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» Psychology. Sick love: being together is bad and apart is hard What to do with sick love

Psychology. Sick love: being together is bad and apart is hard What to do with sick love

Leave that damn thing.

Barin was killed. After a long time still had to fight with bars and snakes. And yet the people won.

Misha and Varya began to live their share, give birth to children and love each other.

Plowman, blacksmith and carpenter

Three brothers lived in the neighborhood: a plowman, a blacksmith and a carpenter. There was no harmony between them. Because of a trifle, they will begin to swear, get angry at each other.

In the summer, the water in the river dried up - you can’t get drunk on a chicken. A little will flow into the recess, whoever has time to come early in the morning will scoop out all the water with a bucket in a bucket, but there is nothing left for others. The wives will go out into the street, they will ask each other:

Who scooped up the water?

One will say - not me, the other - not me. Word for word, and the cry went.

The old people will come out to appease. First they laugh at each other, and then, like the wives, they begin to swear.

One day they ended up arguing.

I won't give you bread, you'll die of hunger, says the plowman.

The blacksmith shouts:

I will not straighten your scythes, I will not sharpen your sickles, harvest with your teeth. Come to me with a bow!

The carpenter yells:

And if the houses rot, you'll freeze like cockroaches without me. The plow will break - I won’t do it.

The brothers parted. They live apart.

First, the carpenter ran out of bread. He does not go to the plowman. He brought lime rottenness from the forest. The wife began to knead along with the leaves. Ate, ate - no strength. Lost weight, only bones remained.

The blacksmith made a gun and went into the forest to beat the crows. And he also does not go to the plowman for bread.

The summer was dry. All three huts burned down from the fire. The brothers have nothing left.

What to do? The carpenter found an ax on the ashes and began to cut the log house. He hit a knotty tree, the ax broke. The carpenter abandoned him, went with his wife to grieve.

The farmer went out to sow winter - there is no arc, and the plow is broken. He also went to mourn with his wife.

A blacksmith with a hammer came to the smithy, waited, waited - no one comes. Looks at the door - it's raining. The blacksmith rejoiced. I got up in the rain, took off my hat and stood there.

A carpenter came up to him and asked:

What are you doing, brother?

The blacksmith answers:

I collect rain to grow rye.

The carpenter also took off his hat and stood beside him in the rain. A plowman came up to them and asked:

What are you doing brothers?

We collect rain to grow rye.

The plowman stood beside him and took off his hat.

Three brothers stood, stood there and conceived one thing. Plowman says:

Let's go pond.

The three brothers set to work together. The river was soon dammed up, a mill was made. The fish were released into the pond. The blacksmith straightened the scythes and coulters. The farmer sowed bread. The carpenter made a big house for everyone. They began to live together. Now they live - you will not spill water.

Separate is bad, together is good.


Once upon a time there was a soldier, his name was Ivan. For five years he suffered in the tsarist service: they beat him, put him in a punishment cell, and led him through the line. Ivan came home - there is no yard, no canopy, there is one hut and a chicken and a rooster go around.

Ivan lived for a day. It was time to get to work, but there was nothing to put on. Ivan went to the forest, kicked a bast, came home and began to weave bast shoes. He wove one bast shoe, began to weave another, and suddenly the headman knocked on the window and shouted:

Hey Ivan, get ready!

I have no time to get ready, - Ivan answered, - I need to finish the bast shoes.

Hey! Do not dodge! - shouted the elder. - Now we are not up to bast shoes, the enemy threatens to destroy the king-father, so go protect him. It's impossible without you!

Ivan threw the unwoven bast shoe under the bench and began to get ready. “If such an order, you won’t run anywhere. If you don’t go kindly, they will drag you by force.” Ivan said goodbye to his family and went to war.

Ivan sits in the trenches - tired and hungry - and thinks: "When the war ends, I will return home, I will finish the bast shoes and I will work on my farm."

