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» How to behave with your husband so that he. How to behave with your husband so that he is afraid of losing you: psychologist's advice that really works

How to behave with your husband so that he. How to behave with your husband so that he is afraid of losing you: psychologist's advice that really works

1. Behave like a woman, i.e. be gentle
2. Dress nice and interesting. If you are a housewife, do not walk all day in pajamas or a nightie
3. Smell good
4. Do not dump all your problems on your husband when he first came in. Let him relax a little
5. Don't ask your husband "what are you thinking about right now?" because unlike women, men's thoughts are random and random, like Google search results. Women's thoughts are organized like numbered office files.
6. Stop whining before Allah has really given you something to complain about.
7. Absolutely do not tell anyone about your marital problems, even under the guise of seeking help, even if you are a victim. If you think you want to solve the problem correctly, then seek advice from the right person.
8. Be kind to your mother-in-law if you want your husband to treat your mother the same way.
9. Learn all the rights and obligations of each other in Islam
10. Open the door when he came home, as if you were waiting for him. Smile and hug.
11. Keep your house clean, at least to the level it likes.
12. Compliment him on things you know he's not sure about (how he looks, how smart, etc.) This will boost his self-esteem.
13. Tell him that he is the best husband
14. Call his family often
15. Give him simple tasks around the house and then thank him when he is done. This will spur him on to more.
16. When he talks about something that you are not interested in, listen and nod your head. Ask questions to make it look like you're interested
17. Encourage him to do good deeds
18. If he's in a bad mood, leave him. He will appreciate it InshaAllah
19. Thank him sincerely for food and shelter. This is a big deal.
20. If he is angry at you and yells, let him shout while maintaining silence. You will see your fight end much faster. And then, when he calms down, you can tell him your side of the story and how you want to change something.
21. When you're angry with him, don't say "you piss me off (or infuriate me)", but say "it upset me." Direct your anger at the circumstances, not at him.
22. Remember that your husband has feelings, take them into account.
23. Let him relax with his friends without feeling guilty, especially if they are nice guys. Encourage him to get out so he doesn't feel like he's locked in the house.
24. If your husband is annoyed about the little things you do (and you can control it) stop doing it.
25. Directly tell him what you are waiting for, without him guessing. Learn to feel each other
26. Don't get angry over the little things. It's not worth it
27. Be kidding. If you are not funny, look for jokes on the Internet
28. Tell him that you are the best wife and praise yourself for what you do well.
29. Learn to cook his favorite dish
30. Never speak ill of him to his friends or family.
31. Use your time wisely to get things done. If you are a housewife, take online classes and be active in your community. It will not only make you happy but also impress your husband
32. Do all of the above (i.e. try to please your husband) for the sake of Allah, and you will see the blessing of Allah in everything you do.
33. Spouses wear each other, hide his mistakes (shortcomings) and help him get rid of them
34. Say that you love him many many times
35. Compete with husbands and let him win, even if you are stronger than him))
36. Stay healthy and take care of your health, you will be a strong mother, wife, cook and housekeeper
37. Be educated. Not too loud whether you are laughing, talking or walking.
38. Do not leave the house without his permission and without his knowledge.
39. Make sure all his clothes are clean and ironed so that they always look fresh.
40. Ask Allah to strengthen and keep the love between you, every day in every prayer. Truly, the most favorite thing for Satan is to quarrel a couple and bring them to a divorce. Seek protection from Allah from Satan.
41. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and this is true.
42. Make sure you always have something for dinner.
43. Brush every day
44. Don't forget to wash
45. Surprise him with a gift. Even something essential can be a gift, like a new pair of shoes.
46. ​​Listen to him when he speaks. Don't interrupt him to talk about your problems.
47. Try (as actively as possible) to show interest in his hobby (bowling?). Try not to go shopping too often and don't spend all his money.
48. Look attractive, it's just good to be seductive for him
49. Learn the tricks and methods that he likes in intimacy
50. Prepare special evenings with him (romantic) with a special dinner and without children
51. Take care of your skin, especially on the face, which is the center of attention
52. If you are not satisfied with intimacy, talk to him and help him. Don't wait until it becomes a problem
53. Never discuss important or controversial issues with him when he is tired and wants to sleep. Find a better time for discussions
54. Make compromises
55. Keep doing everything for your husband and don't take him for granted
56. Respect his rights (he is your road to heaven)
57. Make tea for him or another hot drink that he likes - this will soften the sharp edges of his character.

