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» Why can't I forget him psychology. How to forget a person and return to life after breaking up

Why can't I forget him psychology. How to forget a person and return to life after breaking up

I am sure that everyone in life has a person who leaves a special imprint. For some inexplicable reason, you can’t forget him, replace him - he mercilessly ingrained into your brain and heart. It doesn’t matter what you do and how much time has already passed and how many people have already been in your life after him, he is still there - in your head and in your heart. And no matter what relationship you're in now, even if you don't need him anymore, you can't get him out of your head. And from the heart.

You cannot forget him. Can't let go

After all, this would mean that you forget about how this person influenced your life. It would mean that that part of your life didn't even exist. And although he does not play a role for you now, you follow him - maybe even texting sometimes, liking pictures. You are friends". But of course you are so much more. You are so much more because of the shared experiences, the relationships that led you to where you are today.

Even when you are happy and moved on after him, you don’t even hesitate to go to his page or not: you wonder if he is happy, or you hope that he liked your post. You can not at least sometimes not listen to "your song." And although you understand that now you are very happy without him, he is still there, in your head and somewhere in your heart. You've moved on, but a part of him is still with you and you can't explain why you care about him.

Sometimes you want, as Zemfira sang, to get him out of your head, to scream: “Leave me alone!”. And it works. For a while you forget and he stops worrying you. But only for a while, until you think you want to go back into his head yourself.. Or maybe you're already there? What if he thinks about you too? What if you both sit and wait, who will speak first?

But even if you talk, you know it's a dead end. You're stuck in some weird kind of friendship that can only be summed up in one word, "it's complicated." And each of his messages, each “like” is a reminder that he remembered you. And you can't help but think about what he wants and expects from you. Why does he find an excuse for empty talk? Why all this if you both moved on and are happy?

And you keep asking yourself what's next. You don’t seem to want to be with him anymore, but you can’t help but think, what if?

Somewhere deep down you know that it's not over yet. You can't get him out of your head and you just resign yourself to the fact that he's there. But why give someone a place in your head and heart if he doesn't deserve it?

The reasons may be different, but the main one is that this person left his imprint, influenced our lives. He left such an indelible impression, made such irreversible changes in us that to forget and let him go would mean to forget everything that those relationships gave us as individuals.

This person gave you a reason to believe in love, in destiny, and sometimes you just hope that you will meet someone who will make you feel the same way again. And you will meet such a person, but everything will be different, because everyone is unique, everyone has a special power to change you. And the one who becomes your destiny will have the greatest influence on you.

In the meantime, you will think and remember about the former. It will take up space in your head until you meet someone who fills you completely, leaving no room for anyone else. Not in my head, not in my heart.

Many people know firsthand how painful it can be to part with a partner. Even if we follow the advice of experts, restoring peace of mind can take much longer than we thought. Unfortunately, there is no formula to help you calculate how long it will take you to get through a painful breakup.

The results of a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology in 2015 show that three months is enough for most people to forget their ex. But according to more recent data, a year and a half is the minimum time to recover. These figures are just statistics, which are unlikely to help determine exactly how much time is needed in your case. Recovery from a difficult breakup can take anywhere from a few months to a few years. Whether it was a short romance or a long relationship, it doesn't matter. How quickly we will have time to recover depends on us. What prevents you from letting go of the situation and how to quickly cope with experiences?

1. You are pessimistic and exaggerate the scale of the tragedy.

We tend to exaggerate the negative consequences of breaking up, which only exacerbates the emotional state. For example, we convince ourselves that the former partner was the only one and is no longer destined to find happiness. Pessimistic thoughts paralyze the mind, making it helpless and unhappy. They make it difficult to overcome traumatic experiences and let go of the past. Patients prone to exaggeration respond less well to treatment for depression and other psychiatric disorders.

Advice: try to think less about the bad, dream and reflect on the new opportunities that await.

2. You self-flagellate

We often blame ourselves for what happened and try to figure out where we made mistakes and what should have been done differently. Such thoughts harm the psyche, explains the bestselling author of Life Goes On! ("Life "s in Session!") Robin H.C.: "Erroneous judgments are stored in memory and become part of the personality. We replace the facts with our own point of view and cannot adequately judge what happened between us and the former partner."