And the war continues. A year has passed, the second and the third are coming... In the fourth year, all the people have risen. The king was overthrown. The generals, landowners and capitalists were driven out and Soviet power was proclaimed. “Well,” Ivan thinks, “now I’ll probably finish my bast shoes.” But again it didn't work out. Enemies attacked the young Soviet power: unfinished officers, the British, Kolchak, Denikin, Wrangel - and you can’t count them all. Ivan took a rifle in his hands and went to the Red Army to defend Soviet power. “The bast shoe will wait,” Ivan thinks.

Ivan fought heroically on all fronts and returned home with the Order of the Red Banner. The wife and children were delighted, the villagers congratulate Ivan.

2 chose

There are couples who literally cannot live without each other. Look at them and rejoice. And there are such ... They also cannot live without each other, but they evoke completely different feelings. Because together they also cannot, they harass and make each other unhappy. And they can't be separated. These sick, unhappy relationships drive them into a dead end from which there seems to be no way out. But hopeless situations, as you know, do not happen. So let's look for it.

Looking for a way out together

Often, with constant quarrels and mutual claims, these people truly love each other and want to maintain a relationship. But in fact, they destroy them instead.

To save a relationship, you really have to destroy it first - in the format that you are used to. Abandon the usual methods of communication and problem solving - they have proven to be ineffective. Each partner will have to change a lot himself. One-sided work does not solve the problem. But if lovers are ready for it, you can try.

First you need to figure out what globally does not suit you in a partner and in a relationship. Often under the most banal quarrels in the spirit "You didn't wash the dishes!" or "Why are you talking to me like that?!" there is a deep dissatisfaction. A person strongly dislikes something, and he is looking for an excuse to express these feelings. At the same time, he himself may not even understand the reason for his constant irritation. Gotta get to her. Maybe you speak different love languages. Perhaps, since childhood, you have imagined your "prince" too clearly, and your real lover cannot fit into this framework. Maybe some things that are not important to him are important to you. Get ready for the fact that the partner may have no less serious claims against you. You should not be offended, but you should think that both of you can change.

Where are you willing to change your habits or expectations in order to reach a compromise? It will be a difficult conversation, but even more difficult will be the subsequent process of change. But if you are sure that love is worth it, you have to go through it.

Looking for a way out

But no matter how much we love another person, we often love ourselves more. Therefore, not everyone is ready to change so much for the sake of love. In this case, there is nothing you can do - you have to disperse. It will be difficult, painful and unpleasant. But this is necessary, like a serious operation, after which the patient will feel better.

There are many reasons why we don't want to leave. Attachment, fear of loneliness, in the end, the remaining feelings. So you will have to fight first of all with yourself. Write down a list of reasons why you want to break up and reread it in moments of weakness. Try to physically disperse in different directions: disperse, do not meet each other with mutual friends. If there is an opportunity to temporarily leave, somewhere far away, all the better. Remove all reminders of the former lover from your eyes and learn to live alone again. Set yourself a temporary ban on social networks so as not to "spy" on what is happening in his life.

People, of course, after a divorce, remarry. Very many. But we will not talk about many at the “Family Council”. We will talk about those who, after a divorce, remarry with old partners. Popular rumor with the well-known expression that "you cannot step into the same river twice", most often turns out to be right.

“I am 33 years old, my husband is 35. Although today, according to my passport, he is not my husband at all. The story of our life is like a TV series.
The first time we got married for great love 12 years ago. However, family life turned our love into hatred. It seemed to me that I give him love and care more than he gives me. He also thought so. Almost every evening they quarreled, sorted out the relationship. We never came to a common opinion and divorced a year and a half later.
We met for the second time two years later. Negativity towards each other disappeared. We seem to have matured, wised up. They began to meet. Settled again. A year later, our first son was born. And a year later we divorced again. The divorce was stormy, with mutual insults, the division of property, housing and a child.
Five years later, during his Saturday visit to his son, we again somehow reached out to each other. He stayed for dinner, we sat and talked, and he stayed. And again we are together, I am pregnant, we are thinking of signing.
But I am very, very afraid of it. As long as we are not scheduled, we live well, do not reproach each other, do not demand more. As soon as this stamp appears in the passport, both my husband and I begin to reproach, nitpick, discontent.
Tell me what should we do? Or maybe the stamp has nothing to do with it, we just can’t stand each other for a long time, and it’s better for us to meet, and not live together? Olga Serchenya, Soligorsk

