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» Tattoo on the wrist for two. Paired tattoos

Tattoo on the wrist for two. Paired tattoos

Tattoos for friends are gaining popularity every year. Many people, to prove friendship and devotion, express this with a tattoo. Pair tattoos for friends are a great way to express trust and devotion to each other.Tattooing is a very symbolic process that should be treated carefully.

Paired tattoos for friends are in many ways more complicated than ordinary tattoos, because you need to take into account the wishes of both and stipulate all the little things. You need to mutually choose the place of the tattoo, its style and size.

Tattoo for friends - Ideas

Friends who are ripe for such an important step are probably very close people to each other. You and your boyfriend or girlfriend definitely have a lot of common interests and stories behind you. When choosing an idea for a tattoo for friends, you can safely proceed from this.

Tattoos for best friends - Matching tattoos for friends

The most popular option is to choose the same tattoo for two. From such a tattoo it will be clear that you play an important role in each other's life. Your friendship is like a strong family bond. For paired tattoos, as a rule, symbols, drawings or hieroglyphs are chosen, which mean friendship. You can also choose something very significant and known only to the two of you.

Best Friends Tattoos - Themed Tattoos

Tattoos for best friends they do not have to be the same, they can simply be in the same style or on the same topic.

Tattoos for best friends - Tattoo two halves of one whole

The concept of such a performance of paired tattoos is very simple.- these are two images that acquire a special meaning and completeness, if they are combined.

Any tattoo for two does not have to look the same. Paired drawings on the body can complement each other in meaning or represent 2 halves of one picture.

Knowing the styles and types of tattoos, understanding which part of the body the picture will look best on, as well as how to choose the right paired drawings, will help people not only decorate their bodies, but also competently put the innermost meaning into a stuffed tattoo.

Paired tattoos for two are divided into several types.

This classification is based on the type of connection of people who have decided to fill similar pictures on their bodies:

  • love (including wedding);
  • for friends (girlfriends);
  • family (imply not only blood relations, but also relations between spouses).

According to their style, paired tattoos can be performed in:

  • geometry (for example, the same heartbeat, arrows, signs of infinity);
  • animalism (pictures of animals);
  • symbolism (meaningful symbols);
  • in the shape of a heart various variations(same hearts, broken heart)
  • dotwork ("dotted" drawing);
  • in the form of a picture, as if painted with watercolors.

Before making a final decision about what kind of tattoo a couple of people will get for themselves, they should not only thoroughly study the meaning of the chosen sketch, but also think over the details of the drawing that can make it unique, understandable only to tattoo wearers.

On what part of the body should paired tattoos be applied?

In order for a tattoo to please its owner for the longest possible time, it is necessary to choose the right place for its application. For couple tattoos, areas of the skin hidden from the first glance of strangers are preferred. This is explained by the desire of a person to hide an intimate, significant detail of his image from the outside world.

The location of the tattoo also determines its size. If the area required for applying the selected sketch is large, then it will be difficult to hide the picture from prying eyes.

The most common places on the body for paired tattoos are:

  • the back of the palms;
  • ring fingers;
  • wrist;
  • shoulders;
  • forearm;
  • underbelly;
  • back;
  • ribs;

  • hips;
  • side of the foot.

In order not to regret the tattoo in the future, it is important to study the features of caring for the body pattern and the characteristic change in its condition over time in a particular area.

For example, a tattoo on the wrist will lose its appearance faster than a similar tattoo on the thigh. This is due to the increased mobility of the skin in the carpal fold of the arm.

How to choose the right thing to apply to couples

Paired tattoos should have a meaning that is understandable only to their bearers. Wearable drawings for two are recommended to choose based on key defining parameters. To do this, it is advisable to use the algorithm created by professional tattooists in order to make it easier for your clients to choose a sketch.

