LION , VIRGO from 13:33

Moon without a course from 12:22 to 13:32

Not a bad day for a trip to the hairdresser. You can do any kind of work, including home hair care procedures, as well as any salon. The only condition is not to start anything new during the Moon period without a course, as the result will disappoint you. It is also good to dye your hair: the paint promises to retain saturation for a long time.

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, from 12:22 to 13:32 - there are no influences, the rest of the time - hair strengthening, hair will fall out less, improve its structure.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will attract new business acquaintances and connections.

♍ 26 JULY, Wednesday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:12.VIRGO

A good day to visit a trichologist if you have hair problems. It is better to refrain from curling your hair, as today the risk of allergic reactions is increased. You can take care of your hair at home. Haircuts are allowed, classic feminine haircuts will be especially good. When coloring your hair, use dyes based on natural dyes (such as henna), with a minimum amount of chemicals. You can also use natural dyes from ordinary products to give your hair an extra beautiful shine and shade, for example, you can use infusions of chamomile, nettle, onion peel, tea, coffee and others.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, hair strengthening, hair will fall out less, improve its structure.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can make you more sensitive and envious of other people's successes, can attract obstacles and delays in business.

♍♎ 27 JULY, Thursday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:29.VIRGO , SCALES from 18:37

Moon without a course from 09:31 to 18:36

Not the best day for a haircut, although the hair can be strengthened, the hairstyle is more likely to disappoint you. Today you can make an appointment with a trichologist (until 09:30), as well as do hair care at home. Difficult procedures should be postponed.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, until 09:30 - hair strengthening, hair will fall out less, improve its structure; after 09:30 - no effect.

The psychological impact of a haircut : no special effects.

Haircut days according to the lunar calendar

♎ 28 JULY, Friday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 10:43.SCALES

Today it is good to have a haircut for those who do not have special problems with hair. Any styling with curlers, curling irons, irons or a regular hair dryer will turn out well. By making a special mask, you can significantly increase the volume of your hair if you have thin and sparse hair. A good effect on the health of the hair will have a peeling of the scalp.

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, no effect on hair structure.

The psychological impact of a haircut : no special effects.

♎ 29 JULY, Saturday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:55.SCALES

A good day for going to the hairdresser: hairstyles promise to be very feminine and attractive, but the haircut will most likely have no effect on the hair structure. You can dye your hair, as well as do various procedures to strengthen your hair and improve their appearance.

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth.

The psychological impact of a haircut : help to attract the opposite sex, make more attractive.

30 JULY, Sunday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:05.SCALES , SCORPION from 03:23

Moon without course from 00:30 to 03:23

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 18:23

Postpone any complex hair treatments as they may not be successful. Haircuts are allowed, but this is not the best day of the month for them. We also do not recommend using hot hair styling appliances.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, getting rid of dandruff.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can make you more irritable and impulsive, can attract trouble.

♏ 31 JULY, Monday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:05.SCORPION

Moon without a course from 14:10

It is good to do any procedures to remove dandruff, as well as masks for prevention against its appearance. Haircuts are allowed, you can also dye your hair in darker colors. After 14:00, do not start anything new, as the Moon will be "idle", but you can continue the work you started earlier. You can cut the ends of your hair to stimulate growth.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, getting rid of dandruff.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help strengthen intuition.

Lunar hair calendar for JULY 2017 (table)

Haircuts for accelerated hair growth: 1-5, 24-31
Haircuts to strengthen hair: 7-9, 17-19, 23-27
Thermal haircuts: 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 18, 19
Male haircuts: 8-12, 15-20
Cutting the ends of the hair: 1-5, 24-31
Haircut bangs: 8-12, 15-20
Laying: 1, 2, 5-9, 15-21, 23-29
Curler: 1, 2, 10-12, 19-21, 27-29
Head massage: 1, 2, 15, 16, 19-21, 27-29
Coloring: 24-26
Highlighting, blonding, toning, coloring: 24-26
Depilation, epilation: 12-14, 21, 22
Perm: 25, 26
Hair straightening: 18, 19, 25, 26
Lamination, hair shielding: 24-26
Braid weaving: 17, 18, 25, 26
Hair extension: 24-26
Glazing, nourishing masks: 1-8, 23-31
Volume masks: 1, 2, 10-12, 19-21, 23-25, 27-29
Purifying masks: 9-12, 15-21
Scalp peeling: 8, 9, 17-20
Getting rid of dandruff: 3. 4, 30, 31
Hair treatment: 18, 19, 25-27
Herbal rinses: 17-19, 25-27
Trichologist's consultation: 25-27
Computer selection of hairstyles: 10-12
Purchases: 7, 18, 20, 24, 28, 29
The most favorable days for working with hair: 18, 25
Unfavorable days for complex procedures: 1, 6, 8, 16, 14, 20, 23, 26, 30

When is the best time to color your hair and get the desired effect and long-lasting result? The Star Oracle will suggest auspicious days for this important beauty procedure, and the experts of TM “Placent Formula” and “Lanier” are happy to share the most accurate Lunar calendar for hair coloring for July 2017.