The expert of the "Family Council", psychologist Alexei Plekhanov, considered Olga's problem from all sides and commented on the situation:
People grow up, priorities change. And most often - in the direction of preserving the family. Many get divorced in the heat of the moment, without analyzing the situation, without trying to save the relationship. Especially frequent are rash divorces at a young age.
After some time, the value of a family and a particular person appears in a completely different light, and people return to each other to try again. Sometimes it is simply necessary to give yourself a break and live separately in order to calmly think and decide what you can accept in a loved one and what to change in yourself. After all, marriage is a building built of compromises, the foundation of which is love.
So why do exes get back together? There are several reasons.

For family reasons. Very often, the cause of parting is mutual fatigue and irritation. Sometimes, this happens after the birth of a child, when both parents are nervous about new responsibilities and changes in social status. Mutual nit-picking is growing, and no one wants to solve the problems that arise, because there simply isn’t enough strength for this. One day, the tension reaches its climax, and one of the parties offers to disperse, while the other, being tired of scandals and work, agrees.
As psychologists say, after such divorces “out of the blue” the chances of a successful reconciliation are extremely high. The main thing in such a situation is to discuss everything that bothered you before and promise to adhere to the new “relationship program”. If you don't break your word, the chances of a successful resumption family life and its about 8 out of 10.
However, the chances of a second attempt being successful depend on what the reasons were. Fatigue is one thing, and humiliation, beatings, alcoholism or drug addiction is quite another. Of course, you are free to get back together, but is it worth it to start a knowingly unpromising relationship. Remember that a man who once raised his hand to a woman, sooner or later, will do it more than once and in a much more sophisticated form.

Third wheel. In a separate line, I would like to say about the relationship resumed after the betrayal of one of the partners. In such a situation, you will have to put up with the presence of a former rival, who at any moment may appear in the life of a spouse again - just like you.
If you were the cheating party, then you should never forget that a serious blow was dealt to your husband's self-esteem, and it is likely that he will want to recoup in one way or another.

The child needs a father. Often, after a divorce on their own initiative, mothers become nervous because they “left a child without a father.” At the initial stage, dads regularly communicate with the child, but when a new family appears, children, time becomes less, and the child from a previous marriage fades into the background.
Some parents cannot see their child often because they have to cross paths with a still loved one. ex-wife. In such a situation, a woman, seeing how a child suffers without a father, is ready to sacrifice her feelings and try to start life together again.
However, you should not be guided solely by the needs of your child and cross out the whole future life. When he grows up, most likely, he will not say “thank you” to you for being unhappy all your life. In addition, after some time, he will leave his father's house, and you will have to be left alone with an unloved person.

Dog in the manger. Often, when we learn that an ex-spouse has met someone, we get upset and jealous as if we are still in a relationship with him.
If at such a moment you desperately want to start over, most likely you are driven by possessiveness, which will evaporate as soon as you make a second attempt to live together. Don't waste your time and ruin other people's lives. Try to let go of past relationships and start over with a clean slate.

There is no marriage, but there is sex. From the point of view of sexologists, the attraction of people who were once in close relationships to each other is quite understandable. Sex after a divorce happens much more often than the resumption of relationships. Former spouses both physically and psychologically it is easier to be in bed with each other than with a new partner.
But psychologists do not recommend such experiments. If people have firmly decided to leave, they simply need, especially at first, to feel their “separation”. Joint sex introduces ambiguity into the relationship, especially since everyone evaluates what happened in their own way.

