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» Do husbands return to ex-wives after divorce. Why do men leave and come back? How long does it take for an ex to return?

Do husbands return to ex-wives after divorce. Why do men leave and come back? How long does it take for an ex to return?

The men almost always come back. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later. Sometimes just to briefly remember the past in which they were happy, and sometimes, repenting of their betrayal, to start all over again. After what time do husbands usually return to the family? The standard term is from one year to one and a half years.

On two chairs

Men after a breakup often behave extremely strange. Ideally, when they tactfully leave the once beloved woman, they give her the pain of separation and the opportunity to gain strength in order to start all over again. But only a few are ready to completely erase themselves from the life of their wife.

Most men seem to be trying to sit on two chairs. Having received a breath of long-awaited fresh air, they begin to do everything possible to again attract the attention of the one that they betrayed. They can call, look for reasons to meet, to the place and out of place to offer their help.

Even if a man has gone to a new beloved, then after a certain time his euphoria passes, and he begins to compare her with the former. This is how the representatives of the stronger sex are arranged - they are looking for a place where they are “warmer”.

Only a few are ready to completely erase themselves from the life of their wife.

Comparison of a new passion with an ex-wife leads a man to complete confusion, causes feelings of nostalgia for everything that was once expensive, especially if there are more than ten years of marriage behind him. He begins to blame himself that he pays little attention to children, that he abandoned his relatives, that old, faithful friends do not approve of his act. Or he realizes that he underestimated the strength of his feelings for his ex-wife.

In general, after about a year of his "free" life, the hero-lover feels like a hostage to a new situation. Almost all men embrace these conflicting feelings. Psychologists call this condition "syndrome of the seventeenth month." From a year to a year and a half, it becomes a critical period in their perception of themselves - that's about how long men return after parting.

Dreams and reality

Men who decide to part, believe that they can perfectly do without a family. After all, she limits him so much, imposes family obligations: moral and material. He does not belong to himself, but he so wants to be a cool macho from Hollywood films, easily going through life and seducing women right and left.

After about a year of his "free" life, the hero-lover feels himself a hostage to a new situation.

A man who has received freedom goes through three stages (they take about a year to a year and a half).

Stage one - enjoyment

A man, no matter what age he is, feels like a male, full of strength and energy. He is ready for sexual exploits, he can change his job to a more prestigious one, buy an expensive car. He revels in freedom. Diligently demonstrates all the attributes of his success. Often he is under the power of stereotypes or realizes some of his ideas (perhaps from childhood) about how a successful man should be. This is a very superficial stage in his life, without analysis and introspection. But it doesn't last as long as he would like.

Stage two - satiety

All such pleasures, unexpectedly for a man, turn out to be energy-consuming activities. And the strength and desire to show off disappear after about six months. He just starts to get tired. After all, often all the actions that he performs bring an extremely superficial result.

Yes, he surrounded himself with young beauties, but they demand to pay for their every breath. Prestigious work takes more and more personal time, not even leaving the opportunity for a good sleep. The man begins to miss the warmth, selfless care and understanding, that is, the family hearth, from which he so presumptuously fled.

Stage three - remorse

At the third stage of his freedom, a man begins to analyze his actions, and finally realizes that he has lost everything that is most important to him. He is sincerely remorseful. Often wants to return to the family, at least at least try to start all over again after all that he has done. He makes the first timid attempt to establish contact with his wife and takes a wait-and-see attitude. He is in no hurry to come with a confession. He needs some more time to admit his mistake and mentally prepare for reconciliation.

At the third stage of his freedom, a man begins to analyze his actions, and finally realizes that he has lost everything that is most important to him.

According to statistics, every third man, having passed these three stages, makes an attempt to return to the family. His further future will already depend on his wife. Will she be able to accept and forgive her prodigal husband, or will she still prefer to go through life without him. And perhaps, over the past year and a half, she has also met her new love (yes, this happens not infrequently).

Men thinking about divorce should remember that family happiness is very fragile, it can be broken in an instant, but it may take years of hard work to rebuild and regain the lost trust of your chosen one.

