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» Curling hair at home. How do hair chemicals

Curling hair at home. How do hair chemicals

Beautiful wavy curls have always been the pride of a woman. But what if nature has not endowed the lady with delightful curls? Nowadays, nothing is impossible, and in order to make your hair curly, you can use a perm. The procedure can be done both in the salon and at home. About how to do it at home and will be discussed further.

About perm

How to make a perm at home? There is nothing complicated in this, just follow the instructions described below.

It is a difficult procedure and allows you to temporarily become the owner of curly hair. This styling helps to look well-groomed always. It is really possible to do a perm without leaving home. Before it is carried out, it should be borne in mind that even the most gentle products harm the hair and completely change their structure.

Types of hair curling

There are several types of perm hair, these are:

  • Acid. Provides a long-lasting effect and secure hold. Suitable for any type of hair. Severely damages curls. After it is carried out, a number of restorative procedures are required.
  • Alkaline. This is a softer type of perm than acid. Helps create the effect of natural curls. Lasts a long time, but not suitable for all hair.
  • Neutral. It is the most gentle method. Helps create wavy curls along the entire length, regardless of their condition and type.
  • Amino acid. Suitable for owners of weakened and fragile strands. It not only curls curls, but also nourishes them with proteins and amino acids during the procedure.

Professional stylists come up with new ways to get curly hair every day, but despite this, many women are thinking about how to do a perm themselves at home.

Preparatory stage

Before you do a perm at home, you need to prepare for it. Twenty days before the event, curls cannot be painted. It is not superfluous to conduct a test for sensitivity to drugs before a perm. To do this, apply a little money behind the ear and wait a day. If allergic reaction does not follow, then the product can be used and, conversely, in case of irritation and rash, it is better to refuse to use the drug.

Before this event, you should see how the chemical reagent will act on the hair. To do this, a small curl is treated with a curling compound. If after a couple of minutes the strand breaks, then the concentration of the solution is halved. The procedure is repeated on the other strand. If the hair is still torn, then it is necessary to abandon the perm and pay attention to the restoration, strengthening of the hair.

All products for this event must match the type of hair. For long bobbins, choose a larger diameter, for short ones, a smaller one. Be sure to assess the condition of the hair before curling. Weak strands should not be subjected to such an event.

Before the procedure, the curls are moistened, which improves the absorption of the chemical solution, reduces the exposure time of the drug, makes the curl more natural and injures the curls to a lesser extent.

Tools for the job

Before you do a perm at home with "Lokon", you need to prepare the tools. For the procedure you will need:

  • a comb with sparse teeth and a pointed end;
  • curlers with a latch or bobbins of the desired diameter, about 50-80 pieces;
  • non-metallic containers;
  • foam sponges;
  • plastic clips;
  • beaker;
  • gloves, as well as a bandage for the head;
  • cellophane cap;
  • two towels.

To create curls, you can use not only Curl, but also ready-made perm kits.

In addition to tools, you will need citric acid or vinegar at a concentration of 6% or 9%, a shampoo that restores the balm that is applied to the hair after “chemistry”, a nourishing cream or petroleum jelly.

Stages of curling "Curl"

To learn how to make a perm at home with "Lokon", you need to carefully read the instructions for the drug. Perm This tool is divided into three stages: it is a perm, neutralization and fixation.
Each step of this procedure has its own characteristics and is necessary for obtaining beautiful curly strands.

Curling with "Lokon"

How to do a perm at home (a photo of the result of the procedure can be seen below), will be discussed further. To carry out the procedure, you should:

  • Divide your hair into several sections. Each strand is processed by "Lokon", combed and wound on bobbins (curlers). After all the hair is twisted, it is covered with a plastic cap and a towel. From this moment, the curling time is counted.
  • The period of exposure for all hair is different. On soft strands, the drug is kept for up to 20 minutes, on normal type hair - up to 16-18 minutes, on hard curls - no more than 10-12 minutes.
  • After the specified time, you should deploy several curls in different parts of the head and see the degree of curling. If the curl is not formed, then the strand is again wound on curlers. The next curl control is carried out after five minutes. This is done until the curl acquires the desired shape. The maximum exposure time of "Curl" on the hair is 45 minutes.
  • After the formation of curls, the curling agent is washed off without removing the curlers or bobbins, trying not to mix the strands with each other. A towel is applied to the hair to collect the remaining moisture.

After curling, the strands proceed to the stage of neutralization of the chemical.