If we constantly imagine a hypothetical relationship development, it will be difficult to bridge the gap and use it as a useful experience for personal growth.

Advice: stop tormenting yourself with thoughts “What did I do wrong and could it be fixed”.

3. You refuse to accept that it's over.

To let go of a past relationship, you need to want to do it, says relationship expert Kevin Darne. In reality, many hope for reconciliation.

"We're programmed in romance novels and Hollywood films to view separation as a stepping stone to a happy future together," says Darne. “Everyone loves stories in which partners return to each other after breakups and emotional upheavals.” But dreaming of reconciliation, we only aggravate the condition and close ourselves off from new acquaintances.

Advice: leave old relationships in the past, limit communication or casual meetings, stop following on social networks.

4. You lost yourself in relationships

If we have lived with a person for many years, after parting we experience an identity crisis. Who am I without a partner? Psychology professor and relationship expert Gary Lewandowski notes that after the breakup of a long-term relationship, it is more difficult for people to answer the question “who am I?”. They are insecure about their identity, unable to understand who they really are.

Advice: pick up new hobbies, do things you haven't tried before. This will help you rediscover yourself.

5. You are not ready to admit your mistakes.

Friends are essential for healing after a painful breakup. In a difficult situation, it is important to find a person who is ready to support and patiently listen. But sooner or later, a friend may say something that we do not want to hear (point out mistakes or question the logic of our arguments). Critical remarks sound unpleasant, but the unwillingness to admit the truth can play a cruel joke on us. “This not only makes it difficult to cope with the pain of separation, but also programs for the same mistakes in future relationships,” says family therapist Sarah Stanizai.

Advice: be curious about the opinion with which you do not yet agree.

  • 9 steps to forget a person
    • Step 2. Get rid of his things and any reminders of him.
    • Step 4. Find yourself hobbies.
    • Step 5. Avoid loneliness.
    • Step 6. Watch your appearance.
    • Step 8. Find your mistakes.
    • How to hit on a guy

How to forget a person for whom feelings have not yet cooled down? You are no longer together, but you are drawn to check his social media account for suspicious likes and statuses. Letting go of a loved one can be difficult, but it is vital. This article contains tips for you to help you forget it as soon as possible and start new life. Read alsohow to get over a breakup.

I can't forget a person: what does that mean?

Everyone in life has relationships that leave a special imprint. Surviving a break in this case is especially difficult. Day after day, you remember these relationships and understand: I can’t forget a person, he mercilessly ingrained himself in the brain and heart. It doesn't matter what you do and how much time has already passed, and how many people have already been in your life after it. And it is not so important what is happening in your life now - anyway, you cannot leave it in the past.

Sometimes you just hope you meet someone who makes you feel like that again. But while the former will take place in your head, until you meet the one who completely fills the resulting void, years can pass.

How to forget a beloved man and whether it is necessary to return him

Whether to think about returning depends on the reasons why you broke up. Looking back, sometimes we see only good things, but you probably had serious arguments in favor of your breakup. Trust yourself and your intuition. If once your relationship seemed far from ideal to you, then maybe they really were like that?

Then what makes you think things will change? You can only try to return a person if you are sure that you made a mistake. In other cases, you need to focus on how to forget the man you love.

How to let go of a person if you broke up?

Psychologists say that the ability to end a relationship is an important skill that allows us to live a full and fulfilling life. And if you want your life to be just like that, it is important to understand how to let go of a person. Obsessing over someone with whom nothing connects you anymore, you lose not only precious time and nerves, but also energy. Perhaps you want to forget this person and start building a new healthy relationship, but old feelings do not let go. And sometimes we feel sorry for the time and effort spent on these relationships.

Sometimes we fall in love not with the person himself, but with so-called projections. We endow our chosen one with some special qualities, properties, talents - and fall in love with this invented ideal image, and not with a real person.

If you decide to leave, at first you will probably be sad, depressing, sometimes even physically ill. But if you cannot “let go” of a person for several years, this indicates unresolved difficulties not in relations with another, but in relations with yourself. These may be unresolved conflicts with parents, low or high self-esteem, lack of care and attention for you - in childhood and at the moment.

There is no single recipe for letting go. Treat yourself with new positive impressions, trips, meetings with new people. If you have firmly put an end to the relationship and you do not have unresolved psychological problems that interfere with you, then over time you will forget it.

