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» Safe road in the dhow. DOW Road Safety Page

Safe road in the dhow. DOW Road Safety Page

Synopsis of a conversation with children of the middle group on life safety"Watch out, winter road! »

Purpose: formation of the basics of safe behavior on a winter road.

  • Tell the children about the dangers that await them on the winter road. Teach safe behavior on the road while walking.
  • To consolidate the children's knowledge of the rules of conduct on the roadway, knowledge of road signs, about the safety island.
  • Develop children's speech, logical thinking, dexterity, attention.

Equipment: road signs - pictures, Hen, model of a pedestrian crossing, for "Red, yellow, green"

Conversation flow:

Guys, today I want to tell you one story about a chicken:

Hen ran across the street anywhere

And now it's hard for her, the poor thing is shedding tears.

Why do you think the Chicken is crying, what happened to her?

Children's answers.

That's right, the Chicken ran across the street, not observing the rules of the road. Let's teach her the rules of behavior on the road?

Children's answers.

We will play game "Rules of the road". I will throw the ball to you and ask the rules of conduct on the roadway, and you will answer me:

1) Where do cars go?

2) What is the name of this part of the road?

3) Where should pedestrians walk?

4) What is the name of this part of the road?

5) What objects on the road help us and drivers?

6) Where can I cross the street? What else? What else?

7) What to do if you started moving along a pedestrian crossing, but the traffic light for cars turned green and they started moving?

8) What is the name of this place at the pedestrian crossing?

You know the rules of the road well, but do you know the signs? I suggest you play the game Name the sign, you have to name the sign and explain what it is for on the road.

Game "Name the Sign"

- You remembered the signs, Hen learned a lot from you, but now let's show her by example how to cross the road correctly.

Game situation "Safety Island"(children play a game, observing the rules of behavior on the roadway: one child is a pedestrian, one is a driver, one child is a traffic light)

- Guys, we taught Chicken a lot, but I want to remind you about the time of year: now we have winter, winter roads are fraught with many dangers. What?

Children's answers.

- That's right, the road is very slippery, and you need to walk on it carefully. Here are pictures showing examples of right and wrong behavior on the road. Let's review and discuss them:

  • Ice on the sidewalk
  • River and ice, children games
  • Clothes in winter
  • Pedestrians and drivers, how to behave on a slippery road.

- Guys, Hen says thank you, she will now follow the rules of behavior on the road, and she advises you to be careful on a slippery winter road.

Title: Summary of the lesson on traffic rules in the middle group "Caution the winter road"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Abstracts of classes, OOD, SDA, middle group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOU kindergarten No. 5 "Zvyozdochka" city of Ney
Location: city of Neya, Kostroma region


for older children DOW groups according to traffic rules


Relevance. The rules of the road are as important in our lives as the basic state laws. According to the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, the main principles of ensuring road safety are: the priority of life and health of citizens participating in road traffic. Everyone is obliged to know the rules of the road and follow their instructions - this is, first of all, a guarantee of road safety and life. This project aims to introduce children with the rules of the road, development

they have independence, attentiveness, prudence on the roads, education of personal safety skills, which is especially important for older preschoolers who will soon have to go to school.

Objective of the project: - Formation in children of skills of conscious safe behavior on the street. - To form in children of senior preschool age the basics of safe behavior on the street, knowledge of the rules of the road.

Project objectives:

Educational: - To acquaint children with the rules of the road, the structure of the street and road signs intended for drivers and pedestrians, with the work of the State Inspectorate for Road Safety

To teach children to anticipate a dangerous event, to be able to avoid it if possible, and to act if necessary


Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence on the road - Stimulate cognitive activity, promote the development of communication skills


Cultivate personal safety skills and a sense of self-preservation

As a result of the project, we received the following results:

Improving the effectiveness of teaching preschoolers according to traffic rules; - pupils have formed the skills of safe behavior on the roads, they not only know the rules of the road, but also apply this knowledge in traffic situations, which contributes to the actualization in the future of the need for a safe lifestyle in the field of road traffic;

Creation of an open educational space (organization of interaction with parents, traffic police responsible for road safety; - advanced training of preschool teachers.

In our country, as well as around the world, the number of traffic accidents is increasing.According to official statistics, up to 70 children per year are hit by cars in Rostov alone.Children have little regard for the real dangers on the road, as they underestimate their own capabilities, considering themselves dexterous and fast. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of a hazard in a rapidly changing traffic environment, soit is important to teach children road literacy, the rules of behavior on the street.The main causes of child road traffic injuries are ignorance and violation of traffic rules, improper behavior on the street and child neglect.

