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» Braids for children's hair. Hair braiding technique for children for beginners

Braids for children's hair. Hair braiding technique for children for beginners

Long hair, a surprisingly feminine decoration, which implies the presence of certain skills and knowledge. And, of course, every mother wants her little daughter to look beautiful every day, but keeping up with all the newfangled trends in creating hairstyles and even more so finding so much time to create masterpieces every day is not so easy. Today we propose to consider the topic of weaving various braids for long and short hair for little princesses. During the publication, we will give a step-by-step guide, backed up with pictures (photos) and video tutorials for beginners.

How to braid a little girl's braid beautifully

Today, braids remain as popular as they were in the last century. Perhaps only the variations of their weaving are noticeably expanded:

French braid or braids with the inclusion of elements of French weaving;

Popular articles:

And these are just the pigtails themselves, but how many variations on the theme of combined compositions? Here you can see examples of loose hair, with voluminous buns, combining pigtails and ponytails, braiding tails with pigtails, etc. and so on. At the same time, partings can be variable: straight, beveled, zigzag, etc.

In the proposed publication, we will tell you step by step how you can quickly “tame” the naughty children's hair with simple tricks. And you will see that making an exclusive hairstyle for a girl is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

How to braid a girl's braid beautifully and simply for beginners master class

The composition of ponytails and braids on loose hair looks very gentle, unique and beautiful. This hairstyle can be both daily and festive. In addition, you can do it yourself without the help of hairdressers and very quickly. We suggest that you complete each step step by step:

Comb your hair and make a parting with an increase in hair on one side;
make four ponytails along the parting;
divide the middle ponytails into two parts;
in the next row, make three ponytails in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the first row;
divide the central one into two parts and in the next row again make two tails in a checkerboard pattern;
from the two remaining ponytails weave pigtails, the braid option can be chosen at the discretion.

When creating this hairstyle, it is important to make even indents in the rows. Those. if the distance in the first row of ponytails from the parting was chosen at 3 cm, then in the remaining rows you need to adhere to the same interval.

Photo lesson hairstyles for every day

How to braid braids for a girl with long hair with your own hands

A variant of several braids collected at the beginning of weaving looks very elegant, beautiful and absurd. Below is a step by step guide:

Gather your hair into a ponytail with an elastic band;
divide into identical strands (at least five);
braid each strand into an ordinary Russian braid;
when all the pigtails are braided, lift them up and fasten at the base of the tail, leaving the tips about 5-10 si;
fluff the ends.

Photo lesson for girls with long hair

Ideas for short hair - photo step by step

How beautiful and simple is it for a girl to braid a braid beautifully and simply, especially if she has medium / short hair? Perhaps the most convenient hairstyle option: original paths:

Part your hair with a side part;
divide the front part of the parting into identical strands (in the direction from one ear to the second;
scroll each strand and secure with a beautiful hairpin, elastic band or small crab.

Important - you need to scroll all the strands in one direction, it is easier to do a hairstyle on slightly damp hair.

Another idea for owners of short curls

How to make an unusual braid for yourself - photo step by step

To braid a beautiful braid for yourself, you need to prepare for the process. So, you will need: a mirror (preferably a large one), hairpins / elastic bands / hairpins, etc., combs (it is better to choose several types), a spray bottle and hairspray. Next, we will proceed step by step. The simplest option is a tourniquet:

Gather your hair in a ponytail;
divide into two parts;
twist each part, the direction should be the same for each strand (clockwise or counterclockwise), along the way, twist the twisted parts together like a bundle;
fasten the tourniquet at the bottom with an elastic band.

The presented photos show how original the hairstyle looks after creation.

Video tutorial

Braid with a ribbon to school or kindergarten

1. Divide the hair with a longitudinal parting into two equal parts and make ponytails out of them.
2. Braid each ponytail into a braid (normal or French).
3. Tie the pigtails together into two arbitrary knots.
4. Secure the pigtails with tape at the base of the ponytails, leaving the ends free (5-10 cm).
5. Fluff up the ends of the braids.

