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» What does a twig with leaves tattoo mean. Twig tattoo meaning

What does a twig with leaves tattoo mean. Twig tattoo meaning

Sakura is one of the most tender plots that came to Europeans from the Land of the Rising Sun. Over time, the sakura tattoo has changed its meaning, but the history of the flower goes back to ancient times. And its flowering during the Hanami festival gathers millions of spectators from all over the planet.

First tattoos.

Initially, a sketch of a sakura tattoo could only be present on titled males. Japanese princes depicted a cherry branch on their backs as a sign of loyalty to their native country. Then a similar tattoo was allowed to be made by the governors who wished to express devotion to the owner. Later, the symbolism of the flower changed under the influence of philosophical views and ancient legends.

One of the legends tells how a cruel landowner ordered the children of a peasant to be hung on the branches of a Japanese cherry tree, who dared to complain about him to the prince. As a punishment, the children were flogged to death, and the sakura forever remained in the memory of the Japanese as a symbol of innocence and the perishability of being.

The meaning of the tattoo.

The meaning of a tattoo largely depends on the gender, age of the owner and the features of the sketch. Men rarely use this flower, but in general, today a sakura branch on a man's body still signifies devotion to the country or one's own beliefs.

The beautiful half of humanity chooses sakura quite often. On more mature ladies, Japanese cherry blossoms speak of bright and fleeting youth. Young ladies, choosing sakura, focus on the short life.

The Japanese give special meaning to even minor details of the tattoo: the thickness of the branch, the number of flowers, and so on. For example, flowers of a faded, almost white color can symbolize death, while pink ones, on the contrary, speak of the flowering of vitality.

Light flying petals will tell about grief for the deceased, and dark pink ones about lost love. A sketch of a sakura tattoo with one branch speaks of a desire to retire from worldly worries, and only blossoming buds indicate a desire to start life anew.

Europeans do not take into account such subtleties and are used to perceiving sakura tattoos as an integral element. In European culture, such a tattoo is a symbol:

  • life cycle (sakura blooms from several hours to several days);
  • sacrifice;
  • short-lived relationships in love;
  • honesty and purity;
  • youth and beauty.

However, no matter how important the carrier puts into it, sakura always attracts the attention of others. At the same time, any style decisions will look spectacular.

What style to choose?

The classic sakura branch tattoo is most often done in the Japanese style. Each thin line is clearly drawn, the image comes out as realistic as possible. Stylized images of this plot are not typical for this subculture.

You can also use such style directions as watercolor, new school or realism. Less common are variants made in the trash polka style.

Sakura is depicted as an independent picture, less often a background or additional elements are drawn. For example, a Japanese cherry branch combined with a tiger symbolizes the power and influence of a person.

The meaning of a sakura tattoo is directly related to the characteristics of the flowering of this amazingly beautiful plant. In addition, the role assigned to this tree in Japanese culture also has an impact on the meaning of a sakura tattoo. The tradition of celebrating the cherry blossom season (hanami) dates back to about 710 AD. e. Initially, this holiday was celebrated only by the upper class. However, later every ordinary Japanese could come with his family under a flowering sakura tree and enjoy its short-lived delicate beauty. To date, there are more than 150 types of so-called Japanese cherries.

Symbolism and age-old traditions

Many legends about sakura that exist in Japanese culture are as beautiful and a little sad as the flowering period of these unusually beautiful trees. Let's take a look at some of them.

Legend of Blooming

One day, the proud and formidable god of the mountains offered the grandson of the sun goddess named Ninigi to marry one of his daughters. The eldest was called the High Rock, she did not shine with beauty, but she was reliable and wise. The youngest daughter was called Blossoming, she was beautiful and fragile, like a delicate flower.

The stern god in his heart still hoped that Ninigi would choose the High Rock, then he would grant the descendants of Ninigi a long and stable life. But it is not surprising that the young Ninigi chose as his wife, as young as himself, a charming youngest daughter - Blossoming. The god of the mountains was angry and said that from now on the life of the descendants of Niniga and Blossoming will be as beautiful as his youngest daughter, but also fleeting, like cherry blossoms.

Based on this legend, the Japanese believe that the family of emperors originates from the young god Ninigi and his beautiful wife Blooming.

Legend of the Cruel Prince

Once upon a time there was a brave Sakura, in whose village a cruel and ruthless prince seized power. He mercilessly punished not only the peasants, but also their small children for any offense. One day, unable to endure the beatings and humiliation, the brave Sakura went to seek the truth from the just and wise Shogun, bringing his children to him, whose backs were completely covered with scars from the blows of the whip of the cruel prince. The fair Shogun immediately punished the offender, for which he harbored a deadly grudge against the brave Sakura and swore revenge.

After some time, the villagers found Sakura and his children dead: the vengeful prince beat the unfortunate people to death. Since then, the Japanese began to associate delicate pink sakura petals with the blood of an innocently murdered peasant and his children. So, every time during the celebration of the khans, the Japanese, admiring the delicate flowers, remember the fearless Sakura and his children.