Children, left to their own devices, do not pay due attention to the dangers on the road. They still do not know how to fully control their behavior, they are not able to correctly determine the distance to the approaching car and its speed.Children have always been and remain the most vulnerable and unprotected part of the population. Therefore, it is we, adults: parents and teachers, who must work out with them the stereotypes of safe behavior on the streets and roads, teach them how to navigate correctly in a traffic situation.

The question before society is: “How to make the streets and roads safe for our children?”Only our efforts, using knowledge, patience, can teach children the skills of safe communication with the complex world of roads.

Among the main violations associated accidents involving children are dominated by:

1. Violation of the rules for driving bicycles, scooters,


2. Crossing the carriageway outside the zone of the pedestrian crossing;

3. Unexpected exit due to vehicles, structures,

limiting visibility on the road;

4. Disobedience to regulation signals;

5. Game on the roadway.

The main violations of traffic rules by drivers who have become cause of accidents involving children:

1. Violations of the rules for passing a pedestrian crossing;

2. Violations of the rules for crossing the intersection;

3. Failure to follow the order of travel;

4. Departure to the lane of oncoming traffic;

5. Wrong choice of distance;

6. Passage to a prohibitory traffic light;

7. Violation of the rules of overtaking;

8. Driving while under the influence of alcohol


9. Operation of a technically faulty vehicle.

The rules of the road are as important in our lives as the basic state laws. Everyone is obliged to know the rules of the road and follow their instructions - this is, first of all, a guarantee of road safety and life.

Do whatever it takes to keep your family out of harm's way. It is known that a person absorbs the norms of behavior in the first years of life. His life lessons and the lessons of his parents are the foundation on which the child will rely all his life.

Timely teach children the ability to navigate in a traffic situation, bring up the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and prudent!

Remember, by violating the Rules of the Road, you seem to be clearly allowing your children to violate them.

In an environment of ever-increasing traffic intensity and an increase in the number of accidents, it is difficult for pedestrians to do without knowledge of the rules of the road.

The child must know

way from home to kindergarten.

play only away from the road;

cross the street where crossing signs are marked, where they are not - at intersections along the line of sidewalks;

cross the street only at a walk, do not run;

watch the traffic light when you cross the street;

look when crossing the street, first to the left, then to the right;

do not cross the path of approaching vehicles;

cars standing on the road near the sidewalk or curb, always go around so that there is a good overview of the road, the carriageway; always go around the tram in front;

enter any type of transport and get out of it only when it is standing, you can not jump on the go;

get out of the car only on the right side when it drove up to the sidewalk or roadside;

do not ride a bicycle on the roadway;

if you are lost on the street, do not cry, ask an adult passerby or a policeman to help you, give your address.

know a number of road signs, their meaning and purpose (warning, prohibiting, indicative), the operation of a traffic light.

know the rules of conduct in a public place and transport: wait for the bus only at a bus stop, do not touch the doors while driving, do not lean out the window, do not put your hands out the open window, do not put your feet on the seat, do not walk on the bus, do not cling to moving vehicles .

REMEMBER THE MAIN SAFETY RULE: before you go out onto the road, you must stop to assess the traffic situation!

Educator: asks you to help him solve the riddles.

Three colored circles

They flash one after another.

Glowing, blinking -

They help people.

(traffic light)

Amazing wagon!

Judge for yourself:

Rails in the air, and he

Holds them with his hands.


I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.


Does not fly, but buzzes

The beetle runs down the street.

And they burn in the eyes of a beetle,

Two brilliant lights.


Stranger: Thanks guys.

Educator: Well done boys. What were the riddles about?

Children: About traffic lights.

Educator: A traffic light is our main assistant on the street, it is very important to know and understand its signals. Let's remember the meaning of traffic lights and play the game "Be careful".

If the light turns red

So move... (dangerous)

Light green says:

Come on, the path ... (open).

Yellow light - warning -

Wait for a signal for ... (movement).

Then the teacher explains the rules of the game: when I show a green traffic light (a green circle with a diameter of 10 cm is shown), you march in place, when yellow (a yellow circle with a diameter of 10 cm is shown) - clap your hands, when red (a red circle with a diameter of 10 cm is shown) - stand still.

Well done guys, you got the job done.

Educator: That's right guys. On the road, a traffic light helps to follow the rules of the road, and what else helps our safe movement on the roads?

Children: Road signs.

