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» Male tattoos of ancient Slavic and Scandinavian warriors. Warrior tattoo - meaning and designs for girls and men Tattoo war with a sword in the hood

Male tattoos of ancient Slavic and Scandinavian warriors. Warrior tattoo - meaning and designs for girls and men Tattoo war with a sword in the hood

The tattoo itself originated about 4,000 years ago. It was applied to the body to indicate one's status or belonging to certain types of activity. The first mention of such drawings was in a report after James Cook's round-the-world trip in 1773. Since the appearance of man on earth, wars have become an integral part of the history of the origin of clans, principalities, peoples and states. For possession of the territory, defending religious views, millions of soldiers fought, giving their lives. It was believed that the images of a warrior with a sword and armor would give him courage, strength and endurance before the battle. Images on the body became a kind of amulet, calling for help from spirits and pagan gods. Regardless of the time, era and continent, for all warriors, the wearable pattern symbolized Courage, Masculinity and Courage.

Before going to the salon, you will have to shovel through a lot of photographs with a drawing of a warrior and decide on a sketch. In addition, it is worth paying attention to which era to choose the image of a fighter, what this image carries. A centuries-old history suggests a difficult choice among heroes, samurai, Vikings, knights, there are many images, as well as their interpretations.

The meaning of the Slavic warrior tattoo

We can say that the image of the Russian hero has the same meaning as that of the Slavic peoples. First of all, this is a manifestation of the power, strength of the Russian person as a protector, masculinity and unbending will. Works with images of ancient, Slavic warriors are very popular in Russia, as a veneration of their culture and a tribute to history. There is no need to look for a special, hidden meaning in them. As a rule, the reason for the choice of such subjects in men is the desire to emphasize the fighting spirit, fortitude and character. These images look harmoniously on large and strong men. Otherwise, the impressive image of a Slavic hero on a bony back, or on a sunken chest, a tattoo of a knight in armor will look out of place. The background is usually complemented by a horse, a weapon, for a stronger presentation of the image. Sometimes inscriptions are added in the form of "God is with us", "Russians are coming", etc. On women, such works are inappropriate and would look ridiculous, just like butterflies with daisies on a man.

Image of a samurai warrior, meaning.

Samurai are known to us as selfless fighters, they skillfully wield a sword, are skilled in hand-to-hand combat, have extraordinary speed and reaction. This concept has a rather deep meaning, based on honor, devotion to the idea and loyalty to values. The decision to get a tattoo of a Japanese warrior means to follow the basic rules, adhere to their code, and respect traditions. The main principles of the samurai, at all times, remained:

  • ancestral veneration,
  • Improving your body
  • Devotion,
  • Unselfishness.

The drawing has a rather deep meaning. the way of the warrior(Bushido). It looks like three vertical symbols meaning "military", "man", "way". They can be an independent image or as a caption to the main picture, for a stronger message. Such tattoos are usually large in order to convey all the information in the drawing, its idea and essence. It is more appropriate to fill the image of a samurai on the shoulder, back or stomach. This topic has nothing to do with women.

The meaning of the images of Spartan warriors

To date, not among the most popular tattoos on this subject. At the same time, it is quite informative, in the transfer of the main male qualities, for a body pattern. It is reliably known from history that the Spartans are unsurpassed masters of military affairs and tactics. To this day they are a model of valor, honor and courage. It is worth remembering scenes from films about gladiators, their powerful and embossed figures in armor are always in parallel with courage, strength and fearlessness. A strong-willed look with hard facial features in the image of a Spartan on the forearm gives the man brutality, attracts the attention of the opposite sex, associating directly with the invader and winner. It is believed that having stuffed a tattoo on the theme of Sparta, a man adopts their qualities and strives to match them. As for this topic for girls, the choice is very limited. The meaning of the warrior woman tattoo can only be traced back to the Amazons. The tattoo of an ancient warrior will harmoniously fit into the image of a girl with a strong-willed character, an energetic and athletic form. (For more grace, you can complement the silhouette of a warrior woman with angel wings). It must be remembered that the figure may change slightly over time, therefore, it is worth choosing the “right” place.

