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» Do ex-husbands return to their wives after a divorce. Do husbands return to their ex-wives after a divorce Ex-husband humiliates ex-wife

Do ex-husbands return to their wives after a divorce. Do husbands return to their ex-wives after a divorce Ex-husband humiliates ex-wife

After a divorce, a woman almost never returns to her previous level of mental health. Relationship former spouses after a divorce Of course, we do not get married or get married in order to get a divorce after some time. Our plans include a long happy life, but sometimes it makes its own adjustments and such seemingly strong relationships crack and the marriage breaks up. What is the relationship of the former spouses after a divorce, and is it always necessary to put a bullet after this step? Alas, in our time, the dissolution of marriage is not a rare phenomenon. Fathers and alimony: why ex-husbands do not want to pay them? And in general, do everything to make your child feel good, because wives are ex-wives, and children are forever and no matter what, and they are not to blame for the fact that mom and dad no longer love each other.

Why does a husband insult and humiliate his wife. psychology

Fishing, barbecue and relaxation with friends, this is something that almost no man can do without.

  • Another common cause of insults is the subconscious lack of readiness of a man for marriage.

Most often, this phenomenon is observed in couples where the spouses entered into an early, rash union.


After some time, the field of the wedding, the husband may find that he is not ready for the difficulties associated with married life, or even at all - to understand that he does not love the one with whom he has connected his life.

  • Jealousy proudly sits in third place on the list of the most common causes of insults.

  • Very often, a man, having begun to be jealous of his wife, is not ready for a frank conversation.
    As a result, everything is hushed up, but doubts and resentments continue to torment the spouse.

    Why does a husband insult and humiliate his wife - psychology

    Here you go, honey former friend, father and man, take out and put on a barrel 25% of your income if you have one child, or one third if there are two of them.


    But what could be the reasons for parting, and why does a man sometimes return to a woman? There are many reasons for this.

    Some of them can be found in this article, which is devoted to this topic. Usually men find a reason for parting without obstacles.
    Some guys realize after the first date that they have different views on life with a girl, despite the fact that they like her outwardly.

    If the husband offends - the advice of a psychologist will help! Whatever the reason for this attitude, psychologists recommend urgent action to prevent the recurrence of such situations.

    They advise women to clean themselves up. Dress extravagantly not only when you are going somewhere, but also look beautiful at home.

    Get your hair done, go in for fitness to regain the harmony lost over the years. Your noticeable transformation will not leave your husband indifferent and his insults will certainly be replaced by compliments.
    What else to do if the husband insults, what to do? Invite your husband to take a walk in those places that are dear to you, like a memory where your dates used to take place, while the surging nostalgia can somewhat calm the aggressive behavior of the spouse, he will not want to communicate in an offensive tone for some time.

    But this man knows how to please a woman.
    Husband after a divorce But nevertheless, in order for women to understand what a husband feels after a divorce and what men feel in general after a divorce, our site love-911 decided to cover this issue in this article so that women understand that men are people with feelings, experiences and emotions.
    And also, before taking a decisive step and announcing a divorce, they thought carefully, because it is women who initiate divorces in 70% of cases.

    Man and Divorce It is believed that divorce is a serious mental trauma for a woman.
    Men, on the other hand, experience separation much more easily. Why is this happening? How is the fate of divorced men in terms of psychology? In women, the rupture of long-term emotional attachment entails an acute crisis, which then turns into chronic depression.

    First doctor

    Any woman dreams of an understanding and loving spouse, a cozy home, obedient children.

    If she can bring the last components to life, then the first component is completely dependent on the spouse.

    Reasons why a husband insults and humiliates? The reasons that influence such boorish behavior of a man are usually divided by psychologists into several positions. Over time, the feelings that the husband had for his wife gradually cool down.

    Behind everyday worries, the spouses forget about the beginning of their romance, how they loved each other, how they enjoyed communication, the routine drags them into a whirlpool of everyday events.