Sakura in the Hanami tradition

Did you know that the oldest sakura in Japan is over two millennia old? It is considered a national natural monument of Japan and grows on the territory of a Buddhist temple in the Japanese city of Hokuto. This tree enjoys special reverence in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Every year at the end of March, thousands of people gather in the parks to pay tribute to the ancient tradition of khanami celebrations. People come under the cherry blossoms with their families, someone, taking advantage of the opportunity, holds corporate parties right in the park under the color of the trees, makes important deals.

Basically, the hanami tradition includes a picnic in nature, drinking strong alcoholic drinks (sake), and karaoke. By the way, if you believe the Japanese media, then every year, steadily from 20 to 25 people die due to alcohol poisoning during the celebration of khans.

It is believed that traditionally the celebration of khans began with the upper classes of Japanese society, then the imperial subjects with family members conducted secular conversations under the canopy of trees, drank tea, and composed haiku. Later, such pleasure became available to “mere mortals”. And in our time, everyone can come and enjoy the divine beauty and the intoxicating aroma of the fleeting flowering of Japanese cherries.

Sakura in tattoo art

The unusual delicate plant was so fond of the Japanese that they began to decorate their bodies with its flowers. Later this trend spread to other continents. Now you can see both girls and guys with sakura branches on their hands, around their necks, even on their feet. However, it is worth understanding the meaning of a sakura tattoo before applying it to your body, because earlier the wise Japanese did not paint themselves just like that: each petal, each twig carried a special secret meaning.

  • Aristocratic background. As you know, earlier Japanese cherry trees grew mainly in imperial gardens. High-ranking persons spent their leisure time under their shadow, shared news, and wove intrigues. Since that time, it was believed that the tattoo of a sakura branch on the human body speaks of the high origin of a person, of his proximity to the emperor. Thus, the cherry blossom tattoo on the back was a hint of the so-called blue blood.
  • Sorrow. White color in Japan symbolizes grief, melancholy and sadness. Thus, a tattoo of a white sakura that loses its petals can symbolize grief for a loved one who has prematurely left this world. It is noteworthy that in the Japanese art of tattooing, each flower and leaf depicted on the body has a separate meaning. In Europe, the sakura tattoo is more for beauty and is perceived as an integral sketch.
  • spiritual purity. If we recall the legend of the brave peasant Sakura and his children, then the meaning of a sakura tattoo for girls and for guys can mean purity of spirit,
  • beauty, femininity. The bride of the grandson of the goddess of the Sun Niniga, Blooming, had a truly extraordinary beauty, so it was not difficult for her to win the heart of the young god. So a sakura tattoo in a girl means youth, vitality, unfading beauty, female attractiveness and attractiveness.
  • Fortitude, courage. Simultaneously with femininity, sakura can also mean willpower, courage. Didn't it take courage for a brave peasant to challenge a cruel prince? Flowers on this unusually beautiful tree appear much earlier than leaves, which also indicates the resistance of sakura to adverse weather conditions.
  • Transience of life. From ancient times, cherry blossom meant for the poetic Japanese the transience of life, as the stern god of the mountains predicted the fate of the descendants of Ninigi. Cherry blossoms last about a week on average, and then the delicate petals are easily torn off by gusts of ruthless wind. In the culture of Japan, this phenomenon is associated with the transience of human life, where each flower is someone's broken life. However, the poet of aristocratic origin, Kenko-hoshi, noted that human life is beautiful in its fragility.

Often sakura is combined with other symbols, which can somewhat change the meaning of the tattoo.

  1. Sakura and hummingbird can mean femininity, tenderness, sexual energy (hummingbird is a symbol of vitality and sexuality). The American Indians believed that hummingbirds were the souls of dead lovers. So, sakura paired with a hummingbird can be a symbol of fleeting lost love.
  2. Sakura and butterfly symbolize rebirth, bright life, love, tenderness. However, you should be careful with a butterfly tattoo, because for a long time they were considered an attribute of geishas, ​​so over time the butterfly became a symbol of accessibility and windiness.
  3. The composition, in which there are sakura and, can have a different meaning, and it will become clear only after the translation of the hieroglyph. Before getting a tattoo, it is still better to be puzzled by the translation by contacting a professional translator, so as not to get into an awkward situation later. A branch of sakura goes well with the hieroglyph "happiness". Sakura paired with the character "tiger" can mean strength, power and wisdom.

How to decorate your body?

Having dealt with the meaning of sakura tattoos in women and men, it's time to think about the composition of the picture. It is also important to choose a place on the body that will be decorated with Japanese cherry blossoms, and a tattoo style that suits you personally.

A sakura tattoo in watercolor will add more tenderness and sophistication to an already beautiful flower. This technique is dominated by slightly blurred outlines and more delicate colors than in realism. The outlines of the drawing are often black, and the colored elements look a little blurry, as if going beyond the edges of the outline.

Black and white sakura is a frequent choice of men, because such a pattern emphasizes sensuality and restraint at the same time. Some believe that it is a black and white tattoo that leaves more room for fantasy. Traditionally, black remains the “king” in tattoo culture to this day.

Oriental is an oriental style in tattoo art that often features characters from Japanese mythology, symbols that the Japanese attach great importance to. It is logical that the image of sakura in this style will most accurately convey the traditions and culture of the mysterious East. Such work is often done in color. An important distinguishing feature of the oriental is symmetry, the accuracy of shapes and lines.

