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» How to understand a decent man or not. What qualities should a decent guy have? How does sympathy for a man arise?

How to understand a decent man or not. What qualities should a decent guy have? How does sympathy for a man arise?

The secret of harmony in marital relations is that the husband and wife initially have a certain set of qualities that will allow them to find mutual language even in the most difficult situations. In this case, conflicts and misunderstandings are automatically excluded from the relationship, making room for care and love.

What are the best qualities of men that make a woman able to follow her husband, love faithfully, glorify him in every possible way and be happy?

You can, of course, talk about how important it is for a man to be smart. But just the mind is far from being the main quality, it is just a gift from above and it is inherent in everyone to one degree or another.

It could be said about sexuality, but again, this quality is not the main thing, it is the same subjective trait as the mind. And all this is in both men and women. Here, a more appropriate question might be how people reasonably act with these qualities of theirs.

But first of all, we are interested in the BEST qualities of a man.

These qualities are both simple and not always easy to accomplish. However, they are fully consistent with male nature. So…

The best qualities of a man

  • The first quality is responsibility

This means that a man has a developed sense of duty and, first of all, to loved ones. He is looking for ways to provide for his family in the best possible way, to protect her from trouble.

He does not wait for the will of the case when a suitable vacancy turns up, while being dependent on a woman, he simply goes and unloads the wagons, if he cannot earn money in another way.

He is able to take responsibility even in cases where he is still just dating a girl. How? The realization that his chosen one sees in him a potential husband. That is, if he does not have serious intentions, and he just wants to have fun, such a man can hardly be called responsible.

A responsible man always keeps his promises, and if a woman can still be somehow forgiven for not fulfilling an obligation, then a man cannot. Therefore, a man needs to follow what promise he makes and remember that the word must be kept. Vigilance is the faithful companion of responsibility.

  • The second quality is purposefulness

This quality cannot be underestimated. Because a man who does not have a goal in life (or even several complementary goals) is not able to achieve great success. It is important that this goal be connected with his external activity, and not only have the intention "to feel good for himself."

A purposeful man in the person of his chosen one will have an inspirer and comrade-in-arms, she will be immensely proud that she married such a person. In addition, serving the highest noble goals makes the union very strong. At a time when the family collapses, turning their pursuit of pleasure into the meaning of life.

  • The third best quality of a man is decency

Deep decent man never stoop to insults or reproaches. He will not dare to contradict the elders, he will not offend either the younger ones or his equals, he will also not begin to assert himself at the expense of others. That is, immoral behavior is not characteristic of him, the main principle of “do no harm” is his main value.

You also need to mention loyalty - another indicator of decency, in addition to tact, nobility and honesty. For such a man, not only physical, but also moral betrayal is unacceptable. He will not look with lust at employees, the wives of his friends, and indeed all women, and even more so flirt.

A decent man won't offer his wife a swing or a threesome. He will not strive at every opportunity to incline his woman to flat pleasures, knowing the measure in everything.

How to determine the decency of a man?

Tactlessness is clearly manifested in the fact that a man in the presence of 2 women compliments one of them, thereby depriving her neighbor of attention.

A decent man in the presence of any woman will not talk about the superiority of another woman. Praising another woman in front of his wife, he actually humiliates her.

Of course, a decent man will not talk about the shortcomings of any people, make comments to his wife and sort things out in public. He will not speak ill of anyone at all, let alone think so.

At the same time, such a man will be honest with himself and others. And if he really does not like his wife's act, he will find a way to discuss this topic with her, delicately directing her behavior in the right direction.

The best qualities of a man, of course, do not end there. A man simply needs to have such auxiliary qualities for the development of the above listed:

  • Willpower is needed in order to keep the word, pacify lust and inner anxiety.
  • Patience and piety allow you to subtly feel the boundaries in communicating with people, not to go beyond.
  • Spirituality helps to set the right priorities in life, to be faithful.
  • Decisiveness - take responsibility, set high goals.
  • Selflessness helps to benefit society.

A little later, of course, we will continue talking about the best qualities of a man. Now let's stop and think:

Men: To what extent do I correspond to these qualities and am I able to develop them in myself?

Women: How can I, a woman, help my man develop these qualities?

Undoubtedly, the described best qualities of men are to some extent important and inherent in women. However, it is much more important for wives to develop other qualities for family happiness, which we will talk about in a few days. If you are still not subscribed to updates, you can fix it right now. Be with us!

