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» The theme of the peculiarities of conducting physical education classes in a group of different ages. Features of conducting physical education classes in a group of different ages (second junior and middle age) Physical education in a group of different ages planning

The theme of the peculiarities of conducting physical education classes in a group of different ages. Features of conducting physical education classes in a group of different ages (second junior and middle age) Physical education in a group of different ages planning

Topic: "Peculiarities of conducting physical education classes in a group of different ages kindergarten» Levina S. V. physical education educator. GBOU secondary school No. 629.

A child is growing in the family... Parents want to see him healthy, smart, strong. The basis of these qualities is laid in childhood. In whatever conditions the child is brought up, he needs the means for the timely and correct development of movements: a spacious room, objects that encourage him to act, outdoor games, as well as special physical education classes. Recently, family kindergartens have been opened in many children's institutions, being a model of a society in which children of different ages, levels of development, abilities and interests coexist, and contribute to a higher level of personal development. But with all this, the question arises of how to organize physical education classes in such groups, if each age has its own norms, due to physical development.

For physical education, children are divided into subgroups, which include children of 2 ages: - 1 subgroup, the second youngest and middle group; - 2 subgroup senior and preparatory group. The total duration of classes is no more than 15 and 25 minutes, respectively, the intervals between classes are 10 minutes. . Physical education classes are built according to the generally accepted scheme: I. Introductory part (combat exercises, various types of walking and running, rebuilding to perform general developmental exercises). II. Main part (general developmental exercises (complex); exercises in basic movements (2-4); outdoor games (1-2). III. Final part (calm walking, or a game of low mobility, or dance

Spatial orientation is imperfect. kids have very Therefore, complex rebuilding should not be planned in the introductory part of the classes. Here it is convenient and appropriate to move in a column with a regular step, a step on toes, with a high knee raise, side side steps. These methods of movement are also suitable for moving in all directions. You can diversify motor actions by different positions of the hands - on the belt, behind the head, back, to the sides. All motor tasks should be feasible for kids and at the same time interesting for older ones. It can be figurative exercises. For example, "First let's go like mice, and then - like elephants . . . " - walking on toes, alternating with hard walking on the entire foot; "The children will become teddy bears . . . " - walking with a regular step, alternating with waddling, etc. Game tasks are interesting and useful, stimulating the manifestation of various physical qualities. For example, clapping your hands for each step improves the sense of rhythm; walking in a squat (the elders hold the baby by the hand) develops a stable balance; "Where is your friend?" - the elders, moving in all directions, stop, the kids find their older partner - they acquire the skills of spatial orientation.

Complexes of general developmental exercises are selected both for performing without objects and with objects. Items must be of the same type, such as cubes, ribbons, flags, balls. Hoops and sticks in the classroom with the kids are most likely inappropriate, since they do not own them, and rattles should not be used because they create a psychological imbalance for the elders. General developmental exercises on objects - chairs, benches, objects - a gymnastic wall, logs, sandboxes are interesting and useful for children of all ages. You can also carry out exercises in pairs, an older child with a baby.

Even more attention is required to the selection of exercises in the main movements. The main movements in the classroom can be performed in various combinations: - one movement is used (children of the younger subgroup get acquainted with the performance of individual elements of the movement, children of the older subgroup improve the motor skill or consolidate the joint performance of the constituent elements of the motor action); - one movement is used, the ways of its implementation vary (the younger ones consolidate the skills of crawling under the cord on the palms and knees, the older ones are invited to choose the appropriate method of crawling, depending on the height of the obstacle); - for each subgroup, different basic movements are used, given that some exercises are available only to older preschoolers (high jumps, long jumps, learning the elements of playing basketball, etc.) The initial learning of the movement is carried out with one subgroup. The rest of the children at this time independently practice in performing familiar movements or learn to act in unusual conditions with the choice of the most appropriate method of execution.

Outdoor games with running: "Frost Red Nose", "Geese Swans" Outdoor games with climbing: "Firefighters on exercises", "Bear and bees" net" Outdoor games with jumps: "Fishing rod", "Hares and wolf"

Not every outdoor game can be used in a joint physical education lesson. It is necessary to select such games that can be transformed by adapting motor tasks for both trusts. Running games are best suited for this. Without changing the idea of ​​the games, they can vary the length and types of running. It is also convenient to play such games in which the players are divided into two groups, according to their roles. In the lesson, preference is given to conducting a general outdoor game for both subgroups, with options in relation to the age of the children. Throwing at a moving target is entrusted only to older preschoolers. When performing the role of a driver by a younger child, for older children, complication should be introduced in the performance of the movement. When performing the role of a driver with an older child, a complication is provided for, both for him and for other children of this age, the younger ones act in facilitated conditions. In the final part of the lesson, a gradual transition to a calm motor activity is provided (walking, games of medium and low mobility provide a solution to these problems).

Conducting classes in a group of different ages has several positive aspects: - The ability to quickly reorganize after older children in performing individual exercises (snake running - the task is given to run after older children); - Timely tips for younger children in performing certain exercises (in warm-up: older children pay attention to the baby, raise their hands higher, do not lower their head down, etc.); - Learning from each other, especially important when children perform exercises in a frontal way (there is an opportunity to see how older children do and there is a desire to repeat); - Differentiated training of children in the main types of movements and game exercises aimed at regulating motor activity. Hyperactive children learn to control their behavior in accordance with established rules and norms, perform motor tasks faster and better. Sedentary children awaken interest in sports games and exercises, there is an interest in participating in competitions, and indicators of physical activity improve.

The role of the educator is very important. . . The task of the educator is to form adequate relationships between children. Where the elder helps the younger and knows that he does not know how to do something, because he is still small. . where the elder seeks to protect and help the younger. Where the youngest is not afraid to approach the elder, where the youngest knows that if something does not work out today, then tomorrow it will work out. Where the educator is attentive to each child, where the educator teaches children to interact with each other, teaches them to make friends, share and resolve conflicts that have arisen. And if the teacher is good, then a group of different ages is only a blessing.

Tatyana Krasnova
Features of the organization of GCD on physical culture in a group of different ages

MBOU "Dolgoostrovskaya secondary school" Chuvashishakovskon TSO of the Chechen Republic of Batyrevsky district, village of Ch. Ishaki

caregiver: Krasnova T. N.


Classes for physical culture in a group of different ages may have different forms of conducting - individual, subgroup, frontal.

Frontal form - joint classes with all children at the same time with one program content.

Practically the same movements are introduced into the classes (walking group behind the teacher in a given direction, with a change of direction, etc.). The complication of motor knowledge occurs due to variety of ways and performance conditions. Only differences in dosage and exercise requirements are envisaged.

The movements of children of 2-3 years of age are not yet formed as arbitrary, they are often unintentional. However, they have the opportunity to establish some similarity with the sample. Children act by imitation, not adhering to a precisely given form of movements, and transmit only a general pattern of movement.

The teacher makes sure that older children perform movements accurately and correctly in accordance with the model, with a large amplitude, consciously follow the positions and movements of their body parts in various exercises.

Frontal form of conducting classes with one program content, but having different requirements allows children to focus on the movements being studied.

In order to increase the motor activity of children during the lesson, one should not include exercises that require a long wait and insurance from the educator (climbing the gymnastic wall, walking along booms of different heights standing long jump). At the same time, we do not recommend including complex motor tasks with organizing them in the gym(jumping rope, running with obstacles). It is desirable to learn the proposed tasks with children on individual and subgroup activities while walking.

Classes for physical education conditionally consist of three main parts: introductory, main and final.

The introductory part prepares organism child for the upcoming physical activity, increases the emotional state of children, activates their attention. In the introductory part, a game motivation for the motor activity of children can be created. In some cases, it is transferred to the main part of the lesson. At the same time, musical accompaniment is of great importance.

In the introductory part of the lesson, the same tasks are planned for children different ages. Walking and running exercises are introduced different pace and direction. Children 2-3 years old can walk at a normal, calm pace; 4-5-year-old children - on tiptoes, raising their knees high; 6-7-year-old children walk in a column of two, making various movements with their hands.

Building children to perform general developmental exercises different: scattered, in a circle, in pairs, one after another. Children 2-3 years old are assisted in building by an instructor in physical education.

In the main part of the lesson, tasks are programmed for the formation of motor skills, the implementation different types of movements, their learning and consolidation. Attention is paid to purposeful development physical qualities and coordination children's abilities. In this part, the plot develops.

The main part begins with a set of general developmental exercises, which can be under the same name, For example: "We are parsley", "Winter", "Aircraft". In most cases, we try to include Chuvash outdoor games.