Why is it returning? There are many reasons why men return after a breakup. Human psychology is arranged in a complex way, so it is worth understanding everything in order. Men are returning because:

  • It is uncomfortable for them to be without a chosen one, her role in their life is quite large.
  • In comparison, truth is born. It often happens that the former, in the opinion of a man, has better qualities than a new passion.
  • A representative of the strong half of humanity sometimes needs time to understand how deep his feelings for the former chosen one are. When they are serious enough, the relationship is rekindled.

These are the most common reasons why men return after a breakup. Psychology is a complex thing, it is not so easy to understand it.

How long did it take for you to return

Left alone, a woman gets a little more free time, which is not worth spending bursting into tears, reveling in her own grief and complaining to everyone she meets about her tragic fate. This period can be perfectly filled with useful activities.


First of all, calm down, listen to yourself, understand what you want, and not what you need. It's time to love your nature. This is where building healthy and happy relationships with other people begins.

A woman who values ​​and loves herself will definitely attract a worthy partner. Thoughts of men I wonder what men think after parting? As a rule, they also try to understand themselves, their feelings.
Some just try to take a break from life together, devote time to hobbies, meet friends.

Did your ex come back to you?

Those who are from previous relationships immediately jumped into new ones, in the initial period they enjoy the novelty of communication, burning passion, etc. Then there comes a time when a man makes a choice - to remain alone, develop a new relationship, or return to an ex-woman.

Actions and feelings young man The behavior of men after parting is sometimes surprising. Especially if the initiative to break lies with him. Instead of completely disappearing from the life of the former, he begins to look for meetings, regularly reminds himself, tries to attract attention.
It is not uncommon for a man to call after a breakup, catching his ex by surprise. Such actions take place when the culprit of the gap feels confused.
After all, he is not used to being alone, making any decisions on his own, especially if the couple has been together for a long period of time. The feelings of a man after parting are ambiguous.

Did your ex come back...

In addition, this is also one of the reasons why girls return to their former lovers. If the couple was connected only by sex, which suited both of them completely, then the emotional relationship, in essence, was just a shell.
A man or woman will sooner or later leave the couple, trying to find new interesting connections, to try their luck. Also, the cause may be pregnancy or illness - conditions in which intimacy fades into the background.

After looking for new sensations, the guys get bored, and they are already planning a scenario for their return. The girls go even further and portray the pangs of separation. And the relationship continues from the moment it stopped, when one of the couple went towards new sensations.

Duty and Responsibility A sense of responsibility is the reason why girls return to their exes, but it can also be the other way around.

Did your ex come back to you?

Men of the age like to devote their free time to their favorite activities, such as fishing, hunting, etc. During this period, it is better to support a partner, with his permission, you can join his hobby.

Then, perhaps, common interests and topics for communication will arise.

When and why do men return after a breakup: psychology

And although I know the strategy of returning an ex-boyfriend, as well as the successful results of its application, this requires considerable effort on the part of a woman and remarkable determination. And now the million dollar question: Why, after such a breakup, some men come back and try to start a relationship with a woman again? Why did HE come back and what to do about it? Let's understand the reasons and what to do if the former returned? Men learn from their mistakes, but for the most part, they do not learn as quickly as women.

They return to try again, but after they have understood something. I must say that such comebacks rarely end well. But main question, nevertheless, remained - why are they returning? There are several explanations for this phenomenon: 1Unforgettable sex. No man is able to refuse good sex.

Why do men return after a breakup?

After all, if you take something out of the fridge and find it has gone bad, you throw it away. I hope you don't have the idea of ​​returning it to the refrigerator in the hope that it will be fresh tomorrow? And in this case, it’s about the same - it’s still better to “throw away”. 3

He is alone again. Men left alone again, as a rule, try to reconnect with their former girlfriends. The reasons may be different, but they are all basically already mentioned above.