This hairstyle looks especially original if the pigtails are made using French weaving or use the fishtail technique, and parting with a zigzag (snake). The photos below show each step step by step.

Master class with photo

Video how to braid a girl's braid beautifully and simply

For novice masters (young mothers who have no experience yet), we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the proposed video tutorials. They will help you understand how to properly style your little princess or teenage girl's hair.

Every morning in the school year for schoolgirls begins with putting their hair in order. After all, teachers require students to comply with norms, a neat appearance. Boys and girls should have a well-groomed appearance and a neat hairstyle. Hair must be collected so that it does not get into the eyes, does not interfere with physical education in sports. In addition, it is good if the child likes the view. Girls love beautiful hairstyles, sometimes they even compete who is better at doing hairstyles for school.

What hairstyles for school are suitable for girls

Fittings may vary. Mainly:

  • tails
  • bundles
  • weaving

Hairpins, hairpins, hoops, elastic bands and other beautiful devices are used to create them.

easy hairstyles for school

Easy hairstyles for school they look very nice, despite the fact that you will spend quite a bit of time to create them. The main condition is that the strands must be washed and combed. Then your styling will be perfect.

  • To create such a beam, as in the image, you will need to prepare curls (comb) and take an elastic band, hairpins.
  • Gather the ponytail at the crown, secure with an elastic band.
  • Divide your hair into two equal sections.
  • Wrap the tail with one, shape the bundle with the other part to make it neat.

  • IMPORTANT! In the same way, you can make two beams with an even gap. In addition, in order to add zest to your hair, use beautiful hairpins that will support naughty bangs or disheveled strands.

Here is such an intricate heart pattern you will get with the help of ordinary rubber bands. If you make the styling decoration with bright elastic bands or flower hairpins, then the hairstyle will become even better.

Hairstyle for a girl to school - photo

The use of a simple clip for strands with a flower will decorate the hairstyle of two braids of a young fashionista.

Multi-colored beautiful ribbons on ponytails, pigtails look especially good if they fit the girl's outfit.

Hairstyles for school every day

When your head is full of studies, there is little time left for styling, so it’s good to choose your option. hairstyles for every day to school so that it doesn't take too long. Next, see examples of such styling on curls of different lengths.

Casual hairstyles for school - photo

Beautiful hairstyles for school

When festive events are held at school, the child wants to change something in the image and look different from the usual - everyday. This problem will be solved not only by a new stylish outfit, but also by a beautiful, unusual styling. Hairstyles with original, stylish weaves, twisted curls, hair bows, etc. look beautiful on long strands and medium-length hair.

How to do hair for school?

Sometimes you want your hair to rest from daily styling in the form of pigtails and ponytails. Then it is enough to put on an elastic bandage on the head. The strands will not interfere with the girl in the classroom.

From thin braids you get a beautiful weave, if you connect them together with hair ties. To create them, it is enough to braid three pigtails on one side and three on the other, after making a zigzag parting. Then fix the weaves through the same gap along the entire length of the hair.

Hairstyles for long hair for school

Long strands are the dream of many girls. From such hair, you can come up with many different styling. Starting from braids, weaves, ending with ponytails, curls and other stylish styling.

High ponytails look very pretty.

Hairstyles for long hair to school - photo

If your child loves experiments and often changes hairstyles, then these cute bows made of thin strands will give the girl's appearance a neat, pretty look.

The braid, pressing the loose strands, will emphasize the beauty of the girl's curls and add romantic notes to the image.

A bunch in the form of a flower will appeal to both girls of primary school age and older girls.

A Greek-style braided ponytail looks great on long curls. Make it easy. See images below for detailed instructions.

  • IMPORTANT! Hair styling should always be in harmony with the outfit. For a hairstyle for a gala event, only a festive outfit is suitable.

