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» Is it normal to ask for a marriage proposal? How to make a marriage proposal

Is it normal to ask for a marriage proposal? How to make a marriage proposal

What could be nicer for a girl than hearing a cherished marriage proposal from her lover? Nowadays, such an event is rarely surrounded by a romantic halo, more and more couples decide to get married as if “in between times”, talking at home. And what a wonderful tradition it is - to get down on one knee in front of a girl, presenting a ring! But this day should be remembered, so that later, after a while, your significant other can tell the children about how unusually their dad offered his hand and heart to mom. Therefore, we will tell you how to make an original proposal to a girl in order to turn this day into one of the most romantic in your life.

Method number 1

The request to marry must be desired, but still unexpected for your passion, so it’s better to hide the ring in an interesting way, and not just present it in a box. Such an idea for a proposal as a glass of champagne is already a classic, but still a bit commonplace, so it is better to place the ring, for example, in a balloon. Better to have it in the shape of a heart. You inflate it, and in order for the girl to get what is inside, she will have to burst the balloon.

Balloon with the inscription "Marry me" you can launch into the air to the balcony or window of your sweetheart, just be sure to make sure that she is at home.

Or is there another way: you can attach a beautiful ribbon to the balloon, to which the ring will be tied. It is important that the balloon is inflated with helium, otherwise it will not fly up. Place the gift in a special box, write “open me” on it (you can do this both at home and in a restaurant), and when the girl unpacks her gift, a ball will fly out of the box, and a ring will flaunt on its ribbon. Such beautiful proposal the second half will definitely appreciate the hands and hearts.

Interestingly, the hero of the film "War of the Bride" hid the ring, making an offer to his passion. It was placed in one of the fortune cookies that lovers so loved to open. Imagine the surprise of the girl when, instead of another prediction, there was a ring with a diamond in the cookie!

Method number 2

This method is somewhat similar to the one in the movies. Only the ring you put in the 'kinder
surprise". This option is suitable for those men whose passions are different. big love to sweet. How to put a ring in an egg? As easy as pie! You need to buy a kinder, cut it about the seam lines with a blade, remove the toy from the capsule by placing a ring there. Reassembling the two halves of a chocolate egg is easy, just fuse them with a lighter (using the metal part of it). Give a kinder to your girlfriend and wait for her reaction when she sees a ring instead of a toy inside the egg.

By the way, you can order the manufacture of a cake with the coveted inscription. Actually it will be done on the birthday of your soulmate. In addition to the cake, you can give yourself as a gift. Arrange everything so that the girl opens a box with a bow, in which you will be hiding with a small box with a ring.

In the movie "Intuition" one of the characters proposed to his beloved in a very original way, hiding a small box with a ring in larger boxes. The girl unpacked the boxes one by one, like a nesting doll, until she got to the cherished one.

Method number 3

You all know about the bottles, inside of which letters were placed in order to float them on the water. So, you can use this unusual method to make a marriage proposal to your beloved. Well, if you go on vacation with her, you will walk along the beach, then you need to somehow distract her and pretend that you managed to catch a bottle of mysterious inscription inside from the sea. Then your girlfriend will take out a piece of paper from there, on which the inscription will flaunt: “Will you marry me?”. By the way, it is not at all necessary to make a paper bottle with your own hands, because there are special sites that sell this souvenir, you just need to enter your text, which will then appear on beautiful parchment, and order a gift.

Method number 4

Another romantic and one that will definitely surprise your soulmate. To do this, you need to buy some special stars that twinkle when you turn off the light, stick on the ceiling in her bedroom or on the wall or curtains, in the form of the phrase "Marry me", in the dark it will look beautiful and romantic. Your girlfriend will definitely appreciate such a creative approach.

The hero of the film "The Nutty Professor" made an interesting offer. Walking at night with his passion, he wrote in the air the phrase "Will you marry me?" a special canister containing pheromones that attract fireflies. When they flew into the letters drawn in the air, the protagonist's beloved saw the cherished phrase. Well, why not magic?

Method number 5

You can present the sentence as a riddle that needs to be solved, for example, using a puzzle. In specialty stores, you can now order a puzzle to be made from any photo, so why not put the phrase "Marry me" on the photo? Just don’t make it too obvious (black letters on a white background), but rather mask the phrase, for example, add flowers, hearts, a more sophisticated background so that your beloved doesn’t immediately guess everything.

By the way, board games are an interesting option to make an offer. In the movie "Wedding Planner", the character Jennifer Lopez answered the guy's proposal by making the word "yes" from the letters-chips in the game Scrabble. Why not ask the question itself in this manner?

