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» What does it really mean to be a weak woman? How to learn to be a weak woman How to learn to be a weak woman.

What does it really mean to be a weak woman? How to learn to be a weak woman How to learn to be a weak woman.

People are divided into two types - strong and weak sex. But modern life makes adjustments - some women, by nature weak and fragile, are rapidly building up their inner strength. It is very difficult for them to build a relationship with a man, because gentlemen cause them condescending bewilderment.

When a woman develops masculine qualities in herself, she hopes that a strong partner will soon come who will solve her problems. But even if this "superman" exists, he will look for a weak and defenseless girl - such is the law of nature.

The problem is that the stronger a woman becomes, the more difficult it is for her to find a worthy partner and build a relationship with a man. Such girls attract insecure and weak men who themselves need protection.

If you want to create a serious relationship with a strong partner, develop feminine qualities in yourself. Your true strength is weakness. She fascinates men, inspires and attracts.

Building Strong Relationships: Don't Criticize

When you note the mistakes of the chosen one and give him advice, you look very smart in your eyes. But men don't think so. They get angry when women put themselves up a notch. Endless criticism turns an adult man into an obstinate teenager - a rebellious spirit wakes up in him.

If the behavior of the chosen one annoys you, think about why you are building a relationship with him. A wise woman respects her partner and guides him very gently so that he does not feel pressured. Remarks can be softened with admiration, compliments and a kiss.

Do not Cry

A man who is yelled at by a woman looks pathetic. If you subject your partner to such a test, he will no longer respect you. A shrill, loud voice causes "deafness" in the representatives of the stronger sex. They cease to perceive information and mentally fence themselves off from the chosen one.

It is especially humiliating if you yell at your chosen one in the presence of other people. He may be patient for a while, but it is unlikely to be enough for a long time. You will not be able to maintain a relationship with a man, because it is very difficult to restore trust, mutual understanding and respect.

A strong woman is used to organizing everything herself and keeping everything under control. She personally deals with all issues, up to the purchase of toothpaste, complaining of fatigue.

It's time to wake up the "weak woman" in you. Believe that your chosen one can be responsible and organized. When you stop patronizing him, he will begin to resolve all issues on his own. Trust your partner, relax, and channel your energy into strengthening the relationship. Better cook a delicious dinner, put on a beautiful dress and wait for your hero.

Tune in for good

To build a happy serious relationship, the right attitude is important. Remember that thoughts are material. A man catches the emotional message that comes from a woman. Think of your chosen one as an attentive, strong and reliable person. Such an attitude will be read in your look, actions, attitude.

When a man feels that a woman believes in him, he is ready for any exploits for her sake. Tell the chosen one more often how you appreciate his masculinity, strength and reliability.

Female psychology: ask for help

A strong woman never asks men for help - such is her psychology. She is used to relying only on herself and does not want to be obliged. In her style to give orders and command - she wants to command. But this is not the best tactic in a relationship with a man.

Don't be afraid to ask your partner for help. Requests should sound soft, add "thank you" and "please". Remember that girls give all the best if they know how to ask correctly. When a woman can be grateful, a man will want to put the whole world at her feet.

Don't use the word "should"

Do not make a "debtor" out of the chosen one. Should kiss every 15 minutes, call regularly, talk about any step you take. Do not rush to “hang” obligations on a partner. The word "should" will kill all the romance and lightness in a serious relationship.

Your task is to transform obligation into desire. Make a man want to be with you, hear your voice, touch, pamper. Walk in romantic places more often, arrange dates.

A strong woman loves to control everything - this also applies to the chosen one. She wants a minute-by-minute report of where he's been and what he's been doing. She likes to build relationships with a "manual" man - it is convenient to manage him. But such a gentleman will never become a support and support, a stone wall.

Do not remind a man of his mistakes, do not arrange emotional blackmail. Such preventive measures will destroy even a serious relationship. A wise woman rejoices in the success of the chosen one and is proud of his virtues. She understands that her area of ​​​​possession is a house, and a man is created for the whole world. To be realized in life, he needs space - do not hold it. And he will come back to you, bringing new trophies.