Hairstyles for medium hair to school

Hairstyles for school for teenagers

High school girls often get haircuts to emphasize their individuality. The bob hairstyle is now very popular among young people. However, long hair also does not give up its position. Next, see examples of styling for high school students to attend classes at school.

Quick hairstyles for school

Quick hairstyles for school for girls are done by mothers who also rush to work in the morning. As this type of styling, you can imagine hairstyles with hairpins, invisible, elastic bands, braids, which do not take much time to weave.

Quick hairstyles for girls - photo

What hairstyle to do to school for a holiday?

If you do not have talent in weaving braids or creating masterpieces on your head, then contact the masters in the salon. They will not only advise a cool hairstyle, but also make it at the highest level. the child will be satisfied after visiting the beauty salon.

Children's hairstyles for school - photo

Even the smallest schoolgirls can be unhappy with their hairstyle. Therefore, mom should learn to weave or create various styling on the strands of babies. Monotonous hairstyles can get boring - experiment, come up with your own options.

School hairstyles for girls - the easiest

Every mother knows how to make a ponytail and braid a braid. See the simplest examples of hairstyles using these skills.

Do-it-yourself hairstyles for school - photo

Doing styling in beauty salons is often not affordable for everyone. There is an alternative - do the styling yourself. After all, now in the open spaces online you can find many guides for creating various hairstyles with your own hands. See how weaving can be done with ribbon, and then make a neat bun at the back.

With thin braids, you get a stylish big pigtail for long hair.

And from two braids loosely braided, you can create two buns. In order for it to hold well, it is necessary to use elastic bands, invisible hairpins, hairpins.

Cool hairstyles for school - photo

If you use bright accessories to create masterpieces on your head, you get very cool styling. See for yourself - what a beauty.

Hairstyles with loose hair for school

Quick hairstyles for girls for long hair - video

Fashionable hairstyles for school

Now in fashion, both long hair and haircuts for different lengths of hair. Therefore, the hairstyle can be selected based on your preferences. Below you will see a number of offers from which you can choose your favorite.

What to wear to school?

Every morning before school, this question is relevant. In order not to think a lot, see examples of beautiful weaves and learn how to make them yourself according to the diagrams in the pictures.

  • IMPORTANT! When creating styling for children, do not abuse the use of hair fixing products in the form of varnish, foam, mousse, etc. Girls may develop allergic reactions to such cosmetics.

What hairstyle can be done to school for every day - video

Braids are a type of hairstyle that has existed since time immemorial. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that braids could be worn only by the lower strata of the female population, who could not afford an amazing hairstyle adorned with curls and jewels. Gradually, attitudes towards braids changed, they wandered from hairstyle to hairstyle, from century to century. And here in modern world weaving has gained unprecedented popularity, especially among mothers with small daughters. We will tell you how to braid a girl's braid beautifully and simply, and teach all the tricks of weaving.

Braid weaving children can, without exaggeration, be called a specific occupation. The constantly spinning little man strives to spoil the work done by mom. To prevent this from happening Consider a few recommendations before starting weaving:

  • Wash the girl's hair in advance, preferably in the evening. During the night, the hair will settle down and stop fluffing. This will shorten the weaving time.: you do not have to additionally prepare the hair in the process.
  • Explain to the child why she needs some time not to move. Use stories about the girl's favorite fairy-tale characters who are waiting for her new hairstyle.
  • seat the child on a chair and stand behind: it is better if the baby’s hands are occupied with a toy at this time - this will distract her and allow her to stay longer in one position.
  • Talk to a girl engaging her in conversation. It is better if you tell her about the nuances of weaving or hand the doll and ask her to repeat the braid on her. Naturally, this method works if you do a new weave.
  • Try not to braid very tight - this negatively affects blood circulation under the scalp.
  • At the end of the day let your hair down girls and let them walk around with their hair loose for several hours. This procedure allows you to rest your head.
  • Braid at night ordinary weak pigtail.

