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» How do men punish girls for cheating? How to take revenge on a girl How to teach a lesson to a girl who left you.

How do men punish girls for cheating? How to take revenge on a girl How to teach a lesson to a girl who left you.

There are several effective ways to punish a guy for lying or ignoring. If a girl wants to go teach her man a lesson - chain her with soft handcuffs to the back of the bed during intimate caresses and spank her soulmate with a leather whip gently and lovingly, force her man to change into women's clothes, ask him to fulfill a vulgar sexual fantasy or use other methods of intimate punishment.

Punish your young man as a joke in the following ways:

It is strongly not recommended to use threats and blackmail about the lack of sex and food as a punishment for a delinquent man, since it is likely that a young man will look for an object to satisfy his physical needs on the side.

Pleasant "punishment": when a lover is at a great distance, you can send him intimate photos or an audio recording with ambiguous languid sighs over the Internet, arrange hot Skype conversations or phone sex.

As punishment for smoking or other frivolous oversights, a message from an unknown number or sent from the Internet is suitable for writing off a large amount of money from his credit or other bank card account. After a few hours, you need to admit that this SMS was a joke, but this amount must be paid as compensation for the deed.

You can punish a guy in correspondence by sending a message with the following content: “Hi, cat, I’m sleeping alone at home today, maybe you will brighten up my leisure time and we will spend this night in each other’s arms? » And then write that the message was not addressed to him.

How can you punish a guy in a comic way?
How to punish a lover for petty offenses: ways of vulgar and comic punishments, role-playing games. How to teach a guy a lesson by phone and SMS?

To go punish the girl who offended you, use the Internet. All the advice that I found will not harm her, but will sharply hurt her pride.

Vulgarity is a worthless baseness.

If you decide to do this, I do not try to dissuade you.

The punishment itself is 5 different ways, which allow you to teach a scoundrel a lesson.

Preferably where the guest list is not visible.

For example, VKontakte.

After logging in under your name, send her a public message on the “wall” 100 times in a row.

Sitting mediocre on the Internet, only repeating lies every day, beauty will come out as a punishment, because life will offend you.

* You can write your ex-girlfriend a personal message of the following nature.

Your vulgarity does not bother me, let the leper kiss your face. If you meet a fool, he will punish you, smear you on the wall for pride.

Now, wipe your snot, internet girl.

*Internet punishment can be so mean that I'm afraid to reveal 1 more piece of advice.

If you are sure that your girlfriend has found herself another man with whom she will spin and run away, dare to write to him about what happened between you.

Do not throw "drooling spray".

Just tell the youngster that he is in her hands - another toy.

Punish her with frankness, which, in a good way, should remain between you.

Having made friends with her new acquaintance and entered into correspondence, the Internet will help you anonymously punish the swindler.

When the guy realizes that you were not mistaken, he himself will descend to branded vulgarity.

* You can buy the most inexpensive SIM card.

And order your ex-girlfriend one very vulgar home delivery.

To help you, the Internet and “pink things”, which are often used instead of manhood.

Literally the next day, the devil will receive a pleasant surprise that will forever punish her for what she did to you.

* There is another punishment that can be done on the Internet.

In a vulgar form, declare that she is a worthless girl, punished by stupidity to the very grave.

After parting with her, you met another, to whom all your wealth will belong.

When asked what you're talking about, moron, say that you own decent money that you spend only on worthy girls.

All the useful advice contained on this page is not even a vulgar punishment, but the weakness that unworthy men decide to do.

I have to warn you that the best punishment will be pride, which will not allow you to use in practice everything that is suggested above.

The material was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.

The female sex, like the male, is replete with a variety of multifaceted characters, behavior, and morality. There are women who are reliable and loyal. There are those who are able to betray, out of stupidity, out of weakness, out of curiosity. Having learned about the betrayal, the man turns on the insult, thinks out how to punish the girl for treason. Seeks to cause reciprocal pain, similar to or stronger than the one from which he suffers.

Many factors influence how seriously you need to take female betrayal. This behavior is typical for a girl or an absurd accident. Do you want to save the relationship or were waiting for an excuse to leave. There will be punishment for this casual slap in the face in a fit of anger. Or the vengeful destruction of her entire life. As you ponder these questions, the need for vindictive punishment may disappear - when emotions calm down, reason comes to the fore.

In an effort to avenge betrayal, remember that it is impossible to do so and remain a real gentleman. Revenge on a girl is a negatively colored act that can successfully develop for someone who is obviously predisposed to meanness and unseemly deeds.

