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» What is kindred karma and how to purify it. The law of karma and the cleansing of karma Do-it-yourself karma cleansing

What is kindred karma and how to purify it. The law of karma and the cleansing of karma Do-it-yourself karma cleansing

Karma diagnosis. Work off karmic debt. Changing and improving karma

Cleansing karma in Yekaterinburg

If the word "karma" is translated from Sanskrit into Russian, then this word will mean "action". These are not just some actions, but also thoughts, words and desires of a person.

From this follows the law of karma: every action we take has certain consequences. Even the smallest action can lead to some result.

Karma can be good or bad. It depends on what will be the actions of a person committed by him in relation to the world around him.

From this law follows the essence of karma: "as you sow, so shall you reap." Many people know this proverb. If someone does bad deeds, the consequences will not be the best. And vice versa: if you sow good, then the results will be good.

In simple terms, karma is a boomerang. This is the principle according to which everything that a person gives, he receives back. The boomerang law applies to all his actions, desires, words and thoughts.

Some say that they were lucky, that some event happened by chance. But the law of karma does not provide for accidents and good or bad coincidences. Everything happens not “just like that”, by chance, but because there is some reason for it.

If people knew the law of karma well, then before they say or do something, they would think well. They would understand that every action would have consequences, either good or bad.

Bad karma appears after committing bad deeds that entail adverse consequences. It can be compared with a loan: you need to give it back, sometimes with interest. The sooner you give it away, the better. It's the same with bad karma.

If you are wondering: how to clear karma, then I can say that for this, first of all, you need to change yourself. You need to be able to admit and correct your own mistakes and forgive people.

Only if you are ready to change yourself and change your life, I will be able to carry out the cleansing of karma, which will give a positive and long-term result.

Karma is being cleansed by displacing low-frequency energy with high-frequency energy. This is done with the help of my pronunciation of special mantras and prayers.

A Reiki master can help in this matter, i.e. the energy healer that I am.

I conduct healing sessions during which I saturate the distorted energy zone with special energy. This creates a channel of "clean" energy that restores all distortions.

Working off karma

Almost every person wants to cleanse karma and get rid of sins. For this, karma is worked off, based on the following principle: karma is worked out the faster, the more good deeds you do.

Good deeds should not satisfy your own ego, i.e. Your own desires rather be directed to the outside world. Only in this way can karma be changed in a positive direction.

You can carry out the cleansing of karma on your own if you work on yourself, highlight the main values ​​​​for yourself and abandon everything sinful. This is a long and painstaking work, but it is very important in the matter of purifying karma.

It is necessary to do deeds and deeds that bring good, selflessly help people. Only realizing their own mistakes, and understanding the reasons for their bad karma, a person can turn to me for help.

Karma Diagnostics

To help a person embark on the true path of repentance, it is necessary to diagnose karma, i.e. determination of their sins.

I diagnose karma and help people realize their mistakes. After that, thanks to special techniques, I carry out the purification of karma.

You can work out karmic debt if you adhere to certain principles. If you commit any misconduct or action that caused damage to something or someone, then it must be compensated in a larger amount.

Types of karma

Karma can be positive or negative.

All varieties of karma are present in the life of every person, and his life karma is their totality.

The predominance of positive, good karma provides great opportunities for the fulfillment of desires and the realization of human dreams. If negative, bad karma is present to a greater extent, then it carries only disappointments and suffering.

Human Karma

The individual karma of a person consists of a set of actions committed by him in past and present lives. This means that all the actions that a person has ever done will necessarily lead to some kind of consequences.

Karma men

A man's karma is his potential and duty to be strong, to create, to move humanity and his family forward.

A man is a fighter, he explores new horizons, conquers new peaks.

Woman's Karma

A woman's karma is slightly different from a man's karma.

A woman also ensures progress, but she also improves the world around her, takes care of her man and her children.

This task is more difficult, therefore, the female half of humanity is given more opportunities and strength to carry out these karmic tasks.

love karma

If people live together, but do not love each other or, on the contrary, love, but building relationships is impossible, this means that the karma of love is active, happy or not. This can be the karma of relationships and love according to the laws of karma, which can be changed.

Love karma changes only after the payment of karmic debts. After that, the karmic attachment weakens.

Karma of marriage

The union of two people who knew each other in a past life is a karmic marriage in which they must pay each other any debts.

These people in a past life could be spouses, relatives or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together so that the karma of marriage was worked out, all sins were atoned for.

We can say that the karma of a partner is soul mates, people who are partners. A karmic connection is love at first sight.

If a karmic relationship has arisen with a partner, then you must realize what exactly you need to correct and change in your current marriage, because such relationships are drawn from a past life.

I will help you understand the causes of your problems with your spouse, I will tell you about the main karmic tasks of family and marriage. I will help you work off your karmic debt.

sex karma

The sexual act is not just a physiological process, but an exchange of energies between partners. Therefore, the karma of sex is not an easy issue, and it needs to be approached seriously.

Having sex, you can get negative energy from a person, which at one time he could “pick up” from previous partners.

Kind Karma

There is a kind of karma - the residual energy of our ancestors.

This is their information field, positively or negatively affecting the life of their descendant.

All people have a generic karma, which is impossible to completely get rid of. Children inherit from their parents traits of character and appearance, and together with them - tribal karma.

Bad family, tribal karma is manifested in unbalanced, inharmonious relations between family members, in their inadequate reactions to the actions of other people.

I purify family, tribal karma so that peace, understanding, goodwill and friendliness are established in your marriage or relations with children, parents.

Birth Karma

The fate of a person, his goal in this life is the karma of birth, which depends on the numbers that make up the date of his birth. Karma is calculated by date of birth simply. Through this, you can know your destiny.

I will help you find out the whole truth about yourself - about your present, past, about your past lives, as well as about the main karmic tasks of your current life.

money karma

There is a close relationship between money and karma, since it is the karma of money that determines the amount of finance a person has.

Money karma can be positive or negative.

Good money karma brings wealth, and bad money karma, respectively, poverty. I can change the karma of money, but for this a person must independently follow certain principles.

No need to envy someone else's wealth, talk badly about money. A person must treat them with respect and care. You should not be greedy and complain about the lack of funds.

Only positive thinking can change your money karma for the better.