Braid for loose hair for an event

Consider beautiful hairstyle, which consists of easy elements of braids on loose hair. It's easy to do and the result is amazing. Follow simple instructions:

  1. Comb child's hair.
  2. Perform side weaving by weaving two strands into a bundle. In every open overlap insert the strand vertically leaving her hanging by hair growth.
  3. Connect two symmetrical strands from the middle of the head. Start doing a regular braid.
  4. Braid into a braid hanging strands, originating from the upper bundle weave, until they end.
  5. Do weave braid to the end and secure with a bow.

This hairstyle is more difficult to create than the previous one, however weaving principle almost the same:

  1. start upper weave in the form of an ordinary braid, through an equal distance, adding as a third strand, a strand from the crown.
  2. Take the pigtail to the side and down. Fasten.
  3. Start weaving the second braid, strictly parallel the first, at a distance of 2-5 centimeters. Use loose strands from the first weave.
  4. Braid to the connection point with the first falling braid. Connect them in one bundle, or stylized weaving. Decorate with a bow.

The braid is difficult for the first experiment, so practice it beforehand. Prepare clips, rubber bands and hairpins- they will be useful at work.

  1. Comb child's hair. Separate the hair with a vertical parting from the upper border of the ear to the crown. Secure the front, temporal part of the hair with a clip.
  2. start weaving ordinary a three-strand braid turning into a French one: the beginning will be behind the left ear, the end behind the right. In French weaving as a third strand always add a strand from the total mass of hair on top. Follow so that the braid goes around the circle without moving.
  3. From the right ear continue weaving on top of the head, creating a stylized crown. Finish braiding where the hair was originally parted and move on to a regular braid.
  4. The braid can be braided to the end or leave at the level of the temple.
  5. stab hairpin at the junction.
  6. For a festive look hair needs to be twisted.

A popular weave that is suitable for a festive hairstyle for a child. If the girl is diligent, then a braid of bows can be braided to a kindergarten or school on a daily basis.

  1. Separate a section of hair from the frontal lobe: in fact, the strand should begin at the right temple and end 3-4 centimeters above the left ear.
  2. start weaving french braid on the right side, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair under the selected strand.
  3. French braid from right to left at an angle, while snatching loose strands from both sides. After the strands are over, finish the braid and secure with a rubber band.
  4. Put in a hairpin at the beginning of the braid: you have to create a bow out of it. You can see how this is done in the video below. All bows do it the same way.

You can create an unusual weave for a girl if you take a look at the diagram above. Follow step by step to get a beautiful hairstyle:

  1. Comb hair and collect the tail at the crown.
  2. Make it straight horizontal parting. Separate a strand from the right side and start weaving a French braid using thin strands from central tail.
  3. Weave in strands in each step of the side braid.
  4. Weave the braid to the beginning of the back of the head and temporarily secure.
  5. Do symmetrical weave on the left side, exactly repeating the manipulations on the first weaving.
  6. Connect two braids in the middle of the back of the head and continue to weave a regular braid. The hairstyle is ready.

Light triple

This weaving is surprisingly easy to perform. An older girl can on one's own make it so simple and at the same time beautiful hairstyle.

  1. Make a high ponytail, wrapping an inconspicuous carver with a strand of hair.
  2. Divide the tail into three parts and weave a regular pigtail from each. Instead of a regular braid, you can braid at least simple spikelet. Secure the ends of the braids with a thin rubber band.
  3. Weave three braids in one large braid with classic weaving.

Hair weaving patterns and the theoretical part

For you, we have collected several options for braiding patterns for the smallest and older girls. Detailed description and diagram are presented in the picture, so you can easily save the image in the picture and return to it according to my need.

reverse french braid

Pay attention to this weaving pattern: it looks amazing on little princesses in puffy skirts. It is recommended to do French weaving in reverse for children's matinees and events, as it takes quite a long time.