Ludmila Ponomarenko

Why is a woman raising children, cooking, washing, ironing, keeping the house in order, working, looking good, etc. etc., but does a man EARN MONEY? And on this, in fact, his direct duties somehow seem to end. I will not stomp my feet, wave my arms and shout loudly “Give equal rights!”. But where is the simple and natural, in my opinion, desire to support and help a loved one, take on some of these tedious household chores?

I asked this question out loud, and my girlfriends asked. We never received a clear answer, except for “I make money” and “I get tired at work,” from our men.

I am ready to understand and accept this state of affairs, but I would like to hear clear arguments. After all, a woman also gets tired at work and also earns money. And if a woman is a housewife, she cannot take a break from her housework even on weekends, and no one will give her vacation.

I would very much like to teach some men to help their beautiful halves to restore and maintain order. But I'm sure THIS IS USELESS, because the female idea of ​​order is significantly different from the male vision of this problem.

It seems to me that we can teach a small child to put things in order, to be neat, to appreciate comfort and cleanliness, because kids are just tasting the world, they are just forming an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeautiful and ugly, bad and good, right and wrong. We instill in them the concept of how we think it should be, and teach them to build their lives, their actions and their relationships in such a way as to achieve these ideals.

An adult man has already formed a holistic picture of the world, connections, concepts. An adult man lives his life according to this picture. Therefore, the most senseless occupation is to re-educate and remake a man. So, do not wait for that happy moment (or maybe not very happy) when a man learns to put things in order and maintain order.

Sometimes it seems to me that the ability to scatter socks is transmitted through the male line as a kind of hereditary disease, or that a father teaches his growing son this in a confidential half-whisper.

Unfortunately, the tendency to mess is not limited to scattered socks. As soon as a certain object ceases to be of value, the man leaves it right there, without even bothering to think that it would be nice to put this object in place. Some men manage to create complete chaos out of nothing. Immediately make a reservation, NOT ALL, but according to my observations, very many.

At first life together such flaws seem quite harmless, and most girls hope that they will definitely teach their man to maintain the order created by them, the girls. Some even naively believe that their man is not like that at all. And men even honestly try to live up to expectations. But, it is impossible to live up to anyone's expectations all your life.

If you make a list of the reasons why women put things in order, it becomes obvious why this, in principle, cannot be expected from a man:

      • A woman understands that clean air is good for the health of both children and adults.

In the view of a man, it is useful for him to go to the bathhouse and fully relax in front of a TV or computer, and it is useful for children to spend time with their grandmothers in the country. And clean air is not a vitamin, and it is difficult to assess the purity of air without special devices.

      • We try to maintain order in the house, because our mothers raised us this way: “you are a girl, and everything should be neat for a girl.” It turns out that no one expects order and cleanliness from a boy. And children, as we know from psychology, try to justify expectations.
      • For a woman, order is beautiful, cozy, comfortable. In men, the idea of ​​beauty is significantly different from ours, and in a clean apartment they don’t find anything especially beautiful (and in general they don’t find anything in a clean apartment, because “now everything is put away in places it’s not clear where”).
      • For a woman, order, coziness, comfort in the presence of children, work, personal grooming and a long list of hobbies is a reason to be proud of herself and brag to friends and not so familiar.

Reasons for pride and for “boasting” among men are more significant than our properly organized dressing room and clean baseboard.

      • Keeping the hearth, along with everything that is included in this hearth, is, after all, the prerogative of a woman. And we have to do it because we have to. And the mammoth man extracts. And even if a woman is also not the worst hunter, no one will remove household duties from her.
      • We understand that we can instill in our children the desire (and maybe even love) for order only by our own example, and we try our best to make this example as clear as possible. Men, on the other hand, do not pay attention to such trifles in matters of upbringing and believe that the child should simply be obedient (that is, the child should put away toys just because he was told to do so).
      • We do not have enough time and nerves to run around the apartment for two hours in search of a hat, pot, beads, etc., so we try to properly and conveniently organize the space around us. For a man, a missing hat is unlikely to cause a tantrum, especially since we still have to look for the lost one.
      • And yet, why do what others will surely do for you?

I personally see only three options for the development of events:

      • accept everything as it is and not try to change anything;
      • scandal for a long time, sort things out and, ultimately, disperse;
      • make a list of cases that will be under the jurisdiction of your man, and in principle do not do this work yourself under any circumstances.

