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» Turtle tattoo. Maori tattoo - the meaning of patterns The meaning of tattoos on the body of a turtle woman

Turtle tattoo. Maori tattoo - the meaning of patterns The meaning of tattoos on the body of a turtle woman

Polynesia is a region of many islands in the Pacific Ocean. These are New Zealand, Tahiti, Samoa, Hawaii and many others.

Historically, it is believed that the art of tattooing originated in Polynesia, since even the word "tatu" itself is borrowed from the dialect of Tahiti - in the language of the Polynesians, "tatau" means drawing.

Each image, each detail was very important and carried a lot of information - from occupation to social status. Only the priests of the tribe applied the tattoo and, sometimes, the process itself took several days.

Sea expanses were overcome in a canoe. The shortcomings of primitive ships were compensated for by the courage and dexterity of the Maori. Many Indian tattoos are associated with the traditions of navigation. Let's find out what they and other symbols of the tribe are talking about. .

Maori tattoo meaning

Most of the symbols and details of the Polynesian ornament are marine life, which in itself is not surprising, because people who live on islands in the ocean inextricably link themselves and their lives with water. Also in the Polynesian tattoo, images of the sun, moon and mask-amulets - Tiki are used.

All the main plots are necessarily complemented by secondary, but no less important details of the ornament - spirals, waves, circles and other geometric elements. Let's try to understand the meaning of the main details of the Polynesian ornament.

Maori tattoo meaning - turtle

One of the most popular subjects in modern Polynesian tattooing. Different variants images of a tortoise shell can carry different meanings. Turtle is a balanced character, stamina, calmness and wisdom. Many peoples of Polynesia believe that the design of a turtle on the body can protect the owner of the tattoo and give him long life.

Maori tattoo meaning - shark

The image of a shark among the Polynesians had several meanings. The shark meant the strength and wisdom of the hunter, served as a talisman against enemies and protected the fishermen from the attack of marine predators. Often, triangles in the geometric part of the ornament symbolized shark teeth.

Maori tattoo meaning - stingray

Stingray tattoo in Polynesia has very strong protective properties. Skat is freedom, calmness, deliberation of actions and hidden power, which is used only at the moment of danger.

Maori tattoo meaning - sun

The heavenly bodies helped the Indians navigate the sea. The main ones are classic Maori tattoos. Sketches with the Moon are the path of hunters and fans of their craft. The month is a sign of perseverance in achieving goals. The radiance of the night star is recognized to illuminate the path to them.

For the Polynesians, the moon was very important. Hunters and fishermen were guided by the moon and stars, and the priests predicted weather phenomena. The image of the moon or month was a symbol of a strong character, leadership and good luck. Also, the hunters applied the drawing of the month to themselves so that they would be successful.

Maori tattoo meaning - lizard

The lizard patronizes strength, agility and speed. Therefore, in the tribes, lizard tattoos were applied to warriors. In Polynesian ornamentation, the lizard is often found with the tortoise or the sun, which give its power additional wisdom and good luck.

Turtle in modern people is associated for the most part with such qualities as slowness, lethargy, cowardice. Yes, when we see this animal live or on TV, these are the characteristics that first come to mind.

But more and more often you can meet young people with a tattoo in the form of a turtle, in different variations. This is not surprising, because such a tattoo has many semantic meanings and everyone can find something of their own in it. Let's figure out what is the popularity of such a tattoo and what significance is attributed to it.


What is the meaning of such a tattoo can have guys? In China and Japan, the turtle was associated primarily with longevity, strength, and wisdom. It's not just that - a sea turtle can live up to 150 years, or even more. In addition, these animals are very strong and hardy, because at certain periods of their lives they travel hundreds of kilometers in search of better conditions for themselves and their relatives.

Thanks to a strong shell, the turtle has become a symbol of protection from various life troubles.

A man who has made such a tattoo for himself wants to show his physical strength, wisdom and prudence, as well as what the female sex appreciates so much - you will be behind him like “behind a stone wall”. Such a tattoo will also attract those who want to improve men's health, because among many peoples, especially in Africa, the turtle symbolized male fertility and was important in wedding ceremonies.