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Morning gatherings are scheduled literally by the minute. Not only do we need to have time to do our business, but we also need to collect children for kindergarten or school. Parents of girls know firsthand that there is absolutely no time left for complex hairstyles.

Specially to help moms and dads of little princesses website I have collected several hairstyles that will not take you much time.

Tails criss-cross

Divide the hair at the face into two parts, pull each with an elastic band into a ponytail, then cross them and make two more ponytails, adding the rest of the hair. You can repeat this technique several times - try and find your options.

Comfortable and beautiful

Separate two strands from the sides of the face, twist them into bundles, then tie into a knot and secure with an elastic band right under it. Simple and very fast.

Inverted tail

Elegant, but at the same time not at all a complicated hairstyle. Divide the hair into a side parting, on one side, separate a small strand from the face and twist it into a bundle (here you can involve the child in the process and let him hold the strand). Using a comb, carefully collect the remaining hair, add a strand twisted into a tourniquet and make a low tail, slightly shifting it from the center. Then loosen the elastic a little, make a hole at the base of the ponytail and pull the hair down.

Triple inverted tail

For those who have mastered the technique of turning the tail, there is a slightly more difficult option. Start with a ponytail at the top, turn it inside out, then make another ponytail lower, grabbing the end of the first ponytail, and turn it inside out as well. Make some tails like this. By the way, if the tails are slightly shifted from the center, you get a more interesting option.

Asymmetric beam

Part your hair into a side part and neatly tie it into a side ponytail, then twist the ponytail into a ponytail and tie it into a bun. Secure the hairstyle with an elastic band (and preferably two - for reliability), knocked-out hairs can be fixed with invisibility.

triple braid

For those who have not yet learned how to weave a French braid, there is one tricky option. First, braid from the top of the hair and secure with an elastic at the end, then separate another section of hair in the middle of the head, place the first braid in the middle and braid another one, also fastening with an elastic band. Repeat this action again and when you finish the last braid, undo the ends of all the braids and braid one.

romantic tail

Separate the hair at the top and braid it into a short braid (you can do a regular braid, but those who know how can do a French braid, for example), then connect the unbraided part of the hair with the rest of the hair with an elastic band. This hairstyle can be easily turned into a festive one if you then tie the ponytail into a bun.

multiple tails

It's hard to imagine beautiful little girls without original hairstyles on the head. The first thing that comes to mind for every parent is to braid beautiful braids. There comes a time when girls need to be taken to kindergarten or school. In order to quickly collect the child in kindergarten, you need to make a beautiful hairstyle with your own hands. This article will discuss the options for braids for girls of various age categories. The article provides special instructions for beginners on how to weave braids for their little girls.


Using weaving with a tourniquet, you can make voluminous bundles, and by combining with the French braid technique, in which strands are added to the main weave, you can make a beautiful hairstyle in the Greek style.

  1. Gather your hair into a ponytail, fixing it with a tight elastic band;
  2. Divide the curls into two identical bundles;
  3. Twist your hair in opposite directions at the same time, twisting one strand clockwise into a tourniquet, and the second counterclockwise;
  4. Having scrolled the curls by 5-7 cm in this way, twist them together so that the one on the left is in the right hand and vice versa;
  5. Continue twisting the curls in opposite directions, and then twisting them together;
  6. Secure the end of the tourniquet with a hair tie.


  1. With a flat comb or fingers, separate an even horizontal parting at the crown;
  2. Start weaving from one temple towards the other;
  3. Make the first weave of strands as usual, then add tufts of hair only from the side of the bangs, and from the side of the crown, just the main curl. Thus, you get a one-sided dragon, with a beautiful, embossed edging;
  4. Finish the braid, not reaching the ear 5 centimeters, make one weave without adding hair and turn the braid, now adding strands of hair under the parting, and with reverse side just the main curl. Now weaving occurs, as it were, in the opposite direction relative to the first segment of the snake;
  5. Depending on the thickness of the hair and its length, you can repeat the bends of the snake several times, but it is better to make the parting a little diagonally, so the weave will not be tight, and the snake will take about three turns;
  6. At the end, secure the hair with an elastic band. You can braid the rest of the hair with a regular braid or leave it in a ponytail.