The meaning of the Vikings in underwear

Male images of the warriors of the Nordic coast can hardly be perceived as an adornment of the body. Since they reflect more the essence of a person, his inner world and fullness. Tattoos of the Scandinavian Vikings can be considered as a form of information transmission: about the strength of character, physical strength, inflexibility of spirit and will. The harsh climate intersects with a disposition that is gloomy and calm. The abundance of weapons, fur clothes and armor make the overall picture massive and richly dark. The drawing, as a rule, is quite voluminous and occupies large areas, you should not ignore this moment if you do not differ in large forms. In frequent cases, their images become a symbol of a sports team, which sometimes serves as a reason for choosing as a tattoo.

In Scandinavian mythology, there is also a female theme in the form of Valkyries, wives of warriors who fell in battle. In this case, such work will look appropriate on a girl. May not have any meaning other than body decoration. The most optimal place will take on the sleeve.

Features of symbols in the military theme

You can portray militant characters in different poses:

  • A symbol of fidelity and honor, there will be a gladiator or a hero kneeling down, if the head is lowered, then grief and loss,
  • With a sword or ax raised up, the drawing of a warrior symbolizes the joy of victory, triumph. Inspires to feats and deeds.
  • The image of an ancient warrior on a horse is considered a symbol of a conqueror, a conqueror.
  • A knight with a rose on his sword became invulnerable in battle. Rose inspired hope for victory, gave confidence.



Warrior tattoo meaning

Any tattoo is designed to decorate the body, it contains a certain idea, a thought that a person wants to convey to other people. Warrior tattoo is very popular, both in men and women. In this article, we will figure out what the wearable image of a warrior means, what hidden meaning it contains.

Such a tattoo is suitable for a fearless, strong both in body and spirit. In Russia, drawings with, in Japan with samurai are popular. Warriors are true to their ideals, have an unbending character and strive for victory - this is what they attract attention to themselves, cause delight and admiration.

No wonder the warrior tattoo is so popular. It does not contain any hidden meaning. Anyone understands that a person with such a body pattern wants to emphasize the strength of his character, maybe even scare other people a little with his mood.

Girls prefer to put drawings on their bodies in the form of female warriors, which do not look very aggressive. Amazons, warriors, heroines of films and books - the choice is huge. Most often, such a tattoo is done in color to add a little tenderness to a stern pattern, and recognition to a warrior due to clothing. Such a drawing will emphasize, at the same time, indicate strength of mind, the ability to always achieve one's own.

Men most often choose a tattoo in large sizes, in black, the most popular place for it is the back. As a sketch, it can be used as an abstract warrior in armor and with, as well as a specific historical hero, character of epics, films or books. Also, men often choose a tattoo depicting a warrior protecting a girl. Such a drawing may mean that a person is responsible for his loved ones, for his beloved, ready to protect them.

Animals and, weapons and uniforms, various and - adding various entourage items to the tattoo will make it more interesting and exclusive. The motto of a person is often written next to the image of a warrior, it is believed that in this way the tattoo will acquire even greater meaning and individuality.

samurai tattoo on back

Warrior. The theme of warriors of all ranks and ranks occupies a priority position in male tattoo. This does not mean that the image of a samurai or landsknecht is beaten exclusively by men.

It's just that the theme of struggle and overcoming is of little interest to the fair sex. The images of fighters clad in armor strengthen the wearer's strength, stamina and desire to conquer the World.

Warrior tattoo meaning

In the images of the tattoo, the warrior is depicted with thousands of characters. Throughout the history of mankind, this factor has become the impetus for the technical development of society. Each image has a philosophical meaning and messages to the viewer. The meaning of a warrior tattoo varies depending on the nature and style of the picture.

Warrior Symbol Meanings:

  • defender;
  • struggle;
  • overcoming difficulties;
  • moral growth;
  • reliability;
  • stability;
  • military spirit;
  • patriotism;
  • discipline;
  • honor and valor, etc.

A warrior tattoo wearer strives to improve the world and himself. These are demanding people, brave and noble. Hot blood flows in their veins, they are not indifferent. A person with a warrior tattoo always has an opinion, he knows how to listen to his interlocutor and draw conclusions.

Mind, courage and prudence are part of the worldview of tattoo wearers. In addition, these are people who know how to direct rage and aggression in the right direction. They cannot be called militant, but certain rules are formed around such a person. You can either accept them or leave the field of his influence.

Possible image styles of a warrior tattoo

Popular tattoos for men with knights,. There are a lot of performance styles.

Looking at the illustrations, the viewer immediately understands the meaning of the tattoo. This effect is achieved through artistic techniques.

