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» How to forget what you don't want to remember? How to quickly forget a person after parting: psychology Forget and not remember.

How to forget what you don't want to remember? How to quickly forget a person after parting: psychology Forget and not remember.

Alas and ah, but parting with loved ones is difficult, especially forever. Pain and resentment will forever remain in your heart, but they can be overshadowed by love, now unrequited.
How to get rid of painful feelings? Trying to read the plot is the only magical way to forget a person and your love for him.

Such conspiracies and rituals are read only on the waning moon, from which feelings will lose strength and leave you forever.

It is best to choose the third quarter of the waning moon - this is the most favorable time, contributing to the rapid achievement of results.

How to forget a loved one - an effective conspiracy

To perform the ritual, you need to pick the leaves of lemon balm, divide them into two parts, leave one of them at home, and take the other with you to a source of clean water, for example, a spring.

It is best if this source has healing or magical properties, but if there is none in your area, do not worry, use what is available, the main thing is that the water is so clean that you can drink it.

There should be no one near the source except you. Sit by the water and think of yourself, your broken heart, the pains and sorrows that overwhelm you and need to be poured out. Mentally imagine the melissa petals as your tears, as well as their root cause. Slowly throw one leaf at a time into the water and watch how the water carries away your feelings from parting.
Do not leave the water until you feel complete peace and get rid of the images that cause you torment. When this moment comes, scoop water with your palm, wash the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart and chest with it, then fill the bottle with water and go home.

At home, pour water into a glass, into which send the remaining lemon balm leaves and leave it near your bed for three days. In the morning and in the evening, you need to rub your heart with this water, thinking about the spring and the sensations that you felt when the water took away your pain and sadness, and then drink one sip of water at a time.
When three days have passed, take the remaining mint water back to the stream and pour it into it, thus getting rid of the remnants of feelings.

If your pain does not go away completely, then the ritual can be repeated after a week.

Spell to forget a man

The following rite will help to forget the beloved man. On the waning moon, pour two handfuls of poppy seeds into a deep plate, which must be poured with one glass of hot water, saying:

“Hot water is my feelings for you, servant of God (name of the beloved). They are just as hot, but like water, they will cool down over time.”

The plate must be placed on the window and wait until the water cools down and reaches room temperature, after which the entire contents of the container should be poured under a dry tree, saying 5 times:

“My feelings burned, burned and did not know peace. I wandered through the forests and mountains, yearning for the sweet. An angel came down to me and delivered me from a heavy burden. He broke my feelings into poppy seeds and extinguished the fire in my soul with water. The smoke rose and with the wind flew away from me far, far away. Now I go and I don’t know troubles, I don’t cry, I don’t yearn, I don’t love.

To fall in love with a person

Clasp your hands on your chest and look at the photo that you need to quickly forget. The photograph must be placed upside down, and in front of it put a piece of black bread. The ritual is repeated for 7 days in a row. Bread, after each ritual, give to the birds.

“Servant of God (name), stand as you stand.
Bread, lie down as you lie.
I will remember you not with love, but with cold blood.
How I, the servant of God, forgot
as in childhood I walked my first steps,
as my first tooth grew, so from now until the century
forget about this man
servant of God (name). Amen".

Spell to forget a person

“Accept, Lord, my prayer, In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! The first time, at the Lord's hour, I walked in the morning. Came in the evening to Mount Zion, To the holy river. By the river of that Mother of God stands, she gazes at me, the servant of God (name), intently. He splashes his hand along the river, Washes me, the servant of God (name), from longing, kruchinushki. Chur, holy water, Take off, rinse from me, from the servant of God (name), melancholy-crucible, she won’t be here, she won’t live here. Do not break the body of the white, do not suffer the zealous poor, Do not dry the scarlet blood, do not chill the little head. Go, sadness-longing, to where the big board lies - You sleep under it, lie under it. Until the end of the age, get away from a baptized person, from the servant of God (name), forever and ever. Amen".

What are conspiracies on former partners?

