I don't even know where to start... My problem is the following. I am 26 years old, we are the same weather with my boyfriend, we have been dating for the third year and we can’t start living in a place. Or rather, he wants this, introduced me to my mother, wants to get married, has a separate home, loves me and I love him, but it’s hard for me to take this step. The fact is that before him I met for a long time with another person for about five years. I loved him very much, but let's just say he was not the most suitable person. When we lived together, he constantly dragged everything from the house, sold my things, etc. I went to university and lived away from my parents. Then he was imprisoned for burglary, I was waiting for him, went to see him in prison. My mother then found out about him and then not everything, at first she cursed with me, then she cried and persuaded me to break up with him, but I did not listen to anyone. I could not leave him there alone, it seemed to me vile and dishonorable. When he came out, I was just graduating from the institute and we still broke up. And half a year later they got back together. Everything was fine, if I may say so, then he again began to drag out of the house, wept and asked for forgiveness ... I forgave, I was probably stupid, love was some kind of painful .... But he was close to me (I write and seem to this is paradoxical) ... And then he simply disappeared, robbing my apartment in which we lived ... After some time, I found out that there are two girls in Novgorod and Pskov who have a child from him .... It was very painful. .. Couldn't sleep, couldn't eat... How they turned it off. I didn’t meet with anyone, I didn’t speak ... And then a year later I met my current MCH ... I wanted to limit him all the time, so that I wouldn’t hug or kiss ... I was scared all the time to get used to becoming attached, all the time it was scary that he hurt me. After that relationship, I can’t trust anyone at all, although I’m not sure what’s going on in those relationships ... I really love my beloved and I understand how hard it is for him to endure my oddities, but when we are constantly together for about three or four days, I as if I’m starting to suffocate, the pain of my soul is so unbearable that I can just start crying for no reason while hugging my beloved. And all because I can’t be with him because of my cockroaches, even though I love him with all my heart. He knows about my past experience, but in passing .. But it hurts him to touch my past ... I often tried to leave, told him to find another, but he doesn’t want to, suffers, says that he loves that he wants to be with me, but sometimes he difficult from my harsh words and thoughtlessly thrown caustic phrases .... I don’t know what to do. I understand that I need to move in together, I really want a little one with him and he too, we constantly talk about children, but this pain does not let me sleep ... I again seem to return to this nightmarish period when I don’t know how I lived ...
Everything is probably very unclearly written, but I hope someone can help me. Can't figure it out on my own.