Method number 6

Not necessarily a beautiful marriage proposal can be made at home or in a cafe.
The choice can fall on any crowded place, and you are free to connect as many people as you want to this event. Did you go with your soulmate to the theater? Great! After the performance, go on stage and say the cherished phrase to your girlfriend! Of course, you first need to agree on this with the theater workers, because if you just run out onto the stage, you will not be understood.

Does your crush love karaoke? Sing a song for her, at the end of which you ask her to marry you. Or compose a whole song by putting your words on one or another backing track. If you yourself do not shine with poetic talent, one or another service on the Internet that provides such services can always do this for you.

If you often go to the cinema or watch then this is a great occasion to propose to your passion to marry you. Just make a video in which you confess your love to her, and at the end say "Will you marry me?". Let this video be shown after the movie, then everyone sitting in the hall will support you with applause, and the girl simply cannot refuse.

  • In the question "how to make a marriage proposal" not only the place, the atmosphere, the music is hidden, but also your words. What matters is what you put into this important request.
  • Of course, it is important to think about the situation, but your phrases are no less important. Moreover, sometimes proposals are made absolutely spontaneously, and, for example, a shoe serves as a symbol of the ring, as in the movie "Sex and the City", where main character puts on her beloved shoe, simply because the ring is not yet at hand.
  • Use symbols be original!

For example, in the film "Stepmother" the hero asks to marry him in an amazing way. Right in the morning, in bed, he presents his beloved with a box in which there should be a ring, but there is only a skein of thread in it. Then he ties the end of the thread to her ring finger, while talking about the inseparable connection, and puts the ring along this thread right on his girlfriend's finger. Well, how can this leave you indifferent?

Therefore, do not be afraid to seem romantic, such are very valuable in our time. Try to make this event special and memorable for both your soulmate and yourself.

Ripe for the main step in your life, but do not know how best to do it? It is not surprising, because the proposal is an important and exciting moment. The risk of making a mistake is great, but a set of simple rules for an ideal proposal will help make this event truly touching and memorable!

Choose a romantic venue

For example, the restaurant where you had your first date, or the bar where you had your first kiss. It could be the playground in the park where you first confessed your love to each other, or just your couple's favorite place for dates and walks. In any case, it is better to choose a memorable and significant place, and not just book a table in an expensive and beautiful restaurant. Even being in a place with its own history will mean a lot to a girl, while a new place can be somewhat disappointing.

Invite friends and family

Despite the fact that a marriage proposal is an intimate moment, it is very pleasant to share the joy of this event with dear people.

If a girl and her chosen one honor traditions, then it would be most correct to ask hands and hearts in the presence of her parents. To do this, a dinner party is organized at home or in a restaurant, and at the time dessert is served (or earlier, but not at the very end of the meal), the potential groom can ask for the floor and say small toast, which will end with the phrase "Let me ask for the hand of your daughter." Parents will no doubt appreciate this gesture and will certainly agree. In the 21st century, when many beautiful traditions are not supported, this form of proposal is especially appreciated.

It is important to determine to whom the speech of the future groom will be addressed. If the girl’s consent to marriage has already been obtained, then you need to contact your parents. If the young man did not previously declare his desire, then it is more logical to turn to his beloved, but at the same time mention her parents, letting them know that the blessing of the family is very important at this moment.

In addition, you can simply invite a company of people dear to you to the place of the offer. At the moment of pronouncing the cherished phrase, you will be only the two of you, but then your friends will join you and congratulate you wholeheartedly. Their appearance will be a wonderful surprise for the bride!

By the way, family proposals are best done on holidays, when everyone often gets together outside the city or at home. Gathering everyone for no reason can lead to suspicion and reveal the surprise. An excellent date for a proposal is the birthday of a loved one. Such a gift as a ring on her finger, she will definitely never forget!

Find a photographer

Agree that the emotions and joy that lovers experience at the time of the marriage proposal can not be compared with anything. It is a pity, but usually this event is not captured on film, since it is essentially designed for two. But a professional photographer with good technique will take wonderful photos, even if they are at a decent distance from you. Although, if you choose the ideal site, the photographer will be able to shoot from a fairly close distance.

Another option is to invite a photographer supposedly just to shoot romantic photos. Then the girl will be ready for the photo shoot and look great. Well, when her lover suddenly kneels down and asks for her hand, the photographer will definitely be there. Of course, he should be warned that the beautiful photographs of the offer are his main task for today.