The best days for hair coloring in July fall on the numbers when the Moon is Waxing - these are from 1 to 8 and from 23 to 31.

July 1-2, Moon in Libra, First Quarter- auspicious days for hair coloring. You can safely change the color of your hair. The end result will please.

July 3-4, Moon in the sign of Scorpio, Growing- these days, hair coloring, especially with natural dyes, will bring good luck to you and have a positive effect on the condition of your hair.

July 5, Moon in Sagittarius, Waxing- a good day for changing hair color, tinting the roots. The color will last a long time, the hair will not lose its beautiful shine for a long time.

July 6, Moon in Sagittarius, Waxing- a favorable day for coloring. This procedure will attract monetary energy to you.

July 7, Moon in Sagittarius, Waxing- visit a hairdresser to do hair coloring. The result will please, the procedure will be gentle for the hair.

July 8, Moon in Capricorn, Full Moon- if you want to walk with luxurious shine and color for the whole lunar month, then plan the coloring for this day.

July 10-11, Moon in Sagittarius, Waning- Hair coloring may not meet your expectations.

July 12, Moon in the sign of Pisces, Waning- dyeing hair or painting over gray hair will not give positive results.

July 13-14, Moon in the sign of Pisces, Waning- on this day, refuse to dye your hair, as you risk their beauty and healthy appearance.

July 15-16, Moon in the sign of Aries, Waning- it is better to postpone a visit to the hairdresser for a more favorable day for hair coloring.

July 17, Moon in the sign of Taurus, Waning- on this day, it is better not to expose the hair to chemical effects and not to experiment with color.

July 18, Moon in the sign of Taurus, Waning- the procedure for dyeing your hair can deprive you of vital energy.

July 19-20, Moon in the sign of Gemini, Waning- on this day, do not expect a good result from hair coloring.

July 21-22, Moon in the sign of Cancer, Waning- not the most suitable days for the procedure of hair coloring, various experiments with color and painting over gray hair. Hair will quickly lose color, become brittle and dry.

July 23, Moon in Leo, New Moon- a very favorable day for making amber, highlighting, coloring, blonding.

July 24-25, Moon in Leo, Waxing- boldly plan these days toning, painting over gray hair or coloring in any color. In any case, the result will please you.

July 26, Moon in Virgo, Waxing- Another great day to have your hair coloring done.

July 27, Moon in Virgo, Waxing- dyeing hair on this day, especially in light shades, will bring good luck.

July 28-29, Moon in the sign of Libra, Growing Favorable days for experimenting with hair color. Long lasting color and shine.

July 30-31, Moon in the sign of Scorpio, Growing- do not miss the favorable time for hair coloring. You will be pleased not only with the result, you will receive a promotion at work as a bonus.

Any coloring is a stress for the hair. To protect them from harmful chemical effects, to maintain their healthy structure, use special unisex products - based on liquid keratin "Formula Silk" or with vegetable protein "Formula Silk Botanica". By adding the contents of the ampoule to the paint, high-quality hair coloring, a restoration effect and a long-lasting result are ensured.

Your brilliance and luxury! ТМ “Placent Formula” and “Lanier”

7 lunar day

7 lunar day is not the best time for trimming the ends or a new haircut. Such changes can lead to conflict situations with others.

You can dye your hair any color. A change in color will have a positive effect on relationships with people and will have a beneficial effect on self-esteem.

Waxing Moon (1st quarter)

The first quarter is a neutral time for cutting and coloring hair. On this day, strengthening and regenerating hair masks are useful.

Moon in Libra

The moon in the sign of Libra is not the best time to visit a hairdresser. A haircut these days can change the condition of the hair. They will become more naughty, begin to curl.

This is the right time for wellness treatments. It is worth pampering your hair with a nourishing mask or washing it in a decoction of herbs. It is recommended to visit a hair care specialist.


Saturday is a favorable day of the week for visiting a hairdresser. A new haircut will get rid of the negative.