Most often resorted to by girls who do not want to see huge drawings on their bodies. This style is perfect for you if you are a sensual but secretive person, like to save everything personal only for yourself and for a very narrow circle of close people. A miniature and delicate branch of sakura on the leg for a girl will be a great solution.

Photo tattoo sakura

On the hand

Tattoos are one of the ways of self-expression, an opportunity to tell something about yourself and your taste preferences.

Tattoos have become a real art, in which there is a variety of styles of execution and a large selection of objects for the image.

Botanical-themed tattoos are extremely popular now. In this area, one of the main elements is a tree branch.

Performing a branch tattoo has its own characteristics, and the choice of plant type is of particular importance.

Branch tattoo meaning

A branch tattoo has many meanings. It all depends on the choice of plant and the shape of its image.

A sprig of Arabica with leaves, for example, means a bright mind and purity of thoughts, and a willow branch expresses longing for a loved one, for unrequited love. The olive branch is a symbol of peace and good news. Such tattoos are more often chosen by girls, and men prefer drawings of oak, maple or laurel branches. These trees represent strength of mind, stamina, courage and victory.

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What does a sakura tattoo mean - this question is often asked not only by those who plan to fill such an image on the body in the future, but even by professional masters in large tattoo parlors. This symbol is associated primarily with Japanese culture, the peculiarities of the worldview of the inhabitants of this country, which largely determines the meaning of the tattoo. The article will help you find out what is the difference between the designations of a branch, a flower and the sakura tree itself in a tattoo, find the meaning that is right for you and even a photo of a sketch of a sakura tattoo, as well as deal with such nuances of the sketch as shade, style and small details.

The history of the sakura tattoo

Japan is an amazing country with rather unusual cultural traditions, and sakura is its most popular, beautiful and, undoubtedly, its most important symbol. In Japan, there is even a special Hanami festival, during which the inhabitants of the islands watch the flowering of this beautiful plant.

The sakura tree is a tattoo that was common in ancient times as a pattern on the body, which only an emperor or prince can afford to fill. The fact is that even the plant itself was pleasing to the eye only of the elite, because it grew near their houses and was not available for admiring ordinary people. Usually, the emperors applied a Japanese cherry tattoo pattern on their backs as a sign of power and justice, as well as responsibility for the country and love for it.

Later, a tattoo with sakura could already be found not only in a person in power, but also in some of his subjects, people close to the emperor.

What does a sakura tattoo mean?

Initially, sakura was a symbol of sublimity, power and even superiority over others. This fact is due to the fact that the Japanese cherry grew only among very rich people and was indeed evidence of a high financial situation.

The sakura tattoo has another meaning, connected with the flowering of the plant. It can bloom for quite a short time, often only a few hours. Even a slight breath of wind can cause the petals to fall and the tree to bloom. Therefore, for many years, sakura has been associated with the transience and perishability of life, the inability to somehow influence the distance of the end of life. A plant can represent the life cycle of all living things, starting with birth and ending with death. However, there is another option - the transience of not only life, but also love, or even the whole world.

A similar meaning of cherry blossom tattoo can be found among Buddhists. For these believers, the plant is a symbol of the impermanence and frailty of being. In Buddhist poetry, one can often find the association of this image with bygone youth or love relationships.

There is another answer to the question of what a sakura tattoo means. The beauty of Japanese cherry blossoms evokes youth, innocence and modesty. The symbol means tenderness, which is typical for flowers that can break from a tree even from a slight gust of wind.

The plant also symbolizes fertility and prosperity. The fact is that Japanese cherry blossoms are associated with warming, the arrival of spring. When the sakura blossoms, the earth is already warm enough to plant rice - the main product in the diet of the country's inhabitants.

What does a sakura branch tattoo mean?

A tattoo with a sakura branch may have a slightly different meaning. If it blooms, then such an image symbolizes the beginning of the life path, the desire for changes in life, the dawn in love and deeds, happiness and prosperity. A fading branch, on the contrary, does not bode well. It means lost hopes and unfulfilled expectations, disappointment in some person or even in yourself. Sometimes such a tattoo can symbolize a lost love or a broken heart.

Photo and meaning of a tattoo with a sakura flower

It is the flower of Japanese cherry in large-scale sketches that acts as a symbol of female beauty and youth, its gentle personification. In addition, this element in the sketch can carry the idea of ​​the fragility of a person, as well as the whole world, be a reminder that every moment of life should be appreciated.

In general, the meaning of a sakura tattoo in both women and men is even more global. Japanese cherry flowers are very small, and they disappear from the branches quickly, which symbolizes that there is much more evil in the world than good, and much more troubles for each person than joys. It is quite difficult to maintain naivety in the conditions of modern life, and the tattoo seems to denote an innocent and gentle person who is so hard to resist problems and troubles, like sakura - before gusts of wind.

The meaning of the sakura tree tattoo

Since then, this Japanese cherry symbolizes not only purity and innocence, but also grief, terrible suffering and injustice. Another interpretation of the symbol is connected with the story described above - courage, fearlessness, readiness to defend one's position. If the flowers near the tree are already falling, then such a tattoo can also mean pain over lost opportunities or a dead person.