9 steps to forget a person

Here are 9 simple and effective steps on how to forget the man you love.

Step 1. Realize that the person is gone.

The most difficult thing is to forget a person for whom feelings have not yet cooled down - to understand that he will not return again. We need to stop waiting for him. Stop looking out the window in the hope of seeing him or a parked car near the entrance.It is necessary to exclude the possibility of communicating with him - do not call him, block his phone number, put him on the "black list" on social networks. Do not contact him if he initiates it. Do not check his social networks, it is better to block them.

Give yourself the opportunity to truly forget the person.Collect all thoughts about him and mentally throw them out of your head. It's difficult, but necessary. You won't forget as long as you mentally replay the past and possible future scenarios in your head.

Step 2. Get rid of his things and any reminders of him.

Spend a kind of rite of farewell to your past. To do this, it is enough to remove all things and in general everything that reminds of unsuccessful love.Feel free to throw in the trash all postcards, notes and photographs. Give the children in need all the toys, souvenirs,gifts of a beloved man. Delete all photos with him from social networks and from all gadgets.

Did meetings with your loved one often take place in your apartment, or did you even live together?Make a change!This process may seem laborious, but it will not only change the direction of your thoughts, but also save you many unnecessary and painful memories.

Step 3. Start a personal diary.

Journaling helps you understand yourself and your feelings. Every person has a need to speak out, especially when feelings overwhelm. Not always and not everything can be said even to close people. Write down all your thoughts and memories - everything that you need to “splash out” of yourself. Another good trickwrite a letter to yourself.

Step 4. Find yourself hobbies.

After a painful break with a loved one, as a rule, consciousness changes. At this time, the hidden reserves of our body and consciousness are activated. The body classifies the situation as stressful. The consequences are expressed in increased production of adrenaline. Therefore, this period is an excellent occasion not only to forget a person, but also to find yourself in a new hobby!

Even if you do not have special talents, new activities and hobbies will distract you from annoying and unpleasant thoughts.

  • Go in for sports or dance. The main thing is that it brings you pleasure.
  • Use art as medicine. This can be especially helpful if you find it difficult to express your feelings in words.Music and painting are great for this.
  • Get a pet or plant. Having something alive that depends on you can ease depression.
  • Needlework soothes well, you can take up sewing or knitting.
  • Photography is an activity that will bring you peace, relax and also give you new impressions and later good memories.
  • It will help you to take a fresh look at others and at yourself in particular.charity. After all, there is a statement that “by helping others, we help ourselves”!

Step 5. Avoid loneliness.

Don't close yourself off from society.A change of scenery has a strong effect on your mood, and the first step of your walk can be the first step towards improving your emotional state.

Research shows that when you are with friends or like-minded people, you calm down, your sense of belonging increases, and your sense of self-worth increases.

Step 6. Watch your appearance.

Women often try to forget their beloved man with the help of food, that is, to seize stress .. And also “to lay down”, “smoke” and “wash down” grief is not the best option! In no case do not try to forget a man with the help of bad habits.

I want to eat this chocolate bar now because I am good and unhappy. I want to get out of my head the person with whom we are no longer together, and therefore everything is possible for me now. I am depressed and broken. If he was able to forget me, then I'm ugly and useless. I have absolutely no pleasure in life, except for the absorption of food.
Now I will smoke as much as I want. I am currently going through a difficult phase in my life. I'll kill myself slowly and I don't care about my health.
Although I drank yesterday, today I will also get drunk, because I try to forget my beloved, which means that everything is possible. As soon as I forget, I will leave. I can't handle my emotions. I can't forget him in any way. I am weak and helpless.
I won't take care of myself. But when I forget it, I will become beautiful and neat again. I don't want to take care of my appearance because I'm depressed. Still, no one likes me. And why all these efforts? After all, he is not next to me.

It doesn't matter who was to blame for the breakup. Forgive yourself, forgive him, forget the offense, and go to the beauty salon!Personal careIt is first and foremost a manifestation of self-love. A woman who takes care of herself sees how her skin shines, how beautifully she is dressed, she has beautiful hair, likes herself, and from this her mood rises. In addition, many procedures in a beauty salon contribute to the production of endorphins, hormones of happiness.

Step 7. Engage in self-development and self-improvement.