The haircut lunar calendar for July 1, 2017 contains recommendations for cutting, coloring and other hair manipulations during this period. He tells you how auspicious this day is for a visit to the hairdresser. The lunar hair horoscope takes into account the influence of the lunar day, the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in the zodiac sign and the day of the week.

By changing the hair color, lovely ladies can not only become even more attractive, but also enlist the support of capricious Fortune. The lunar coloring calendar for July 2017 will tell you the most successful days to update your hairstyle.

No wonder our ancestors paid great attention to hair. They contain the power that can help even in the most difficult and critical situations. You can attract good luck by choosing a hair color that suits your temperament and Zodiac Sign. The new image will strengthen your energy and add optimism.

Favorable and unfavorable days for hair coloring

July 1-2: The waxing moon is in the constellation Libra. This time is not suitable for changing hair color, however, dyeing in the same shade or painting over regrown roots will add charm to you and attract the attention of the opposite sex.

July 3-4: Moon in zodiac Scorpio. This period is successful for the use of natural dyes. Changing your hair color will help you in the fight against ailments and chronic diseases. These days, it will be good to use emollient balms after dyeing so that the hair does not start to frizz.

July 5-7: the ambiguous influence of the Moon in Sagittarius urges lovely ladies to be careful. These days, you should refrain from coloring and give your hair a rest. On July 6, homemade firming masks will have a beneficial effect on your curls.

July 8-9: the positive influence of the Moon in Capricorn is good for experiments on the image. These days, both coloring and highlighting several strands with color will be successful. Toning and coloring is suitable for those who want to feel confident in their abilities.

July 10-12: The waning moon moves into the constellation Aquarius. This period is good for bold experiments with hair color. If you are not afraid to be extravagant and draw attention to yourself, use the services of a stylist for coloring in bright and unusual colors.

July 13-14: The moon in Pisces has a negative effect on the hair, and these days, lovely ladies should refrain from dyeing their curls with harmful chemical dyes. For owners of light and dull hair, natural dyes are suitable that will help hair gain strength and shine.

July 15-16: the waning Moon in the zodiac Aries is an extremely unfavorable combination for coloring. Changing hair color under the influence of an impulsive Sign the very next day can disappoint you and ruin your mood. Dedicate these days to caring procedures that prevent hair loss.

July 17-18: The Moon and Taurus have a positive effect on hair, so you should not refuse a planned visit to the stylist. A new hair color or dyeing in the usual shade will bring a lot of positive emotions. Ombre coloring will help ladies achieve significant success on the personal front.

July 19-20: the waning period of the moon in the constellation of Gemini is neutral for coloring. Changing hair color will not affect their structure and appearance.

July 21-22: The Moon in Cancer does not favor the use of aggressive dyes. Hair will lose its natural shine and may begin to curl. A dramatic change in color can cause dry scalp and dandruff.

July 23-25: The moon in the constellation Leo is a favorable combination for the use of natural dyes. The exception is the period of the New Moon, July 23, when the hair needs rest. Coloring in shades of red at the beginning of the growth of the moon will cheer you up and will help attract profit.

July 26-27: the growing Moon in Virgo contributes to good luck in the business sphere. For a thoughtful approach to important matters and successful transactions, astrologers recommend resorting to coloring in light colors. Lightening individual strands will help lovely ladies cope with difficulties and successfully complete their planned tasks.

July 28-29: The Moon in Libra will not change the general condition of the hair. Natural shades will help bring positive events into life, and a change in color by several tones will help those who decide to break off a burdensome relationship.

July 30-31: The Moon in Scorpio gives this period a changeable energy that is not suitable for changing hair color. These days it is worth resorting to masks and balms that strengthen the structure of curls.

Use the suggested recommendations to always be on top. A complete image will help you gain confidence in your abilities and successfully overcome all trials. The haircut lunar calendar for July 2017 will help you choose the best time to visit the hairdresser. We wish you beauty and health, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Favorable days for a haircut in July 2017 are July 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27 July.
Favorable days for hair coloring in July 2017 are July 1, 2, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27 July.
Auspicious days for manicure, pedicure in July 2017 - 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 July.

Lunar calendar for haircuts, hair coloring and cosmetic procedures for July 2017

Haircut - trimmed today, they will become thicker, and will grow many times slower.
Hair coloring - you can dye your hair with permanent dyes and bleach them.
Manicure, pedicure - to problems in love and relationships.
Facial care - make nourishing face masks.
Body care is a good time to start a course of herbal medicine.

Haircut - a visit to the hairdresser will bring joy and invigorate.
Hair coloring is a great day to dye your hair in dark colors.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, you slow down the metabolic processes in the body, which will lead to weight gain.
Facial care - the skin needs moisture, drink more fluids, eat fruits.
Body care - it is good to start a course of breathing exercises.