    At the same time, the husband begins to make more and more accusations against his soulmate, splashing out his discontent in all its glory, spewing insults on various occasions. For example, he may humiliate his wife about her changed appearance, which happened after childbirth, and there may also be other reasons.

    Husband constantly insults and humiliates, what should I do?

    home » Relations and family » Why does a husband insult and humiliate his wife. Psychology 12 02 2017 Valentina No comments yet Family relationships are multifaceted, it is foolish to believe that with the receipt of a marriage certificate, boundless happiness and positive emotions await you. After the honeymoon begins real life with problems, showdowns, disagreements on a particular issue and other troubles that only loving and understanding people can handle.

    Unfortunately, many husbands do not choose expressions in a showdown.

    Quarrels are getting tougher, words are more offensive. Why does a husband insult and humiliate his wife, psychology? Let's try to understand the intricacies of human destinies.

    • Causes of humiliation and insult from the husband
    • Look at yourself

    Why does an ex-husband abuse after a divorce Problems arise when the ex-husband does not believe that the relationship is over at all and begins to pursue ex-wife, making ridiculous demands, claims or harassing requests to “start all over again”.

    At the same time, no persuasions and explanations work on the ex-husband, and he continues to behave as if there was no divorce. If the ex-spouse is also not averse to trying again, then everything is in order and there is a chance that everything will end with a happy ending.

    Psychology why ex-husband insults ex-wife

    Even the calmest man will lose his temper if you control his every step, check the phone, follow and encroach on his personal freedom in every possible way. See also "Tips on how to stop controlling your husband" Here we will try to understand the issue of how to stop controlling your husband. Women - the keepers of the hearth, try to keep everything under control, including the spouse. Where have you been, with whom, when will you return? These are typical questions of the controller, which bring out of balance even the most calm spouse. A destructive feeling first of all harms the controller, and then everyone else.

    Psychologists advise women to pull themselves together and not close their eyes to insulting anyone.

    Improve yourself, take care of your appearance, become an interesting conversationalist.

    Love and appreciate yourself, your confidence will be transferred to others.

    Insults and humiliation of the spouse.

    • Honeymoon after divorce
    • Husband after divorce
    • man and divorce
    • The relationship of the former spouses after the divorce
    • Fathers and alimony: why ex-husbands do not want to pay them?
    • The behavior of men after a breakup
    • Why ex-husband insults after divorce
    • Why do people get divorced?

    Question to the psychotherapist: ex-husband insults Good afternoon! I ask for your help! I divorced my husband on his initiative. He himself submitted the application to the registry office. I only had to sign under it. I experienced a divorce very hard, on antidepressants, the person was very dear to me. He always knew that I loved him very much. , seeing my condition. A week before the official dissolution of the marriage, he came and said that he did not love me, did not respect me, that he did not need a family, but if I really want to save my family, he will accept me anyway.
    You should not immediately run to your girlfriends and share your family problem with them, complaining about a rude spouse. Maybe tomorrow your relationship will change dramatically, and for your friends your husband will remain bad, trying to "kill you from the world."

    Yes, and your stories to your friends will reach him sometime.

    Be sure they will discuss your words with someone else ... If nothing changes further and the husband humiliates - what to do in this case? Yes, the above advice from psychologists will only be effective if the spouse also wants to improve relations.

    If a man is against changing something, you should act more radically, you should not allow yourself to be humiliated anymore.

    Break the relationship first temporarily so that he has time to think about what is happening, to understand that you are his only woman, without whom he cannot live.

    How to build a relationship with an ex-husband The concept of "ex-husband" appeared relatively recently. Divorces became commonplace in the twentieth century. But, having become commonplace, each individual divorce has not ceased to be a source of stress for all members of a collapsing family. Relationships between people after divorce are determined by many factors. And so that they do not poison life, efforts should be made and something changed. A series of popular detectives by Daria Dontsova begins with the words: “I got married many times.

