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» How to live on when all alone? Last requests for help How to live if you are left alone.

How to live on when all alone? Last requests for help How to live if you are left alone.

It is very difficult to be alone when everyone around is in full swing with their personal lives. You may feel the need to find a new partner or just feel lonely. It does not matter whether you continue to be single or find a new partner, you should learn to take care of yourself and understand that a person can live a fulfilling life without a significant other. Even if you are not in a relationship and you live alone, this does not mean isolation and loneliness!


Part 1

End the relationship

    Think about yourself. If a partner treats you cruelly or you do not feel happy next to him, then there comes a time when you should insist on your own and make the most correct decision.

    • People may maintain unhealthy relationships because of guilt, financial situation, or shared children. It is important to realize that you are actually trapping yourself when you focus on such fears.
    • You can start small: develop your own ideas, make decisions that benefit you, and spend more time without your partner.
  1. Overcome the fear of the unknown. Often people are in no hurry to end long-term relationships for the reason that they have lost the habit of being alone and are afraid of an unknown future after breaking up. In order to start living without your significant other, you need to be brave and accept the uncertainty of the future.

    • If you are not yet ready to end the relationship, then try focusing on compassion for yourself. If you make a conscious effort and do things that give you joy, then later you will become stronger and will be able to make an important decision.
    • Do not force yourself if you have not yet gathered strength and cannot end the relationship right now. Negative self-image will only undermine self-confidence and complicate the situation.
  2. Study yourself. For some people, loneliness gives more happiness than relationships, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you are comfortable living alone and without a partner, then do not force yourself to necessarily be with someone. And if loneliness is not to your liking, this is a great opportunity to understand what you really value in life.

    Part 2

    Take care of yourself
    1. Become independent. If your relationship has been long enough, then you've probably relied on your partner a lot, whether it's lawn care, cooking, or paying bills. Now you will have to do it yourself. Make a list of the things your partner has done and learn how to do them in order of priority.

      • Independence inspires and inspires! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and remember that you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. Even if you get into a relationship again in the future, you can take care of yourself in any situation.
      • Don't be discouraged by the amount of things that have fallen on your head, and don't be afraid to ask friends, family, or neighbors for help if you don't know something.
      • Financial independence can be difficult if you previously lived on the income of a partner. Carefully study the available budget and try to find items of expenditure on which you can save. For example, a small apartment is enough for one person. You can also learn to cook on your own and stop eating in restaurants. You can rent an apartment together with friends.
    2. Pay attention to other relationships. The absence of the second half does not mean at all that no one needs you. Moreover, single people tend to have stronger relationships with friends, relatives and neighbors than married people. Surround yourself with loved ones to avoid isolation and loneliness.

      Protect yourself from negativity. There is a common misconception that people are single just because they can't find a partner, but in many cases this is a conscious decision. If you live without a partner for a long time, then you will surely meet people who believe that something is wrong with you. You can't change the way society thinks about relationships, so it's best to just ignore that kind of discrimination.

Good evening! My name is Irina, my husband left me a month ago. Lived for 3 years, said he needed a break and in a month
announce your decision. A month passed, he said that he decided to leave. He said that he no longer loves and sees no point in
further coexistence. I don’t understand anything, how can you fall out of love so quickly, forget all our happy
moments, to give up everything that he did with his own hands, that he amassed during this time.
I was left alone, it is very hard and painful for me. Such an emptiness formed in life, everything that I loved (cooking, equipping
our housing, spending time with my husband, dreaming of a future together, traveling) is gone and will never happen again with
by this person.
How to deal with my loss? How not to hope, not to wait and not even yearn for the body, smell, laughter, warmth that my husband gave me,
by his care, by the fact that we will never have anything again?
Thanks in advance to everyone who answers me.

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Irina, age: 32 / 26.10.2017


Irochka, I want to support you. Just support. Get yourself together. The man made his decision. All. you are spared from betrayals, swings, etc. Most likely, there was another. And he just used you, and you believed. It's so easy to believe what you want. Divide property without forgetting your interests. Your future children will need everything, remember this! And this man ... "As you will remember the water that has flowed." With time. Read the site, grow spiritually, you will still be grateful to this M. for a new page in your life. All the best is ahead of you!

Pella, age: 56/10/27/2017

Hello Irina. I understand your feelings very well. A year ago, my husband left me (left me with two small children, the youngest at that time was only six months old). I did not understand how my own, the most beloved, the most caring, could do this to me and to our children, whom we wanted together. There was so much pain, misunderstanding of what was happening, there was a feeling that a tank drove over me, and I remained alive, feeling all this pain ... There was such confusion .... it seemed that my world had broken into many fragments, I did not want to live .. I thought that there was no point in life ... But a year later, after what happened, I can tell you for sure that this acute pain will pass, slowly, but it will become easier. You will want to rejoice and be happy again. Just give yourself time to recover, time really heals. Think not why this happened to you, but FOR what? Perhaps such a test is given to us women so that we reconsider our attitude towards ourselves, towards life. Love yourself. Realize your importance to yourself. Take care of your self-development. Sign up for dancing. Go to the cinema, to the theatre. Change your hair, change your wardrobe. Feel that you are a beautiful, young woman and your life can be happy, regardless of anyone. Life after the betrayal of a loved one does not end, I can tell you for sure. If he did this to you, then it was not your man, your fate is still ahead of you! I'm sure everything will be fine with you, you will definitely be happy. Remember that everything passes, and this difficult period of life will also pass.