A turtle tattoo on a girl's body also has many meanings, and all of them are somehow connected with peacefulness and constancy. For example, the Chinese believed that the turtle had the power of fire and was able to stop wars. Hindus honored them as the basis of all life, and the turtle shell was considered a symbol of peace and stability. But the main thing is that in many cultures the turtle means femininity and female power.

Such a tattoo can bring the owner longevity, the ability to give birth to healthy children and the talent to charm men. A girl with such a tattoo in life is most likely a calm, quiet, reasonable person.


Fortunately, turtle tattoos are not found among those who were imprisoned and prisoners. This can be explained at least by the fact that it is a very peaceful and friendly symbol, but in the "zone" completely different "tattoo" is in use. But tattoos with turtles can often be found among sailors, along with anchors, ships and sharks. But in this case, the meaning is simpler and emphasizes the profession of a person.

Those who decide to get a tattoo with the image of a turtle subconsciously strive for a quiet, measured life in which they will make wise and balanced decisions. Under the auspices of such a strong symbol, a person will not give up in difficult situations.

Where others give up, the turtle will bring additional strength and endurance to a person and help him survive a difficult period. And most importantly - the turtle is able to prolong life, as many legends say. To sum it up, a turtle in the form of a tattoo is a powerful amulet with many meanings, from which everyone can choose something personal.

Polynesian turtle tattoos became common among Europeans no more than a few decades ago. For the first time, such a tattoo appeared among the Pacific tribes, it was possible to determine the status of a person, his origin or even occupation. Only priests could draw a picture on the body of a fellow tribesman, and the process itself was a real sacrament.

Symbol history

The Polynesian archipelago includes about 1000 different islands, but the most famous and mysterious is the culture of the Maori tribe. Representatives of this tribe communicated with the gods with the help of tattoos, which were applied to their bodies with improvised means - animal teeth or incisors. Maori highly respected turtles for their longevity and strong shell, which is why they often tattooed this animal as a token of their respect. First of all, the turtle was a symbol of wisdom, so such a tattoo could only be found among mature, wealthy and respected members of the tribe.

The Meaning of the Polynesian Turtle Tattoo

Over time, the meaning of a tattoo in the form of a Polynesian turtle began to acquire more and more various variations, as the inhabitants of the tribe followed the life of these animals and noticed some of their features.

The main meanings of the tattoo are:

  • Wisdom and prudence;
  • Calmness, slowness, thoughtfulness;
  • Patience;
  • A symbol of a balanced person who carefully thinks through his every step;
  • Stealth (due to a strong shell);
  • Longevity or even eternity;
  • Fertility and fertility;
  • Diligence (when it is assumed that the picture shows a turtle at dawn).

Often, Polynesian turtle tattoos were a strong amulet against evil spirits and life's troubles. This meaning of the tattoo is associated with the fact that the animal has a strong shell that will always protect it from enemies.

Places of application

The priests of the Maori tribe were well versed in human anatomy and always carefully thought out where to fill the tattoo. The location of the drawing had to correspond to certain energy meridians of the human body in order to positively influence the owner of the tattoo.
The most common placement option for a turtle tattoo is on the arm, chest, or back. Mostly, the sketch is combined with other tattoos and forms a complete picture - a “sleeve” or even a larger half-body tattoo. Less common is placement on the foot. The location of the tattoo does not affect its meaning.

Color spectrum

Polynesian tattoos are traditionally stuffed exclusively in black, as this color scheme allows you to get as close as possible to the spirits and reveal your energy (according to the Polynesians). Other color options are not available.

Polynesian tortoise for boys and girls

The Maori tribe had a clear division of tattoos into male and female. Turtle refers to male tattoo, respectively, in women is not found. In modern culture, some girls still stuff this symbol, although from the point of view of the symbolism of the sign, this is not entirely true.