It usually starts with an innocent phone call, text message or email. With the help of these simple tricks, a man “checks the water” and tries to determine, by the reaction of a woman, something “shines” for him or “does not shine”. While some repeat relationships can work out well, women need to be very careful when rekindling an old romance.
On the one hand, he is seized by a feeling of freedom and lightness, on the other hand, he often becomes a hostage to such a situation. At first this is not a problem. However, the situation gets a little more complicated later on.
When a man is left just alone with himself, it is much easier for him to figure it out. If a young man has another girlfriend ... If at this moment he is in the company of a new darling, he most often wants to just run away. It seems that the relationship captures him, but it’s one thing to stealthily see his mistress, enjoy intrigue and passionate meetings, and it’s quite another to live with her on the same territory. In everyday life, a person is known as best as possible. And once a sweet stranger can turn into a grumpy roommate in a moment. It happens that having caught your chosen one in communication with the former, the current passion for the first time shows its true face.

Did the ex-boyfriend return to you and after how much

Therefore, she begins to wait for her boyfriend to return to her again. Days, weeks, months pass, and he does not return. After that, the girl frantically searches for information on the Internet to find out "the exact or approximate dates for the return of her ex-boyfriend." But she does not understand the naivety of her question, because according to statistics, such returns are more exceptions than the rule, and they are very rare. Having not found an answer, the girl continues to wait, depriving herself of the opportunity to move on and build new relationships. It is sad. Let's finish the digression and return to the topic of the article. Let's get to the answer to the question "Why do ex-boyfriends come back?" in a business sense. Any romantic relationship is a kind of contract, drawn up on some specific basis: sexual, financial, emotional, or a combination of all of the above.
The content of the article

  • 1 Psychology of male behavior
    • 1.1 Lack of attention
    • 1.2 Feeling competitive
    • 1.3 Playing on feelings
    • 1.4 Holy simplicity
    • 1.5 Intimate harmony
    • 1.6 Duty and responsibility
    • 1.7 Love for a child
    • 1.8 Living in two families
  • 2 What to do in such a situation

When the parting is over and even the bitter sediment has long turned into mere memories, women often face the fact that a man returns, and this event always takes you by surprise. Why do men return after a breakup, and is it worth thinking about resuming a relationship? Psychology of male behavior If men return after parting, psychology explains this act by several subconscious, and sometimes conscious levers in the behavior of a man.

I take care of my Motherland, I live and rest abroad….. Reply with quote Up ▲

  • 01/05/2010, 00:48 #4 Through any, and in a year it was. Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 00:51 #5 Ex-husband. In two years. When I found out I was having an affair. Well, think about it, well, he died, he wouldn’t die with such and such a life ... (c) Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 01:59 #6 after 11 years…… Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 03:01 #7 it usually depends on how quickly a man manages to find a new sexual partner, of course, it also depends on whose initiative they broke up..in my relationship, I usually initiate breakups and the statistics are as follows - they start to return after about a month . but I understand you have a different situation? not you him, but he you? then oh. may not come back at all.

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For example, a woman does not suit him in bed, she does not cook well or is too imposed, she ceases to take care of herself or take care of her missus. Hence the anecdotal “darling, you are the best, today I was convinced of this again.” Or maybe he has not yet fully matured, and therefore is not quite sure of himself and the correctness of his choice, and is simply afraid to connect his life with a single woman? Women's nature is different.

One ironic folk saying describes this difference very aptly: “a man wants the same thing from many women, a woman wants a lot from the same man.” some sent and this already put an end to it. I was wondering how it was for you. girls. After a divorce or after a serious relationship. well, or after (God forbid) went to another. Your man through time was announced. and if yes. then after what time and how exactly he did it.

How long did it take for you to return

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  • 01/05/2010, 14:45 #15 And they came back to me, and I came back. There was always a painful feeling that they left too soon, that they didn’t like it. And then I realized that if you once loved, then it is impossible to love to the end.
    At least that's how it is with me - not a single marriage, not a single story ends with indifference or anger, or some other filth. Hunger for each other remains, unfortunately, forever, and acute, and may catch up in years. In general, a dangerous and very sad topic is these returns.
    All terribly native. I love my (everyone) very much. Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 14:53 #16 Ptashkano you have a different situation, as I understand it? not you him, but he you? I generally somehow do not understand who wins and why.