Rybka, age: 27/27.10.2017

Hello, I want to immediately apologize for my mistakes, Russian is not my native language. I am in a similar state, only my beloved decided to leave to think and I'm waiting. I think that now I have similar hopes that you had. And probably in the depths of my soul I understand that he will not return. My advice is, probably everything has its time, and if it hurts, then just put up with this pain without trying to artificially try to get rid of it. Time will heal the wounds, but unfortunately you need to go through this stage without deceiving yourself that everything is fine.

Aneta, age: 26 / 27.10.2017

Dear, dear Irina! My story is almost 11 months old, she also remained alone in her house, she also loved to cook for her husband, equip our housing, built by our joint efforts, dream of a joint future, travel. All this is already a thing of the past, my husband, secretly from me, decided to completely change his life and I simply was not in his plans, now we do not communicate at all. Our marriage is 12 years old. For 11 months, so much has been suffered, so much has been changed and cried out beyond words. What I want to tell you, Irina. The main thing is not to waste time and go to an Orthodox church and slowly come to God, talk to the priest. Turn to God in prayers in your own words, tell everything that hurts. God is very close to every person, He is near, and loves us more than his own mother. Therefore, we are not alone. Our holy angel is always with us. Without God's help, the recovery process can drag on for a very long time. To yearn, of course, is natural, but it will also subside. With GOD'S help, we survive everything. As for the hope of returning and waiting, don't think about it at all, just try not to think about it. We don’t know how things will turn out, maybe it will return, maybe it won’t, don’t bother with it. We must completely trust God and just move on. If you become a believer, Irina, your outlook on life will change, it will be easier to survive any life test. And you have to pray for your husband, so the priests tell me, he has gone astray. Cheer up, Irina, everything in life passes and it will pass and peace will come, and then the joy of life will return to you. WITH GOD BLESSING!

Sveta, age: 38 / 27.10.2017

Good afternoon, Irina! I sincerely sympathize with you and understand you well: the situation is exactly the same, except that more than 5 months have passed. I know that it’s hard to believe it now, but: no one took your life from you! No one took away the opportunity to cook, travel, dream! All this remains, now try to take care of YOURSELF, not to analyze the situation. Get distracted as much as possible, think about which of your relatives or friends you would like to spend time with now, what needs you have long wanted to realize - and direct all your efforts to this. Do not sit in your thoughts: try to understand that your strength is in yourself, and not somewhere outside, and use all means to activate it as much as possible: it can be sports, courses, some kind of professional bar. And all this horror will begin to gradually recede, and there, you see, you will decide the situation "from a position of strength", only the strength will now be your own.

Hold on, Irina. It will get a little better soon if you try to unstick yourself as much as possible now.

Julia, age: 31 / 27.10.2017

Hello Irina! My husband left me two months ago, and we lived with him for 14 years, we have a child of 13 years. He simply did not come home, said that we were strangers, took things and went to his beloved woman. I understand your pain, it hurts the most. How to live on? I don't know, I still can't believe this happened to me. But I firmly know that I need to live on, go forward with small steps, fill myself up (collect from fragments), perform daily routine tasks, force myself to take care of myself, raise my head, notice the beauty of the world around us. Hold on, everything that is not done is done for the better. This I repeat to myself and tell you. Everything will be fine, life goes on! Happiness to you!

Oksana, age: 34 / 27.10.2017

Irina, it’s hard to survive this without knowledge and skills. Few people prepare for this in advance, right? It was strange. Although this is not at all redundant. At first, restrain yourself from longing by force - it only makes things worse, that's my opinion. What needs to be done right away is to set a deadline when it will be more or less tolerable. Tell yourself - a month, two, you decide for yourself. And read, read, read this site or something that helps (it is important that it helps, and not vice versa). In this state, it is even difficult to read and delve into what is written. But it must be done. Now your body is reacting to this event, so you have first sensations, then feelings. They need to realize what you have already done: longing. And then you have to move on. And best of all in the truest sense of the word: even dance. Physical activity. For women, dance has always been such a helper. Dance all this pain and slowly let go each time. The worst thing that can be done is to suppress the natural feeling of longing, being afraid of it, it can and will work, but by suppressing the unpleasant feeling, suppress the pleasant ones. This is a dead end. You don't have to go there.) It's only been a month, get ready for some turbulence, but always remember that you'll get out and land at a friendly, beautiful, good airport with plenty of opportunities for you. And for this you need love. First, to yourself, because you yourself would not fly with such a pilot who does not love himself and he does not care, by and large, whether he will fly or not, because "everything is bad and longing is stuck with him." So, the flight will not be easy, but you will fly to the promised land. Believe me. And yes, pray in flight.