Carrying out neutralization

To carry out neutralization you need:

  • Dissolve a third of a teaspoon of lemon in a fourth of a glass of water. Grind 4 tablets of hydroperite to a powdery state and add them to a solution of citric acid. Add another quarter cup of water and half a teaspoon of shampoo here. That's all - the composition for neutralization is ready.
  • The neutralizer is abundantly moistened with each strand. The procedure is carried out twice, spending exactly half of the prepared solution on the hair. After processing, the hair is left for ten minutes.
  • After the specified time, the curls are freed from the curlers and moistened with the rest of the solution. Withstand the neutralizer for another five minutes.

To fix curls, you can replace hydroperite with perhydrol. Here, half a teaspoon of lemons is diluted in a quarter cup of water and 1.5 teaspoons of perhydrol are added there. Add another ½ cup of water to the resulting composition. The consumption of the neutralizing agent is affected by the length and density of the scalp. The prepared composition should be used immediately and is not subject to storage.

Fixation procedure

In order to consolidate the result, a third of a teaspoon of lemon is dissolved in a liter of boiled water and the hair is thoroughly rinsed with this solution. This operation is repeated 3-4 times. Hair after such treatment is soft and pliable, it remains only to comb and style it.

If the curls are very discolored, then the volume of water in the solution should be increased to two liters, while the proportion of citric acid does not change.

At home, it is not difficult to make a perm with Curl, you just need to follow the instructions above. All steps of the procedure must be performed sequentially.

Some ladies are interested in how to do a perm at home on long hair"Lokon". The procedure in this case is performed in exactly the same way as on strands of medium and short length. The only thing is that curling options can be different. Here you can wind the curlers not along the entire length of the hair, but from the middle, or curl the hair only on their lower part.

How to make a perm at home without "Curl"?

At home, you can make a perm without "Curl" by buying in a store professional cosmetics ready-made kits for this event. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • Before curling, you should wash your curls without conditioner and conditioner.
  • Lightly dry the strands with a towel.
  • Wind the hair on curlers, starting from the back of the head.
  • Lubricate the skin around the head with petroleum jelly along the hairline.
  • Apply curling agent. If soft curls are needed, stand for 10 minutes, for a strong curl it takes half an hour.
  • Put on a hat and wrap your hair in a towel.
  • Carry out a curl control by unwinding several curls: if the result is satisfactory, then the product is washed off, and if the strand is not twisted enough, wait another 5-10 minutes.
  • Next, the hair is treated with a fixative. Withstand 10 minutes, remove the curlers and apply the rest of the fixative to the curls again. After 5 minutes, the hair is washed with water.
  • Curls are rinsed with water and vinegar.
  • Apply a repair agent.

Before you do a perm at home to yourself, you should carefully study the instructions for the finished kit. The curling agent is held on average for 25 minutes on hard-type strands, 20 minutes on medium and 15 minutes on thin ones.


Before you do a perm at home on your own, you need to take into account the tendency of the skin to allergies. In addition, the procedure is not performed on weakened and damaged strands, with alopecia. It is forbidden to do "chemistry" to women with bleached hair, as well as to blondes.

Perm is not carried out during the menstrual cycle and a few days after its completion. You can not do it to pregnant and lactating ladies, as well as if a person takes strong hormonal drugs. Do not resort to the procedure for colds and infectious diseases.

Basic Rules

Perming strands, carried out at home, requires special attention. When conducting it, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • If the curls were treated with a reducer, then the perm is done when they are completely cut off.
  • "Chemistry" is done only when the previous perm disappears completely from the hair.
  • During the procedure, you can not use metal products.
  • In order not to damage the skin of the hands and the nail platinum, the procedure is carried out with rubber gloves.
  • If the drug gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed immediately with water.
  • To accelerate the formation of a curl, you can not use a hair dryer, as this will increase the degree of injury to the hair.
  • In the presence of damage to the skin of the head (abrasions, wounds), the procedure is not carried out.

Compliance with the above rules will help to avoid undesirable consequences and achieve the desired result.

About care procedures

Even a properly performed procedure using the most gentle preparations can harm the hair. Therefore, the hair after the "chemistry" should be given special attention:

  • actively use special restorative agents;
  • a few days after curling, do not use a hair dryer and comb curls as little as possible;
  • make nourishing masks at least once a week and at least 10 sessions;
  • strands should be protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • you can paint the scalp only a couple of weeks after the "chemistry";
  • an aggressive method of gaining curls should be preferred to a more gentle one, for example, a biowave.

A perm done at home looks no worse than a salon one. The main thing is not to rush and follow the sequence of all actions.

Curling without curling iron and curlers

Next, we will talk about how to do a perm at home without curlers and curling irons. These devices can successfully replace cotton rags. To do this, an unnecessary thing is cut into strips, the width of which for large curls is about 8 cm, for small ones - 3 cm.

Help save the situation and paper-papilotki. To do this, narrow strips are cut out of glossy paper, twisted in the form of tubes, the end is fixed with tape. The strands on them are arranged in a spiral from top to bottom. The tube is twisted into a ring and secured with an invisible or hairpin. This type of curl helps to get large and tight curls.