The structure of general developmental exercises should be the same, and the dosage may increase depending on the age and individual capabilities of the children. The initial positions of the arms and legs may also become more difficult.

Kids imitate the elders and try to repeat the exercises after them, they should not be stopped and pay attention to their quality of performance. The teacher can include for older children exercises of a more complex nature for the legs (bending the leg at the knee and straightening it forward, pulling the socks, bending the foot, etc., for the body (turning to the sides, holding the hands on the belt and spreading them to the sides, with raising both legs above the floor, etc.) At the same time, the kids perform arbitrary movements.

Of great interest in children are exercises with objects and aids. (rattles, balls, flags, cubes).

After performing general developmental exercises, the main types of movements follow. We propose the same movement (walking, jumping, throwing and catching objects) for children different ages. But at the same time, we introduce the younger children of 2-3 years old to the performance of the movement as a whole, and for children of 4-5 years old, we clarify the elements of movements or consolidate their motor skills. For children aged 5-7 years, there are requirements for the quality of the performance of classes. We suggest using different ways performing the same movement For example: crawling on all fours, crawling under various obstacles or climbing over a soft boom (log).

In mixed the group can give children different exercises, but the instructor physical education should divide the children into two subgroups according to their age (subgroup form of holding) . For example, babies (2-3 years) under the control of the assistant teacher, they practice rolling the ball and moving behind it different ways(crawling on all fours, running or calm walking). At this time, the teacher on the other subgroup(children 4-7 years old) learn a new move.

After the main types of movements, an outdoor game common to all children is played. Games including different types of movements(walking, running, jumping, throwing, crawling, etc., are performed by all children at the same time. For example, games "Train", "Aircraft", "Sun and Rain" etc. For the youngest children, the educator does not impose any requirements on the quality of the performance of actions.

To deploy actions, children of the fifth year of life are no longer indifferent game conditions and assumed role. The attitude of children to the performance of the role is changing. Children realize task: having caught a hare, the wolf stops it, then catches other rabbits. Basically, at this age, the educator takes on the leading role.

It is important that the content of game actions is understandable to children and evokes positive emotions and high physical activity in them.

In the final part of the lesson, there is a gradual transition from physical load to rest child's body. Communication with various game characters can continue.

Lesson on physical education ends for all ages groups at the same time. However, if the teacher notices fatigue in the kids, then he gives them a little rest, using game techniques. You can offer relaxation exercises from a lying position, sitting or a sedentary game for orientation in space: "Find where it's hidden", "Find Your Place".

IN group with children 2-7 years old we offer classes different type: game, plot-game and training.

Game-type classes are distinguished by the fact that they include movements that are well known to children. In games, motor skills are fixed, there is a development physical qualities in changing situations.

The plot-playing lesson is based on a holistic plot-playing situation that reflects the world around the child in a conditional form. The lesson consists of different types of basic movements and game exercises of general developmental imitation character: "A toy shop", "Hedgehog and hedgehog" etc. This type of activity increases children's interest in various movements.

The training session is aimed at developing the motor abilities of children. It includes a variety of cyclic, rhythmic movements, game exercises for the development of speed of movement, dexterity and endurance. This type of training can be educational and mixed.

The lesson of a teaching nature is aimed at getting acquainted with the new movement. A mixed lesson sets the task of learning and consolidating a new movement, as well as improving movements that have been mastered earlier. It is mainly based on the repetition of already covered material.

Teaching children such movements as climbing a gymnastic wall, throwing, it is desirable to carry out small subgroups while using game motor tasks.

Process organizations movement training for children mixed age group requires great skill on the part of the teacher. It should take into account the knowledge and motor experience of older children, give them the opportunity to use the display physical exercises for the little ones. The teacher attracts 4-year-old children to do exercises with the kids, entrusts them with responsible roles in outdoor games.

It is necessary to encourage the desire of children to transfer their motor experience, as well as their participation in the arrangement and cleaning physical education allowances. The teacher does not give the younger children a big load, invites them to watch the exercises or the older children play.

Subgroup the form of the lesson is carried out taking into account the level physical readiness of children mixed age group. At the beginning of the year, the teacher conducts testing of children on basic motor tasks. (running 10 m, long jump from a place, throwing the ball with a comfortable hand) and determine their level physical fitness. At the same time, the teacher is studying the state of health, physical development and individual features of children. Then, based on the data obtained, the teacher distributes the children into two main subgroups.

First subgroup enrolled children who entered the kindergarten for the first time, it is difficult to get used to its conditions, as well as children who are often ill, having a low level physical fitness.

second subgroup is made up of children having a higher level physical development, their indicators physical readiness are in the range of average values ​​and above.

Careful study of the child reveals the level of development physical and spiritual forces of the child, outline a program of education and training, correctly organize the life of the baby in kindergarten. At the same time, it is important to choose the necessary techniques and methods that correspond to the individual capabilities of children, and to carry out corrective work in a timely manner aimed at solving health-improving and auxiliary educational problems.

List of children mixed age group should be written with age and gender.

Classes for physical culture in the age group with children 2-7 years old, we advise you to conduct it in a playful way. The lesson can begin with an emotional story of the educator, where an imaginary situation is given. An effective technique is the description of the game situation, where children's heroes and characters of various fairy tales are presented.

List of used literature:

1. Vasilyeva, M. A. Small-scale kindergarten. [Text] / M. A. Vasilyeva, M., Enlightenment. 1988.

2. Runova M. Features of the organization of physical culture classes. [Text] / M. Runova. Preschool education, 2002. No. 10.

3. Stepanenkova, E. Ya. Physical education in kindergarten. [Text] / E. Ya. Stepanenkova. M., Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009.

Aleksentseva Antonina Alekseevna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: Phil.d / s "Ivushka", MBDOU d / s "Alenka"
Locality: From Yaroslavl, Nikiforovsky district, Tambov region
Material name: Methodical development
Publication date: 05.09.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Forward planning of the educational field

"Physical culture" in the age group.
Month / weeks Goals (program content) of the classes September 1.

