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» Topic: “Forms of work with parents to introduce folk art. Project "Folk Crafts of Russia" (senior group) Topic of the week: Folk crafts

Topic: “Forms of work with parents to introduce folk art. Project "Folk Crafts of Russia" (senior group) Topic of the week: Folk crafts

Creative project "Mini-museum" "Folk crafts" for children and parents of the older group

Information and creative project for children of the senior group Mini Museum "Folk Crafts".
Project type: information - creative;
Project duration: 2 months; February March.
Project participants: children of the senior group, parents of pupils, educators.
The relevance of the project: due to the great importance of educating moral and patriotic feelings among preschoolers in modern society.

Project hypothesis: if we introduce preschoolers to the folk crafts of Russia, the skill of Russian craftsmen and Russian folklore, then this will allow our children to feel part of the Russian people, to feel pride in their country, rich in glorious traditions.
The purpose of the project: the formation of children's cognitive interest in Russian folk culture through familiarization with folk crafts and the organization of artistic, productive and creative activities.
Project objectives:
- Introduce children to folk crafts;
- Promote the development of the child's speech: enrich the vocabulary, increase the expressiveness of speech;
- Develop individual emotional manifestations in all activities;
- To carry out the moral and aesthetic development of the child's personality;
- To develop the ability to see the beauty of products of applied art, to form an aesthetic taste;
- Develop children's artistic creativity skills

Stages of the project


Material preparation:
Selection of visual and didactic materials (thematic pictures, posters with mural elements)
Preparation of presentations to familiarize children with folk crafts;
Preparation of a card index of round dance and outdoor folk games;
Selection of folklore works, poems on the theme of folk crafts;
Preparation of materials for the organization of creative activities of children;
Productive stage:
Formation of the problem of the project and children's interest in the topic of the project.
Project implementation methods:
The project was implemented through the following types joint activities:
cognitive activity
Speech activity
Artistic and creative activity
Game activity
Working with parents

The main stage is cognitive practical
Cognitive activity:
1. Thematic conversations:
- "Filimonov toys - whistles"
- "Dymkovo masters"
- "Funny Matryoshkas"
- "What is Khokhloma?"
- "Gzhel blue-blue miracle"
2. Viewing presentations: “Blue-blue miracle. Gzhel", "Golden Khokhloma", "Dymkovo Masters", "The Miracle of Filimonov Whistles".
3. Informative message on the topic "Russian folk clothes?"; 4Informative message on the topic "Russian crafts and ancient folk crafts of Russia."

Speech activity:

1. Reading works of folklore on the theme of folk crafts;
2. Learning poems by E. A. Nikonova “Semenov Matryoshkas”, “Dymkovo Toy”, “Gzhel Patterns”, “Golden Khokhloma”;

Artistic and creative activity:

1. Examination of albums and visual - demonstration material;
2. Modeling from plasticine "Filimonov toys";
3. Sculpting “A goat based on a Dymkovo toy”; Purpose: to continue to teach children to sculpt a figure based on folk (Dymkovo motifs), using the technique of rolling a column of bending it and cutting it in a stack from two ends. Develop aesthetic perception.
Author T. S. Komarova p. 41.
4. Painting Oleshka
Purpose: to teach children to paint three-dimensional products based on folk decorative patterns, to teach them to highlight the main ones, to develop an aesthetic perception of the elements of the pattern; to fix the techniques of drawing with paints.
Author T. S. Komarova page 54
5. Drawing “Decorate the plate. Khokhloma";
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with products decorated with Khokhloma painting. Learn to highlight the composition of the pattern, name its elements: grass curls, various berries, flowers, leaves, highlight; their rhythmic arrangement determine the color of Khokhloma: gold, black, brown, background and red, orange berries, green, yellow, black grass. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of color, composition. Cultivate a sense of composition.