I would call the first option the most wise. Although personally I am more satisfied with the third, and periodically - the second.

The fact that men are not as “decent” as women has its advantages, however, quite a bit: if a man is not so clean, he is unlikely to notice our small flaws and mess if we suddenly didn’t have time or didn’t wanted to do.

Congratulate your wonderful men on the holiday! Learn to see their best qualities in them, as it was at the very beginning of your acquaintance!

Our beloved, smart, strong, reliable men who know how to cheer and please us, always remain the same! Just put your dirty socks in the laundry basket, please, at least sometimes!

A decent person evokes only positive emotions. It is pleasant to communicate with him, it is pleasant to look at him, they trust him.

You can determine whether your boyfriend is a decent person by looking at his actions. Words obscure the eyes, and the person seems worthy, but the veil falls off and appears before you, who knows how to tell fairy tales beautifully.

So how to determine the decency of a guy at the beginning of a relationship? What qualities does he have? This word is capacious and includes a lot of virtuous qualities and positive characteristics.

Let's figure out where is the line that separates a decent act from a dishonorable one. What character traits, personal properties should a guy have so that his actions do not cause even a shadow of doubt about what kind of person he is.

Integrity - what is it?

Despite the fact that psychologists, activists and others have already interpreted decency, focusing on the field of human occupation, this concept is very subjective.

Everyone can characterize the decency of a person, based on their own views, life experience, personal qualities.

The main characteristic of the concept is the honesty of a person, which is on a par with generally accepted social norms of behavior. In other words, such a person observes all the established moral, state and other laws of society. He does not allow himself to commit vicious, low deeds that run counter to accepted norms.

This is not an innate quality of a person, but an acquired one. Its development is influenced by the surrounding society, parents, teachers. Not the last role is played by television, books read, friends and acquaintances.

But even if life circumstances have developed in such a way that a maturing person did not have an example of behavior before his eyes, he himself, if desired, can become such a person. This work is not easy, because it is not enough to control actions, you need to learn, and most importantly, thoughts.

A decent guy - what is he?

Consider the features inherent in such a guy. The list is far from complete, a lot depends on the nature, situations and other aspects of life.

  1. Honesty. It is logical that a dishonest guy cannot be decent. After all, honesty characterizes a person from the positive side. This feature is . Knowing that the guy is honest, he is not afraid to trust the innermost. Those who possess this quality become a strong support in the family, creating happiness and comfort around them.
  1. Nobility. This trait gives the guy bright impulses and pure thoughts. Great things have always been done by noble people. Noble guys are good natures, which are inherent in the service of good motives and intentions. Such guys are valiant and honest, they, without thinking about their own benefit and well-being, go to the rescue if they are sure that the goal meets moral standards.
  1. Generosity. The guy is not greedy and not selfish. Generosity allows people, regardless of their financial situation, to lend a helping hand to disadvantaged, vulnerable and lonely people. And if someone needs a benefactor, he will become a point of support for him.
  1. Justice. This character trait contributes to the understanding of any situation. The guy will not offend oppressed people, he will get to the bottom of the matter in order to understand the position of a person. It is difficult to judge whether this quality is positive or negative. It is often difficult for fair people to see the truth, they are often led by the nose. But, if the guy is already sure that the injured party is right, then he will do everything to help him.
  1. Optimism. Yes, these guys are firsthand, they live according to their conscience, believe in a bright and good future and know that evil will be punished. Thanks to optimism, such guys are free from negative side life, this trait helps them to be honest, .
  1. Modesty. Even if a guy has only positive qualities, everyone likes him without exception, he does not brag about it. The same character trait can become a kind of brake in achieving the goal, because it is not inherent in stubborn people who go over their heads in order to achieve the desired results.
  1. Loyalty. The guy must have this trait. This means loyalty to the girl, and to the cause, to people, to everything that and who he does. The guy does not even have a thought about whether to be faithful to him or not, this is a matter of course.
  1. Caring. A person lives in society and is surrounded by people, such a guy takes care of loved ones. If he is not able to lend a helping hand, this is a guy, nothing more.
  1. Cheerfulness. Human, loving people and life in all its manifestations cannot but be cheerful. And, for a feeling of happiness, a guy does not need external manifestations at all, this is his essence. He is able to enjoy not only material wealth, the success of the people he loves, but also the perception of life, life. Being next to a cheerful guy, you will feel love awakening in your soul for everything that surrounds you. Such people have many friends, they are always in the center of the company, but at the same time they do not boast about it.
  1. Courage. The positive qualities of a guy would not be complete without courage. Is it possible to call a cowardly person worthy? A brave person is not able to betray in a difficult situation, saving his own skin. The brave is able to achieve his goal without causing harm to the people around him.
  1. Punctuality. This guy is not late for no reason. And even if there are urgent circumstances, he will solve them, or at least warn of his delay in advance. This character trait helps to achieve a lot in life, it guarantees a clear daily routine, thanks to which all matters are resolved easily and naturally.
  1. Politeness. The guy does not communicate like a "gopnik". He is polite and accommodating. He does not allow himself rude expressions, evil statements, it is not difficult for him to ask and talk to all people politely, regardless of the situation.