  1. Separate the hair around the head with an even parting.
  2. Gather the part of the hair that remains in the middle into a ponytail with an elastic band.
  3. Starting from the neck, French braid, adding strands from the side of the hairline, as well as small tufts of hair from the ponytail.
  4. Braid the dragon around the head, evenly distributing the hair from the tail. For beginners, you can distribute it into several bunches of invisibility, which can be removed during the weaving process.
  5. At the end of the hairstyle, braid the remaining hair in a simple pigtail and tuck it into the middle of the dragon, not forgetting to fix the tip with an elastic band.

Using the basic methods of weaving braids, as well as improving your skills and stuffing your hand, you can create hairstyles of various complexity that will allow your little daughter to always look neat and well-groomed.

french braid

  1. In fact, this version of braiding is not easy enough for beginners. There is another name for the braid - "Dragon". A simpler braiding method is considered a simple braid. But to make a beautiful braid for your child in kindergarten, you have to really try. Basically, the "French braid" is woven on long and medium hair.
  2. If in kindergarten a holiday is planned, then it is better to do everything clearly and correctly. To begin with, you will have to separate a third of the hair from the main mass. That is, it is worth considering the fact that only three cycles of braid weaving are performed step by step. At the first stage, you need to braid a simple braid, and then, in subsequent stages, add hair on the side.
  3. It is practically necessary to weave one large braid. Then, step by step, add strands on both sides. If you seriously think about it, then there is nothing complicated about it. Every parent can learn how to make braids for long hair. A girl with a loose braid always looks gentle and beautiful.

Mermaid pigtail

  1. Move most of your hair to one side, moving all of your hair to the "heavy" side of your head (the side that has the most hair in relation to the long natural parting).
  2. Separate a five-centimeter strand of hair on the “heavy” side towards the back of the head. Divide this strand into three equal parts. Cross a side strand over the center strand, then another side strand over the center.
  3. This is very similar to how you weave a regular braid. Cross the back section back over the center section, this time adding another narrow section of hair from the back of your head (below where the braid started) into the section you crossed.
  4. Cross the front section over the back section, now adding another narrow section of hair just before the braid. Keep repeating these steps, pulling out small strands of hair and adding them to the braid until the braid reaches the end of the hair.
  5. Secure the braid with your choice of elastic. Now you are ready to charm the most beautiful young people. Now that you have mastered the technique of weaving a braid, do it yourself.
  6. Take a thin ribbon, try a fishtail braid - there is no limit to this varied style. Get on the road and enjoy your weekend.

Mermaid braid

  1. So, if necessary, fasten the strands to the hairpins at the back of the head.
  2. Before creating a hairstyle, you need to comb your hair well.
  3. Otherwise, it will simply be difficult to separate the strands later.
  4. You can also wind strands near the face, but this is not necessary.
  5. The hairstyle will also look great on smooth, collected hair.
  6. Let's start by transferring all the hair to one side.
  7. Then separate two thin strands from both sides and secure them together with a small elastic band.
  8. Now pass the end of this strand through the hole above the elastic.
  9. Do it twice.
  10. And at the end of this whole process, carefully pull the strands out of the resulting tourniquet.
  11. Then, separate two more thin strands and repeat the whole procedure again - tying them with a thin elastic band between each other and passing them through the hole above it.
  12. Here you already have to rely on your own creativity, because there are simply no special rules for creating this hairstyle.
  13. It depends on you which strands you will choose - very thin or maybe thicker, and how tight you will tighten them.
  14. And, of course, it's up to you to decide how much to pull the hair out of the bundles made.
  15. Each time the result will be slightly different.
  16. We encourage you to experiment with this technique.
  17. You can create just a few braids and thus decorate your ponytail or twist your hair into braids to the very ends to get such a “mermaid braid”

