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» Horseshoe tattoo meaning for girls. horseshoe tattoos

Horseshoe tattoo meaning for girls. horseshoe tattoos

At all times, among many peoples, a horseshoe or its image was a symbol of happiness and good luck. It is not surprising that the criminals, who could not live in their criminal craft without good luck and happiness (thieves' luck), began to prick themselves with the image of a horseshoe. It is difficult to say how much it helped them to steal and rob, but tattoos in which this horse “shoe” is present both independently and as one of the constituent parts of the composition are quite common.
Keep me my talisman
The oldest images of thieves' tattoos with the image of a horseshoe were copied by Dantsik Baldaev in the post-war years. One of them, depicting a horseshoe, a 25-ruble coin and a crowned owl, was in the possession of an old honored veteran of the zone, the keeper of the thieves' "mutual assistance fund" - "common fund".
Another tattoo, which belonged to an urka convicted of banditry and serving his term in camps near Taishet, depicted a horseshoe entwined barbed wire, church, two flowers and a dagger. The dagger indicated that its owner belonged to bandits, two flowers - love for a woman, and eight thorns on barbed wire - the term to which the urkagan was sentenced.

A horseshoe entwined with barbed wire was impaled on the shoulder of one of the young thieves who rattled on the bunk in our time. The symbol of his "advancement" was the image of the dollar, which turned out to be inside a horseshoe. For a mazurik of a new formation, the thieves' luck was thus valued in dollar terms.
A horseshoe, as a symbol of hope, was gouged out on the shoulder of a convict who at one time had the death penalty replaced by 25 years in the camps. Inside the horseshoe is a burning candle, the Roman numeral XXV and two crossed bones - a symbol of death, which the owner of this tattoo miraculously managed to avoid.
On the shoulder of one prisoner, a horseshoe was gouged out, inside of which an Orthodox cross was depicted. True, judging by the tattoos located in the neighborhood, this criminal was not so God-fearing. Some of the tattoos were very cynical, and the inscription next to them: “I want to go where there is no law” could hardly belong to an exemplary Christian.
And, finally, one more tattoo, this time having nothing to do with any criminal profession, or with the thieves' world in general. Depicted on this tattoo was the legendary commander of the First Cavalry Army Semyon Budyonny with his famous mustache and all his regalia. Below were placed two crossed sabers and a horseshoe.
This tattoo belonged to a participant in the Civil War, St. Petersburg policeman Sergeant V. Semenov. So the guardian of the law recorded his long service in the cavalry, the symbol of which was also a horseshoe.

Sergey Schukin
According to the newspaper
"Behind Bars" (#8 2010)

The inscription translated from Latin: "Man is a wolf to man."
The knife is a symbol of a dangerous criminal.
A horseshoe signifies good luck in criminal activity.
The head of the trait indicates that the owner of the tattoo has a negative attitude towards law enforcement officers.

It is believed that the tradition of shoeing horses was introduced by the ancient Romans. The procedure was performed solely for practical reasons. Horseshoes reduce hoof wear and help the horse carry heavy loads. Gradually, horses began to be shod all over the world. Remarkably, this method of protecting hooves from wear is still used today. For many people, a horseshoe is a tattoo, a souvenir or a piece of decor. This item is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

Why a horseshoe is for luck?

It's no secret that a horseshoe can slip off a hoof during use. When they first started, many peasants could not afford this expensive procedure. Finding a horseshoe that fell off the hooves of a strange horse on the road was considered a real success. The sign liked and took root in many countries of the world. Not only Russians believe that the "Horseshoe" is a tattoo that brings happiness. This item is endowed with a positive mystical meaning around the world. Gradually, horseshoes began to be collected not only for reuse for their intended purpose. began to hang in the house, believing that he would attract good luck.

Direct and inverted meanings

Most often, the Horseshoe tattoo is stuffed in the classic version - with the ends up. The most popular interpretation of the symbol is the cup of plenty. The rounded part of the horseshoe, respectively, symbolizes the bottom of the vessel, in which all the most favorable accumulates. Somewhat less often depicted upside down. A similar horseshoe tattoo has a more complex meaning. If the ends are directed downwards, you have a powerful amulet against evil forces. Our ancestors believed that Satan and all evil spirits walk in circles. By breaking the circle, it was possible to confuse the evil forces and lead them away from their home. Very rarely, a horseshoe is depicted horizontally, as if laid on its side, in the manner of a growing moon. Such a symbol, according to some people, attracts material wealth. In the beliefs of some peoples, a horseshoe is a sign of the moon and the feminine. The image can symbolize the female womb, fertility.