When you are trying to forget a person and start living a new life, it is better to throw all your energy into developing yourself, and not into a new relationship.

It often happens that in times of complete despair, we do not even know where to look for motivation in order to continue moving in the right direction. Or we do not know where to draw strength to forget a person. No need to beat a wedge with a wedge and rush to start a new relationship. Everything has its time. It is better to reconsider your life - perhaps it's time to change something else in it. And then you can thinkabout new relationships.

Step 8. Find your mistakes.

Take a piece of paper and write down what negative attitudes you have practiced in past relationships. Were you a victim or a dictator? Did you make a sacrifice or demand sacrifices for your own sake? This is necessary so that you do not repeat past mistakes in a new relationship. After all, we always have to pay for unlearned lessons again and again. Try to find and correct your mistakes. But it is important not to do this too soon, when the person has just left and the wound is still bleeding. The point is not to self-flagellate. You must look at the relationship as soberly as possible.

Step 9. Surround yourself with positivity.

Positive emotions have an unusually positive effect on our health, well-being and worldview. You can be supported if you post positive quotes in visible places in your home. Or maybe you plan a marathon of shows or comedies that have always lifted your spirits.

Give yourself time, and you will surely manage to forget your loved one.To cope with strong emotions, someone will have enough weeks, and someone - a month or a year.Separate in your mind his figure from your life - only then will you be truly happy. To forget a person means to let go of all emotions in relation to him.

How to get a person out of your head: a psychological technique when parting

There is a simple exercise on how to get a person out of your head: sit on a chair, put on a chair opposite some soft toy, pillow or any object that reminds you of him. Imagine that the same person is sitting in front of you. Focus on your feelings - what are you experiencing? Resentment, anger, joy, fear, grief?

Starting from them, “talk” with your counterpart, tell him about your grievances or fears. Say out loud that you want to end the relationship and revisit your feelings. Analyze them. Perhaps this exercise will help put an end to relationships in your mind and heart.

How to hit on a guy

If you are still young and this is your first or second breakup, it can be especially hard. But you need to understand that this parting in your life is far from the last. If you don’t know how to give up on a guy, read 9 steps on how to forget a person - they will help you get over a breakup and return to life. You may feel bad at first, but it will only take a few days or a few weeks.

Try to meet the breakup as calmly as possible and not let negative emotions ruin everything that was good between you. It is necessary to work on yourself and leave the past behind - only then will your new life be happy and fulfilling.

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I will answer corny and boring.

Forgetting won't work. Not at all. Of course, if you develop memory problems or get Alzheimer's disease (don't get sick), then you can forget, and not only him.

So what you need now is to loosen your attachment to this person. How to do it? When I had unrequited love and blah blah blah, I went to work and study. You need to force yourself to think only about those two things above, it will become easier.

If it does not help, and this will not help to the fullest, then your next step is to be in people. Constantly communicate with new or old people, friends. Have fun, dance, sing, if you can’t have fun, then share with a close friend how bad you feel, be sad. Helps.

But the main thing you need to make it easier is time.

Only it will cure your pure love, erase the person who rejected you from your memory to dust.

Don't be sad, you are not alone in this matter. 🙂

Clearly understand that he does not love you. Every time thoughts about him arise, imagine a cold, indifferent, alien person, and not a native and warm image. It is necessary. No nostalgia and pleasant memories. No deliberations of past signs of attention. Return yourself to the idea that a person does not give a damn about you, he is busy with his own affairs there, and you are exhausted and think about him. And get angry, right? Better for yourself. It will cost because a person without your emotions - and without love, and without hatred.

And don't talk to your friends!

Keep in mind that you are doing the right thing, that you stay away from him. This is the only right decision, the only way to do it.

Are you holding on, I hope? If yes, you are young. If not, then you won't forget a damn thing. Move away for sure, no contacts and correspondence, even friendly ones. Friendship later, when you cool down, if you want.

Pay attention to hobbies and friends, go in for sports more intensively. I made a discovery here - kickboxing works very cool, it helps to shed negativity. And if it’s still within the framework of intensive interval training, you don’t think about someone at all, you concentrate on exercise technique and breathing (and on how not to die, god). I advise, in general.

In general, you need less free time and go to bed early - it’s always dreary at night. At the same time, you will get better sleep, every body is good.