Pigtail for a princess

  1. Spray the baby's hair with water from a spray bottle, it is important that the strands are slightly damp.
  2. Then the curls are easy to style.
  3. Divide all the hair with an even parting, each side into two more strands.
  4. Try to keep all strands the same size.
  5. The remaining hair is pinned up or slightly twisted.
  6. Each strand is twisted in one direction, secured with a beautiful hairpin or invisible, it all depends on the idea.
  7. The same principle looks good on long and medium hair.
  8. Interpretation of the usual spikelet Little Dragon everyone knows how to weave, he alone looks ordinary and boring, we offer to show imagination
  9. Divide your hair into four equal sections horizontally.
  10. Start weaving from one ear to the other a regular spikelet from each separated strand.
  11. Connect all the pigtails into a tail, secure with a bow.

Complex braid of 4 strands

  1. put strand #2 on strand #3;
  2. then strand No. 1 goes under the strand that was No. 3;
  3. put strand No. 4 on No. 1;
  4. and No. 4 under No. 2;
  5. we take strand No. 3 under No. 4;
  6. #3 put on #2;
  7. #1 put on #3;
  8. After #1 put it under #2.

Try to remember the order. After the end of the algorithm, repeat the scheme again, if the length of the hair allows. Remember that the braid of such weaving will look best on long hair(from the shoulder blades and below). Watch the video: just turn it on and repeat at the same time.


For a hairstyle you will need:

  • 3 invisibles,
  • 2 rubber bands
  • tendril for pinning hair during creation.
  1. We carefully disassemble the twisted hair with our fingers, dividing it into smaller thin strands. At the same time twisting each around the finger and stacking.
  2. Divide your hair into a parting in the middle.
  3. Separate a thick strand behind the ear and divide it by 2. Now we will weave a braid-harness. Twist each of them into a tourniquet from the face, and between each other we twist to the face. Hair in strands from the face, and the strands themselves to the face. Repeat if you can't remember.
  4. We tie the ends of the braid with an elastic band to match the hair.
  5. We lay the braid on the head, experiment with the most winning option. Fix it with an elastic band, tying it to a thin separated strand at the roots or using an invisibility.
  6. We pick up the selected front strand and direct it behind the braid. Gently scrolling during styling and fixing on the inside with an invisibility so that it is invisible. Repeat on the second side
  7. Cinderella's hairstyle is ready, optionally complement it with a tiara or comb with a crown.

Hairstyle "Two pigtails"

  1. This pretty haircut, consisting of two spikelets, is well suited for medium length hair and is an easy option for daily styling. You can make such a basket by yourself, without anyone's help.
  2. We call this hairstyle daily, but it is also appropriate for a holiday. On combed hair, you need to make a straight parting. Temporarily fix one half so that it does not interfere with weaving the adjacent braid.
  3. We braid a pigtail on one side using the spikelet method, starting from the bangs area and placing it closer to the ear so that the finished hairstyle looks like a cute basket. The second part of the hair also needs to be turned into a braid, symmetrical with the neighboring braid.
  4. At the end of weaving, we connect the ends of the braids. These ends need to be twisted together and secured with an elastic band. An alternative option is to lay the end of the braid behind the opposite braid. It turns out braids laid for each other in the form of a basket.

fishtail pigtail

  1. We thoroughly comb the hair with a comb, comb the hair back and divide it into 4 identical strands. For convenience, we will call the extreme right part the first, the strand located immediately behind it - the second, the next - the third, the last - the fourth.
  2. With the right hand, we put the first strand under the second. With the left hand, we put the third strand on top of the first.
  3. We put the fourth strand under the first. Now she is in the center of weaving. We impose the second strand on top of the third, the fourth strand - on top of the second.
  4. Similarly, we impose the first strand on the second, the third on the fourth. Next, we start the first strand on top of the third, and put the third on the second. We carry out weaving according to this scheme to the required length. We fix the end of the pigtail with an elastic band.