In order to forget the one who left you, time alone is not always enough. Deep resentment, a strong blow, unrequited love - all this can "live" in a person for a long time. A conspiracy to forget thanks to which anyone can be helped to alleviate suffering, for example, a son may not remember his mother.
The power of a conspiracy is in words that have a miraculous effect on life. Thanks to words, you can forever get rid of someone who, it would seem, forever settled in your heart: a husband, boyfriend, wife, just a loved one. Not everyone can endure a difficult breakup, because the grievances left by a former lover do not go away with a breath of wind.
Conspiracies can be presented in various forms. All that is required of you is a strong desire and desire for the release of the heart after parting. If you are really ready to enter a new life and start from scratch, then get ready for the fact that there is just a little more to wait. A conspiracy to forget the one you sincerely love must be uttered from a person with pure intentions and thoughts. Try to let go of resentment for a while, and then they will let you go forever.

A strong rite for an ex-boyfriend or husband

To forget about a person, try washing yourself with the words:

“So the time has come for me to wash my face with holy water. Take, take, water, all my sorrows, but take them away to distant distances. Let them hide in the depths of the sea, but do not wake up. Amen".

The conspiracy is quite effective at Easter.

Forget a loved one using water

Find any natural spring and get a bucket of water. Going home, you need to adhere to silence, lower your eyes from strangers. In a house or apartment, stand above the water, and start speaking it:

“I took water from the well, oh, what a clean water. Leave all sorrows, I do not want my eyes to recognize my tears again. Let him (name) no longer be sweet to me, but disgusted with my soul.

After that, at sunset, pour the liquid under any tree or plant.

Forget the person who was convicted of treason

It is impossible to forget about the betrayal of a loved one without making an effort. If love does not allow you to completely free your heart, then the next spell is for you. However, remember the following: before starting the ceremony, you must prepare the body, and for three days adhere to a strict fast, drink only water, and get rid of bad habits. Only after that you can read the plot:

“Lord, I suffered so much that I rushed to you again for help. Help me find the true path and reward me with prudence. I will obey your will, I swear to forgive my beloved. I will clear my conscience, I will do everything as you say. Nobody is my enemy. Let it be so! Amen".

A similar method will help you forget about a person in the fastest time.

Spells to forget unpleasant moments from the past

“Almighty powers, help me forget all past offensive insults, the worst evil and angry anger. It may be very difficult for me, but I believe that everything is possible.

To forget the one who died: the best remedy. It is not always only partings that are hard to endure by a person, very often people cannot come to terms with the death of loved ones. We offer you a way that will ease the pain of a loved one and help you move on. It is enough to say these words three nights in a row:

“Star is clear, star is sweet, take my sorrows to the distant distances. Relieve me of intense anxiety and worry. Let (name) leave me, but life goes on, and from now on I have peace of mind. Bless and save. Amen!".

If you suddenly feel like madly wanting to call or write a message to your ex, then you should not fall into despair. Instead, allow yourself this prank, but ... only after 30 minutes! Yes, yes, in 30 minutes, you can call or write. In 99% of cases, in half an hour, the mind manages to take over the emotions, and you will understand that this should not be done. The remaining 1% - at least think about what to write, so as not to lose the remnants of pride.

How to forget a lover, mistress

If you love another person, while having a family, this effective water plot will help you forget your loved one to get rid of feelings for a lover or mistress.
You need to wash yourself with charmed water every morning for seven days, while reading the words of the spell:

“I came early in the morning at dawn in silence and solitude. I want to wash myself with clean, mirror water. I want to wash away my sadness, sadness and longing from myself. So that I don’t remember you anymore, don’t see and regret our parting. Let our love sink to the bottom of the sea. Amen".

Such an effective conspiracy helps not only you forget about the person with whom you had a relationship on the side. After such a sacrament, your lover or mistress will shun you and leave you alone.

Reading time: 2 min

How to forget a guy? In the current age of Internet addiction, you can easily find thousands of links on the resources of the world wide web containing advice on the topic: “how can a girl forget a guy?”. Turning over a pile of girly youth magazines, you can also find some useful recommendations. However, in most cases, following the recommendations and following the advice will only help you get distracted, but is unlikely to contribute to forgetting your loved one. For the quick and painless elimination of his image from memory, more active actions on the part of the young ladies and a positively directed attitude will be required.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to draw up a step-by-step strategy for erasing a guy from thoughts and hearts. Also, it is worth trying to understand that there are no irreplaceable males, that there are millions of guys around, and the girl, who is tormented in search of answers to the burning question: “how to forget her beloved guy”, is alone at home. After all, if a loved one did not have enough time or opportunities to appreciate the former chosen one, then this should become exclusively his problem. And the representative of the female part of the population is recommended to stop being sad, put a smile on a pretty face, make eyes, powder your nose, tint your lips and go to decorate the world, dressed in an elegant modest dress and stilettos. And in the process of such a “decoration”, it will not be superfluous to “shoot” with eyes in search of a new gentleman, who, of course, will not replace ex boyfriend, but ideal for distracting from sad thoughts and raising your spirits.