A famous proverb says: "Marriages are made in heaven". Then why do the higher powers do nothing to ensure that the union, concluded for life, becomes eternal? European psychologists who work with couples day in and day out studied the lives of 1,000 married couples aged 17 to 70 and tried to come up with a formula for an ideal marriage. In their opinion, in order for the spouses to be happy in marriage, when choosing a partner, the following factors should be taken into account:

The husband must be older than his wife by 5 years;
- the mental abilities of the wife should be 25% higher than the intellect of the husband, ideally - the wife has a higher education, but he does not;
- Both spouses must have the same citizenship and be representatives of the same nation.

However, not all psychologists share the opinion of European colleagues. For example, the American psychologist John Gottmann is convinced that all marriages could be perfect if the spouses followed the golden rules of a happy marriage. He believes that the main principles of a successful marriage are attention, goodwill and courtesy. Excluding the expressions from the lexicon: “You are the same (same) as your parents”, “How many times can I repeat you”, “How tired I am of explaining this to you”, “Why everyone can, only you can’t”, “My patience has come to an end" spouses could be pleased with each other's behavior and live happily. According to the psychologist, often repeating these expressions, spouses quickly get bored with each other, they are more dangerous than rude words and insults that are uttered in a fit of anger. To avoid conflicts in the family, the psychologist advises the spouses to observe the following rules of conduct:

1. Before making a decision, ask the opinion of the husband (wife).
2. Always tell your husband (wife) about problems and joys.
3. Do not notice the little things and do not focus on them.
4. Do not interfere in family conflicts of their parents.

5. Do not remind offensive words and deeds that the husband (wife) committed in the past.
6. Give the husband (wife) the right to have their own secret.
7. Coordinate in advance your positions in the family and in relation to other people.
8. Create comfort and order in the house.

9. Talk about the shortcomings of the spouse in a mild form.
10. Do not speak badly about your spouse in front of other people.
11. Do not be silent for a long time after a quarrel.
12. Compliment your appearance and praise good deeds.

Domestic psychologists fully support the opinion of John Gottman, they also recommend that couples be polite and friendly to each other. To keep love until old age and live happily in, do not let trifles and resentments ruin your family life. Do not try to achieve the truth by any means, crossing the partner’s attempts at reconciliation and punishing him with sullen silence. The victory of one of the spouses is the defeat of the other.

Perfect family- these are equal spouses, there should not be winners and losers. Even if you are very annoyed by some behavior of your husband (wife), do not forget that just recently he was the most dear and beloved person for you. Never use your hands, call names or humiliate your partner. After a quarrel, do not hold a grudge for a long time; you should not remind your beloved about it at every opportunity. After the onset of reconciliation, the words and deeds that were committed by the spouse in anger must be forgotten forever. It is very important to be able to behave properly on holidays, congratulate your loved ones and share all the joys with them. Remember, any quarrel and silence on solemn days will be perceived many times more sharply.

Don't hide your good feelings for partner, be sensitive and attentive to his mood. Constantly respectful attitude and behavior let him know that he is dear to you and you love him. The famous American psychologist Dale Carnegie argued that rudeness, like a cancerous tumor, eats love. It is no secret that many people are polite and kind only towards strangers, and with close family members they behave cruelly and immorally. For example, you wouldn't want to stick your nose into your friend's personal affairs and read his letters without permission. So why do you allow yourself this in relation to your spouse?