Indulging in such a "luxury" - revenge for treason, the image Ideal Man do not create, but ruin your reputation significantly.

You can only go down to revenge, it is possible to rise with more positive feelings. To take revenge on a loved one is cruel, vile. To take revenge on the unloved is pointless. In addition, you might spoil the life of the former, but not one hundred percent, but you will definitely get a spot of a petty squabbler on your reputation. Vindictiveness does not fit well into the ideal image. A real man- generous. Strong - lets go free. Confident - knows his own worth. Such a picture is more attractive than the image of a weakling running after a woman, throwing clods of dirt into a woman's fragile back.

You will look reliable, stable, balanced - your behavior will make her regret the perfect act. The image of an insecure person who only makes attacks towards the weaker sex is not an attractive sight; no one will regret the loss of such a partner. Moreover, it is unlikely that at least one man will be able to punish a girl better than herself. Women's imagination is huge. In addition, every woman is suspicious by nature, needs to be fed from the outside. If you hit her self-esteem instead of support, it will be difficult for her to recover.

The betrayal of a woman can also carry constructive moments for you, even if the thought sounds paradoxical. For example, if you made serious plans for life together, then it is better to learn about her inconstancy, unreliability now than after the years lived together.

What are the methods of revenge?

Choose the path of revenge for yourself - remember: such an act can convince a woman that her step is the right one, because your behavior is petty and unworthy if you are able to take revenge.

To figure out how to punish for treason, it is important to know what you want to achieve in the end? The solution will help you choose a method.

Determine for yourself whether you want to leave after punishment or punish for treason and be together. Regardless of whether you decide to continue the relationship or are thinking of revenge and break up, cool down and reflect. Intend to be with her - emotions will damage the relationship. If you want revenge, it’s also better to do it with a cold head.

How to take revenge on a girl for cheating is most effective - to be happy without her, even better - in a new relationship immediately after your connection. If you forget her faster than the young lady forgets you, it will be the best way to take revenge. The chosen one will be discouraged. It will be questionable whether it was attractive to you before, if you were able to forget it so quickly, while maintaining a calm heart. Self-love will punish her more than they might want. Your own image will thus look less vindictive than in the options below.

Still - how to avenge treason, if you are determined. Ideas will go from the least insidious on the rise.

  • Punish with indifference. You report: you know everything, but the fact of betrayal leaves you indifferent. Face express the depth of what was said - indifferent, relaxed. You can say that you had a good time together and even avoided a serious relationship. That even before a woman did not attract you enough to think about a serious deep relationship, about moving to a new level. All the words that were said, a tribute to courtesy and the desire to do something nice, just. The situation can be aggravated by the words: your lady was the only one who agreed to the relationship, while several previous ones refused you. You were too lazy to spend so much time on courtship, with her, this can be avoided. In response, expect a violent outburst of negative emotions or another reaction dictated by the character of the lady.
  • A more painful way: tell her - you forgive betrayal, the nature of the relationship remains the same. You continue life as if everything remains as it was before. After a while defiantly trying to seduce her best friend. Important: the attempt is open and visible from afar. Such behavior will be a double whammy for her. This will remain in the memory for a long time, it is unlikely to be forgiven. After she will have to look for two new close people, the punishment is heavy.
  • A method that exposes the former lady of the heart in an unsightly light in front of others, and therefore the most tangible. Tell the girl how you recently visited a venereologist who gave you disappointing news - you are sick with an unpleasant and complex illness. Considering that you have only one girl in a close circle and exemplary behavior in a couple, you suggest that she also get checked - everyone is now at risk. Moreover, the doctor believes that the source of the disease is in her - exemplary guys do not bring the infection. The lie will not last long, but it will allow you to rejoice at your ingenuity, watching how the unfortunate woman suffers from the curious glances of acquaintances, their sympathetic questions. It will be especially painful to wait for the results of the tests. This method does not imply the continuation of relations - your image in this case is far from attractive. Do you need a beauty who wants to continue living with you after everything?

For some, the ways to punish go beyond moral punishment, things can go as far as fists. Men think that the most important thing in the process of revenge is to come up with an effective way to punish cheating. However, think deeply: the woman showed her little attractive appearance. By punishing her, will you get your appearance better? How will you be different, sinking to the level of a person with similar moral principles? Or admit to yourself: her campaign to the left is more a blow to male self-confidence, self-esteem than really a subject of revenge. Forgetting it, you will be much healthier mentally than taking revenge and remembering it. Let the lady bite her elbows, but otherwise you will have to regret your temper. The ricochet can be significant. Summing up, revenge is a delicate matter, everyone treats it individually, guided by character and preferences.