How to forget the guy you love

It is difficult to forget a person who was not just a passerby in the life of a girl, but left a deep mark. It's hard not to remember the guy whom the young lady loved for a long time and very much, and remembering him, it's hard not to succumb to destructive emotions. The first months after a breakup, most girls think that their life is over and there will be no more joy in it. However, such thoughts are far from reality. And in a maximum of a year, the girl who previously did not know how to live on will meet every dawn with a happy smile if she finds the strength in herself to look at from a different position. Naturally, no one assures that it will be easy. You will have to endure all the pain, despair, sleepless nights, and in the mornings - eyes swollen from sobs.

“I want to forget my ex-boyfriend” - abandoned girls often ask these thoughts. Following the recommendations below, going through an unpleasant period will be easier, calmer, more joyful and less painful.

To forget the guy you love very much, you need to start acting, instead of lying on your favorite couch, feeling sorry for yourself and scolding him for being so ungrateful. The faster we move to an active struggle against despair and pessimism, the faster harmony will reign in the soul. Therefore, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and move on to life from scratch.

Changing your habits can help you forget the guy you love. If a girl who has set foot on the road to “recovery” is used to sleeping until noon, then you need to learn how to get up at least a couple of hours earlier, you need to buy groceries in another supermarket, and in the room you need to change the situation or revive the interior. You can get to work or college by a different route, or even replace travel in a stuffy and uncomfortable transport by walking. You should also at least slightly change the way you dress or completely modify the style. In general, what is allowed is what corresponds to the slogan: “To do everything in a new way, in a completely different way than before!”

To forget the guy you love very much, you should decompose your life into two stages - before the end of the relationship and after the break. At the same time, the stage after should become brighter, more promising, joyful and full of interesting events.

Changing life beyond recognition will lead to the fact that all past memories will fade, become faded, not worth attention, and soon completely forgotten.

So, if life is started anew, then such a landmark decision needs to be celebrated by going to a disco or other place of entertainment where you can dance and have fun.

The disco is an excellent means of bringing new vivid emotions into one's own life, and often even new pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex. Deafening music, movements to the beat, laughter, relaxed atmosphere, the interest of the stronger half - all of the above together easily negates the bad mood caused by a depressive state. Therefore, psychologists often compare going to a disco club with long-acting anti-stress therapy.

It is possible that you won’t be able to immediately join the night life and feel all the joy of the party, you don’t have to despair and run away from the club in search of a quiet place where no one will interfere with feeling sorry for yourself. You need to hold out for the first three hours, after which the fun itself will find the sad one.

It is not recommended to neglect dates, even if little time has passed since the breakup of the relationship. After all, the main goal of the strategy called: "how to forget the ex-boyfriend you love" is a distraction from pressing sad thoughts and the reign of harmony in the soul. Of course, an unfamiliar boy is unlikely to cope with the reign of happiness and peace in the soul of a girl at the first meeting, but he can definitely distract from unhappy thoughts.

You should not compare the young man who called for a romantic rendezvous with his ex. It is better to try to overcome yourself in order to provide at least a tiny chance to a new man. Going on dates will help you understand that the romance that was in a past relationship can happen again. At the same time, new history the ending could be completely different. The main thing is not to be afraid and not to program in advance possible new relationships for a dramatic end. You should not be afraid of new meetings, acquaintances, because they bring diversity, pleasure and to existence. A woman without male admiration simply withers like flowers without watering. And men are usually generous with compliments when they want to make a favorable impression.