Unlike the drawing of a sakura branch, which can have a double meaning, the tree itself is an extremely sad symbol. Such an association exists because of the story of a fearless villager named Sakura. He could not stand the beatings from his master and reported them to the Shogun (emperor) with a request to punish the evil person. The evidence of humiliation was the scars on the backs of Sakura's small children, received from the beatings of the owner. The shogun granted the request of the villager, but he got justice dearly - the angry owner, after the punishment, tied Sakura's children to the tree of the same name and flogged them to death.

A sakura flower tattoo may not have such a kind and gentle meaning. Since the publication of the works of Akiko Yosano, many Japanese have preserved the symbolism in her works, where the dead soldiers were compared with the flowers of a plant. Therefore, a sketch with such a symbol can also mean grief for a deceased relative or loved one.

Location for sakura tattoo on the body

The traditional place for a cherry blossom tattoo is the back. Emperors also stuffed this part of the body as a sign of their communion with the high society. Nowadays, masters offer their clients other places for tattoos. They become shoulders, arm, ribs, if the sketch is large. Men occasionally place a tattoo on their chest. In the case where the idea is in a small design, it can be placed on the ankle, forearm or wrist. Sometimes very tiny cherry blossoms are stuffed behind the ear or under the collarbone. Sakura tattoo designations do not change from the placement or position of the tattoo.

Japanese Cherry Tattoo Colors

Blooming sakura in a tattoo can differ in a wide variety of shades of flowers. It is worth noting that their color significantly affects the value of the thumbnail. Since the white color among the Japanese is associated with death, longing and sadness, so it is best suited for drawing an image with the meaning of grief or heartache. Pink, on the contrary, means the dawn of life, flowering, change for the better.

Often, the meaning of a sakura branch tattoo in a girl changes significantly due to the fact that she pursued fashion and stuffed a branch with scarlet falling flowers on her side, leg or back. The fact is that when these flowers (conditionally) fall off, they will turn into a bright red bunch of petals, resembling a pool of blood. so bright and beautiful tattoo with a gentle meaning, it becomes a symbol of bloody tears, hard battles, losses, and even health problems or imminent death.

If you are just trying to find the color for a cherry blossom tattoo from a photo and are not particularly interested in the meaning of this tattoo, we advise you to take a closer look at your skin tone. If you are the owner of pale skin, it is better to choose a sketch with pink flowers, and for owners of a beautiful tan, you can recommend a white shade.

What does a sakura tattoo mean for a girl and a guy?

An interesting fact is that a tattoo with an oriental cherry is not recommended for young girls, it is suitable only for adult women. The fact is that the meaning of a sakura tattoo for young girls does not carry any of the pleasant moments described above. Japanese cherry on the body will only bring early old age and make youth as fleeting as the flowering of a tree. For adult and mature women, a tattoo, on the contrary, can prolong youth and give a special charm.

The meaning of a sakura branch tattoo can be especially interesting if you make the stem quite large, wide and strong. Such a sketch will indicate that despite its fragility, its owner is ready to prove to the world her strength and resilience, to fight for her goals to the end.

Despite the somewhat romantic interpretation of the meaning of Japanese cherries, sakura tattoos are no less common in men than in women. Representatives of the stronger sex consider their sketches a sign of endurance and endurance, which really occurs as one of the designations of a tattoo. It is worth noting that guys most often fill not a separate tree, flower or branch, but combine the main idea with other Japanese motifs, complement the sketch with interesting details and make it more ambitious.

Photo tattoo with sakura in different styles

Sakura is considered the main motif in the traditional Japanese tattoo - irezumi. This symbol is often present in the sketches of another popular Oriental Oriental style. This technique is more common among European masters, and generally more appreciated by connoisseurs of tattoo culture. Oriental exists as if on the border of Eastern and Western cultures and takes into account the merits of both. Therefore, it will be easiest to make a Japanese sakura tattoo both beautiful and meaningful with the help of this style. A good oriental is necessarily colored and differs from other areas of symmetry, clarity of shapes and lines.

Another popular, but already European, technique for cherry blossoms can be considered watercolor. In this version, of course, they will look best female tattoos sakura. The peculiarity of the style is in some refinement, tenderness and at the same time negligence, which are created with the help of "paint streaks". This option can make the drawing more interesting and bright, help to avoid boring common sketches.

In the photo of a sakura tattoo for girls, it can be seen that there is another option for a drawing - minimalism. This neat style involves a small, discreet sketch, and is best suited to sensual, secretive natures who want to hide the tattoo from prying eyes.

Men usually settle for techniques such as the already mentioned oriental, as well as realism and the black and white tradition. They allow you to make the sketch quite interesting, but at the same time very restrained and neat, to some extent even courageous.

In Japan, what a sakura branch tattoo means can be greatly influenced not only by the color of the picture or the hieroglyphs located nearby on the sketch. For the masters of this country, the number of flowers, their location, and sometimes even the shape of the petals are also important.

If you want to depict a drawing on the body as accurately as possible and put one of the above values ​​​​into it, we advise you to take a responsible choice of the master, ideally he should even be a professional in the ancient art of the Japanese irezumi tattoo. However, in European culture, artists do not attach much importance to such trifles, and their work does not really carry such a deep meaning as tattoos from Japanese masters. In the photo of the tattoo, a branch of sakura shows that in different options The sketch of the flowers is not always carefully drawn: some small details or other features that are important for Japanese connoisseurs, but not for simple connoisseurs of tattoo as an art, are forgotten.