Prepare the music

Properly selected music creates a great mood and sets you in the right mood. Accompany the proposal with the future bride's favorite song or "your" song, which every couple probably has. Music can be played from your smartphone or tablet. Check the volume: too high will drown out your words, and too low may not reach the ears of your beloved.

Prepare a bouquet

Women love flowers, and a marriage proposal is an exceptional occasion for giving them. A simple bouquet of roses is not enough here. Flower arrangement should be special and symbolic. For example, it can have as many colors as you have been dating for years or months. It is better to choose the number of months, then the bouquet will be more solid.

By the way, this bouquet can give rise to a wonderful tradition - every year on the anniversary of marriage, give your beloved a bouquet of flowers according to the number of months or years lived together.

Propose at the beginning of a date

It makes no sense to spend the evening with your beloved and only at the very end to propose. A girl can feel how nervous her boyfriend is, or, by other signs, understand about his intentions. If your goal is a surprise, then it should be presented at the beginning of the date!

Don't talk on paper

Never write a speech on a piece of paper! Even if the groom is tongue-tied, this is better than reading paragraph by paragraph from a previously written text. Such a proposal deprives the scene of naturalness and immediacy, looks false and strained. Do not worry about speech, the main thing is feelings and emotions!

If the groom is very nervous, then the main inscription is “Will you marry me?” - you can write. But it is still necessary to supplement it with at least a couple of phrases from yourself.

Show her a video of her parents

A very touching moment that requires preparation is the recording of a video in which the groom asks for the hand of his beloved from her parents. The video can be supplemented with touching photos of the couple, your favorite music and other romantic things. Without a doubt, such an act will be appreciated by everyone - both the girl herself and her parents. You can also use children instead of parents. Of course, this is only true for couples who are already raising common kids.

If, for various reasons, neither parents nor children are suitable, seek help from pets.

Remember a scene from her favorite movie

Every girl has a favorite movie and a favorite romantic scene. Someone dreams of Richard Gere from "Pretty Woman" climbing on the balcony to his beloved, someone is subdued by the film "Love Actually", which is simply replete with beautiful scenes.

Try to bring the bride's favorite scene to life. It will be truly magical and unforgettable!

Cook her favorite meal

If a marriage proposal is planned at home, then why not cook the girl her favorite dish? Or a dish that has a special story for your couple? Please note that in the future this dish will become the main one. For example, you can start a cute tradition - once a year, on your wedding day, cook it together and then have dinner by candlelight.

to whom. High Asking a girl, a woman to be his wife. Well, it was all a long time ago, back in that tender time, when a man ... falls in love with almost every woman and everyone is ready to offer his hand and heart(Goncharov. Oblomov).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Propose a hand and heart" is in other dictionaries:

    offer a hand- to woo, to offer a hand and a heart, to ask for a hand, to make an offer Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    OFFER A HAND AND HEART to whom. OFFER A HAND AND A HEART to someone. High Asking a girl, a woman to be his wife. Well, it was all a long time ago, back in that tender time when a man ... falls in love with almost every woman and everyone is ready to offer his hand and ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    offer heart- ▲ propose a woman to marry do [make] proposal to whom. offer [offer] a hand. ask for the hand of someone, whose. than who is not a couple to whom? Why aren't we a couple? to refuse [refuse] in hand to whom. refuse by hand (obsolete). marriage ceremony... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    woo- to ask for a hand, to offer a hand and a heart, to offer a hand, to woo, to woo, to make an offer Dictionary of Russian synonyms. to propose to someone, to ask for the hand of someone, whose, to offer a hand (and heart) to someone ... ... Synonym dictionary

    make an offer- ask for a hand, offer a hand, marry, offer a hand and a heart Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    ask for hands- make an offer, offer a hand and a heart, offer a hand, get married Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    HAND- Run away from your hands. Kar. Lazy, idle. SRGK 5, 577. Without hands. R. Ural. In a state of extreme fatigue from heavy physical work. SRNG 35, 239. No arms, no legs. Volg. 1. About the state of severe fatigue, extreme fatigue. 2. Disapproved. ABOUT … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    hand- And; hands, dat. hands; and. 1. Each of the two upper limbs of a person from the shoulder joint to the fingertips, as well as from the wrist to the fingertips. Put your hands behind your back. Cross your arms over your chest. Right, left hand. Wrist. Stroke… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    hand- And/; ru/ki, dat. hand/m; and. see also pen, little hand, hands 1) Each of the two upper limbs of a person from the shoulder joint to the fingertips, as well as from the wrist to the fingertips. Put your hands behind your back. Cross your arms over your chest... Dictionary of many expressions

Modern marriages today are concluded only by mutual agreement, both on the part of the groom and the bride. And the very tradition of offering a beloved hand and heart is now an integral ritual before any wedding. However, this happens long before your official “yes” at the registry office. Therefore, before legitimizing your relationship, you need to figure out why this pre-wedding action is needed and how to propose to your beloved so that she will certainly agree with you.