    Honeymoon ”after the divorce, Vadim was good-looking, but in their small village he had the glory of a talker, an egoist, and most importantly, an incorrigible womanizer.

    A year and a half later, the family union was indeed terminated: the young woman was tired of forgiving her husband's endless betrayals.

    However, having ceased to be spouses, young people remained lovers.

    “Vadim is really not suitable for the role of her husband.

    But this man knows how to please a woman. Husband after a divorce But nevertheless, in order for women to understand what a husband feels after a divorce and what men feel in general after a divorce, our site love-911 decided to cover this issue in this article so that women understand that men are people with feelings, experiences and emotions. And also, before taking a decisive step and announcing a divorce, they thought carefully, because it is women who initiate divorces in 70% of cases. Man and Divorce It is believed that divorce is a serious mental trauma for a woman. Men, on the other hand, experience separation much more easily. Why is this happening? How is the fate of divorced men in terms of psychology? In women, the rupture of long-term emotional attachment entails an acute crisis, which then turns into chronic depression.

    Why ex-husband insults after divorce

    Good afternoon I ask for your help! I divorced my husband on his initiative. He himself submitted the application to the registry office. I only had to sign under it. I experienced a divorce very hard, on antidepressants, the person was very dear to me. He always knew that I loved him very much. , seeing my condition. A week before the official dissolution of the marriage, he came and said that he did not love me, did not respect me, that he did not need a family, but if I really want to save my family, he will accept me anyway. He was sure that I would return, I was so sure of my feelings for him. But despite them, I let him go, realizing that there was no point. A month and a half after the divorce, a young man appeared in my life who literally surrounded me with care and warmth.

    Ex-husband tries to insult

    With her, he feels like a real man. Together with his mistress, he discusses your weaknesses, focuses his attention on them, and when he comes home he finds a thousand confirmations of his invented facts. She is something new, and you "prevent" him from living a full life. In fact, he is afraid to make decisions, is not ready to go through a divorce, parting.

    He does not even want to start this topic with you, he is afraid of change, and therefore chooses the easiest way. He tries his best to get you to leave. The True Cause The most important point for a woman is to understand the true cause of discontent.
    In each specific situation, it can be different. For example, in families with a small child, the young man ceases to feel the care of his wife. He does not want to share his wife with the baby, but he cannot say this.

    Husband constantly insults and humiliates, what should I do?


    Everything is all right with you. If a husband constantly insults and humiliates his wife, finds a reason to get to the bottom of the fact that she is a “terrible mistress”, “a disgusting mother”, “no lover” - it is unlikely that he wants to correct a woman and make her perfect in every way. The reason is never so simple and obvious. You won't be able to fix everything. This will not help resolve the conflict.

    Just think, most likely, you are not married for the first day, you have not become worse, you have not forgotten about the children. Most likely the reason is not in you, but in your husband. What is wrong with him? There is a possibility that he is dissatisfied with himself. It is he who does not have a high salary, he has not achieved success in business, he is not appreciated at work.

    He does not want to do something with himself, correct the situation and even look at real problems. Much easier to correct you. Pointing out to a man about his own failures is not an option.

    What to do if the husband constantly humiliates and insults?


    After a divorce, a woman almost never returns to her previous level of mental health. Relationships of former spouses after divorce Of course, we do not get married or get married in order to get a divorce after some time. Our plans include a long happy life, but sometimes it makes its own adjustments and such seemingly strong relationships crack and the marriage breaks up.

    What is the relationship of the former spouses after a divorce, and is it always necessary to put a bullet after this step? Alas, in our time, the dissolution of marriage is not a rare phenomenon. Fathers and alimony: why ex-husbands do not want to pay them? And in general, do everything to make your child feel good, because wives are ex-wives, and children are forever and no matter what, and they are not to blame for the fact that mom and dad no longer love each other.