Elena, age: 35 / 28.10.2017

Irina! So I would like to tell you that it is not worth your tears and time heals .. But I understand perfectly well that until you go your own way, you will not accept this. It's great that you came to this site at the very beginning of your journey, consider that you have already visited a psychologist, psychotherapist, neuropathologist)) Not to mention the fact that almost all the letters of women who have passed their way are literally saturated with one valuable thought - that all suffering lead to God. It will be easier when you understand that what happened is not a punishment, but a chance to change yourself. It is a chance, because now everything is in your hands. And if you don't do anything, nothing will change. I was lucky, life made me move, there were children nearby who didn’t know anything and I couldn’t say a word or shed tears. But this is a great happiness, as I understand after a while. It was as if I was paralyzed - my whole happy life ended at once and I just went blind and deaf. Each moment is lived in its own way. Someone sorts things out, asks to return, someone files for divorce. I took care of the kids! It just fell into some timeless space and lived on autopilot. Irina! You need to occupy yourself so that there is no time for tears! Movement! Sometimes it seemed to me that I was like a driven horse and I would not have enough strength to run to the final. Enough, Irina! Work, sports, reading soulful literature and self-improvement of course. Nothing without this. It will be scary to throw, from love to hate, both to him and to yourself. From longing, from loneliness, from fear, from shame .. I remember how ashamed I was of what people would say ... When I came across this site, I simply drowned in the tears of broken women .. For me it was a complete discovery, I grew up in a complete family and there were more often happy families around me, and if they broke up, then without much dramaturgy. I read half the night, shedding tears, but after that I felt better. Most importantly, in the description of all the prodigal husbands, I recognized my own, just one face. And I realized that this is a diagnosis. Yes, it happens, yes, you are present at such an unusual and frightening phenomenon as the transformation of your once loving, caring, quivering husband into an indifferent, cold, cynical and alien person. And you start to slowly let it go. From life, from thoughts, filling the void with other, more valuable material. Irina, the sooner you realize that this person is already a stranger, the sooner it will become easier for you. Read, grow up, such shocks greatly affect the worldview. Listen to yourself! You will discover many new things in yourself that you may not have known. And how many discoveries are yet to come! In the end, you know what I'll tell you .. Almost two years have passed .. I almost recovered, and my vision returned, and my hearing and voice. I want to live again! I have a family, my children! And he chose his own path. You see, everything happens not by chance, for some reason it was given to us. Listen to yourself, your heart, do not do things that you will regret later. Do not try to return him, and for the love of all that is holy, do not meddle in his life, try to disengage from his life as much as possible! Live yours! Irina, good luck to you! I empathize with you with all my heart, but I know that everything will work out, you just need to follow the path of good and not turn off. Strength to you! Many hugs!

Native, age: 45 / 29.10.2017

Irina, I want to support you. Even though I still don't know how I'm going to live. The head always says one thing, but the heart says something else. But after reading the stories, I realized one thing - you can’t get hung up, you need to move forward with your head held high. It hurts you a lot, the grief of loss tears to pieces, but I believe in you. Every person deserves to be happy. And you will surely be happy, you just have to wait. With all my heart I am with you

Lyusi, age: 30 / 29.10.2017

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Question to the psychologist:

The psychologist Gladkova Elena Nikolaevna answers the question.

Unfortunately, I can't address you by your first name, because you obviously didn't use your name. And, despite the dissonance that has arisen between the name and the events described, or rather the real participant in them, I will try to help you understand what is happening.

I understand that in your life now is not the best and most understandable period in life - complex and incomprehensible relationships with men, problems with business, searching for yourself. What to do? How to proceed? Where to begin? What about relationships? There are more questions than answers. And yet, in order to understand what to do, how to act, you need to answer some of them, or at least try to determine for yourself the most important and requiring an extraordinary decision.

I recommend starting with relationships. Analyze what these relationships were for you, what you would like from them or what you don’t like about them. Take a look around you. Is everything in your life going the way you wanted? Did the relationship help you to know yourself, realize yourself and your plans for life. Do they have potential and are you ready to realize this potential. In my professional opinion, if relationships do not develop a person, then sooner or later they collapse, become a burden for all participants and do not bring happiness. It is human nature to want to be happy. Therefore, he is looking for ways to achieve this happiness. True, each of us has his own understanding of happiness and his own way to it. Then a number of questions arise: What is happiness for you? What should it be? If, after answering these questions, you come to the conclusion that there are many things in your life that do not correspond to your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, perhaps this will give you strength and determination to change the situation. And the answer to the question "What to do?" will become obvious to you and the main thing will be to take the right steps to implement it. If for you everything that happens is just temporary difficulties and misunderstandings with your loved one, mistakes from which no one is immune on the way to your own happiness, then the decision will be clear for you - to fight for relationships, work on them, on their development, supporting each other and guided by love and respect.