For example:

  • Decide which fact life together(for example, a wedding or a place of acquaintance) or a specific date (date of birth of a child or date of wedding) is planned to be “encrypted” in a tattoo.
  • Choose a sketch among those freely available on the Internet or develop it individually with a master for a fee.
  • Add details to the selected pictures (for example, at the base of the crown, assign the date of the wedding in Roman numerals or place the date of birth of the child on the footprint of the baby's foot).

It is not recommended to select a small or medium size sketch consisting of many details. Over time, the deformation of any tattoo is inevitable, and in the presence of small components of the picture, it will be difficult even for the most experienced master to make a correction in order to restore the original appearance of the tattoo.

Couple tattoos for lovers

Lovers, being in euphoria from feelings surging to each other, often choose the same pictures for application to the skin or those that make sense only when they are compared.

According to the observations of tattooists, young couples have recently preferred such sketches:

Lovebird parrots are preferred by those who cannot imagine life without each other. According to research, these birds constantly stay close, and when they are separated for a long time, they die. Choosing a sketch depicting lovebird parrots, lovers thus pronounce a kind of oath to each other in eternal fidelity and support for their other half.

Mosaic tattoos represent the deep affection of their owners for each other. By stuffing such a pattern on their body, they confirm that only being together do they feel comfortable and whole. Variations of such a sketch can be a traditional puzzle and its component (not in the shape of a heart) or 2 parts of a mosaic that match when compared.

For husband and wife

After an official marriage, a man and a woman decide to get paired tattoos, usually as an additional recognition of the seriousness of their intentions for each other. The most popular tattoo for spouses is their wedding date in Roman numerals.

In addition to the traditional picture, modern newlyweds can turn to the masters with a request to fill:

Sketch variant Description and characteristics

Crowns with a significant date at the base are a symbol of the exaltation of their second half to the rank of king or queen. Choosing such a sketch, the spouses emphasize the importance of the bonds of marriage for them, and also recognize that the husband or wife is their other half not just “on paper”, but also in real life.

Card suits are preferred by those whose dating history is somehow connected with the game. For example, the relationship of spouses began at sports competitions. By applying such a pattern on the inside of the fingers, the couple emphasizes their reverent attitude towards each other and the desire to hide their happiness from prying eyes.

The tattoo on the ring finger of the right hand is chosen by newlyweds who have abandoned traditions and decided not to wear wedding rings. The inscription encircling the finger is visually similar to a ring and indicates that a particular person is in a family relationship and does not hide it. Such a wearable picture is a kind of recognition of the spouses in eternal love for each other, since if the wedding ring can be removed or lost, then the tattoo ring is almost impossible to remove without a trace.

Paired tattoos for friends

Paired tattoos for two are not always stuffed with people who are in love with each other. Often, girlfriends or friends turn to tattoo artists for wearable drawings that are similar in appearance.

The selected sketches usually remind you of the importance of a second friend, regardless of secondary life circumstances.

Tattoo for friends Value Description

Divided into 2 parts, the sign of Batman (the hero of the Marvel comics universe) illustrates the inextricable bond between two friends. Batman himself is depicted on one part of the drawing, and Robin, his indispensable assistant, is depicted on the second. Such a sketch is usually chosen by guys who are familiar with the history of the mentioned comic book hero friends and are aware of the significance of such friendship for each other.

The same tattoos depicting elegant flowers for girlfriends symbolize the kinship of souls, similarity of interests, coincidence of events. real lives girls. The stem, in its shape resembling the sign of infinity, testifies to the eternal affection of girlfriends for each other and readiness to help at any time.
A tattoo in the form of a heart divided into 2 parts with words that acquire meaning only when two pictures are compared with each other is usually chosen as a body pattern by girls. Due to the greater emotional attachment to their girlfriends, for them, friendship is perceived as "once and for all." Such a picture symbolizes the lifelong relationship of two people who put the deepest meaning into their friendly relations.

Ideas for relatives

In addition to friends and lovers, blood relatives who want to emphasize the importance of family ties in their lives also fill paired tattoos. Sketches of related tattoos are recommended to be developed individually for each case, despite the large number of options that are freely available on the Internet.