Hiding family problems few relationships between parents are reflected in children. They are very receptive and quickly absorb everything, how parents behave at home and with other people. Remember, how you treat your spouse depends on the marital happiness of your children. Do not forget the folk wisdom that says: "What you sow, you will reap." It is impossible to raise a child as a happy person, constantly arguing with a spouse and ignoring his opinion. In adulthood, your child will treat his spouse in the same way that you set an example for him now. And in order for your marriage to be perfect and your children to grow up to be happy people, you must observe the main principle of morality: "Behave towards others as you would like them to act towards you."

Starting a relationship, the couple is in a romantic mood. Lovers can't get enough of each other's company. Separation seems to them an unthinkable test. However, the further the relationship goes, the less room there is for romance.

People get used to each other and cease to treat with awe. The long-awaited stamp in the passport brings complete confidence that the partner will not go anywhere.

For some people, this is an excuse to relax and stop trying for the sake of the relationship. Many men stop admiring their women when they are not afraid to lose them. Relationships become something ordinary for them.

A man should feel strong and self-sufficient. He needs to know that you can't do it without his help and really need it. Try to compliment him, thank him for his help, and tell him that you couldn't have done it without him. It will surely bring desired result. You must let the man know that you are behind him like a stone wall and feel protected.

Be calm

Do not arrange constant clarification of the relationship. Try not to pester him with constant claims and exaggerate his shortcomings.

Try to smooth out sharp corners and reduce conflicts to nothing. If a man did not hear you and did not fulfill your wish, this is not a reason to make him a scandal.

First of all, you need to remember that you are talking to a man. Even if you think that he is fundamentally wrong, you should not disrespect him. Follow the following rules in order not to humiliate a man. Remember, constant reproaches can lead to disastrous consequences.

  • Do not raise your voice, try not to yell at the man or use harsh words. Try to contain your emotions.
  • Try not to order him, do not speak in a commanding tone and soften the intonation a little.
  • Always thank him if he fulfilled your wish. Even if he just hammered a nail or went to the store.

What to do in case of a quarrel?

Of course, the conflict cannot be avoided. Even with all your desire, you will not be able to reduce conflicts to nothing. It is necessary to try to learn the correct behavior in case of a quarrel. Thus, you will avoid negative consequences.

First of all, it is necessary to adequately assess the situation. People can say a lot of unpleasant things to each other, being in a bad mood. Follow the following rules to avoid overdoing anything.

  • Do not stoop to insults, remember that a loved one is standing in front of you. Your conflict will definitely be resolved, but offensive words will never be forgotten.
  • Do not accumulate resentment in yourself, this can lead to fatal consequences. Talk about what you feel. Try to solve problems immediately, and do not leave everything for later.
  • Do not swear in public, and especially make comments to your partner. Thus, you greatly humiliate and offend a man.
  • In no case do not sleep separately, even if you had a big fight. Try to make up before you fall asleep. Do not fall asleep in a quarrel.

Look after yourself

Never neglect your appearance. Give her special attention. Remember, you should always be the one for your man. beautiful woman. Don't be afraid to change. Surprise a man with your beauty. He should always consider you the most irresistible and attractive. Marriage is not a reason to forget about your appearance. Some women forget about themselves after they get married, mistakenly believing that they have achieved the most important thing.

Remember, a man will be afraid to lose you if he sees that you are a self-sufficient and attractive woman. Do not think to unquestioningly fulfill all his wishes and forget about yourself. If there is peace and harmony in your house, a man will never want to leave such a house. Know that everything is in your hands.

Hello dear readers of the blog Samprosvetbulletin!