6. Making "Miracle boots" appliqué using non-traditional materials;
7. Drawing "Painting the silhouettes of Gzhel dishes" Gzhel.
The goal is to teach children to paint dishes, arranging the pattern in shape, to develop the aesthetic perception of folk art, to consolidate the ability to draw with paints. Author T. S. Komarova p. 103.
8. Drawing "Gzhel patterns". Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with Gzhel painting; to develop aesthetic perception, a sense of color, rhythm, composition, to form the ability to draw elements characteristic of Gzhel painting.
Author T. S. Komarova
9. Drawing “Painting boards. Gorodets painting»
Purpose: to develop in children aesthetic perception, feeling, color, rhythm, composition. Continue to acquaint with Gorodets painting. Learn to draw painting elements. Exercise in composing shades of color .. Raise interest and love for folk art.
Author T. S. Komarova p. 44.
Game activity:
1. Mobile folk games; "Geese-Swans, "Shaggy Dog" "Dawn-Dawn", "Brook",
2. Round dance folk games "", "Loaf", "At Malanya, at the old woman", "At the bear in the forest";
3. Plot - role-playing game "Let's treat nesting dolls with tea";
4. Didactic games.
Working with parents:
Parents were asked to:
1. Help with the collection of handicrafts for the mini-museum;
2. Be actively interested in the activities of the child in the group;
3. Help children learn poetry;
4. Recommendation on weekends to visit the Ethnographic Museum with children;

Final 3rd stage
1. Design of the mini-museum "Folk Crafts".
2. Presentation of the project of the mini-museum "Folk Crafts" for parents and the teaching staff of the kindergarten;
Project performance:
Classes in arts and crafts have a beneficial effect on the mental activity of preschoolers.
When getting acquainted with products of decorative and applied arts, the diversity and richness of the culture of the people are revealed to children, the multifaceted traditions and customs transmitted from generation to generation are assimilated.
The child sees the results of his activities, learns to analyze them and find their application. In addition, the process of working on crafts gives children great pleasure.
By studying folk arts and crafts, children learn a lot about the ornament and its symbolic meaning.
Looking at the patterns, children learn figurative perception: on Khokhloma cups, grass burns with fire, the Gzhel pattern looks like ice patterns in Father Frost's tower, Dymkovo clay toys look like characters from a fairy tale. Describing the products of masters, children talk about their purpose, form, history of creation, which contributes to the development of competent coherent speech.
Many elements of the ornament are painted with paints obtained by mixing and overlaying. Children experiment and, by searching, decide how to get new shades.
Thus, it can be stated that arts and crafts as part of the aesthetic education of preschoolers helps to develop in children an aesthetic attitude to reality, love for their native land, thinking, and imagination.
As a result of a comprehensive work to introduce children to decorative and applied arts, children have a desire to learn more about the work of Russian masters and the life of the Russian people. Children independently began to distinguish between the styles of well-known types of decorative painting, learned how to create expressive patterns on paper. Thus, the theme of arts and crafts in kindergarten is very interesting and multifaceted, it helps to develop not only a creative personality, but also brings up integrity in children, love for their native land, for their country as a whole.
Informational resources:
1. "Preschool education". - No. 8.- 19981.
2. Vershinina N. Gorbova O. Acquaintance with the features of arts and crafts in the process of didactic games. // Preschool education. 2004 No. 6.
3. Garanina N. K. Introducing preschoolers to folk culture
4. Gribovskaya A. A. Folk art and children's creativity. 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 2006.
5. Knyazeva O. A., Makhaneva M. D. Introduction of children to the origins of Russian folk culture. - St. Petersburg. : Accident, 1997.
6. Kochkina N. A. Method of projects in preschool education. - M. : Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012.
7. The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation. - Management of the preschool educational institution. 2005 №1
8. Lyapina L. A. Folk games in kindergarten. - M. : TC Sphere, 2009.
9. Sypchenko E. A. Innovative pedagogical technologies. - St. Petersburg: Childhood Press, 2012

Project type: information - creative;

Project duration: mid-term;

Project participants: children of the senior group, parents of pupils, educators.