Pigtails will help replace curlers and curling irons. With their help, you can give your hair the desired volume and waviness. Pigtails are braided on wet, clean strands. The more braids, the curls will be smaller. Such manipulations are done at night, and the hair should be dried a little with a hairdryer before going to bed.

There are many more ways to curl without curling irons and curlers. They cause less damage to the hair, and the result is quite worthy.

How to do a perm at home for short, medium and long hair was written above. From this it should be concluded that the procedure does not cause any particular difficulties for women, and the effect does not differ from the salon.

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The hairstyle is very important in the image. That is why many girls devote a lot of time to its creation. But not everyone has original curls by nature. If the hair is straight, without volume, then they need to be transformed. For this, various means are used. Some people want to straighten their curls, others want to curl them. In the second case, you have to spend a lot of time and money on doing daily styling. It is necessary to use a perm, which does not require constant styling. The result is stored for a long period. Perming at home is the best option. When the procedure is completed, you will need a high-quality fixative, medical masks. It will help to make a perm with high quality step-by-step instruction. To then straighten the curls, you will need special tools.

Types of procedure

Perm can be of different types, differing in the method of execution and the result. After any session, medical masks are needed.

  • American. You need to do this procedure with long hair. This will require large curlers. The result is large curls.
  • Vertical. The procedure is designed for long hair. You will need thin long curlers.
  • Radical. This method is rarely used, because due to the growing curls, the result does not last for a long time. It is more suitable for thin hair. Thanks to this method, you can make volumetric styling.

Perming hair at home is not a very complicated procedure. You need to read the detailed instructions and buy the necessary tools. It is advisable to carry out the procedure with someone's help. The same applies to the case if you need to straighten the curls.

During the procedure, you need to use:

  • plastic curlers or bobbins of the right size;
  • metal clips;
  • waterproof peignoir;
  • plastic comb;
  • two sponges with which the fixer is applied;
  • rubber gloves;
  • towels;
  • cap for insulation;
  • measuring glass;
  • ceramic container;
  • a container with lemon juice;
  • curling agent;
  • yiksazh.

Before doing a perm, test the composition, after which you can not worry about the result. To do this, a drop of funds is applied to the wrist. If after 10 minutes there is no redness, then the composition fits perfectly. After choosing the right tool, you need to perm. For the procedure, the fixer can be prepared independently or purchased ready-made. And in order to straighten the curls later, you need to use proven effective methods.

Features of an independent procedure

To make a curl correctly, you must follow the following steps:

  • You need to wash your hair with a simple shampoo, and then dry with a towel and comb. Balm should not be used.
  • You need to make a vertical parting at the back of the head. The rest of the hair is pinned up. It is necessary to separate a thin strand using a horizontal parting, pull it off at an angle of 90 degrees. After that, the curls should be combed and wound onto bobbins. The ends must not curl.
  • When the curls are wound on curlers, the skin must be treated with a greasy cream. In order not to get dirty, you need to wear gloves and a peignoir.
  • Then you need a composition that needs to be placed in a container in the required amount. It lathers and then applied to curled hair. It is necessary to apply the composition from the back of the head, and then process the lateral parts and the parietal.
  • You need to wear a warm cap and a towel.
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the result and the type of hair. It takes 10 minutes to get light, natural curls. Cool curls can be obtained in half an hour.
  • Then the composition is washed off with running water. Only for this you do not need to unwind the curlers. The head should be blotted with a towel.
  • After that, you need to apply a fixer, or a fixing agent. You can buy it at the store or make it yourself. To prepare a fixer with your own hands, shampoo (1 part) is mixed with perhydrol 33% (1 part), warm water (7 parts). The composition is whipped with a sponge, after which it must be applied to curlers.
  • The fixer is aged for about 10 minutes. It is necessary to remove the curlers and treat the hair with the composition.
  • Then the fixer is washed off with running water. Rinse your hair with lemon juice to neutralize the composition.
  • After that, you need to apply a balm. You will also need restorative products or masks.

Hair color check

If the hair was previously dyed, then a test is necessary. To do this, you need to cut the strands. One strand is placed in a container with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%), and the other is placed in a dish with a chemical agent. If the strands are discolored, then the dye is still present in them.

Then you should not immediately perform the procedure. It is advisable to wait with her. Colored hair must grow back. The remains of colored curls must be cut off.

Security measures

To do everything right and not harm your health, you must follow safety measures.