ml. Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time, develop the ability to maintain a stable balance when walking on a reduced area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport, exercise in vigorous pushing off with two legs from the floor and soft landing when bouncing in place. Art. Exercise children in walking with stepping over cubes, balls, jumping on 2 legs with moving forward.
. ml. Develop the ability to maintain balance when walking in a limited area; to consolidate the ability to roll the ball in a certain direction, toss and catch the ball without pressing it to the chest; develop skills in performing exercises with balls. Art. Throw the balls, standing in line, with both hands. from below, after hitting the ball and about the b and b and b and s and s yvat v a r x 2 - me. r u k a m ​​i. (not.pressing.to.the.chest)
(in the air) * Exercise children in walking and running in a column one by one and scattered; in the ability to act on a signal; develop dexterity and eye when rolling the ball with both hands 2.
. ml. To teach children to vigorously push off the floor and land on half-bent legs while jumping up, reaching for the object. Practice rolling the ball. Art. To teach children to throw the ball up and catch it after the clap, to crawl on the gymnastic bench on the palms and knees, on the forearms and knees.
ml. Develop the ability to maintain balance when walking in a limited area; imitate the habits of birds; to consolidate the ability to jump on two legs; improve walking and running skills. Art. Exercise in throwing the ball to each other with 2 hands from behind the head, crawl on the gymnastic bench on the palms and knees.
* Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time, on toes; practice jumping. 3.
. ml. Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, running in all directions. Develop the ability to roll a hoop to each other. Practice rope climbing.
. To learn to climb into the hoop in a group, sideways, straight, walk on the gymnastic bench with a bag on the head.
. ml. Develop the ability to maintain balance when walking in a limited area; to consolidate the ability to jump on both legs moving forward; improve hooping skills.
. Learn to jump on 2 legs with a bag between your knees and walk like a penguin, walk on a bench with a bag on your head.
.* Exercise walking around objects placed at the corners of the site; repeat tossing and catching the ball with both hands;
exercise in jumping, developing the accuracy of landing 4.
ml. Continue to develop the ability of children to stop at the signal of the teacher while walking and running. To teach the ability to group when climbing under the cord. Exercise in maintaining a stable balance while walking on a reduced area of ​​​​support. Art. Learn to jump on 2 legs with a bag between your knees and walk like a “Penguin”. m e sh o ch k o m. n a. h o l o v e.
. ml. Develop the ability to maintain balance in a limited and elevated area; to consolidate the ability to jump from a height of 30-50cm. improve the skills of crawling under the arcs with the right and left sides, without touching the floor with your hands. Art. Learn to walk on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your head, improve the skills of crawling under the arches with your right and left sides, without touching the floor with your hands.
.* Exercise in throwing the ball to each other, developing dexterity and eye; Practice jumping. October 1. 1.Ml. To develop the ability of children to maintain a stable balance when walking on an elevated support; exercise in vigorous repulsion from the floor and soft landing on half-bent legs in forward jumps. Art. Learn to walk on the bench with a side step, stepping over the cubes, jumping on 2 legs through the cords straight, sideways.
. ml. Develop the ability to jump in length from a place; correctly occupy the starting position and correctly perform the swing when throwing away from a free stance (the arm rises up and back); improve.balance.skills.when.walking.on.a.limited.area. St..Learn.to.throw.the.ball.with.2.hands.from.the.chest, toss.to each other from behind the head, to walk on the bench with a squat in the middle.
Exercise in throwing the ball over the net, developing dexterity and eye; in maintaining a stable balance when walking and running on a reduced area of ​​​​support. 2. 1. Teach children to find their place in the line after walking and running. Exercise in landing on bent legs in jumping from hoop to hoop. To consolidate the ability to roll the ball to each other, developing the accuracy of direction. Movement. St..Exercise..the.children.in.jumping.,jumping..from.the.bench..on.to.half-bent.legs, crawling over obstacles. 2.Ml. Practice long jumps with an active swing of the arms forward and up; to consolidate the ability to maintain balance in walking on a pole, on a narrow board; improve crawling skills; develop fantasy. Art. Learn to throw bags at a horizontal target with your right and left hands, crawl under the arc with your right and left sides without touching the floor. 3. * Exercise children in walking with the performance of various jumping tasks, consolidate the ability to act on a signal. 3.
.Ml. Repeat walking in a column one at a time, develop an eye and rhythm when stepping over the bars; practice rolling
ball in a straight direction, climbing under an arc. Art. exercise in walking on a gymnastic bench with a turn in the middle, squatting, stepping over the ball. 2.M l. Exercise in walking in a limited area, maintaining balance; to consolidate the skills of crawling, jumping on two legs through gymnastic sticks; develop the ability to solve riddles. Art. Learn to climb through 3 hoops (straight, right and left side), jump on two legs over an obstacle. 3.
Exercise.children.in.walking.and.running.between.objects.placed.at random throughout the playground; in rolling hoops, in jumping on two legs. 4.
M l. To develop the ability of children to find their place in the column after walking and running. Repeat climbing under the arc, without touching the floor with your hands; exercise in maintaining a stable balance. Art. To teach how to perform game tasks: “Get into the basket”, “Crawl, do not touch”, “Do not fall into the stream”. 2. ml. Develop the ability to throw cones at a distance, solve riddles; develop an eye, fantasy; to consolidate the ability to maintain balance when walking between the cubes. Art. Game tasks: “On one leg along the path”, “Nimble guys”, “Step over the back”. 3.* Repeat walking and running in a column one at a time; exercise in throwing the ball into the basket, developing dexterity and eye. November 1. 1. Ml. Exercise children in walking and running with a change in direction of movement, walking and running between objects. Strengthen the ability to maintain a stable balance when walking on an elevated support. Practice jumping on two legs. Art. To teach children to crawl on a gymnastic bench on their stomach, pulling themselves up with 2. hands, crawl on all fours, pushing their head with a stuffed ball. 2. ml. Strengthen the ability to maintain balance when walking in a limited area; to consolidate climbing skills on the gymnastic wall; improve walking and running skills. Art. To teach children to crawl on the bench with support on the forearms and knees, to dribble the ball moving forward.
Exercise in walking and running with a change in direction of movement; walking and running "snake" between objects; maintaining balance on a reduced area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport; repeat the jumping exercise. 2. 1.Ml. Teach children to walk and run in circles, holding hands. Practice walking and running on toes. Continue to teach to land on half-bent legs. Exercise in throwing the ball to each other Art. Continue to teach children to throw the ball up and catch it after the clap, jump on 2 legs, throw the ball to each other with their hands over their heads. 2. ml. To consolidate the ability to crawl under an obstacle of limited height (in a squat, in a prone position); improve the skills of maintaining balance when walking in a limited area.
Art. To learn to walk on the rope sideways with a side step, hands on the belt, a bag on the head, throw the ball with 2 hands from behind the head. 3. * Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, performing tasks for the hands, running with stepping over the cords. To consolidate the ability of children to act with the ball at the signal of the teacher. 3. 1. Ml. Exercise children in walking and running with a change in direction of movement; in throwing the ball on the ground and catching it with both hands; repeat crawling on all fours. Art. Learn to crawl under the cord sideways, straight, without touching the floor with your hands, walk on the gymnastic bench with a bag on your head, hands on your belt. 2. Ml. Strengthen the ability to maintain balance when walking in a limited area, jump on two legs, climb into the hoop without touching the upper edge with the back and the floor with the hands; improve the skills of performing exercises with hoops. Art. Exercise in jumping on the right and left legs between objects, improve the skills of performing exercises with hoops. 3. * Exercise children in walking between objects without touching them; exercise in jumping and running with acceleration. 4. 1. ml. Exercise children in walking and running with a stop at the signal of the teacher; in crawling on the stomach on the gymnastic bench, developing strength and dexterity; to consolidate the ability to maintain a stable balance and correct posture while walking. C t. Game tasks: “The ball to the leader”, “Who is sooner to the flag” (crawling on the bench). 2. Ml. To teach various types of walking; improve the skills of crawling and jumping on two legs moving forward. Art. Exercise in jumping on the right and left legs between objects, improve the skills of performing exercises with hoops. 3. * Exercise children in walking and running in a circle, holding hands (from a column); Repeat walking and running with the installation at the signal of the teacher; to develop the eye and the strength of the throw when throwing at a distance, to exercise in jumping December 1. 1.Ml. develop dexterity and coordination .. movements in jumping over an obstacle. Art. Learn to step over the bars, cord, to the right and left of it, develop dexterity and coordination .. movements in jumping over an obstacle. 2. Ml. To consolidate the ability to crawl under the arc; improve your long jump skills. Art. Learn to walk on an inclined board sideways, with a side step, step over the bars, cord, to the right and left of it, 3. * Exercise in walking and running between snow structures; in the ability to act on the signal of the educator. 2. 1. Ml. Exercise children in rebuilding in pairs on the spot; in a soft landing on half-bent legs; reinforce the ability to roll the ball,
developing an eye. Art. Learn to throw the ball up with 2 hands and catch it after the clap. 2.Mr..Reinforce.the.ability.to.roll.the.ball.by.developing..the.eye. St.. Learn to jump alternately on the right and left legs to the designated place, walk on the gymnastic bench with a bag on your head 3. * Develop the ability to take snow shovels and carry them to the place of employment; practice stepping. 3. 1. Ml. Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time; develop the ability to catch the ball thrown by a friend. Exercise in crawling on all fours on an elevated support. Art. Learn to climb the gymnastic wall to the top, climb in different ways,. without. skipping.. battens. 2.Ml. Strengthen the ability to jump on two legs, the skills of performing exercises .. with hoops. Art. Learn to crawl with a bag on your back, throw the ball to each other with 2.hands.from below.with.cotton.before.catching. 3. * Exercise in throwing snowballs at a distance, developing the strength of the throw. 4. 1.Ml. To consolidate the ability of children to rebuild in pairs from the column one at a time. Know how to find your place in the column. To teach the correct grip of the hands on the edges of the board when crawling on the stomach; exercise in the ability to maintain balance in walking on an elevated support. St…Exercise.jumping.between.obstacles, tossing and rolling balls in any.direction. 2. Strengthen walking skills between objects, maintaining balance. 3.* Exercise in throwing snowballs at a distance, developing the strength of the throw. January 1. 1.St. Exercise children in rebuilding in pairs on the spot, in a soft landing on half-bent legs; to consolidate the ability to roll the ball, to develop the eye of Ml. Learn to throw the ball up with 2 hands and catch it after the clap. 2. Art. Teach children to throw the ball with both hands, from below to each other, from the chest; crawl into the hoop sideways, develop self-confidence, speed of reaction, dexterity; cultivate activity, courage, independence. ml. Learn to hit the ball on the floor, throw the ball to each other, develop the ability to walk and run. without bumping into other children. 3. Repetition of game exercises for consolidation
1–2. ml. Continue to teach walking and running between objects; develop the ability to throw the ball to each other; repeat the task in balance; develop purposefulness. Art. Teach children to throw the ball with both hands, from below each other, from the chest; crawl into the hoop sideways, develop self-confidence, speed of reaction, dexterity; cultivate activity, courage, independence. 3*. Practice running and jumping around the snowman. 1-2 ml. Repeat walking and running between objects without touching them; crawling on the gymnastic bench on all fours, develop dexterity in exercises with the ball. Teach.children.to.climb.in.the.hoop.sideways,.to.walk.with.stepping.over.the.blocks.with.a.bag.on.the.head. 3*. - practice jumping between objects, rolling balls between objects, throwing the ball up and on the ground and catching it with 2 hands. 2. 3. February 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.2 Ml. Repeat walking and running between objects without touching them, crawling on the gymnastic bench on all fours, develop dexterity in exercises with the ball; Art. Teach children to crawl into the hoop sideways. walk with stepping over the cubes with a bag on his head. 3. Continue to exercise in walking and running between sports facilities on the site, in the ability to act on the signal of the educator. 1.2 ml. Exercise in walking with the performance of tasks at the signal of the teacher, in jumping from hooping a hoop, to develop dexterity when rolling the ball between objects. Art. Learn to throw bags at a vertical target, with your right and left hands, jump on 2 legs over a stick. 3. *. Develop dexterity and eye when throwing bags. 1-2 ml. Exercise in walking and running in all directions between objects, in. catching. the ball. with. 2. hands,. crawling. on.. all fours on the bench. n o y n o g i c n o c n o c o n o c o d o r o d o o d o o d , r u k i n a head o n o d . 3*.Exercise.in.distance.throwing. Game.exercises: "Whoever.throws", Let's find.the Snow Maiden", Outdoor game "Frost - Red Nose" 1-2. ml. Exercise in walking with a change in direction of movement, in crawling in a straight direction, ... jumping. between. items. Art. learn to toss the ball and catch it with the right and left hand, jump from foot to foot, between objects. placed in a row.
3*. Develop dexterity and eye when throwing bags.