How can you take revenge on an ex-girlfriend for treacherous treason? What should be done to satisfy your male ego. I will tell you!
I get a lot of similar emails in my inbox.
People want to take revenge, take away and harm, but just do not repent.
This time I am fulfilling the request of Arkady, who does not find the strength to forgive Tanya's betrayal.
The young man is offended, and he wants to take revenge.

You can forgive everything except treason and betrayal! And I want to make sure that the ex-girlfriend understands this! - the young man tells us.

As usual, to discuss this issue, I invited an expert on sociological issues already familiar to many readers, psychologist and historian Artem Sergeevich.
And do not forget that this is just an opinion, and not a provocation to action.

Hello Arkady.
I'll try to be as brief as possible.

To take revenge on an ex-girlfriend, you must not love her. Only in this case, revenge will not be like pathetic attacks. You claim that you love Tanya. In that case, why are you taking revenge on her?

In order to competently execute revenge, it is necessary to “descend” to it. Only an insignificant semblance of the stronger sex is able to “throw a stone” at the back of the departing. Tell me, Arkady, what will this revenge bring you? You will not return the girl, but you will cripple her life. Are you ready for this?

Wanting to avenge betrayal, you must yourself be a potential traitor. Well, you must admit that any revenge is good for a complete villain. If you are a decent person, then it is better to pull yourself together. Answer, Arkady, are you a scoundrel?

Revenge itself must have a specific target orientation. For this reason, you should decide what you ultimately want to receive.
Arkady, do you want the ex-girlfriend to leave the new guy?
Do you want her to come back?
Do you want to see her repentance, they say, what a fool I am that I left Arkady?

In this case, you will not succeed.
Revenge on a girlfriend is impossible by definition. Strong men dear let go.
Revenge of the former and unloved is generally complete nonsense. For what and why, because you do not need a girl.

The best revenge, if you really want it, Arkady, will be silence, oblivion and indifference.
Yours is not a simple, but a successful new acquaintance, promising a continuation.
Equanimity in chance encounters ex-girlfriend and restraint in speech. This is "real revenge".
And uncompromising help when the one who betrayed at the call of her heart turns to you.

And it is quite possible that time will pass and Tanya will realize that she has left a real man, and not from a whining whiner who rubs sweaty palms in anticipation of a vile attack.

With the help of punishment they bring up not only children, but also their soul mates. If you know how you can punish a girl for her misdeeds, then you can train her so that she will fulfill all your innermost desires and be perfect just for you.

On the other hand, the wrong punishment or even its absence can lead to you as a man.

I decided to give some examples of punishments so that you have an idea of ​​​​how exactly you should behave in order to maintain respect and strengthen relationships. And already you try them on yourself and choose the one that is right for your case. However, you should also know about other possible situations and punishment options - it will come in handy.

How to punish a girl: examples of situations

Ignoring is an ugly personality trait. Another thing is if the girl wanted to answer your message, but later, and then she forgot.

It's best not to ask why she didn't reply to your message (at least not until you can claim she's your girlfriend). Since such questions are an indicator of your neediness and lack of moral strength.

Then how can a girl be punished in this case?

I advise you to wait "a couple of days", and if she herself does not write anything, you initiate communication. True, this time your communication should not be as friendly as it was before: do not answer all of her questions yourself and write shorter messages than before.

If, however, she does not respond to your message again, then turn on ignoring for at least a month. With a repeated “jamb” on her part, you simply stop all kinds of contacts and switch to other girls. And you can write this one again in about six months or a year, writing down its number in the place allotted for such “cases”.

  • Raised her voice or insulted.

This is the “jamb” that cannot be forgiven in any case.

I even know a few examples where a guy always punished a girl for something like that, and then ignored the disrespectful conversation. After that, the girl noticeably cooled towards him and lost respect.

And it happens differently when she not only raises her voice, but openly insults the guy. For example, you can harmlessly poke her, and she can call you a jerk.

In such cases with a serious expression ask her why she did it. And if she does not give an answer, then give a warning that you "allow you to do this the first time, the second and never again."

She may also try to rationalize why she raised her voice at you. Then you ask her another question: “Does that give you the right to talk to me like that?”

You don't just ask these questions. You should either get an apology from her, or just see from her expression that she realized her mistakes.

If you see that she is not going to somehow realize her mistakes, then it's important to leave(or just end the conversation in the case of a telephone conversation). You shouldn't be afraid to lose a girl who doesn't respect you. Even if you never see each other again after you leave.

Just waiting and hoping until she herself becomes kinder, or continuing to meet / communicate - it's the same as killing self-respect with your own hands.