  • It is necessary to study the instructions for using the chemical agent. It should indicate the expiration date, the duration of the procedure and other subtleties.
  • Do not use metal utensils.
  • It is undesirable to perm with malnutrition, menstruation, low blood pressure and chronic ailments. During this period, it is undesirable to take antibiotics and hormonal agents.
  • After curling, the hair becomes shorter.
  • There should be no wounds on the skin, as the chemical composition can affect the worsening of the situation.
  • Before performing the procedure, an allergy test should be performed. For this, a small amount is applied behind the ear. After 10 minutes, the skin should be washed with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Chemistry can be performed if there is no irritation on the skin.

If you want to straighten curls, then it is better to use proven methods. To do this, you can make masks, as well as other home procedures.

Hair care after chemo

To restore hair, medical care is needed. To do this, follow the following rules.

  • You do not need to wash your hair for 3 days, since during this time the composition should be well absorbed.
  • Shampoo for damaged hair must be used.
  • To make the curls look healthy and shiny, you need to use masks. They will allow you to restore damaged strands.
  • For care, you will need a comb with wide teeth, as small teeth destroy strands.
  • If the hair has acquired a faded appearance, it is necessary to use tint products.

After a perm, you can perform various hairstyles, since the new image provides great opportunities for experimentation. Hair becomes soft and easy to style. If you need to straighten the strands, then you should use safe, effective methods.

Making masks

To make your hair healthy and beautiful, you must use proven masks.

If appropriate care is provided for the hair, then even perming will not be able to damage them. Effective home remedies give excellent results.

You are here:

Tools and fixtures required for perm:

  • wooden bobbins with a diameter of 3 to 11 mm, or plastic curlers with a diameter of 4 to 20 mm - 50-80 pieces;
  • plastic clips for making flat curls;
  • plastic or nylon combs (preferably with a long narrow handle);
  • a sponge for applying a chemical composition 3 × 4 cm in size;
  • sponge for applying fixer measuring 10 x 10 cm;
  • plastic clips for fixing strands;
  • latex gloves;
  • measuring cup with a capacity of 50 ml to measure the desired volume of the chemical composition and fixer (scale division 5 ml);
  • two glass, porcelain or plastic bowls for diluting the composition and fixer with a capacity of at least 50-60 ml;
  • cape made of polyethylene film or polyethylene peignoir;
  • terry towel or warming cap;
  • two towels;
  • cotton plait or plait from a cotton napkin.

Before you start, you need to evaluate the scalp. Be sure to check the reaction of the skin to irritation with the drug that you are going to use. To do this, apply one or two drops of the drug with the tail of a comb on the skin behind the ear. After 8 - 10 minutes, wash off the droplets with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. If there is no irritation, then check the reaction of the hair to this composition. Apply the composition for 2 - 3 minutes on any strand of hair at the back of the head, then check the hair for breaks. If the hair is torn, the concentration of this composition must be reduced, that is, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:1/2 and repeat the test again, but on another strand of hair.

You can check the reaction of the hair in another way. Cut off two small strands. Dip one for 2 - 3 minutes in a bowl with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and the other in a bowl with a chemical composition. If the strand becomes discolored, it means that your hair contains impurities of dyes, including metal salts. Until these strands are cut, perms cannot be done. Better get yourself a haircut. Before curling, be sure to wash your hair with shampoo, trying not to massage the skin. Then dry your hair with a towel, comb it and, if necessary, cut it according to the future shape of the hairstyle. But keep in mind that after curling the hair will be somewhat shortened.

In order for the hair to lie better in the hairstyle, they need to be milled - the ends of the strands should be as thin as possible. Any haircut must be done so that the hair, even without a curl, has a finished shape. With the right haircut and filleting, the hair is easily untwisted, and the curl is elastic and springy. Too short hair, especially at the back of the head, makes it difficult to wind the strands, so it is best to shorten them to the desired length after curling.
If the hair is cut correctly, then winding it on bobbins (curlers) will not cause difficulties (Fig. 1). And if the hair is of different lengths, then winding will become difficult (Fig. 2).

It is best to curl slightly damp hair, as it absorbs the curling agent well. Although moisture on the hair will slightly dilute the chemical composition, its exposure time will not increase, and in some cases even decrease. The curl will turn out more natural, and the hair will better retain its original structure.

Now choose curlers or bobbins, depending on the length of the hair and the shape of the future hairstyle. For short hair, small-diameter curlers are suitable, providing excellent lift to the hair. Larger diameter curlers are good for medium to long hair.

A little more about bobbins. When curling, as a rule, you need bobbins of three diameters. The thinnest ones are used for winding short hair at the back of the head, medium ones for hair at the temples, and thick ones for hair on the top of the head. A variant of the distribution of bobbins of different diameters is shown in Figure 3. For winding fine hair, bobbins no more than 7 mm in diameter are desirable. Since the bobbins differ from each other also in length, the smaller ones are taken for the most rounded places.