Educator: Road signs tell you what you can and cannot do on the road. Let's take a look at road signs.

(Children look at the poster, which shows road signs)

What types of road signs do you see here?

(calling signs)


These signs warn that the driver is approaching a dangerous section of the road. The shape is a triangle with a red border.

( Children name the signs: “Railway crossing with a barrier”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Road works”)

They introduce or cancel certain limited movement. The shape is a circle, with a red border. Color is red.

3. Prescriptive.

They give clear orders. Shape - circle, color - blue.

What are road signs for?

And if there were no road signs, what would happen?

(children's answers)

On the way guys - the road,

Transport travels fast, a lot.

No traffic light nearby

The road sign will give advice.

So let's get out

Gather signs quickly!

Children begin to collect their sign. When all the signs are collected, the children name their signs and explain what they are for.

Educator: now it's time to find out how well you know the rules of the road.

Guys, stand in a circle. I will throw the ball and ask a question, and you answer the question and return the ball.

1. Who is walking on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

2. Where are people waiting for transport? (At the stop)

3. Who is called the "driver?" (A person driving a vehicle.)

4. How is a pedestrian crossing marked on the road? (Special markings - "zebra".)

5. What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (crossroad)

6. What is the difference between a transport traffic light and a pedestrian one? (The traffic light has three signals - red, yellow, green, and the pedestrian two - red and green.)

7. Who should get off the bus first - an adult or you? (Adult always gets out of any vehicle first, then the child.)

8. How should you properly bypass the bus, in front or behind? (We have to wait until he leaves.)

Educator: I will read out the questions and if you agree with the statement, then unanimously say the phrase “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, If you do not agree, be silent. And now I'll check you:

Which of you goes forward only where there is a pedestrian?

Who always goes forward with his mouth wide open?

Who lets cars through, does everyone follow the traffic rules?

Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights?

Who always gives way to the elders in a cramped tram?

Who will cross the road only where the crossing is?

Who kicks the merry ball on the road in front of the house?

Does anyone know that a red light means there is no move?

Who runs ahead so fast that they don't see a traffic light?

Does anyone know that the green light means the way is open?

Who is merrily chasing a ball near the roadway?

Who helps the traffic police, monitors the order?

caregiver : Well done, guys, coped with the game. Children, pedestrians have assistants when crossing the street. Name them.

Children : traffic light and traffic controller.

Educator: Now I suggest you become traffic inspectors. Each child is given a card depicting a traffic situation (an image of some kind of violation), the child must comment on the image.

1 A boy crosses the road in the wrong place because his attention was attracted by friends on the other side of the road.

2. Girls in the back seat of a car are traveling without wearing seat belts. In addition, they interfere with the driver.

3. The car has not yet parked and stopped, and the boy is already in a hurry to get out, and onto the roadway.

4. The boy crosses the road at a pedestrian crossing, but in front of a nearby vehicle.

5. The girl crosses the road, bypassing the bus in front.

6. A boy and a girl are rollerblading on the roadway.

Educator: What good fellows you guys are! You know the rules of the road well. Try to be extremely careful on the road! You must be knowledgeable walkers!

fourth extra

1. Name the extra road user.

Truck,house,ambulance, snowplow.

2. Name an extra means of transport.

passenger car, truck, bus,baby carriage.

3. Name a means of transport that is not related to public transport.

bus, tram,truck, trolleybus.

4. Name the extra "eye" of the traffic light.

Red,blue, yellow green.

ball game

The teacher with the ball stands in the center of the circle and throws the ball to the child while asking a question. He answers and throws the ball to the teacher. The game is played with all the children in turn.

Teacher.Who is on the road?

Child.A pedestrian.

Teacher.Who is driving?

2nd child. Driver.

Teacher.How many "eyes" does a traffic light have?

3rd child. Three eyes.

Teacher.If the red "eye" is on, then what is it talking about?

4th child. Stop and wait.

teacher. If the yellow "eye" is on, then what is it talking about?

5th child.Wait.

Teacher.If the green "eye" is on, then what is it talking about?

6th child.You can go.

Teacher.Our legs are walking along the pedestrian ...

7th child. Track.

Teacher.Where are we waiting for the bus?

8th child. At the bus stop.

Teacher.Where do we play hide and seek?

9th child. At the playground.

word game

1. Clap your hands when you hear a word related to a traffic light. Explain the choice of each word.

Dictionary: three eyes, standing on the street, crossroads, red light, blue light, one, leg, yellow light, crossing the street, pedestrian assistant, green light, standing at home.