Silent games must be right

Women love silent games - they believe that this way they can demonstrate their strength, firmness, determination and steadfastness. But such entertainment annoys men.

A wise and gentle woman will never use silence to force a gentleman to act in her interests. This means of manipulation brings a man to his knees and destroys a serious relationship.

be patient

A strong woman is accustomed to stubbornly go to the goal - she wants everything at once. But remember that one of the valuable qualities of a woman is the ability to wait without suffering from inner feelings. Do not push your partner "to the wall", demanding a service or a gift right now.

A desired woman inspires a man, nurtures in him the desire to please and please. Let your boyfriend feel like a hero, a getter.

Believe that female weakness, tenderness, kindness attract a successful and reliable man, unlike your independence and coldness. Relax and enjoy the relationship with a man, compliments and courtship.

A joyful and happy woman is self-confident, does not lack strength and inspiration. It does not even occur to her the question of how to become strong. It is quite another matter when our desires are not realized...

A soft, vulnerable, subtly feeling woman ... Those troubles that are a mere trifle for others bring you to tears. And people often simply use the kindness of a responsive heart. Girlfriends know that it's hard for you to refuse something, whether it's the best outfit or money "on loan until Friday."

It's a problem with men. There is not enough determination to "put him in his place", even when he behaves like a notorious bastard. Sometimes years of life and youth are spent on such painful relationships that a woman cannot break. And at work there is not enough courage to insist on a well-deserved vacation or a long-promised promotion.

What to do? and protect yourself? The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help to solve the problem.

Where does strength and confidence come from?

At the heart of our psyche is the desire to receive joy and pleasure from the realization of our desires. When a person makes an effort and gets what he wanted, he enjoys life. A joyful and happy woman is self-confident, does not lack strength and inspiration. It does not even occur to her the question of how to become strong. After all, she gets what she wants with all her heart.

It is quite another thing when our desires are not realized. I wanted magical romantic love - but I got a drunkard, a sadist or a jerk. I wanted true friendship with my best friend - but I got a “snake” that is ready to set up or rob at any moment. I counted on the understanding and sympathy of people - and the world stubbornly pushes against "stale crackers".

It seems that your feelings are indifferent to everyone. The search for ways begins. It’s better that way than forever tormented by your vulnerability and harboring illusions about illusory happiness, right?

No, not true. System-vector psychology, with thousands of results, convincingly proves that any of our desires are provided with opportunities for their realization. Therefore, whatever we strive for with all our heart, we can get.

How can you achieve what you really want?

How to become a strong and happy woman: step by step instructions

Step #1. We get rid of illusions about other people

Very often, the point is not that our goals are unattainable. If with all your heart you want romantic love, family comfort or career growth, then this is quite realistic to achieve. But any of our desires can only be realized through successful interaction with other people. And this is where the trap often lies, into which we fall.

We unconsciously expect from people what we could do ourselves. We attribute to them their own qualities and properties, which they may not have at all. And then we experience bitter disappointment. After that, of course, I want to learn - in order to adequately fend off the blows of fate.

For example, a woman by nature has such qualities as honesty and directness, loyalty and devotion. It seems to her that a friend or partner will also behave this way. And the expectations are not justified: in front of her is a person who is guided by considerations of benefit and benefit. Rational pragmatist, confident and purposeful. For him there is no concept of friendship - there are only useful connections. And of course, he behaves quite differently.

When over and over again we are disappointed in people - it begins to seem that the goals are unattainable, and happiness is unrealizable. However, this is not the case at all. Just life in modern world requires mental literacy. It is important to understand exactly what properties a person has, how he will behave in a given situation. Training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan allows you to determine this at a glance.

Life among people ceases to be walking through a minefield. You can accurately choose a partner with whom you will be happy. Find the right tone with your boss. Successfully build relationships with children, parents and friends.

Step #2. Let's get to know each other better... with ourselves

It seems that we know absolutely everything about ourselves. But even here lies a lot of surprises, not always pleasant ones. The fact is that other people have a significant impact on our entire life path.