Physical education in a mixed age group requires especially carefulno choice of physical exercises, which must match agethe characteristics and abilities of all children united in one group.

Each individual age stage of a child's development has its own physical and mental characteristics. That's why soderphysical exercises and teaching methods should be different.

Unbearable, prematurely given material for younger children and light, not requiring some mental and physical effort, for older children is equally inappropriate. Younger children will unsuccessfully master tasks that are difficult for them, unlawfully bypassing the necessary intermediate links of difficulty.

At the same time, older children, performing physical exercises below their capabilities, lose interest in the material offered to them, which does not require mental and physical effort from them. Therefore, the program content of physical exercises in the classroom and in the mixed group should correspond to the capabilities of children of each age subgroup.

Difficulty in scheduling a lesson in such a group is that, on the one hand, it is necessary to select physical exercises for each subgroup of children according to their age program, and on the other hand, find an opportunity to unite all children in an activity that is interesting for them.

Planning for a group of different ages begins with drawing up a long-term plan and a plan for the development of the main types of movements for each age. A detailed outline of the outline for a group of different ages, which combines tasks for two ages, allows you to clearly differentiate tasks, taking into account age capabilities.

Physical education classes in a group of different ages may have different forms of - individualdual, subgroup, frontal.

Frontal form - joint classes with all children at the same time with one program content. Practically the same movements are introduced into the classes (for example, walking in a group behind the teacher in a given direction, with a change of direction, etc.). The complication of motor knowledge occurs due to the variety of methods and conditions of execution. Only differences in doserovke and requirements for the implementation of exercises.

Children's movements 2-3 year old ages are not yet formed as arbitrary, they are often unintentional. However, they have the opportunity to establish some similarity with the sample. Children imitateny, not adhering to a precisely given form of movements, and only the general pattern of movement is transmitted.

In the same time older children have to move exactly and correctly according to the sample, with a large amplitude, consciously follow the positions and movements of parts of your body in a variety of exercises.

In a mixed age group, you can busytiya different type: gaming, story-playing and trainingEastern.

Classes game type differ in that they include movements familiar to children. In games, motor skills are fixed, physical qualities are developed in changing situations.

Story-playing lesson is based on a holistic plot-game situation that reflects the world around the child in a conditional form. The lesson consists of different types of basic movements and game exercises of a general developmental imitation character: "Toy Store", "Hedgehog and Hedgehog", etc. This type of lesson increases children's interest in various movements.

training session aimed at developing the motor abilities of children. It includes a variety of cyclic, rhythmic movements, game exercises for the development of speed of movement, dexterity and endurance. This type of training can be educational and mixed.

The lesson of a teaching nature is aimed at getting acquainted with the new movement. A mixed lesson sets the task of learning and consolidating a new movement, as well as improving movements that have been mastered earlier. It is mainly based on the repetition of already covered material.

Teaching children such movements as climbing a gymnastic wall, throwing, it is desirable to carry out in small subgroups, while using game motor tasks.

The process of organizing teaching the movements of children in a group of different ages requires great skill on the parteducator. It is necessary to take into account the knowledge and motor experience of older children, to give them the opportunity to use the demonstration of physical exercises for the smallest. It is necessary to encourage the desire of children to share their motor experience, as well as their participation in the arrangement and cleaning of physical education aids. The teacher does not give the younger children a big load, invites them to watch the exercises or the older children play.

Let's look more specifically exemplary training opportunities.

Before it starts, older children change into sports suits, then some of them help younger children change clothes or lighten the suit somewhat, while others at this time independently prepare the necessary physical education aids for classes. With such an organization, the little ones do not delay the lesson, and the older ones practice in the form of labor activity that is accessible to them and help the younger ones.

The lesson can start in different ways: for example, the little ones enter first and sit down, followed by the elders, whose posture and movements serve as a clear example for the younger ones to follow.

After that, the younger children perform a series of exercises according to their program. At the same time, in one case, the elders can participate in them, showing the way the exercises are performed (for example, when building in a circle, the elders stand between the little ones who are watching their actions). In another case, you can divide the little ones into small subgroups and entrust each of them to older children who will teach them under the guidance of a teacher. “Look,” he says, “how older children will raise the flags well and calmly lower them down.” And after the show, he suggests: “Now do the same with your elders.”

Such an organization has a great educational meaning, evoking in the elders a sense of responsibility, friendliness, satisfaction, and in the little ones - respect for older children who know how to do everything well.

It may also be the case that at the same time as the teacher teaches the younger children, the older ones independently practice some kind of movement at the other end of the room, being in the field of view of the teacher.

The choice of this or that organization of children in the lesson depends on its tasks, content, the number of those and other children and their general discipline.

When conducting an outdoor game with small children (sometimes a game common to all can be held), the teacher instructs individual children of the older subgroup to explain the game (if the children have this experience), create a play environment (arrange chairs, place toys if necessary, etc.). ) or play the role of a mother bird, mother hen, cat, car; other children can participate in the game with the little ones.

At the end of the game, the younger children, under the supervision and with the help of a nanny, prepare for a walk, and the older ones continue to study with the teacher according to their program.

The lesson plan provided is indicative and may not be permanent. It is necessary to strive for a different organization of physical education classes in a mixed age group. So, children can also take turns: first the older children, and the younger ones at this time play under the supervision of a nanny, or vice versa - the younger ones do physical exercises with the teacher, and the older children independently do something else on his instructions.

The main condition for all classes is the systematic implementation of the program for children of each given age.

The importance of hygienic factors, the natural forces of nature for the body involved. An upbringing and educational complex of children's activities, based on the child's motor activity. Basic movements, general developmental and drill exercises.

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The main idea of ​​forming a healthy lifestyle in the system of continuous education is the development of the physical and mental health of the younger generation, which will become an important component of the philosophical humanistic education necessary to solve the problem of understanding the value of life of each person in the general system of the universe.

Since physical health forms an inseparable unity with mental health and emotional well-being, the whole life of a child in a preschool educational institution (DOE) should have a health-improving orientation. And first of all, the organization of physical education of preschoolers should meet the principle of health orientation. Balsevich V.Kh. Physical culture for everyone and everyone. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1988.

A lot of work in this direction was carried out by such well-known scientists in the field of preschool education as T.I. Alieva, V.G. Alyamovskaya, O.M. Dyachenko, E.A. Ekzhanova, M.N. Kuznetsova S.M. Martynov, L.A. Paramonova, E.A. Sagaidachnaya and others. Provisions on the essence of a healthy lifestyle and the theory of health formation are reflected in the works of N.A. Amosova, M.V. Antropova, I.A. Arshevsky, E. Bocca, K.N. Wenzel, Yu.P. Lisitsina, M.I. Pokrovskaya, V.L. Farmakovsky, F. Scholz and others.

