Miracle Center - Women's Portal

Miracle Center - Women's Portal

Kare is a classic haircut for chubby girls. Beveled lines and a raised nape visually lengthen the proportions of the face. A round face with smooth lines is perfect for asymmetry: sharp hair lines or oblique bangs. Choosing the type of

Carpets are a fascinating and useful thing. Weaving in general, possibly from various materials, the whiter weaving rugs. The originality and uniqueness of the finished rug does not always depend on the weaving material. After all, for the manufacture of a rug you can use

February 18 in the military calendar is the Day of the food and clothing service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Providing food and necessary clothing sets for military personnel, it would seem, is a completely utilitarian task that does not need to be dedicated to individual materials.

Recently, a colleague from a former job was buried, and one employee came in position to the ceremony, and then to the wake. Older women from the team explained to her that it is undesirable for a pregnant woman to come to the funeral. As a result, the expectant mother

When Ivan Kupala is in 2019 - the holiday falls on July 7th. This is one of the most mystical events of the year, which in terms of significance can only be compared with Halloween or Anti-Easter. Ivan Kupala was originally a pagan holiday with which

According to astrologers, the astrodynamics of the Moon affects not only our psychological state and future, but also our health and appearance. Therefore, it is so important to carry out all procedures at a certain time, especially this month, when the sun is most aggressive.

Millions of women around the world change their appearance every day, experimenting with makeup, manicure and hair. It would seem that such a process as hair coloring is a very simple task, because the appropriate paints can be purchased.

What could be nicer for a girl than hearing a cherished marriage proposal from her lover? Nowadays, such an event is rarely surrounded by a romantic halo, more and more couples decide to get married as if “in between times”, talking at home

Hairstyles with braided braids have never lost their positions. At all times, a hairstyle with a scythe for long hair looked stylish, and numerous weaving variations still help to create unique images for people of different ages. And long hair

That the Russian government is discussing a possible increase in the minimum length of service to receive a pension. This will increase the income of the Pension Fund without raising the retirement age - and will increase the attractiveness of receiving a white salary. Later in M

TASS figured out when and why November 4 became a holiday, what is the story behind this date and why such a name was chosen for it. On November 4 (October 22 according to the old style), 1612, the people's militia led by the Zemstvo headman Kuzma Minin and