“How to behave with your husband? I tried everything as stated in the article . Slowly day by day. It didn't help me. My husband thought that I had a different one and with this I am trying to make amends. We have Small child which makes the situation more difficult. It's easy to say that you need to meet your husband with a smile on your face. What are men supposed to do? Why should everything fall on our poor female shoulders? Work, home, child. Oh yes, and in bed in no case do not refuse. Well, it's better to live alone than to carry such a load on yourself. Ah, I forgot one more thing. Before this article, he still did not see my work, and after the article he became even bolder. I'm used to everything ready, beautiful and even with a smile. And try not to clean the house one day or not cook dinner. She’ll say, well, she’s smeared herself, but there’s nothing to eat. They quickly get used to the good, and then it becomes small, they want more, ” Angela wrote in a comment to the article.

“Maybe I didn’t read the article on how to improve relationships carefully enough or read under the influence of emotions, but for me the essence came down to the following: if a man does not want to communicate with you, do not communicate. How to behave with your husband? I tried to wait for him to come up, when he says something or praises - it does not work. I decided, okay, he's not a psychic, I'll tell him what I want. The first time I try to speak carefully, as if by chance. For example, I ask: how do I look (at the moment when I know that I am very good). But instead of the desired compliment, I hear: okay. Then, after a few days, I begin to speak openly: I do not have enough compliments. . A few days later, I remember when he said something really nice to me and I tell him how happy I felt at that time and what a great day it was. It does not work. I'm already tired of loneliness, I just want to quit trying to be with him. That is, continue to live together, raise children, but do not wait for love and do not rely on attention and care, ” Maria writes.

The main idea is that there are different models of relationships. The choice of a particular model by you and a man depends on your worldview and mutual agreement.

Unfortunately, future spouses do not always honestly discuss their views on marital responsibilities before marriage. It often happens that everyone says exactly what the chosen one wants to hear. Then, already in marriage, unfulfilled needs and the difference in worldviews make themselves felt. But it is never too late to discuss and look for ways out of the crisis, if there is a mutual desire of both spouses.

If you think that you have too many responsibilities in your marriage, then it may be time to discuss this with your significant other.

Men's attitudes towards women

A man's attitude towards women has a great influence on the role a man assigns to his wife in marriage. Upbringing and past experience are of great importance here.

It is important what was the history of the parental family: what was the way family life, what were the negative events in the family, what was the character of the parents. Traumas from the parental family, as a rule, leave a deep mark on the soul and can form negative attitudes.

Also, if a negative attitude towards women in general or even towards some specific individuals was formed in a man’s past relationships, in certain situations it can be transferred to a new chosen one. For example, she did not prepare for the arrival of her husband from work. He came hungry and tired, it seemed to him that he was not needed and that they did not care about him. Therefore, if in a new relationship a woman even once is late with dinner, he can transfer his past negative experience to her and react hyperaggressively.

Ask yourself questions:

Do you know what past experiences your husband had with other women, including his mother and female relatives. Did it have any negative points? If so, how might they affect your relationship?

How openly do you discuss with your husband uncomfortable situations that arise in family life?

The ability to discuss problems without hurting each other, find solutions that are convenient for two, negotiate, try to understand - these are necessary skills for two spouses.

Good luck and see you soon on the pages of Samprosvetbulletin!

Many people have this question - "How to behave with your husband?" may cause confusion. Still, it's quite simple!

However, this "simple" of yours makes your relationship far from the most flawless. Or I'm wrong?

Surely, your husband is no longer carrying you in his arms.

He does not give gifts just like that, for you, from the heart. And he gives only because it is necessary. For some holiday.

I'm talking about flowers in general.

Speaks few kind words.

Spends a lot of time watching TV, computer or with friends.

Or maybe he began to stay at work longer than usual?

Most likely, he stopped striving for perfection himself and stopped developing.

And in general, he talks little to you and is silent about his problems.

Doesn't listen to you.

Doesn't surprise, doesn't seduce, doesn't appreciate you the way you want it!

Sex with a husband is not so passionate and animalistic.

Or maybe he doesn't want you at all?

Surely you are familiar with this! I receive a lot of such letters with similar complaints about their husbands. Yes, what are the letters? I already see everything myself, fortunately, there are a lot of examples of this.