What to do if you can't forget a guy? Regular visits to the gym will not be superfluous in this case. After all, sport contributes to an increase in the level of endorphins in the bloodstream, which automatically leads to a complacent state, cheerfulness and a good mood. In addition, physical activity will relieve emotional stress, which ladies often experience after the end of a relationship. With the help of systematic balanced sports exercises, three problems can be solved at once. The first two are described above, and the third is to keep the body in good shape, improve health, tighten problem areas and drop extra pounds, if any. If financial condition and time resources allow, it is recommended to diversify strength training, muscle stretching exercises (stretching) and dancing.

How to forget the guy who dumped? You can try yourself in the role of a housewife. This method is suitable for those women who are not yet ready to leave their home, their fortress that protects from adversity. It is better to start with a general cleaning. While the cleaning of the place in the head will last, there will be no thoughts about the former. In addition, a house sparkling with cleanliness will please the eyes of all its inhabitants. It should be clear right away. General cleaning is not a banal washing of floors and erasing dust from surfaces, it is scraping old fat from the hood and stove, cleaning tiles in the kitchen, in the toilet and bathroom, scrubbing windows and countertops to a shine, washing curtains, washing blinds, etc. . The list of necessary household chores can be endless. If you clean with thorough care, then there will be no time to be sad for at least a week. And upon completion of the general cleaning, the girl will definitely be drawn to the disco to break away.

If the role of a housewife categorically does not fit into the lifestyle, then it will be perfectly replaced by the role of a shopaholic. In this case, you can either visit all the shops in the city, or surf the Internet resources, there is no difference. The main thing is to get maximum pleasure and joy from your own actions. You can attract a close friend to walks in shops or sites.

It is also recommended to remove memorabilia from sight, reminiscent of a past connection. Otherwise, every time your eyes stumble upon them, your heart will hurt from pain, which will prevent you from forgetting your former partner as soon as possible.

Most girls do not tolerate a breakup with a loved one quite well. And the modern age of IT technology, unfortunately, also exacerbates the process of experiencing a gap. After all, what does psychology say, answering the question: "how to forget the ex-boyfriend you love." And she says the following - removing the object of love from sight for a while, you can permanently get rid of attachment. Today, it is almost impossible to remove an ex-boyfriend from the field of view due to the large-scale distribution among all walks of life and the huge popularity of social networks, in which most of the youth are registered. Even if the former young man not on social networks, there are absolutely his friends or relatives who, willy-nilly, will constantly remind him of his beloved.

Psychologist's advice on how to quickly forget the guy you love is aimed at analyzing your own attitude towards your former chosen one. First you need to understand whether the girl really experienced love or these feelings - self-deception, easy love or banal affection.

Psychologists are sure that in the presence of true love, people do not suffer. Suffering causes self-doubt, attitude towards a partner as personal property, affected, fear of loneliness. To get rid of these negative emotions, you need to make every effort. The next step is to re-experience the romantic love story. For this purpose, you need to select two paper sheets. On one, describe a “love story”, list all the happy moments that happened to the couple during the relationship, and then list the suffering experienced by the girl when the relationship was coming to an end. At the bottom of the sheet, you should write a phrase of the following type: “all this is in the past!”. The sheet with the novel must be thrown away, having previously been torn into small pieces. After that, you should go to the second sheet. It is necessary to describe the feelings felt by the girl in the process of writing the novel. You also need to list the qualities that are not enough to feel more confident, strong and attractive. Here you should try to be as frank with yourself as possible, you must list all the shortcomings, weaknesses and positive features without hiding. In addition, experts in the field of psychology recommend that if a girl has a bad mood after waking up, if she is haunted by obsessive thoughts about a breakup, you need to take a cool shower to relieve negativity.

It also perfectly distracts from memories of past relationships by dipping into study or work with your head. In the state of experiencing a gap, there is a small plus - this state contributes to the achievement of many successes. In case of casual meetings with the former at the institute or at work, it is necessary to direct all efforts to give him a minimum of attention. You should also smile sincerely at him. Let the guy think that his ex without him is not hysterical, but happy and self-sufficient. Now it's his turn to think that he made a huge mistake by parting with his once beloved. As time passes, the girl will be surprised that she could have suffered because of this man who has a lot of flaws before.