Horseshoe tattoo: ideas and sketches

Horseshoe tattoos are popular all over the world. This symbol can be interpreted in different ways, but always invariably positive. "Horseshoe" - a tattoo that is equally well suited to both sexes. Girls often choose sketches decorated with decorative elements. Men, on the other hand, prefer realistic images of horseshoes. Such a tattoo can be filled on any part of the body. If you want to have a talisman hidden from prying eyes, choose areas that are more often under clothing. A large horseshoe on an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin will be a bright addition to your image with proper execution. Due to the simplicity of the symbol, it is not difficult to depict it in almost any modern tattoo style. Very often, drawings with horseshoes are complemented by other signs. Often there is an addition to the symbol of good luck with images of horses or a four-leaf clover. No less impressive is the "Horseshoe" (tattoo), depicted along with flowers.

Until relatively recently, almost all people believed in signs and the supernatural nature of things. Some items, in their opinion, brought trouble to the house, so they had to be disposed of as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, promised happiness and prosperity.
The horseshoe was considered one of the most powerful symbols of good luck, so it is not surprising that many people want to always have such a talisman with them. Today we will reveal the meaning of a horseshoe tattoo in full, we will advise interesting styles and the most suitable places for a tattoo.

When luck accompanies everything

What a horseshoe tattoo means is probably known to everyone. This is a symbol of good luck in its purest form. The lucky owner of such a tattoo should accompany it in all endeavors. Our ancestors believed that a horseshoe promises wealth, family well-being, success in important matters, in general, in everything that brings a person closer to happiness. But how did it happen that such a simple thing became such a powerful talisman?

There is a legend that tells of a certain very pious and skillful blacksmith. Once the devil himself appeared to him and asked him to shoe his hoof. The blacksmith stated that he would only agree to do the job if the client agreed to be chained to the wall. The master motivated his blacksmithing condition by the fact that the procedure is very painful, so he fears that the devil, because of the pain, can kick him with a hoof. The devil agreed with surprising nonchalance.
Before work, the blacksmith, of course, prayed, and then began to forge a horseshoe. When he tried to fit it to the hoof of the devil, he experienced such unbearable pain that he howled at the whole neighborhood. The reason for this was the prayer of the blacksmith, because the forces of evil do not tolerate anything sanctified by sincere prayer. The prince of darkness began to beg the blacksmith to let him go and not finish the work. Then the blacksmith put forward another condition: he would let the devil go only if he promised never to enter the house, over the door of which a horseshoe hangs. There was nothing to do, and the devil had to agree.
Since then, it is believed that the horseshoe protects the dwelling from evil forces, because the devil does not enter there. And where there are no insidious intrigues of the unclean, happiness, peace and good luck always reign.
Previously, finding a horseshoe on the road was considered one of the most auspicious signs. She was carried home and hung over the door. But since horses have ceased to be the main means of transportation and they have been replaced by cars, finding a horseshoe just lying on the road is simply unrealistic. Therefore, a horseshoe tattoo is a way to enlist the support of light forces.

The image of a horseshoe in tattoos

The horseshoe is depicted both by itself and with various additional elements. Often there are horseshoe and clover tattoos. Clover, as you know, is also considered a symbol of good luck, so its image is designed to enhance the effect of a horseshoe. Works with playing cards or dice are also popular. Such tattoos are chosen by gamblers so that the card goes.
Wandering around the Internet and looking through photos of a horseshoe tattoo, you can see a lot of realistic works depicting horses. This image gives the tattoo an additional meaning: strength, freedom and speed. The image of a horseshoe is also often complemented by flowers or ribbons with inscriptions like “Lucky me”.

If we talk about the choice of style, then it is worth considering the old school as an option. It originated in the century before last among sailors, and for them luck often turned out to be a decisive factor. The depths of the sea are fraught with many dangers, you never know exactly what may await you ahead, whether you will return home safe and sound. Therefore, sailors often put horseshoes on their bodies as a talisman so that it would protect them from troubles that could happen on a long journey, bestow good luck in swimming and, of course, profit.
Some believe that the old school is too primitive, but it has some special appeal. Bright colors, clear contours make the image visible from afar. Often there are works in which a horseshoe is complemented by a ship, an anchor or a lighthouse. Such tattoos for sailors are relevant to this day.
An interesting style choice would be trash polka. This style is also quite bright, although only two colors are used in tattoos - black and red. The works look spectacular due to the high contrast, wide careless strokes. Trash polka indicates a rebellious spirit, rejection of banality and social conventions.