What influences the formation of meaning:

  • posture - in ambush, waiting, attack, defense, patrolling;
  • type of weapons - cold, firearms, small arms;
  • on foot or on horseback;
  • historical period;
  • analogue from the real world or fantasy;
  • face - with an open or closed visor, in a helmet, half mask, etc.

Building a figure is an important part of creating an image. Gesture movements and facial expressions of the body make it clear how much energy and aggression is invested in the image. The techniques used in styles help to convey the idea clearly and without distortion.

For example, trash polka, black and white technique and allows you to convey the harsh disposition of the gods, the Haida and Maori tribes adorn themselves with the gods of war.

Among the popular military themes, the Vikings are in the first place, the images of the best examples combine realism and Celtic style. A variety of Scandinavian-style tattoos allows you to add beauty and grace to patterns.

The realism of the tattoo is universal for drawing on any subject. It is enough to take an illustration from a book, film or animation. Dotwork has a similar quality, in which a chiseled technique is used to express the image.

Attributes of a warrior are a sword and are used as original elements to create a composition. Combining them with additional elements, you can create an eloquent image.

For example, a crossbow entwined with spitting is a symbol of a won war, after which an era of peace has come. The sword in the stone, thanks to Celtic mythology, means a well-deserved reward, destiny and valor.

Choosing a place on the body for a tattoo

A tattoo depicting a warrior has a persistent masculine energy. Its flow is aimed at ascent, rise and surge of strength. That is why most often the drawing is beaten on the hand. The priority is the area under the tattoo on. The drawing of a knight on the shoulder denotes the desire to fight for values, a favorite thing.

If the image of a warrior is an expression of the essence of the owner, it is stuffed in the heart area. The panel of the sketch is placed on the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, or on the chest.

Using the techniques of transferring light and shadow, the drawing is used to visually adjust the figure. Regardless of build, the image of a strong warrior will give stability to any body.

In some embodiments, the image is placed on the ribs. This is due to the fact that in this area the skin and muscles are in a tense state. Volumetric paintings are stuffed on the thigh, lower leg. A face, helmet or bust can be applied to a pumped up biceps.

Sketches of a warrior tattoo are recommended to be taken from paintings by famous artists or a staged photo. The master will be able to adopt the plasticity of the body, take into account the features and convey expressiveness. Military-themed images are plentiful when you search for "historical weapons" or "warrior of the 19th century."

Realistic images of Vikings, paladins, archers or commandos are drawn for computer games. The theme of the warrior is considered a priority among artists. Graphic stocks will help you find the right image.

If you do not want to look for work, contact the master. At any tattoo parlor there are experienced artists working with sketches. Prepare a list of desired image attributes and think about the meaning. The rest will depend only on fruitful cooperation with the tattoo master.

Video - warrior tattoo, photo gallery

0 For men and women, tattoos of warriors or fighters are becoming more and more popular. These images are able to convey inner strength, connect with the heritage of their ancestors, and constantly remind of their goals and aspirations. Tattoo data can also show a person's willingness to fight for the ideals they believe in, to protect their family, and to show that they go into battle without fear. The many different design possibilities also make the warrior tattoo an incredibly personal tattoo. Check out some of the many different designs and meanings below!

However, before you continue reading, I would like to bring to your attention a couple of other popular articles on the topic of tattoos. For example, what does Tiger Tattoo mean; how to understand; the meaning of the unicorn tattoo; what does the Vulture Tattoo mean, etc.
I recommend adding the site resource to your bookmarks so that you don’t swallow at the light in time.
So let's continue Warrior Tattoo Meaning?

Warrior Tattoo Meaning

Warrior tattoos can have several different meanings, depending on the artistic style of the design, the traits represented, and the origin of the warrior. While this is far from a definitive list, some of the most common warrior tattoo meanings include:
  • inner strength
  • Power
  • Cultural heritage
  • Feminism
  • Masculinity
  • Protection
  • Willingness to fight for your beliefs or family
  • Courage in battle
  • Pride
  • Christianity
  • Historical battles.

Warrior Tattoo Variations

There are many warrior tattoos that a person can get, which means that your warrior design can be completely unique to you. If you want a Warrior or Fighter Tattoo but don't know which style would be best for you, discuss your ideas with a tattoo artist and get a few different sketches. Consider adding weapons or other elements such as enemies or scenery to further personalize your design.

