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» The man left the other girl for me. Do men regret that they left their wife for a mistress? Left my wife for me

The man left the other girl for me. Do men regret that they left their wife for a mistress? Left my wife for me

Many girls to see in their house - to the good news.

To see a girl of pleasant appearance in a dream for men means big expenses.

Kiss her - to unexpected and joyful events that will surprise you.

A very young girl with a fresh blush on her face, who you dreamed about, means that you will have a pleasant meeting with a nice person who will significantly improve your mood.

An ugly girl that you dreamed of portends a violation of the normal and calm course of your affairs or lifestyle. Sometimes such a dream portends obstacles in business.

A sick girl in a dream is a harbinger of bad news from a loved one. Perhaps one of your loved ones will get sick, which will upset you very much.

A dancing girl of pleasant appearance in a dream - for a love date or good news.

To buy or catch a girl in a dream is a sign of promotion, to a prisoner - release, to a sick person - recovery to the rich - a benefit.

A distressed girl (or crying) in your dream - to contention between lovers or partners.

A mother to see a blooming young girl in a dream portends good news from her children.

Being a girl in a dream - for a woman - is a harbinger of a pleasant pastime, which can be fraught with consequences for her, which will not be slow to affect her reputation.

For a man, such a dream is a sign of ill health.

For people of creative professions - a surge of inspiration.

See interpretation: lady, freak.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Love to married man always forbidden, sinful and condemned by society. But what to do if he is unhappy in marriage and only certain obligations and feelings of responsibility and conscience connect him with his wife. He also wants to be with you, responds with mutual feelings, but he will never dare to leave his family. In this case, you should try yourself so that the lover leaves his wife for you. Perhaps someone will say that it is mean and ugly to take a person away from the family. But if there is still no happiness in that family? Are you to blame?

Do you need this man?

Cheating is always associated with a certain mystery. Lovers are forced to hide, hide, see each other in secret. These thrills make their feelings stronger and more passionate. No wonder they say that the forbidden fruit is sweet. Often, after the lovers reunite, they realize that apart from this mystery and passion, nothing connects them. Relationships become boring, sharpness disappears. In addition, people understand that there really was no love. In most cases, the unfortunate lover, pushing around, returns to his wife.

Even if your beloved man is unhappy in marriage, if there are no feelings between him and his wife for a long time, think about how the situation is in reality? Perhaps he just chose the position of the victim, it is so convenient for him, and you feel sorry for him. There are some men who attract women in this way. After all, all women by their nature love to shelter, pity, understand and console someone. Therefore, before taking a man away from the family, think about whether he wants to leave from there? Yes, and the most main question: You need it? Analyze why you agreed to the role of mistress? It is unlikely that love broke out between you immediately. Surely before that there was just an intimate relationship without feelings and obligations. Yes, and in the role of a mistress, of course, there are advantages.

Why is it good to be a mistress

Being the mistress of a family man is not always a bad thing. Think for yourself:

  • you have no obligations to this man;
  • you are not burdened by everyday life;
  • you have constant intimacy;
  • there is male attention and romance in your life;
  • sometimes you can count on financial support (if not permanently).

Imagine a man left his wife for you. What is waiting for you? Very soon, your relationship will be swallowed up by a harsh life. Romance and attention will disappear. In addition, do not forget that the man will constantly keep in touch with his ex-wife and children. And this is jealousy, suspicion, mistrust. And the most important moment: at the same time, he cheated on his wife with you. Where is the guarantee that he will not cheat on you again? He is not capable of being faithful, and you know this very well. It will gnaw and torment you. Although, there are women who accept all these facts and are able to create a wonderful family with their lover. We hope that you belong to this category of wise women.

Why should a man be removed from his family?

You need to understand that you can’t just, out of sports interest, take and take your lover away from his wife. As a result, your relationship will equally deteriorate, the man will return to his wife, and the feelings of all three participants in the love triangle will suffer. Therefore, you need to think about how to make a man leave the family only if you have serious reasons:

  • between you real love, tested by time and situations;
  • you are pregnant or you already have a child from a lover;
  • you are both unhappy in your personal life without each other.

If at least one reason applies to you, then proceed to action.

Steps to get a lover to leave his wife

You have been dating for more than one year, and the lover has not taken the first step towards resolving the situation. Trust me, it won't. There are many circumstances that prevent this, but most often a man is simply insecure, and does not want to change his established life. It is convenient for him to have a house full of cups and a mistress, as an outlet for the soul. In order for him to leave his wife for you, you need to take many steps and spend a lot of time. But you're ready for anything, right? So, how to take a man out of the family:

  1. Get really close to him. You must understand him, support him in everything. This is what he lacks in his wife. But do not strive to be better than your wife or become perfect. Stay down to earth, but different. After all, that's why he chose you.
  2. During meetings, create the maximum feeling of comfort and coziness for a man. He needs to know that where you are is his home.
  3. No need to focus on the lover. Even, on the contrary, at a certain moment you can move away a little. Since a man has a sense of ownership, he will panic.
  4. Don't take the first steps - don't call him, don't date him, don't invite him. This should be done by a man. May he keep reaching out to you.
  5. Do not discuss his wife, do not turn against her. Even if a man constantly complains about his wife, he has the right to do so, since he lives with her. Just listen, silently, to all complaints and comfort. If you start discussing your wife, the man may not like it.
  6. The most effective way is to give an ultimatum. Deny him sex, be ready to quit. If a man loves you, he will leave his wife. If you find an excuse not to do it again, then it's useless.