For mothers and daughters

Women, for the most part, are the most emotional living beings on the planet. This fact explains the desire to fill paired tattoos with mothers and their daughters. Daughters thus emphasize that their mother is the standard for them, and the mothers themselves are the value of their child in their lives.

Sketch example The meaning attributed to the tattoo

The phrase - a declaration of love to your mother or child in various variations is considered the most common sketch of paired tattoos of the next of kin. The daughter fills herself with the words "I love you mom", written in English or any other language, the mother, in turn, writes on the skin: "I love you more." Such symbolic options for expressing feelings are perceived as a talisman or amulet for their owner.
A tattoo with the name of the mother or the common word "mother" is usually stuffed by daughters on the back or side of the forearm. Mothers, in turn, write the name of their child on the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin in the chosen font. Such wearable drawings remind their owners that the closest person is always next to him, regardless of the actual distance between relatives.

A tattoo in the form of the outlines of an animal with its cub is usually stuffed in an identical form to both relatives. For a daughter, this is a way to express her gratitude to the feat of her mother, for a mother - to emphasize the importance of a child, the birth of which turned a woman's life upside down in her time.

For mothers and sons

Sons, despite being more emotionally reserved than daughters, also often dedicate tattoos to their mothers. Usually they choose large drawings that catch the eye of others. Moms, in order to support the idea of ​​​​their son, on the contrary, prefer to fill small tattoos in which they lay a hidden meaning.

Tattoo example Description and meaning of the picture

Among mothers who dedicate tattoos to their male children, a tattoo depicting a child's handprint is popular. To make the sketch individual, women ask the master to attribute the date of birth of their son or his name. Such drawings are usually applied to the region of the heart under the ribs. This symbolizes the boundless love for her child and the fact that he, regardless of his age, will forever remain in her heart.
A schematic image of a woman with a baby in her arms is stuffed by her sons, even when they are already adult men. With such a gesture, they seek to once again express their gratitude to their mother for the gift of life and the opportunities in it. Such a tattoo can be supplemented with the name of the mother or a phrase, most often, on English language. Having applied such a picture to the skin, the son admits that his mother will remain for him for life main woman in life.

For sisters and brothers

Pair tattoos for two are also common among siblings. The closest relatives, who usually spend most of their lives with each other, have the strongest family connection, regardless of the relationship between them, which they show to others.

Tattoo for brothers and sisters The meaning of underwear

Such a tattoo makes sense only when compared with its second part. The brother fills himself with a boy holding a wired walkie-talkie in his hand, the sister - a girl with a similar device. By connecting 2 halves of a common tattoo, it becomes obvious that the drawn boy and girl are not just connected by one wire, but also listen to each other. Choosing such a sketch, the brother and sister make a promise to each other in constant support and readiness to help in any situation throughout their lives.
Lisa and Bart Simpson are the main characters of the famous cartoon The Simpsons. According to the plot, they are brother and sister and, despite frequent conflicts between each other, they always come to the aid of their relative. By getting such a tattoo, the brother and sister prove to each other and remind themselves that, regardless of the quarrels or actions of the second, he will forever remain the closest relative in life after his parents.

Unity of views and hobbies

Tattoos dedicated to the unity of views or hobbies are performed in an identical style. They can be the same for both tattoo wearers, complement each other or be two halves of the same design.

An example of a body pattern Description and meaning
The main characters of the cartoon "Aladdin" kissing each other are stuffed by those who are a fan of this story. Usually these are people who grew up on this cartoon and continue to follow the development of the fairy tale as adults (attend screenings with remakes of the film, go to theme parties).

Wolves in the style of "Realism" are chosen, for example, by work colleagues who have become friends in life. Such people are sure that only a person with strength, endurance, as well as unlimited devotion to his "relatives" can be worthy of respect.

Couple finger tattoos

Paired tattoos for two, given their innermost meaning, are often stuffed into places hidden from first sight, for example, the inside of the fingers. Such tattoos are chosen by lovers or newlyweds.