The purpose of the work is to explore the features of the organization of physical education classes for children of different age groups in the hall at the preschool educational institution.

The object of the work is the education of preschool children.

The subject of the work is the features of the organization of physical education classes for children of different age groups in the hall at the preschool educational institution.

Work tasks:

1. Consider the theoretical foundations of the physical education of preschool children.

2. Describe the program for the physical education of preschoolers.

3. Consider the forms of organization of physical education in preschool institutions.

4. Consider the methodology for educating physical qualities in preschool children.

The theoretical foundations of the work are based on scientific provisions on the role of motor activity in the biological and social development of the child (I.A. Arshavsky); on the implementation of a health-improving orientation in physical education (V.N. Seluyanov), on the impact of targeted physical exercises on the prevention and correction of the musculoskeletal system of preschoolers (M.I. Fonarev), as well as on the results of research on the implementation of a health-improving orientation in physical education of preschoolers (E.A. Arkin, E.V. Vilchkovsky, A.I. Kravchuk, V.I. Usakov, E.E. Romanova, etc.).

Research methods - study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

It should be noted that the system of health-saving forms of human life activity contributes to the preservation and promotion of health - a healthy lifestyle that is laid down from an early age. The formation of a system of knowledge and skills in the field of a child's knowledge of himself, his capabilities and ways of their development is most influenced by educational institutions, which are entrusted with the task of forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle, based on the social foundations of health and awareness of society's responsibility for children's health.

1. Physical education of preschool children

The theory of physical education of preschool children is the science of the general patterns of physical education of a child. The theory of physical education of children comes from the general foundations of the theory of physical education and is one of its sections.

Of paramount importance for physical education is the provision on the decisive role of social conditions of life and education in shaping the personality of a person (child).

The tasks of physical education in preschool childhood, while maintaining a general target orientation, are specified taking into account age characteristics.

At preschool age, health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks of physical education are carried out. To solve the problems of physical education of preschool children, the following are used: hygiene factors, natural forces of nature, physical exercises, etc. A full-fledged physical education is achieved with the complex use of all means, since each of them affects the body in different ways. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. - M.: Enlightenment, 1969.

Hygienic factors (mode of study, rest, nutrition and sleep, hygiene of clothing, footwear, physical education equipment, inventory, etc.) are a kind of means of physical education. They increase the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises on the body involved. For example, physical exercise contributes better to the development of the skeletal and muscular system, provided that it is fully and timely nutrition. Normal sleep provides rest and increases the efficiency of the nervous system. The cleanliness of the premises, sports equipment, inventory, toys, attributes, as well as clothes and shoes for children serves as a prevention of diseases.

Fulfillment of the requirements of personal and public hygiene evokes positive emotions in children and creates the most favorable conditions for mastering physical exercises.

Hygienic factors are also of independent importance. They contribute to the normal functioning of all organs and systems. For example, regular and good-quality nutrition has a positive effect on the activity of digestion and ensures the timely delivery of necessary nutrients to other organs, contributes to the normal growth and development of the child. Proper lighting prevents the occurrence of eye diseases (nearsightedness, etc.), creates more favorable conditions for orienting children in space. Compliance with a solid daily routine teaches you to be organized, disciplined, etc.

The natural forces of nature (the sun, air and water) enhance the positive effect of physical exercise on the body and increase human performance. In the process of physical exercise in the air or in water (swimming), the functionality of individual organs and body systems increases (more oxygen is absorbed, metabolism increases, etc.).

The sun, air and water are used to harden the body, as a result of which the human body acquires the ability to respond in a timely manner to various changes in meteorological factors. At the same time, the combination of the natural forces of nature with physical exercises increases the effect of hardening.

The natural forces of nature can also be used as an independent remedy. Water is used to cleanse the skin of pollution, to dilate and constrict blood vessels, and to mechanically affect the human body. The air of forests, gardens, parks, containing special substances (phytoncides), contributes to the destruction of microbes, enriches the blood with oxygen, and has a beneficial effect on the human body. The sun's rays contribute to the deposition of vitamin D under the skin, kill various microbes and protect a person from diseases (rickets, etc.).

The use of the natural forces of nature causes positive emotions in children. For a versatile effect on the body, all the natural forces of nature should be used, combining them most appropriately.

Physical exercises are the main specific means of physical education. Physical exercises have a multifaceted effect on a person: they change his physical condition, contribute to the implementation of the tasks of moral, mental, aesthetic and labor education, as well as the development of mental qualities.

Along with physical exercises, dances and massage are used.

Dancing accompanied by music affects all body systems, develops physical qualities (dexterity, speed, etc.), and also develops smoothness, ease, expressiveness of movements.

Massage (stroking, rubbing, kneading, patting, etc.) affects the skin, muscles, skeletal system, enhances breathing, improves blood circulation, metabolism, etc.

Various types of activities (work, drawing, modeling, playing musical instruments, etc.), the components of which are movements, motor actions, also affect the human body. But the movements made in the labor process are primarily aimed at obtaining specific results, and the impact on the body is a concomitant factor. Therefore, it is very important when organizing various types of activities to strictly monitor the observance of the correct posture, the dosage of physical activity, taking into account the age, individual characteristics of children, their state of health, physical development and physical fitness.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks of physical education at different age stages increases with the right combination of basic and additional funds. Doronina, M.A. The role of outdoor games in the development of preschool children / M.A. Doronina // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2007. - No. 4. - P.10-14.

2. Characteristics of the program for physical education of preschoolers

The program covers all age groups from birth to 7 years old. In each age group, the characteristics of children are given, health-improving, educational, educational tasks are formulated.

The section "Classes" includes drill exercises, general developmental exercises for individual muscle groups (shoulder girdle, trunk, legs) without objects, with objects and on objects, basic movements (walking, running, exercises in balance, climbing, crawling, climbing, jumping , throwing).

A large place in the program is given to sports exercises (skiing, skating, sledding, cycling, swimming, etc.).

Outdoor games, including games with elements of sports games (badminton, towns, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey, etc.) are given not only in the "Activities" section, but also in the "Game" section. A list of outdoor games that are recommended to organize during a walk in the morning and after lunch is given.

The section "Musical education" indicates dances, games with singing, which can be used in physical education classes.

In the section "Organization of the life of the group and the upbringing of children", a regimen is given for each age group, a list of cultural and hygienic skills, and instructions are given for hardening and morning exercises.

Quantitative indicators and requirements for children from age to age are gradually increasing.

In working with children up to a year, a lot of attention is paid to the improvement of unconditioned reflexes: skin-muscle reflexes (plantar - flexion and extension of the fingers, dorsal, foot - in a horizontal and vertical position) and position reflexes (cervical reflex in the position on the stomach, on the side and on back). It is recommended to use various types of massage: stroking (arms, legs, back, abdomen), rubbing (legs, feet, abdomen), kneading (legs, back), patting (feet, back), vibration. At this age, passive (with the help of adults) and active elementary general developmental exercises are carried out for individual muscle groups without objects and with objects (turning the head to the right, left, turning from back to stomach, sideways, shifting the ball from hand to hand, etc.) , crawling, preparatory exercises for walking, climbing and descending a ladder, slide, ladder, rolling a ball and throwing it at a target. In addition, the simplest games (“Ladushki”, etc.), as well as the simplest elements of dances, are used. Doronova T.N. Main directions work of preschool educational institution to improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents / / Preschool education. 2004. No. 1. - S. 63.

With children from one to three years old, more complex general developmental exercises are used for individual muscle groups (shoulder girdle, legs, torso) without objects, with objects (flags, sticks, balls), on objects (gymnastic bench, chair); basic movements (walking, running, balance exercises, climbing a ladder, crawling, jumping - a deep jump, jumping in place, rolling balls, throwing them at a distance and at a target). In addition, exercises are given in building in a circle, in a column one by one, in one line, as well as sledding, tricycle, rocking chairs, swings, skiing, preparatory exercises for swimming. A large place is occupied by outdoor games and dance elements.

For children from 3 to 7 years old, more complex general developmental exercises are recommended without objects, with objects (flags, balls, hoops, sticks, cords, ribbons, etc.), on objects (gymnastic bench, wall, etc.), at the gymnastic wall; drill exercises (building, rebuilding, different turns, opening and closing); more complex basic movements: various types of walking, running, long jumps from a place and from a run, high from a place and from a run, throwing at a distance and at a target (horizontal, vertical, stationary and moving), climbing, crawling, crawling, climbing, exercises in balance with various tasks.

