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» What do men think about on business trips? How to learn to control yourself when your husband goes on business trips? A man on a business trip, how he behaves.

What do men think about on business trips? How to learn to control yourself when your husband goes on business trips? A man on a business trip, how he behaves.

Galina, good afternoon!

Probably, it is absolutely natural for a man to give preference to work and money - after all, evolutionarily it so happened that he is the head of the family, the breadwinner, and the quality of life of his loved ones depends on him. And the fact that your husband takes this responsibility upon himself characterizes him only from the best side. Imagine other options: he sits at home, and you yourself pull with the last of your strength, providing for your family, or he works at a job that is absolutely uninteresting for him and receives a penny for it, and in the evening at home every day, I emphasize, every day he vents his irritation on you and the children. Some unattractive pictures are obtained, what do you think? Compared to them, the situation you described may not be ideal, but it is far from the worst option.

Of course, it is very difficult for you not only morally, but also physically: life in a private house that requires a lot of effort and time to maintain, two small children that require constant attention ... But such periods happen in the life of every woman, and one way or another, this phenomenon passing. Children grow up, go to kindergarten / school; time costs for housekeeping are optimized with experience; there is free time for yourself, your beloved ....

By the way, about time for yourself, your beloved ... it is very necessary to carve out at least a little even in the current situation. But do not forget about the time for your beloved husband. Imagine, he was not at home for three weeks, he comes to his family for a week, and instead of kindness and affection - "debriefing", reproaches, tense atmosphere ... Any man, even the most ideal one, will simply begin to live in the "avoidance" mode. One way or another, but the “weather in the house” initially depends on the woman. Take care of her!

Maybe it makes sense to accept the current situation as it is. After all, the situation itself is due not only to your husband’s “wishlist”, but also to economic factors ... And having accepted everything, calm down, sit down with your husband and kindly, as is typical only for relatives and loving people and talk about plans for the future, outline possible scenarios and take action. As a note to a woman: as a rule, everything can be solved with kindness, love and affection.

Family life is, in addition to joint housekeeping and full-fledged sex, also a mutual “mental work” of both spouses, and a permanent one at that. After all, tango is danced by TWO!

Crises happen in every family, and more than once in history. They are due to many reasons, both objective and subjective. Behind the facade of any seemingly prosperous family, stories of these crises are always hidden. The whole question is whether people want to be together, whether they value each other. If Yes, then no crisis is terrible, and it will pass, and thanks to it, the family will be able to reach a qualitatively new level of life, both materially and spiritually, build and correct new relationships, because life makes its own corrections (you remember with longing as it was before, but before there were no children, and both of you were different ...). And if not, then this is a separate story, with other plans, and while I don’t want to discuss it with you, I hope that this story is not about you ...

Finally, I propose not even to waste energy, time and emotions on guessing about possible betrayals. For now, try to give your man maximum love, support and kindness. See how events unfold. Be sure to outline a joint action plan with your husband to reorganize your life, especially since New Year ahead, it’s so natural to make plans for the New Year… Turn it all into a pleasant game for both of you, add more warmth and emotions, enjoy it. After all, every woman is a born actress, use your talent to the fullest.

I sincerely wish you patience, once again patience and good luck!

Let the New Year holidays become a turning point in the life of your family and bring a lot of kindness, warmth and love to all of you!

And remember that a lot is in your “weak but strong” female hands.


Good afternoon. I was interested in your answer "Galina, good afternoon! Probably, it is absolutely natural for a man to give preference to work and money ..." to the question http://www.. Can I discuss this answer with you?

Discuss with an expert

Mikhail Tomilin, 22


“When a man, not burdened by family ties, goes on a business trip, then regardless of the location, he always looks for pluses in it. And, most likely, these pluses are manifested not in the main cultural attractions of the city, but in girls. The same free and bright. And all because having arrived in another city where you are not known, you can do whatever you want and have free connections with anyone. Nobody will judge you. And this cannot continue, because soon you will leave and you will never see each other again. A married man will probably visit some museum, but hardly. Most likely, he will spend his free time in a bar, just in the company of other men and strong alcohol.

Dmitry Sedkov, 29

in an open relationship

“When I travel, I usually work. First of all, a business trip is a business trip. If there is time to see the city in which you are, or go to a bar with colleagues in the evening to relax, that's good. New acquaintances are quite likely, but these are just acquaintances, nothing more!”


Nikolai Razumov, 27

“It seems to me that girls have nothing to be afraid of at all. After all, a business trip is not a vacation where the best employees are sent. This is another test that must be passed with honor and dignity. There is no time for any intrigues, because you constantly have to work: meet with colleagues, discuss important projects, sign documents, for which the authorities will then tear their heads off. What do I personally do on a business trip? The last time I went to Singapore for a few days, but I didn’t manage to snatch at least one full day for myself - representatives of the company with which we planned to create partnerships treated our work so responsibly that I had to spend office up to 12 hours in a row. After that, I only dreamed of a delicious dinner, a shower and a speedy return home.