Each step of a person is made by him based on his understanding of life and happiness. Therefore, the responsibility for these steps should be realized by him.

The Chinese have a good saying - From every situation, even a hopeless situation, there are at least two ways out! So your situation necessarily has its own decision, but you will have to make it yourself, relying only on your own feelings and desires, guided by your experience and your understanding of life in all its manifestations - morality, duties, needs and opportunities.

Just as a long journey begins with the first step, so changes in life begin with the decision to change it! And let your decision be balanced and conscious. Be guided not so much by the norms and rules of society as by your own needs and aspirations. I am sure that you will make the right choice that will make your life full and happy.

4.75 Rating 4.75 (2 votes)

Hello! I'm honestly ashamed to ask for advice, but I'll ask because I don't know what to do. It all started in 2008, I broke up with my wife, my parents became seriously ill and I did not notice how in my grief I lost all my friends and acquaintances with whom I talked. At the end of 2010, I buried my parents and was left completely alone without relatives, friends and acquaintances, and that's when depression completely captured me. Work saved me from heavy thoughts. But here's how 2.5 months I do not work. Decided to take a vacation to get out of depression. But it turned out that it is not so easy. Now I sometimes get scared at the thought that 2.5 months have passed and no one called me, and during this time I didn’t talk to anyone at all, except for the seller in the store. I get scared from involuntary thoughts that I live in a big city in which no one cares for me. And from this it becomes very creepy in the soul and scary! And I don't know how to get out of this state. To be honest, I don’t even have anyone to ask if I’m crazy? And am I sane?

And I also wanted to say that I tried to find salvation in religion. I went to an Orthodox church, but I don't believe in God and I don't feel anything when I'm in church. It's empty in my heart and it's scary. True, sometimes tears well up in my eyes when I am very lonely or when for some reason I feel sorry for people completely unfamiliar to me.
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Alexey, age: 37 / 09/13/2014


Elena, age: 09/28/13/2014

Julia, age: 09/31/2014

Alex, start showing attention yourself. Change at least someone's silence of life with your action: call old forgotten friends, invite the girl you like for a cup of coffee, enter yourself into the life of someone who is also waiting for a call by the phone. There is no need to wait, there are a lot of us who are waiting, vulnerable, insecure in big cities. Take at least one step towards the first.

Elizabeth, age: 09/29/2014

Do you know Alexey?

You are not alone and your feelings are experienced by many other people. The task is to find them and try to help each other. It's hard, but you've taken the first step. I took it and wrote about myself, which means you want contact with people. And when you really want something, sooner or later it will be. Not always in the form in which we would like, though.

Good luck

K., age: 37 / 09/13/2014

Alexey is your salvation ACTIVITY. Forced or desired, it doesn't matter. Activities for the arrangement and improvement of life, landscaping of the territory, for earning money, for improving physical fitness, any, even useless. The activity is important for you not in itself, but what is important is that it will lead to contacts with people. You will communicate with pleasant ones, and limit communication with unpleasant ones. It happened to me. The activity, which seemed to me a heavy burden, led to a large number of contacts, which made it even possible to choose people to your liking, and be yourself with them. Or do something illogical from your point of view. For example, if you have enough money to live on, get a job, it will seem counterintuitive to you to get up early five days a week, you may not have a very comfortable lunch, endure all this humbly, do not whine, and I assure you, you will make friends very soon and buddies. Good luck!

Irina, age: 51 / 09/13/2014

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Last requests about help
I broke up with my husband, I was fired, and my mother was dying. I want to die, I hope that the pain that burns inside me will somehow come out.
I am 32, I was left without a job, I have three children, what to do, how to raise children ... Hunting to end my life, but betrayal, how to be ...
My hands drop and I want to disappear from this world. My wife managed to turn her daughter against me and teach me to call all sorts of obscenities ...
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My name is Natalya.
I am 55 years old and I have been retired for a year now. I dreamed of a happy and work-free life with my husband.
I thought that we would live for ourselves and restore our health. But everything turned out differently. My husband had a heart operation - I nursed him for six months. After treatment in the hospital, he was sent for treatment to a sanatorium, where he met a young woman, 15 years younger than him (she was not married and has no children), upon returning from the sanatorium, he files for divorce with me and leaves for her in another city.

For me it was a blow. He didn't even spare his daughter. He left his family on the day of his daughter's marriage. We have been married to him for 30 years. And, having received such a betrayal, I lost interest in life. For the first three months, I traveled to the monasteries, prayed, asked for his return. I called him twice and asked him to come back, and he only humiliated me. It's been 9 months since he left, and I'm still crying and tormenting myself with thoughts of his return.