After what time do ex-husbands begin to try to return the family?

You're on fire, you bastard!

  • 01/05/2010, 10:24 #13 Message from Sharon Stone come back exactly when they become "ex" Controversial moment.)) Why do people think they have the right to destroy other people's lives? Leaving, offending, not calling, throwing words into the wind ... What are you, Gods, to decide who suffers and who lives happily? If you already said “I love”, then be kind to love until the last breath. If you said “I promise”, then break into a cake, but keep your promise. If you said "I won't let you go", then do everything to stay.
    Otherwise, what is the point of living if your every word is equal to zero and has no meaning? © Ivan Okhlobystin Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 13:19 #14 Message from Ger Finita la comedy. Back - no, no.

To whom did ex-husbands return from their mistresses and after what time?

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  • 01/05/2010, 03:34 PM #18 Posted by Ger Beregu our good relationship with my girlfriend, which is significantly different from what I had, and I like it much more. Why should I return? relations with a girlfriend will deteriorate and again memories will flood in and you will want the completion of what did not end with your wife. You are in a very unstable state. http://www.b17.ru/prt=10206 Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 03:37 PM #19 Posted by Call Did you ever get in touch again? Some tried to get in touch, but there were no comebacks.

what I don't remember - that was not Reply with quote Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 03:43 PM #20 Posted by Call to renew relations I didn't get anything good as a result of resuscitation.
  • Men always come back


    If you face the truth, then sexual relations really play a huge role in the life of every person. How long does it take to return ex-husbands“Sometimes you have to hear: “He went to another, then returned, she left, took a walk, returned ...”, the specialist argues. - Few people think that behind these events there is a serious human drama. It's not just that people come and go. And who knows what mental strength it can cost a former partner to forgive betrayal? A very common problem with which they turn to a psychologist, according to Olga Mshanskaya, is precisely the inability to re-build relationships with a former partner who has returned or wants to return.

    Do ex-husbands return to their wives after divorce

    Interested in the experience of others. How long after a quarrel / leaving / talking about the need to leave / just a silent disappearance did the men make an attempt to get in touch and renew the relationship? Reply with quote Up ▲

    • Interesting on cofe.ru Boots for all occasions How to understand that a husband wants a divorce Her Majesty Pasta
    • 01/04/2010, 22:20 #2 Call, It depends on the circumstances, if just a silent disappearance may not even appear And if it seriously depends on how they parted and the reasons God died (c) NietzscheNietzsche died (c) GodBugog (с) Death Reply with quote Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 00:41 #3 Message from Call Interested in the experience of others. How long after a quarrel / leaving / talking about the need to leave / just a silent disappearance did the men make an attempt to get in touch and renew the relationship? From 2 hours to 2 months or never.

    Did your ex come back to you?

    How often, looking back, we state that a personal tragedy followed one of those scenarios that, years later, even seem beaten to us. One of them is as old as the world: men return to the former. He is gone, and in an instant a wave of resentment makes him hateful.


    Then, for some reason, only good things were remembered, but vague flashes of desire for revenge flashed in my soul. Later, the hatred also passed, the pain and longing for the beloved remained. The bad has disappeared from your memory, and it seems to you that such wonderful moments as with him will never happen again.

    You begin to blame yourself and continue to wait for him, maybe because you just got used to waiting. Men who appear in your life do not pass the test for "like him." And you do not let happiness into your life, perhaps quite consciously.

    Maybe you are trying to get it back, but they have not been successful so far.

    Practical forum about true love

    You cannot enter the same river twice, and for some reason the river does not become cleaner or warmer over time. It is better to start a new relationship than to return the old ones. You will drag knapsacks of old grievances with you through life http://www.b17.ru/prt=10206 Reply with quote Up ▲

    • 01/05/2010, 04:13 PM #21 Posted by Arabesque It is better to start a new relationship than return the old one. absolutely exactly.!! died so died) life is like a pie - you never guess which side the jam will come out from :)) victory loves an exact calculation! Reply with quote Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 04:22 PM #22 Posted by Arabesque You can't step into the same river twice, and for some reason the river doesn't become cleaner or warmer over time. It's better to start a new relationship than to return an old one.