I will help you attract money, earn their favor, and keep them attached to you for years to come!

name karma

The karma of a name is determined by its meaning.

The fate of a person, his destiny in this life depends on the name.

If you choose the wrong name for the newborn, he may have karmic debts that will need to be worked out.

Everyone wants to know their purpose, so I carefully look at the fate of a person to get a complete picture of his purpose in life.

Karma of the future

The karma of the future is determined by the state of the soul, the thoughts that we have in the present. All of them will appear in the future.

It is possible to carry out a change in the karma of the future if you correctly model actions in the present.

I will help you understand the meaning of your existence - I will explain your karmic task, tell you about your mistakes and help you correct them.

Karma and reincarnation

Our current life, its quality and well-being - all this is influenced by the karma of past lives in which we experienced various emotions and situations.

At the moment when we are born into the world, we have the karma of life, which depends on the course of past lives.

The concepts of karma and reincarnation must be distinguished, but, nevertheless, they have something in common.

People create negative karma all the time, which needs to be balanced somehow. And reincarnation for a person is a great opportunity to cleanse karma and atone for all sins.

I will tell you about the reasons for the karmic attachment and how you can work off your karmic debt. I clear my karma.

Karma of loneliness

The karma of loneliness is sent to a person so that he can analyze and correctly assess those situations that arose in past lives, but were solved by him incorrectly.

There are the following karmic causes of loneliness:

  • - in past incarnations, people were looking for love, but did not find it;
  • - a person created an idol, but in the end was left without real communication;
  • - the person did not become a support and support for the closest people: relatives, friends;
  • - in past lives there was a sacrifice of personal life for the sake of children.

Karma of parents and children

The karma of the mother is transferred to the son, and the karma of the father is transferred to the daughter. Depending on what gender the firstborn is born in the family, his parents need to find out the relationship with their mothers and fathers.

The karma of parents and the karma of children are closely interconnected, and the birth of a child is a kind of clue that helps to reveal hidden conflicts with parents in time.

Everyone has karmic generic programs, because children receive character traits and appearance, habits, and any hereditary diseases from their parents.

I make a diagnosis of karma, and if violations of the karmic family connection are revealed, I clear the karma.

Surname Karma

The karma of a surname differs from the karma of a name in that a surname is a kind of “seal” on a person that will always accompany him.

She can tell about any profession to which all carriers of the surname devoted their lives, about family characteristics, character traits, etc.

Changing your surname is a very serious step, and if you are afraid that by changing your surname, you can harm yourself and worsen your life, contact me.

I will diagnose the karma of the surname and tell you how its change can affect your life.

Karma and sins

Sins are wrong deeds, and the karma of sins is retribution for them.

There is a karma of debt that needs to be cleansed.

You should not have any debts: neither to other people, nor to the Universe - because sooner or later they will turn into karmic debts.

You need to get rid of all sins in order to purify your karma, to realize and remember them.

I will help you with this. I will diagnose karmic debt and clear your karma.

Punishment of Karma

Man is sent karmic punishment for violating Spiritual Laws. This punishment is a negative impact: energetic or situational.

The energy punishment of karma blocks the feelings of a person, causes various mental and bodily diseases.

Situational punishment of karma destroys his goals and plans, creates conflicts, leads to poverty.

Karmic debt

A karmic debt arises due to a person's failure to fulfill obligations to God and the Higher Forces. This leads to the fact that he becomes a debtor and other karmic consequences.

There are the following reasons for the occurrence of karmic debt:

  • - non-fulfillment by a person of his obligations;
  • - a person does not realize his karmic destiny, refuses his goals in life;
  • - misappropriation of another's property to oneself;
  • - a person does not develop his soul, does not strive for spiritual and personal growth; - irresponsible attitude of a person to family, work.

Karmic debt is worked out in my sessions.

Cleansing karma is a complex and painstaking process.

First you need to find out when, and for what reason, karmic debt was formed.

Diagnostics of karma, karmic debt, causes of karmic punishments are made.

I help a person to find out all the root causes of his problems. Then he should sincerely repent, apologize.

After that, I will perform a ritual to free a person from karmic debt.

improve karma

To the question: what to do to improve karma, and how to work off the debt of karma, the answer is simple and understandable.

You need to be able to forgive people and ask for forgiveness from them.

It is necessary to learn to love yourself and the world around you, to provide disinterested help to those in need.

But the main thing: a person must find his life mission; find out the purpose to be fulfilled by him.

I can help you with this.

I will tell you everything about your karma: the causes of karmic debt, the purpose of your current life and its karma. I perform cleansing and improvement of karma.

Only after a person finds mutual language with my soul, in my sessions, karma is worked out.

It is very, very difficult to clean karma on your own, and with the help of magic it is generally impossible to do it yourself.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to prevent absolutely all karmic consequences, and it will not be possible to completely cleanse karma, because a person may simply be unaware of many karmic programs embedded in the mind.

But you can get rid of most of the sins, the reasons for which you and I know.

Remember that the purification of karma should be carried out only if you sincerely want it.

I can help you only with your strong desire and great diligence, so that the result is not short-term, but long and effective.

The Mahabharata says that just as a calf will always find its mother cow in a pasture with hundreds of cows, so karma will always find a person. Therefore, a person should act wisely. Because of ignorance, a person commits inappropriate deeds and is forced to reap their fruits according to the cosmic law of justice.
The Vedas say that the type of body the soul receives depends on the consciousness in which a person dies, and the conditions of birth (family, country, life expectancy, health, wealth) a person receives depending on the karma of past lives. What misdeeds cause me to suffer and get sick? What role does consciousness play? Can I change karma? The Vedas answer these important, intelligent questions.
Karma is a cosmic law.
Kosmos is a Greek word and it means "orderly, intelligent system". The polar ancient Greek word is chaos. The cosmos is an ordered system, where everything makes sense and has its own logic. It also has its own laws.
The law is outside of faith. It doesn't matter if I believe or not: the law is the law, and operates within the limits of the cosmos.
Everything in the universe belongs to the law of karma: the birth of planets, and the crying of a child in a neighboring apartment.