Get busy with work, take on new tasks for yourself. If you are properly zatrahatstso at work, there is no strength for the blues already.

Forget in general. Hold on. It's hard at first, but you'll get out for sure!

I believe that if feelings do not go away, then you leave clues for yourself - illusions of reciprocity from the other person. If the brain thinks about a person who is indifferent to you, then this is not just like that: there is hope to get something. But as soon as you understand (understand not just at the level of reason, but feel) for yourself the unpleasant truth that you are not loved, and perhaps even disliked, how all love will burst like a soap bubble.

You can’t forget about him, but you can remember yourself and the world around you. There is no need to urgently look for a replacement (although a person in love and abandoned is quite energetically charged and therefore attractive). Don't try to hate. You need to collect a few small things that continue to be important to you besides that person, and look at them. Because that is what you are. And for some reason you were left without that person. Maybe it's not your time yet. Or maybe your man hasn't arrived yet. For now, stay with yourself, in grief, in trouble, in loneliness. Rely on yourself and what's important to you. The pain will pass, but the feeling of strength will remain.

After the girl’s refusal, I realized that if I continued to communicate with her, see her VK page, photos, etc., I would just go crazy) this state could not be delayed. Especially at first, emotions are very strong and you are thrown from side to side, you are in a fever, you can’t find a place for yourself.

To reduce the heat, it is best to cut off all ties with this person.

1) Delete your VK page and create a new one. Add as friends only those friends who are not related to the object of your affection. Try to contact those with whom you are connected by workarounds: a phone call, SMS, other social networks. You can not contact at all, if there is no urgent need. Do not subscribe to general publics so that you cannot be found, in which case. In a word, you need to lie low.

Give yourself the installation, IN NO EVENT DO NOT GO TO THE PAGE OF THIS PERSON. The first month or two will be difficult, but then let go. You can download an extension to your browser in advance that blocks the page addresses entered into it. Well, that's for breakdowns. I have written so much about social networks, as they are the main source of fuel for your negative emotions.

2) Talk to best friends. You need to speak up. In the end, your pizdosuffering will fuck you yourself) Ironically us with your situation and your behavior. The jokes of friends made at your address can also make you think and rethink your situation.

Some forget the former on the third day, others are killed for them for years .. But he has already created a family, and I sort through everything. Girlfriends say that the whole reason is that I hope for a resumption of relations and all because we still communicate. Is this really so and what other reasons stand in the way of female happiness?

The first reason: the ex not only hurt you, but also hurt your pride. Does this mean we remember him out of resentment, or are we hatching a plan for revenge?

Natalya Shevtsova, psychologist:

Unfortunately, not all romances end with a happy ending. The realities of life dictate their own rules, and people part. Some quickly enter into a new relationship, while others cannot forget the former for years. First of all, I want to draw attention to the fact that divorce and separation from a partner take second and third places in the table of social adaptation of Holmes and Ray, being a real cause for severe stress and worry for both women and men. In the event of a breakup, you need to give yourself time to process the emotions caused by this event, and take the necessary measures in order to help yourself get through this difficult period.

And when it seems to you that everything is behind you, you suddenly realize that you just can’t let go of the past relationship and move on towards a happy life. Why?

What is it like to hurt another person? First of all, this is a subjective perception of the situation. Agree that all people have different attitudes to the events happening to them. For one person, even betrayal will be an occasion to think about what is the share of his participation (or non-participation) in this, and for another, an unclosed tube of toothpaste is an act of the highest disrespect for himself and a reason for a scandal! The higher the level of responsibility, the higher the coefficient of psychological maturity, the more difficult it is to offend or humiliate a person.

If you feel hurt and offended, ask yourself the questions: “What role did I play in the situation that hurt me? What is the degree of my responsibility that this happened? Of course, you should not sprinkle ashes on your head and blindly blame only yourself for everything. It is necessary to try to soberly look at the situation from the outside. Relationships are not a one-sided game, and both partners participate in them. By analyzing the situation soberly, you can see the motive behind your partner's action and learn from it useful experience that will help you in the future. And most importantly, it will help you understand and let go of the situation so that destructive emotions of resentment do not overshadow your life.

Reason two: you have maintained friendly relations after breaking up. Maybe not?