Of course, our parents leave a particularly strong imprint in childhood. For example, my mother had bad experiences with men. She had to raise and raise her daughter alone. From an early age, she taught her, because her life did not indulge in gifts. This was especially acutely felt by the generation that grew up in Russia in the dashing nineties. On the basis of the collapse of the state, men massively lost their jobs, became drunkards, families broke up everywhere ...

"Be strong, baby! You yourself must be able to earn money to feed the children. You never know what could happen!” A particularly bright imprint from mother's words remains in girls who have properties. By nature, these are children who are most attached to their mother. They strive to be obedient and the best daughters, follow the advice of their parents.

However, she has no desire of her own to “turn around and make money”. But to build a happy family - she wants with all her heart.

If a woman has it, then the mother’s words, repeated in childhood: “don’t cry,” “why did you dismiss the nurse,” “let’s not have emotions” - can greatly affect the visual girl’s ability to correctly realize her enormous emotional potential. She seems to seal her sensuality inside herself.

Such a woman strives for family and marriage, comfort and reliable relationships, but unconsciously chooses someone who can be pitied as her husband. Without pity, her feelings just don't "trigger". So drunks often turn out to be nearby, men who are not able to adapt in society or even drug addicts - those with whom you really have to do everything alone, including providing for children. Possessing incredible natural patience and wanting constancy in relationships, such a woman has been “pulling on herself” an alcoholic or a gigolo for years. And he endures something from which another would have long since fled to distant lands.

Unsuccessful life scenarios, imposed attitudes and psychological trauma there may be many. They do not always come from childhood - we get them en masse in adulthood. For example, blindly following the standards of glossy magazines or listening to the advice of "specialists" at women's training. System-vector psychology allows you to absolutely accurately separate your own desires from imposed and false attitudes, get rid of negative life scenarios and realize what your soul really lies in.

Step 3. Realizing Your Sensuality Right

In nature there is nothing unnecessary, irrational, wrong. If from birth a woman is given high emotionality and the ability to feel subtly, this talent is not intended for suffering at all. When implemented correctly, it allows her to build deep soulful connections with people. And of course, create a romantic, sensual relationship with a man. How to achieve this?

Oddly enough, it is natural sensuality that can help a visual woman in that. But her huge emotional range needs to be channeled in the right way.

Empathy and compassion - this is the talent of the visual vector that needs to be developed and realized. The huge volume of emotions of a visual woman is not designed for one person and must find social application.

For example, in the work of a doctor, one cannot do without empathy for the patient. The talent for building emotional connections will also come in handy when working with children - a teacher, a teacher of elementary grades. Or a teacher of the native language and literature: developing moral qualities in children, the ability to empathize with each other.

If fate has developed in such a way that you have long chosen a different profession and do not plan to change it, then you can get the missing realization of visual properties in volunteer work. Participate in helping orphans, sick, lonely elderly people. With such an implementation, a woman no longer even has a question of how to be strong in spirit. In terms of strength, she simply has no equal.

You can verify this with real life examples. Known to everyone fearlessly took out wounded children from the hottest spots in the world. Rendered them first aid right in the war zone. In her heart there was no place for feelings for herself - she empathized so deeply with others. This does not mean that every spectator needs to immediately go to hot spots as a volunteer. It's enough just to start doing what you can do.

A realized visual woman is able to build very precise and deep emotional connections with a man. She is able to give her partner what a man really needs: love and inspiration. Relationships built on this basis have every chance to be embodied as a real romantic fairy tale.

Step 4. Resolving Internal Contradictions

A modern woman has a complex structure of the psyche, which simultaneously includes the properties of three to five, and sometimes more vectors. Without realizing its structure, we are often overwhelmed by conflicting desires. We don’t understand why we want one or the other.

For example, for a woman with an anal vector, family and children are most important. She is driven, obedient to her man and loyal to society. Strives for fidelity and absolute monogamy. Conservative, committed to constancy in the way of life. A woman with is her complete opposite. Active and businesslike, logical and pragmatic, appreciates and saves time and resources. Knows how to earn money, loves novelty, travel and change. Wants career growth and realization of his ambitious plans.