Tattoo style

The only style for the Polynesian tortoise is the technique of the same name - Polynesia. Its peculiarity is in the combination of ornate lines, labyrinths, spirals, which form a single pattern. As a result, the tattoo is somewhat reminiscent of an image that has been burned into wood. Each stroke of the drawing is crucial, so the choice of sketch should be approached responsibly - either contact the indigenous people of Polynesia, or use ancient historical books.

Additional sketch elements

Most often, the tattoo is combined with a geometric ornament, forming a complete "sleeve". Less often you can find a combination of a Polynesian tortoise with tiki masks, sharks, rays, dolphins, whales, and some other animals.

The hidden meaning of the tattoo

The inhabitants of the Maori tribe believed that tattoos not only allow you to get closer to the gods, but also significantly affect a person’s life and destiny. Turtles were usually stuffed for men who wished to stop participating in wars or hunting work, start a family and live in peace. Often, such a tattoo was applied to mature people of advanced age as a sign of their maturity and wisdom, the transition from an active life to a quiet old age. IN modern world tattoos in the form of a Polynesian tortoise are stuffed regardless of age, since the meaning of the picture can be varied. First of all, it is still a powerful amulet that will especially help people with dangerous work - police, military, firefighters, etc., because Maori tattoos protect only those who really need it and give good to people in return.

The turtle is considered the personification of calmness, poise, patience, wisdom, stamina. In addition, the turtle is able to avoid almost any danger, while hiding in a more than reliable shell. These traits have made the tortoise a true symbol of inner knowledge, protection, and a symbol of healing. And therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the second meaning of the turtle tattoo is more readily accepted than the first.

A sketch of a turtle tattoo is performed both in color and in black and white. This does not affect the quality of the drawing: in both cases, the tattoo looks elegant. The image is applied to any part of the body: arm, leg, back, chest, etc.

Turtles have amazing designs on their shells and this is one of the reasons turtle tattoos are so common. In addition to attractive aesthetic qualities, a turtle tattoo has a very powerful energy. For the most part, deep meaning is associated precisely with the shell.

Turtles can live both on land and in water, and for this reason, they are associated with the elements of earth and with the elements of water. This animal is also the personification of the Moon, immortality. Earth, the beginning of all life, procreation and eternity.

Since ancient times, it was believed that the turtle is the basis of the entire existing material world. The ancient Chinese believed that turtles were able to predict the future, they associated it with water, with primordial chaos, with yin energy. The turtle was a symbol of long life and endurance.

In ancient India, turtles were revered animals, they were extolled as progenitors. The shell of turtles personified the foundation, the basis of all things. In Japan, the turtle was a symbol of long life, good luck, support, and seafaring.

A turtle tattoo is one of the most powerful amulets that bestows a long life, patience, a philosophical attitude to all troubles and peace of mind. That is, if we consider on the one hand, there is nothing in the world more significant and solid than this animal, and on the other hand, there is nothing more adaptable, and also faster than a turtle.

Tortoise tattoo video

And below are photos of turtle tattoos from different masters.

Turtle tattoo on arm, watercolor

The turtle symbol came from ethnic tattoo trends. It marks the transition between the states of life and death. In tattoo culture, protective properties are attributed to him, since an amphibian can live on land and in water.

Therefore, he is patronized by the elements of earth and water. The turtle represents wisdom and consciousness. The tattoo is performed in the styles of Haida, Polynesia, Maori, realism, etc.

The general meaning of the tattoo

In tattoo tradition, the turtle is a positive sign, the meanings of which are associated with rebirth and wisdom. The turtle symbol as an image is present in all the tribes of Oceania, North America and in Slavic mythology.

Turtle Tattoo Meaning:

  • longevity;
  • wisdom;
  • sharp mind;
  • delicacy;
  • diplomacy;
  • developed intuition;
  • beauty and grace.

Not surprisingly, it has become part of the tattoo, the turtle has a streamlined body and symmetrical proportions. That is why it can be used as a central fragment in the construction of drawings.

The turtle is considered a symbol of stability and reliability. In an oriental tattoo, she is considered a symbol of the universe. The amphibian is covered with a dense shell that hides a soft body.