Most often, a horseshoe tattoo for its owner serves as a talisman, an additional source of good luck, and in some cases, wealth, which is similar to the meaning of clover in a tattoo, it is not surprising that clover and a horseshoe are often depicted on one tattoo. But where did this belief come from that a horseshoe found brings good luck? Let's figure it out.

They learned how to shoe a horse a long time ago, even a very long time ago, as soon as horseshoes appeared, savvy people immediately noticed that it was possible to use a horse more efficiently by shoeing it with iron. This, in turn, brought considerable profit to those who used it, at the same time, a sign appeared that if you find a horseshoe on the road, it will bring good luck and wealth to the house.

There is another belief that if you hang a horseshoe over the front door, devilish forces will not be able to get into it. There are disputes about where it is worth directing the horns of the horseshoe up or down, there are arguments for both options, but the option with the horns up is still more common.

Here, in the form of a tattoo, a horseshoe is depicted with horns up, which remotely resembles a vessel that can be filled. A horseshoe is able to attract not only good luck and wealth, but also happiness in family life, often met cases when the family parade made horseshoe tattoos on their wrists, sometimes with wings, sometimes in the form of doubles.

By the way, about where horseshoe tattoos are most often done: in addition to the usual forearms and shoulders, you can often find a horseshoe in the form of a tattoo on the neck, leg, back and even palms.

The meaning of a horseshoe tattoo on the zone

In prison, the meaning of a tattoo with a horseshoe is no different from the generally accepted one, there you still want good luck, wealth, often a horseshoe is depicted with money, with a dollar sign or gold bars, with a star or a woman.

Since ancient times, a horseshoe has been considered a symbol of well-being, good luck, and prosperity. The custom to hang a similar amulet in front of the entrance doors has been preserved to this day. The horseshoe tattoo is popular among girls and men who want to decorate the body. There is an opinion that the owner of such a tattoo becomes a "magnet" for good luck and positive energy.

general information

The meaning of the horseshoe originates from times long past. For the first time, the idea of ​​shoeing horses was realized in ancient Rome after the laying of asphalt roads. Due to the hardness of the asphalt, the horses quickly got tired and were not able to carry a large amount of cargo over a long distance. The savvy animals began to cope with the task much better. With the advent of motor transport, there was no need for horse transportation, but the meanings of the iron object, as a symbol of productivity and prosperity, were preserved.

The meaning of a horseshoe tattoo

In the modern view, such a tattoo means good luck, prosperity, prosperity. When drawing a picture on the body, the horseshoe should be directed upwards with the horns. In this position, the accumulated energy will accumulate and work for the owner. If you place it with the horns down, then it seems that all the contents are poured onto the ground. By placing the drawing with horns, for example, to the right, there will be a stagnation of energy, which will be difficult to get into and out of the talisman.

tattoo in women

In the hope of a happy family life, a girl can put on her body a drawing of two such intertwined symbols.

The main role of a woman is to create a family, maintain coziness and comfort, and give birth to children. The horseshoe tattoo is a symbol of good luck and wealth and, in addition, a source of harmony and stability. Every girl dreams of finding true love and get married well. Often for this, ladies apply a pattern in combination with thematic attributes such as rings, hearts, etc. Two horseshoes intertwined together symbolize a long and happy life together.

Tattoo for men

By destination, the representative of the stronger sex is a getter. For him, luck is important in financial affairs, in work and business. Often men get tattoos along with the image of a coin or a symbol of the currency. To receive the favor of Fortuna, the goddess of fortune, a 4-leaf clover tattoo is also applied.

Tattoo in prison

By putting such a sign on the body, the prisoner hopes to be amnestied.

In places of deprivation of liberty, an iron object has a similar meaning. It is customary to wear it on the back. It is believed that in this way the drawing "covers" its owner. The carriers of such a talisman believe in a happy ending, for example:

  • stay in confinement with minimal damage;
  • understanding of managers;
  • amnesty.

Often tattoos are applied along with other symbols. For example, a tattoo depicting a horseshoe wrapped in barbed wire is popular. The number of skeins shows how many years of imprisonment the prisoner was given.