Paired tattoos for two bring couples very close.

Drawings on the fingers should consist of a minimum number of details, due to the inability of the master to draw the small components of the picture on a small area of ​​​​skin. In the vast majority of cases, they symbolize a promise to love and be faithful all your life.

Pair tattoos on the legs

Getting a tattoo on the legs is one of the most painful procedures among similar ones. However, this fact does not make it less popular. Such places for wearable pictures are chosen by lovers, spouses, friends or brothers and sisters.

This is due to the increased amount of hair on other areas of the legs, due to which the overall appearance of the tattoo will deteriorate significantly. Such pictures, depending on their variation, carry a unique meaning for their owners (declaration of love, emphasizing the importance of family ties, the value of friendship, or the willingness to support your partner in any endeavor).

Pictures that don't complement each other

Drawings that do not complement each other usually look the same.

Otherwise, even if there is no external direct connection between them, they complement the general meaning of the selected sketch. Depending on the size of the selected picture, it can be applied to any part of the body. At the same time, it is not necessary that its owners fill themselves with tattoos in the same places.

Such tattoos are relevant for everyone who is looking for an expression of warm feelings (love, family, friendship) to each other.

Black and white options

Black and white tattoos are the most practical version of underwear designs. When adding color to a sketch, it is important to understand the subsequent need to correct the tattoo at least once every 6-12 months. Otherwise, the stuffed pattern will fade, which means that the overall appearance of the picture will be lost.

Despite outward uniformity, black and white tattoos can, like colored ones, contain a large number of details, and also represent a complex composition. Their value depends on the selected sketch, and the size will be determined by the place of their application.

Paired tattoo inscriptions

Paired tattoo inscriptions, as well as pictures of a similar format, can be the same for both people or complement each other. So that everyone likes the tattoo, and there are no conflicts in the process of choosing a sketch, it is recommended to choose different fonts and styles of writing phrases.

A slight "adjustment" of this kind of source image for itself will not violate the general idea and will not change the meaning of the stuffed on the skin.

This version of the tattoo is the most versatile. It is suitable for all couples, regardless of the relationship that binds them, since the words that are planned to be applied to the body can be anything (the words of a song loved by both people, a declaration of love to a wife or husband, gratitude to the mother).

Complementary tattoos for two are a beautiful way to express your feelings, recognition or gratitude to each other.

Paired pictures should be liked by both owners and have a meaning that only the two of them can understand.

Before making a final decision related to the choice of a sketch, it is necessary to work out several options together with the tattoo artist, choosing among them the most beautiful in terms of visual perception, as well as the most practical in terms of caring for it after direct application to the skin.

Article formatting: Anna Vinnitskaya

A couple, for whom a romantic relationship is not just an empty phrase, but a period filled with vivid impressions and feelings, most of all pays attention to symbolism, attaching great importance to all sorts of signs and symbols. People acquire clothes of a similar style and the same color scheme, acquire and exchange wedding rings of the same type, engage in a common sport, find common interests.

Also, one of the ways to demonstrate your relationship to your close circle is to apply a tattoo for two lovers, performed according to a variety of sketches available in specialized salons.

If necessary, tattoos for a couple can be applied according to an individual pattern, which guarantees a minimum chance of suddenly meeting another couple with a similar pattern on the street. Indeed, such a situation may well overshadow the joy of owning a drawing that turned out to be not unique.

Skin tattooing undoubtedly personifies the seriousness of the intentions of a young couple and testifies to a joint view of the successful development of further relationships - joint tattoos are the best way to express people's desire to tie their destinies together.

Of course, at the very beginning of the romantic period, people create confidence about the eternity of feelings. Therefore, many people make paired tattoos for two lovers on open areas of their skin, thereby trying to declare to everyone about the seriousness of their intentions and demonstrate the presence of a couple.