Project relevance: due to the great importance of educating moral and patriotic feelings among preschoolers in modern society.

Project Hypothesis: if we introduce preschoolers to the folk crafts of Russia, the skill of Russian craftsmen and Russian folklore, then this will allow our children to feel part of the Russian people, to feel pride in their country, rich in glorious traditions.

Objective of the project: the formation of children's cognitive interest in Russian folk culture through familiarization with folk crafts and the organization of artistic, productive and creative activities.

Project objectives:

Introduce children to folk crafts;

Contribute to the development of the child's speech: enrich the vocabulary, increase the expressiveness of speech;

Develop individual emotional manifestations in all activities;

To carry out the moral and aesthetic development of the child's personality;

To develop the ability to see the beauty of products of applied art, to form an aesthetic taste;

Develop children's artistic creativity skills;



Information and creative project for children of the senior group "Folk crafts of Russia".

Project type: information - creative;

Project duration: mid-term;

Project participants:children of the senior group, parents of pupils, educators.

Project relevance:due to the great importance of educating moral and patriotic feelings among preschoolers in modern society.

Project hypothesis:if we introduce preschoolers to the folk crafts of Russia, the skill of Russian craftsmen and Russian folklore, then this will allow our children to feel part of the Russian people, to feel pride in their country, rich in glorious traditions.

Objective of the project: the formation of children's cognitive interest in Russian folk culture through familiarization with folk crafts and the organization of artistic, productive and creative activities.

Project objectives:

Introduce children to folk crafts;

Contribute to the development of the child's speech: enrich the vocabulary, increase the expressiveness of speech;

Develop individual emotional manifestations in all activities;

To carry out the moral and aesthetic development of the child's personality;

To develop the ability to see the beauty of products of applied art, to form an aesthetic taste;

Develop children's artistic creativity skills;

Organizational stage

Material preparation:

Selection of visual and didactic materials (thematic pictures, posters with mural elements);

Preparation of presentations to familiarize children with folk crafts;

Preparation of a card index of round dance and outdoor folk games;

Selection of folklore works, poems on the theme of folk crafts;

Preparation of materials for the organization of creative activities of children;

Productive stage:

Formation of the problem of the project and children's interest in the topic of the project.

Project implementation methods:

The project was implemented through the following types of joint activities:

cognitive activity

Speech activity

Artistic and creative activity

Game activity

Working with parents

Cognitive activity:

1. Thematic conversations:

- "Filimonov toys - whistles"

- "Dymkovo masters"

- "Funny Matryoshkas"

- “What is Khokhloma? »

- "Gzhel blue-blue miracle"

2. Viewing presentations: “Blue-blue miracle. Gzhel", "Golden Khokhloma", "Dymkovo Masters", "The Miracle of Filimonov Whistles"

3. Informative message on the topic “What are felt boots? »;

Speech activity:

1. Reading works of folklore on the theme of folk crafts;

2. Learning poems by E. A. Nikonova “Semenov Matryoshkas”, “Dymkovo Toy”, “Gzhel Patterns”, “Golden Khokhloma”;

Artistic and creative activity:

1. Examination of albums and visual - demonstration material;

2. Modeling from plasticine "Filimonov toys";

3. Modeling "Dymkovo young lady";

4. Drawing nesting dolls;

5. Drawing “Decorate the plate. Khokhloma";

6. Making "Miracle boots" appliqué using non-traditional materials;

7. Drawing “Painting a cup with a saucer. Gzhel";

8. Drawing "Gzhel cockerels".

9. drawing “Painting boards. Gorodets painting.