With children 5-7 years old, elements of rhythmic gymnastics, sports exercises (skiing, skating, sledding, riding a two-wheeled bicycle, swimming, etc.) are used. A large place is occupied by outdoor games, games with elements of sports games (badminton, table tennis, towns, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey, etc.). In addition, various dances and dances are used.

The physical education program in kindergarten provides for continuity with the program of the 1st grade of the school. In kindergarten, the foundations of health, physical development and physical fitness are laid - this ensures successful schooling. Kozlov S.A., Kulikov T.A. Preschool Pedagogy. - M.: Academy, 2001.

3. Forms of organization of physical education in preschool institutions

The forms of organization of physical education are an educational complex of various activities of children, the basis of which is the motor activity of the child. The combination of these forms creates a certain motor regimen necessary for the full physical development and health promotion of children.

The forms of organization of physical education of children include:

1) physical education classes;

2) physical culture and health-improving activities (morning exercises, physical exercises, tempering procedures in combination with physical exercises)

3) daily work on the physical education of children (outdoor games, walks, individual work with individual children and with small groups, independent activities of children with various types of physical exercises, holidays).

All these forms, responding to the general tasks of physical education and the comprehensive development of the child, are interconnected; each of them has its own special tasks that determine its place in the daily routine of a preschool institution.

The ratio of the forms of organization of physical education in different groups of the kindergarten is determined by educational and educational tasks, taking into account the age and individual typological characteristics of children, the degree of their physical fitness, as well as the specific conditions of this group and the entire institution.

In early age groups, the main form of work with children is individual physical exercises (outdoor games, gymnastics, massage).

Morning gymnastics and physical education classes are held starting from the first junior in all groups, but in each they have an originality in the selection of motor material and methodology.

Physical education minutes, which are of primary importance in the older groups of the kindergarten, are included in classes and between two classes as a moment of active rest and restoration of children's working capacity.

Hardening procedures are used in all groups. However, air baths in motion with a gradual decrease in temperature, indoors and outdoors, are used mainly in older groups.

Outdoor games and a variety of independent motor activities of children in the air are an indispensable content of everyday children's life in all age groups. Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.

4. Methods of education of physical qualities in children of preschool age

Education of physical qualities is one of the main aspects of physical education.

The level of development of physical qualities determines the success of the motor activity of children and the ability to master new forms of movements, the ability to use them expediently in life.

The development of basic physical qualities (speed, agility, endurance, strength and flexibility) occurs in close connection with the formation of motor skills.

Exercises that contribute to this, in strict sequence and with a gradual complication of motor tasks, are included in physical education classes, outdoor games, sports exercises, and are also used for independent motor activity of children during a walk.

Endurance is the ability to resist fatigue in any activity. Endurance is determined by the functional stability of the nerve centers, the coordination of the functions of the motor apparatus and internal organs.

At preschool age, the energy resources of the body are spent on age-related development, so too much load can damage growth processes.

The child should gradually develop general endurance, that is, endurance in long-term work of moderate intensity, which increases the function of the main body systems.

Different activities cause different fatigue - mental, sensory, emotional, physical.

Any activity can cause to some extent the corresponding components of fatigue, however, in the process of physical education, physical fatigue associated with muscle activity is of the greatest importance. Levi-Gorinevskaya EG Development of basic movements in preschool children. - M, 1955.

The “kindergarten education program” provides for the gradual education of general endurance by increasing in each group the volume, intensity and duration of exercises performed at a moderate and even pace (walking, running, jumping, etc.), in outdoor games - by gradually increasing them duration, complication of motor tasks.

Preschool children have great opportunities in the manifestation of general endurance.

The level of development of this quality in children depends on age, gender and degree of preparedness.

According to V. G. Frolov, it is advisable to develop general endurance by running at an average speed, jogging, long jumps and jumps.

The main form of endurance education in preschool children is systematic outdoor activities, the main content of which is 2-3 outdoor games.

In these games, half of the time is devoted to running, alternating with walking, general developmental exercises, climbing and throwing.

Endurance education is carried out in the process of sports exercises (skiing, cycling, swimming).

There is a significant increase in endurance at the age of 3 to 5 years and from 6 to 7 years in boys.

In educational work with preschool children, of all the above types of gymnastics, the following are used: basic gymnastics, therapeutic (corrective) and massage as a type of basic gymnastics.

The value of basic gymnastics lies in its effectiveness for comprehensive physical development, improvement of functional processes in the body, and strengthening the health of children. The exercises included in the basic gymnastics affect the formation of correct posture, motor skills, general coordination of movements and the development of physical qualities.

1. Basic - walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing and exercises that develop the ability to maintain balance. All these exercises can be carried out depending on the tasks using small and large physical training aids (hoops, jump ropes, balls, etc., climbing stands, throwing targets, jumping racks, etc.).

2. General developmental - used to develop and strengthen individual muscle groups, educate the correct posture. Exercises have a general physiological effect on the body and contribute to the improvement of coordination of movements and orientation in space. They are performed with and without objects (flags, sticks, hoops, ribbons).

3. Drill exercises - various formations in a circle, a column one at a time, a line, rebuilding - from a column one at a time into a column two, three at a time, and so on, opening, closing and turning.

All these exercises contribute to the education of correct posture in children, the development of attention, orientation in space, the coherence of collective actions, and discipline.

The improvement of basic movements, general developmental and drill exercises is carried out in physical education and music classes, as well as in morning exercises.

The material on gymnastics is arranged taking into account the characteristics of each age period, with a gradual increase in difficulty both within each age group and between them. This ensures the opportunity for each child to learn in a timely manner during their stay in kindergarten program material, acquire a technique of movements accessible to his age and be prepared for schooling.

The basic movements are the movements that are vital for a person, which he uses in his diverse activities: walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing; a constant, necessary component of these movements is a sense of balance.

The main movements are dynamic. They involve a large number of Muscles in the work and increase the vital activity of the whole organism, activating all physiological processes. Thus, they have a holistic effect on the body, contributing to the physical development and recovery of the child.

Regulatory activity of the nervous system determines the improvement of basic movements. At the same time, there is an inverse relationship - improvement of the activity of the nervous system under the influence of exercises.

The development of basic movements under the conditions of purposeful leadership is associated with the development of mental processes: cognitive - attention, perception, ideas, imagination, thinking; volitional - concentration of attention, purposefulness of actions conscious of the child, the ability to coordinate their movements in a team, unanimously perform tasks common to all; emotional - raising the general mood of life, educating feelings, interest and a certain attitude towards one's activities.

The main movements contribute to the education of various orientations in the child: in space - orientation in the direction of movement, distance and location of the object, spatial relationships between objects, development of visual assessments; in time - the duration of the exercises and the sequence of their individual phases, the execution of movements at a given or individual pace; orientation when moving in a team - finding one's place when rebuilding and building the entire group, among children when moving in all directions; orientation in various changing conditions of joint activity.

All this contributes to the education of the ability to take into account the surrounding conditions and act purposefully in accordance with this.

Basic movements are also important in the education of aesthetic feelings; they contribute to the formation of a beautiful, correct posture, clarity, expressiveness and coordination of movements, the ability to act in a team and make full use of space.

The main movements are complex conditioned reflexes, gradually formed in the process of education and training. During the entire preschool age, the basic movements develop, improve and consolidate into motor stereotypes.

Repeated repetition of movements in a certain sequence, for example, during exercises in walking, running, throwing, etc., form temporary connections between the individual elements of each of these movements. Joint-muscular signaling, starting from the execution of the initial movement, directly causes all subsequent ones, which are fixed in the system, are automated. The resulting dynamic stereotypes in children are highly stable.

However, in the process of learning and developing basic movements in children, special attention should be paid to the gradual formation of a flexible dynamic stereotype, the ability to quickly adjust, adapt to changing environmental conditions. This is done by performing various options, exercises, changing tasks, the pace of movements, the conditions in which they are performed.

The main movements are divided into cyclic and acyclic. A characteristic feature of the former is the constant execution of monotonous cycles (circle), when the whole body and its individual parts continuously return to their original position (for example, walking, running).

Movements of the cyclic type are quickly assimilated and automated. This is due to the regular repetition of cycles, which fixes the sequence of motor elements of this cycle into the system.

A repetitive sequence of cycles, associated with the alternation of movements and the corresponding muscle sensations when they are repeated, develops the rhythm of this movement.