As a rule, a marriage proposal is made by a man to a woman, and not vice versa. But due to the fact that marriages today can be concluded between same-sex partners, and a woman does not consider traditional canons to be fundamental, this ritual can be started by any of the lovers. That is why Wikipedia offers such an interpretation that is universal for all: “A marriage proposal is an event when one person in a secret conversation asks another about concluding a marriage union between them and creating a family.” This definition fits every case in modern society.

Every woman dreams of a romantic marriage proposal no less than a magnificent and beautiful wedding. This touching moment is very important for her, and modern men very often underestimate it. Receiving a refusal to accidentally say the words “marry me”, and even not at the right time, they find the actions of their beloved incomprehensible, and sometimes even outrageous. And few people then understand why it all happened.

A marriage proposal should be carefully planned, prepared and best of all original. So, those who have been dating for a long time, or even live together civil marriage, there will be a pleasant and amazing variety, which will then be your first family memory. Well, for those who bring the period of courtship to the line, understand the importance and necessity of having a loved one nearby for life, this ritual should also not be spontaneous. Therefore, turn on your own imagination or even contact specialists who will help you organize this ceremony.

Remembering the historical information that has come down to us, our concepts of what the proposal of the hand of the heart should be are also formed. The most important thing, after all, lies precisely in our inner feelings. Some say that during this period they feel like “butterflies are circling in their stomachs”, others may say that they are out of breath and tears well up, others claim that their heart just jumps out of their chest at this moment. In any case, these are positive and happy moments of our life. Naturally, each of us at this time experiences insane excitement, trembling and physical weakness. Psychologists say that it is precisely such romantic upheavals, if they are positive, that can prolong human life. Even a wedding ceremony is no longer capable of evoking the same stormy emotions in a person as a marriage proposal. Therefore, make up your own, unique and individual scenario of this action and do not be afraid to be too original or even funny, she will definitely appreciate it and accept your offer without hesitation.

Today, every lover or sweetheart has two ways to prepare a respectable marriage proposal. The first option is to organize it yourself. The second is to entrust this business to professionals. In both cases, you must be prepared for the fact that it can be financially costly and will not do without your participation. You will also be helped by some rules that have already become traditional, which are used in such cases. The man gets down on one knee, usually the left one, takes the girl by the hand and proposes to her: "Marry me." He gives the ring to his beloved as a sign of the firmness of his intention, which, in the event of a positive response to the proposal, becomes an engagement ring. This is a classic version that can be complemented with some of your individual details. Although it may seem boring and mundane to some, she will still regard it as a romantic gesture that is worth at least thinking about. And the final answer of your beloved will depend on your imagination, with which you will supplement this template.

So, there are a few points that must be observed in order for your marriage proposal to be perfect and successful.
Correct timing.
You can’t make a marriage proposal by chance, in a hustle or at the wrong time. This should be a specially chosen time when neither you nor the object of your offer will be distracted by anything. Therefore, the most ideal time for such a case is the evening time of the day. Of course, an offer made at 3 am, when the object of your love is already having a second dream, can also be misunderstood and even rejected. Try to schedule this event between 19:00 and 22:00. Of course, if you're traveling together in the Dominican Republic, any moment during your vacation can be the perfect moment for a heartfelt recognition and subsequent proposal. For example, meeting the sunset on the snow-white beach of Cap Cana, your marriage proposal will be not only romantic, but also timely. Yes, and a wedding in the Dominican Islands will be an ideal option for you to start your family life.

The right place.
The place where you plan to make a marriage proposal to your subject of adoration should also be romantic and far from everyday or ordinary. And here everything depends only on your imagination. Someone writes with chalk on the pavement in front of the windows of their beloved, someone prefers to organize this event in a restaurant, and someone will say these words in a cafe located on the Eiffel Tower. However, you should pay attention to the mistakes that men often make when choosing a place for a marriage proposal:
- inconsistency with the interests of the beloved. For example, if your girlfriend prefers the Caribbean islands to the Italian Colosseum, then you should not go to Italy with her, intending to propose to her to marry you there;
- you should not do this at work, even if you work in the same organization. You can easily persuade colleagues and even bosses, but at the same time she will feel awkward and uncomfortable. Still, this is a purely personal matter of the lovers themselves;
- you should also find out how she relates to the fact that at this crucial moment you are surrounded by friends, relatives, acquaintances and even casual acquaintances. Perhaps she does not want to share such happiness with others at this moment, or maybe quite the opposite.
When choosing a place where you are going to make a marriage proposal, you should find out such nuances from her so that later this event does not become your first family joke, if she agrees, or an unsuccessful story for several years if she refuses you.