Game activity:

1. Mobile folk games;

2. Round dance folk games "Geese-Swans", "Loaf", "Shaggy Dog", "At Milana, at the old woman", "At the bear in the forest";

3. Plot - role-playing game "Let's treat nesting dolls with tea";

Working with parents:

Parents were asked to:

1. Help with the collection of handicrafts for the mini-museum;

2. Be actively interested in the activities of the child in the group;

3. Help children learn poetry;

Generalizing stage

1. Design of an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts;

2. Presentation of the project for parents and teaching staff of the kindergarten;

Project performance:

As a result of a comprehensive work to introduce children to decorative and applied arts, children have a desire to learn more about the work of Russian masters and the life of the Russian people. Children independently began to distinguish between the styles of well-known types of decorative painting, learned how to create expressive patterns on paper. Thus, the theme of arts and crafts in kindergarten is very interesting and multifaceted, it helps to develop not only a creative personality, but also brings up integrity in children, love for their native land, for their country as a whole.

Informational resources:

1. "Preschool education". - No. 8.- 19981.

2. Vershinina N. Gorbova O. Acquaintance with the features of arts and crafts in the process of didactic games. // Preschool education. 2004 No. 6.

3. Garanina N. K. Introducing preschoolers to folk culture

4. Gribovskaya A. A. Folk art and children's creativity. 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 2006.

5. Knyazeva O. A., Makhaneva M. D. Introduction of children to the origins of Russian folk culture. - St. Petersburg. : Accident, 1997.

6. Kochkina N. A. Method of projects in preschool education. - M. : Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012.

7. The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation. - Management of the preschool educational institution. 2005 №1

8. Lyapina L. A. Folk games in kindergarten. - M. : TC Sphere, 2009.

9. Sypchenko E. A. Innovative pedagogical technologies. - St. Petersburg: Childhood Press, 2012.

Senior group


1. Questioning: "What place does folk art occupy in the family?"

2. Parent meeting. Topic: "The influence of folk crafts on the aesthetic education of preschool children."

3. Corner for parents. Folder-slider “Types of painting.

4. Conversation with parents: "The importance of creating a subject-developing environment for children in a group."


  1. Conversation with the parent committee: "Creating a subject-developing environment for children."
  2. Consultation: "Decorative and applied art of Russia".
  3. Corner for parents. Tips: "How to teach a child to draw."
  4. Consultation: "General issues of development of creative abilities in children."


  1. A conversation with the parent committee about the need to make Russian folk costumes for children.
  2. Note to parents: "The creative development of the child."
  3. Corner for parents "We introduce children to folk signs of autumn, poems and riddles."
  4. Consultation: "The use of Russian folk games in the family."


  1. Corner for parents. "Let's play together!" - Card file of folk games.
  2. Consultation: "The history of the appearance of Russian nesting dolls."
  3. Consultation: "The pedagogical value of the work on the manufacture of nesting dolls by children of preschool age."
  4. Creative exhibition of children's works created together with their parents: "Such different matryoshkas".


  1. Corner for parents: "We introduce children to folk signs of the winter months, poems and riddles."
  2. Consultation: " folk craft- "Golden Khokhloma".
  3. Memo for parents: "Artistic and aesthetic development of children in the family."
  4. Creative workshop. Master class for parents "Dymkovskaya young lady".


  1. Corner for parents. Photo report “Sharing family experience. Every family has its own traditions.
  2. Consultation: “This is a miracle - blue Gzhel. A story about the history of the origin of the fishery.
  3. Competition: "The best pie according to the grandmother's recipe".
  4. Photo report "Bogatyrsky tale" - a gift for dads on February 23


  1. Consultation: “Merry Gorodets. The history of the emergence of Gorodets painting.
  2. Creative workshop. Master class for parents: "Zhostovo bouquet on a tray."
  3. Consultation: “Vologda lace. The history of the creation of folk craft.
  4. Cognitive - thematic evening for parents: "Craftsman Russia".