I am ready to forgive everything and accept him, if only he was there. I understand that I began to idealize him, but I can not do anything.
He is constantly in my thoughts day and night. I exhaust myself with these thoughts. I'm very tired of everything. I was left all alone. The children have scattered from the parental nest, creating their own families, and live very far from me. I can no longer work for health reasons.
I try to occupy myself with beadwork of the faces of saints, I go to church. And at the same time I continue to sin, constantly thinking about him.
My strength is already running out, there were thoughts of suicide, but so far common sense takes its toll. But sometimes I just became afraid of myself.
It is very scary to be completely alone at this age. I lost the meaning of life, lost myself...
And so I want to be happy.

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Natalia, age: 55 / 20.02.2015


Dear Natalia!
Yes, it is unbearably hard when a husband suddenly leaves after so many years of married life. Try to collect your life all the same.
Perhaps you don’t need to work, if you can’t for health reasons, you have children, maybe they can somehow help in this situation.
Thoughts of suicide come clearly from unfriendly forces, there are even places that inspire such thoughts, actively pray at this time that God will take them away from you. Walk around the city, try to notice the positive and beautiful things that surround you. Go to the hospital to the children (or to the orphanage), just talk, try to bring positive, give them gifts, and you will see how important it is to help others, I speak from my own example.
Do not call your husband, do not be humiliated, the one who needs you will definitely be there.
Yes, you did a lot for him, you took care of him, I think you didn’t sleep for days caring for him, pray for him, because a Christian needs to pray for a person who offends him, especially a close one, although sometimes it’s very hard. You are not alone, you have your children, try to move closer to them,
so that you are not lonely, and there is support.

Natty, age: 28/20.02.2015

Hello dear Natalia. I can imagine your condition. Unfortunately it happens, these are men. Here you live with a man all your life, both in joy and in sorrow, and then the broads, and some kind of passion for another woman breaks your world. They believed, trusted as themselves, and such a betrayal. It's very hard and painful. In such mamentas they are controlled by demons, passions and destroy everything. He did not stand and did not pass this test. HE is a traitor, not you. Sooner or later, his conscience will start eating, and it's terrible to live with such a sin in his soul. Okay about him, God be his judge. The main thing now is you! I really, really want to support you wholeheartedly. Mentally hug you, and say be patient a little more, it will pass and the pain will subside, you'll see. Everyone has their own time to get through this. You will definitely survive this. Be free and happy. And now it still hurts, only prayers and only God. He will definitely not leave, and will help and guide you further, trust Him. This has been verified by myself. I am also experiencing betrayal now, half a year has passed and with God's help I am slowly surviving, finding myself and my soul. The main thing is that now, no matter how painful it is, but know that it will begin to subside! Take care of your health, I don’t want to, and I need to eat well and vitamins, etc. Fresh air, the first time through I don’t want everything, just by the hair and be distracted as best you can, as health allows. Thoughts about him, immediately pray. At least for days, until the destructive thoughts go away. Humble yourself, you will soon understand what all this was for. Wish him happiness and let him go, there is no other way. And time will put everything in its place. Get a dog if possible, she will love you, wait and you will give her your care. I'm also thinking about this. It is very good that they wrote here, got to this site. They will help you here, do not despair. You are not the only one, there are many of us here with such grief. And there are many who survived all this and help others, and they helped me, and I also try to support with a word and prayer, although I have not yet fully recovered. Please take care of yourself, take care of your health and little by little everything will start to get better. Necessarily! Read the articles of other women here, how they experienced it and learn a lot of new and useful things for yourself. And remember, you are not alone with such grief, there are many of us here. And let's all go through this test together. I hug you tightly, tightly and God bless you. He will manage everything and everything will be fine. Know it. Believe.

Olga, age: 29 / 21.02.2015

Natalya, stop tormenting yourself with suffering about your erring husband. Sit down and gather your thoughts - what did you plan in your life that is impossible to realize without it? Improve health? Well, correct for God's sake, something you do not write anything about how he helped you with your health, more and more about how you helped him. Live for yourself? Well, live, please, why do you need a person next to you who is capable of betrayal, humiliating and offending you? Lost the meaning of life? What was the point? Care for him through the grave of life? Isn't it enough for the meaning of all life?
I understand everything, I myself had to put my hubby out the door when I was already 48. It hurts terribly, it's insulting and bitter, However, 2 years have passed, and, you know what I'll tell you? The meaning of life has nothing to do with it. The seeming injustice offends - how can it be, I cared about him so much, and he! I gave him the best years, and he! The feeling of his own inferiority hurts: how can it be - he found a young woman for himself, and she fell for him, so he is still hoo, and I am already everything, the final scum! No one needs anything!
Believe me, all this is not true. Of course, the meaning of your life exists, it is in your children, who, although far away, still love you and they need and care for you, it is in communion with God, who will never leave you without help, just try to turn your whole soul to him, just believe - that he is always for you. Keep yourself occupied not only with lonely embroidery, communicate with people, in church, in the park, anywhere. You will see, there will be those who need your attention, and maybe help, and you will feel completely different!
Don't call him, don't write to him. You know, I once decided this for myself - for me he died. A misfortune happened, it is necessary to mourn and bury. No need to keep a corpse next to you. The one that left is completely different, alien, unfamiliar to you. And yours, beloved and only - died. All.
Gain strength, God is with you and we are ready to support you at any moment, and many more good people which you don't know yet