The width of the strands should be 1-2 centimeters less than the length of the bobbins (Fig. 4).

Before winding, the hair is divided into sections (Fig. 5). Make horizontal partings on the right and left sides of the head to the back of the head so that the strands of hair on the crown of the head correspond to the width needed for wrapping. Secure the separated strands with a clip. Then, from the horizontal partings down to the ear on the right and left sides of the head, make vertical partings so that the width of the strands matches the width of the parietal strands, and secure them with clips. Try to divide the remaining section of hair on the back of the head into three parts, as if continuing the horizontal parting from the back of the head down to the neck. The width of the side strands behind the auricles is usually slightly less than the length of the bobbin. If it is larger, move the vertical parting a little back behind the ear. In this case, the temporal strands will have to be wound on bobbins in a vertical position.

Well, it's time to start wrapping strands on curlers or bobbins.

First of all, cover your shoulders with a plastic cape, on top of which place an old towel so that the composition does not flow down the cape onto your clothes. Then put on rubber gloves to protect your hands. Moisten with a chemical composition with a small sponge the middle strand of the back of the head, three-quarters of its length, starting from the ends. From the wetted strand, separate another, smaller strand 1, wind it onto a bobbin (Fig. 6)
The thickness of the twisted strand at a normal hair height should not exceed 0.5 cm. With very thick hair, the strands should be thinner. It is necessary to ensure that all strands are the same - both in thickness and in width.

Moisten the already twisted hair of the back of the head with the chemical composition again and go to the following areas: lateral, temporal and parietal. The hair of the parietal area is best wound towards the forehead.

After winding the hair, the skin on the temples and forehead along the hairline must be lubricated with petroleum jelly. Apply also bundles of cotton wool so that the composition does not flow onto the face and neck. After processing all areas, cover the head with a plastic wrap, and on top with a terry towel or a warming cap.

Very short hair can be styled with plastic clips (fig. 7).

Wind the hair onto the bobbins evenly, without pulling, Fig. 7 so that the chemical composition gets into the lower layers. Pull the strands perpendicular to the treated area (Fig. 8a). Figure 8b shows the correct fixation of the bobbin in the wound position, and Figure 8c shows the wrong one, leading to the formation of creases.

Learn how to curl your hair the right way. Place the combed strand on the palm of your left hand. Putting a bobbin under it, grab the free end of the strand and press it against the bobbin so that it protrudes 1-2 centimeters. Bend the end of the strand with the index finger of your left hand inward in the direction of winding.

With the middle finger of the same hand, continue to press the strand to the bobbin.
With your right hand, lightly pull the strand perpendicular to the surface of the head, quickly scrolling the bobbin in the selected direction. Secure the twisted strand with an elastic band parallel to the bobbin (Fig. 9a) or twisting it with a figure eight (Fig. 96). Figure 10 shows the position of the hands when winding the strands on the bobbin.

Figure 11 shows two options for the direction of winding the hair. Usually bobbins are arranged in rows. But for hairstyles with a side parting, another option is also possible (Fig. 12). So that the separation lines of the strands are not visible, you can make a zigzag parting (Fig. 13).

If your hair is long, you can only perm the ends. To do this, divide your hair into square strands 5-6 centimeters wide and wind them on plastic curlers. And then divide each strand again into smaller strands, wind it on curlers of a smaller diameter and fix everything together (Fig. 14).

To make the hair look wavy, a special winding method is used. Starting to wind the strand, make three turns, then put the second bobbin and continue winding, but in the opposite direction (Fig. 15).

Perm can only be performed on the parietal or upper occipital zone, and the strands around the face and neck should not be curled. How much to keep the chemical composition is indicated in the instructions. It depends on the type of hair: coarse, medium or fine.

10 - 15 minutes after applying the composition to the hair, check the quality of the curl by unwinding one of the bobbins and pulling back a strand of hair. If you get an elastic, springy curl (Fig. 166), then the hair is curled. If the curl is sluggish, not elastic (Fig. 16a), you should hold the composition for another 5-10 minutes. If the curl is too curly (Fig. 16c), you most likely overexposed the composition on your hair.

For coarse hair, the average exposure time is about 25 minutes, for medium - 20 minutes, and for thin - about 15 minutes. Regardless of the quality of the curl, after the expiration of the period specified in the instructions, rinse your hair without removing the bobbins. Do not use detergents. Then blot your hair with a towel and saturate it with a fixer with a sponge.