  1. Consultation: "Shawls and shawls from Pavlovo - Posada".
  2. Photo report of a lesson with children “Shawl for the beauty of spring ...” using non-traditional drawing techniques.
  3. Easter Competition. Creative crafts with kids.
  4. Corner for parents. Design of the stand "We don't miss tea".
  1. Corner for parents: "We introduce children to folk signs of spring, poems and riddles."
  2. Consultation “Handcraft of the native land. Kasimov Khokhloma.
  3. Visit with the children of the Museum of Kasimov "Russian Samovar".
  4. Parent meeting. Round table meeting. Topic: Presentation of the project "Folk Crafts".

Perspective plan for working with parents

preparatory group


  1. Design of the stand - collage "2014 - the year of culture".


  1. Questionnaire "Folk art in the life of your family"
  2. Consultation "The influence of folk crafts (haze) on the aesthetic education of preschoolers"
  3. Parent meeting. Theme: “Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle. Introducing children to the origins of folk art.


  1. Memo "Do you want to raise a genius?"
  2. Consultation: "Mini-museum "Russian hut" - as a method of familiarizing preschoolers with history."
  3. Conversation with the parent committee: "Replenishment of the mini-museum of the preschool educational institution with household items of the Russian people."


  1. Consultation: "Features of nesting dolls of different folk crafts."
  2. Memo for parents: "Gifted child".
  3. Booklet "Samples of decorative painting".
  4. Conversation "What does it mean - a creative child?"


  1. Conversation with the parent committee "Preparing Dymkovo costumes for the evening - entertainment."
  2. Photo report from the holiday "Christmas"


  1. Recommendations for parents: "To the museum with a child."
  2. Corner for parents. " Folk holiday- A wide Shrovetide.
  3. Photo report “Maslenitsa. Seeing off winter.
  4. Creative lounge "Teaching parents the elements of Khokhloma painting."


  1. Tips for parents: "How to look at works of art."
  2. Corner for parents. "We teach tongue twisters with children."
  3. Consultation: "Raising children on the traditions of Russian culture."
  4. Conversation with parents: "Getting ready for Easter."


  1. Cognitive - thematic evening for parents:

"Visual activity in kindergarten: learning and creativity."

  1. Creative exhibition "Holy Easter" joint with children.
  2. Consultation: "Pysanka is a symbol of the sun and goodness."
  1. Preparation and participation in the festival "Fair".

Pozdnyakova T.V., educator MBDOU No. 417, Nizhny Novgorod

Perspective plan for working with parents in middle group

Time spending

Form of organization, theme



Parent meeting "Introduction of parents to the program for decorative drawing "Magic brush"

To acquaint parents with the goals and objectives of the program, explain why it is necessary to engage in decorative and applied arts with children

Consultation "How to create the right conditions for classes in decorative drawing at home"

Show parents the material necessary for classes in decorative drawing, give advice on the choice of literary material to expand children's knowledge of decorative and applied art.

Master class "Introduction to Dymkovo painting and its elements"

To teach parents to decorate the silhouettes of toys with the help of elements of Dymkovo painting.

"New Year's Toy Competition".

Open lesson "Fairytale Teremok"

To acquaint parents with the structure and specifics of conducting classes in arts and crafts

Design of the information stand "Creativity of the artist - illustrator Yu. Vasnetsov"

To acquaint parents with the work of the artist Y. Vasnetsov, explain that his drawings are based on Dymkovo patterns, so children emotionally react to his works of graphics. To talk about the influence of visual perception as one of the factors for successful teaching of decorative drawing.

Excursion to the museum of the kindergarten "Folk Toy"

To acquaint parents with the variety and beauty of folk toys. Show how you can beat toys, in which didactic games they can be included. Explain that the content of specific knowledge about the features of folk toys affects the level of independence of the child in independent creative activity.

Questioning on the topic: "Analysis of knowledge, skills and abilities of children based on the results of the first year of study."

Find out the opinion of parents on the effectiveness of this program, evaluate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children during the year and apply them in everyday life.

Round table "Summarizing the results of work on the Magic Brush program"

Find out whether the experience of children has been enriched with new means of creating an artistic image, what is the amount of knowledge about the features of a particular folk painting, what is the experience of aesthetic evaluation of works of folk art in terms of beauty and aesthetic ideal.