dema-80 , age: 50 / 02/21/2015

Anastasia, age: 32 / 21.02.2015

Hello, Natalia! We are namesakes, and the age is about the same ... and the pain is the same. Only mine will soon be three years old. I perfectly understand what is happening in your soul - I myself killed myself three years ago - sobbing, hysterical for days. I wanted one thing - to fall asleep and not wake up. The pain was so unbearable. But three years have passed - the pain has ceased to be so sharp, tears are rare, and Most importantly, I realized the value of my life. I realized how wrong I was when I asked God to give me strength - not to survive, no, to destroy myself. Now I realized that I need to live, because there will be NOTHING beyond that line ... And life is only yours and it is beautiful, even if there is no husband nearby.
The fact is that BM merged when I became seriously ill. In general, nothing threatened my life, but the disease progresses, and I gradually lose the ability to move. The active lifestyle that we led became beyond my strength, and he (as he put it) not wanting to sit with me as a decrepit old man, found himself a new girlfriend for sports ... and not only sports. left. abandoned. betrayed. did not regret.
How I survived, I don't know. Everything seemed to happen. There will be nothing more. But I lived, worked, went out to people, my daughters bought me a dog - I walked with her. Believe it or not, in the most desperate moments, this wet nose and devoted beady eyes stopped the irreparable - what will happen to him. Gradually, the sharp pain went away, the tears left, but there was no former joy from life - I didn’t learn to live without it, and only the disease intensified ... But thunder struck. Truly, the Almighty teaches and guides us... Another terrible diagnosis was made - a high probability of oncology. For a month I lived in anticipation of an operation, confirmation of the diagnosis and with thoughts of what needs to be done in this short remaining period.
And on the edge, I realized that there is a lot of beauty in life even without BM, that only the faithful remained nearby. really close people, that even if I can’t walk, I still have the ability to see, hear, feel, create, finally. It is happiness to wake up in the morning, walk (albeit slowly) in the fresh early morning in the park with a dog, inhale this fresh air and squint from the bright morning sun.
Being alone with yourself, planning your day, loading it with everyday worries (they seem to get in the way, but ... Oh, God, what a blessing that they are) ... to understand that there is someone who needs your help, your kindness and care... As they say. if you feel bad, find someone even worse and help him ...
In the end, the diagnosis was not confirmed, but I understood a lot, overestimated it. My initial illness does not scare me so much anymore, the absence of a husband is a nuisance, but I am worried.
I understand, Natalya, that it is very difficult for you now. Time must pass. so that YOU understand that the meaning of life is in life itself. Yours and only yours. Time heals, but it can be helped. No need to think about BM, about his fairy, about how good they are. Think about yourself. Let the traitor die for YOU. That person is no more, and this, the other - no one to you. I don’t advise you to forget your past life - it won’t work, and it’s not necessary: ​​there was good in it. But now a new stage. There is only you and you decide who to let into your new life. God will help you, believe, He sends us only those trials that we can survive, from which we become stronger, smarter.
There are many similar stories on the site, a lot of pain. There is also mine, which I wrote six months ago, still in tears and snot ... But now it’s completely different. Hold on dear, happiness is yet to come. Everything will be, believe me)))