Think about what goal you are pursuing - to make a tattoo your symbol and even to some extent a patron, or just decorate yourself with a beautiful flower - and, based on this, choose a master.

In the material we invite you to learn everything about lavender tattoo meaning, the meaning and history of the tattoo design, get acquainted with examples. For those who have gathered in a tattoo parlor and have decided exactly what lavender will do, we suggest looking at two more materials on our site on this topic:

  • Sketches for lavender tattoo
  • Photo ready tattoo lavender

Lavender tattoo meaning - interesting information about the drawing and examples of finished tattoos in the photo

What does the drawing of lavender in a tattoo mean?

The fair sex love to decorate the body with a variety of colors. I would like to apply a quivering and delicate flower to the skin, so that at first glance there is some simplicity and fragility. Lavender tattoo meaning just such, although in addition the symbol grants long years of life, good health, and also helps to find your soul mate.

Veneration of lavender in different countries

Even the ancient Romans came up with the idea of ​​​​adding a few branches of a fragrant plant to the bath for cleansing and freshness. In ancient Egypt, lavender was so revered that it was grown in the sacred groves of the city of Thebes. The flower was used for aromatic fumigation of rooms, as well as for the preparation of healing drinks. In the ancient world, lavender had cultural, religious and commercial significance.

The Catholic Church has used lavender to ward off witches and sorcerers, as well as to exorcise the devil. Superstitious people always carried several branches of the plant with them, and also strengthened the dried bouquet at the entrance to the dwelling.

According to church legend, the Virgin Mary herself gave the flower a magical aroma. So she thanked the lavender for providing her branches to dry the clothes of little Jesus.

How is lavender depicted

A characteristic image of lavender is a bunch of thin twigs covered with small green leaves, completely showered with beautiful purple flowers. The drawing is dominated by long, elongated lines, so the tattoo is applied to the legs, shoulder blades, arms, sides.

Lavender tattoo meaning depends on the color scheme, which is preferred when drawing a picture. Drawing in dark saturated colors hints at mysticism, hidden meaning and mystery. More saturated violet tones of flowers evoke thoughts of a balanced character and tranquility. Blue delicate lavender indicates a serene nature, a readiness for adventure and a penchant for romantic daydreaming. The saturated green color of the stems speaks of cheerfulness, the desire to learn new things. But if you look closely, lavender is often dried in memory of a past love that has become a memory for a lifetime. But in the place of the old love, a new one will surely come, in the place of a dry lavender plant, next spring, fresh sprouts will stretch towards the sun, which will be completely covered with small purple flowers. Therefore, sometimes lavender is depicted as a symbol of cyclicity and rebirth.


Who will suit the tattoo with lavender

On the advice of astrologers, a sprig of lavender will bring happiness to people born under the sign of Leo. The flower will give them courage, determination, help to save strength. The Slavs, with the help of lavender sprigs, protected babies from the effects of evil spirits and dark forces. For pious people, the flower symbolized true faith and service to God. Therefore, lavender will suit many people, especially those who want to become bolder, more courageous and strengthen in faith.

Refined girls love to decorate their bodies with lavender, but couples often wear this flower as a sign of unfading and eternal love. In this case, two branches are most often depicted, tied with a ribbon.

Men apply lavender tattoos in honor of the upcoming wedding to capture a tender and reverent attitude towards their beloved. The inflorescence of this plant is associated with the French Provence style, in which simplicity is intertwined with sophistication. Previously, the symbol of lavender was often applied to the body by French soldiers in order to express love for their homeland in this way. But the most eccentric male tattoo the skull of a ram surrounded by sprigs of lavender is considered. Such a tattoo is a talisman and symbolizes courage, a deep mind and rationality of thinking.


Symbolic meaning

Most often, the fair sex tattoos with lavender in very inconspicuous places or hidden under clothing. A sprig of lavender looks very beautiful on the wrist, back or ribs. Such an image can act solo or be a component of a bouquet of flowers or an elegant bracelet. If lavender is complemented by poppy, then the picture has a mournful, sad shade.

Before finally making a decision about applying to one or another tattoo master, we advise you to familiarize yourself with additional information on the website tattoo-moscow.ru, where there is an impressive number of reviews about tattoo artists, their work and salons.

Prepared by: Vasyukhno Nelya Vasilievna

Flower tattoo and its meaning

IN modern world tattoos have taken on a new meaning. If earlier these mysterious symbols could be seen on the body of the military and prisoners, today tattoos are very popular among young girls. A modern tattoo is not only an expression of the inner world, but also a part of the image, as well as an opportunity for self-realization.

Women's tattoos: history and reason for popularity

They began to decorate the body with drawings many centuries ago, back in the days of primitive society. Tattoos denoted the belonging of people to a particular tribe. At the beginning of the 20th century, drawings on the body were predominantly in men, but about 20 years ago, representatives of the fair sex also picked up this hobby. Today, many girls not only seek to decorate their bodies with tattoos, but also show them to the whole world.

Tattoos for girls are an opportunity to emphasize their individuality and show their own "I". It is also a way to increase your attractiveness and emphasize sexuality. In some cases, the drawings on the body are the result of important life events, when a girl tries to capture love, parting or the appearance of a child in these symbols. In addition, a tattoo is an opportunity to hide unwanted defects on the body, such as scars or moles.