So. If you behave in a standard way, just like almost all girls in a marriage behave, then, accordingly, you get exactly the same problems.

Principle of hunter and territory

Yes! People are different, but they all behave the same way. Everyone has identical problems, and they need to be solved somehow.

And you know what?

The man is responsible for the prey. He has to provide and protect you. He must be strong, powerful, aggressive, cunning, intelligent and a good earner. Otherwise, this is not a man, but the devil knows what!

And you have to be responsible for the relationship. If you do not do this, if you want to throw this burden on the men's shoulders, then the man will somehow begin to resist. A man cannot participate in building a relationship. It is as unnatural as a woman working hard work.

Therefore, it is you who should steer this process.

If you still think that a man should be in a relationship, then marry a faggot or a very feminine man. Then you will build relationships together. Only, it is unlikely that you will love such a weakling.

Now let's look at the reasons for the behavior of a man in marriage.

At first everything is cool, he tries, surprises, says loud words, takes care of himself, develops, stands behind you like a mountain, spends a lot of time with you, communicates, carries in his arms ... And then there is a decline.

The recession comes when he sees that the goal has been achieved. You are already his territory. He won you.

Since a man is essentially a hunter, he has the instinct of a warrior for territory, he just needs to start conquering something else. At least something. Very necessary!

It is very good if he switches to gaining social status, starts to win business, builds a career, beats European records in sports. Or just actively working on themselves.

But more often it happens that a man switches to easier prey. These are other women. Fortunately, there are a lot of these territories around, and they just beckon - conquer me! And the satisfaction of the hunter's instinct lasts for a long time. You can "conquer and conquer." This is getting interesting.

And its territory begins to overgrow with grass. He no longer carries you in his arms. Doesn't give YOU gifts... And so on. He just doesn't care!

As a result, we get such a picture. Or he abandons caring for you, and switches to self-development. Or other women.

I would like to add that this is almost inevitable. It is inevitable that after conquering you, almost 100%, he will switch to other wars. Just a real man needs a fight to feel like a real man.

Of course, you can act very stupidly and start to rebel against it. And in the end, you will get that his territory will start to really strain, and it is easier to start staying at work longer than usual or spending time with another. Well, or, if you rush to the edge, it will begin to fill with alcohol and degrade in front of the TV.

But you're not like that, are you? Do you want a successful relationship?

Then don't do what most do.

I will tell you how to behave with your husband, and build a happy relationship far and long. I will make you very perfect for my man.)))


You must understand that you will have to get involved in the fight. But this is the struggle that all women who have already wilted in relationships dream of. And you will get pleasant emotions all the time!

How to behave with your husband.

So. You are his territory. And he must fight for her! I want to emphasize - he must fight FOR YOU!

When a man fails to win a girl quickly, he gets involved in the fight. Tries different methods, tricks and tricks. Tries. Angry, inventing something, happy when he wins, upset when he loses. This game must not end!

The struggle can go on forever, and then give a chance, then take it away.

The trick is that by fighting his territory, a man becomes attached to it. She becomes his goal, his meaning of life.

Let's look at specific actions. How should you proceed? How to behave with your husband?

1. You must be unavailable often.

He doesn't have to tell himself - Everybody! She is mine now! He should always have the feeling that you are far from him, that you are a little cold with your husband.

For example, when you sit with your husband in an embrace and watch a movie, then stand up and sit separately from him. Tell me what's more comfortable for you. If he approaches you, then ask him not to interfere with watching the movie. The film at this point is more important than it!

Make him wake up and you're not around. You sleep in another room. If he asks why you went to another room, then say that you just wanted to.

Rarely pick up the phone when he or you are at work. You're busy, period.

Why should you do your marital duty? The best thing you can do is turn him on, arouse him, and not let him. Let him come up with the reason.

I want to say that you need to do this periodically so that he has doubts about your feelings for him.

2. He should always doubt your feelings.

So stop talking about them. Don't tell him you love him, don't tell him you want him.