Natalia, 48, age: 48 / 02/21/2015

Good day, Natalia.
I understand that a lot of things frighten you, and all of us who were left by our beloved husbands are terrified at first. I don’t even know what’s scarier - when you’re 55 or when you’re 30, and in your arms are two little preschool children, or a baby .. I thought the children have a father, but he disappears ...
Well, in general, we need to focus more attention on the question, why did this happen to me? It is terrible to look into your soul - how many unpleasant things are hidden there! They betray those who are obsessed with their husband. Who is afraid to live alone. Why this fear? This is a very important question. True believers are not afraid of anything in life, just ask the priest in the church. To love does not mean to die with fear at the mere thought of separation from a loved one.
When I began to realize how I made myself an idol out of my husband, how I hid behind complete dedication, plowed myself to exhaustion, while drowning in dependence on him, it almost immediately became so easy for me! Working on myself, looking for what provoked such a reaction of a man to myself, I felt that I was doing the right job. She forgave, let go and was generally surprised how she could endure him for so long next to herself and her children!
You need to look in yourself, in your heart for the path to the light, then you can forgive it very easily.
And your plans and your condition are in no way connected now with ex-husband. If he loved you, none of this would have happened. He played the part of the husband as long as it was convenient. Are you waiting for him to change his mind? One hundred percent - will not change his mind precisely because you are waiting. You must stand firmly on your feet in a psychological sense, for this you live on earth, you are not connected with anyone by the umbilical cord, neither with your husband, nor with your children. The meaning of life is not in connections and relationships. Being with someone will not make you happy. Because who is happy and so, by itself, a good person will be attracted to that.
It is very embarrassing for me to write this, because I do not dare to teach you, I have not gone through so much yet. But I myself was waiting for people's responses to my story... I know how important a response is when trouble and despair seizes.
Do not despair. Each of us at any moment of life has such a lot of work, on ourselves, on our holes and curvature, God forbid, have time to understand and settle at least something.
Look, maybe someone needs your help - to meet the child after school and take him home, to help buy something, I don’t know ... This is very clearing, it helps to see your trouble with different eyes.
I wish you to find a foothold not outside, but inside yourself and achieve spiritual balance.
Read the articles on this site, they are just magical, they heal!
Hold on, you deserve a normal relationship with yourself!

Summer, age: 35 / 21.02.2015

Natasha, dear, hold on! Be patient, pray, but don't give up! The first months are very difficult, I hardly remember my own. How she lived, what she felt, how she behaved, everything was like in a dream. And I also prayed to God, if only I would return, I would forgive everything and never remind you. Now I think it’s good that I didn’t come then, now I won’t let you into my life for anything. You know how it all happened, she asked her neighbor (her husband also left her for a young woman), when will this pain end? In response, she said, you know, Natasha, the sediment will remain for a long time, but that flour, from which there is no rest, will go away. And if suddenly he tries to return, as it was, he will no longer be. Not only because he was able to betray, but because your feelings for him have also changed, even if you don’t see it. And when her ex asked back, she said, I can see him next to me, I can talk, feed, smile, but I can’t imagine that he will hug, kiss. It is simply impossible that the same hands, lips, which were affectionate with the other, would be pleasant to you. Now just be patient. Every day I repeated to myself “I am strong, I can handle it”, I asked myself “well, be patient a little more” and counted the days - a month has passed, two, six months. And you know, the truth has become MUCH easier. If at first, washing your face in the morning is hard, and putting your hair and face in order is a whole feat, a smile is only through force, now all these are ordinary things, as before. I smile constantly, even more than before, sincerely laughing. I almost don't cry. It happens sometimes, but I can’t hold back my tears (of course, when no one sees). And you cry, scream, do not keep your pain in yourself. If possible, speak up. Even by herself. Don't feel sorry for yourself! Drag yourself out of this trouble and it will recede, you'll see! Take your time, it would be nice, of course, to find a job (or is there one?), communicate, walk, read. And remember, you can handle it, and even if he is no longer around, this is not the end of life and certainly its meaning. I hug you tightly.

Natalia, age: 42/02/22/2015

Natalya, my dear namesake, you have to pull yourself together. After all, we do not know all of God's plans. We sit and cry, or maybe it was his departure that saved your life. After all, no one can foresee what would happen if he stayed with you. Your task now is to sit on this site and read, read, read.
Read everything and think. There are many answers to our questions here. I just lived on this site for the first time. The result will come, after 8 months I came to my senses, I learned to accept all difficulties. We also spent a lot of time together. 25 years without any problems, and then because of the stupidest quarrel, contention. Natasha, let him go in peace, wish happiness in your soul, and live for the joy of your daughter, yourself, and grandchildren. Everything will fall into place, everything will be as it should be! Don't destroy yourself! Hugs and wish you peace of mind.

Natalia, age: 48/02/22/2015

Dear Natasha! Reading your cry for heartache I really wanted to support you. I am not much younger than you, and experience family life I am also 30 years old and also have two adult children already living their own separate lives. I, too, 2.5 years ago, revealed the betrayal of my husband, who, as it turned out, lived a double life for 6 years and met with his former classmate, who was also divorced. All survivors of adultery know the inhuman pain experienced by the second half, as if they are skinning you alive, endless dialogues in your head, blaming yourself for everything and everything, and, of course, the desire that your husband come to his senses, repent and return to the family . This is practically experienced by all deceived wives and they think that if he returns, I will forgive everything.
Natasha, after all my terrible drinking, he returned, a year since we live together, but I could not imagine what it was like to take back the person who cheated on you. I have absolutely no peace, there is a terrible heaviness in my soul, because I do not believe him at all. Any of his delays, phone calls, meetings with someone cause terrible thoughts in me, constant thoughts that he just became better at masking everything, hiding. And how can you live in a family without trust? It's not life, all the time to wait again for a stab in the back. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that one who betrays will betray again. And constantly living in anticipation of a new betrayal is not life, but one continuous torment.
So, Natasha, rejoice that this person has left your life, restore yourself, rethink everything and start a new, clean life.
I really regret that I didn’t drive my husband with a filthy broom, didn’t dare to take this step, and now I’m terribly tormented, in general, consider not living.
May you all be well, God bless you and God bless you!!!