If your boyfriend has these qualities, if words do not diverge from actions. If you see that there are always a lot of people around him who love him, who trust him. Know that you have found a rare specimen - a decent guy.

Decency is defined as honesty, inability to immoral, low deeds. Thus, a decent person is one who has an honest character and high morality, which allows him to comply with accepted standards of behavior. The main thing in this is a conscious rejection of impious deeds. In fact, honesty and decency mean the same thing, only honesty is narrower in meaning and affects mainly the verbal sphere, and decency is a broader definition in its meaning.

The concept of decency

In everyday life, there are also ideas about decency. For example, the decency of a man in the everyday sense often characterizes his responsibility in relation to a girl, the absence of deceit on his part. The concept of a girl's decency is often interpreted as her chastity or fidelity to one partner, as well as her “correct” lifestyle from a social point of view. Against this background, statements like “the pride of a guy is the decency of his girlfriend” became popular.

However, in fact, this concept is much broader than such a domestic sphere. What actually characterizes the decency of a person?

  1. This quality allows you to treat other people with understanding, to be friendly and responsive.
  2. Decency means that a person has a developed sense of justice, and she will act on this principle even against her own interests.
  3. Decency says that in any situation a person will act according to his conscience.
  4. Integrity guarantees respect from other people.
  5. This feature allows you to make fair, correct decisions and bear responsibility for them.
  6. Integrity is a quality that is valued in any situation and at all times.

Integrity Test

In order to determine your level of decency, it is enough to pass the test. Answer all questions "yes" or "no". If you find it difficult, remember the last month of your life.

  1. Sometimes I laugh at an indecent joke.
  2. If they address me politely, I will answer the same.
  3. I have financial problems.
  4. Even if I don’t like a person, I will rejoice in his well-deserved success.
  5. Sometimes I put off urgent things.
  6. At home and in the company, I behave differently.
  7. I am free from prejudice.
  8. I don't always tell the truth.
  9. In any game, I strive to win.
  10. Sometimes I get angry.
  11. To justify myself, sometimes I invent something.
  12. Sometimes I lose my temper.
  13. As a child, I was obedient and immediately did what I was told.
  14. Sometimes I am annoyed.
  15. Sometimes I laugh at an indecent joke.
  16. Sometimes I'm late.
  17. Sometimes I gossip.
  18. Among my friends there are those who I do not like.
  19. I am not saddened by the failures of people I do not like.
  20. I happened to be late.
  21. Sometimes I brag.
  22. Sometimes I don't want to do anything.
  23. I have thoughts that I'm embarrassed to tell anyone.
  24. Sometimes I spoil someone's mood.
  25. Sometimes I told lies.
  26. All my habits are positive.
  27. No matter what, I will keep my promise.
  28. Sometimes I can brag.
  29. As a teenager, I had an interest in taboo subjects.
  30. I sometimes put off until tomorrow what is important to do today.
  31. I have thoughts to be ashamed of.
  32. Sometimes I argue about things I don't know much about.
  33. I don't love all my friends.
  34. I can say bad things about someone.

Count the number of yes answers to the questions: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 , 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and the number of "no" answers to questions: 2, 4, 7, 13, 26, 27. Sum the numbers and see result.

Just as a man looks at women and tries to determine in advance which of them will suit him, so girls try to find out what qualities a guy should have and with whom it is better for her to connect her future life.

And if we take into account all the good qualities of a guy that he should have, then each girl will have her own ideas about the young man of her dreams. This is not surprising, since each lady has her own taste and desires.

Probably it will not be a secret for anyone that both the good qualities of a guy, and everything that he has bad, can only be determined by the girl who will look at him with an interested look. At first glance, it is rather difficult to say anything about a person.