If he offended you, then squeeze a smile out of yourself. He should not know that he can play on your feelings. He will somehow provoke you to emotions, you need not to react to it. Let feelings boil in your soul - do not show them!

Then he will make an effort and start trying to unbalance you. Give more expensive gifts, do more powerful deeds.

after sex with husband don't say you were fine. Make it smarter. Praise. Say - TODAY you did well, and hide in the bathroom. Next time don't say anything. If he asks - you were fine, then say - last time it was cooler.

3. You have to play closer and further.

You did this at the very beginning of the relationship. So start doing it again. If he's well-behaved, then let him get closer. If it sags, then immediately push it away.

Ideally, a man should have a clear understanding that it won’t go badly with you. And to get closer - you need to try.

Many wives only play closer. You need to add more.

4. You must provoke him to emotions.

Emotionless life is boring. If we compare the emotional coefficient and the intellectual one, then the first is ten times stronger than the second. And this means that a person is guided in life mainly by emotions.

If there are not enough emotions in family life, then a man will start looking for them somewhere else. Guess where?

I want to focus on anger. You can write a whole article about this, but I will still write briefly about it in this article so that it is much more significant.

I want to show you a very subtle moment. When a man is angry, he is filled with strength that women do not know what to do with. And the man splashes it on a foreign object. Something breaks or punches the wall.

You also need to make his anger grow into passion. In animal and passionate sex!

As soon as you feel that your husband is starting to cool towards you, or he is already acting cold enough, then arouse anger in him and direct this energy into a sexual channel.

It can be done different ways. You can get angry yourself and provoke a quarrel. You can just provoke anger. In principle, it is not difficult to cause anger, it is much more difficult to manage it.

As soon as you see that the husband is "boiling" and is ready to throw out his energy, immediately provoke him to have sex. He will start up and will come off to the fullest. You can provoke him with the words "Come on, fuck me harder", "Is that all you can do?", "Fuck me like a whore", etc.

This will blow your mind! And in this way he will get hooked on you like a drug, because you give him emotions!

5. Be touchy sometimes.

Often wives can walk around the house naked, change clothes in front of their husband and calmly let themselves be touched.

This immediately indicates that the territory is under control. You need to be unapproachable. Ideally, he shouldn't see you naked outside of bed at all.

If he got into your panties, then remove your hand and be embarrassed.

If he starts kissing your neck, push him away a little and change the subject.

He should not touch you where he wants and when he wants. Imagine that you do not know each other well, and behave with your husband as if you were a stranger. This state will be transmitted to him, and this will start turning him on. He gets into a fight. He's in the game!

6. Provoke thoughts.

For example, on an even revenge, be sad. Don't tell him why. He must come up with the reasons for your frustration.

7. Be a mystery to him.

Don't open up like a book. He doesn't have to know the plot, he doesn't have to know how it ends.

8. Another man should flicker in your life.

Basically, you should be in danger. There must be an idea in his head - the territory is in danger! Talk about how you get compliments, how they look at you, how they try to get to know you. Let it appear on the horizon ex-boyfriend let a friend show up.

This will show that someone wants to encroach on his territory. It's a fight again! Just what you need!

9. You need to be protected.

If you do not need protection, if you are independent, then this is bad for your relationship.

Remember - you must be cold, you can get sick, you are afraid to go outside - there are dogs and other people, you are afraid to stay at home alone! Talk to your husband about it. He must, simply must protect you!

A man really needs someone to protect. This is a confirmation of his strength, it works at the level of instincts!

Talk about it. Complain! This is fine!

10. Look your best.

Take care of yourself. Love yourself, become more beautiful, charming and charming! Don't turn into a domestic duck in a greasy bathrobe!

And your husband will move mountains for you!

Remember one. You are his territory, and the husband must always fight for it. As soon as the fight is won, he will immediately switch to another fight, and your relationship will begin to fade.

In the near future I plan to write an article on how to provoke your man to achieve success in life..