The psychologist's advice "how to forget a guy" is aimed at understanding that parting with a man is not the end of life. No need to walk around with a sour face, causing compassionate looks from relatives and friends. After all, pity humiliates. A break with a young man should be perceived as an ideal reason for. Every day lived, an event in life brings experience, a bit of wisdom and a little bit of knowledge that accumulate and turn their owner into a balanced, intellectually developed personality. That's why ex-man should also be taken as experience.

Operational advice on how a girl can forget a guy. Immediately after the breakup, girls are allowed to cry for exactly one day. After all, the daughters of Eve are refined and emotional beings who relieve tension and stressful conditions through tears. To facilitate the "breeding of dampness", you can re-read love correspondence, gentle SMS, listen to songs that evoke memories, review presentations or joint photos. Tears will cleanse the girl's heart of negativity.

The next day, it is necessary to send all the memories that yesterday provoked sobs into the trash (expensive gifts can not be thrown away, but limited to their temporary exile out of sight).

The third day must be dedicated to yourself. You can arrange an impromptu SPA salon at home by filling a bath with hot water and adding sea salt and seven drops of your favorite or mood-enhancing aromatic oils (for example, rosemary oil) to it. Having climbed into the bath, you can conduct a visualization session, imagining how all the negativity, all sorrows and hardships float down the pipes into the sewer and are disposed of, dissolved. After all, tomorrow will be a new day, and, consequently, new life.

How to forget a loved one? Yes, very easy! Through new acquaintances and fresh impressions. This does not mean that you should forget your former friends, but for a while you should refuse to interact with people who cross paths with an ex-boyfriend.

Many young ladies have a hard time enduring a gap due to its incorrect perception. They believe that after parting with a young man, they become lonely. This is a fundamentally wrong belief. The end of a relationship is not loneliness, but freedom. Freedom that can be spent on self-development, on watching your favorite melodramas that you could not watch before, because your loved one considered them boring. Breaking the connection is a time to think about the future, change yourself, go to school or change jobs. This is the time for any personal accomplishments.

You don't have to be afraid of loneliness. After all, the problem is not in this terrifying word, but solely in relation to its meaning. In life, you need to learn to be happy always - being in a relationship with the most beloved person and parting with him.

It is possible to forget and not remember the ex-boyfriend. Even the most painful breakup can be overcome. Even a heart broken into small fragments can be glued together. Even the brightest romance eventually turns into a mere memory. But what to do if you again and again return in your thoughts to past relationships?

What's stopping you from remembering your ex? Why doesn't time, other novels, and even work on yourself help?

These are 25 reasons why you can't leave the past in the past.

1. You believe in the kinship of souls and are convinced that you will not meet anyone closer.

2. You had real love and it doesn't go unnoticed.

3. You have never loved anyone like this before.

4. Your future has been planned for years ahead.

5. You saw him as the father of your children.

6. It's hard for you to change your habits.

7. He reminds himself.

8. You have mutual friends.

9. You had a well-established life, and at home it was comfortable and cozy.

10. You were sure it was forever.

11. You don't believe that you can love someone again.

12. You don't believe that someone will love you again.

13. After your breakup, you often see each other.

14. You are friends with benefits.

15. You decided to remain friends. You agreed because you're not ready to let him out of your life.

16. You carefully follow his life on social networks and ask mutual friends about him.

17. He was the initiator of the gap. Your ego has been dealt a heavy blow and you can't deal with it.

18. He was not only your boyfriend, but also your best friend.

19. You don't know how to be alone.

20. You have lost inner harmony.

21. Your breakup has shattered your self-esteem and you can't recover.

22. You are waiting for him to come to his senses and return.

23. You do not want and cannot believe that he loved you less than you loved him. Or perhaps not at all.

24. You don't get along well with other men.

25. You don't want to forget him.

It doesn't really matter what the reason is that you can't forget him. There are always two options - he is really your destiny, and sooner or later you will be together again, or you love unrequitedly, and he will never return to you. In both cases, you have to think about yourself. Take charge of your own life, develop, achieve your goals, become the best version of yourself. Not for him or anyone else, but for yourself. Life does not stand still, and what it will be, we choose for ourselves.

Accept that you cannot forget him as a fact. Take this knowledge to the farthest corner of your soul and live on. Yours will return to you. Yours will not pass. Yours will be yours.