A promising plan for working with parents in senior and preparatory group


Time spending

Form of organization, theme



Parent meeting "Introducing parents to the goals and objectives of the program for the older group"

To acquaint parents with the goals and objectives of the program for this academic year, find out what difficulties children in the middle group faced, what parents would like to see at open events this academic year.

Consultation "Folk crafts in the system of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers"

To acquaint parents with the folk crafts of Russia, the features of painting folk toys and products of folk craftsmen.

Master class "Merry workshop"

Formation of practical skills for decorating with a Dymkovo pattern in parents clay toys, fashioned by children

"New Year's Toy Competition".

Involve parents together with their children to make a New Year's toy based on folk art.

Leisure “Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle. Introducing children to the origins of folk art»

Establishment of emotional contact between teachers, parents and children, enrichment of children's experience of aesthetic evaluation of works of folk art from the point of view of the laws of beauty and the aesthetic ideal.

Making a folder - moving "Introducing preschoolers to the origins of Russian folk culture"

Tell parents that familiarizing children with the folk crafts of Russia, the skill of craftsmen allows them to develop a love for decorative and applied art, to feel part of the Russian people.

Cyclogram of complex - thematic planning of work with children of the preparatory group

Theme of the week: Folk crafts

Terms of implementation ____________________________

Planned products of child-adult interaction: Exhibition



Forms of organization of child-adult interaction

Interaction with families of pupils


  • Enrich content
plot and theatrical games of children on the basis of acquaintance with folk crafts.

  • Promote display
children's impressions from visiting the museum, exhibitions of folk arts and crafts, plots of video films, television programs, etc. in the game.

  • Strengthen knowledge about species
folk crafts.

  • Cultivate the ability to recognize
and highlight the characteristic features of decor, painting elements and color combinations.

  • Use productive
activities in creating the necessary gaming environment.

1. Story games:

- "Museum", "Tour of the Gorodets Museum" (5, 101), "Family of craftsmen from Gorodets";

- "Exhibition",

- "Art workshop" ,

- "Fair",

- "Souvenir shop".

2. Didactic games and


desktop printed games: “Find a Pair”, “Make a Pattern”, “Recognize the Elements of a Pattern”, “Find by Sketch”, “Dymkovo Lotto”, for and: “At the Exhibition” (13, 163); "The kiosk is open" (13, 146);

3. Theatrical games:

- Table theater "Guests came to us"

(using the Filimonovo toy) (1),

- dramatizations based on the fairy tales "Tops and Roots",

"The Man and the Bear", etc. (using the Bogorodsk toy),

- based on the works of folklore.

1. Assistance in the production of attributes and costumes for role-playing games.
2. "Consultation for parents" We introduce children to folk crafts.
3. Invent and compose a crossword puzzle (rebus) on the topic

Cognitive - research

  • To form vivid artistic images through visiting museums, exhibitions, viewing reproductions, illustrations, albums, books. Enrich visual experience.

  • To develop a cognitive interest in folk art, folk craftsmen.

  • Contribute to the development of mental activity.

  • To develop the ability to express evidence-based assessments and judgments of what they saw, to enrich the dictionary.

1. Observations in nature:

- Behind the beautiful shape of the leaves.

- For insects, birds, flowers, bright paintings;

- frosty patterns on the windows.

2. Excursions and targeted walks:

to museums and exhibitions of folk crafts

- Angarskaya village open-air museum; Art exhibition hall.

3. Collecting:

(sets of postcards, figurines, paintings, badges, photographs, video films, etc.).

4. Consideration:

- albums "Gorodets painting" (8), "Fairytale Gzhel" (7), "Flower patterns of Polkhov-Maidan" (9);

- paintings by B. Kustodiev: Booths, Shrovetide, Fair on Red Square;

- book graphics: folklore (V. Chizhov, L. Tokmakov, Yu. Vasnetsov, V. Konashevich);

- reproductions, exhibits, albums, postcards, books,

- illustrations: "Masters of the Russian Land", "Household items from birch bark", "Vologda lace",

Handicrafts (toys of various types and materials, household items, embroidery, ceramic utensils).