2. Clap your hands when you hear the word referring to the passenger. Explain the choice of each word.

Vocabulary: bus, route, stop, road, bathing, reading, sleeping, ticket, conductor, plane flight, pedestrian, seat, saloon, bed.

3. Make up a story with the words: morning, breakfast, road to school, sidewalk, bakery, pharmacy, crossroads, overpass, traffic light, school.

Methodical literature:

Golitsyna N.S. Abstracts of complex-thematic studies.

Khabibullina E.A. "Road Alphabet in kindergarten". Abstracts of classes.

Saulina T.F. Three traffic lights. Familiarization of preschoolers with the rules of the road. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009.

Target: educate children in the responsibility for the preservation of their lives,

form a stable habit of following the rules of the road.

Integration of educational areas:


To acquaint children with the basic rules of behavior on the street; to bring to their consciousness the importance of observing these rules;
- to form the ability of children to navigate according to the plan - scheme;
- ability to plan a route of movement according to this scheme;
- to identify the level of formation of skills and abilities of spatial orientation: the ability to determine the distance of an object and its location; spatial relationships between objects;
- develop visual memory and attention; develop logical thinking.


To develop the ability of children to see everything that poses a danger to life and health, to cultivate the ability to control their behavior. develop the ability to work in a group;
- develop a sense of responsibility for their actions.


to promote the formation of active motor activity.

Develop the ability to independently talk about your route "home - kindergarten";
- use spatial terminology correctly in speech.

Dictionary activation:

Pedestrian, driver, plan-scheme, route, fleet, terms of spatial terminology.

Preliminary work: 1. if possible, take the children outside: observing all precautions, walk the path from the garden to the bus stop, shop, alley, monument.

2. Reading fiction on the topic of traffic rules. 3. Consideration of illustrations and pictures of "City Streets".


Handout: plan - a diagram of a city district for each child (or a conditional district of a conditional city, from houses for various purposes (residential and institutions), on which a kindergarten, hospital, shops, school, etc. are marked with bright landmarks; small cars;

demo material: plan-scheme "How to get to the kindergarten" Vasilek ".


oval area

Viewchildren's activities



Adult: Look, guys, there are new cars in our fleet. Tell us what they are? (listen to the children's answers) - I suggest you guys choose a typewriter (children take mini cars). - Now we are drivers! This is a great responsibility. What do you think a driver needs to know and be able to do in order to avoid various traffic accidents and accidents? (listen to children's answers)

Each child is offered a neighborhood plan


Guys, our city is big, it has a lot of streets, lanes, squares. To get to the right place, you need not get confused in the interweaving of streets, alleys, avenues.

Igak, one of the skills that a real driver needs is the ability to correctly plot a route.

Now I suggest that you listen to my instructions and drive your car to the right place on the map

The teacher gives clear instructions:“Put your cars near the kindergarten. From the kindergarten, we will drive past the square, then turn left at the Clothing store, turn right at the crossroads near the high-rise building, drive straight down the street, past the herd and past the houses under construction and turn left again. Drive forward to the end of the street.

Where are you?
The correctness of the car on the route is determined by its final stop.

The teacher repeats the task several times. Then he invites the children to make their own route.

Educator: We return the cars to the fleet. Of course, it’s too early for you to be drivers, but we are pedestrians every day. So, we are pedestrians!



Adult: Pedestrians get up on the path.

We walk on the sidewalk (children "walk")
Feet thumping merrily
Top-top, top-top.
And the legs get tired. (squats)
We sit on the path.
We'll sit for a while
And let's go home! (run in place)


Educator: Who do you go to kindergarten with?
Children answer (with adults)
Educator: Who helps you cross the street? Children answer (adults)
Educator: How to cross the street? (listen to children's answers)
(Children cross the road only with adults. On pedestrian, underground and ground crossings, including those where traffic is regulated by a traffic light or a traffic controller).


Didactic game

finger game

caregiver invites the child to consider the plan - the scheme of the quarter "How to get to the Vasilek kindergarten" (what objects are in the quarter).
asks to tell (if the child lives in other quarters) or show how the children get from home to kindergarten.
He leads the children to the conclusion that no matter how they get to get to kindergarten, they need to cross two roads from the bus stop. Educator: How many of you cross the street when you go to kindergarten? (All)
caregiver: How to cross the street if there is no traffic light or policeman?
( Only on a pedestrian crossing, where there is a road sign "Pedestrian crossing". Before getting off the sidewalk onto the road, you need to make sure that there are no cars nearby, only after that you can cross).