Leave to return. The "leave to return" style is sometimes a conscious choice of one of the members of the couple. The purpose of such an action is to demonstrate to the partner how wrong he was and that without you it will be bad and hard for him. It happens that it works. And it happens, on the contrary. Left without you, a person can suddenly feel free from obligations and problems and become happy from this. And there will be nowhere to return. So be careful with methods. Breaking up doesn't always work in a relationship.
There are couples whose life is simply impossible without spectacular antics and violent passions. They can converge and diverge more than once. For them, it's like fueling a relationship. But for most people, a breakup is a deep experience and a lot of stress. Therefore, before making such a decision, think seriously and speak sincerely. Indeed, lovers will still find a way to joint happiness.
It is worth renewing relations with a former partner or husband only if, for example, you have jointly reviewed all the mistakes made earlier and want to fix everything.
Contrary to popular belief, marriage is not held by habit, not by property acquired over the years, and not even by children, but by an inner need for each other.

Lesson summary

in literary reading

Grade 2 on EMC Planet of Knowledge


Teacher: Shaikhutdinova A.M.

Subject: Separate is bad, together is good. Mordovian folk tale.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson Objectives:


    continue acquaintance with the folk art of our Motherland.


    expand students' knowledge about professions;

    develop the skills of expressive, fluent reading, the ability to work with text;

    enrich vocabulary;

    develop the ability to analyze the actions of heroes;

    show the relationship between the actions of the main characters.


    to cultivate respect for one's relatives, a person of labor, the ability to make friends.

Lesson stage




Children's activities, planned personal results - L, cognitive - P, regulatory - R, communicative - K,

subject - PR





Organizing time

General readiness of children for the lesson.

Readiness check.

The bell rang loudly

The lesson starts.

The eyes are wide open.

We listen, we remember

We don't waste a minute.

Today we have an unusual meeting. First, let's smile at each other. Turn to me and give me your smile. After all, a smile adorns a person, gives everyone a mood of joy. Only this mood we will need today for work.

Reaction to teachers, guests

I stage

before reading

1. The appearance of the topic of the lesson.

2. Reading anticipation (anticipation of upcoming reading)

3. The emergence of lesson objectives.

Conducting vocabulary work.


Three magpies - three rattles
Lost three brushes
Three - today
Three - yesterday
Three - the day before yesterday.

What number was repeated in the tongue twister?

Does this number remind you of something? SLIDE

What piece did you learn in the last lesson?

What do you remember about her?

Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with another folk art.

Look at the slides. A wise people lives in the Central European part of our Russia - the Mordovians. They live amicably, and guests are always greeted with bread and salt. And they tell good stories to their guests. And in our book, the Mordvinian fairy tale “Apart is bad, together is good” received an honorable place.
- It was not in vain that I offered you a tongue twister with the number three.

Remember, fairy tales often say that old people had three sons. For example: Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" begins with the words

An old man lived in a village.

The old woman has three sons:

The older one was smart,

Middle son and so and so

The younger one was an idiot.

The Bashkir fairy tale "Kurai" also speaks of three sons:

One day, the khan called the son of some poor old people to his place. They had three sons.

And the Nenets fairy tale is called “Three Sons”.

And who are we going to read a fairy tale about today?

That's right, about three sons.

Let's do the vocabulary first. What do the words mean:



Are these items needed today?

We explained the words. After we read the tale, you will learn even more about who needs a harrow and an anvil.

Health saving, training of the articulatory apparatus.

K - the ability to listen and evaluate the response of a friend.

Putting a mark - circles

Red - 5

Green - 4

PR - looking at the portrait of the writer

P - the ability to identify an object by common features

RP - reading the title, looking at the illustration to the text. Based on the title and illustration, the children make an assumption about the content of the text.

Explanation of unknown words.

P - acceptance of the objectives of the lesson, readiness to read and discuss the text.