In general, as practice shows, if a man in the first year of such a relationship did not make a choice and did not decide, then it is not worth waiting. You can lose your whole life in the status of an eternal lover this way. First, you will wait until the lover rises to his feet financially, so as not to depend on the wife or her parents. Then he will ask you to wait until the children grow up. Then the wife will have some difficult period when support is needed, and it’s impossible to leave her. And so will the whole life. Just understand that a man loses absolutely nothing in this case: he has a family, an established life, children, relatives. And what will be left for you? Broken heart and cat. Alas, but these are the sad realities of statistics.

If the lover left his wife

If you still achieved your goal, you do not need to relax. The departure of a lover from his wife does not mean your victory. You need to prepare for many moments and stock up on great patience.

  1. You have sacrificed a lot in order to create the image that attracted your lover. This image needs to be maintained. After all, this is what put you in an undeniable advantage over your mistress.
  2. If the lover is older than you, be prepared for the difference in daily routine, nutrition, habits and preferences. Now you will cook him according to a special menu so that the ulcer does not worsen and do massages during sciatica. This, by the way, again to the question, are you ready to endure such a lover?
  3. Be prepared for the fact that the lover will constantly communicate with his wife, with children. They will have mutual friends and some business. Ex-wife will call for any reason, be it a question about a mug for a child or preparing for graduation. Of course, the best option is to make friends with the children and establish neutrality towards the wife.

As you can see, it is difficult to take a lover out of the family, but it is even more difficult to keep close. If you find yourself in this situation, think carefully, weigh all the pros and cons. Perhaps this is another episode in your life that you simply mistaken for a serious feeling.

By chance, I came across a forum where this issue was discussed. “Does anyone have examples from life when a man left the family for his mistress and regretted it, did he come back? Wife and mistress switched places? The discussion was heated. Still, because the topic is exciting, topical. And I have a post on this topic.

The statistics say yes. Or rather, there are much more men who regret this than those who are happy that they left and do not regret anything. Men, just like women, are "unlucky" in new relationships.

Why? Let's figure it out

Men's expectations are not met. In other respects, everything is the same, but there is more work.

It seems that, leaving his wife for his mistress, he does not start a new relationship. For a while they met secretly or openly. What changed when the mistress became a wife, albeit a civil one for the time being?

Has changed. For example, a man's view of relationships and his expectations. One thing is required from a mistress, and quite another from a wife. A man expects to receive in a new relationship what he did not receive in the past. After all, dissatisfaction family life led him to bed with his mistress, and then to the decision to create a permanent love union with her. By the way, not all traitors decide on the latter. More often, it is wives who insist on leaving the family. And if it were not for their thunder and lightning, the suitcase displayed at the front door, the demand for a choice of “I or she”, many men would have been cheating for years and working on two fronts for years. Not because they like it, although it happens. And because it is more difficult for a man to decide on a divorce than for a woman. In my psychology.

Do lovers understand this? Are you ready to live up to the expectations of men? Most often not. That gives the relationship blow after blow. And now the question creeps into the mind of a man: “And why did I do this?”

For a woman who has changed her status as a mistress to a wife, the requirements are higher than for ex-wife. This fact must be taken into account!

In a new relationship, a man does not satisfy his needs.

No matter how trite it sounds, and it has set the teeth on edge, but there is no statement more truthful than this: men are simple-minded. However, they are driven by needs, the dissatisfaction of which inevitably leads to a break in relations. There are exceptions, but as they say, they prove the rules. It is this dissatisfaction in most cases that pushes a man to betray, to a mistress and to leave the family.

It is very important to know about male needs. This greatly simplifies the process of organizing relationships.

Women are complex beings. You need everything. And a lot of things. Unlike you women, men are very simple creatures. In fact, it doesn't take much to make us happy. In fact, there are only three things that, by and large, every man needs: support, fidelity and sex.

Only three. And I'm here to tell you over and over again that yes, it's true. Just.

Steve Harvey

Need #1: Support. Men need to feel supported - like they're kings, even if they're not. They want to feel like kings, even if they don't act like royalty.

Need #2. Loyalty. For men, love is devotion. This means that no matter what happens, you will be next to the man. He gets fired - you stay with him even if he doesn't bring home a paycheck. Talking to your friends, you enthusiastically say: “This is my man. I am faithful to him."

Need #3: Sex. No man can live without sex. He'll wait if you're on your period - if he loves you. But if he doesn’t care, he will not persuade you to caress - he will simply receive them from another.