Karma and destiny.
All Western philosophy can be divided into 2 camps: on the one hand, representatives of the doctrine of predestination or fate, and on the other hand, adherents of the doctrine of free will.
Both camps are in a protracted state of dispute and understanding the law of karma is able to try on two warring parties.
Just because we can't handle fate doesn't mean we don't have free will.
Karma, in fact, is only the fourth phase of action: what has already happened (prarabdha).
However, there are also 3 previous steps.
Bija is the first phase. Literally means "seed". This is karma in the form of a seed. If the factors are favorable, then the fruit of karma will grow from the seed.
In fact, these are our desires. Material, or spiritual, they lead us to certain decisions: to fulfill this particular desire or not. This is the second stage.
Kuta-stha is the decision-making phase. At this stage, we are able to stop and not make dangerous decisions. But if, nevertheless, the action is completed, then this is the next stage.
Here it is necessary to understand the following point. Desires are sinful and non-sinful. Some of them can be tolerated, while others cannot. Some desires are even dangerous to endure. For example, untimely fulfillment of the natural needs of the body can lead to serious illnesses.
There are two ways to deal with sinful desires. First, they can simply be tolerated, and then they will burn in the flames of asceticism. But there are desires that are very difficult to endure, and then they need to be purified by engaging in the service of God. For example, sexual desires can be very strong, but if a person creates a pious family and uses sex to beget children, then this desire is purified.
In this regard, knowledge frees from karma, giving a complete picture of the sinful and non-sinful forms of desires and the ways of patience and the use of sinful desires. For this, it is necessary to accept a Spiritual Master.

Phalon-mukha. This phase occurs after the action has taken place. A chain reaction began, and the wheel of karma began to spin. And, as a result, the last chain of this reaction will be me again. The freedom present in the previous stages has ended.
As a result of this law, our action will acquire logical completion: I will be obliged to experience the same thing. This is the phase - prarabdha.
Therefore, what we call fate is the reactions that come to us according to the law of karma. And always the cause of these reactions is ourselves. Paul's epistle says, "Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."
The real reason for the formation of karma is activity in the material consciousness. The desire to enjoy leads to action, and this action causes the desire to do it again and again. In experiments with rats, a wire was connected to the rat's pleasure center, and she died pressing a button that turned on the current, unable to move away. Often we ourselves are looking for this button, but having found it, we cannot move away and are forced to move from body to body, prompted by the material consciousness.
Therefore, it is useless and stupid to look for those responsible for our happiness or suffering. An Indian proverb says, "When I point one finger at another, three fingers point at me."
Good and evil.
There is a relative understanding of good and evil. For example, what is food for one is poison for another. This is as it should be, since this is what determines our free will.
But, if we are talking about the whole world, then it is necessary to accept the existence of cosmic norms of good and evil. These norms are described in the Vedic literatures and other revealed scriptures.
For example, such actions as loving your neighbor, helping those who are in trouble, not committing adultery, etc., are accepted as good. On the other hand, violence and murder are considered bad actions.
Having understood the cosmic norms of morality, a person is able to act correctly in any situation not on the basis of relative rules, but on the basis of global truth.
If we think about absolute morality, then when karmic consequences come to us, we should draw appropriate conclusions and thus learn from our own examples.
Every event in our life should become a lesson in cosmic morality for us. All life will turn into a school of morality and holiness, which will lead us to self-improvement in one lifetime.
The best exposition of perfect moral standards is the Vedic work Bhagavad-gita, by studying which you can learn how to act correctly in any situation that arises.
Karma is the process of fulfillment of desires.
Any of our desires can be fulfilled according to the laws of karma. Two factors must be taken into account: our desires and our capabilities. Desires may sometimes not coincide with opportunities. Opportunities can be compared with the money earned and they may not be enough for the planned plan, but using the laws of karma, you can increase your stock of funds and fulfill your plan.
Only one desire cannot be fulfilled - the desire to become God. This place is already taken.
We can become anyone and do anything, and the price is already indicated in the scriptures, but are we ready to pay it.
But the most amazing thing is that such a mindset will not lead us to exaltation. Moreover, the desire to enjoy more and more material ideas is a sinful activity, and it is compared to chewing what has already been chewed.
The path to the development of consciousness lies through the rejection of material plans and the complete deliverance from material desires.

Categories of karma:
Sanchita Karma.
This is a complete balance of all karma accumulated from past lives in human births. Prarabha-karma.
These are the "good" and "bad" consequences meant for this birth. Prarabha karma cannot be changed, it can only be tolerated and appropriate conclusions drawn.
This is an area of ​​free choice, limited by the characteristics of prarabha-karma. Actions done in this area create karma for future births (good or bad) or lead to liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
The choice of the quality of an act will depend on the quality of our consciousness. It can be pious or unpious.
Blessed Consciousness.
Causes a desire to benefit not oneself, but others. This is a sign of an evolving consciousness, and such a person deserves our fellowship. As a rule, such a person himself seeks communication with a similar level of consciousness, so it will not be difficult to establish contact. Relationships at this level of consciousness bring satisfaction even when unpleasant situations arise.
As a test, we can determine the situation when a source of anxiety interferes in our lives. For example, a neighbor nails a shelf behind a wall for a long time, and you want to sleep. If you have a sincere desire to help a neighbor, you really get up and go to help him, then this is an example of pious consciousness. If anger arises in the mind and the desire to deal with the source of anxiety is a sign of an impious mind.
Unholy consciousness.
An impious consciousness forces one to act for one's own sake, disregarding the interests of others. Such selfish activity contradicts the laws of harmony and communication with such a person is also unfavorable for the development of our consciousness.
Ahami karma.
This is the karma of future births if the present birth is not the last one.
These are wrong actions that lead to disregard for the laws of God, degradation in the cycle of birth and death, endless suffering and rebirth in animal life forms. Vikarma is the exact opposite of akarma. Vikarma can manifest itself in four forms of action.
Actions directed against parents.
Actions directed against the family.
Actions directed against society.
Actions directed against humanity.
collective karma.
Karma affecting the future of humanity is collective karma. This is the sum of the individual karma of all people in a particular group. For example, in a dead plane or bus, everyone was not accidental.
The law of collective karma forces us to perform the same actions and, accordingly, receive the same consequences. For example, the inhabitants of Russia must eat potatoes, and this leads to common types of diseases.
Therefore, as humanity behaves, such a future awaits it. As long as people open more and more slaughterhouses, wars will continue.