Movements of the acyclic type do not have repeated cycles (throwing, jumping). Each such movement contains a certain sequence of motor phases, has a certain rhythm in the execution of individual phases.

Movements of the acyclic type require more gradual assimilation than cyclic ones. When they are performed, more complex coordination of movements, concentration and strong-willed effort are required.

Walking is the main, natural way of human movement, related to the type of cyclic movements.

THEM. Sechenov revealed the whole complex act of the mechanism of walking. The direct regulator of movements are specific musculoskeletal sensations, primary signal stimuli. “During each step, there is a moment when both feet touch the floor, and the feeling at this moment of support serves as a signal for the consciousness to peel off the sole of one foot from the floor and attach the other - a signal that regulates the correct alternation of the activity of both feet in time and space.”

The task of the exercises that form the correct walking skill is to educate the child in the correct posture, a light, forward step, coordination of the movements of the arms and legs, which helps to balance the whole body, and form the arch of the foot.

During ordinary walking, the leg moved forward becomes the heel on the ground, and then, when the center of gravity of the body moves forward, the support from the heel gradually passes to the toe of the foot. When walking a child, it is necessary to observe the position of the chest: it should be directed forward; it is also necessary to remove all obstacles to the respiratory movements of its lower part. At the same time, the head should be directed freely forward, which also contributes to proper breathing.

The physical load during walking depends on its pace and energy expenditure at the same time. The usual, moderate, vigorous pace of walking, involving a large amount of muscles in vigorous activity, enhances the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which generally contributes to an increase in metabolism. Despite the active work of the muscles, walking, subject to a certain dosage, does not tire the child. This is explained by the rhythm and automatism of walking, the alternation of moments of contraction and relaxation in the work of the muscles, and the optimal functioning of the nervous system. While the supporting leg withstands the weight of the whole body and works, the other, separating from the ground, produces a pendulum-like movement, and its participation in the work is insignificant.

Calm walking, which occurs when the pace slows down, contributes to a gradual decrease in physical activity after intense movements - running, jumping, and normalizes an increased heart rate.

The child begins to master walking at the end of the first year of life. At this age and in the second year of life, automatism and coordination of movements are still poorly developed. At first, the child walks with his legs wide apart, balances his arms, spreading them to the sides, stretching them forward and up. This is due to the need to maintain balance: in the vertical position of the body, the center of gravity of the child is relatively higher than that of an adult, so he falls easily. When taking steps, the child does not fully straighten the legs, they remain slightly bent at the knees and hip joints, the feet are placed parallel or even slightly turned toes inward. When stepping, the child slaps the whole foot without rolling from heel to toe. Many children sway from side to side, press their arms close to their bodies or lightly wave only one arm, and lift their legs poorly from the floor (shuffling).

An uneven pace of movement is observed: the child either walks quickly, almost runs, then slows down. In the second year of life, each child walks at a pace that is comfortable for him. Friendly movements of the arms and legs are observed in approximately 25% of children aged 2.5-3 years, by the age of 4 they are observed in more than half of the children. The setting of the feet remains parallel. Children can walk one after another, in a column, observing the direction to the indicated landmark, in pairs, in a circle. They perceive motor tasks well and strive for independent fulfillment. The increased consciousness allows to show the correct motor reaction to tasks - to walk in all directions, one after another, to navigate among the laid out objects, bypassing them, stepping over, holding in hands. Children learn to be leading, perceive a spatial perspective and consciously navigate when walking on a specified object (chair, flag, toy).

A child of the fifth year of life, especially in the second half, gradually acquires in the process of learning the skill of correct posture, greater coordination of movements of the arms and legs, greater freedom of orientation in space, change of direction.

The correct normal gait is characterized by the following features: the torso maintains a vertical position, the shoulders are deployed, the stomach is tucked up, the head is slightly raised (visual control of the path is 2-3 m from the legs). Breathing is rhythmic, calm, through the nose. The steps are equal, in a certain direction and rhythm, the coordination of the movements of the arms and legs is correct.

Taking into account the age capabilities of children, the teacher makes higher demands on the quality of movements. The walking skills acquired in the previous group are consolidated and improved; walking alternates on toes, heels, the outside of the foot, etc. All children can already be leading and navigate in space on the instructions of the teacher and on their own.

In children of the sixth year of life, walking is characterized by a more stable and slow pace, a larger step width. The teacher draws attention to the observance by each child of the correct posture, coordination of arms and legs, regulation of breathing (3 steps - deep, through the nose, inhale; 4 steps - long exhalation) and a confident, calm manner of walking with a change in her techniques (without bending the knees, in a semi-squat , with a high knee rise, etc. e). Vavilova E.N. Develop agility, strength, endurance in preschoolers. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

Children of the seventh year of life, with purposeful guidance, move well and freely, have correct posture, coordination of movements, orient themselves in various conditions and, in connection with this, use various walking techniques.

In order to improve walking, as well as the prevention of flat feet, a number of special exercises are used in teaching children.

Toe walking is performed on a reduced footprint and requires tension in the calf and foot muscles, thereby strengthening the arch of the foot. This exercise evokes a short stride and less swing of the arm and helps to straighten the spine. Walking on the outer edge of the foot ("club-footed bear"). Walking stealthily, on half-bent legs. Walking barefoot on a lying ladder with a grip on its crossbars with your toes. Walking with a fixed roll from heel to toe.

At an older age, walking with a high raising of the hip is used, which strengthens the muscles of the back, abdominals and legs, requiring a strong swing of the hands, which contributes to the development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, strengthening the ligamentous and articular apparatus; walking with various tasks performed on a signal - for orientation in space, a change in pace, direction, with various rearrangements, between objects; walking with a cross step, developing dexterity; walking with a side step; walking with additional hand movements, with objects; walking on a reduced support area with a gradual rise in height, as well as at different heights (bridges, boards, logs), contributing to the development of a sense of balance, endurance, composure, dexterity, economy of movements.

Walking gymnastic with a toe, with a good swing of the arms, strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle, abdominals, legs, feet. Walking exercises contribute to the formation of a dynamic stereotype that determines walking posture or gait.

The improvement of walking continues throughout the entire period of preschool childhood. With age, not only qualitative, but also quantitative indicators of mastering the skill of walking change: the step length increases from 39-40 cm in children of 4 years old to 51-53 cm in children of 7 years old, respectively, the number of steps per minute decreases from 170-180 to 150.

Running is a cyclic movement. Like walking, it is characterized by the repetition of cycles, the alternation of moments of support on the plane, the alternate transfer of the legs forward, the coordination of hand movements. However, running has a significant difference from walking.

During running, there is a flight phase when both feet of the runner are off the ground. The moment of flight enhances the speed of human movement, increases the length of the step, making it possible to move forward by inertia with relaxed muscles. Due to the inhibition that occurs in the activity of the working nerve centers, their working capacity is restored, as well as the entire neuromuscular system.

The task of exercises in learning to run is to develop an easy, fast, free, forward-looking movement with good coordination of arms and legs. In the process of running, there is an alternate contraction and relaxation of a large number of muscle groups. When running, energy consumption increases sharply, therefore, the volume of respiration, blood circulation rate, and gas exchange increase. Properly dosed running contributes to the overall physical development, improvement of the function of the central nervous system, training of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Fast, intense running should end with a gradual decrease in physical activity - the transition to walking, followed by a slowdown, which helps to bring the pulse back to normal. A sharp transition from fast movement to static (standing or sitting) due to insufficient fitness of the cardiovascular system causes unhealthy phenomena, which must be taken into account when working with children.

Running is formed at the end of the second year of life and improved in the third year.

For a child running 2.5-3 years old, a small, mincing step is characteristic. Many children do not push off the ground well and run on the whole foot. At this age, children are more willing to run than walk. At the beginning of mastering the skill, they do not run rhythmically, stepping heavily, and poorly following the direction. As you learn, the signs of proper running are fixed: flight - the body is slightly tilted forward, the head is raised, the arms are bent at the elbows, the movements of the arms and legs are coordinated.

According to S.Ya. Laizan, the flight phase was observed in 30% of children aged from 10 months to 2 years 8 months, and after 8 months of targeted training, the flight phase was recorded in 92% of children.

Teaching children to run is carried out in outdoor games, game exercises (running in the forward direction, and later - in all directions and one after another).

Good coordination of the movement of arms and legs when running develops in children faster than when walking: 30% of children are 3 years old, 70-75% - 4 years old and 90% - 7 years old.