But such questions need to be clarified in advance, since the harmony of the future family will depend on this: a man and a woman must initially have a set of qualities that will allow them to either get closer even more, or repel each other.

This is very important, because in order to find a common language in the most difficult situation, it is necessary not to set yourself up for conflicts and showdown in advance, but to notice only the best qualities in each other.

But what positive qualities should a guy have so that a woman can follow him, loving and respecting him faithfully?

You can probably say that a young man must have a mind. Indeed, this is an important, but far from such a main quality; the mind is a gift from above and it is inherent in any person to varying degrees. Today, you can often hear that a guy should be sexy as well.

But in fact, this is not the main thing, because sexuality is just as much a subjective trait as the human mind. This is present not only in men, but also in women.

If we are talking about the sexuality of a young man, then it is more appropriate to put the question as follows: how reasonably does he deal with this quality?

If a girl is interested in the good qualities of a guy, then she must understand that they can not always be immediately noticed. Psychologists say that each person can count about a hundred different qualities, both bad and good.

But still, each person has a few of the most basic ones, which can be seen already during several conversations with him. Now it’s not about that, but about what basic good qualities a guy should have?

First quality: responsibility

Would a girl like a guy to have a developed sense of duty both to her, and in the future and to his family? This means that he will look for various ways in order to provide for his family as best as possible and protect them from various troubles.

A responsible man does not wait for a good vacancy to be presented to him on a silver platter and will not be dependent on a woman. If it is not possible to immediately find a decent job, he will go to unload the cars, only so that the family does not live in poverty.

Even at a time when a guy is just dating a lady, he must show his responsibility. How? Often, young ladies look at the men they meet as their potential husbands.

And if a young man has such a basic quality as responsibility, then he will not fool the girl if he is not going to marry her. If among the good qualities of a guy there is a sense of responsibility, then he will always fulfill these promises.

The second quality: purposefulness

This quality can be placed in second place, because if a guy does not have a goal in life, then he is unlikely to achieve great success. And even in the case when he has a goal only in relation to himself, then such a guy cannot be trusted, since he will only think about himself.

For a purposeful man, a woman will be an assistant and companion in achieving the goal. It is important to remember that if these are noble goals, then the union of two hearts will become strong enough.

If the highest goal is only to achieve pleasure in life, then such a union will quickly fail.

Third quality: honesty

If among the good qualities of a guy there is decency, then he can be trusted not only with material values, but also with his future. Such a young man will never stoop to such a state as to reproach or insult his chosen one.

A person with this quality will think not so much about himself as about the one who is nearby. A girl can entrust such a young man as her honor, as well as her life.

But it should be borne in mind that such an indicator as decency also includes loyalty, tact, nobility, honesty. After all, these words can be replaced in a sentence and its meaning will not change at all. Is it possible to put "honesty" instead of the word "decency"?

Of course, if you say; he acted decently (honestly, nobly), then these qualities are not only quite close, but we can say that they are even interchangeable. Such a young man will not cheat on his chosen one either physically or mentally.

How to determine if a man is decent?

Integrity is one of the most important male qualities:

  1. A decent man with two women will never compliment one of them - by doing this he not only deprives the second woman of attention, but also offends.
  2. Even in the case when he is in the presence of one woman, he will not praise, exalt another in her presence.
  3. In society, he will not talk about the shortcomings of other people or make comments to his girlfriend. And if he starts to sort things out with her in public, then it is necessary to part with such a person as quickly as possible.

If he does not like any act or words of his chosen one, then he will find a convenient opportunity to talk with her about this situation in private. It will be fair and just on his part.

But it is worth bearing in mind that the good qualities of a guy are not limited to this. In addition to responsibility, purposefulness and decency, he must also have other positive qualities that can young guy turn into a real man.

You should know that although the world is devoid of absolute perfection, such a concept as " a real man still exists. You can always lean on his strong shoulder.

A real guy must be strong

This does not mean that he will have well-developed muscles, but that he will never complain and whine for any reason.

Even if the circumstances are not in his favor, then a real man will be able to cope with all the problems.

A real guy's word is law

If a man makes any promise, he will try to fulfill it. And if it fails to fulfill it, then he will not make any promise. And this applies to both promises to his girlfriend, also to other people. He would rather lose time and money than break his word.

It is worth remembering that you can acquire the good qualities of a guy, for this you only need to want it. A real guy will always respect himself and others, love, appreciate and forgive.