Karma and health.
Vikarma leads to godlessness, and the loss of faith in God, according to the Charaka Samhita, is considered the root of all diseases.
From the point of view of Ayurveda, the worst karma is our habit of worrying over trifles. The Padma Purana states that - “There is no greater sorrow than the habit of worrying. Because this habit weakens the body. We get attached to insignificant things, be it a box of matches or a car, and worry different ways: afraid of theft, breakage, aging, etc.
Modern research supports this view, and for good reason: emotional stress is considered the number one killer of the twentieth century.
Gross and subtle karma.
Both gross and subtle actions have consequences.
In the old days, gross karmic consequences came even for subtle karmic actions - inner desires and thoughts.
Now the laws of karma are more loyal, and subtle karmic consequences come after subtle karmic influences, which are expressed in anxiety, pangs of conscience, an unpleasant feeling on the soul, etc.
Cleansing from such consequences is possible both on a subtle level and on a gross one. On the subtle plane, we can repent, internally change our attitude, promise ourselves not to think like that again. On a gross level, direct action is possible in the form of apologizing to the object of thought, taking sound vows, physical avoidance of adverse situations thought out in the mind.
Getting rid of karma.
The consequences can be canceled if: a person fully pays for his act through such suffering or fully repents. Karmic consequences manifest in the form of disturbances. Therefore, when we sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness, peace comes. It is good to do this daily repentance before going to bed, which will give you the opportunity to calmly relax and think about the coming day in terms of the mistakes you have just made.
One of the spiritual teachers remarkably said, “Every day we must forget two things - all the good things we did yesterday and all the bad things that others did for us yesterday. And two things we must remember every day - God and that death can come at any moment.
It is necessary to distinguish between complete repentance and modern repentance, which is expressed in a weekly trip to church. If a person continues to perform the same actions after repentance, then this only aggravates his karma, since it is essentially an example of an offensive consciousness.
Complete liberation from karma comes with complete liberation from sinful activities. The path to this lies through gaining faith in God. Lack of faith itself is the root cause of all karmic activities. But turning to the ruler of karma - God - leads to a quick and irrevocable deliverance from all the consequences of sinful deeds.
The number of sinful consequences cannot be measured in kilograms, tons or millions of lives. It is impossible to get rid of even a fraction of the accumulated reactions by one's own efforts. But the grace of God in response to sincere repentance is able to stop and change the quantity and quality of the consequences that come.
Karma and attitude to time.
The loss of precious time causes the greatest suffering. Ostrovsky wrote: “One must live life in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years.”
Any missed action causes lasting anxiety. Didn't have time to go to college - you suffer for a whole year. The woman did not have time to give birth - she suffers all her life. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand your duty and fulfill it on time and with concentration.
Karma and animals.
Births in animal bodies do not create karma. The bodies of animals are in the form of bhoga-yoni, they can only enjoy or suffer.
Karma and prescribed duties.
Karmic deeds are deeds that lead to suffering. In fact, any material actions and thoughts lead either to pious consequences or to impious ones. But in any case, there will be suffering. Whether in heaven or hell, we will have to suffer for one reason or another. Paradise is also a temporary place of residence of the soul and is a cluster of planets of a higher type, where sensual pleasures are more vividly and lastingly manifested, but it is all the more painful to part with them when the time comes. It can be compared to a trip to a resort. Fun and festivities, but the money is running out and it's time to return.
How to perform activities that do not cause suffering?
This activity is above violence and non-violence. Very often, without using violence, a person performs a heavy karmic action. For example, a policeman who does not pay attention to a crime. The law of karma above this is the level of prescribed duties. Responsibilities determine how in this life we ​​must learn how to benefit people. The policeman must protect through violence, and this is his duty. The fulfillment of duty always cleanses, if there is an exact understanding of what it means for me personally.
Prescribed duties are debts that trail behind us from a past life. These are our abilities, which in a past life we ​​could not use for the benefit of ourselves and people.
The duty of a woman is to bring up holy children, and the duty of a man is to take responsibility for this upbringing. The duty of the merchant is to earn money and donate it to the saints and to maintain the temples. The duty of teachers is to deliver their students from birth, death, old age and disease by giving them the highest knowledge.
Thus, by doing one's duty one becomes happy. Even peace cannot be experienced if the mind is burdened with unpaid debts. For a complete understanding, it is necessary to consider the last aspect of karma - akarma.
Akarma leads to liberation from the cycle of birth and death, from all kinds of karma.
The prefix "a" means negation, akarma means "no karma" or "inaction".
What is inaction? These are actions that have no consequences. Therefore, these are actions that are not connected with this world. They are called transcendent (transitional). Their other name is religious, that is, associated with the service of God.
Although we are talking about favorable and unfavorable consequences, but in the absolute sense there are no favorable consequences. As long as there are consequences, this is an unfavorable state. Joy always comes with pain. It is compared with a swing: the more you fly in one direction, the more in the other. Therefore, it is necessary to completely get out of the influence of karma.
One who has reached the level of self-realization is not obliged to obey the law of karma, because he devotes all his words, thoughts and deeds to God and does only what God wants from him.
Acting constantly with such a consciousness, one can rise to this level of akarma.
In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna tells Arjuna, “Give up all kinds of religions and just surrender to me. And I will deliver you from all the consequences of your sinful deeds.”
Thus, surrendering oneself to the will of the Lord by serving Him (bhakti-yoga) is the method of getting rid of karma and achieving the state of akarma.
Bhakti and karma are the two modes of operation of the mind. Karma makes consciousness rush about, and bhakti makes it one-pointed. A person who has understood what pure love for God is, begins to work 100 times harder than before, as a real determination is manifested to achieve the perfection of human life - to become a saint.
The purpose of life in the human form of life is to achieve liberation from all kinds of karma. If this goal is not achieved, then it is considered that rebirth in the human form of life is wasted.
One must follow the practice of yoga (the method of establishing connection with the source of akarma) and thus achieve liberation from all kinds of karma and be freed from the cycle of birth and death. The most effective way to do this is mantra meditation in the form of repetition of the Maha-mantra. This method is the prescribed method for the Kali Yuga, the age of general degradation in which we are now living. It sounds like this: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. the desire to return to Godhead, the hope that despite all my shortcomings I will achieve a deep relationship with God, a constant and deepest taste for chanting the holy name of God, attachment to describing the qualities of the Lord.