In which direction should you look when crossing the street? (First to the left, and reaching the middle - to the right).

Hey cars, full speed ahead

I am an exemplary pedestrian:

I don't like to rush.

I'll make way for us.

(children pronounce the words and alternately bend their fingers on both hands)

productive activity

Educator: Imagine, Dunno should come to us today. But he can't get to our kindergarten in any way. (a phone call is heard) - Guys, Dunno is standing near the store and does not know where to go. I suggest you dictate instructions to him. How to get to the kindergarten from the store. You point the way, and I will lead our hero, guided only by your words.
The stranger appears.
Around the city, along the street - they don’t just go like this:
When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble.
Always be careful and remember in advance:
The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.
Dunno brings a book as a gift to the children
S. Fanginstein "Our Street".

Teaching children traffic rules and road safety in a preschool educational institution

Relevance: The issue of ensuring human safety on the road arose simultaneously with the advent of cars, and then began to worsen with the development of the automotive industry. Disappointing reports of accidents involving minor children do not leave anyone indifferent.

Statistics show that the cause of road accidents is very often the children themselves. A child is not an adult of small stature, his body is in a state of growth and development, and not all the functions of the psyche that are so necessary for adaptation in the world are fully formed. Children are dynamic, excitable and at the same time scattered, they are not able to foresee danger, assess the real distance to a moving car, its speed, as well as their capabilities. Therefore, it is necessary to draw the attention of the public, the media, employees of transport organizations, parents to this problem. The same reason explains the need to ensure increased traffic safety on the road at the state level.

Teaching younger and older preschoolers of kindergartens the rules of the road (SDA) and the prevention of child injuries on the roads is an obligatory part of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. The requirements prescribed in the educational program for teaching children the road alphabet should become more complicated depending on the age of the children.

Every year, our preschool institution organizes and conducts activities aimed at the prevention and prevention of road traffic injuries:

A regulatory and legal framework for the prevention of road accidents has been developed;

  • In each group, according to the age of the children and the requirements of the program, there are road safety corners, illustrative material, as well as recommendations for parents on the prevention of road traffic injuries;
  • Educators collect didactic material, make a variety of educational games, organize joint activities (entertainment in which children and parents participate, excursions, thematic conversations).

In our work, we introduce different techniques and methods. The most effective way to bring the elementary rules of behavior on the road to children is a game where they are participants. During the game, children learn the basic rules and requirements, understand who a pedestrian, driver and traffic controller are.

In the corners of the traffic rules, children play, and at the same time they gain knowledge that there are houses on the streets, large and small, sidewalks, a street. While playing with cars, they notice that there are cars and trucks, they learn the rules of behavior in transport, when crossing the road, on the sidewalk, they get acquainted with traffic lights.

Also, in the corner of the traffic rules, children see an intersection, get acquainted with the markings "zebra", "dividing line", learn the concepts of one-way and two-way traffic.

Children in the process of playing learn how to cross the carriageway correctly, learn that there are signs on the roads that warn drivers and pedestrians about what awaits them ahead.

Most of the work of teaching preschoolers the rules of the road takes place in the senior and preparatory groups. Children at this age already have certain knowledge and ideas about the road, drivers, pedestrians and passengers.

Therefore, in these groups, the content of the material is more complex: in the corners of traffic rules there are different types of intersections with markings, sidewalks, different types of signs, transport stops, etc. Children get acquainted with the concept of "multi-lane traffic", "safety island", with the means of regulating traffic on the road. It should be noted that the training of traffic rules takes place in various types of joint activities of pupils and teachers, in conducting educational activities in the areas of "Communication", "Cognition", "Health", "Music".

In the organization of role-playing games, the creation of a subject-developing environment is of great importance. To do this, the preschool educational institution has a model of a street with an intersection, signs for pedestrians, models of houses. Here, children can not only play, but also work out and consolidate their knowledge of the rules of behavior for a cultured driver and pedestrian, road signs, and together with the educator they analyze situational tasks for road safety.

To help educators to organize the training of children in traffic rules, there is an educational and methodological complex: demonstration and didactic material, card files of games, notes of classes, riddles, poems, long-term plans for introducing children to the rules of the road according to the age of the children.

The work of the preschool educational institution on the assimilation by pupils of the rules of safe movement can give an effective result only when working together with parents.

When organizing this cooperation, one must remember that it should not be declarative. In order for parents and children to show interest in the road alphabet, we organize various activities: contests, quizzes, holidays.