Types of popular tattoos for girls

The fair sex most of all prefer small, unpretentious patterns on the body, which, first of all, should carry aesthetic appeal. Among girls, tattoos of flowers, butterflies, stars, fairies, hearts, Japanese hieroglyphs and various ornaments are especially popular. In this case, compositions of several drawings are often used. So, it is customary to combine names with hearts, flowers with ornaments and stars.

The most popular places for tattooing are the back, shoulder blades, ankles and wrists. The sexiest are the lower back and ankles. At the same time, you should pay attention to the fact whether you can hide the pattern under your clothes, since, for example, at a business event, an open back with a pattern will look completely out of place.

Tattoos for girls: flowers

Every year, drawings in the form of flowers are gaining more and more popularity among girls. But before applying this seemingly completely harmless pattern to the body, it is worth knowing its meaning. Indeed, in the most ordinary, unpretentious flower, an incredibly deep meaning can be hidden. In addition, the location and color scheme of the pattern is of great importance.

Since ancient times, the inflorescence in the form of a bowl has been considered a female symbol. The flower tattoo was the embodiment of the flowering of nature. Traditionally, such drawings symbolize the cycle of birth, development of life, reproduction of offspring, extinction and rebirth. At the same time, in different cultures, the same sign can be interpreted in its own way.

Flowers are one of the most mysterious and mysterious symbols. They are a reflection of the inner world and the character of its owner. By the appearance, color and composition of flower drawings, you can guess the desires and preferences of the girl, as well as try to uncover secrets.

What do flower tattoos hide? The meaning of each symbol will be considered separately.


The rose is the brightest and most popular flower, which is "worshipped" by millions of women around the world. She is a symbol of eternal love. At the same time, the tattoo implies a pure immaculate feeling that can withstand the test not only of distance, but also for years.

According to ancient Greek legend, initially all roses were white. One day, the goddess of love, Aphrodite, hurt her finger on sharp thorns, as a result of which red flowers appeared. According to the laws of alchemy, the rose is considered a symbol of knowledge and enlightenment. In Christianity, it symbolizes sacrifice. In ancient Rome, this flower was used to give conversations an atmosphere of mystery. If we consider it from the point of view of Tarot cards, then it is an indicator of balance and balance.

Young women of fashion choose a flower primarily for its beauty. From the point of view of tattoos, a rose means beauty that can only be contemplated, but cannot be touched. In addition, even strong men prefer this beautiful flower to adorn their body, to swear eternal love.

If you decide to make a rose tattoo, you should know that a flower without thorns means pure love, with thorns - difficult relationship with many barriers. A black rose is romance and sadness, the pain of loss and loss, red is passion and desire, white is tenderness and purity, burgundy is spiritual harmony, blue is the pursuit of perfection, blue is the denial of principles and rules.


The lotus flower tattoo has many different interpretations. First of all, it is a sign of perfection, purity and purity, boundless happiness and tranquility. It is believed that a girl with a lotus on her body brings light and beauty, can overcome many obstacles in order to reach the highest point of perfection. Often this flower is considered a symbol of the sun and the balance between the forces of nature. In India, it is a sign of femininity and fertility.

Lotus is very popular among girls, because this flower allows you to emphasize your intelligence, beauty and even greatness. Many cultures consider it a sign of immortality and spiritual harmony.


The orchid flower tattoo is considered the strongest in terms of energy. The sophistication, pride and originality of this flower will captivate a large number of girls who want to show their inner strength. In the East, the orchid is considered a symbol of wealth and luxury. For the Chinese, the orchid is a sign of beauty, love and harmony. In addition, many consider it a talisman that gives vitality.

Girls choose orchid tattoos for the opportunity to emphasize their originality, sexuality, as well as fragility and love of life. Very often the flower is combined with insects, ornaments and leaves.


Along with bright popular flowers, you can often see ordinary field flowers. So, a simple dandelion has a huge hidden meaning.

A girl who chooses such a blooming pattern will immediately attract attention. This simple, but at the same time very unusual tattoo is an indicator of vitality, joy and determination. Usually it can be seen in bright positive natures. Romantics choose a flower with flying parachutes. Dandelion is considered an indicator of the truth of unfading beauty.


A simple yellow-white flower is an indicator of purity and tenderness. In the tattoo world, daisies are considered a symbol of youth and naivety, freshness and purity. Traditionally, chamomile is used for divination, so tattoos with it have some kind of magic. Usually such tattoos are chosen by cheerful cheerful girls who are true to their principles and value friendship. But sometimes this flower is applied as a symbol of loneliness and parting.

Flower tattoos are incredibly beautiful and attractive. Each girl can put such a pattern on her body, while giving it a special meaning. The variety of tattoo options in the form of flowers is huge. However, they can be combined with each other or add new characters.