Old rake in a new relationship

We are all wrong. We step on the same rake and again get a painful blow. The same thing happens in relationships. We bring the suitcase with the past in new life, unpack it and use its contents - familiar, familiar, but exactly what led to the break.

In general, women are the best at correcting mistakes.
They are more flexible. They live with emotions. And in general, a woman is a process worker. It is her nature to create relationships. It is not necessary to expect an equal contribution from a man in this process. Waste of time and nerves.
It is enough to look into the psychology of men in order not so much to be upset as to be inspired. Believe!

The world of a man is an external, objective world. A man can be well versed in relationships, but initially, in his natural essence, the male task is to create objects, repair objects, understand objects. The focus of men - the outside world. The man's attention is always outward and seeks what can become his, followed by the act of grasping.

N. Kozlov

Get rid of illusions

Yes, men often regret their departure. Men often ask to return or secretly dream of returning to the family. But you should not entertain yourself with the illusion that, having "suffered", your prodigal son, excuse me, husband, will return a different person. That he is aware of his mistakes, and you will become the queen of the situation. And now the husband, making amends for his guilt, will work on relationships more than yours or even alone.

Nothing like this! History will repeat itself very soon. If not the cause of the disease is removed, but only its symptoms, then it returns very soon.

If you are suffering and want your husband to return to the family, then you should ask and honestly answer these questions for yourself.

  • Why do you want it so much? Or why do you need this man?
  • Are you ready to forgive the offense and accept treason with the world?
  • Are you ready to radically change your strategy and tactics of relationships and work mercilessly on this without days off?

Nothing returns to normal. You can't step into the same river twice. I wouldn’t create even bigger problems for myself, I wouldn’t feed the devil in my soul, I wouldn’t plunge myself and my loved ones into hell.

Lived for 15 years. He went to his boss. He married her right away, changed his job so as not to be under her. He left just insane. Like a zombie. 4 years have passed. We communicate with him only by phone and very rarely, dryly, the only reason is my daughter. I know he's bad. Looks bad, often gets sick. Some kinky. He told my brother (they are still friends) that everything was not at all as expected, and that he was simply afraid of his new wife. Didn't say he wanted to come back. He didn't say he regretted leaving me. And I waited for the first year. Now I don’t wait, but I don’t have a personal life and never had it. Even flirting. Home, daughter, work. Empty and grey. That's all it was necessary. He is unhappy, I am unhappy. And this *** is covered in chocolate on all sides. Will never come to me. If he throws ***, then there will be a third.

Returning a husband to the family or taking him back makes sense only if you sincerely love your husband and wish him happiness. You understand that you owe your husband and want to repay this emotional debt.

The answers to the other two questions must also be positive. Resentment and old tactics and strategies in relationships will not lead you to happiness and balance.

Men often return to the family. This is true. It happens that a woman does not have to work hard upon his return.
But there is no happiness! Isn't that the point of a union?

What can such statistics give?

You can be happy again with your ex-husband. But already on other conditions. Are you ready? The decision is yours.

I know how hard it is to figure it out on my own. Come for a consultation. I will help.

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With love, Eva


First you need to remember that men disappear from your life from time to time. That is their nature. The reason for this phenomenon is the desire to arouse the jealousy of your beloved in order to once again be convinced of her love and increase your sense of self-worth. That is why it is necessary to find out what is the reason for this situation. Perhaps not so long ago you had a fight, or your relationship just stabilized, and the young man just wants a little freedom. Maybe he only needs to spend time with his friends several times a week, without you. In any case, before drawing conclusions, it is necessary to carefully analyze the situation, taking into account all the details.

Often, men tend to say rash words to their soul mates. That is why, if during a quarrel you hear the phrase “I don’t love you”, you should not blindly and unconditionally believe this. Most likely, this phrase was said only in a fit of anger, but in fact he does not think so. If he didn't have feelings for you, he would have left a long time ago.

If in your relationship there has been no warmth, affection and support for a long time, you should think about whether there are feelings between you. Of course, if your passion has just cooled down a little over the years, you can try to “rekindle” it again, but if it simply doesn’t exist, you shouldn’t try anymore. Yes, parting is not so easy, but sometimes this is the only way out of this situation. Just remember that nothing happens by chance in your life. Every breakup is followed by a new meeting.

Before looking for an answer to the question "is a man", you need to analyze your behavior. Maybe you spend too much time at work, pay little attention to your beloved. Do not forget that a woman by nature tends to dramatize. From a small insignificant quarrel, they can inflate a big problem, make a molehill out of a fly. Of course, any event can cause people to move away, but this does not mean that your relationship is over. In any case, remember that if a man decides to leave, he will definitely inform you about it in a calm atmosphere.

You can understand one thing: when a man leaves forever, he will not contact you, will not answer your calls and messages, maybe even change his phone number and place of residence. Most likely, he will ask his friends not to tell you anything about his existence, he will simply disappear. The new relationship of your lover can also let you know that you will never be together again.