In order for the applied image to be seen by everyone, it is applied, most often on both hands, or on one hand:

  • The back or front of the wrists is ideal for writing a tattoo for two.
  • The palms will perfectly accommodate small tattoos, suitable for a guy and a girl or a wife and husband. A striking example of a tattoo inscription can be the word form "Together forever".
  • Fingers can be tattooed by sisters or lovebirds who have strong friendships and do not understand life without each other.

Particularly popular are the open parts of the forearms or neck and hands. Do not ignore the ankles. From the point of view of symbolism, there is not much difference where to apply tattoos for lovers, but if there is no desire to show others the finished tattoo, then you should think about more closed parts of the body, which are almost always under the cover of clothing.

To do this, you can choose areas for tattoos for lovers on internal parts thighs, lower abdomen, buttocks, feet and other secluded places. Tattoos on the legs are also popular, they look equally harmonious on both sisters and spouses.

A conscious step when applying

Having decided on a joint trip to the salon where they make tattoos for lovers, you need to know that the tattoo is done with the help of persistent pigment paints, which will not be easy to get rid of later. And the process itself is quite painful, especially if the tattoo is applied to areas with delicate skin - for example, on the wrist.

That is, it is better to make sure in advance of the strength of your feelings and realize the choice - is this your destiny? Well, if, nevertheless, you have found your soul mate, then you should not put off going to the tattoo artist, who has a huge album of sketches and ideas, which also contains paired tattoos for young couples in love.

Ideas for joint tattoos for couples

The ideas of paired tattoos almost always carry a hidden meaning for its owner and people initiated into the secrets of symbolism, although there may be more a simple option - when relatives make an inscription like "I love you sister / sister". But this statement was true earlier, when drawings on the skin had not yet received such wide distribution among the masses.

Now it can be both symbolic sketches and simply beautiful images made by the hand of the master at the request of the client. When performing paired tattoos in the form of an inscription in a foreign language, you must first find out its meaning from a competent person so as not to make a mistake with the translation.

But, as mentioned earlier, lovers- this is a separate part of people who tend to attach great importance to signs and paired tattoos are proof of this. After all, during this period, the flight of thoughts and feelings is gaining unprecedented breadth and often you want to create something sort of, special, individual.

So it turns out that even though the finished sketches are good due to the detailed study of each fragment of the image, but, at the same time, they are the fruit of the creation of another person, and therefore are not able to fully reflect the inspiration of loving souls.

The best option would be to work out all the possible sketches together with your beloved, selecting the paired tattoos with pictures that are most suitable in meaning and meaning, and then go to the salon to an experienced master who will make small adjustments to the photo of the tattoo or its sketch to give clarity and structure.

Spend more time choosing a joint tattoo, so that later there is no desire to remove your tattoos. You should be proud of her and enjoy every day!

Under the article, we have collected some photos of paired tattoos, look through, maybe you will like some of the proposed ones. Look at the photos in pictures on Yandex or Google. In any case, you can always make an individual sketch of a tattoo by ordering it in a professional tattoo parlor.

How to choose the right thing to apply to couples

Before going to a tattoo parlor, a couple should seriously approach the choice of a drawing for application, the most popular for applying a couple is usually chosen:

  • The date the couple met, the date of the wedding or the birth of the first child in the family;
  • Paired tattoos with a similar meaning for two: Crown of the king and queen, lock and key, compass and anchor;
  • Identical images are popular, for example, cartoon characters, a sign of infinity, a sign of love and fidelity, a dove and a dove or swans.

Below we offer you some options for you to choose, maybe something will appeal to you.

Couple finger tattoos

Paired tattoos for two lovers on the fingers are most often depicted in the form of small symbols or drawings. More often, an infinity sign, a wedding date, or a tattoo in the form of a wedding ring on the ring finger are depicted on the fingers.

If you choose your fingers to apply, keep in mind that the skin of the hands is exposed to the environment and skin renewal. It's just that over time, the tattoo may turn pale and become less attractive and noticeable.