Flower tattoos: meaning

The main tattoos of flowers and the secret meaning contained in them:

  1. Astra - beauty, humility, modesty.
  2. Azalea - restraint, purity.
  3. Orange - immortality and good luck.
  4. Bamboo is constancy.
  5. Cherry - hope, beauty.
  6. Carnation - love and devotion.
  7. Geranium - tenderness and tranquility.
  8. Oak - longevity, wisdom, endurance.
  9. Jasmine is happiness.
  10. Iris - wisdom.
  11. Cedar - strength and greatness.
  12. Clover is the unity of the body, soul and spirit.
  13. Lily of the valley - purity and modesty.
  14. Lily - purity.
  15. Lotus - grace, perfection, beauty.
  16. Magnolia - beauty and charm.
  17. Daisy - purity and innocence.
  18. Narcissus is pride.
  19. Orchid - luxury, grace, beauty.
  20. Palm - superiority, victory.
  21. Tulip - tenderness and charm.
  22. Chrysanthemum - determination and confidence.
  23. Saffron - sexuality and passion.

Location of tattoos on the body

Most often, the back is chosen for placement of tattoos. "Large sizes" allow you to create a real work of art here. Mostly back tattoos are preferred by men, but women also try to keep up with them. Flower tattoos on the back of girls are mainly located in the lower part. This is a way to emphasize your feminine attractiveness and sexuality. Representatives of the strong half of humanity choose more serious symbols and place them mainly on the shoulders or shoulder blades.

Girls most often choose small patterns that are distinguished by simplicity and sophistication. For beautiful people, tattoos are a way to show their independence and originality.

Flower tattoos on the arm are one of the most popular options for girls. The drawing can be easily disguised and hidden under clothing, or, conversely, made it a bright detail of the image. Very often, girls can see cute tattoos on their shoulder, forearm and even wrist.

A tattoo on the neck is an indicator of romance. Drawings on the back of the neck under the hair are popular. This adds coquettishness to the image and attracts the attention of men, especially if the drawing is small and bright, because even the most serious man will find an unexpected symbol curious.

Drawings on the legs are also very popular. Flowers wrapped around the ankle look very original and attractive. But the drawings and inscriptions on the thigh will be an indicator of sexuality and attractiveness.

Whatever pattern you choose to decorate the body, it will emphasize your individuality, beauty and unique originality. A flower tattoo will become a "mirror" of your inner world.

The meaning of the sakura tattoo

Facts, history, examples and meaning of sakura tattoo

Sakura is a Japanese cherry tree, an integral part of the culture and symbolism of the land of the rising sun. Blooming sakura is a spectacle of amazing beauty and grace, which is why it is so revered by the Japanese. By the way, the inhabitants of Japan even have a holiday dedicated to admiring sakura - hanami. This celebration has become a favorite tradition and ritual, and also entered the list of official holidays of the country.

Cherry blossom tattoo on female shoulder

Despite such an inspiring meaning, sakura in Japan is also a symbol of sadness and sorrow. This is due to a legend that speaks of a fearless Japanese villager whose name was Sakura. The unfortunate inhabitant of the village was forced to endure beatings and humiliation from his master, but one day he could not stand it and decided to turn to the shogun for help. The so-called shoguns, in Japanese culture, are generals, commanders-in-chief of several armies. After listening to Sakura, the shogun did not believe at first, but as proof, Sakura brought his children and showed their backs, streaked with marks from the prince's whip. The shogun punished the cruel prince, but he, after some time, took revenge on Sakura, tying his children to a flowering tree and constipating with a whip to death.

Sakura in a tattoo on the side for a girl

Since then, the cherry blossom tree, in addition to the symbol of purity and innocence, has been reminiscent of heavy grief and suffering.

Tattoo Meaning

Sakura tattoo is a common image among wearable drawings, as it looks very beautiful and at the same time is filled with deep meaning. The image of sakura among women is especially popular. Considering that the tree itself blooms for a very short time - it can last from several days to a couple of hours, then sakura tattoo meaning in this sense is identified with the transience of life. Previously, the cherry blossom tattoo was applied to the Japanese nobles as a symbol of devotion to their state and people. The image of a sakura with a drawing of a tiger next to it symbolized power and justice.

Hieroglyph and sakura in a complex tattoo

In Buddhism, sakura is considered a symbol of impermanence and frailty of being. Poets often associated sakura with past youth and love. The fact that women prefer sakura tattoos is explained by the fact that its flowering tree symbolizes female beauty and youth. The sakura that has just begun to bloom is a sign of the beginning of a life journey. The image of sakura is the whole cycle of human life.

Flower tattoo meaning (option)

In the material we will analyze flower tattoo meaning, the meaning and history of the drawing of this tattoo. We will answer the main question of everyone who thinks about such a tattoo: “What does this or that flower in a tattoo mean?”.

Of course, as always, we will offer you the opportunity to see photos of finished flower tattoos and sketches for such tattoos, which have found their place in the following thematic sections of our tattoo catalog:

  • Photo of flower tattoos
  • Sketches for tattooing with a flower

What is the meaning, history, interpretation and meaning of a flower tattoo

Even ancient people were looking for a way to emphasize the beauty of their body with the help of drawings on the body. Such images, apart from an aesthetic function. They also performed a symbolic one: each drawing carried certain information. In the modern world, interest in tattoos is very significant and they still have an aesthetic function, but people have begun to forget about the need to determine the meaning of their chosen symbol.