    He is already used to treating you this way, he is comfortable in this way to solve his problems. It is likely that the situation will soon spill over into a sober life. If a person once crossed some line, he will be able to do it in a sober state.
    This will take some time, but it will definitely happen again. By the way, some women themselves provoke men to such behavior. It lights up, the woman adds fuel to the fire, and as a result, a quarrel flares up. It is not necessary to immediately start sawing your husband. For the sake of experimentation, I would suggest that you try not drinking with him and see what happens. Perhaps the real problem is you? Maybe you are making him react that way. Another woman Another reason for constant conflicts may be that he does not stop comparing you with another: she cooks better, understands him, cares.

    Why ex-husband insults ex-wife

    So please, dear former friend, father and man, take out and put on a barrel 25% of your income if you have one child, or one third if there are two of them. Well, then it’s almost irrelevant, since there are almost no more than two in modern families. The behavior of men after parting People meet and part, it has always been and will be so.

    But what could be the reasons for parting, and why does a man sometimes return to a woman? There are many reasons for this. Some of them can be found in this article, which is devoted to this topic. Usually men find a reason for parting without obstacles. Some guys realize after the first date that they have different views on life with a girl, despite the fact that they like her outwardly.
    How to build a relationship with an ex-husband The concept of "ex-husband" appeared relatively recently. Divorces became commonplace in the twentieth century. But, having become commonplace, each individual divorce has not ceased to be a source of stress for all members of a collapsing family. Relationships between people after divorce are determined by many factors.

    And so that they do not poison life, efforts should be made and something changed. A series of popular detectives by Daria Dontsova begins with the words: “I got married many times. Honeymoon ”after the divorce, Vadim was good-looking, but in their small village he had the glory of a talker, an egoist, and most importantly, an incorrigible womanizer.

    A year and a half later, the family union was indeed terminated: the young woman was tired of forgiving her husband's endless betrayals. However, having ceased to be spouses, young people remained lovers. “Vadim is really not suitable for the role of her husband.

    Here it is worth considering, is this return really necessary? Approximately half of women and 30% of men continue to be angry at their ex even 10 years after the divorce. In a situation where the husband first leaves and then returns, without much effort on the part of the woman, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

    • Am I ready to change to become what my husband wants?
    • Do I really love him or is it pity, habit, a sense of ownership, etc.?
    • If the husband returns because they are used to me, then do I need such a husband, or should I look for new fresh impressions?
    • If the husband went to another and returned, would he not go to the third, and then to the fourth? Do I need such comings and goings?

    If after reflection it seems that it is still worth giving a second chance to both him and yourself, then you can try.

    Why is my ex-husband mad that I'm going to marry someone else?

    Many men leave their wives because, year after year, giving them their salary, they do not see where it goes if the money goes down on nonsense. Why do husbands return after leaving? Let's say right away that men are more consistent in this regard than women. A woman can leave and come back a hundred times, most men leave forever.

    But 30% still return to their former families. Why is this happening? Let's look at the main reasons. Habit. Many men, starting new life, transfer into it old habits that are inappropriate in a new place and with a new partner. Gradually, everything bad about the former wife and former life is smoothed out in the memory, and there is a craving to return to the usual life, in which everything was clear and simple to automatism.

    Therefore, they return to wives who are bad in some ways, but they know how much sugar to put in tea and are simple and predictable in everything. Change of world view.

    The husband left for another. I have absolutely no chance?


    Good day to all! Girls, can someone share their thoughts about the situation. The story is banal - 23 years together, a midlife crisis, a young and fresh employee (almost the same age as his daughter) ... He left on his own, returned .. After 2 weeks, I collected his things and put them up. Everything was without screaming and breaking dishes - I realized that I could no longer live with this type.

    She went to another country, where she got married a year later. My apartment remained (I wrote it out, I didn’t have ownership of the apartment, in general, they decided that the apartment would be my daughter), my daughter studied, my father was in no hurry to help - she rented the apartment and the money from her went to her daughter. The magistracy was paid for by herself - dad gave 500 UAH per month - like for study. Now my daughter works and lives on her own. Yes, the former with that madam had a child, everything seems to be fine there.