Pair tattoos on the legs

A good place for joint tattoos, often in such cases they use the legs, thighs or lower legs, as well as the edge of the foot. If your choice fell on the application of paired tattoos for two lovers on the legs, then you should choose a simple pattern for application. For easy image adjustments. Symbolic pair tattoos can be both colored and black and white.

The main thing to remember! What if a girl or a guy works in a public institution, where there is a dress code, the tattoo should be done in a less noticeable place. From sidelong glances and not ruin your career.

If the tattoo is less noticeable, it does not lose its meaning, and does not become less significant for people in love.

A little advice! Before going to the tattoo artist, choose a date that is more symbolic, for deeper meaning and good memories.

Summing up

In love, everything matters - you don’t even remember who said it and how long ago it was, but the statement is alive to this day, constantly proving its relevance in practice. Here everything depends on the couple itself, because if something for some means eternity and happiness for others does not mean absolutely nothing.

This happens because the feeling of love gives rise to a thirst for creativity and allows fantasy to unfold to its fullest. And, as you know, everyone has a different fantasy, and only lovers "breathe in unison." The best advice that can be given to create individual paired tattoos is to listen to yourself, to your inner voice, so to speak.

And of course, avoid such banal ones, hearts and doves, which have become such a hackneyed and banal topic that they look dull, ineffective, and sometimes just vulgar.

Show a little imagination with your soul mate, and then even a simple symbol will take on special meaning for you. It is only worth noting that the matter must be approached not only creatively, but also competently - the image of a dove on a guy’s shoulder will look very specific for some segments of the population.

Therefore, it is better to think about pictures in the so-called "unisex" style, which will adorn the skin of both the girl and the guy with equal success.

Photos of paired tattoos: Some ideas for choosing

A long-term relationship full of love and understanding is what every couple dreams of. Those who are truly devoted to each other will not find a better way to express their love than getting paired tattoos. Today, tattoos for couples in love are in trend, as they symbolize a passionate and in a good way "crazy" relationship.

The only thing to consider before applying couple tattoo is how strong your relationship is. Because the concepts of “love” and “passion” often began to replace each other: couples break up as easily as they start a relationship. So that paired tattoos do not hurt you heartache, reminding of past love, approach the choice of a drawing with full responsibility.

Tattoos for lovers are a cool way to express your emotions

Paired tattoos for two lovers symbolize romance and the belief that love will be as eternal as the drawing on the body. In addition to their aesthetic beauty, joint tattoos have a sentimental value for a couple: they are a constant reminder of how important lovers are to each other.

Small couple tattoos look great on the arm, especially on the wrist.

For a married couple, small tattoos on the fingers in the form of wedding rings or an inscription with the date of the wedding are perfect.

Tattoos for two: the best ideas for couple tattoos

There was a time when the heart symbol was considered a classic in expressing love, but today couples are looking for more original and unique ideas. Let's get acquainted with several interesting tattoo options for lovers in more detail.

Inscriptions with names

One of the most common ways to express feelings for each other is to tattoo inscriptions with names. Paired tattoos with names literally communicate that a person belongs to the one whose name he bears on his body. Shoulders, wrists and forearms are perfect choice for writing, as they are one of the most visible parts of the body.

Matching tattoos with significant date

Another cool tattoo option for couples is an inscription of an important date with meaning. This may be the date of the meeting, first date, engagement or wedding anniversary.

Beautiful identical images

Double designs that express a couple's love and commitment to each other can be hearts, roses, doves, and love knots. Also, lovebird parrots can become an original idea. These drawings can be done in classic black or gray shades, or in rich bright colors, depending on the preferences of the couple.

Paired tattoo inscriptions

In addition to options for depicting a name or date, there are love inscriptions for couples. Such a paired tattoo for lovers can convey a special meaning and determine their feelings towards each other. Texts of romantic songs or films can be used as an inscription. A married couple can fill the name of the child on their hand as a sign of mutual love. Certain symbols, when added to a quote, can make it more attractive and meaningful.

Tattoo for two lovers in the form of a puzzle

One of the well-known variations of tattoos are two patterns that are combined into one mosaic image or simply take on a special meaning when combined.