There is a good tradition at the beginning of the school year to organize a competition "For the best drawing on road safety." In this competition there is a mandatory requirement - the participation of parents.

Such events are important, because children and parents, when participating in them, act as one team, and sometimes children become teachers of their parents. After all, many parents still do not think about the problem of children's safety on the road.

It is impossible to instill the skills of safe behavior on the road by reasoning about caution alone. The rules of the road and safe behavior on the road should be taught to the child from the very moment he began to walk on his own.

So, teaching children the basics of "travel literacy", the teaching staff of our preschool institution adheres to the rules:

  • To educate preschoolers with a culture of behavior on the road, and not mechanically memorize traffic rules with children;
  • Combine the study of the Rules and the development of coordination, attention in children, observation;
  • Apply all available methods and forms of work: games, conversations, productive activities, quizzes, practical exercises, reading books, showing videos, excursions.

All this is necessary to form and consolidate in children the habit of safe behavior on the road.

Parents of younger preschoolers:

  • You are a model of behavior and an object of love and imitation for your child. Keep this in mind the moment you step onto the road with your baby.
  • So that the child does not end up in trouble, you need to educate him in respect for the rules of the road every day, unobtrusively and with patience.
  • A child should play only in the yard under the supervision of adults and know: you can’t go out on the road!
  • You should not frighten the child with possible circumstances, but you need to observe the situations on the road, in the yard, on the street together with him, explain what is happening with pedestrians and vehicles.
  • Introduce your child to the rules for pedestrians and the rules for vehicles.
  • Develop your child's attention, visual memory. For this house, create game situations. In the drawings fix the impressions of what you see. Give your child the opportunity to bring you to the kindergarten, and in the evening to the house.

At this age, the child should know:

  • You can't go out on the road.
  • You can only cross the road with an adult, holding his hand.
  • You can't get out.
  • You can only cross the road at a pedestrian crossing at a calm pace.
  • Pedestrians are people who walk down the street.
  • So that there is order on the road, there are no accidents, so that a pedestrian does not get hit by a car, everyone must obey the traffic light: red light - there is no movement, And the green one says: "Go ahead, the path is open."
  • Cars are different, this is transport. Cars are driven by drivers (chauffeurs). Cars (transport) move along the road (highway, pavement).
  • When we ride in a trolleybus or bus, we are passengers.
  • When we ride in transport, we can’t lean out of the window, we need to hold on to the hand of mom, dad or the handrail.

Parents of older preschoolers:

  • Your baby has grown up, he has become more inquisitive, his life experience has been enriched, he has become more independent. But your authority has not diminished at all. You still remain for him a faithful assistant in the education of cultural behavior on the street and in public transport.
  • Knowing the individual characteristics of your child (temperament, intelligence, nervous system, etc.), continue to help him master the science of respect for the street: not intrusively, but persistently, patiently, systematically.
  • Instill in your child the habit of being attentive, prudent and careful on the street.
  • On the way to kindergarten, home, on a walk, continue to consolidate the knowledge gained earlier, ask problematic questions, pay attention to your actions, why you stopped in front of a pedestrian crossing, why you stopped in front of the road and right here, etc.

At this age, the child should know and follow the following rules:

  • Walk on the sidewalk on the right side.
  • Before you cross the road, you need to make sure that there are no cars by looking left and right, after that you can move, after looking again in both directions.
  • The road must be crossed only at a step.
  • You have to obey the traffic lights.
  • In transport, you must behave calmly, speak in a low voice, hold on to the hand of an adult, or a handrail, so as not to fall.
  • You can't stick your hands out of the window of a bus or trolleybus.
  • You can enter and exit the transport only when it is standing.
  • You can only play in the yard.

Observe with your child the situations on the road, in the yard, for pedestrians, discuss what you see with your child. Read a suitable instructive work of art to your child, and then invite them to talk about what they read, you can draw an appropriate picture.

Road safety lessons for parents

The child is in the arms.Be careful and careful - the child, being in his arms, closes your view of the road.

A child in a sled.Remember that sleds tip over easily. This should not be allowed either on the roadway or near it. Look at the child more often. Try to walk in the middle of the sidewalk, away from the "icicles".

Exit from public transport.Let adults always come out first, taking the child, as he can break out, run out onto the road. When walking on steps that are designed for an adult, a child may fall. Extreme care is needed when you are the last of the passengers to leave or enter. The driver may not notice the child standing on the steps, whom you were preparing to take when you got out, consider that the landing is over, close the door and move off. Therefore, you must not be the last to leave, either take the child in your arms, or warn the driver before leaving.