P stage while reading

1. Primary reading.

2. Checking the assimilation of the content.

3. Dynamic pause.

4. Rereading the text.

Reading the text in a chain by paragraphs (out loud).

Did you like this fairy tale?

What feelings did you experience while reading?

Why did the brothers often quarrel? (Because of the water)

Why didn’t they have enough water? (on hot days, the water in the river dried up)

Who got water? (Who got up early)

How much did the brothers quarrel?

Everyone lives on their own, they do not want to know each other anymore. What quality of a person is being referred to here? (About pride)

Why didn’t they succeed? (Everyone lost something. They couldn’t do their job.)

What helped the brothers come to an agreement? (It started to rain.)

Who suggested ponding a pond?

How did they start living? (.. friendly, good, help each other)

Did they understand that living together is good?

Prove that together is better? (When together, everything can be done. When together, things are going well.)

What words end the story?

(It's good to live together. Separate is bad!)

Explain how these words are related to the story of the brothers?

We are now going to re-read this text.

What do you think we should do with the text?

Yes, we will need to divide the text into parts and choose headings, and, of course, we will learn expressive reading.

Who would you tell the story to?

In order to make it interesting to listen to you, we will prepare a retelling according to the plan.

1 part. "Three Brothers Lived"

How did they live? (In a quarrel, not friendly, bad)

2 part. “Once the brothers had a big fight.”

What did they say to each other?

How did they start living? (They live on their own).

How long, or were they able to live without each other?

3 part. "Summer was dry"

What happened in the dry summer? (read out)

Were the brothers able to cope with the trouble alone?

4 part. "Rain has gone"

What did the rain bring to the old people? (Joy)

How did the blacksmith try to collect water? (Read out)

What did the old people understand?

part 5. "It's good to live together."

Why is it good to live together?

When did they succeed?

Are all professions important in the world?

Can they do without each other?

What other proverbs do you know about what is better together?

“It’s not heavy together, but at least drop it apart. Take it together - it will not be heavy. The light is not sweet when there is no friend. One in the field is not a warrior. You can't tie a knot with one hand."

Who noticed how unusual our plan is?

(each item of the plan is titled with a line from the text)

This is a quote plan.

R, PR - independent tracking, listening.

L - the presence of a primary emotional reaction to the text, its adequacy to the text. The ability to express your feelings and thoughts.

P - checking your assumptions about the content and characters of the text, reflection.

- Why was the forecast inaccurate?

L - emotional experience

P, PR - the ability to answer the teacher's questions based on the text, to argue their point of view.

K - a manifestation of attention to the judgments of comrades, the desire to find and guess the author's hints in the text.

L C - the ability to cooperate in pairs

K - management of the partner's behavior, interaction

P - modeling, work with the scheme




I suggest you answer the questions of a small questionnaire. You write down your answers on paper. Mark the number 1 on paper. Opposite this number, you will write the letter of the correct answer.

So, attention to the board.

Question 1:
The fairy tale "Apart is bad, together is good" is a fairy tale:

A) magical

B) household;

C) about animals.

Question 2

Professions of the elderly

A) fisherman, hunter, plowman;

B) plowman, blacksmith, fisherman;

C) plowman, blacksmith, carpenter.

Question 3

The old men quarreled

A) due to water

B) because of the earth;

C) because of the fish.

Question 4

They lived apart:

A) hungry

B) cold

C) bad.

Question 5

Families began to live:

A) friendly

B) bad;

C) apart

What conclusion can be drawn from the read story?

(that you need to live together. If only the brothers in the family are together, they will have everything, everything will work out))

How do you rate your work in class?

What is your mood after the lesson?

Choose a picture that matches your mood.

What mark would you give yourself for your work in class?


Prepare to read the fairy tale by roles.

And for those who want to get another five, I suggest completing task 5 on page 70 of the textbook (read out)

P, PR - the ability to answer the teacher's questions based on the text, the level of independence of work.

L - assessment and reflection of one's own and collective activities