    Reply with quote Up ▲

    • 01/05/2010, 09:54 #11 Posted by Call How long after a quarrel/leaving/talking about the need to leave/just a silent disappearance did the man attempt to get in touch and renew the relationship? He-he-he ... For five years in a row he made attempts ... Until he arranged his personal life. And now - everything. No "attempts to resume". Finita la comedy.
      Back - no, no. Everything that is done - all for the better? Sure? Well, well… Reply with quote Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 10:15 #12 As experience shows, they return exactly when they become “former”. That is, when the nafik has not given up. That is, completely. and through life.

    To whom ex-husbands returned and after what time

    GendireHtor GendireHtor Hi. Girls, tell me, my husband left with a 10-month-old child. As it turned out to another, although until the last he hid and said that he was leaving me so bad. I forget, and the next day, again thinking only about him, I would probably forgive everything if I came. From whom did the husbands leave for a long period, and then return ??? Options: Less than 6 months 33 (51.56%) More than 3 years 14 (21.88%) 1 year - 3 years 10 (15.63%) 6-12 months 7 (10.94%) Total votes: 64 July 21, 2013 at 2:29 pm Reply to topics on the Advisor can only be registered users.

    After what time do ex-husbands begin to try to return the family?

      On average, sometimes they try. Basically, when the candy-bouquet period ends with a new passion, the passion goes away, the man sees that there is nothing fundamentally special about this woman, or these features have already bored him. Then he begins to pull back to the family hearth. Especially if the mistress is not shy about endless requests, tantrums, demands, etc. How soon this happens is already individual, depends on the man himself.

      There are a lot of reasons in such a case, but there are two main reasons due to which a man returns to his family and on which the time depends when the adventures of the prodigal parrot come to an end, that's exactly the time that decides everything.

      Some may not return at all, whom pride does not allow.

      Others, the bulk of those who return, and, moreover, return much faster than one can imagine, are spineless gigolos and sticky people who live for themselves. One didn’t like it (or he didn’t please her, a kick in the ass), back to his wife until he clings to the other and such a whirlwind until the male charm ends in old age, as they say buttercups withered.

      This is a family matter. But in my opinion, then on average somewhere in half a year, a year, probably. It all depends where he went, whether there are children or not. Maybe the man just got blown away and he didn’t realize when he left that the family was more important to him and would understand after a while. Or maybe it goes away Great love and will never return again. It's a matter of chance.

      It happens in life and such that running away former spouses after a while they get back together. A man, when he initiates a break, often acts under the influence of momentary emotions, in a certain state of passion, and when he passes, he begins to repent, especially if he did not leave for another, and there are many such cases. It is hard for a married man to get used to bachelor life again, a man begins to miss comfort and love. Well, if another woman intervened in the matter, she most often initiates the divorce of the spouses in order to grab the man for herself. There may be love and self-interest, and in this case a man rarely returns, falling into strong hands. But if he is left alone, then in at least half of the cases, after a while, the man begins to get bored and feels the need to return. And here it all depends on the ex-wife.

      My parents got married a second time after 8 years of divorce, when I was already 15 years old, my father wanted to return to the family for a long time, but my mother was against it, there was too much betrayal, and then my mother started having health problems, her father began to take care of her , and she gave up, live happily for 17 years.

      My husband tried to return to my sister after 5 years of divorce, after he betrayed and left her a month after the birth of their child. And I wanted to return only because it didn’t work out with my mistress, and my sister really climbed the career ladder and began to occupy a significant place in society, I wanted to warm up at her expense. She sent him.

      In general, I believe that most men, if they return to ex-wives only if nothing good has happened in their life. But you need to think a hundred times before deciding to accept the prodigal husband back into the family.