    Communication with my daughter was kept to a minimum. I arrived and decided to make repairs in the apartment (the master does it).

    My ex boyfriend is mad at me.

    Crises happen in all, even the happiest and strongest families. The question is who treats them how and how they behave when they occur. Imagine the situation: in the life of a man, several events happened at once that literally unsettled him (for example, difficulties in work and relationships with superiors, problems with relatives, accidents, etc.).

    A man cannot cope with the flow of problems that have piled up at once, considers his wife to be the culprit of all the troubles and leaves home, deciding to put the relationship on pause. After a while, having lived alone, the man realizes that he acted recklessly, leaving his beloved family, and returns. According to psychologists, this is the most “harmless” option for leaving the family.
    A man leaves his family because he wants to be alone and think about his relationship with a woman. Such a desire is natural for a person. No man is ready to give up good sex.

    Husband left for another

    Often women, in order to seem to a man on the good side, lie a little about their life before meeting him. If this life was turbulent enough, then after learning, he may be offended and leave. A good relationship with the partner's parents reduces the likelihood of divorce tenfold.


    The woman shifts all the problems to him. Of course, the husband should be support and support, but constant complaints and whining will sooner or later bring him to the desire to just leave in order to stop all this. The woman does not take care of herself. Often women stop looking after themselves after marriage, believing that the trophy has already been received. Of course, true love does not depend on kilograms and centimeters, but you also don’t need to turn into a groomed monster, everyone wants to see beauty nearby.

    The extravagance of a woman.

    Why do men leave and come back

    But on the other hand, I know that by the end of listening to my lesson, you yourself will feel more peace in your soul, more confidence in yourself and in the future, you will feel a little more wise and balanced. After all, now you will learn how to return your husband, and you will understand that you can do it. And most importantly, you will understand that, to a very large extent, your husband is still yours.

    Resentment against her husband In addition to the question: "How to save the marriage?", in your head, maybe, no, no, and another idea slips: "How to take revenge?". So it is tempting to do something unpleasant to her husband and rival. So that they feel what it's like for you. Many women begin to spread gossip, intrigue, try to harm their husband's mistress.
    It's emotional, but highly inappropriate. Will it bring back love? Will it help you get your husband back? On the contrary, such activity only hinders.

    Why is my ex-husband still mad at me?

    At the same time, it must be remembered that a second chance is a second, if a man leaves again, then it is definitely not necessary to reanimate such a relationship. How to prevent a man from leaving There are a lot of articles on the topic “How to keep a man” on the net, and most of them are not devoid of rational grain. If you really value your husband, then you can make a little effort to create such an atmosphere in the house that he does not want to leave.

    What specific steps should be taken to keep a man? Do not yell at him, especially if there is no reason for this. Before you scream or express your opinion sharply, you can try to count to ten. If not, you can contact a psychologist. It is important to learn how to compromise. If there is a problem, it is better to solve it in a calm conversation, giving each other the right to speak. This will help to avoid scandal and find a way out of the situation.

    The husband left for another, but ... returned

    If a woman loses self-respect and literally dissolves in love for a partner, then gradually she becomes for her young man less attractive. If a husband fell in love with another, then he found something interesting with her. Almost always, the wife at the same time seems to be a book read long ago, to which one does not want to return. Love leaves when there is no living space left for it. Self-respect in the life of any person is of great importance. The more individual boundaries a person has, the more he begins to appreciate his own person. If a woman does not work on herself and does not develop herself as a person, then sooner or later there is a situation when the husband goes to his mistress. He often goes to her for new emotions and impressions, which are lacking in relations with his wife.