Irish Warrior Tattoo

While the symbol of the Celtic warriors may be perfect for some people, others may want to list their heritage as purely Irish. One way is to style your fighter in the style of a specific Irish warrior such as Cuchulynn or Maeve, or add traditional Irish symbolism next to your warrior, such as a harp, wolfhound or shamrock. These additional elements can also be done in a Celtic design style using intricate and interlaced patterns, and colors such as green and gold can be added to reflect the colors of the Irish flag.

Scottish Warrior Tattoo

Some may want to link their Celtic warrior tattoo to their Scottish heritage, which is another great way to personalize a warrior tattoo. Depicting traditional Scottish symbols such as the thistle, the Andrew's cross or a special tartan ( multi-colored checkered woolen fabric has become a symbol of the Scottish clans and Scotland itself), inside the tattoo, your design will be clearly associated with this country, its heroic history and culture. You can also make your fighter look like legendary Scottish warriors like William Wallace, Robert the Bruce or the Highland Warriors. While shades of gray are often the norm for many more elaborate designs, adding vibrant colors can ensure that your Scottish warrior tattoo is unique and reflects the tone of the warrior's hair, eyes, or tartan you want to portray.

Tattoo Female Warrior

Why only men can amuse their fighting enthusiasm? Some of history's most famous and revered warriors, such as Joan of Arc and the Celtic warrior Maeve, were women. These female warriors make a great choice for a tattoo whether you're a man or a woman. Having such a strong, powerful woman tattooed on your body , can show your respect for female power, be a symbol of your own feminist beliefs, or become a tribute strong woman in your life. You can also design your own female warrior image for your tattoo, depending on the tradition that the female warrior you choose comes from, such as Celtic, Zulu, Chinese, etc. You can design this design to replicate the traditional pieces of that culture to associate the tattoo with your own heritage.

Ancient Warrior Tattoo

Some of the most powerful and terrifying warriors lived thousands of years ago and fought the battles using only the rarest weapons and armor. These fearsome warriors were part of cultures as diverse as Greek, Viking, Mongolian. A great way to pay homage to such ancient warriors is with a tattoo. To make your tattooed fighter especially formidable, make your eyes flawless white with no pupils. This will give the impression that he can look into the soul of anyone who crosses his path. Adding a helmet or bloodied sword is another great idea, and decorating your ancient warrior in the tradition of the culture it came from will further personalize your design.

German warrior tattoo

Another type of specific ancient warrior that you might want to include in your tattoo design is the Germanic warrior. These tattoos date back to an ancient tradition that dates back to the time of the Goths and other pagan tribes in Europe. They may include specific warrior gods such as Odin, Thor, or Mjolnir, or specific symbols associated with those gods such as Odin's raven, Thor's hammer, or runic inscriptions. The possibilities are truly endless!
If you want to depict an individual warrior in your tattoo, you can choose a realistic design that accurately reflects the deity's features and details of his face, or a more symbolic sketch, in which the god can look like a carved statue or image on a shield. Gray undertones are a good choice for these tattoos, as too many colors can make particularly intricate designs look too garish and confusing.

Roman warrior tattoo

Roman warriors are among the most famous in history, notable for their role in ancient battles and battles, and for their strength and bravery as gladiators. One particularly distinctive detail that you should include to make sure your warrior tattoo is recognizable as Roman is the helmet. This tattoo can be done in either steel gray or gunmetal, and have red ( or grayscale if you prefer a mono image) above. Luxurious and magnificent horsehair comb pleased the owner with its volume in those days when faceless mass armies had not yet appeared on the battlefield. If you want to personalize your tattoo even more, consider writing the phrase in Latin ( the language of the ancient Romans) written under the warrior, for example, "carpe diem" ( seize the day) or "veni, vidi, vici" ( I came, I saw, I conquered). Your Roman Warrior's shield can also be personalized to include a flamboyant design or depict an animal you are especially close to.

Hawaiian Warrior Tattoo

The culture and people of the Hawaiian Islands are truly unique in America, and getting a Hawaiian warrior tattoo is a great way to show your pride in the country you were born in, as well as showcase the strength and beauty of your culture. The Hawaiian warrior is often depicted wearing intimidating livery (as opposed to those wearing helmets) which is used to intimidate enemies. You can also create a warrior headband with a black pattern and cross strokes. This image can either go around your arm or go from your arm to the left side of your back to be above your heart. To get a tattoo exclusively in the traditional Hawaiian style, use only black ink.