The amount of fixer depends on the length and thickness of the hair. For hair 10 centimeters long, take 90 ml of fixer. Homemade fixative is prepared immediately before application to the hair. Dissolve 8 hydroperite tablets in 75 ml of water. Add 15 ml of shampoo to the resulting solution. Whisk lather and apply quickly to hair. After 5-8 minutes, carefully remove the bobbins and apply the fixer again. After 5-8 minutes, wash off the fixer with warm water without detergents.
Finally, neutralize the effect of the fixer with acidic water: take 1 to 2 tablespoons of 8% vinegar or 2 g of citric acid per liter of water. Rinse your hair with acidic water and dry it. If necessary, cut your hair to the desired length. Then apply a hair structurer or castor oil to your hair, then blow-dry (you can also use curlers).
On the regrown part of the hair, a basal perm is done. The ends of the strands are not chemically treated. To do this, only the regrown area is wound onto the bobbin, and the end of the strand is released (Fig. 17), treated with a curling agent and twisted into foil or
polyethylene. The rest of the technology is the same.

There is another way. Wind a strand onto the bobbin to the edge of regrown hair and cover it with a strip of plastic wrap or foil. The width of the strip should be one centimeter shorter than the length of the bobbin. Then continue to curl the remaining hair. Perform subsequent operations according to the technology already described.

You can also curl only bangs. This is usually done when performing haircuts with voluminous bangs.

If you have shoulder-length hair, you can do vertical chemistry. In this case, the strands are wound on spiral plastic curlers (Fig. 18), thanks to which the curls look very natural. Such a perm requires great care, because the curl will look exactly the way you wind it. With proper winding, tight, elastic curls are obtained.

If you have soft hair, it is advisable to use special plastic sticks. These sticks are suitable for partial and basal curls. When alternating sticks of different thicknesses, you can get amazing splendor even on very thin hair (Fig. 19).

If you have healthy, thick hair, you can wind it on hairpin-shaped plastic curlers - zigzag curlers (Fig. 20).

After perming, do not forget to style your hair beautifully.

Possible mistakes when performing a perm

  1. If the hair does not curl properly, then you used an expired chemical composition, or divided the hair into too large sections, or twisted the strands on the curlers too tightly (because of this, the composition does not absorb well into the hair), or simply did not expose the composition to hair.
  2. If the hair has become brittle, it means that you overexposed the composition, or incorrectly applied the fixative to the hair, or, when winding, pulled the elastic bands on the curlers too much.
  3. If you have, most likely you have used a fixer with a concentration exceeding 3 percent, either overexposed the fixer on your hair, or washed your hair badly before neutralizing. A change in hair color can also be observed when using metal utensils or tools.
  4. If you have skin irritation, then you have used too much of the composition.

It has been proven that perm is worse if done in a cold room, on an empty stomach, at low pressure, during menstruation and during an exacerbation of diseases.

Permanent waving is a chemical treatment of hair that results in wavy or curly hair. Any perm consists of two stages: winding hair on bobbins and applying a chemical composition. The process may take several hours, but the result is worth the effort.


Prepare and section your hair

    Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo. This will get rid of grease and dirt and give you a clean base to work with. Do not use conditioner, otherwise the chemical composition will not work. After washing, pat your hair dry with a clean towel or old T-shirt.

    • A moisturizing shampoo will also work.
    • Hair may be damp, but it should not be wet.
    • Comb your hair before washing. After washing, run a wide-toothed comb through your hair.
  1. Wrap a towel around your neck, then put on a plastic cape and gloves. This will protect the skin from the chemical. Wrap a towel around your neck first, then put on a cape, just like you would dye your hair. Finally, put on plastic or vinyl gloves.

    • Gloves and a cape can be bought at the hairdressing supply store.
    • The cape must be plastic so that the chemical composition cannot seep through it.
    • It is better to wear old clothes that you won't mind ruining.
  2. Divide your hair into three sections. You should end up with three pieces: one in the middle and two on the sides. Part your hair reverse side comb. The section in the middle should start at the forehead and end at the bottom of the back of the head. Roll up the side strands and pin them up so they don't get in the way.

    • The central part should be narrower than the bobbin. The width can be any.
    • Divide the central part into two more: front and back.
  3. Apply the solution close to the roots in small circular motions. Choose the section you'll start with: center, left, or right. Bring the bottle to the top edge of the bobbin and start applying the compound in small circular motions. Coat one spool at a time until all spools in one section have been coated. Then move on to the next section. Use all the solution that is in the bottle.

    • Don't try to cover all the hair all over the bobbin. Under gravity, the solution will distribute itself through the hair.
  4. Check the condition of the curls every few minutes. Wait 5 minutes first. Take one bobbin and slightly unroll your hair. Look at the hair. If the curl has not yet taken shape, twist the hair and wait another 2 minutes. If there is no curl after this, wind your hair again and check the condition of the curl every minute until the curl takes shape.