Here are some consequences of uncultured actions from the point of view of the theory of karma and modern developments:
Diseases and probable cause.
Abscess (abscess).
Disturbing thoughts of hurt, neglect, and revenge. Just learn to forgive!
Friction in the family, disputes. The child feels unwanted (sex for pleasure leads to the birth of varnasankara - unwanted children). Determine the purpose of creating a family and having children.
Base goals do not satisfy the soul and a feeling of one's own uselessness and weakness comes. Lack of understanding of one's duties to the family and society deprives a person of the feeling of love and he looks for it in wine.
Negative attitude towards someone from others. Denial of free will and unwillingness to do the right thing.
Amnesia (loss of memory).
Fear of death from misunderstanding the laws of karma. Frustration in life from constantly doing wrong things.
Rudeness and other negative statements without the desire to change yourself.
Fear for what has been done and a negative attitude towards everything good in life.
Criticism, resentment, selfish demand for self-love.
The desire to hide an ugly appearance from a misunderstanding that beauty is determined by the qualities of consciousness.
A small expression of hatred. Insulting others with bad words.
Bronchitis. See also "Respiratory diseases"
Nervous atmosphere in the family. Arguments and screams.
Anger. Desire to hit someone.
Being in a situation you hate. Feeling irregular and overwhelmed by work.
Venereal diseases. See also, "AIDS", "Gonorrhea", "Syphilis"
Extramarital sexual relations.
inflammatory processes.
The conditions that you have to see in life cause anger and frustration. Misunderstanding that a person can be happy inside, and not in external circumstances.
Eye diseases.
You don't like what you see in your own life.
Eye diseases: astigmatism
Fear of seeing yourself in the true light.
Eye diseases: myopia
Fear of the future.
Eye diseases: glaucoma
The most stubborn unwillingness to forgive.
Eye diseases: farsightedness
Reluctance to see what is right in front of you.
Eye diseases: children's
Unwillingness to see what is happening in the family.
Eye diseases: cataract
Not being able to look ahead with joy.
Eye diseases: strabismus.
Action on the contrary.
Unwillingness to hear the truth.
Fear and concentration of anger.
Bitterness. Heavy thoughts. Curses. Pride.
Stomach diseases.
Fear of the new. Inability to learn new things.
Unwillingness to part with outdated thoughts. Stuck in the past. Sometimes in acrimoniousness.
Constant "scrolling in the head" of previous grievances.
Blood, high blood pressure.
Unresolved, chronic emotional problems.
Blood: low blood pressure
Lack of love in childhood. Defeatist mood: still nothing will work.
Bleeding gums
Decisions made in life do not cause joy - it's time to think about the meaning of life..
Fear. Voltage. The desire to control everything.
Concentration of anger and primitive emotions.
Bad breath
Dirty attitudes, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts.
Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs). See also "Pulmonary diseases"
Kidney stones.
Clots of undissolved anger.
Insults of saints.
Hypocrisy. Fear for money and for the future.
Deep wound. An old grudge. Great mystery or grief do not give rest, devour. Persistence of hatred.
Multiple sclerosis.
Cruelty of thought, usually from killing animals.
Obsession. Intrusive ideas.
Heart: attack (myocardial infarction)
The expulsion from the heart of all joy for the sake of money or a career.
Stubborn unwillingness to part with outdated stereotypes.
Noise in ears
Unwillingness to hear the inner voice. Stubbornness.
You look at life with evil eyes. Anger at someone.
Karma The universal law of cause and effect or the law of conservation of moral energy - "What you sow, you will reap." Therefore: the cause of our suffering is ourselves.
Don't kill. The law of karma punishes the killer with death. (blood washes away with his blood). Moreover, a person is responsible for killing not only a person, but also animals.
The word "meat" itself comes from mamsa. MAM - me. SAH - he. Now you me, then - I you.
When an animal is killed in a slaughterhouse, 6 people are responsible for it: the one who allows, the one who commits, the one who helps, the one who buys the meat, the one who cooks the meat and the one who eats it - they all will killed as many times as there are hairs on a cow's body.
Sinful actions lead to birth in animal forms or on earth in unfavorable conditions:
A prostitute is born as a flowering tree.
Attachment to the opposite sex causes one to be born with the opposite sex. This explains the love at first sight syndrome. A man and a woman, having become attached to each other, are born in similar conditions and sooner or later meet and immediately recognize each other. True, they play completely opposite roles.
If we do not repay our debts, then those to whom we owe are born in our families, and we, unaware of this, with great joy return everything hidden with a vengeance.
The killer of a brahmin teacher becomes a consumptive person.
The killer of a cow is a hunchback or imbecile and will have to be born as many times in hell as there are hairs on the body of a killed cow. Statistics say that on average a person eats at least 4 cows in his life ...
The killer of a virgin becomes a leper.
The killer of a woman and a conceived fetus becomes a cruel and evil person, endowed with numerous diseases, abortion is called the 3rd world war, to which humanity turned a blind eye.
Whoever commits adultery is a eunuch.
Whoever courts the teacher's wife will suffer from skin diseases.
A person who eats the flesh of beings is born in the animal life form, where he is eaten by those he has eaten, and in the human life form he may have a red face.
A drunkard and drug addict suffers from bad teeth.
A Brahmin who, out of greed, eats what should not be eaten, becomes fat-bellied.
One who eats sweets without offering them to others is born with a goiter.
Whoever offers impure food during the Shraddha ceremony is born with pimples or a leper. Our "tradition" to bring and drink alcoholic beverages to the cemetery is undoubtedly very harmful both for us and for the deceased. This only adds to his suffering. Alcohol causes degradation, not elevation.
A person who offends a teacher out of pride becomes an epileptic.
Whoever despises the Vedas and Shastras (sacred writings) will certainly become afflicted with jaundice and biliousness.
The false witness becomes dumb.
The one who unevenly distributes food between people or brings food of different qualities to different people is born one-eyed.
Who upsets the wedding - becomes lipless.
Whoever steals a book is born blind.
Whoever kicks a cow or kicks a Brahmin is born lame and crippled.
Whoever lies is born a stutterer, and whoever listens to such a liar is born deaf.
The poisoner is born mentally ill.
The arsonist goes bald.
Whoever sells meat is born a loser.
Whoever eats the meat of others is born sick.
Whoever steals jewelry is born into a family of hard workers and servants.
Whoever steals gold will have sick nails in his next life.
Whoever steals other metals will be a beggar.
Whoever steals food will become a rat.
Who steals grain - locusts.
Whoever steals water will become Chatak's bird. This bird feeds on raindrops.
The one who steals poison will become a scorpion. Poisons also include modern medicines ...
Whoever steals vegetables and plants (leaves) will become a peacock. Russian country thieves, apparently, are already enjoying the Indian expanses.
Whoever steals incense and perfume becomes a muskrat.
Whoever steals honey becomes a horsefly.
Who steals meat becomes a vulture.
Who steals salt becomes an ant.
Whoever steals betel, fruits and flowers will become a forest monkey.
Who steals shoes, grass and cotton - will be born from the womb of a sheep.
He who lives by violence, robs on the roads and loves to hunt, will undoubtedly become a goat in the butcher's house.
Whoever dies from drinking poison will become a black snake in the mountains.