Filipino warrior tattoo

Getting a Filipino warrior tattoo can demonstrate the strength of tradition and deep connections to your culture. Symbolizing pride and bravery, these tattoos can depict individual warriors or symbols of warrior culture. For example, one design idea would be to create a complex scene with a muscular and traditionally dressed Filipino fighter ready to strike with his spear or dagger, surrounded by the local landscape and wildlife of the Philippines, which he is supposed to protect. This kind of design can use a range of colors to reflect the dynamics of the Philippine culture and environment, although you can also work in grayscale if you like.

samurai warrior tattoo

Samurai tattoos are a great way to represent ancient art and warrior culture, which many still revere even today. Whether you are Japanese or simply admire Japanese history and culture, getting a samurai tattoo is a great way to show your affinity with this ancient warrior class. Samurai tattoo designs often depict warriors with their swords drawn and ready to fight, often with fresh blood on them to represent enemies they have already defeated. To personalize your tattoo design, consult a tattoo artist on how to portray a particular facial expression or clothing style. You may want your samurai to look ferocious, with a fierce look and hair flowing during battle, or you can instead put him in a relaxed pose with his hair still tied up in a ponytail. Halftones are often used in samurai sketches, but the choice of color ( e.g. red blood on a sword or especially stylized clothing) can further personalize your design.

christian warrior tattoo

Getting a Christian Warrior tattoo is a great way to demonstrate your faith and your willingness to stand up for what you believe in. One of the options for this project would be to depict the crusaders of the Middle Ages - soldiers who fought for the glory of the Christian faith. Often these crusaders are paired with banners, either with a red cross on a white background or with this image on the front of their armor. Be sure to add this cross symbol if you want to get a Christian warrior tattoo! Another option for a Christian warrior tattoo is to depict a soldier on his knees with a sword in front of a cross. A warrior can also have wings, especially if the tattoo is made in memory of a loved one who served in armed forces but deceased, and you can add the date of your favorite to further personalize the image.

Inca Warrior Tattoo

Many Inca warrior tattoos feature only the warrior's face, making it a unique tattoo design compared to other cultures that feature a full body or full scene. This symbol depicts the face of a warrior, often with bared teeth and bright white eyes staring directly into the soul of his enemy. The angular face may be depicted on a shield, or may be in the background of other Inca motifs such as the interior of a temple, or certain spirit animals such as the jaguar. Many of these tattoos are done in shades of gray, but adding elements of red or another color can make the sketch more personalized.

Trojan warrior tattoo

Another famous ancient warrior is the Trojan warrior, perhaps best known for his role in the Trojan War. These soldiers from the ancient city of Troy have been an inspiration for art, literature, music and poetry for thousands of years, and getting a tattoo depicting or symbolizing a Trojan warrior can demonstrate your affinity with such a culture and history. Although some Trojan warriors are depicted in a similar style to Roman warriors, with a bronze helmet and topped with a red plume. One way to make your design more unique is to tattoo it in the style of ancient Greek pottery. Greek pottery and pottery often featured heroes and battle scenes, so why shouldn't your tattoo look like these ancient works of art? This will make your design unique and make sure everyone knows what kind of warrior you represent in your tattoo.

Polynesian Warrior Tattoo

The Polynesian Warrior is a strong symbol of your heritage and culture, as well as a representation of your individual might. Often, Polynesian warriors are depicted in tattoos with symbols such as arrowheads, a warrior's weapon of choice, or battle masks. These projects are often done in style tribal tattoo, and black is really black, and geometric figures make up the majority of the image. One design idea to personalize this tattoo is to get a series of replicas done as a bandage around the wrist.

Samoan Warrior Tattoo

These intricately patterned tattoos are unique in that they don't necessarily depict an actual warrior or their weapons - rather, they cover the upper arm and continue down the back, often on the left side to enclose the heart. These tattoos have complex geometric or symbolic shapes and are most often done in black ink. Feel free to add color to add a more personal element, perhaps used for a single detail or symbol to make this image stand out.