      I think that everything is known in comparison and this situation is no exception. It is difficult to say, because each situation is individual, everyone has their own problems. The husband asks back when some kind of puncture happens with a new passion, when he realizes that the comparison is not in favor of the new woman, if he misses the children and so on. There are a lot of reasons.

      Even though what the reason for the divorce was, how serious your quarrel was, there are those who will not forgive betrayal or an attempt.

      I think in a year or so less man begins to remember, compare and get bored if he does not forget at all ... Suddenly he will meet much better and vice versa, the past will be easily forgotten.

      not everyone is trying to do this, and everyone’s character is different, you can’t comb everyone with one comb, some already start trying the next morning, others after they part again, but with the next new woman.

      I didn’t believe when they reassured me that a man who left the family in 90% returns to her. When you are on the verge of a divorce, it seems that this is all the end. But then you calm down, you take it for granted. In my case, the former began to return the family, immediately after the divorce, although he himself filed for him, as he himself later admitted, he thought that I would refuse in court. But I decided not to delay, I think that if he wants, then what to keep him. there were attempts to get along, I myself wanted it. But as life has shown, you can’t go into the same river twice. We parted anyway. He has a different family. And I don’t regret anything.

      It happens that after a divorce, ex-husbands try to return to the family. They walk up with their friends, try what it's like to be alone, and that's when they've had enough of it, when they're already tired of scattered socks, dirty dishes, cook for themselves. A man understands that one is mentally, physically, and in some cases financially ill, that he misses his children, that ex-wife the best, dear and beloved so far (perhaps even after meetings with other women), and begins her attempts to return - flowers, gifts, attention. Here, of course, it’s hard to say even on average, it all depends on the man himself, on the woman, on the reasons why the family broke up, for someone it’s a couple of months, and for someone it’s years. Sometimes any troubles, difficult situations, illnesses lead to the fact that the former converge back.

      There may be too many pitfalls in this course, it’s a pity that you didn’t describe the situation in more detail, so 50/50 that he will return, but in general, on average, there should be no more than a year, then the chances are less and less, in any case, life goes on, live further though it may be difficult.

      Not all men return to the family, some are ashamed, some are not at all eager to live with a woman again under the same roof. It happens that a man realized that his new girlfriend is not as neat as he used to, cooks not as well, greedy, and so on, and then the man wants to return to his peaceful corner. But it’s impossible to indicate the time period, it can be two months or a whole year.

      If a man left for another woman, you should not wait for his return, you must begin to build your life without his presence. The less you think about it, the faster things will get better. As many single women, as many single men. You can meet anywhere and at any time.

    Nothing lasts forever under the moon ... And sometimes even the strongest relationships end in parting. The bitterness of loss, tears in the pillow, longing for a loved one and memories of the past - all this is experienced by a woman when a man leaves.

    But it also happens that he suddenly suddenly decides to reappear in her life. Often this happens when the pain of separation subsides and the woman no longer hopes to return her beloved.

    Many of the fair sex in such cases wonder: why do men return after parting? And what to do with it?

    Time sets its accents, and young people can reconsider their attitude towards ex girlfriend. Quite often it turns out that they are not ready to let her go and want to return to her. Why is this happening?