In children from 4 to 7 years old, the speed of running changes significantly. According to the data obtained, the running time for a distance of 30 m is steadily declining.

Special studies made it possible to consider the dynamics of the two main components of running that affect its speed, the length of steps and their frequency (tempo).

In children from 4 to 7 years old, there is a consistent increase in the length of running steps by 28-30%. The frequency of running steps at preschool age changes little: in 4-year-old boys, the running pace is 4.45 steps / sec, in girls - 4.18 steps / sec, at 7 years old, respectively, 4.26 steps / sec and 4.24 steps / sec . These data give grounds to believe that the increase in running speed in preschool children occurs to a large extent due to an increase in the length of running steps.

By the age of 4, under the influence of exercises, the coordination of movements of the arms and legs in running improves, flight performance and rhythm improve. However, the child does not yet have sufficient stride length. Therefore, children are given exercises in running through drawn lines, circles, as well as in fast running with dodging and catching.

A 5-year-old child basically masters the technique of running, although he does not achieve sufficient clarity in details. When teaching, attention is paid to improving the details of running technique, its ease and speed.

At the age of 6, children master the running technique available to them. They run easily, rhythmically, swiftly, evenly, with good coordination of movements, flight ability, observance of the direction. During training, the main attention is paid to the improvement of running, the development of its speed (distance 30 m). Children practice in performing various tasks, in running with dodging. Mikhailov V.V. How to raise a healthy child. - M.: Medicine, 1991.

In order to improve the quality of running in children, as well as when walking, it is advisable to use various types: running on toes, running with a wide step, running with high hips, which trains the abdominal muscles, back and foot; light, rhythmic running to music, which affects the development of coordination and ease of movement; running between objects and with objects (jump ropes, hoops); running with overcoming obstacles and on a limited plane (outlined boundaries), which contributes to the acquisition of orientation in space and coordination of movements; running with various tasks performed on a signal and orientation in space; race run; running with dodging and catching, in all directions, which serves as a good exercise for orientation in space and in a team, educating dexterity and a quick reaction to changes in the child's environment. The educational value of running exercises lies in the acquisition by children of diverse, useful orientations.

Physical education in a mixed age group requires a particularly careful selection of physical exercises, which must correspond to the age characteristics and capabilities of all children united in one group.

Each individual age stage of a child's development has its own physical and mental characteristics. Therefore, the content of physical exercises and teaching methods should be different. Unbearable, prematurely given material for younger children and light, not requiring some mental and physical effort, for older children is equally inappropriate. Younger children will unsuccessfully master tasks that are difficult for them, unlawfully bypassing the necessary intermediate links of difficulty.

A.V. Zaporozhets warns: “At each age level, another floor of a common psychophysiological building is being erected, and our task is to build, form it in the best possible way, without showing unreasonable haste and without erecting the next floor without completing the previous one.” At the same time, older children, performing physical exercises below their capabilities, lose interest in the material offered to them, which does not require mental and physical effort from them. Therefore, the program content of physical exercises in the classroom in a mixed group should correspond to the capabilities of children of each age subgroup.

The difficulty of planning a lesson in such a group lies in the fact that, on the one hand, it is necessary to select physical exercises for each subgroup of children according to their age program, and on the other hand, to find a way to unite all children in an activity that is interesting for them.

Consider the possibilities of exemplary training. Before it starts, older children change into sports suits, then some of them help younger children change clothes or lighten the suit somewhat, while others at this time independently prepare the necessary physical education equipment for classes. With such an organization, the little ones do not delay the lesson, and the older ones practice in the form of labor activity that is accessible to them and help the younger ones.

The lesson can start in different ways: for example, the little ones enter first and sit down, followed by the elders, whose posture and movements serve as a clear example for the younger ones to follow.

After that, the younger children perform a series of exercises according to their program. At the same time, in one case, the elders can participate in them, showing the way the exercises are performed (for example, when building in a circle, the elders stand between the little ones who are watching their actions). In another case, you can divide the little ones into small subgroups and entrust each of them to older children who will teach them under the guidance of a teacher.

Such an organization has a great educational meaning, evoking in the elders a sense of responsibility, friendliness, satisfaction, and in the little ones - respect for older children who know how to do everything well.

It may also be the case that at the same time as the teacher teaches the younger children, the older ones independently practice some kind of movement at the other end of the room, being in the field of view of the teacher.

The choice of this or that organization of children in the lesson depends on its tasks, content, the number of those and other children and their general discipline.

When conducting an outdoor game with small ones, a common game for everyone can sometimes be held, the teacher instructs individual children of the older subgroup to explain the game (if the children have this experience), create a game environment (arrange chairs, place toys if necessary, etc.) or play the role of a mother bird, mother hen, cat, car; other children can participate in the game with the little ones.

At the end of the game, the younger children, under the supervision and with the help of a nanny, prepare for a walk, and the older ones continue to study with the teacher according to their program. Bogdanov T.P. Physical load during the development of endurance and speed in running // Physical culture at school. - 1977. - No. 8. - S.15-20.

The lesson plan provided is indicative and may not be permanent. It is necessary to strive for a different organization of physical education classes in a mixed age group. So, children can also take turns: first the older children, and the younger ones at this time play under the supervision of a nanny, or vice versa - the younger ones do physical exercises with the teacher, and the older children independently do something else on his instructions.

The main condition for all classes is the systematic implementation of the program for children of each age.


Comprehensive harmonious development of the child's personality in the process of physical education is carried out through the purposeful formation of his moral qualities, mental abilities, aesthetic feelings and elementary labor skills.

The specificity of physical education classes lies in the precise regulation of the exercises performed by children, which brings up the coordination of actions, in general, for all tempos, consciousness, concentration, strong-willed efforts, discipline. Bogina T.L. Health protection of children in preschool institutions. Toolkit. - M.: Mosaic, 2005.

Exercises in the basic movements that children learn require the manifestation of courage, determination, self-control and dexterity (climbing the podium, climbing a rope ladder, walking on a balancing log, a narrow rail, etc.). The implementation of these exercises is associated with overcoming feelings of fear and insecurity, volitional tension and perseverance in achieving the goal.

In an outdoor game with rules, children exercise in the manifestation of "restraint and will, a quick reaction to unexpected changes in the game situation, as well as feelings of camaraderie and mutual assistance, honesty, justice, courage and determination. Active manifestation by children in the classroom of all these qualities due to their repetition and guidance of the educator is gradually transferred to everyday life.

In the course of the lesson, the educator monitors the formation in children of all the norms of moral behavior available to them and uses those methods of influence that are required in each specific case:

A personal example that clearly convinces the child, used in order to give him a sense of courage, determination, especially in younger groups;

Practical training of the child through his own actions (with the friendly help of the educator) and in connection with the achievement of success - encouragement; comparing various actions (his attitude towards them and the attitude of all children);

A conviction in which the logic of arguments understandable to the child plays a large role.

In physical education classes, the motor activity of children contributes to the education of their ability to behave in a team, to subordinate their feelings and desires to certain rules common to all children. All this gradually brings up in the child the necessary, conscious, active inhibition of negative feelings and actions. Antonov Yu.E., Kuznetsova M.N., Saulina T.F. Healthy preschooler. - M.: Arkti, 2000.

physical education hygiene exercise


1. Antonov, Yu.E., Kuznetsova, M.N., Saulina, T.F. Healthy preschooler. - M.: Arkti, 2000.

2. Bogina T.L. Health protection of children in preschool institutions. Toolkit. - M.: Mosaic, 2005.

3. Bogdanov T.P. Physical load during the development of endurance and speed in running // Physical culture at school. - 1977. - No. 8. - S.15-20.

4. Balsevich V.Kh. Physical culture for everyone and everyone. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1988.

5. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. - M.: Enlightenment, 1969.

6. Vavilova E.N. Develop agility, strength, endurance in preschoolers. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

7. Doronina M.A. The role of outdoor games in the development of preschool children / M.A. Doronina // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2007. - No. 4. - P.10-14.

8. Doronova T.N. The main directions of the work of the preschool educational institution to improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents / / Preschool education. 2004. No. 1. - S. 63.

9. Kozlov S.A., Kulikov T.A. Preschool Pedagogy. - M.: Academy, 2001.

10. Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.

11. Levi-Gorinevskaya E.G. The development of basic movements in preschool children. - M, 1955.

12. Mikhailov V.V. How to raise a healthy child. - M.: Medicine, 1991.

13. Novikova I.M.: Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009.

14. Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies in modern school. - M.: APK, 2002.

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