If nature endowed you with both properties at the same time, then it can be difficult to deal with your own contradictions, to build priorities in life. And if this bouquet is repeatedly amplified by the emotional buildup of the visual vector, then it can be simply unbearable. System-vector psychology allows you to eliminate any contradictions and finally enjoy the breadth of possibilities that such a variety of talents gives.

Step 5. Get rid of psychological trauma

Some of us have deep psychological traumas that negate all efforts in being happy. For example, in the skin vector, this is a scenario for failure. Moreover, for men, these are, first of all, failures in their careers, but for women - failures in paired relationships: such women often attract sadists into their lives. Psychotraumas in the anal vector lead to the syndrome of delayed life, form deep resentment of fate and simply inability to move forward.

It has already been possible to deal with this forever and get a new quality of life. to find out more.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Nothing happens just like that, everything follows from something. Why do women become those who can stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut. Many will say, but how else? When a lot of problems that need to be solved urgently are thrown on your fragile shoulders, doing men's work and many other arguments. Perhaps this is the way it is ... On the one hand, the weaker sex acquires the features of an imperious person in order to make it easier to live in such a dynamic world. On the other hand, aren't we ourselves to blame for our current situations? Men's work should be done by a man, and you should not snatch the hammer from his hands, because you do not like the way he nails. Can a woman be a woman? If you are tired of carrying the entire burden of responsibility on your fragile shoulders, we will try to figure out how to become a weak woman outwardly. How to encourage men to exploits for the sake of us - beautiful ladies!

Feminine and masculine

Every human being is inherently both feminine and masculine. But only one thing occupies a leading position: for men - masculine, for women, respectively, feminine. But the most important thing is to maintain this balance. That is, it is correct to correlate the data of the beginning. For example, you are the head of a company. Of course, you need to show will, stamina, a male function is manifested in you. But it's different when you're in a family! No matter how difficult it is, you must try to at least outwardly be a weak woman in the eyes of your beloved man. You must leave the manners of the boss at work, and in the circle of loved ones be sweet, fragile, weak. A wonderful film has been made on this subject. Love affair at work". When exactly the outward manifestation of weakness made a beautiful woman out of a prim careerist.

The role of a woman in the family, no matter how old fashioned it may sound, is to support her beloved. To enable a man to realize both his own and your joint goals, and not to rush into battle himself. Believe me, you will be rewarded handsomely for the role of a weak woman! A man will carry you in his arms, protect, groom and cherish - protect you from the harsh reality. He will draw strength from your seeming weakness, even if you are by no means a weakling. Let him feel his significance, even if you are objectively stronger than him in many ways. Otherwise, the feminine will begin to predominate in your companion over time. It is not normal for a man to be led by a woman. Sooner or later, a man will develop a sense of inferiority. This situation leads to disagreements, quarrels over trifles, lack of passion in intimate relationships. In the end - to indifference! Better loosen your grip and give the right to the hands of a man. And use folk wisdom yourself: a man is a head, and a woman is a neck. Wherever the neck turns, there the head will turn.

The role of motherhood and the role of women

It's so wonderful to be a mother and a woman! However, although these concepts have common things, they are still different roles. And that's why. A woman, like a mother, realizes her masculinity in the fact that she is ready for constant bestowal. Return in education, guardianship, knowledge and experience. This is one of the reasons why, after the birth of a baby, discord often begins in couples. A man does not understand the behavior of the second half. And it is only connected with the protection of his child. In order to avoid divorces and other discord in the family, a man must understand the reasons for a woman's change and not demand the impossible from her for a given period. A woman, in turn, should not forget about her true beginning, because the potential of the mother in us is fully developed.


The modern world and fashion dictates its own rules to a woman, which speak of independence and self-sufficiency. Yes, and in the family, from childhood, the girl is instilled with the idea that she needs to get a good education, get a well-paid job, so as not to depend on anyone. After all, all men are so unreliable. Of course, it is pointless to speak out against a career and personal self-realization. However, men can admire a woman who is self-confident, intelligent, able to compete with him. But admiration may not develop into love. Understand, the nature of a man is such that he will not get sincere joy and pleasure, taking care of a woman who can do just fine without him.