Whoever has an unbridled character is born as an elephant in an uninhabited forest.
Those of the twice-born who do not make offerings to the Divine, and who eat all the food without consecration, become tigers in an impenetrable forest. Sanctify your food by reciting the Hare Krishna mantra at least once before eating.
The Brahman who does not chant the Gayatri mantra, who is cunning inwardly but outwardly pious, becomes a crane.
A Brahman who performs worship for a person unworthy of performing a sacrifice becomes a village boar, and if he performs many such sacrifices, he becomes an ass.
If a person does not say mantras before a meal, he becomes a crow. In all religions, there is a mantra or prayer that should be said before eating. Don't neglect it.
A twice-born (teacher) who does not pass on knowledge to the worthy becomes a bull.
A student who does not serve the teacher properly becomes an animal - a donkey or a cow.
Whoever intimidates and despises his teacher or threatens a brahmin is born as a brahmin demon - brahma-rakshasa; a class of evil spirits in a waterless wild desert.
He who does not give what he promised to the twice-born becomes a jackal.
Who is not hospitable to kind people- becomes a howling evil spirit.
Who deceives friends - is born a mountain vulture.
Who cheats in trade - an owl.
Whoever speaks badly about the varna-ashram system (the natural division of society into teachers, warriors, merchants and workers) becomes a dove in the forest.
Who destroys hopes and love, who leaves his wife when he falls out of love - becomes a reddish-brown goose for a long time.
Whoever hates his mother, father, teacher, who quarrels with his sister or brother - will be killed in the mother's womb for a thousand incarnations.
A woman who mistreats her father-in-law and mother-in-law and causes constant quarrels becomes a leech.
A wife who quarrels with her husband becomes a louse.
The one who runs after another man, leaving her husband, is born as a flying fox, a lizard or a snake.
The one who ends the genealogy by marrying a woman from his family is born from the womb of a bear.
A voluptuous man who seduces a temperate woman becomes a spirit in the wilderness.
Whoever commits adultery with an underage girl becomes a huge snake in the forest.
Whoever harasses the teacher's wife becomes a chameleon.
Whoever covets the king's wife is corrupted.
He who harasses his friend's wife becomes an ass.
Whoever commits evil against nature will become a village pig. In this regard, the Green movement is very useful.
Who is too passionate - becomes a lustful stallion.
Whoever does not fast on the eleventh day becomes a dog.
Devalaka is called the unfortunate of the twice-born, who worshiped the deities for the sake of obtaining wealth and therefore is born from the womb of a chicken.
The killer of a brahmin is born from the womb of a donkey, camel or buffalo.
Drunkards and drug addicts come out of the belly of a wolf, dog or jackal.
The one who stole the gold gets the body of a worm, insect or bird.
Who cares for the teacher's wife becomes grass, bush or plant.
Whoever steals another's wife, embezzles deposits, robs a brahmin, is born a brahmin demon.
He who did not fulfill his duty, and experienced the punishment for this in several hells, is born blind and poor, becoming not a giver, but a beggar.
Whoever takes away a piece of land, which he himself or someone else has donated, is born as a worm in feces for sixty thousand years.
The sinner, who has taken away by force what he himself has given, goes to hell before the universal flood.
He who is given the means of subsistence and a piece of land must defend them to the end. Who does not protect, but rob - is born a lame dog.
Whoever supports a brahmana gets fruits equal to the value of one hundred thousand cows; whoever deprives a brahmana of livelihood becomes a monkey or a dog.
He who does not give gifts becomes a beggar; suffering from severe want, he commits sins; because of his sins, he goes to hell and is born again in poverty to become a sinner.
The karma that everyone deserves - good or bad - must inevitably be suffered. Unsuffering karma does not disappear even after ten million centuries.”
What to do?
There is a well-known story in the Bhagavatam of a brahmin named Ajamila. He married a prostitute at the age of 88 and they had a boy, Narayan. Ajamila was very old. At any moment, Yamaraj could come and take him away. Suddenly, he saw a scene he had never seen before. Some amazing people came for him, threw a rope over him and began to pull him out. He was very afraid of them. He was so frightened that he couldn't control his body's urges. He called his son, "Narayan, Narayan." And immediately, in Vaikuntha, in the spiritual world, Narayana (the name of God) heard His name and sent to Kannoj, near Kanpur, several Vishnudutas (messengers who take the soul to the spiritual world). There was a very heated conversation between the Vishnudutas and the Yamadutas (the messengers of Yamaraja who take the soul to Hell). The Vishnudutas said: "Go away!" And the Yamadutas described his sins in detail. “We are doing our duty,” they said. The Vishnudutas replied, “That is all right, but you cannot neglect one point, that is Narayana. His mouth spoke the words "Narayana" and now he is freed from his sins."
But when you hear about it, don't think that you can just call your sons one of the Lord's names without practicing anything in your life. Please wake up and take a few steps so that you can be released from this process of reincarnation, through the process of chanting the names of God: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Once a year
The fact that the Moon and other luminaries influence our lives, perhaps, will not be a discovery for any of you. Many already know that the most favorable time for good deeds, and, in particular, gifts, is the full moon. But do you know that in lunar calendar are there days when you can change your fate and the fate of your loved ones, just by giving them a book as a gift? But this is no ordinary book!
A few years ago, a group of scientists from the International Bhaktivedanta Institute presented to the world community astrological calculations and historical descriptions regarding the day of Bhadra Purnima.
Purnima is the full moon day that ends each lunar month, and Bhadra is one of the names of the month that falls on the usual solar calendar for August-September. As stated in the Vedic texts, any person can change his fate if on this day he gives someone the holy scripture Srimad-Bhagavatam. This multi-volume work, which is called “the diamond in the treasury of Vedic literature” and “the king of books”, was written down more than five thousand years ago, and in our time, the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust publishing house has carried out its translations into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian.
We will cite a few quotes provided by scholars.
“The knowledge given in Srimad-Bhagavatam can directly alleviate all the material sufferings of people who are foreign to their nature. But most people don't know this. Therefore, the sage Vyasadeva wrote down this Vedic scripture, which is related to the Supreme Truth ”(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 1.7.6).
“Intelligent people, by studying the Srimad-Bhagavatam, as with a sword, cut
tangled knots of karma (activity that entails consequences). Therefore, is there anyone who will remain indifferent to this message? (SB, 1.2.15).
“A sage or scholar who studies the Srimad-Bhagavatam attains a firm understanding in knowledge, a ruler who studies it gains dominion over the entire earth, a merchant and a banker gain immense wealth, and a low-born becomes a saint” (SB, 12.12.65).
“If on the full moon day of the month of Bhadra [August-September] a person places the Srimad-Bhagavatam on a golden throne and gives it to someone, he will reach the highest transcendental abode” (SB, 12.13.13).
Those who do not have this book can easily find it and give it to their dearest person or even to themselves, which, by the way, does not reduce the benefits received from this.