George Bilman, 23


“On business trips, I was very tired and dreamed of getting to my room. The entertainment was a phone or a movie on TV. If I was on a business trip with friends, then we went to see the city and sit in a cafe or bar.

Sergey Chernyshov, 25

“When I go on a business trip abroad alone, after work I have to entertain myself. The first thing, of course, is to find a good tavern to taste the local cuisine and drinks. And then there will definitely be a local personal guide who will help you settle in. Settled, and what's next depends on each person individually.

Igor Bannikov, 29

in a serious relationship

“I usually work on business trips. And in my free time from hard work, I alternately dream of staying in this beautiful country or returning to my homeland. Such a dichotomy of good and evil is connected with two reasons: since most business trips take me to countries more developed than Russia, I want to stay in the world of the future, purity and friendliness as long as possible; but in a short time spent abroad, a lot of impressions and ideas appear in my head, which I immediately want to urgently implement when I return home. The rest of the time I spend on excursions, studying the local ecosystem and reading books that I don’t even have time to hold in my hands at home.”

When your beloved leaves for another city on business, you should not waste your time. During his absence, try to improve your skills in a particular business. For example, to make the most of the day, you can master some culinary masterpiece, and then surprise your man with it. In addition, a business trip of a husband is a great chance to take time for yourself, your beloved, relax, visit a spa, hairdresser, manicure and pedicure rooms and go shopping. Spend a few days of your husband's business trip for your pleasure, relax, and a couple of days before his return you can start preparing for his arrival.

How to meet a husband from a business trip?

Before you start organizing a meeting for your beloved spouse, consider all the details of the trip. If the business trip lasted long enough, and it took a lot of time on the road, most likely, your man will be pleased with a hot bath, homemade healthy food and sound sleep that restores strength. If your beloved has not been subjected to special stresses, you can try to arrange a small but pleasant surprise for him.

First of all, you must prepare a delicious dinner for your long-awaited legal spouse with his favorite dishes, but you need to organize everything so that the dinner does not look ordinary. Create a romantic atmosphere in your home: dim the lights, turn on slow lyrical music, use scented candles, open a bottle of red wine or champagne. If you yourself do not like or do not know how to cook, just order food in a restaurant, and set a beautiful festive table yourself. If you are confident in your abilities and are able to cook your own food, everything is in your hands. Just do not forget about hot pastries, which are a symbol of home comfort and warmth.

After a romantic dinner, you can prepare a more original and spicy surprise for your beloved man. Wear lacy lingerie, stockings, high heels, a short skirt, and a sheer blouse with zippers or buttons (so you don't have to slip it over your head). An alternative to this outfit can be a short, tight-fitting red dress. Select an erotic melody in the player and please your spouse with a passionate, exciting dance, the continuation of which will be a stormy unforgettable night.


Hello! I have a serious problem for me: I sent my husband on a business trip and fell into depression. Very scary as we have a small child...
I started to sleep badly, I constantly want to cry, there are only negative thoughts in my head (that he will leave me with a child, that he will cheat, that I can’t stand without him) ... Help, please !!!


Katiasport, good afternoon. Write, please, how old are you, how many years have you been married, what is your relationship with your husband?

I am 25, my husband is 39. 2 years old civil marriage we are going to get married
I am 25, my husband is 39. 2 years in a civil marriage, we are going to get married

Relations are good, sometimes we quarrel ..


Because there's nothing I can do to keep him around. It's not scary without him and it's lonely, even though the child is nearby

I'm scared, sad and give up completely


1 - Do I understand correctly that you are probably most tormented by the unknown WHAT and HOW there, the inability to control it, you "invent" versions, you want to check them, but you can’t find answers anywhere and this vicious circle?

2 - Tell me, would you become calmer under what conditions?


Yes, you are right, I am tormented by the unknown. Fears arise in my head that are not confirmed by anything, for which there are not even prerequisites, this is like an obsession, chtoli ...
I think if my husband was nearby, I would be calm and even if we got married ..

Please, help!!!


Katiasport, good afternoon!
Please tell me, did your husband go on business trips before that?
How long?
Did you work before the baby was born?
Do you have family or friends who can support you now?

Please help me
what is happening to me

You .
I think if my husband was nearby, I would be calm and even if we got married ..

You are not a baby so that your husband is with you all the time.
that I can't stand without him)

Why can't you survive without it? How did you live before you met him...
What terrible thing can happen to you without it? Please describe in more detail.
I would like some advice on how to deal with the problem.

You need to learn how to get support when you are scared not only from your husband, but also from other people. And also develop self-reliance.
Now, if you are scared, but your husband is not around, why not ask your mother or girlfriend to come?


Does that mean I'm all right? How dangerous is this addiction? Or can I handle it myself?
It turns out that I myself came up with all this depression?