When a man is in the presence of a tender, soft, trusting and somewhat weak woman, he wants to protect and protect his fragile creation. In search of our soul mate, we are guided by our negative beginning. And if a man has not revealed his feminine essence in a partner, disappointment comes. And do not think that they are so weak, they cannot cope with strong woman. After all, we are also looking for a companion in which our male half will be revealed. Of course, there are women who are deliberately looking for a pliable man, the latter, in turn, are looking for a “second mother”. But these things are connected with internal complexes, which are also worth solving.

What is the secret of femininity?

A modern woman is allowed a lot. She can be a deputy, a boss, a president. But if she takes an equal position with a man, she goes against her nature. The paradox is that no matter what posts we hold, no matter how much money we earn, we will not be truly happy if it leaves our natural essence. Of course, you can engage in self-persuasion, put on masks, join all kinds of feminist organizations. But being alone with ourselves, we realize that something is missing.

There is one good Eastern wisdom that says: "We get what we actively strive for." Many women are driven by the fear of being alone, in the worst case, with a child. After all, men with the current availability of women do not want to work on relationships. You can think mother and so. But if you change your position to the opposite - to be an open, vulnerable, weak woman. If you are not afraid to love and give a part of yourself to a loved one, then not weak-willed creatures will seek meetings with you, but real men.

I would like to add one more point. Everyone knows that the basic qualities are laid down in childhood. And if the son knows that the mother is vulnerable, defenseless, she needs to be protected, then in her independent and family life he will also perceive his soul mate. Treat her the way you taught him to treat you. I think you will be proud of the fact that you have raised a true man. And all thanks to what? The fact that they allowed themselves to be a weak woman, at least outwardly. Experts give several recommendations on how to awaken the feminine nature in yourself:

1. Treat things and situations like women. Leave without regret with feelings of fearlessness, constant rivalry with a man. And in return, get a feeling of defenselessness and dependence on a man. Give up the desire to constantly control everything.

2. Stop doing men's jobs. First, decide what you want to give up. Then share your thoughts with the man. Let him know that you can't do without his help. If he agrees, hand over to him the reins for these types of work in full. Most importantly, do not worry about the consequences of this act. Even if your man does not immediately take action, do not put pressure on him and do not slow him down. Maybe the train will only move when you let go of your grip. And on the other hand, if you give some things an excessive value, this does not mean that your companion should also approach them. If a man refuses to perform a certain type of work, you should not immediately shoulder them. Do what you can and the rest will have to wait. Do not forget what you are striving for, and enjoy your "female position". And after a while, go back to your spouse with this question.

Z. You have to do a man's job - do it like a woman. You should not demonstrate your male competence. Make it so that the man understands that you need help. Otherwise, you will bear this heavy burden only on yourself.

4. Don't be afraid to obey. Perhaps this is not fashionable, but only in case of agreement with a man, and not heated debates and constant upholding of one’s position, one can move towards harmony. This is such a masculine nature that they are humiliated when a woman takes over. Even if you have a different opinion, let it remain with you, because your desires can be presented very cunningly and unobtrusively. And only in matters of a moral nature is it necessary to stand to the end.

After all, it was not in vain that in ancient times, men fought for the heart of a woman. If you have a desire, you can also awaken chivalrous feelings in your lover. If you at least outwardly become a weak woman, then men will take care of you, protect you and, ultimately, love you!

Video lecture "Civil marriage: how not to get into trouble, and how to get out?"

In this lecture, we will analyze from all sides such an interesting social phenomenon as " civil marriage"(i.e. cohabitation).

You will know all his true background and be able to make a meaningful choice.

*Mouseover to pause scrolling.

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How to become weak for a man?

And really: how? And is it worth it?

And what, after all, is generally meant by the words "become weak"?

Let's figure it out.

Many women, in principle, do not want to be "weak". After all, we are usually taught to be strong and courageous - both men and women, so even the very word "weak" is often perceived as something doomed and helpless.

Someone still understands the importance of the moment and writes on the forums that you don’t need to be weak - it’s enough just to seem like one.