1.Organization of excursions with the participation of parents.
2. Helping parents in the selection (together with children) of educational and visual material on the topic "Folk crafts and crafts";
3. Providing assistance to parents in replenishing the exhibits of the mini-museum "Grandma's chest".
4. Invite mother Zhenya K. with a collection of Gzhel products, tell about her.


  • Keep introducing the kids
the history of the emergence of folk crafts, their types.

  • Teaching children to see beauty
folk art.

  • Deepen Views
children about the expressive features of folk crafts,

the ability to distinguish one industry from another.

Develop a feeling

patriotism, national pride.

  • Cultivate respect for work
and the talent of the masters

1. Stories, conversations: “On the history of craft”, “Folk crafts of Russia” (5, 105); Conversations on proverbs and sayings, about work, moral qualities of people;% Conversations on the importance of folk art in the development of the country. "Visiting the Gorodets masters" (5, 105; 8, 24); "Merry Town" (5, 100; 6, 68); "Golden Khokhloma" (2, 480; 5, 97); “Folk crafts of our region”, “The art of Gzhel masters” (2, 483; 3, 26), “Dymkovo toy” (5, 90), “Russian folk ceramic crafts” (5, 94);

"Russian folk toys" (5, 102); "Filimonov toys" (6, 66); "Flower patterns of Polkhov - Maidan" (9, 24);

2. Making up stories

(creative, descriptive): by toys

(Dymkovo, folk toy - matryoshka), "The Blue Miracle of Gzhel"

3. Writing fairy tales:

"Inventing a fairy tale about the Gzhel rose" (5, 95); inventing a fairy tale based on Bogorodsk toys (5, 103);

4. Guessing and guessing riddles about Dymkovo toys, nesting dolls (5 93, 103), compiling crossword puzzles, rebuses:
5. Learning Russian folk proverbs and sayings:


1. Co-creation of parents and children: draw up a book - a baby about any kind of folk crafts (Compilation of a story or fairy tale, drawings of a child for them)

2. Joint viewing with children of a slide presentation on folk crafts, created from children's drawings, stories, photographs.


  • Learn to respect your own and others
labor, take care of the products of labor.

  • Ensure inclusion in
labor relations with peers and adults.

  • stimulate children
independent actions.

1 . Duty rosterin a corner of nature, preparing material for joint activities

2 . Individual and group assignments on the topic.

3 . Tasks: selection of objects, products, images of folk - applied art to create an exhibition.

4. Joint actions of children and adultsfor the production of attributes for games, for the design of albums, exhibitions of drawings and crafts, etc.

Reading fiction

Clarify and deepen knowledge about folk crafts, artisans, craftsmen.

  • Expand horizons.

  • Introduce children to wealth
Russian speech, enrich children's speech with expressive means (comparisons, epithets, synonyms, antonyms)

  • tie pictorial
creativity of folk craftsmen with oral folk art.

1. Cognitive: "Encyclopedia History of Russia: folk crafts", Uvarova I. "Clay, water and fire", L. Dyakonov "Dymkovsky clay painted".

2. Stories: Volkov "Architects" (a story about Russian artisans and builders); Leskov N. "Lefty"; Romanovsky S. "Vyatka lace"; Kameneva E. "Magic Clay"; Bazhov P. "Tales"; Permyak E. "Golden rings", Ural ones", "Seven hundred and seventy-seven masters", "Grandfather's piggy bank"; Kochnev M. “Silk Wings”, “Silver Yarn”, “Painted Pattern”, “Forty Spindles”.