Cherokee Warrior Tattoo

The Cherokee tribe is one of the most recognizable and famous Native American tribes, in part because of their history as brave and wise warriors. There are several different options for designing your Cherokee Warrior tattoo, making it a great choice for those who want a very personalized design. If you have Cherokee heritage, consider getting one of your ancestors tattooed but done in the style of a stylized fighter. For example, a Cherokee ready to strike, on top of a horse, or with a bow pointed and ready to fire. Unlike some warrior tattoos, the use of color is encouraged when getting an image of a Cherokee warrior, especially for the details of his clothing and headgear.

Geisha Warrior Tattoo

The warrior geisha tattoo is a unique occurrence in the tradition of warrior tattoos and it is perfect choice for any man or woman who wants something special and incredible meaningful tattoo warrior. Although the main duties of a geisha were to entertain and serve men, for many, a geisha is a symbol of intrigue, mystery, and power. Her subordinate position can easily deceive others, all the more surprising and unexpected when she attacks like a male fighter. Many warrior geisha tattoos balance this serenity with sheer strength, depicting a gentle and delicate woman who also has a sword bloodied and ready for battle. A geisha is often associated with the color red, so be sure to incorporate that into your design. It is also recommended to use colors throughout the tattoo, as this will allow you to focus on the most incredible details of your clothes, makeup and accessories.

korean warrior tattoo

Another great tattoo to consider is the Korean warrior. This is the perfect choice for any Korean heritage or someone who wants to portray an ancient and brave soldier on their body. These warriors are often depicted in full armor, ready for any eventuality. For example, with his sword, sitting on a powerful horse or standing on the battlefield. While often done in grayscale, consider adding some vibrant elements to personalize your Korean warrior tattoo. A few colors interspersed in your design will give it a softer feel, showcasing the beauty as well as the strength of a fighter. The Korean flag in full color as a background can showcase your cultural pride. To further personalize your tattoo, consider writing something in Korean right below the thumbnail. Perhaps the name of an ancestor, a certain word or phrase that is important to you.

Mexican warrior tattoo

If you are from Mexico, or have Mexican heritage, or just love and respect Mexican culture, getting a Mexican warrior tattoo is a great expression of affinity with this country. Sometimes these warriors are depicted as or skeletons, in such strange artistic traditions at first glance, but they can also accommodate a living warrior. One of the unique design elements of the Mexican warrior is the soldier's headdress. Its idea and form is often taken from an animal, be it an eagle or a jaguar, with the upper half of its teeth or a beak covering a warrior's skull. This creates a fierce look and also allows you to use unique elements in your design. Choose an animal that has special meaning to you and use it as your headdress! The color is more widely used in Mexican warrior tattoos, which provides additional personalization.

Zulu Warrior Tattoo

The Zulu tribe hails from South Africa and getting a Zulu Warrior tattoo - whether it depicts a real warrior or if it is symbolism associated with warriors - is a powerful expression of your own personality, heritage or cultural affinity. Traditionally, Zulu warriors were almost completely covered in tattoos of intricately detailed and multicolored tribal designs, usually along the back and ribs, which included the warrior's shield or spear. This symbolized that they were always ready for battle, and this courage was part of their daily life. If this is too big for your liking, consider getting a smaller image of the warrior himself tattooed on the arm or shoulder. The fighter should have a spear and shield in hand to clearly convey the spirit of combat readiness.

There are so many varieties of warrior tattoos, from ancient tribes to memorials to fallen comrades in arms. These tattoos are great for both men and women, and the rich history of cultures from all over the world means you can find the perfect personal tattoo that's just right for you! For a custom Warrior design, you can go to the "tattoo" category of our site to discover new ideas and motifs.

By reading this article, you have learned Warrior tattoo meaning, and now you can choose which fighter of what nationality you want to see on your body.

Just as women are now attracted to men in uniform, weapons and armor won the hearts of beautiful ladies in the past. Time passes, the surroundings change, but the content of the idea remains the same. A man is, first of all, a defender of the homeland and family, behind whom you can feel like behind a stone wall. It's stereotypical, of course, but it's also true that stereotypes (a very fashionable word for the last few years) are not born from scratch. And in this regard, the author suggests gaining healthy conservatism and reading the article from beginning to end.

Warrior with shield and sword

Who makes warrior tattoos?