Travel by public transport.When driving in a trolleybus, bus or tram, you need to take a stable position, you need to be especially careful near the driver's cab and while preparing for the exit.

Hand in hand with a child.On and near the road, always remember that a child can break free. This situation often happens and leads to traffic accidents. The child may try to escape if he sees on the other side of the dear one of his friends, relatives, etc.

Learn to observe.While the child is on the street next to you, it is during the period from 2 to 6 years, during walks, on the way to kindergarten and back, it is best and most convenient to instill in him the skills that were mentioned above! Use the available opportunity while you are next to your child on the road to teach him to observe, recognize road "traps". Let him, when crossing the road, also observe, reflect, and not just trust you. Otherwise, he will get used to going out onto the roadway without looking.

Parent example.One wrong action of the parents in front of the child, or together with him, can cross out a hundred correct instructions in words. Therefore, never rush with a child on the roadway, do not run across the road in a hurry to the bus, do not talk about extraneous things when crossing the road. Do not cross the road obliquely, or on the side of the crossing, at a red light. Only in this way will you ensure maximum safety on the road for your child.

If the child wears glasses.On the road, "lateral vision" plays a very important role, since the pedestrian crosses the road, being sideways to the transport. Since "peripheral vision" is weakened in glasses, it is necessary to teach the child to observe with redoubled care, to recognize situations of "closed vision". Even more carefully teach the child to assess the speed of the approaching transport.

So, only the culture of parental behavior, strict observance of traffic rules, patience and responsibility for the life and health of your child will help us together to educate and instill in him the habits and skills of safe behavior on the street!


  1. O.A. Skorolupova “Classes with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Rules and traffic safety”. M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”. 2004
  2. E.Ya.Stepankova, M.F.Filenko "For preschoolers - about the rules of the road."
  3. "Traffic Laws". Comp. N.A. Izvekova and others. M: “TC Sphere”. 2005
  4. "Traffic Laws". M: "Third Rome". 2006
  5. "Handbook of the senior educator of a preschool institution." No. 2/2007
  6. “Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary”, M: “Soviet Encyclopedia”. 1987
  7. “Good Road of Childhood”, No. 18 (156). 2007

I approve

Head of GBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 132"

E.A. Radaeva

"___" __________20__


events of the month

road safety "Safe road for children"

in GBDOU of the city of Sevastopol "Kindergarten No. 132"

from 12.09.2016 to 10.10.2016


Reducing road traffic injuries on the streets and roads of the city;

Preserving the health of children and adults, ensuring life safety;

Formation of responsibility in parents, teachers, pupils in maintaining their own health and safety;

Establishing relationships between a preschool educational institution and the traffic police, the public on the prevention of road traffic injuries.


To give the child a certain system of knowledge on the rules of the road;

To form a strong habit in the application of the acquired knowledge and the implementation of the rules of conduct in everyday life.

Legislative and regulatory support of the monthly plan of events.

  1. Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. No. 196-FZ "On road safety".

2. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 02.12.2003. No. 930 "On the organization of the work of the State Inspectorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to promote road safety."

3. Letter from the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Sevastopol dated 08.08.2016. No. 4022-1-33-307.

4.Order of the Department of Education of the city of Sevastopol dated 08.09.2016. No. 913 "On holding a month of road safety."

Expected results.

  1. Reducing the level of road traffic injuries involving preschool children.
  2. Establishment of strong ties in the organization of joint work of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Sevastopol "Kindergarten No. 132" with the traffic police, public organizations to ensure road safety.
  3. Expansion of material, technical and methodological support for groups and the methodological office of GBDOU.
  4. Awareness by adults and children of the concept of "road safety" and the formation of strong habits in the application of the acquired knowledge, skills, skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads, public transport.
  5. Increasing the level of orientation to modern conditions of life.



Responsible persons

Issue an order "On holding a month of road safety in GBDOU No. 132".

Head of GBDOU

Conducting a seminar with the teaching staff:

On the methodology of teaching pupils the Rules of the road;

On the forms of work on the prevention of child injuries;

On the organization of work at group sites to inculcate the skills to comply with traffic rules.

senior caregiver

Update in groups of road safety corners.

12.09.2016- 16.09.2016

Teachers of all groups

Holding a poster competition (wall newspapers) on the topic of road safety rules “Beware of the road!”

Collaboration with parents of all groups

Consultation for teachers "Teaching the child the basics of safety"

senior caregiver

Advice for parents:

- "Airbag - not without danger!"