This is already not bad, and may give some results, but we will talk with you about why it is important to change meaningfully.

Let's start with the fact that the word "weak" unloved by many can be replaced by "strong".

And I will offer opponents to become “weak” to become a “strong woman”, and for those for whom the word “weak” does not cause unpleasant associations, I will offer to become just weak women.

Well, with the terminology, we figured out a bit, so we will move on to the point.

What is it for you?

First, you need to answer the question for yourself: "What do I need all this for?"

If you want to do it because "seems like it should be" or "so they say it's better" then your motivation will go to hell.

Therefore, your readiness for change (even positive) is determined by what are your true motives.

You need to understand exactly what you can get from it, or, conversely, what it will allow you to avoid.

But back to the main topic of our article - how to become weak for a man?

What should (and should not) be done so that a man sees you as a weak woman and sincerely wants to take care of you?

1. A man needs to be asked

About what? Anything - any kind of help you can think of.

Many women are afraid to ask a man for something, they are shy, they think that it is embarrassing, that it bothers them, etc. and so on. And you probably have those fears too.

Fears are completely groundless, because it is extremely important for a man to feel his importance, and helping a woman is a great way to feel needed and loved.

2. Integrity is your enemy

What is principle?

You can describe this word in different ways, but we will mean by it such features as a tendency to argue and the inability to agree.

People call it stubbornness. And being hardheaded for a woman is a sure way to endless arguments with a man.

Although, most likely, not to endless ones - a man will not stand it for a long time, and your relationship may end faster than you expected.

Just the sight of a woman arguing is just a disaster, and if there is also an argument with a man, it's just degradation.

Argument and tough upholding of a position is an indicator that a woman has no other leverage to control the situation.

Such levers that will have a much more favorable effect on your relationship with a man and other people in general.

3. Kind word

A kind word is not only praise and gratitude. It's also HOW you do it.

Yes, we know that good word and a gun" work better than just a "kind word" and this beautiful phrase may be misleading.

Yes, it can work at the level of intimidation, but this is definitely not what you would like to do with your beloved man.

By intimidating a man, you can turn him either into a soulless tyrant, or, more likely, into a doormat, on which you will soon wipe your feet and suffer: "Where are the real men?..."

4. Appearance is a reflection of your essence

And even if you want to argue with it, it's still true.

Someone does not want to argue, but sincerely believes that you can go all day in a men's trouser suit, and at the same time remain a cute fairy in your soul.

This is self-deception.

Whether you like it or not, what you wear (from headwear to shoes) greatly affects your self-image.

Clothes, shoes, and even your hair is, if you like, part of your personality. Albeit a changeable one, but still a part.

With the help of clothes and appearance, you can shape your mood and even personality traits. So use it to the benefit of your relationship!

Let clothes and shoes be your helpers in this not always simple matter.

5. You are grace

Gracefulness. This is what gives a woman extra points in the eyes of any man.

This is the trait that is always in sight, because you cannot hide how you move, how you walk, how you carry yourself in general.

Why do some women constantly catch the admiring glances of men, while others do not receive such attention?

The answer very often lies in this single word.

Immediately assess how kind, gentle and caring you are, a man is not able, however he is able to assess the degree of your grace in a matter of seconds.

Voila! - in his brain lights up another light bulb in your favor.

6. No need to doubt the abilities of a man

You can tell me right away that you don't doubt his abilities. However, what you do will often tell the man otherwise.

How does this happen?

Very simply: much of what you consider care and attention, a man will perceive as doubts in his abilities.

A classic example is when a woman gives a man detailed instructions on exactly how to do something or asks him how he will cope with this or that situation.

It shouldn't be done that way.

Give a man more freedom in actions - let him solve the issue himself and make you happy when everything is sorted out!

You can’t even imagine how sometimes a man lacks the opportunity to do something on his own, and not under your “sensitive guidance”.

7. Get the job done right

Almost certainly you would like to work less and devote more time to yourself, your man, your family as a whole.

Some of you would not like to work at all, but ...

There are options here, and a lot. Of course, we will not consider them here, but I want to tell you that the desire not to work in principle is already a certain level of understanding.