Mostly, of course, men. But women can also have such a tattoo, then, most likely, it will no longer be a warrior, but a warrior. Tattoos with pretty girls in armor, by the way, and the stronger sex favors and stuffs with pleasure. I must say that this will not change either the main idea of ​​​​the tattoo or its masculine hue, except that it will only add a little coquetry, where the ladies can do without it. And yet, since the drawing is almost impossible to make miniature and elegant, lovely young ladies usually refuse such an idea.

But a man will not miss the opportunity to emphasize his best qualities, especially if he really is related to the army and law enforcement agencies in general.

Important. It happens that tattoos with Russian warriors are used by representatives of ultra-right views. In other words, radical nationalists. Unfortunately, at first glance, you cannot distinguish them from ordinary people. But, if you find a swastika, extremist statements and the number 14/88 on the tattoo, do not doubt that you have a potentially dangerous element in front of you.

Warrior with armor

What does a tattoo look like?

Due to its theme, a warrior tattoo should look impressive, so it occupies a significant part of the skin. Usually for these purposes they choose the chest, stomach or back, less often the arms, because space is needed, and the more the better.

Advice. For a really good result, so that your tattoo gives exactly the impression that is expected of it, find a good, experienced tattoo artist who works in the style of realism. Because, despite the large size, the tattoo involves many small details. If they are not worked out properly, the drawing will look sketchy and sloppy, which will noticeably spoil the picture and lead to the fact that your harsh warrior will look more like a cartoon character.

Black and white tattoo warrior

Variations on the theme of the method of application

High detail implies the design of the tattoo in color, but this is not necessary. If you have found a truly professional in his field, then he will be able to carefully work out the black and white version and turn it into a work of art.

The warrior can be depicted both in full growth and close-up portrait. Nationality is up to you, here it is of no fundamental importance, but only clarifies the small details of character. After all, the warriors of each nation have at least one famous trait. For example, Chinese warriors have always been famous for their stamina and endurance, while Russians have always been famous for their resourcefulness and heroism.

Additional elements also do not play a major role, so they can be anything. Landscape, horse, inscription, everything that your imagination and flight of fancy are capable of.

Head of a gladiator warrior

Warrior tattoo: meaning

This tattoo perfectly reflects the main male qualities:

  • Strength, both physical and moral. What is called will power.
  • Courage and ability to perform feats.
  • Dedication.
  • The ability to adapt to any situation and find a way out of it.
  • The ability to plan one's own and others' actions and calculate the consequences several steps ahead.
  • Fast reaction.
  • Mental balance, stress resistance.

Japanese warrior

Warrior tattoo: owner reviews

Of all the possible warriors for my tattoo, I chose the Chinese one. I did this because their image is not associated with the blood and cruelty of the Nazis, not with the blunt force of the Vikings, and not with the exorbitant ambitions of the Romans, Greeks and Napoleon. And with a deep philosophy and excellent tactics. After all, this is precisely the quality of not only a good soldier, but also a worthy person.

Kirill, Rostov-on-Don.

The image of a warrior on the arm

Why did I want to make a tattoo with the image of a warrior? The answer is extremely simple: this is exactly who a man is according to the laws of nature. So it was, so it is, and so it will always be. And I'm not talking about military operations. You have to fight for everything in the world, constantly defend your rights and point of view, that's what every self-respecting young man must be able to do.

Artur, Moscow.

The first and so far the only tattoo on my body is a warrior tattoo. Unfortunately, I didn’t make the sketches myself, but took someone else’s idea and then, along the way, thought it out together with the master. I will say right away that it took a lot of time, effort and money, but it was worth it. Now I have a full-back tattoo, every detail of which is drawn to the smallest detail. The theme is a portrait of a Russian soldier. Russian because I am deeply convinced that it was our and no other army that has always been the strongest and that it is impossible to defeat this country.

Eugene, St. Petersburg.

Gladiator warrior in black and white

This is my fifth year in the military. Army tattoos, of course, not bad, but they seemed to me not complete enough. They have only a narrow focus, but there is no main essence that is the same for everyone and everyone. It has nothing to do with either the unit, or the type of troops, or knowledge, or point, or even in the army of which country you are serving. There is such a thing as military duty. And he is the same for everyone. That's why I decided to make a tattoo of a soldier in uniform and with insignia from completely different countries. Faces are not visible at all. Someone will not agree with my generalization, but my opinion is that the point is to understand that in essence we are all the same.

Mikhail, Ulyanovsk.

Video: the master stuffs a warrior tattoo