- Causes of accidents.

12.09.2016- 16.09.2016

Practical lesson "Making a route from home to kindergarten."

Conducting conversations with children on traffic safety.


Conversations "On our streets".

Objectives: To give children an idea of ​​the street. Get to know different types of houses. Teach children to navigate their street, know their home, home address. Know the markings of streets and roads. To give knowledge about the rules of movement on the streets.

The city where we live;


The carriageway of the street;



Teachers of all groups

Game situations "Our true friends."

Objectives: to give children an idea of ​​​​the operation of a traffic light and its signals, to acquaint them with a policeman-regulator and his role on the street, to acquaint them with the “safety island” and its need for heavy traffic.

traffic signals;

Signals for traffic regulation;

traffic controller signals;

- "Island of safety".

Teachers of all groups

Story games "Rushing down the street cars."

Objectives: to acquaint children with various types of transport, their purpose, danger to humans if traffic rules are not observed correctly.

Types of transport, their purpose;

Danger of a car for people;

Monitoring the work of drivers;

Monitoring the work of railway transport;

Signaling of cars, railway transport.

Teachers of all groups

Acquaintance with the rules of traffic on the roads "If you are a pedestrian."

Objectives: to introduce children to the concept of "pedestrian". Explain the rules for pedestrians that must be followed for the safety of life.

The concept of "pedestrian";

Rules for pedestrians;

Choosing the safest path for pedestrians.

Teachers of all groups

Introduction to road signs.

Goals : to acquaint children with road signs, their purpose, to expand their understanding of what ignorance or inconsistency of actions with road signs leads to.

Warning signs;

prohibition signs;

Information and indication signs;

Prescriptive signs.

Teachers of all groups

Acquaintance with the rules of travel in transport "If you are a passenger."

Objectives: to tell the children about the purpose of the bus stop, its location. To bring to the attention of children the rules of safe behavior in public transport

Types of public transport;

Public transport stop;

Rules for safe behavior in public transport.

Teachers of all groups

Familiarization with the rules of conduct on the playgrounds

Where should children play?

Goals : to explain to children where they should play on the street in order to protect their lives, to teach awareness of the danger of playing on the roadway.

A place for children to play - a ban on games on the roadway;

Places for games and riding scooters, sleds and skates.

Teachers of all groups

Conversations on the rules of conduct outside the city: "On the country road".

Goals : to acquaint children with the rules for driving on a country road, where there are no sidewalks, intersections and other means of street marking. Explain the rules of walking through the railway crossing, railway tracks, the rules of safe behavior near the railway tracks.

Road, roadside, footpath - places for pedestrians;

Rules for driving on a country road - crossing a railway crossing, railway tracks;

Prohibition of games near railroad tracks.

Teachers of all groups

Excursion around the neighborhood.

"Learning to obey the rules of the road."

Goals: to teach children the rules of behavior on the streets and roads of the city, to promote their awareness.

The introduction of knowledge and skills in the educational process.

To consolidate the practical knowledge of children, to teach children to navigate the streets of the city.

Practical consolidation of knowledge of traffic rules.

Senior educator, educators, pupils of 6, 7 years of age

Acquaintance with the work of the traffic police.

Objectives: To promote a conscious perception of the consequences of traffic accidents. Tell the children about the work of the traffic police. Introduce them to the road sign "Post GAI".

Formation of a conscious attitude to the consequences of traffic accidents;

Familiarization with the work of traffic police officers;

Acquaintance with the road sign "Post GAI";

Invitation of traffic police officers to participate in joint events

Didactic games "Introduction to car alarms."

Objectives: to give children knowledge about the light and sound signals of the machine, their purpose. Make sure you respond to them. Tell about the role of the sign "Sound signal is prohibited."

Light and sound signals of machines, their purpose;

response to them;

Significance of signals for pedestrians.

Teachers of all groups

Registration of information corners (movement folders, consultation folders, memos, recommendations, etc.).

12.09.2016- 16.09.2016

Senior educator, educators of all groups

Conducting practical classes to develop knowledge of traffic rules on the territory of GBDOU.


Senior educator, educators of senior groups

Carrying out the holiday "Journey to the country of road signs".

Head of Physical Education, Senior Educator

Report on the results of the month of road safety.

senior caregiver

Coverage of the progress of the month on road safety on the website of GBDOU No. 132

Placement of information and photo report of the events of the month on road safety;

Placement of abstracts of practical classes on compliance with traffic rules,

senior caregiver