In deciphering the tattoo, the shell is the personification of stamina, reliability and strength. The turtle's body is adapted for life in the water, it symbolizes grace, the ability to yield. In general, the meaning of a turtle tattoo stands for harmony.

What does a turtle tattoo mean for men and women

The turtle tattoo has different meanings on the body of men and women. The amphibian brings financial luck and stability to its owner. The sign attracts cash flows and favorable opportunities.

The wearer of the tattoo listens to his inner voice in time, uses intuition when working with facts. As a result, his decisions lead to success.

In the interpretation of the tattoo of the peoples of Oceania, the sign meant prudence, calmness and patience for men. The symbol balanced the nature of a person, as a result, the owner thought through every step or decision.

Another interpretation of the Maori turtle symbol meant secrecy. In today's culture, a tattoo suits poker players or lawyers.

Turtle tattoo on the back, Maori

The inhabitants of Polynesia attributed to the turtle the meaning of fertility and fertility. As a consequence, the characteristic quality of the bearer was industriousness. Which also led to prosperity and well-being.

For girls, the meaning of the tattoo changes somewhat. An amphibian on a woman's skin is considered a symbol of constancy, peace and stability. In the cultures of the sea peoples, it is a symbol of female power, sexual attractiveness. It is believed that the bearer has a talent for charm, has a developed intuition.

The transitional state of the turtle between water and land gives the owner a penchant for providence and clairvoyance. IN real life the girl is well versed in people, knows how to distinguish truth from fiction. This is a purposeful person with an inner. She is guided by her own set of moral values, due to which she often becomes a leader or a wise adviser.

Areas for tattooing

The area for a tattoo is considered a popular place for application. It is stuffed between the shoulder blades or on the shoulder blade. In girls, a tattoo can be found at waist level. This is a kind of symbol of balance, bringing positive energies into her sexual sphere.

The second most popular place for a tattoo on the arm is the shoulder. This is due to the ethnic roots of the tattoo. It is stuffed over the biceps or on the forearm. To place the pattern, you can use the space on the chest. A swimming turtle is hit with a slight tilt, this creates a sense of movement and allows you to change the perspective.

  • turtle tattoo on leg

  • turtle tattoo on back

  • Turtle tattoo on wrist, overlap

  • mechanical turtle tattoo on shoulder

  • Turtle tattoo, sleeve

  • Turtle foot tattoo, 3D

  • Turtle tattoo on buttocks

  • Tattoo "You can't catch up with us"

  • Turtle tattoo on shoulder blade, engraving

  • turtle tattoo on arm

  • Turtle and flower tattoo on arm, tribal

  • Turtle tattoo and twin sign, tribal

Paired tattoos on the leg in the area of ​​​​the feet look interesting. The body of an amphibian is divided into two parts. The halves are stuffed over the insteps, as a result, the feet standing next to each other form a complete picture.

The streamlined body of the turtle fits well into the structure of the lower leg. Large drawings in the style of Haida, Polynesian, Maori or realism beat on the calf plane.

Styles, additions of a turtle tattoo

Among top tattoos the Polynesian tortoise is popular. The drawing consists of separate fragments that create the feeling of an integral contour of the image. A mask is entered into the shell.

As a result, the Polynesian style tattoo acts as a protective amulet. A miniature turtle from the Haida character set adorns the arms or lower legs. It differs from its Polynesian sister in a clear, solid contour.

Connoisseurs of the oriental school stuff the turtle in the Japanese engraving style. The turtle shell with inscribed looks original. Realism is no less popular, the turtle tattoo is performed surrounded by pictures of the underwater world.

The world of animation has given tattoo culture a lot of funny and cute images. For example, connoisseurs of the culture of the 90s use images of ninja turtles. The works of Pixar and Disney have presented quite a few charming turtle characters.

Sketches of turtles in ethnic style can be taken from the collections of rock paintings of the peoples of Oceania. For original works in watercolor, graphics and geometry, the master uses an abstract perception of the image to complement the details.

A cartoon drawing of a turtle is adapted from footage from a TV series or cartoon. Tattoos in the style of black and white technique and realism are best drawn from a photograph.

Video - turtle tattoo, photo gallery