It is necessary to maintain friendly relations, since his “part” in your psyche occupies a certain place, and if you treat him badly, this means that there is a state hostile to you in your psyche. And it should become neutral or ally for you.

If you haven’t forgiven him yet, then most likely you still love him, because there is only one step from hatred to love. When a person has forgiven, neither love nor hate binds you, and you are neutral or even indifferent. Then you can not be afraid that you will again be drawn to a personal relationship. But in any case, you should observe the psychological boundaries and test yourself when you meet. This also means that your contacts should be kept to a minimum.

If you broke up, and accidents constantly push you together, this means that some kind of force binds you and you need to deal with it.

Reason three: You compare all your potential partners with the former. Why? For what? If necessary?

Vladimir Makarov, psychotherapist:

Everything is known in comparison, this is how our mind works. We don't analyze when we're in love. But over time, feelings are balanced in relation to the mind, and the mind begins to compare. This is normal for mature women who have experienced relationships. But this means that our ex takes up a lot of space in our minds.

If the comparison occurs, it means that she did not let go of the former and did not fall in love with the new one. When you fall in love, you are filled with new relationships. You should complete the relationship by contacting a psychologist. Or give yourself time to be without a relationship so that the wounds heal. You should also evaluate how the comparison is made. If the comparison is logical and rarely occurs, then this is normal. If the comparison is uncontrollable and appears as an image or rather invades the mind, then this clearly indicates that a psychic connection exists and you are theoretically still in a relationship with the former.

By nature, a woman uses any past relationship as an experience of personal growth, and this is the best way she differs from men. Remember: what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

The fourth reason: you are disappointed in men and in love in general. Where is the guarantee that the next one will not be the same?

Natalya Shevtsova, psychologist:

Let's figure out what "disappointed" means. To be disappointed means to get rid of cast spells. It is possible to be disappointed only if once these spells were inspired by you.

Who inspired them and for what purpose? In the case of men, everything is simpler: a person is really able to charm, showing his best sides and hiding his flaws. And when you took the bait and entered into a relationship, the spell broke, you saw the true face and were disappointed. But what about love? This feeling, and its quality depends solely on who it belongs to! It turns out that you saw the wonderful qualities of a partner and decided to rely on them completely: they say, he is so good, strong and caring, let him work for the two of us in a relationship, and I, an enchanted muse, will carelessly flutter and collect nectar. But relationships are not a one-way game, and the partner, not feeling the return or quickly getting what he wants, loses interest and, as a result, stops behaving as before disappointing you.

The conclusion is simple: in order not to be disappointed, you do not need to be fascinated, that is, to place the entire burden of responsibility for relationships on a man! Relationships are a team game, and in order for it not to turn into a war, it is necessary to be allies, not opponents. And if for some reason this did not work out, then it is necessary to recognize your share of responsibility for this, see your role and not repeat the scenario that leads to an undesirable ending again and again.

Thank each other for the experience gained and all the good things that happened between you, and boldly move on towards new love!

The fifth reason: I can’t forget him, because we have common children. Are they the reason?

Natalya Shevtsova, psychologist:

Love is gone, and for certain reasons, living together is no longer possible. The principle “out of sight, out of mind” is a great helper in a situation where you need to forget a person and start building a new life, but what to do when there are children and the child needs to see his father?

It would be a big mistake to follow the lead of your egocentrism and pride, forbidding you to see your relatives if there was a warm relationship between the father and children before the divorce. Thus, you risk ruining relationships not only with ex-husband but also with a child.

If it's hard for you to meet every time former spouse, agree on how he can pick up the children, causing you the least discomfort. Perhaps he will take them from your parents or from school, and you will not cross paths.

Use this time, while the children are with their father, to the maximum benefit for yourself! Go to the movies or a concert, visit a beauty salon or a gym. Meet up with friends or go out into nature to get away from oppressive thoughts as much as possible.

Remember that the best way to forget past relationships is to plunge into a new one. And the happiness of your children depends on your happiness.

There are many reasons why you can't get over your ex. The main thing to remember is that you must not interfere with the past, spoil the present and the future. After all, there is only one life, and you need to find the strength in yourself to cope with insults and finally begin to move forward. If you realize that you can’t cope on your own, that you constantly return to your ex in your thoughts and you can’t get rid of the depressing hope of reuniting with him, then there is nothing shameful in turning to a specialist for help.