    Most men, when building a relationship with a woman, act empirically - by trial and error. If a woman is also inexperienced, and does not yet have the ability to "smooth sharp corners", such a union is irresistibly moving towards the end of its existence. When the number of mistakes reaches a critical level, the couple breaks up. But, having lived in solitude, and after analyzing the relationship that did not work out, the man comes to the conclusion that not everything is so bad. Love for a woman has been preserved, and if he makes enough efforts, then the relationship can be restored. Psychologists believe that a return for this reason makes sense only if the other partner, in the time that has passed since the break, also rethought his behavior, is ready to admit and continue not to make past mistakes. Otherwise, the dynamics of the relationship will remain the same, and, in the end, the couple will part.

    Unfortunately, for many women, the question of how to survive the departure of a husband for another is incredibly relevant. If the husband went to his mistress, then something really did not suit him. The psychology of the stronger sex is such that a man never goes nowhere.

    First of all, emotional contact is lost, and uncertainty about the partner's feelings appears. As a rule, after some time after parting, a decision is made to leave. It's just that he can't listen to the same reproaches anymore, to live through repeated situations.

    Self-esteem Unfortunately, many women forget about this elementary concept. They devote themselves entirely to a man, so that later they have to pay with the departure of their husband to his mistress. The fact is that men can not stand when they are trying to control.

    How much is the ex who went to another angry with me

    Therefore, it is difficult for him to react to you as an outsider, and perhaps simply unacceptable, since it can cause a range of feelings that do not give him pleasure and from which he tries to get away in a “cultural” way available to him. And if I can more or less understand your intentions to continue living together, then what guides him remains unclear to me, but this does not make it any less painful, it seems, for him. The best way out of this situation, I see it, is the opportunity to go to different apartments and watch how events develop from a distance. Sometimes this method allows each of the partners to quickly understand what is happening and either decide to continue the relationship on new terms, or allows everyone to start building relationships with other people, perhaps even remaining friends with each other.

    Do not follow him, and try to control everything. After all, such behavior can end in a quarrel, shouting and insults. The main advice of a psychologist Once you have found out the cause of aggression towards you, you need to start taking action. Psychologists advise:

    1. Do not yell at your husband in response and be aggressive. Keep calm. Don't be like his behavior. It’s better to tell him that you are very hurt and offended when he does this. Let him be ashamed that he offended you.
    2. Don't talk about your husband's behavior to everyone. Do not take quarrels out of the hut. After all, if you make up soon, then these rumors can reach him, and he will again begin to aggress on you.
    3. Get yourself in order. Both externally and internally.

    Why a man humiliates and insults a woman: the psychology of men's behavior

    If the husband offends - the advice of a psychologist will help! Whatever the reason for this attitude, psychologists recommend urgent action to prevent the recurrence of such situations. They advise women to clean themselves up. Dress extravagantly not only when you are going somewhere, but also look beautiful at home.

    Get your hair done, go in for fitness to regain the harmony lost over the years. Your noticeable transformation will not leave your husband indifferent and his insults will certainly be replaced by compliments.

    What else to do if the husband insults, what to do? Invite your husband to take a walk in those places that are dear to you, like a memory where your dates used to take place, while the surging nostalgia can somewhat calm the aggressive behavior of the spouse, he will not want to communicate in an offensive tone for some time.

    First doctor

    Say that you understand him, that a lot has fallen on him, that he no longer has enough strength and patience, and therefore he has become like this. Ask how you can help him, what can you do for him? Then, perhaps, the husband will understand that you are not his enemy, but you are on his side.
    Thus, you will calm your husband and be able to return a trusting and harmonious relationship with him. If a man does not stop humiliating you, then perhaps he feeds on your energy, and it gives him pleasure. There is nothing to help here. One piece of advice - get out! What to do if the husband beats? The worst thing that can happen in a relationship is assault.
    But, alas, this also happens. What to do in this case?

    • You must immediately show your spouse that this is unacceptable for you! Explain to your husband that you are not going to tolerate this.
    • In no case do not find an excuse for him.