Popular places for flower tattoosFlower tattoo on the arm
flower leg tattoo
flower tattoo on back
flowers on shoulder tattoo
flower tattoo on thigh
belly tattoo flowers Popular combinations of a flower in a white flower tattoo
lotus flower tattoo
sakura flowers tattoo
henna flower tattoo
lily flower tattoo
rose flower tattoo
butterfly on a flower tattoo
tattoo watercolor flowers
japan flowers tattoo

Representatives of the fair sex prefer to decorate themselves with tattoos with a variety of colors, and it is not surprising, since it is flowers that evoke associations with such important qualities for a woman as grace, beauty, tenderness, fragility.

If you decide to make a tattoo in the form of a flower, then it is better to get acquainted with the symbolism of these beautiful plants before contacting the master. In our material, you will learn the most popular flowers for tattoos, find out their meaning, and also understand which flower can emphasize your individuality.

What does a flower tattoo mean in different versions and cultures?

The rose is the favorite flower of millions of women and, accordingly, the most fashionable flower for tattoos. Over the centuries, the symbolism of this romantic flower has been the most varied. In the Middle Ages, it was worn by those sentenced to death and alchemists, who considered this flower a symbol of liberation from human passions. But the main meaning of the rose is primordial, pure love. A prickly rose always carries negative information - it is a symbol of loss and thoughtlessness.

Among lovers of Eastern philosophy, the lotus flower is very popular. Its meaning is not only the wisdom of the East, but also the dualism of the universe: sin and good deed, evil and good, shadow and light. All this is very symbolic, because despite all the beauty of this flower, the lotus with its roots goes far into the depths of the dark lake.

Sakura is a flower that has become the main symbol of Japanese philosophy. He personifies the transience of all things and, above all, youth and love. It's amazing that at one time sakura was just a flower of high society in Japan, without any philosophy.
No less Japanese elite revered the chrysanthemum, which was also a symbol of happiness and love of life.
It is very popular among girls to choose a noble orchid flower for a tattoo, which looks very fragile and feminine in appearance. But the Japanese warriors considered the orchid a flower of heroism and courage. In China, he brought happiness, prosperity.
The most diverse flower in its meaning is the lily: youth, sinlessness, purity and beauty. But color has an equally important symbolism. Feminine purity is symbolized by a light flower of white or pink color. At the same time, dark lilies are the flowers of a passionate person, orange ones are free and whole. We all remember the "Three Musketeers" by A. Dumas, where the lily on Milady's body meant that she was an accessible woman. Therefore, before applying a drawing, be prepared that this symbol may be associated with easy behavior.

Tattoo lovers do not forget the spring flower tulip either. Its meaning may vary depending on the color. Scarlet is passion, sultryness, emotionality, and yellow is parting, disappointment and meanness.

Quite often, clover is chosen for a tattoo, as this plant has always been mysterious and enigmatic. Clover with three leaves means the unity of spirit, soul and body. A four-leaf clover is a talisman that protects and brings good luck.

The most important thing to know when choosing a tattoo is yourself. If you know yourself enough, then it will not be difficult for you to choose the flower that will perfectly complement your image and become your calling card.

Sakura tattoo - meaning

In pursuit of beauty, many women are ready for a lot, plastic surgery, piercing, etc., it has become especially popular these days to decorate your body with a variety of patterns, namely tattoos. The fair sex, as a rule, prefers to make tattoos that are distinguished by elegance and tenderness, such as sakura. In this article we will talk about what is the meaning of a cherry blossom tattoo.

The meaning of sakura tattoos in women

Sakura is a symbol of innocence, fragility, sensuality and beauty, in Japan there is even a holiday dedicated to this plant. On this day, people put aside their business and spend all their free time admiring the beautiful cherry buds, so it is not surprising that sakura tattoos are so popular among women.

The sakura tattoo stands for perseverance, devotion, symbolizes human life (speaking of the inevitable: birth, prosperity and death). Very often, girls apply sakura tattoos on their arm, for example, on their shoulder, a beautiful image of cherry blossoms looks very impressive and symbolizes beauty, youth and tenderness, naivety.

If you wish to do big tattoo sakura, it is better to place it on the back. By the way, in ancient times, Japanese emperors and their entourage put the image of this tree on their backs as a sign of love and loyalty to their subjects, and if they also added the image of a tiger, then this spoke of justice, integrity and authority of a person.

If you don't like big tattoos, you can get a small cherry blossom tattoo on your ankle. It can be a branch with fading buds, as a symbol of lost love and hope. Well, on the wrist it will be interesting and stylish to look like a tattoo of blossoming sakura, which means the beginning of something new, kind and bright.

The meaning of a sakura branch tattoo?

all tattoos have a meaning, but if you stuff sakura, what is its meaning?

Feya afeliya

Sakura is the most beautiful symbol of Japan.

Sakura means innocence, youth, beauty, as well as perishability, fragility of being, grief.

Before applying such a tattoo on the body, one must also take into account the fact that the sakura fades very quickly, this beautiful flower is more suitable for older women, because after applying to the body of young girls, the mood deteriorates, they seem to go out before our eyes, because the fading sakura, it is youth that fades, lost love and effort.

Once upon a time, a Japanese prince, in order to show his devotion to the country, applied flowers, a branch of sakura on his back, if they also painted a tiger, then such a tattoo meant power and great strength.

So a tattoo in the form of a sakura branch means youth, birth, withering, it's like our life, we are born, bloom, grow older, and then fade in an instant.