    Reasons why a man returns after a breakup

    • "When we lose, we cry." Alas, but often the male representatives understand how much they love their chosen one, only after separation from her. They suddenly begin to appreciate in the girl something that they had not previously paid attention to or that seemed to them not so important.
    • If the breakup occurred through the fault of a man (treason, quarrel, rude attitude towards a woman, etc.), then he may suffer remorse, repent and ask his former lover to forgive him and accept him again.
    • The longer and more serious the relationship was, the stronger the man was able to become attached to his passion and the higher the likelihood that he would want to return to her. For many young people, it turns out to be unbearable to live apart from the one who understood him perfectly, whom he trusted so much, and who supported him so much.
    • If a man has found another girl for himself, then, willy-nilly, the current lady is compared with the previous one. And it often turns out that the former lover wins in this regard: she can be smarter, more caring, sincere, more interesting in sex, etc. The man understands that he does not want to miss her and seeks to return.
    • Most men are possessive by nature. It is difficult for them to come to terms with the fact that a woman can belong to someone else. Therefore, even after breaking up, they try to keep abreast of how she lives and with whom she meets. And many, having learned about the new relationship of their ex-girlfriend, suddenly appear on the threshold of her house and again try to win the attention of their beloved.
    • Some men cannot let go of a woman because they want to dominate her. Especially if they feel dependent on them. They return to amuse their pride and assert themselves in this way. It is possible that such an egoist will one day leave again, regardless of the feelings of a woman.
    • If a man was overwhelmed by a wave of new love, and he went to another woman, then, of course, there is a possibility that the sudden passion will pass, feelings will cool down, and he will want to return to his former chosen one. After all, only sex connects him with a new passion, and in the previous relationship there was more depth, trust and mutual understanding. They say about such men: "Worked up." But whether a woman will take him back depends entirely on her.
    • Another reason for a man to return to his former lover is his conservatism. It is extremely difficult for some representatives of the strong half of humanity to change something in life. For them, it is better to return to the old relationship than to establish a new one. Such men strive to “put everything on their shelves” again. This makes them feel calmer and more confident.
    • Do men return if the reason for the breakup was the betrayal of a woman? Yes, but a deceived man is ready to forgive only when he has strong love for her. In this case, he seeks to win the attention of his lady of the heart and return the relationship, even if the lover is firmly established in her life.
    • If in marriage a man and a woman are connected by joint children, then love for them can also serve as a reason for his return to the family. For many male representatives, the situation when another person will take part in the upbringing of their children is completely unacceptable.

    It is important for a woman to analyze the reasons why a man who is parting with her wants to return in order to draw the necessary conclusions and make the right decision: whether or not to renew relations with him.

    What do men think and feel after a breakup?

    Some take a break in order to properly analyze everything and understand themselves, to understand their desires and the seriousness of their intentions regarding a woman.

    Men can in their thoughts return to the moments spent together with their ex-lover, regretting the past time, experiencing nostalgia, which enhances the desire to renew the relationship.

    A man can immediately (and maybe after a thorough analysis) begin to make plans for how to return to his beloved.

    Young people may feel longing for their girlfriend and their former relationship.

    Men are at a loss, have doubts about whether it is worth resuming the old connection.

    They may feel jealous if the former chosen one has a new man.

    Resentment against a woman on the part of a young man is usually present when it was necessary to leave on her initiative (or because of her betrayal).

    What can men do who want to return to their beloved?

    Immediately after a breakup, a man can spend all his free time doing something to cope with negative emotions and calm his nerves. These are meetings with friends, and the emergence of new hobbies, and immersion in work and sports.

    Some engage in self-deception, try not to think about the ex-girlfriend, to deny the desire to return to her. Such men can immerse themselves in new relationships, seek solace in sex, trying to forget their beloved. But it doesn't work for everyone.

    A man can start looking for meetings with a former passion, call her, write messages.

    It is not uncommon for a young man, after parting, to overwhelm a girl with gifts, flowers (even if during the entire period of their relationship he did this extremely rarely).

    Sometimes men follow women, they can resort to threats, especially if they are jealous.

    Some turn to mutual friends or girlfriends of the girl for help, so that they somehow influence her and help recreate their relationship.

    What to do if a man wants to return?

    1. It is important not to indulge in a fit of feelings and not run headlong at the first call of a former lover. It is necessary to ascertain the sincerity and seriousness of his intentions. Wait a while. Let the man work hard to win you over again.
    2. Analyze everything that violated the harmony in your relationship, the reasons for the breakup and possible threats for the future. If you already decide to recreate the union, then you need to take into account past experience and not make the same mistakes.
    3. Answer yourself a few questions:

    Are you confident in the reliability of this person? Do you want a serious relationship with him?

    Do you love him or are you ready to accept him again only out of pity?

    What depends on you in the success of your relationship with him? Are you ready to change something?

    4. Be desirable, attractive, love yourself, this will always attract a man.

    And it is important to remember that strong relationships cannot be built without trust and respect for each other!

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