Other Creative Tattoo Designs for Couples

Wedding rings

One of the most famous tattoos for married couples is the wedding ring, which is applied to the ring fingers of both partners. Instead of spending huge amounts of money on diamond rings, couples can get ring tattoos as a vow to each other. Such rings will not cost a fortune, they will not be lost or removed: they will forever become part of both partners.

Lock and key

This is the most common version of couple tattoos, which has many versions and styles. You can choose from small tattoos to larger designs with lots of detail.

Card jack and queen

One of the original tattoo ideas for lovers. The most daring couples choose tattoos with their own images.

Marine theme

Small tattoos in the form of boats, fish, seahorses and other thematic attributes are a universal version of a couple tattoo for lovers. When you are around - the tattoo will communicate romantic feelings and devotion to each other. But individually, tattoos will represent independent and complete images.


Tattoos in the form of small feathers will indicate the lightness and sophistication of the feelings that connect the couple.


If a couple has expressed a desire to fill the same tattoo in the form of inhabitants of the animal world, it is better to choose the image of those animals or birds that symbolize fidelity, protection or fertility: wolf, lion, swans, swallows, etc.


Flower tattoos represent love: roses, daisies, lilies or peonies - the choice is huge. Therefore, it is symbolic to stop your attention on those plants that remind you of your relationship.

heavenly bodies

The original version may be a tattoo of the sun, moon, stars or planets.

Lovers can experiment with color and design to add value to shared designs. An important factor to keep in mind before applying an image is that the design should be pleasing to both. Tattoo is designed to bring partners closer to each other, so their mutual agreement is of great importance in this matter.

Paired tattoos are a good reason to emphasize your spiritual intimacy. A great way to express the whole gamut of human relationships in stylish and original motifs.

The trends of the upcoming season 2018-2019 are all the same signs, symbols, reminders of significant events, outlines in the form of rings. Young people are increasingly choosing graphics in all its manifestations, both color and black and white, realism and watercolor are not far behind. However, in these genres there have never been clear restrictions, and it is better to do as your soul commands. The choice of patterns on the skin should be approached as seriously and thoroughly as in the selection of a life partner.

This is suitable not only for romantic couples, but also for those who are related by blood or friendship. Depending on the theme, both the appearance and the essence change. As a rule, such drawings are created on visible parts of the body, such as shoulders, forearms, wrists and even fingers, but it all depends on your desire. In our article, we will take a closer look at different variants couple tattoos.

Tattoos for lovers are able to seal your feelings. It is an oath of eternal love applied to the skin. Most often, people in love make paired tattoos in the form of initials, crowns with the signatures King and Queen, or complementary images. Such tattoos form an integral composition, when, for example, your hands or other parts of the body are connected, and create a complete picture. Halves of hearts are very popular in such cases. Some choose portraits, as well as art with animals with which they associate a partner.

There are many variations of tattoos for husband and wife. For example, American actress Pamela Anderson and rock musician Tommy Lee put names on their ring fingers instead of wedding rings. Spouses prefer a variety of pictures, it is only important that they talk about relationships, there are texts with the date of the wedding or acquaintance, the castle is a symbol of fidelity, the anchor is reliability, doves are a union for life, infinity, as well as hearts, flowers and letters.

These are not the only versions of double images, in fact, not only couples do them, but also best friends. girls like it cool pictures completely different directions, sometimes even understandable only to themselves. Symbolic letters, quotes made in the same style or numbers, the main thing here is the meaning that the customers put into this work.

Paired tattoos for friends will help prove the sincerity of your friendship, demonstrate common hobbies, and remind you of fun moments. It can even be a simple laconic signature in English like “Best friends”. Funny character or even Internet memes, also jokes that are clear only to the two of you.

Brothers, sisters and members of the same family also decorate their bodies in a similar way. These may be some sacred signs, hinting at a blood connection, like a kind of family coat of arms. And also just cute and gentle art, talking about warm family feelings and deep affection.