Materials Ruzov Vyacheslav Olegovich www.ruzov.ru

Lectures by Hrdayananda dasa Gosvami. Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Garuda Purana. Lectures by Lokanatha Gosvami. Information provided by the Siberian Center of Vedic Culture. "What's behind the door"? Jayananda Prabhu (D. Burba). Ivan Stevenson, Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. "The Way Into Yourself" by Ronald Zürer; "Philosophy of the Vaishnavas".

This article briefly discusses three important points:

  1. The concept of karma;
  2. Cleansing of tribal or family karma;
  3. Cleansing your own karma.

Karma- everyone has heard about it, of all of them, few of them have at least a vague truly correct idea of ​​​​the concept of karma, and only a very tiny handful of people are able to give an intelligible and coherent answer to the question: “ what is karma?". This concept can be called relatively new for our society, because it came to us from the East with its ancient religion, one of the wisest and smartest worldview. But the very designation of this word is new, its concept can be found on the lines of absolutely any Holy Scripture. The Holy Scriptures will not tell you about karma as such, but they preach the same truths and laws. After all, each denomination promotes love, mutual understanding, forgiveness, mercy, the ability to be grateful for every moment of life ... no matter what trials and sufferings fall on our heads. Karma is a universal law, according to which all the evil done by our soul and the souls of our ancestors is placed as a heavy burden of inevitable redemption on our fragile human shoulders. Based on this law, we either suffer for the harm done, or enjoy life and bathe in the rays of happiness. In other words, if you behave well, you will go to heaven, and if you behave badly, you will burn in hell. The Eastern worldview goes beyond the idea of ​​one life, they believe in the continuous life of the soul in different worlds (reincarnation) and in karma that does not leave its soul, and will definitely remind itself of itself in all lives. It is precisely this final moment that causes disputes with other faiths, many of which do not recognize life after one death, other dimensions, etc.

But, in addition to our own sins, as mentioned earlier, we are burdened by the burden of debts of our parents. They are not chosen, and there are no sinless people. You need to understand this. Older people are always inclined to notice that children too often repeat the fate of their parents. Not always such a fate is cloudless. Genetics? Or is it really ancestral karma?

There are a great many methods and methods for diagnosing and cleaning generic karma, but they all have one thing in common: you need to know your ancestors and, in particular, remember well exactly the one from which the causal relationship comes. It is not necessary to see the face of an ancestor who sinned terribly 700 years ago, you need to see an ancestor who inherited this connection to you. Absolutely every person who is able to remember it is able to purify his karma on his own.

Cleansing family karma.

It will take about a week of time to completely cleanse karma from all negative, inherited programs. All this time you can not eat animal products, drink alcoholic beverages. For convenience, on a piece of paper we write down all the bad things in the life of our close relatives that we remember or heard about. It is advisable to write down exactly what you would like to get rid of in the first place. Every day, at least one hour is needed when all these sorrows, hardships and problems of each of the relatives leave us. Now they are happy, exist in love and harmony. The stronger we imagine them, the stronger the effect we achieve. It is best to start with the most powerful and troubling misfortune that is passed down from generation to generation.

If you had a fight with one of your close relatives or have negative emotions towards them even after their death, or maybe you just avoid going to the cemetery, fix it. Strong and warm family ties will never interfere, but, on the contrary, will significantly speed up the process.

After such a session, it is necessary to clearly formulate the idea of ​​what you want. For example: All representatives of my family have never needed anything, poverty is alien to them, they were buried in luxury ... etc. And repeat it to yourself several times, if you wish, you can do it out loud.

Cleansing your own karma.

The ground for cleaning one's own karma is much broader than the ground for changing one's ancestral karma. There are several ways to change, fix or clean it up. For example: by oriental meditations and singing of mantras, sincere repentance of our sins before the Lord and the people offended by us, completely correct. You can start small, for example: give alms to the beggar. A trifle stuffed into our pockets is unlikely to provide us with special value, and yet it can become for someone food for almost a whole day.

Do not be offended by your family and friends, perhaps you have brought them no less pain before. Learn to forgive and understand the consequences of their actions, the consequences of the actions of your past lives. This is the surest and most powerful way to cleanse a person's karma. Repent of your past sins, forgive your loved ones, and then the Lord will not bypass your home either.

A person's actions in the present determine the state of his future - what you sow, you will reap. Vedic knowledge expands the causal relationship of actions and results not only by actions performed in today, but also by actions in. It was our actions in past earthly incarnations that led to the level and quality of life that we have now. The vessel of karma determined the conditions of birth: family, country, health, material condition, talent. The more bad deeds in our past reincarnations, the more difficult it is for us to live in our current incarnation. Knowing how to clear karma, you can get rid of many problems, and correct the situation.