This is great, and even more great if you know where you will spend your free time.

If you plan to invest it in your development, in the development of a man and family, then you are on the right track.

But this is an ideal option, which is worth striving for. You can start with simpler things.

And I invite you to think right now about the impact that work has on your life, on your relationship with a man, on your family.

Can you say that it is clearly unfavorable? If so, then you should think about what you can do about it.

There are always options, and here are just a few:

Reduce the time spent at the current job while maintaining the usual working week;
- reduce the number of days you work;
- start leaving on time (if you don't do it now);
- think about where else you could work, taking into account exactly your needs in your free time;
and so on…

Whatever you do, the main thing is that it should be aimed at reducing your workload or making it more comfortable so that you have energy for other areas of life.

And remember: men really appreciate women for whom relationships and family have a higher priority than work and career.

Well, we have sorted out some important rules that will allow you to be the woman to whom a man will be ready to give the most valuable thing in this life - his time, care and, of course, love.

This is more than 100 days of systematic, deep work on yourself and on the restructuring of your values, thoughts, worldview and behavior.

More than 100 days that will bring into your life, simultaneously changing the objective reality around you.

Dmitry Olegovich Naumenko,
Love Without Compromises.

Probably many are familiar with such a joke: “I so want to be a weak woman, but as luck would have it, the huts are on fire, then the horses are galloping!”.

Of course, this does not apply to all women, but it so happened historically that we take on a lot. We shoulder not only our own, women's, but also men's duties on our fragile shoulders.

How it exhausts us, there is irritation on men that they are irresponsible, not caring, etc.!!! You have to take everything into your own hands. And since the Universe is very wise, then " May it be to you according to your faith»!

Why, one wonders, after such requests from our side, a man should strain at all: “Darling, you yourself are “strong”, you can handle everything yourself. And I’d rather watch football, drink beer, ”the men argue. But this is only one of the options, and there are many.

herself like this

Once upon a time, I reasoned like that, and took on too much, and complained about men. And I came across not caring, and you won’t wait for gifts, and they don’t know how to earn money! Well, I had to do everything yourself.

And take care of yourself, and help yourself, and earn money. A convincing conclusion was made: I choose the wrong men! I forgot how to take care, I just didn’t notice it around. I can do everything myself!!!

Men were classified according to the type “my man”, if he shows attention and care, then if it ends at some stage, then this is “not my man”. So I lived with the conviction that I come across wrong men.

Although I read a bunch of books, watched various webinars, somewhere in my mind I understood that the reason was in me too. I worked on myself, I even started to change something in my picture of the world, and already men began to come across more caring, but something was missing for me to fully understand my problem at that time. Until I got to the Institute of Reincarnation and had a consultation with the captain.

All my men

During the consultation, several requests were worked out, one of which is relationships with men. There was and the session lasted more than three hours.

Consultant Natasha collected all the information from me about my relationships with men, different situations from life. Different realizations came, both looking through this life, and realizations from the world of souls.

I will not describe everything that I managed to see, but there is one key moment that changed my idea of ​​myself and of men in general. And that's what prompted me to write this story.

By the way, we found out that one of my purposes in this life is use your feminine energy, and that my main cash flow is through men.

And all my life I used just mostly masculine energies in myself, I just didn’t know how take care of men. It was really difficult for me to ask men for something. Suddenly they will refuse (strings stretch from childhood). Moreover, I can do everything myself!

And this is what happened: Natasha heard in my stories that I often repeat “my man”, “not my man”. And she offered such an alternative: Imagine that all men are Yours!!!

Just guess and try to see in every man potential assistant, without expecting anything from him, just radiate your feminine energy - the way you can. She shared her examples from life, how she worked on herself.

In general, I am a Practitioner by nature, I always try to check knowledge in action. Here, too, it was not long in coming. I registered inside myself that all men are mine, I presented and most importantly believed it!

How did I feel good from this thought! This became my resource state when translating this idea into reality.

Miracles are everywhere

Almost the next day, miracles began. In general, they always happen, we just often do not notice them in our daily worries.