It turns out that I myself came up with all this depression?

No, they didn't.
Does that mean I'm all right?

Your condition is assessed by you, not by me.
I don't think that having an emotional dependency means it's okay.
How dangerous is this addiction?

And how impossible is it for you to find balance while your husband is on a business trip?
Or can I handle it myself?

Above I left a link to an article on this topic, did you read it?

Efim G. Masti

If the husband went on a business trip. Only for women!
1.1. A man is an unpredictable being, the essence of His actions is unclear. Possessing some kind of male logic, He puts the Woman to a standstill.
In what state the Woman, then stays for a long time.
1.2.B family life, a wise woman leads a man who knows where.
Clearly, under such guidance, the Man will come somewhere.
The question is: how will he get out of there?
1.3. Have you ever wondered why official visits of heads of state are done with Spouses?
What good can only men do?
2.1. A man who has gone on a business trip leaves his wife without an object she manages.
2.2. A woman, left without an object led by her, can get bored. Not on the subject.
2.3. If a woman gets bored, then she needs to unwind.
3.1. If the husband goes on a business trip, figure out why he is doing this.
3.2. The purpose of departure may be different:
- Hunting Fishing). Often combined with Drunkenness, Woman.
- Drunkenness. Often combined with Hunting (Fishing), Woman.
- Woman. Often combined with Drunkenness, Hunting (Fishing).
- Rest. Necessarily associated with one of: Woman, Drunkenness, Hunting (Fishing).
- Service necessity. The phenomenon is rare, but possible. Can be related to anything, even Work!
- And the most dangerous target: He wants to catch you!
3.3. Without understanding the reasons, you will not know how to plan his business trip ... sorry, your pleasant pastime!
3.1. Having found out the reason why the husband leaves on a business trip, you need to find out how long the husband is leaving.
3.2. What He says for two weeks means nothing! As soon as you decide to relax, he is right there!
3.3. Why do you need it so suddenly?
It's not even necessary!
3.4. The more money the Husband has, the better he is equipped, the longer He will be gone.
3.5. If the Husband leaves for a month in July, and you put him a sheepskin coat, there is a chance that he will return next spring, for the garden season.
To help my mother-in-law dig up her garden!
3.6. Money and equipment should be proportionate to the time you do not want to see him.
4.1. It would be nice to make sure that the husband left (flew away), for which he can be taken on a flight.
And wish you a happy journey!
4.2. It is imperative to control His arrival at the point of the proposed business trip, through a wired connection. Call yourself, wait for a call, a telegram.
4.3. The apotheosis of possession of the situation: to have a girlfriend who works in a telecommunications company and can track the location of her husband by the radiation of His cell phone. You can do the same for money...
4.4. It is not harmful to have a printout of telephone conversations and SMS ok. this will add to you information, which does not happen much!
5.1. Danger: the purpose of leaving may be to catch you!
5.2. After making sure that the husband left for a certain place and for a certain time,
start implementing what you want.
5.3. Save yourself from the sudden return of your husband. Don't be a fool and don't take men to your house.
And it will turn out, as in jokes!
5.4. If you have a girlfriend who, if something happens, you can also blackmail, then it is better to meet a man with her.
5.5. See that your girlfriend’s husband doesn’t catch you, otherwise you will fall out of the fire and into the frying pan.
5.6. Again, if you don't have anything against her husband...then make sure you don't get caught by a friend with her husband!
6.1. Before the departure of the husband, you need to do the so-called. preliminary preparations. And then the husband will leave, and there will be no one to meet!
6.2. Remember: there are fewer men than women, but there are always enough willing men!
6.3. Another issue is that men are always afraid of something. Dispel their fears. Don't scold your husband. Prove that he is a good person. Well, that's just, you have different ... characters.
6.4. Do not introduce the candidate to high material costs!
6.5. A candidate for bed must be sure that he is not being targeted for new spouses!
6.6. It's better to choose married man. He will talk less, and after that, he will leave faster.
What else do you want to talk about after that?
6.7. It may happen that the candidate for the bed neglects you. He likes younger, prettier and, no doubt, dumber. Invite him to drink a bottle with you - another skate.
With every glass you drink, you will get closer to his ideal!
6.8. If you want to show yourself as an attentive interlocutor, pretend that you are listening to him carefully. Better keep quiet. He will understand that he cannot find a better interlocutor and, perhaps, will transfer the conversation to bed.
6.9. In bed, it is easier for a man to switch from chatting to something else!
7.1. Last warnings:
7.2. Do not go with strangers to hot places.
Be sure to calculate and lay!
7.3. Beware of your husband's relatives and friends. Offering you this, they may turn out to be provocateurs!
7.4. Use contraceptives.
And then you can expect unpleasant consequences of a pleasant relationship!
7.5. Don't forget to call your husband and tell him how much you miss him!
7.6. Happy holidays!