    Husband constantly insults and humiliates, what should I do?

    The presence of complexes and an inherited aggressive behavior pattern.2.1 When will love and patience help? If patterns are traced and a woman knows exactly what situations can provoke a man’s aggression, and a relationship can be called a union of two loving people then the following expert advice will help:

    Why does the husband insult and offend, how to behave in response?

    And sometimes, the unexpected happens ... What if the husband insults and humiliates? If your husband began to behave in such an inappropriate way, then you need to find out what caused this. Ask yourself questions: how long ago did the abuse start, how long did it last, and what could have caused it?

    1. If humiliation and screaming began spontaneously, then think about what could affect his behavior.

      Maybe he has problems at work, with friends, colleagues? Or perhaps there were some unpleasant events, incidents? Remember everything to the smallest detail, or try to find out somehow, because this will greatly help you understand the situation.

    2. But if you couldn’t remember, and you yourself understand that all this arose a long time ago, then try to bring your husband to an honest and frank conversation.

    What to do if the ex-husband humiliates? It also happens that you seem to be already divorced, but your ex-husband humiliates you ... There may be several reasons for this:

    • He's been mad at you since you were married.
    • There are many things left unsaid.
    • Perhaps he regretted that you broke up, and wants to return you. But you do not take him back, so he is aggressive.
    • If you forbid him to see the child, then the ex may begin to insult you.
    • He found out that you speak impartially about him.

    When you see that the ex-husband wants to communicate with the child, and you forbid him, you cause another scandal.


    Why do you need it? Understand him too! And give a chance to build a relationship with the child. Do not tell anything bad about your ex-husband, because these conversations will soon reach him and cause a wave of indignation.

    What should I do if my husband is abusive? psychology and plan of action!

    You can try to resort to the help of a psychotherapist for both a woman and a man. She - to get out of the image of the victim and stop being afraid, to him - to learn how to cope with his emotions.


      The cause of insults and humiliation are serious mental disorders.

    • 4. The couple wants to solve the problem, but they can't do it on their own.
    • 3 When should you stop? Saving a relationship is pointless if:

      The man fell out of love and firmly admits it. This can happen both by itself and due to the appearance of a mistress. It is unlikely that it will be possible to improve relations, and sacrificing oneself and children is a moral crime.


      All of the above methods were tried, including psychotherapy, but the problem did not disappear.

    Husband constantly insults his wife, or is it worth saving the family boat?

    Insults and humiliation can rain down as if from a cornucopia as a result of disgust for a spouse that has arisen, it sounds rude, but some husbands experience such a feeling when looking at a “descended” wife. Does the spouse remember what kind of girl he once met a long time ago, and what did she become years later? After all, he fell in love with a beautiful, slender and well-groomed woman, and now he sees in front of him every day the complete opposite of the above, which depresses him and makes him make unpleasant remarks to his soulmate.

    The wife's total control over her husband can provoke insults on his part, when the spouse is constantly interested in who is calling him, moreover, checks his phone, reads the notes, asks unnecessary questions. Most likely, an adult will not like this behavior of his wife and he will react negatively to her, even descending to humiliation.

    He was once your spouse, respect your choice. If you said something bad about the ex, and he found out - sincerely apologize to him so that he has no more reasons to insult you.

    If the husband is angry about something for a long time, and there is a lot of things left unsaid, then bring him to a calm conversation. Discuss everything that worries you both, and this may be quite enough to maintain peaceful civilized relations.
    Well, when you can’t come to peace, then try to reduce your communication to a minimum. Or stop talking altogether. How to protect yourself and your children Huge harm from the humiliation of her husband gets your child.

    Children are very sensitive to the conflicts of their parents. They pass everything through themselves, and remember it for the rest of their lives. We think that the child does not understand anything yet, and is removed from conflicts.

    Ex-husband insults ex-wife psychology

    After all, by forgiving him, you will only untie his hands even more.