  • Didn't listen.

You told her that you don't want her to go to the club with her friends, but she went there to spite you.

Of course, the club is just an example (it should be understood that it still needs a little freedom). In the course of a relationship, there will be many situations when she will not listen to you.

In such cases, there can be no clarification of the relationship. Just turn on ignoring for at least a week. And if he doesn’t understand this either, then decide for yourself whether you want to continue a relationship with a girl who does not obey her man.

  • Arguing with you.

In the case of disputes, you do not need to show that it hurts you.

If the argument is very simple, then just joke with the girl and do not try to punish. If “difficult”, then you need to make a frivolous punishment.

How to punish a girl jokingly loving?

It is enough just to tell her: “I will not communicate with you anymore. You are a pest. ". And make such an expression on your face as if you are offended, but with a smile.

Often girls in this case laugh, and further disputes either disappear or go more gently.

The perfect punishment

Now I will tell you how to punish a girl by giving her the most serious suggestion not to repeat her mistakes again.

Remember the steps of the "technique":

  1. You make a "muzzle with a shovel." Remove all smiles and other nervous facial expressions from your face. Don't be afraid to show your displeasure.
  2. In a slow, rough voice, looking straight into her eyes, you ask her a short question: Why did you do it now?».
  3. At her answer, you continue to silently look at her for about 3 seconds, and then just turn around and leave.

After that, she is unlikely to repeat her mistake or, at least, try to understand what she was guilty of.

It is desirable to use this method live and only in case of serious “jambs” on her part (only the fact that she argued with you a little can be attributed to frivolous ones).

If you want to try to punish her within the texting, you also ask her a short question, and then, regardless of her answer, turn on ignore for at least 1 day.

In punishment, your determination is important

Girls are so arranged that almost every time they try to show weakness. Especially when you're trying to punish them.

They may hint that if you continue to behave like this, then she will leave you. Or blame you in that you are “an egoist who thinks only of himself, but does not want to understand her at all.”

But when it comes to your self-respect, your principles, it is important to “keep up the mark” and continue to stick to your line until she realizes her guilt. You must learn to understand whether she is ready to agree to your terms or not. If not, then there shouldn't be a good relationship with her.

Otherwise, you will lose her respect over and over again. Until there is none left.

Now you know how to properly punish a girl depending on the “type” of her misconduct. The examples I have given have made you more prepared for difficult situations in dealing with a girl, and you will know how you should behave correctly in each of them.

We offer you 5 useful tips, which will help teach a lesson to your girlfriend for disrespect. Study them to adjust the relationship.

Here is what Maxim writes to us.

I love my girlfriend very much, trying to adapt to her noisy mood. If you want to go to the cinema, please. Disco, no problem. I don't ask for much for all this. The main thing for me is that they respect me, and not threaten to leave for a “wider guy”. I do not know how to teach a girl a lesson so as not to offend her? I beg your help, the guy formulates the request.

Oh, this love is selfless and true ...

Dear Maxim.

I don't want to invite a familiar expert to the discussion.

Let the man rest on a well-deserved vacation.

Do not take it for immodesty, but I myself will try to give you 5 useful tips, focused primarily on not teaching a girl a lesson, but accustoming her to heartfelt respect and understanding.

1). Tell me, Maxim, only not in a hurry, but deliberately ...

Does Marina really love you?

If so, how does her love manifest itself? How is it expressed? selfless feeling?

I will be very sorry if her attitude towards you is built from the position of the consumer.

2). Try to gain strength and refuse your girlfriend.

Refer to the fact that you are sick and feel a fair amount of discomfort.

See what her response will be.

understanding and loving person must behave properly.

3). When disrespect is accompanied by a hint of leaving for another guy, this means either cheeky blackmail or his real presence.

Please show firmness, together that she is free to do as her heart tells her.

And carefully add that your person will not remain lonely either - for one simple reason, that you are a man.

Let Marina think a little about whether you should be respected.

4). Having carefully studied your letter, I have come to the conclusion that you are characterized by an exculpatory manner during the conversation.

Change it to an affirmative tone.

You love a girl, so you follow her lead.

To teach a lesson in this case is to develop the character of a leader, not an egoist.

Maxim, forgive me, but you lack this quality a little.

5). You can teach your girlfriend a lesson for disrespect by forced coldness.

In your case, it's too hard.

Not wanting to hurt a dear person, you get used to the role of the performer of whims, like a faithful page without demanding anything in return.

Puzzle your dear Marina with requests more often.

Eliminate her disrespect by properly managing long-term relationships.