Haircut - can negatively affect your well-being.
Hair coloring - it is worth postponing.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today is for those who want to increase concentration and attention.
Facials - Cleansing masks and scrubs will help rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck.
Body care is one of the days when you can starve, cleanse the body with water.

A haircut is an unfavorable day, refrain from manipulating your hair.
Hair coloring is not recommended as it may damage the hair.
Manicure, pedicure - will attract ill-wishers, enemies, make you touchy.
Facial care - today the treatment of acne will be effective.
Body care - the moon warns: no hard diets. You need to eat well today. Take care of your feet in the evening.

Haircut - a haircut made today will quickly lose shape, and styling will not last long.
Hair coloring - do not bleach your hair today.
Manicures, pedicures - ruin your nails if you cut them today, yes, and start gaining weight.
Facial - give your skin a rest.
Body care - lunar days are great for surgical removal of minor cosmetic imperfections.

A haircut is the perfect day for a makeover. Therefore, you can do any haircut.
Hair coloring is a neutral day, don't expect amazing results.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today will extend life, improve health, and may even write off part of karmic debts.
Facial care - natural masks.
Body care - morning exercises or even jogging should not be neglected today.

Haircut - wait a little with a haircut: you risk ruining your eyesight.
Hair coloring - the day is not suitable for a radical hair change.
Manicure, pedicure - the best day for nail extensions in July. They will last a long time, and the risk of ruining your nails is minimal. And cutting your nails will bring good luck.
Facial care - today it is auspicious to do facial cleansing.
Body care - all attention today to the joints. Stretching exercises will also give good results.

Haircut – Haircut will make the hair grow much faster.
Hair coloring - chemical or biowave will be successful.
Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today if you want to protect yourself from evil tongues, gossips.
Facial care - a mask made from natural ingredients perfectly nourishes the scalp.
Body care is a great time to visit a massage therapist. You can take care of your feet. Lunar days are great for starting a diet.

Haircut - Do not cut your hair during the full moon.

Manicure, pedicure - the day of the sensitivity of the body. It is better to postpone all operations for another day, the wounds received today take a long time to heal.
Facial care - indulge in the pleasure of applying a rejuvenating mask.
Body care is an auspicious day for contrasting water.

Haircut - You can have a haircut.
Hair coloring - dye your hair in red tones.
Manicure, pedicure - manicure of love. If you want to find true love, have an affair, cut your nails today.
Facial care - the moon advises today anti-aging masks, Botox, tightening facial massage.
Body care is a great time for martial arts and yoga. Try oriental breathing practices. Avoid meat and dairy whenever possible.

A haircut is a good day for a model fashionable haircut.
Hair coloring - but with coloring today it is better to wait.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails on this lunar day helps to get rid of protracted sadness, severe longing and unpleasant memories.
Facial care - anti-aging treatments are favorable.
Body care - go for a massage.

Haircut - after a haircut, luck will literally haunt you.
Hair coloring - only in dark and chestnut tones.
Manicure, pedicure - help in a difficult situation or in the fight against unexpected troubles, all this can be given by cutting nails today.
Facial care - do not use cosmetics today.
Body care is a very good day for hair removal.

Haircut - give up this idea.
Hair coloring is a wonderful day for bronze hair coloring.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, you shorten your life.
Facial care - anti-aging masks will help you lose a few years.
Body care - drinking plenty of water (up to 2 liters) is recommended. Don't overwork.

A haircut is a great day for a classic haircut.
Hair coloring - give preference to bronze shades.
Manicure, pedicure - today is a neutral day. Manicure and pedicure will not affect you in any way.
Facial care - nourishing masks.
Body care - water procedures.

Haircut - short haircuts will be successful.
Hair coloring - hair can be dyed with natural dyes, but it should not be bleached.
Manicure, pedicure - Manicure and pedicure today will save you from loneliness, if it bothers you.
Facial care - do not make various face masks, they are ineffective on this day.
Body care - massages on problem areas, body wraps, anti-cellulite products are welcome.

A haircut is an unfavorable day for cutting hair.
Hair coloring - only natural dyes.
Manicure, pedicure - a good day.
Facial care - you can get rid of age spots and freckles.
Body care - review today's menu and get rid of junk food.

Haircut - do not radically change your appearance.
Hair coloring - coloring will weaken not only your hair, but the whole body as a whole. Moreover, you may fall under the influence of hypocritical people who will take advantage of your kindness and your money.
Manicure, pedicure - a wonderful day for a manicure.
Facial care - pay special attention to moisturizing the skin of the face.
Body care - today your body needs vitamins more than ever.