First, I started asking a man, with whom I was then in a relationship, about almost every little thing, trying not to turn on my mind, so that he would not lead me into doubt again that I myself can do it

And in almost all cases, he did not refuse me. And I even noticed that his shoulders straightened when I said that I want you to do this, because you are better at it than I am.

Well, there are such women's tricks, there is also a lot of information about them on the Internet. She could ask for money without trembling in her knees. In short, I applied the received realizations in practice.

But I especially want to tell you about one day that happened somewhere on the 2-3 day after the consultation.

I went to Moscow. Heavy bag. I am alone, by myself, without an assistant.

I got to the bus stop. The one I needed arrived, I went to the door and ....

Before, I would have started dragging this suitcase into the minibus myself, but there were men nearby. Something no one was eager to help me, but now I can ask !!!

And I asked the man closest to me, he seemed to be sleeping and woke up. Of course, of course, he says, he was in his thoughts. I took this moment with joy. It was the only time that day that I had to ask.

I went to Moscow by car, I got on a minibus to get to the appointed meeting point with the car. I arrived in Moscow, and then sheer miracles began, there is no other way to call it.

I went down to the subway, I'm carrying a suitcase on wheels, but it's heavy. And men began to open the doors in front of me - both young and adults. I didn't even touch any of the doors.

Climbing stairs with a suitcase, if there was no escalator somewhere, did not exist for me at all. For some reason some male hand always grabbed my suitcase at the bottom of the steps, and I walked light.

The resource state turned on, I smiled from ear to ear and thanked everyone around and the Universe. I had a friend with me, she made surprised eyes and said: “Does this happen?”. This happened several times while we were getting to the right station.

Then I got on the train and left for the Moscow region. When I got off at the right station, I found that I got off alone, no one was around. And it was necessary to climb the high stairs, cross the railway tracks and go down. Well, I think I'll have to.

Going up to the stairs, I wanted to pick up the suitcase, suddenly I hear a voice from behind: “Let me help you.” I turned around: a man was standing. Where did he come from? But before I had time to think, he was already climbing the stairs with my suitcase. I followed him like crazy. Miracles!!!

He lowered my suitcase, I thanked him, and he just smiled. I went to the taxi stand, I had to get to the place, and suddenly it started to rain.

There were no cars, but there was a man in the parking lot first in line for a taxi, and I just thought: if only he let me go ahead, I didn’t have an umbrella. A car drove up, but he did not let me through, he went himself.

I already wanted to accept, but suddenly the driver got out of the car and asked where I should go. I answered and he asked the man to wait for the next car, because he was going in my direction. A minute later I was already sitting in the car and just stunned with a smile on my face!

to be a woman

I got involved in this game, I liked being a Woman, I began to observe myself more often, pay attention to men just as Men. I changed my beliefs, expanded my worldview and attitude. She studied her past incarnations in male bodies, tried to understand what men feel, what they think about, what they want.

My acquaintance with the method of reincarnation turned my whole life upside down, in the best sense of the word. More than six months have passed since that incident. And miracles continue.

Now I can call myself a happy woman!!! I enjoy being taken care of by men almost everywhere I go: at home, on the street, while traveling.

At the moment I am not working, but doing my favorite thing, I am studying at the Institute of Reincarnation in the 2nd year. And my cash flow is now from a man and from another source. But that is another story. And then we'll see!

How much we women forget that we should just be happy And we don't owe anyone anything! That duty and duty are purely masculine energy.

And how, sometimes, shifting male responsibilities to ourselves, we simply lose this female energy and cannot radiate it. Then we accuse the men of inattention, that they do not notice us, do not care about us.

And they just do not feel needed, they do not understand what to do, there is no call to action. Because we smell like “masculine”, sorry for such a comparison. But unless a man wants to do something for a man, a man himself can do it.

Now I understand that first of all we need to remember that we are Women, what we really want. And before blaming men for their mortal sins, you need to look at yourself and ask the question: “What am I doing to be treated differently?”

This, at first glance, is difficult, but it is also simple. And most importantly, IT'S POSSIBLE. Love yourself, let men take care of you! Smile more often! Happiness to you, Women!