Ushinsky K. "How a shirt grew in the field",

3. Poems: A. Dyakov "Merry Haze" (5, 91); Lena Gulygy "Motley round dance", Poems - nursery rhymes (5, 92); P. Sinyavsky "Blue Birds ...", "Like a sorceress Fire is a bird .." (5, 95, 98), Poems about Khokhloma (6, 72), Poems about Gzhel (6, 65); Poems about Smoke (:, 62); I. V. Kadukhina Fairy tales and riddles about the proud” (6, 70);

Sh. Gupta "My horse", V. Smolyanova "Rooster"; "Poems about Gorodets" (5, 1001); poems about nesting dolls (5, 102); Poems about Polhoa - Maidan (6, 75); poems about Filimonov toys (6, 67);

4 . Fairy tales: "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf",

r.n. s. "Sivka - Burka"; R.Sc. "The Man and the Bear", P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse", A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel",

1. Home reading of fairy tales and memorization of poems, nursery rhymes.

2. Creation of a file cabinet. (a selection of works of art on the topic).


  • Develop the ability to apply
acquired knowledge about folk, decorative and applied arts in practical activities, using a variety of materials.

  • Form an emotional
responsiveness and interest in folk art.

  • Promote development
creativity, activity, observation.

  • awaken the fantasy


Ornaments (based on Gorodets patterns "(8); collective work" Cheerful round dance "- Dymkovo ladies (6.61);

- "Blue Gzhel": (mug) (2.484), decorative drawing of Vologda lace; “Painting dishes (templates) with a Khokhloma pattern” (5, 98); "Pattern for a matryoshka scarf" (5, 104); Panel "Golden Cockerel" (based on Khokhloma), (6, 72);

2. Modeling:

- "Toys for the theater" (based on the Filimonov toy) (2, 508), "Heat - a bird", "Fish - a whale" based on the fairy tale by E. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse" (based on Dymkovo) (2,509, 511); "Toy for the fair" - different types of folk crafts.

3 . Application: collective "Dymkovo cockerel" (in mosaic technique), (5, 92), "Flowers of Gzhel" collective, (5, 95); “Decorative panel “Golden Khokhloma” (5, 99);

“Gzhel rose” (3.27) “Clothes for a doll - lady” - Dymkovo ornament (3, 34), collective work “Matryoshkas in a round dance” (5, 104);


- making beads, pendants, brooches for dolls, as gifts;

Making from salt dough with subsequent painting of the Filimonovo toy "Hen and cockerel" (10), "Dishes for dolls" (based on Khokhloma) (2, 481; 4,150)

- production of an album on folk art

- production of costume attributes (kokoshniks, cardboard yoke with buckets

5. Exhibition children's work,

6. "Shelf of beauty» : placement of objects (products) of folk crafts: Dymkovo doll "Poultry house", Khokhloma dishes,

1. Together with the parents, prepare for the children a slide presentation of the “Masters of the Russian Land”.

1.Joint work of parents and children in the art center (optional).

Musical - artistic



  • Supplement familiarization
folk crafts with musical means.

  • Shape emotionally
colored feelings of belonging to their people.

  • promote brighter
the perception of the peopleapplied arts.

  • Increase motor
children activity

  • Create positively
colored emotional atmosphere

1. Listening: Russian folk

song "Oh, a thin thread"

2. Singing: “Merry quadrille” (music by V. Dark, lyrics by O. Levitsky)

3. Round dances: “Curl”, “In the garden, in the garden”


Whistle Festival”, “Gatherings”, “Russian Fair” (5, 105);

5. Game: "Spinning wheel"

1. Folk outdoor games (12): "Pull the rope", "Traps with the ball", Ordinary blind man's buff, "Fifteen", "Burners", "Wand - lifesaver", "Traps on one leg",

2. Physical education minutes and dynamic pauses: "Parsley" (14, 119); "Matryoshka" (14,118); "Carousels" (14, 133); "to the grandmother's fun" (14, 106); "Goat" (14, 56); "Malanya" (14, 62); "Game" (5, 103)

1. Participation of parents in the preparation of entertainment and as direct participants in events.


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