    • Don't wait 10-15 minutes or you could damage your hair. Everyone has different hair, and the solution affects everyone differently.
    • When the curl takes shape, proceed to the next step.
  5. Rinse your hair for three minutes without removing the bobbin. It is important. Leave the bobbin in your hair. Bend over the sink and rinse your hair, or do it in the shower. Rinse off the solution for 3 minutes.

    • The cotton strips will get wet and should be removed after rinsing.
    • If you have very thick hair, rinse each bobbin separately to rinse out all the solution.
  6. Dry your hair without removing the bobbin. It is best to let the hair dry itself, but if you are in a hurry, use a hair dryer. Don't take off the bobbins.

  7. Apply neutralizer and wait 10 minutes. Then rinse off the neutralizer for 3 minutes. Repeat the same as you did with the perm. The neutralizer acts on the hair less aggressively, so you can hold it on your hair for 10 minutes without checking the condition of the curls. Rinse your hair after 10 minutes.

    • Do not remove the bobbins during the entire process.
  8. Dry your hair and remove the bobbins. It is best to let the hair dry itself, but you can use a hair dryer if necessary. When you remove the bobbin, do not touch your hair. Do not comb them, otherwise you can ruin the curls.

    • If necessary, lightly comb your hair with your fingers.

In 1908, the German hairdresser K. L. Nesser first introduced the world to a new method for creating curls - perm hair. When it takes too much time for the care and daily use of the curling iron, it is “chemistry” that comes to the rescue. To date, perm hair is the only way to get large short or long curls on long term. How long will the effect last - at least 8 weeks.

Previously, "chemistry" was done only in salons with the help of an experienced master, but today, thanks to special tools, this procedure can be carried out independently at home. True, it depends on whether the salon or home procedure depends on how long the effect lasts. Perm hair, carried out at home, is about 8 weeks, and the salon lasts up to 6 months.

There are many varieties of perm, depending on the reagents used, the location of the bobbins on the head, and the type of curlers. Consider the varieties of "chemistry" according to the method of influencing the hair:

  1. Permanent waving is a standard “chemistry” that involves the treatment of strands with special preparations that allow you to save beautiful curls for 5-7 months. The most aggressive procedure. A great option for those with long but sparse hair as this perm adds extra volume to the strands.
  2. Carving is a more gentle perm of hair, similar to lamination, but has the opposite effect - it curls curls. The strand, curled by the carving method, lasts about two months, gradually straightening. This option will help to add volume to the hairstyle. Thanks to carving, it is possible to get shiny “live” curls. However, the procedure is very complicated and it is better to entrust it to a professional, no matter how much you train at home.
  3. The procedure with bio-extracts is the most gentle and gentle version of the curl, which is carried out using preparations without the content of ammonia, thioglycolic acid, hydrogen peroxide. These products use natural substances that fix the disulfide bonds of the hairs. After curling with bio-preparations, care is simplified, and styling is more beautiful. In this case, the hair is practically not damaged.

It is worth noting that no matter which option is chosen, the hair after curling needs special care.

Before and After carving

How to care for hair after "chemistry"?

Until recently, after a perm for two to three weeks, it was impossible to do any parallel procedures: highlight, dye or tint curls. However, modern preparations used for curling allow you to do any procedure on the same day. On the contrary, it is not recommended to carry out dyeing before curling, since the color will simply burn out and the strands will brighten.

At the same time, special care is still needed:

  • it is not recommended to wash your hair on the day of the procedure;
  • do not straighten long curls for a week;
  • you need to use mild shampoos and conditioners;
  • it is recommended to use care products for curly hair;
  • weekly you need to do a restorative mask;
  • you can not leave a towel on your head after washing and go to bed with a wet head;
  • you need to dry your hair naturally or with a hairdryer in a gentle mode;
  • it is better to comb curls with a rare comb, and it is advisable to avoid brushes;
  • after 4-6 weeks, it is recommended to make a root perm on regrown roots.

So, hair care after a perm procedure is not very difficult, but it is very important to follow the recommendations.

Perm for large curls

A perm on large curls looks very nice if the hair is long. Large curls can be made with large diameter curlers. The intensity of the curls is regulated by the exposure time of the reagent on the hair - slight waviness or tight curls. With bio-perm, tight curls will not work, only a permanent procedure will make the curls more intense

At the same time, long strands straighten under their own weight, so large curls at the roots will be less intense, which looks natural. However, if you want to have uniform curls, curlers of different diameters are used - narrower at the roots, and larger at the tips.

To make long hair with a curl lay more beautifully, it is recommended to make a cascading haircut before the procedure, and after it - coloring or highlighting. However, care and styling should not be forgotten. Now it will take much less time, but you still have to use styling products, a diffuser and curlers.