Haircut - after a haircut today, the hair will stop falling out and split. Also, after a visit to the hairdresser, your life will change for the better.

Manicure, pedicure - nail care today will help you in work and study, it will also help you unleash your creative potential. If you do not have a creative profession, then you can realize yourself in a new nail design.
Face care - whitening masks.
Body care is an auspicious day for hair removal.

Haircut is one of the most better days for cutting hair this month. By cutting your hair today, you attract love, new interesting people into your life, and life becomes full of events.
Hair coloring - light colors will add confidence to you.
Manicure, pedicure - manicure today will help you establish yourself in society, increase your authority and help realize your talent.
Facial care - today you can do a chin correction.
Body care - during sports, you can give a particularly serious load on the legs, hips and buttocks.

Haircut - negative trends are gaining momentum. Don't cut, color, or add hair extensions today.
Hair coloring - you will lose an attractive look.
Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today, you cheer yourself up that will not go unnoticed by others.
Facial care - on this day, anti-aging masks should be used.
Body care - a visit to the pool will tone your body.

Haircut - Do not cut or color your hair today. Especially if you are prone to depression. There is a risk of spoiling your mood.
Hair coloring - give up this idea.
Manicure, pedicure - it is forbidden to cut nails, as they will not only lose their strength and will exfoliate, but also cut nails on such a day to fail in the new year.
Facial - give your skin a rest.
Body care - depilation is not recommended.

Haircut - cut your hair today to problems with money, people and difficulties in work and study.
Hair coloring - it’s better not to do anything new, use only proven colors.
Manicure, pedicure - do not cut your nails today, as any wounds and cuts inflicted on this day heal for a long time.
Facial - Cleanse your face.
Body care - when playing sports, you can increase the load on the heart muscle, since the cardiovascular system is the least vulnerable today.

Haircut - do not cut or color your hair today if you do not want to incur problems in work, study, career.
Hair coloring should be postponed.
Manicure, pedicure - do not cut your nails today, there is a chance that your mood will worsen, depression may even begin.
Facial care - soothing masks and baths will be useful.
Body care is relaxation.

A haircut is a good day to strengthen the hair roots, cutting your hair today or even trimming the ends is a bad idea. It will affect your promotion at work and attract the trust of others.
Hair coloring is an auspicious day for hair coloring.
Manicure, pedicure - an auspicious day, cutting nails will save you from enemies and envious people.
Facial care - use only proven cosmetics, there is a possibility of allergies.
Body care - aerobic exercise will be especially effective on this day.

Haircut - refrain from radical interventions in your appearance. Hold off with a haircut and hair coloring.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
Manicure, pedicure - take care of fungus prevention on this day.

Body care is relaxation.

A haircut is an auspicious day for cutting hair, it will bring you good luck.
Hair coloring is an auspicious day.
Manicure, pedicure - will help normalize relationships and can help find a solution to a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.
Facial care - it is good to make berry and fruit masks.
Body care - relaxing massage and aromatherapy using the aromas of mint, nutmeg, cinnamon are useful.

Haircut - feel free to sign up to your master.
Hair coloring - on this day you can decide on any experiments.
Manicure, pedicure - do not forget about your nails, pay attention to them.
Facial - give your face a rest today.
Body care - when to epilate hair? Of course today!

Haircut - do not cut your hair today, otherwise you can bring trouble.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
Manicure, pedicure - nails will grow back quickly.
Facial care - try not to use cosmetics today.
Body care is a good time to start losing weight.

Haircut - carries information of damage and loss.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable period.
Manicure, pedicure - you should refrain from any procedures with nails.
Facial care - use only proven products.
Body care is relaxation.

Haircut - If you don't want problems, stay away from hairdressers.
Hair coloring - give up today.
Manicure, pedicure - a bad day. A manicure done today will attract bad luck and evil, prudent people into your life. There is a possibility of making an enemy.
Facial care - give rest to the skin of the face.
Body care - a fasting day is useful, therapeutic fasting, do not forget about vitamins.

Haircut - cutting hair on this day can bring with it minor injuries and troubles.
Hair coloring - because of it, conflicts with others can occur.
Manicure, pedicure - nail cutting, pedicure and manicure today contribute to the normalization of relations with friends and loved ones.
Facials - today you can make various masks and light facial scrubs.
Body care - visiting a bath or sauna will benefit the body.

Haircut and beauty calendar for July 2017

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