Correctly chosen scenario of the event.
Today on the Internet you can find various, interesting and extraordinary, scenarios of how to make a marriage proposal. A lot of videos about how a whole show is arranged from a simple trip to a restaurant, at the end of which the most main question; or how a group of dancers takes a girl to the place where her lover is waiting for her on a white horse and makes her a cherished proposal. Today, a modern man is given a million opportunities to make this day memorable not only for him, but also for her, and their story of a marriage proposal has become known to the whole world. Therefore, in this case, you should only be afraid of banality, routine and boringness in this matter. And yet, there can be a great many options, but only one will suit you. You must make a choice and it is best in this case to be guided by the personal preferences of the one to whom you are going to propose marriage.

By contacting a special company that specializes in offering such services, an individual scenario will be selected for you according to your information. And if you don’t know anything about the one you are going to ask the question “Marry me?” Then think about: “are you in a hurry?”. Of course, experts will offer you a couple of classic options for such a scenario, but, alas, they will not be able to give 100% guarantees of positive results. In any case, even if you contact them with your scenario, such professionals will help you with the competent and proper organization of this event.
The main and important rule that you must follow in your intentions to make a marriage proposal is, of course, love, and not blind or finally desired, but tested by time, circumstances and actions. Then everything will help you: your heart, your feelings, the universe itself!

Alexandra Bykov.

The most famous romantic gesture is when a man makes a marriage proposal, dropping to one knee. Even in our rapid age, this custom has been preserved. No one can say for sure where this tradition originated, but it bears a striking resemblance to many other solemn occasions.

In all ages, when praying or performing various religious rites, it was appropriate to kneel. Sometimes people kneel at the entrance to the church. This is a sign of respect, and an offer made on one knee can be seen as a symbol of bowing.

In the Middle Ages, knights took on the insignia of royalty by kneeling.

Before the enemy who won, they bowed with a plea for forgiveness and pardon. The relationship of a couple who marry out of mutual love cannot be called capitulation, but the element of trust and submission to each other is still present.

Apart from romance, there are practical reasons why the proposal is made on the knee: the engagement ring, which is usually presented at the same time, is lighted from above, which emphasizes its brilliance and beauty. Usually a woman is taken by the hand and given a ring, showing that this is a gift for her.

Only when the bride answers: “Yes!”, you can put the ring on her finger and seal the engagement with a kiss.

76% of men still believe they should propose on bended knee. Many women appreciate this gesture as recognition of their high position in the future family and in future relationships.

The classic proposal on the knee is often done in a romantic setting: on the beach, under the stars, at sunset.

A suitable speech is prepared in advance. The main thing is not to overdo it with the duration. A drawn-out introduction can become very tiring for both. On the other hand, a quick question: "Will you be my wife?" can take a potential bride by surprise. It is best to add some personal moments known only to two in the prepared speech.

Here are a few words that are said in such cases:

Let's dance together at our wedding.
Our love story is just beginning. Let's write our own happy ending.
“There are many ways to be happy, but you are all I need.
“I promise you that no one will cherish you more than me.
Let's tell our children in 10 years how I proposed to you today.
Life offers us many challenges. I know that we can face them boldly if we are together.

Some people find it difficult to express themselves. If there are problems with the choice of words, one must speak from the heart, what a person really feels. But it is important to think about what the bride can appreciate the most? For example, she is waiting for a classic romantic proposal and may be surprised by the spontaneous manifestation of feelings.

Public offering is not always a good option. The partner may be embarrassed and not know how to react. With a large crowd of people, they make an offer when the couple has already agreed on everything.

Some do not like tradition and prefer unusual proposals. They are made on the spur of the moment, after a special occasion or in extreme situations, such as going down a cliff. Proposals are written on flags and posters, placed in local newspapers in the form of poems, etc. Usually such sentences are remembered for a lifetime, and children and grandchildren are happy to tell about them. But whatever the marriage proposal, the main thing is to remember that this is the first step on the path to a new married life, and in any case, respect and devotion to each other must be expressed.