Three ways to clear karma yourself

All our problems are due to the presence of karmic debts. How to clean your karma and free it from the burden of debt? Buddhists say that this can be done in several ways. You can “suffer karma” by living situations similar to those in which we, wittingly or unwittingly, put our “karmic creditors” - murder, violence, robbery, illness, and so on. And you can follow the path, that is, engage in your own spiritual growth. The third way to clean the vessel of karma is to turn to specialists involved in spiritual healing.

How to clean the vessel of karma - Sviyash's technique

A unique method on how to clean the vessel of karma on your own is offered by Alexander Sviyash. He has developed a series of practical recommendations based on real life situations. A safe and simple system for getting out of critical situations will help get rid of troubles and troubles in the present, and protect against the possibility of their occurrence in the future. Methodology How to clean the vessel of karma Alexandra Sviyash will allow you to understand the mechanism of problems, give the key to solving them, help to establish relationships with people, succeed in business, avoid conflicts.

Listen to a video lecture about self-purification of your karma

How to start living from scratch, to live again - easily and happily? Forget resentment, anger and dissatisfaction with yourself and the people around you?

How to clear karma

The answer is simple: you need to interrupt your negative karma. To do this, you need to forgive yourself first of all, accept and realize your imperfection, all your shortcomings, and then all those who, in your opinion, offended you.

To forgive - even if it seems that it is impossible, that the pain caused to you cannot be so easily let go. Forgive because never again to draw in your mind and not to remember those negative situations that are associated with these people. In order not to return thoughts there, to those people who caused pain. But if there are no thoughts, there will be no talk about it and there will be no new negative event. As is known, inner equals outer. Karma will break. It would seem that everything is so simple)

Forgive because remembering the pain constantly, we strike at our energy, and each time it gets deeper and deeper, until an energy hole is formed. Then a disease appears in the physical body. Yes, from our thoughts, pains and insults, which we remember and do not want to forget. Forgiveness is necessary to heal your crippled soul. After all, you do not want to continue to get sick, therefore, Forgiveness is compassion and self-love.

Why torture yourself with negative memories and thoughts - negative karma? Only with forgiveness disappear hatred, resentment, anger, discontent - the most difficult negative emotions that do not allow us to be happy.

If it is impossible to forgive and let go, it is necessary to re-live these emotions, release anger and rage outward, let them flow. And this is quite simple - any negative stops any physical effort. For example, you can relive negative emotions and throw them out - beat a punching bag or tear a pillow to shreds. Whatever you want, whatever comes to your mind. This is called living or showing your emotions.

But here's the paradox - all this has a temporary effect: you need not only to live it all over again, but also to forgive in order to never return to the past. So that life situations do not repeat themselves. After all, if you constantly find yourself in the same story, then this indicates that you are going through life lessons incorrectly. Vicious circle. Karma repeats itself.

But the question is: how to understand that you have forgiven a person and let go of the situation forever? Sometimes, it's difficult. And here everything is simple: when you see him again, you do not experience the past negative emotions that you had before. That pain will no longer be in your soul: your wound has healed, even if scars remain. But it's still the same notorious experience. And without it, nowhere in our mortal human life.

Let's bring an example of a karmic relationship. You are preparing for the wedding and your girlfriend introduces you to her parents. You meet, and you get the feeling that you have known each other for a long time. Everything seems to be going well, at first glance. After a short conversation, it seems to you that the girl's parents are teaching you about life (they say that you drink too much or that you need to work more). A conflict arises: in your soul there is resentment, and maybe even hatred. And the bottom line is that without forgiving and not resolving the situation in this life, it will happen again in the next. Only you will switch roles: you will be an instructive element, and your girlfriend's parents will be offended.

Forgiveness... Is it easy to forgive? Sometimes it seems that it is simply impossible. But in fact, a person is used to accumulating resentment and pain in himself since childhood, his parents did not teach him to forgive. And he was used to not forgiving. And now the snowball is growing and growing, getting bigger. And it is more and more difficult for the soul to live in a human body, more and more diseases.

Forgiving is actually quite simple, you need to stop accumulating negative emotions and master the art of non-forgiveness, which is what we actually did for most of our lives.

By the way, forgiveness is very easy for young children. Here they are having fun and playing in the sun, but they quarreled and fought. You look and after 5 minutes they again continue their game together. Young children are not yet covered by the disease of unforgiveness, they cannot be offended for a long time and forgive each other almost immediately.

What's happening? We cultivate our own ego, pride and pride. What would I forgive? We find it easier to cut people out of our lives. The war of the proud begins: when we do not forgive, we feel more significant and important. In fact, this is an illusion and dislike for oneself. After all, if a person loves himself, he does not wake up to accumulate negativity and think about it constantly, polluting his energy and forming a mental illness, or even a disease in the physical body.

We forget how to forgive, because we constantly train in the opposite. The real reason for unforgiveness is pride and self-love. And being offended is more characteristic of children than adults (“negative child” according to Eric Berne). We take offense in order to draw attention to ourselves, and we do not forgive, thinking that we are punishing the offender, but in fact we are punishing ourselves.

Think of everyone you need to ask forgiveness from. You can make a list. If possible, do it in person - face to face. If there is no such possibility - the person has died, or the connection is lost - ask for forgiveness mentally, but from a pure heart.

Forgive everyone and remember that each person has his own inner worldview that we create with our own thoughts. Having forgiven everyone, and above all ourselves, we are freed from the negative program of suffering, we let go of the negative emotions we have experienced, we kind of reset our destiny and interrupt negative karma. Then comes peace and inner harmony, respect and self-love - that is the highest forgiveness.

Religious egregors program us that there is only good and evil in the world, there is no third way. Having committed, as it seems to us, something sinful, we experience remorse and wait for punishment. And we receive it, because we wait and believe! This is how we create our karma - with our thoughts and our faith.

Just understand that the highest destiny of a person is to be happy - and only on the basis of happiness can he fulfill his role in this life. There is no need to suffer and pay for something, as religion inspires us. "Reboot" and forgive yourself, start living from scratch!

Edited by White Owl