    • After this act, threaten him with the police or say that you tell your loved ones everything, you have someone to blunt for you. And kick your husband out of the house. Or leave yourself. The husband must realize all the bitterness of his deed.

      He must understand that you can not do this!

    • If a husband beats constantly, then he simply needs psychological help. After all, this is a tyrant man. He has a lot of complexes and a huge lack of self-confidence, in the first place. To help him figure it out, in this case, only a psychologist will help. But he must come to this consciously!

    If the husband is not going to change, then there is only one way out - to run away from him as soon as possible. And do not put yourself or your child at risk anymore.

    To the question Why ex-husbands leave their mistresses and again return to ex-wives. given by the author Neurosis the best answer is According to statistics, 30% of divorced people come back within 10 years. That is, it’s not a fact that it’s from a mistress, but the theme of “leaving to return” is undoubtedly there.
    Why? I won’t say about women - this is a special world full of secrets and mysteries for the male mind. The man returns because he overestimated his strength.
    Example. A man under 50, everything in life goes measuredly, as usual, and this one is the most frustrating - there are no emotions. Suddenly - she! Young, beautiful, listening with her mouth open, in bed - a hurricane of long-forgotten sensations, restaurants, clubs - in general, youth is returning. Against the background of all this, an elderly wife, who is familiar as her favorite slippers, whines, hysteria, is sick and requires attention. The solution is obvious: a divorce and a new happy life with a young wife. If anyone knows the history of Oleg Tabakov's last marriage, well, one to one. But if Oleg Tabakov, after a new wedding, has children, launches new projects and runs the Moscow Art Theater, then most other Russian men behave completely differently. A flood of feelings leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases existing by the age of 50 and, as a result, a very quiet life or even bed rest. What young wife would like to be a nurse for an old man? An unhappy 50-year-old teenager discovers that his young wife has completely different interests, and he is left alone. And what should he do then? That's right, he asks to go to his old wife under the wing. Who else in FIG needs him to be sick and after 2 divorces?

    Answer from pregnant[guru]
    because their ex-wives forgive them for some reason.

    Answer from low grade[guru]
    And this mistress of his matrosila and abandoned. ha ha ha

    Answer from Panther[guru]
    Because all men are owners by nature... Well, somehow it's more familiar there, with his wife, he's already used to her... And the mistress... Well, everything is complicated here, you'll have to get used to it. .
    To be honest, I can’t get rid of my ex for 5 years, I’ve already been married to another person for 4 years, and I have a child from my second husband, but everything is like a burdock walking under the windows ... He says, can I be a dog on your rug will I sleep?

    Answer from Cvanig[guru]
    And he did not love his wife, and his mistress was not what he was looking for.

    Answer from Yergey Nikiforov[guru]
    Mistress, this is entertainment. Wife is life!

    Answer from Kozma Prutkov[guru]
    I dare to disappoint .. I left my first wife 25 years ago and insanely happy in my second marriage ... Move away from stereotypes .. and live exclusively YOUR life .. and your own concepts.

    Answer from Nina kondratieva[guru]
    some are glad to return, but the place is taken! Especially men under 50 - they think that somewhere is better. Home is best!

    Answer from Anatoly Duzenko[guru]
    Wives are very different from whores.

    Answer from Sergey Starostenko[guru]
    they think that women are somehow different (except for appearance) from one another! And when behind a beautiful appearance there is a bastard who does not know how to cook, the legs and the call of the stomach themselves carry to the most beloved!))

    Answer from Baba Lucy[active]
    Not always! So this is a lover!

    Answer from NATALIA[active]
    because there, too, life turns out to be, but I thought it was an eternal holiday))

    Answer from Yotanislav Khlebnikov[active]
    The "correctly" abandoned man returns like a boomerang, as well as a woman ...

    Answer from Siddis[guru]
    Because the same everyday life appears with mistresses, or the collapse of the main family threatens. Either a man is just a collector of women's charms without emotional attachment.