Elena, age: 50 / 02/22/2015

Dear Natasha! I am 57 years old. My name is Tatyana. Just like you, I dreamed of living to old age with my husband and even dying on the same day. But I am "dying" alone, and he is probably happy. The husband is 60 years old, he has a mistress 20 years younger than himself. I can’t give you the right advice, because I myself have been rushing around in a love triangle for a whole year (a year has passed since I found out about my mistress) and have done a lot of wrong things. My story was written on this site on 09/17/2014. Only now he has agreed to move out of our common house for a separate residence. A whole year thrown out of my life in the trash, spent a lot of nerves. I was ready to forgive and accept and please in every possible way, all to no avail. He didn’t make any decision, he didn’t leave his mistress, but on the contrary, he legalized all their relationships. He went to her, came back, said that he loved me and could not live without her, promised to end his relationship with her and much more. And until I decided to give him my housing, which I had besides the house, he did nothing. Now he has moved out, but lives 200 meters from me. We simply had no other choice. I am writing this all to the fact that you can’t wait and hope for something. Need to live. The best solution is to cut off all contact. Natasha, dear, I know how painful it is, but you have to endure it.
Don't call him, didn't send any SMS. If you return with repentance, you will decide, but now get up from your knees, do not humiliate yourself, do not call, it will not help.
If he doesn't come back, during this time you will learn to live without him.

Tatyana, age: 57/02/22/2015

I can say that it helped me when the dark forces plagued me with thoughts of suicide and my loneliness.
I started helping others. And friends appeared, and life was considered in a different perspective. It's so wonderful to just live, wake up in the morning, see the sky, the sun. And believe me, happiness from the fact that you can breathe, move, walk, embroider with beads will definitely come! When you pass your test and the dark forces leave you. And they clung tightly, which means you are a tasty morsel for them, a standing little man. Don't give in.
The world needs you.

Dayna, age: 29/23.02.2015

Natalia, I really want to support you and say that even though this is a difficult test, you will pass it!!! God does not send trials above strength! I can only advise in prayers to the Mother of God to say that you release your husband only into the hands of the Lord and the Mother of God and let them decide how it will be better! Don't be discouraged! We are insects on the earth and we cannot do anything without the will of God! Rely on the Lord to manage everything well, and even more often confess and take communion !!! Everything will be fine!!!

Natalia, age: 30 / 02/27/2015

Natalia, hello!
Everything you write is very familiar. Only we lived for 5 years, not 30. And then everything is the same - exhausting ourselves with thoughts about him, hopes, idealization, depression, despair.
But you have to get out of all this, like out of a swamp. How? I want to write a few specific options, if you like something, take a note. I did all this myself in order to pull myself out of a string of bleak thoughts.
1. Every day look for a phrase that calms you and keep it in your head. For example: everything is changing and this state of mine will also someday go away; God leads me where necessary, I go where he leads me, and so on.
2. Remember all your desires, dreams, write them down and try to look for forms for their realization. Have you always dreamed of being a blonde? You can also try. Have you always liked flowers? Why not plant them in the garden this year, or plant an orchid at home? All - big and small, dreams of maturity or even childhood. Write them down and practice them methodically to whatever extent possible.
3. Look around, who really needs you, for whom you can do a good deed. Often someone needs help to babysit. Even if these are not grandchildren, they can be the children of a niece, neighbor, friend. Maybe you have a kindergarten nearby and you can conduct needlework circles there? Someone already wrote - I agree, you can search for someone who needs the help of a nanny - take them to a kindergarten, pick them up (there will also be additional earnings).
4. Do what you like: needlework, books, movies, health, walks.
5. Cut off ALL contact with your husband, ALL. It's like he died. No general affairs, no questions, no "How are you?" , Nothing. It is very difficult. But if you do that, it helps tremendously.
6. Do not torture yourself with thoughts that they are doing well there now. You don't know what problems they have now, what else they will have. You, too, experienced the sweetness of the beginning of a relationship in life - let someone else experience it. After all, the most important thing is to cope with all the sweat, when the sweetness is already gone.
7. Refresh contact with your daughter: plan trips to her, family meetings, dinners and, most importantly, perform.
8. Just started thinking about men and immediately "God bless him!" - and so at least 1000 times a day. Be aware, catch yourself at this moment - I started thinking again - do not suffer because of this, that again, but just calmly interrupt and switch your attention, stop everything with the phrase "God bless him and her."
9. Always think about this: WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE ALONE WITH YOURSELF?
Good luck, happiness and peace of mind!

Lena, age: 34 / 11.03.2015

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