A perm for short hair holds better, because the curls do not stretch under their weight. The procedure for curling short haircuts adds volume to the hairstyle. In this case, the curls can be large, and small, and medium spiral. "Chemistry" on short hair is suitable for women with a narrow elongated face, creating a perky, somewhat frivolous romantic look.

Remember that after curling the hair will look much shorter, so it is better to shape the hairstyle after the procedure.

How to make a perm at home?

In the procedure for curling hair at home, there is no particular difficulty. The main thing is to choose the right funds. It is better to use high-quality drugs that have been tested by time and thousands of women, professional products from the brands Dikson, Estel Professional, Schwarzkopf, Paul Mitchell, ACME Color.

Then you need to buy no less high-quality curlers of different sizes. It is impossible to save on the quality of bobbins, since low-grade materials can give a chemical reaction to the drugs used. For a classic large spiral curl for long hair, you need 35-45 pieces of bobbins, for strands middle length- from 30 to 40, and for short ones - at least 25 curlers.

Step-by-step instructions for chemically curling curls at home:

  1. The selected product is applied to small strands, gently distributed over the curl with a comb.
  2. Then a bobbin is quickly wound onto the curl.
  3. The composition is aged on the hair for about 40-45 minutes.
  4. Then a neutralizer is applied.
  5. It is aged for another 40-45 minutes.
  6. Curlers are removed, the hair is not combed.
  7. If the instructions for the drug require it, then the composition is washed off.

For several days, the curls should not be stressed, do not dry with a hairdryer, and follow the recommendations for care.

How long does the result last?

How long the effect will last depends on the thickness of the hair, the thicker the hairs - the longer, on the correct care, on the preparation used, the exposure time of the composition and on the quality of the procedure itself. On thin hair, the result lasts no more than 3-3.5 months, and on thick hair - up to 7 months, with permanent waving.

The life of curls will be extended by proper care, the use of masks and the presence of a diffuser. After 6-8 months, the perm of the hair can be repeated.

Nourishing kefir hair masks after chemotherapy

Kefir hair mask is a universal way to give curls a beautiful shine, eliminate greasiness and pollution, affect their density and volume. There are dozens of old recipes for home remedies that contain kefir.

It must be remembered that all products, the main component of which is kefir, can affect the color of curls if used more than 5 times in a course.

The best mask recipes:

  1. Kefir mixed with egg and cocoa is one of the most famous hair masks at home. With its help, you can easily strengthen curls and improve their appearance. To make such a mask, you need 1 tbsp. l. cocoa. 1 yolk and 1/3 cup of kefir are added to it. The prepared mixture should resemble thick semolina porridge. It is applied to the entire length of the curls and carefully rubbed into the scalp and hair roots. Keep the mixture enough for 30 minutes. The curls must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water after using this product: when using a hot egg, it will curl up and it will be very difficult to clean the hair from it.
  2. With buckwheat. Nutrients of freshly cooked cereals perfectly complement the beneficial properties of kefir. A handful of finished buckwheat is mixed with 3 tbsp. l. kefir. It is desirable to keep the composition on curls for about 1.5 hours, so that the nutritional composition works better. The effect of this procedure will please: the hair becomes soft, strong, beautiful.
  3. With nettle. This is a very effective and affordable hair tool that all girls will like. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves, close the pan tightly with a lid and insist for 1 hour. When the liquid has cooled, add 1 cup of kefir to it. The composition prepared according to this recipe is applied for 1 hour. If you use nettle regularly, the curls become stronger and stronger, dandruff disappears. The best effect can be obtained in the spring, when the plant is in a state of active growth and the most healing substances are concentrated in it. In winter, dry nettle leaves can be bought at any pharmacy.
  4. A hair mask with yeast and kefir in 4-5 applications gives any curls a noticeable volume. She prepares simply. For 0.5 cups of kefir, you need 1 tsp. ordinary dry yeast and the same amount of granulated sugar. The resulting composition is placed on a steam bath and kept on low heat until abundant foam is obtained. After that, the mixture is cooled. You need to keep it for 45 minutes, during which time the yeast manifests its medicinal properties to the maximum. The yeast composition is washed off only with warm running water.
  5. With honey. This mask is most often used to give curls a natural shine and recovery. For such a hair product, the recipe is very simple: you need to add 1 tbsp to 0.5 cups of kefir. l. honey. This mask is good because it suits girls with any type of hair. The only exception is an allergy to honey. For allergy sufferers, such a remedy is contraindicated, the scalp and hair follicles can be severely affected. If you add to the composition of 1 tbsp. l. castor or burdock oil, then the hair will delight with excellent health, rapid growth and amazing natural radiance. Such mixtures should be kept for about 30 minutes.

Kefir home remedies are very effective, inexpensive and useful.

They quickly restore the scalp and hair follicles, so they are perfect for any type of hair.