Flagella can be called the simplest alternative to complex braids. They can be braided very quickly by yourself, even without much experience in matters of hairstyles.

  1. We carefully comb the strands and collect them at the crown in a high ponytail.
  2. We divide the hair into two identical strands.
  3. We twist both strands to the right in the form of a tourniquet.
  4. We hold the ends firmly with our hands, and then we tie them with two thin elastic bands.
  5. We twist the bundles together in the direction to the left and again fasten with an elastic band.


  1. Greek braiding for medium hair is woven exclusively along the edge of the strands.
  2. This hairstyle looks very beautiful and romantic.
  3. We comb the hair into an even parting in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head.
  4. We fix the right part of the hair with a clip so that the hair does not interfere with further work.
  5. Separate a thin strand of hair at the left temple.
  6. We divide it into three equal parts.
  7. We carry out weaving counterclockwise.
  8. With each cross movement, we weave thin strands taken from below into the braid.
  9. In this way, we reach the opposite ear of the part and tie the tip of the braid with an elastic band.
  10. Alternatively, you can reach the back of the head, fix the tip of the pigtail and braid exactly the same on the other side.
  11. Now it remains only to weave both braids into one or fasten them with hairpins.


  1. Separate part of the hair at the crown, twist it and secure with a hairpin - you will need it later.
  2. Start braiding three strands from the temple to the forehead.
  3. Weave a braid around the head, adding hair to the strands only from the outside.
  4. Weave a strand from the outer edge into the middle of the braid.
  5. Continue to weave it around the head until you reach the beginning of the braid, that is, until the circle closes.
  6. Braid the hair remaining in the braid in the usual way and lay it over the forehead, securing the tip with a hairpin under the main braid.
  7. Loosen the hair at the top that we left at the very beginning and braid it into a regular braid.
  8. Place the braid around your head and secure with a hairpin.
  9. Fluff the braids a little around the edges so that the styling is not flat, but becomes textured.

Pigtail simple

  1. Separate a small strand on the sides, braid a thin pigtail from each.
  2. Secure the base of the braids with a small hairpin, do the same with the tips.
  3. Crabs of different colors look great.
  4. The remaining hair can be twisted or left loose.
  5. The number of braids can be done differently, the main thing is that they are neat, your child likes them.
  6. Weaving from ponytails Divide the entire hair with an even parting, on each side make a free number of ponytails, secure with multi-colored elastic bands.
  7. From each ponytail, make flagella, begin to twist according to the type of lacing, alternating on the left and right sides of the hair.
  8. At the end, the hairstyle is fixed with the same type of elastic bands or bows.
  9. The concept is very simple, accessible to everyone, easy to implement.
  10. Most importantly, stock up on plenty of rubber bands.
  11. Some bring an adjustment to their hair - instead of flagella, they weave pigtails, which looks impressive and interesting.

Pigtail of three braids

  1. At the top of the head, the hair is divided into 2 parts, and a braid with French tie-backs is woven from each.
  2. If the bangs are long, then it can also be used.
  3. After 3-4 bindings, a regular three-strand pigtail is made.
  4. The end is fixed with an elastic band.
  5. The second braid is woven similarly.
  6. The middle pigtail is woven from the bottom of the hair.
  7. It starts with side tiebacks and ends with a classic weave.
  8. The upper thin braids are threaded into the links of the middle one.
  9. An unusual weave is formed. Read more:
  10. The hairstyle is suitable for every day, but if you add flowers to it, you get a festive option.

Video: simple children's braids